Phillips Exeter Academy Archives
Andover Newton Theological Seminary Archives
Andover Newton Theological Seminary General Catalogues, 1808-1927
Constitution and Associate Statutes of Andover Theological Seminary, 1808
McKeen-Duren Family Papers, 1720-1945, Duke University
Of particular interest in this collections are papers that document the teaching and administrative career of Philena McKeen, who was Principal of Abbot Academy, for 33 years (1859-1892). The literary career of Phebe McKeen, sister of Philena and a teacher at Abbot Academy, is also a notable topic of correspondence in the collection. From 1859 a number of the exchanges relate to Phebe’s contributions to serial publications and several book-length works. There is a sequence of images taken at Abbott Academy of buildings, grounds, and students with their teachers. Also included are correspondence with Harriet Beecher Stowe and the widow of Joseph Neesima, the first Asian to graduate from Phillips Academy (class of 1867).
Theodora (1875): a novel by Phebe Fuller McKeen.
T. S. Eliot Letters to Emily Hale, Abbot Academy English instructor, 1930-1956. Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library.
A Sketch of the Early Life of Joseph Hardy Neesima (1890), Phillips Academy class of 1868, by Phebe Fuller McKeen.
Eliphalet Pearson Papers, 1768-1819, Harvard University
Pearson was the first principal of Phillips Academy, serving 1778-1786. This Harvard collection contains materials Pearson created beginning as a Harvard undergraduate between 1768 and 1773, and later, as the Hancock Professor of Hebrew and Other Oriental Languages and as a member of the Harvard Corporation. The collection is not comprehensive and instead provides snapshots of certain events in Pearson’s life and the history of the College.
Andover Room, Memorial Hall Library (Andover) includes links to many digitized sources in local history.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions archives, 1810-1961, Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Archives of Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site
The sons of landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, Class of 1838, did major design work for the Phillips Academy campus, 1891-1932.
Other repositories of manuscripts, archives and special collections in Massachusetts
Old reports of the Robert S. Peabody Museum of Archaeology