This collection comprises writings by and about Phillips Academy alumni and faculty. Documents are arranged alphabetically by last name of the alumnus.
Box 1 D’Amonville through Churchill
Box 2 Buxton through Garth
Box 3 Gile through Phillips Family
Box 4 Philomathean Society through Stimson
Box 5 Stearns through South Church
Box 6 Taylor through 1904 Diary
Box 7 Gordon Civil Rights collection
D’Amonville, Viscount Emmanuel (class of 1950), Memoirs of a Privileged Childhood (2003)
A Sermon Delivered at the Ordination of the Reverend Ephraim Abbot to the Personal Care of the Congregational Church and Society in Greenland (New Hampshire), October 27th, 1813 by the Reverend Eliphalet Pearson LL. D. (Andover; Flagg and Gould, Printers, 1813)
Donation of Reverend C.C. Carpenter
Good condition
Note A is a communication between Pearson and unknown, yet respectable person commenting on the informality between Freewill Baptists in Maine and God and the impurity of the Christian faith there, author goes on to state that this motivated Pearson to preach the “truth” even more
Note B concerns Georg Brackett Esq. paid $200 annually to the salary of a minister in a church in Greenland, which I assume to be the Congregational Church
Two other sermons after notes of book, one titled “Charge” by a Reverend Huntington Porter of Rye and one titled “The Right Hand of Friendship” by a Reverend Jonathan French of Northampton
Names of three other Greenland ministers at very end: William Allen, Samuel Macclintock, James Armstrong Neal
Written after deaths and ordinations of Greenland ministers
Abbot, Phillip Stanley. Addresses at a Memorial Meeting of the Appalachian Mountain Club and Other Papers. October 21, 1896.
A sermon delivered May 5, 1819, at the funeral of Samuel Abbot, Esquire, One of the Founders of the Theological Seminary in Andover. Published by the request of the trustees and visitors. By Leonard Woods, D.D. Abbot Professor of Christian Theology.
Memoriam to Alfred Abbot, October 28, 1884 (2 copies)
John Lovejoy Abbot’s expenses at Andover Academy June 3, 1796 – July 11, 1797
A New England Schoolmaster: Sketches from the Life of Principal John Adams by Mary Adams Brown and Helen Gilman Brown. (200-page, typewritten manuscript)
A Discourse delivered at the funeral of John Adams, LL.D. April 26th, 1863 by L. M. Glover, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, Illinois
Biographical Sketch of Johnathan Edwards Adams (class of 1848), 1822-1901
Sermon on the Life and Character of Hon. John Aiken, delivered in the South Church, Andover, Sabbath Morning, Feb 10, 1867, by the Rev. Charles Smith, Pastor. (2 copies)
Memorial to John Alden; May 9, 1856 — April 10, 1916
Memorial to Ebenezer Alden (Andover Theological Seminary, 1843), 1788 – 1881
Memorial of Rev. William Allen, PA class of 1826
Allis, Frederick S., 1931 (P.A. 1931). Phillips Academy: From Calvinism to Co-education, 1970s
Memoriam of Edward Bailey (P.A. class of 1878) October 19, 1861 – October 17, 1938
Barnard, John. The expectation of Man disappointed by the Great God: A Sermon, 1739
– Bound in newspaper, very poor condition, requires rebinding for preservation
o A Sermon Preached at Andover South Parish Occasioned by the much lamented Death of that hopeful Young Gentleman, Mr. Abiel Abbot; Who departed this Life on the 18th Day of May, 1739; in the 24th Year of his Age.
o By John Barnard A.M. And Pastor of the North, or First, Church in the said Town.
o Published at the Desire or the Relatives of the Deceased and many Others.
o Prefaced by Samuel Phillips A.M. and Pastor of the South Church in the same Town.
o Psalm 39:5– Verily, every man at his best estate, is altogether Vanity.
o Printed by J. Draper for D. Henchman in Cornhill
– Given to Michael Barker by his aunt Sarah Barker in 1749/1750/1751
– Sarah Barker deceased? January 20th, 1961 at the age of 77
Memoir of William Francis Bartlett by Francis Winthrop Palfrey (Boston, Houghton and Company, 1878).
Sermon in commemoration of William Bartlet: A Tribute to the Memory of William Bartlet, Esquire, An Associate Founder of the Theological Seminary in Andover, Delivered before the trustees and visitors, the faculty and students of the institution, April 19, 1841 by Daniel Dana, D.D, a member of the board of trustees (Andover: printed by Gould, Newman and Saxton. 1841)
William Bartlett (1748-1841) in New England Galaxy (Newspaper), Boston October 26, 1821
Letter from Harlan Beach (Phillips Academy 1874) in Peking, China to Dr. Bancroft, 1887
Joshua Bates (PA 1826) and His Times By Granville B. Putnam (Franklin School, Boston) reprinted from Education, Sept 1888.
Emory S. Basford (Instructor in English, Phillips Academy), The Social Value of the English Classics: A speech given at the Harvard Dinner of the New England Association of the Teachers of English, March 8, 1940 The English Leaflet (May 1940) Gift of Mrs. Thaxter Eaton
“Reinstatement of Literature as a Humanistic Study,” The Independent School Bulletin by Emory S. Basford (Instructor in English, Phillips Academy)
Department of English, Phillips Academy (Compiled by Emory S. Basford), The Andover Punctuation Manual
Emory S. Basford (Instructor in English, Phillips Academy), Assembly Talk on Oliver Wendell Holmes
Basford, Emory S.(Instructor in English, Phillips Academy), A Distinguished New England house. Phelps House: A mansion of the Federal Period
Emory S. Basford (Instructor in English, Phillips Academy), English Fundamentals (Ann Arbor: Lithoprinters and Edward Brothers Inc., 1932)
Emory S. Basford (Instructor in English, Phillips Academy), “The Noblest of Occupations,” The Independent School Bulletin, November 1950
Rev. Samuel C. Beane (1835-1916), P.A 1854, by C.C Carpenter
Dr. George M. Beard (1839-1883), P.A 1856
Lyman Beecher, “A sermon delivered at the installation…” July 21, 1819, Andover: Flagg and Gould.
Fortunate Journey Ourselves, Our Family, And Our Forebears by Norman Beecher and Nancy Bartram Beecher
Contains history of three Andover graduates: Norman Beecher (P.A 1893) Lyman Beecher (1892-93), Norman Beecher II (1973) (Andover referenced on pages 270, 271, 272, 315)
Allen Rogers Benner 1870-1940 (P.A 1888) A Memoir by Hugh McKennan Landon (P.A 1888), 1942.
Memorial of Thaddeus Bowman Bigelow (1799-1888), P.A 1814
Proceedings of the Suffolk Bar and Superior Bar in memory of Robert Roberts Bishop, a Justice of the Superior Court, December 18, 1909. Published at the Fort Tree Hill Press in 1911, 176 High Street, Boston, MA. (2 copies).
The Green Bag: An Entertaining Magazine of the Law; Volume 23, January 1911. Edited by Arthur W. Spencer. Published at Riverdale Press, Boston, MA.
– Pages 1-12 written by Joseph T. Bishop about Robert Roberts Bishop father???
Elias B. Bishop: A Judicial Silhouette. By George R. Farnum. Reprinted from The Journal of the Law Society of Massachusetts, February 1935.
Memorial for Mrs. Amos Blanchard. The Address of Reverend Professor William H. Ryder, D.D at the Funeral Service in the Seminary Chapel, Andover, September 19, 1906.
Letter to Frederick E. Newton from George L. Blanchard. Written on June 17, 1905 from Ottawa, Illinois.
The Andover Evening Study Program, 1935-1962. Written by Alan R. Blackmer, Jr. on April 22, 1963.
Essay on the history of the program and courses offered
Race Suicide at Andover. Essay on children and upbringing at Andover
Reverend Nathaniel Bouton, Pastor of the First Congregational Church in Concord, NH. History of the Origin and Organization of the American Home Missionary Society. New York: John A. Gray, November 1860.
Diary of John Freeman Brown, Class of 1868, in 1867 at the age of 19. Written at Phillips Academy.
Memorial for Francis Chickering Briggs. Written by Miss Ludlow. Published by Hampton Institute Press, 1908.
Memorial for Sydney Brooks. by Professor Alonzo Tripp. Boston: S. Woodbury and Co., 1887.
Journal of Francis B. Brown, Class of 1846, 1842-1845. (Gift from Charlotte Hathaway Glover, descendant of Brown)
W. Newton Burdick, Jr., “Can You Imagine?” Sedona, Arizona: Memory Works Publishing Co., 2008.
Memorial for Tirzah K. Burnham. Written by Reverend C. E. Harrington.
Autograph of John Wesley Churchill (1839-1900), P.A. 1861, Andover Theological Seminary, 1868
John Wesley Churchill, PA Class of 1868, A.T.S. Andover Theological Seminary Necrology, June 1900
In Memoriam for William Talcott Buxton, PA 1886
An Address by William Talcott Buxton, PA 1886
A Greeting to our friends in New Hampshire from Eliot A. Carter 1905
Memoir of Oliver Carlton by Leverett Saltonstall, 1883
John M. Cates (PA 1903), Latin Commons.
Sketch of Leander Trowbridge Chamberlain, “Our Universities and Their Sons,” 1899
Biographical Sketch of Prof. John Wesley Churchill including Estimates of His Manhood Scholarship, by Charles Carroll Morgan
Autograph of John Wesley Churchill 1839-1900, P.A. 1861, Andover Theological Seminary, 1868
John Wesley Churchill, PA Class of 1861, A.T.S. Andover Theological Seminary Necrology, June 1900
Leaders of Cambridge Industry, Alvan Clark 1804-1887, compiled and issued by Harvard Trust Company
Sketch of Leander Trowbridge Chamberlain, PA 1859
The Services at the Funeral of Hon. Hovey Kilburn Clarke, PA 1828
Jonathan Clement Memorial 1797-1881, PA Teacher 1820-1830
Thomas Cochran and Phillips Academy by Claude M. Fuess, Cochran PA grad 1890
Eben S. Coe 1814-1899, PA class of 1836
Russell Colgate, North Orange Baptist Church Orange, New Jersey, PA class of 1892
Account book of Warren F. Draper September 1836-July 1847, PA 1843
Edward G. Coy, First headmaster of the Hotchkiss school, taught at PA for 19 years
Carroll Cutler, P.A 1850
A Plain and Serious Address to the Important Subject of Family Religion by Phillip Doddridge, printed by William Butler for the Trustees of Phillips’s Andover Academy, 1804. (2 copies)
In Memoriam Herbert L Doggett 1863-1894, PA 1881
In Memory of John Dove, Esquire; A Sermon Preached in The Free Church, Andover, Mass, November 26, 1876
Some Reminiscences of my Years with Sherman and Sterling by Joseph W. Drake, mentions of Chauncey B. Garver (P.A. alumnus)
In Memoriam Warren Fales Draper 1818-1905 (2 copies)
Henry Durant: From Byfield to Berkeley, PA 1819
The Beginnings of A United States Strategic Intelligence System In Latin America, 1809-1826, By George B. Dyer, PA 1924, and Charlotte L. Dyer
James Eaton, PA 1839, School Work (1837)
Diploma (1839) of James Stewart Eaton, signed by Lyman Coleman (principal of the Phillips Academy English department and teachers seminary 1837-1842)
Notice of Classical boarding school to be established in Andover, New York observer (newspaper) December 1838
Walter Eaton, History of Class of 1896
In Memoriam of Theodore Edson 1793-1883, PA 1816
Duncan Emrich by Margaret Thomas 1975
Etymology: Analysis of Meaning- Robert E. Lane Phillips Academy (2 copies)
Notebook of Oliver Emerson, 1829. Contains speeches, essays, and poetry
Newspaper clipping, April 15, 1878. About the history of the Phillips family.
A Narrative of the Family of Reverend Mr. George Phillips from the Beginning of this Country by Samuel Phillips Jr. No Date.
Eulogy for Horace Fairbanks (1820-1888) given by Reverend C. M. Lamson D. D. on March 22nd 1888.
Memoriam of Han Tseng Fan, PA 1915 (2 copies)
William Edgar Fisher by Wilma Hall Fowler. Reprinted from the 1945-1946 Yearbook of American Bookplate collectors and designers. Washington DC.
Memorial of Reverend Ephraim Flint, D.D. No Date.
Memoriam of Dudley Fitts (PA English instructor) on March 29, 1969. Written in Latin.
Chapel Prayers by Charles Henry Forbes. Delivered before PA students at Morning Chapel 1931-1933.
Ten Prayers offered in PA Chapel by Charles H. Forbes. 2 copies.
Verba Transversa: Latin Crossword Puzzles by C.H. Forbes, 1925. 5 copies.
The Sham Argument Against Latin by Charles H. Forbes, 1917. Delivered at the annual meeting of the Classical Association of New England at Amherst.
Culture and Cult by Charles H. Forbes, 1911. Reprinted from the Classical Journal, 1912.
Faculty Notes from the Phillips Bulletin relating to Professor Charles Henry Forbes, 1913-1933.
Writings by and about Charles Henry Forbes, Professor in Phillips Academy 1891-1933. Bibliography of writings. (2 copies)
Benner, PA Instructor of Greek, 1932: (Typesetting book? Detailing what new Greek looks like in new font and the things lost and gained with new font. Sampler of text)
Stories From a Long Journey by George T. French, 1996. Privately published family history. Gifted to PA due to a personal visit to Mr. French by John Garvan.
Jonathan French Jr. (son of Jonathan French Trustee of P.A), Class of 1794, accounts PA faculty 1798-1800
On the death of Sanford H.E Freund, PA 1897
Hollis Burke Frissell The Southern Workman and Penn School by William Anthony Aery Page 407-415
The Southern Workman Frissell Memorial Dormitory page 246-248
Hollis Burke Frissell page 100-112 The Southern Workman
Claude Moore Fuess: Yankee Individualism and Claude Moore Fuess Frederick S. Allis Jr. Volume 76
Six Henderson Place, Manhattan by W. Todd Furniss 1927-1942 Copy #4
Albert Gardner 1873- Phillips Academy class of 1873 Resolutions
In Memoriam of John David Garth
In Memoriam to Moses Clement Gile (December 4, 1858 to April 28, 1916), PA 1879
James C Graham Phillips Andover (Two songs)
William Gleason Goldsmith, PA 1852 Accounts for tuition etc. 1848-1852
Jeremiah Goldsmith, PA 1852 Accounts for tuition 1852
SEPARATE BOX: Frederick Gordon white supremacist literature collected during his civil rights tour of Mississippi, 1962
William Blair Graves by Mrs. Graves (paper)
Gerald Gregg Free Farmer, PA 1934
The Southern Workman page 259 James Bartlett Gregg, PA 1862
John Putnam Gulliver (1819-1894) PA 1833 by Frances C. Gulliver (1823-1892)
Gutterson, PA 1861, school work
Samuel Read Hall (1793-1877), principal of Teacher’s seminary 1830-1837
Arthur S. Handy (PA 1864) by Philip S. Mardeu
“Andover Thirty Years Ago” by William Allen Harris, PA 1907
William Torrey Harris (1835-1909), PA 1854
Some Fortunate Memories by Nicholas Murray Butler Teachers College Record (William T Harris, PA 1854)
Memorial of Samuel Charles Jackson presented by Mr. George T. Eaton, PA 1873
Memorial of Samuel Foster Haven, Librarian of Phillips Academy, 1820
The Voice of America Forum Lectures, The Visual Arts, Bartlett Harding Hayes, PA 1922
Memorial of Allan Vanderhoef Heely, PA 1915
Memorial of Honorable Carroll C. Hincks, PA 1907
Memorial of David Hoadley, PA 1820
Letter from Stephen Abbott Holt, P.A. 1842, to Dr. Bancroft regarding sparring lessons for his son, William Wallace Holt, P. A. 1877
Memorial of Henry Augustus Homes, PA 1823
The War (World War II) from inside a Tank by Ira Wolfert, Story of George Hook, PA 1935
Memorial of Walter Clark Howe, PA 1890
Memorial of James Huntington, PA 1848
Memorial of Samuel C. Jackson, Andover Theological Seminary 1826
Quotations from Chairman Leonard
Memorial of Elijah Kellogg
Allan Keith
Memoir of Rev. Charles Lowell (1885)
Obituary of Rev. James Kendall, P.A. faculty 1976-1997
PA Headmaster John Kemper on the cover of October 26 1962 TIME magazine
New Approaches in Education: A study of experimental programs in independent schools. David Mallery. Kemper on Committee, 1961.
Discourse on the life and character of President Kirkland. By: Alexander Young. (1840) (Kirkland was the President of Harvard University
George C. Merrill (PA faculty 1865-1869) Funeral Address by Rev. C. F. P. Bancroft, April 1882.
Warren King Moorehead (Peabody Museum curator 1901-1907, director 1907-1938) by Douglas S. Byers, 1939.
Andover Arts and Communications Center by John U. Monro, PA 1930
Catalogue of Neesima Library, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. 1958. Contains listing of two Phillips Academy catalogues. (1958)
Memorial of Deacon Mark Newman of Andover (at PA as faculty and principal 1793-1809) Presented by W.F. Draper 1859.
Student Notebook of Exercises in Greek Prose by Edward Parish Noyes, P.A. 1876
On the Death of James Otis by The Hon. Thomas Dawes (1783)
Burial od Rev. Ray Palmer, D.D., Delivered March 31 and April 1, 1877 (P.A. 1823)
Detached Thoughts by Rev. Ray Palmer, P.A. 1826
Professor Park (Andover Theological Seminary) and His Pupils (1899)
George Peabody (1869)
George Peabody Centennial Celebration 1795-1895
Laundry Account Book of Charles Leonard Pendleton, P.A. 1865, Summer Term of 1864 to Summer Term of 1865
Account Book of Charles Leonard Pendleton, P.A. 1865, 1863-1865
They Sought an Education by Harriet W. Marr (William Person, P.A. 1814) Old-time New England Fall 1953
Bookplate of Francis J. Phelps
Bookplate of Moses Stuart Phelps, Andover Theological Seminary 1872
Phillips Family Coat of Arms
Dr. Tappan Sermon at Funerial of Samuel Phillips (1802)
John Phillips, 1719-1795, New Hampshire Congregational Record Apr. 19, 1895
Samuel Phillips Jr. by Claude M. Feuss
Laws and Regulations of the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture 1793 Samuel Phillips pp. a, 16-17
Mr. Baldwin’s Sermon on the Decease of Lieut. Governor Phillips Feb. 10, 1802
Sermon Delivered Nov. 3, 1812 at the funeral of Madam Phebe Phillips by Rev. Eliphalet Pearson
Historical Sketch of John Phillips. A Baccalaureate Discourse by Rev. Geo. E. Street, of Exeter, Before the Graduating Class of Phillips Academy Andover, June 16, 1895. (3 copies)
Dr. Tappan’s Sermon, Delivered at Andover, At the Funeral of His Honorable Lieutenant-Governor Phillips
Lieutenant-governor Phillips. Sermon by Thomas Baldwin
Political Rulers Authoriz’d and Influenc’d by God Our Savior, to decree and execute Justice: A Sermon Preached at Boston: On May 30th. 1750. By Samuel Phillips, A.M. And Pastor of the South-Church in Andover
Sermon at Funeral of Madame Phebe Phillips by Eliphalet Pearson, 1812. (2 copies)
John Phillips (1719-1795) Merchant, Shipowner, Landed Proprietor, and Founder of Phillips Exeter Academy by William G. Saltonstall
Mr. Baldwin’s Sermon on the Decease of Lieut. Governor Phillips, Feb. 10, 1802 Gift of John Paine Ganson, ’55
Phillips Family by Frances M. Smith
Genuine Religion, the Best Friend of the People: or, The Influence of the Gospel upon the Manners and Happiness of the People by Archibald Bonar. Printed by J. Howe, 1807. Given by Robert A. Ware. Bookplate of Lt. Gov. Samuel Phillips Donation.
Semi-Centennial of the Philomathean Society, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. On Wednesday, May 26, 1875.
The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss by George L. Prentiss. Published in 1882.
Memoir of Edward Griffin Porter, by M.S. Dudley. Published in 1901.
The Pratt Family: Sketch of the Life of Reverend Stillman Pratt by S.B. Pratt.
In Memoriam of Emilius O. Randall. Given in 1920 by the Kit-Kat Club.
Memoir of Isaac Ray, M.D., LL.D. given by Thomas S. Kirkbridge, M.D., 1881.
Memorial of Lansing Parmelee Reed, P.A. 1900, by Allen Wardwell, 1938.
The Influence Created by Egypt Upon the Civilization of the World by James Marsh Reed.
Order of Exercises at Exhibition, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Printed on July 31st, 1849.
151st Annual Report of the Directors of the Redwood Library and Athenæum, Newport, Rhode Island to the Proprietors. Submitted on Wednesday, September 25th, 1881 by Benjamin H. Rhoades PA 1827.
Memorial of Dr. Joshua Bartlett Rich (1844-1896). Given on February 25th, 1896 by Edward Randall Knowles?
Memorial of Alfred Lawrence Ripley (1858-1943). Given on 4th of November, 1943. (2 copies)
The Boston Clearing House Associatio, 1856-1936.
Eulogy for Alfred Lawrence Ripley, President of Boston Clearing House Association 1923-1931. Given by Alfred E. Stearns on October 16th, 1943.
Dedication to Jasper Morgan Rowland (1879-1932), PA 1897, by E.R. Bartlett.
Memorial of William Henry Ryder (1842-1918).
Memorial of James Cowan Sawyer (1872-1944), PA Treasurer.
Cartoons from on the Hill by Les Scheide. Written in 1916.
Juventus Semper Renovata by Charles T. Semper. Addressed to Harlan Ward Cooley. (10 copies)
Hovey Seymour (1920-1944): Recollections of His Classmates at Andover and Yale (1936-1942)
Disbelieving the Atonement a Rejection of the Gospel, by Thomas H. Skinner, 1833.
Memoir of the Life of Charles Short, M. A., LL. D., given by his son Charles Lancaster Short. 1892.
“Columbia Reaches New Degree Peak”. New York Times, Wednesday, June 4th, 1947.
Degree from Columbia University for Henry Lewis Stimson.
Sermon at the funeral of Rev. Samuel Stearns, 1834
Phillips Academy Mirror, literary magazine
Memorial of William Symmes
Discourse at the funeral of Rev. William K Talbot by S.A.Bumstead
Funeral Address of Prof. John Lord Taylor (Andover Theological Seminary faculty), 1884
My New Work as Trustee and Treasurer of Phillips Academy and the Theological Seminary, 1852 – 1868, by John Lord Taylor
Autograph of Samuel H. Taylor
Resolutions upon the Death of Samuel H. Taylor
Death of Samuel H. Taylor, Lawrence Daily American (2 copies)
An Address delivered at the funeral of Samuel Harvey Taylor by Edwards A. Park, 1871.
Memorial of Samuel Harvey Taylor, 1871 (4 copies)
Elementary Grammar of the Greek language
Three memorials: William Law Symonds, George Law Symonds, George W. Bartlett, Samuel H. Taylor by John Albee. (2 copies)
Memorabilia of David Thayer, P.A 1835 Certificate of Admission, Receipts, etc. (14 items)
Judge Robert Thompson, P.A. 1847
John Eugene Tyler, M.D., P.A. 1838
Stephen H. Tyng (1800-1885), P.A. 1811
George Henry Whitcomb (1842-1916), P.A. 1860
Discourse on Samuel Williston by W.S. Tyler 1874
Dr. Talcott Williams by Roscoe C.E. Brown
Leonard Woods by E. A. Park
Memorial of George Frederick Wright (Pastor at Church at Andover) by Warren Upham
Bibliotheca Sacra Ninety-first Year, page 251 George Frederick Wright: In Memoriam
South Church Congregation Two Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary Andover 1711-1961
Taylor, John Lord “The Story of My Life” (Many references to P.A.)
John Seymour Wood, Phillips ‘70 (1870) Ultra! 50th anniversary 1920 scrapbook
Stanley Bishop book of clippings, circa 1920
W. Robinson Brown, class of 1893, Phillips Academy Scrapbook
Diary 1904
Frederick Gordon civil rights collection of white supremacist literature, Mississippi, 1962