Student Letters

This chronological list includes students’ diaries. Several collections of student letters have been scanned. Please help transcribe them here.


Date Correspondent Topic
1778 Hutchins, Levi A letter from one of the first students
Class of 1786, 1791 Williams, Josiah Letter to father dated November 1791, discusses travel around Massachusetts, need for new clothes, etc.
1793 Gardiner, Robert Hallowell Short bio

Academic experience, religious prejudice and the role of religion at the Academy

1797 Briggs, Timothy Letter to his father in Norton from New York
1799 Barrell, George Letter to Sarah Barrell (his mother)
1775, 1810 Hubbard, Samuel Letter to friends
1804-1810 Hubbard, Samuel Bound volume of outgoing correspondence: 371 hand-written letters
1812 Woods, Samuel Manuscript of Recollections—recalls times at PA (original and typewritten copies), concerns arrival at PA, description of Church
1817-1889 Humphrey, John Pinkerton Correspondence with brother and teacher at Andover Theological Seminary; letter by Wells, teacher at the Seminary, 1836-1847
1819 Billings, Ebenezer B. Letter to Isaac Child
1819-1820 (age 10) Burrill, James J. 15 1-2page letters to his father; original handwritten; all scanned; some already transcribed
1820 Smith, Nathan Letter to John Olcott; contains brief bio; letter discusses a few negative views on PA
1822-1824 Baker, Oliver 29 1-2page letters (original handwritten)
1823; 1896 Dodge, Nathaniel Shatshell Oliver W. Holmes, Family
1823 Dix Sherman, Roger Letter to his brother. Opinions of the school

Violent conflict between scholars and locals

1829 Coolidge, Thomas Brewster Letter to his mother
circa 1830 Howe, W. Gordon Letter about PA to James Henry Duncan Jr.
May 1833 Simpson, John Letter to father about arrival at PA; Supposedly Simpson attended PA but name is not in catalogue
1834 Bacon, Joseph Life at the Academy under Osgood Johnson
1834 Bullard, Otis B. 1834 Letter to his father
1834 Thomas, W.R. Letter to brother (typewritten copy) about time at PA, includes tuition costs and description of campus
1835 James, Horace Letter to father on temperance lecture he attended.
Account book for 1834 (both original handwritten)
April 1835 Smith, Ephraim Copy of letter to brother; description of PA
1836 Fisk, Franklin Short biography: Letter to mother about impressions of Andover
1836 Gulliver, John (PA 1836, Andover Theological Seminary 1845) Newly arrived student

8 items: orations, composition, report on library of Social Fraternity, 1836

Class of 1837 Spaulding, Ernest Ripley Manuscript recording the creation of the Rev. Sampson Spaulding Homestead; description of Spaulding family tree, dates back seven generations from 1619
1838 Laws, Edward Letter to his parents
1841 Farrar, James Letter to his parents inquiring about farm back home in Lincoln, Mass
1841 Noyes, Samuel B. Short biography and letter
1843-1867 French, George Decker; Davis, Geo M.; Joseph P. Batter; French, George Henry French family correspondence (original handwritten)
1844 Mitchell, David Meaubec One 4-page letter to brother (original handwritten)
1845 Hutchins, Abel 2 Letters to sister in Bradford (Haverhill), Mass., 1843 (original handwritten; scanned)
1846-1847 Floyd, Fredric 15 letters chronicling his time at Andover.
1846 Stevens, William Oliver Short bio written by Henry S. Chase of Harvard Memorial Biographies; Letters to home concerning time at PA, stolen books, etc.
1847-1849 Plunkett, William (class of 1850) 8 4-page letters to his mother (original handwritten, already scanned)
1848 Plunkett, William (class of 1850) Letters to his mother
1847-1848 Smith, John B. Excerpts from diary concerning time at PA; photocopy of July 1926 Bulletin
1848 Bigelow, David S. Letter to Jonathon G. Bigelow, Esq.(his father)
1848 Washburn, George Letter to father during time at PA; Washburn was in English Dept.
1849 Crapo, William Wallace Letter to Mother; Burning of the “third house Latin Commons”; Samuel H. Taylor (Uncle Sam); Philomathian; Peter Smith Byers
1849 Read, James M. One 2-page letter to his mother about his time at PA (bad food)
already scanned
1850 Heard, George Letter to his brother
December 16, 1851-March 25, 1852 Burnham, Everett Journal (newspaper clippings in back)
1851-1854 Williams, John Howard Large collection of letters to parents and sisters; Letters describe arrival at PA, homesickness, description of classes and teachers; Theological Seminary
1852 Bishop, Robert R. Letter to Jonathan Harding Bishop (his father) (Father of Judge Elias Bishop)
1852-1853 Richardson, Leonard 28 4-page letters home during time at PA
1854 Sarill, Henry M. Letters to home during time at PA; discusses homesickness; from January 1930 Bulletin
1855-1857 Fullerton, Bradford Morton Philomathean pamphlets, about 50 letters to father (original handwritten)
1856 Snow, Barna Letters home (original handwritten)
1857 Gilman, Charles M. Newly arrived student

Letter to his uncle

Abbot Academy Class of 1863 Mathews, Eunice Transcriptions of letters to aunt, 1858, 1861
1859 Lamprey, Morris Letter from Morris to brother who attends PA
1860 Stearns, Seargeant Prentiss Letter to Lewis Stearns about arrival at PA.
1860 Taft, Charles P. (brother of President William Howard Taft) Large collection of class work, including essays (classics and U.S. history, among others), discusses social issues of classic times with 19th-century voice
1861-1862 Collier, Dwight (Class of 1862) Letter to “poor little freshman” and Freely (same person, maybe?)
1862 Case, J. Wickham Letter to his father
1863 Houghton, Eugene Coolidge Biography; Letters to friends about his running away; Civil War
1863-1887 Manning, Elbridge Gerry (class of 1861) 12 letters (original handwritten, each 1-4 pages) about his time in army (Civil War); Mostly personal letters; a couple letters to Manning from various governmental officials
1864 Colgate, H. W. Letter to his mother
1864-1865 Deming, Horace E. Letters to Family; Short Biography; “Knowledge is Power” essay; accounts
1864 Heaton, William Weaver (class of 1864) Describes his time at PA especially impact of the Civil War
1864 Stonewell, C.A.W. Letter to mother from Abbot Academy; taught at Abbot 1863-1865
PA Class of 1864 Waterman, Arthur Osceola Compositions/summaries of events, including descriptions of Battle at Carsville and Fall of Pemberton Mill; Civil War
1865-1866 Cary, Norman White (Class of 1866) Letters to his family (mother, sister)


1871 Hall, Isacc Freenman Letter to headmaster

Account of interview

1872 Dodge, Henry Francis Accounting; Arthur Dana Story
1878 Eaton, Horace (class of 1835); Chase, Barbara Landis (in letter about Horace) Basic biography; sermon written by Horace and manuscript for the Andover centennial
1878 – 1954
(Published 1968)
Smith, Keith Lengthy bio; recollection of times at PA, Yale, and later to daughter Susan
1879 Ripley, Sarah Franklin Letter about life at Abbot Academy and Phillips Academy
1880s Abbott, Hattie (class of 1886) Letters to and from her family in East Douglas, Mass.
1880-1881 Parkhurst, Frank E. Diary-like entries
Class of 1881 Smith, William Wharton Short bio; transcript of academic career at PA, Harvard, and up to his death (extensive handwritten)
1882 Bancroft, Antoinette (Class of 1883) Letter to Frederick Bancroft (her brother)
1882-1883 Strong, John Henry Large collection of letters to father, mother, etc. during time at PA; receipts from 1883 (original handwritten and transcribed)
1885-1889 Hutchins, S. Cady Typed excerpts and Handwritten originals. Twenty (20) letters to family about the school in general
1887-1888 Russell, Herbert D. Letters to father; description of schoolwork at PA
1891 Christian, George H. Letter to father and others
1893 Harding, Warren (class of 53) General account of his time at PA in the Phillips Andover Mirror
1896-1924 Merriam, Alexander Ross, class of 1868 Letters of advice written by Merriam to fatherless teenage boy
1899 Keith, J. 4-page letter to aunt
1902 Nickerson, Philips Thomas Andover/Exeter football
1903 Kinney, Gilmore one six-page letter (original handwritten)
1907 Barrows, W. W. (Class of 1909) Andover-Exeter football game
1908 Patton, Francis F., Class of 1908 Letter to Patton from distinguished general. Documents listing Revolutionary War soldiers. Patton’s scrapbook of his time at PA is also in the Archives.
February 1923, 1973, 1915 Adams, William H. (Class of 1915); Allis, Frederick S. Jr.; Kirkland, William A. (Class of 1915 Recalls a fraternity (Alpha Gamma Chi), its members and incidents
1917 Knowles, Robert Treat Time at Andover as well as time serving in World War I.
Mostly to his father
1918 Chittick, Yardley Journals during his time at PA and after graduation (in Alumni Personal Papers)
Class of 1918 Woolley, Roger M. Document box of correspondence
1919 Serven, James E. Reminisces on time at PA; 1916 Prom
1920 Sircom, Arthur Letter to Diana Chira (PA 1978) for her History 46 paper on History of Music in PA
1927 Hines, John E. Experience being expelled

Opinion of Headmaster Stearns

1930 Morrison, Barcley Thorough description of time at Andover
1932 Robertson, Florence Dunbar Letters home about Abbot Academy, 1931-1932
1932-1934 Keeney, Rockwell Jr. About 50 letters (1-2 pages) written to parents while at Andover (original handwritten, already scanned)
1935-1936 McMillan, Daniel Walton Letter to friend about general experience at Andover
1936 McLaughry, John Letters to his parents
1939 Donovan, Charles (Class of 1939); Chase, Barbara Landis 1937 World premiere of Lost Horizon; George Washington Hall; Jane Wyatt
1942 Reynolds, Robert Short Bio; Description of time at PA; organ competition program; letters concerning registration; photographs
1942 Seaver, Robert Letter written in 1942 for 50th reunion (in 1992); letters to friend
1942-1943 Weis, Robert class of 1946 Letters home
PA Class of 1944 Wensinger, A.S. Copy of emails concerning Dirk Hugo; Short bio of Hugo; D-Day and Normandy
1951-1952 Carnicelli, Thomas (class of 1954) Letters to his family in Framingham, Mass.
1951 Rider, George Description of time at PA (chapters from an unpublished book of essays)
1953-1954 Pearson, Frederick Six hand-bound volumes of diaries including typed day-by-day entries, photographs of campus life, and some ephemera
1957-1959 Reiff, Daniel Letters home
1959-1962 Mason (Denzel), Martha, Abbot Academy class of 1962 Approximately 100 letters home and envelope of photographs of student life at Abbot Academy
1966 Basile, Al (Class of 1966) Narrative poem for class reunion
1970 Sterling, Tom Jr. (class of 1959) Copy of book, Disengagements: The American Experience of Vietnam in Country and Out, a personal account of the Vietnam War
April 1974 PA Student Diary 1974
1987, 1988 Williams, Matthew The Journal of Matthew T. Williams, copies of lengthy handwritten journal, discusses time at PA