Early Correspondence Collection

Early Correspondence Collection

1. Speech by Dr Joseph Warren commemorating the Boston Massacre, 1772

2. Perez Norton oration in memory of Gen Joseph Warren, 1776

3. Deed of land to Samuel Phillips Jr. from Joseph Emery, 1770

4. Josiah Quincy order for three boxes of glass, 1771

5. George Cabot letter to Madame Phoebe Phillips: expresses gratitude for taking son Charles as a boarder, January 1789

6. Phoebe Phillips letter to Samuel Phillips: solicitation and household matters, February 1792

7. Mark Newman letter to John Phillips at Harvard, November 1793

8. Mark Newman letter to John Phillips at Harvard, March 1794 telling of the boys in the house

9. Part of a conference at an exhibition, July 12, 1797

10. Letter by the Rev. Daniel Oliver of Exeter to Mark Newman about his son Samuel, April 3, 1802

11. John Farrar letter to Samuel Farrar, April 23, 1804: money matters and death of a college classmate

12. Phoebe Phillips letter to Jonathan French in North Hampton, NH, 1805

13. Letter from Jonathan French, North Hampton, NH, to Samuel Farrar addressed Hon. Parents 1807: tells about several ministers being dismissed.

14. Jonathan French letter to Samuel Farrar, June 1807: family matters, children, gardening, health

15. Jonathan French letter to Samuel Farrar, 1809, about family affairs

16. Eliphalet Pearson letter to Samuel Abbot notifying him of election of Rev. Moses Stuart as Professor of Sacred Literature.
Letter of resignation from Eliphalet Pearson to Hon. John Davis, Esq., Clerk of the Corporation of Harvard College

17. Letter by Phillips Academy student Edward J. Lowell, September 11, 1817, to his aunt, Mrs. R.R. Gardner of Boston

18. Nothing

19. Leonard Woods letter to Mrs. Lord, May 12, 1819, regarding improved conduct of her son in the Academy

20. Letter of John Adams, fourth principal of Phillips Academy, to Phoebe Lord informing her of the illness of her son, January 24, 1821

21. William Bartlet letter to Rev. Ebeneezer Porter, October 1829, enclosing the deed from Goldsmith

22. Letter to Samuel Farrar from Walnut Hills, 18?1 regarding difficulty of establishing English departments in colleges

23. Letter from S.H. Walley to Samuel Farrar: having read Mr. Farrar’s letter (on the verso) regarding boarding at the Academy and necessity for providing it for boys who are indigent

24. Letter from Darius Smith to his mother, 1834

25. Letter from Franklin Fisk, Teachers Seminary student, to his mother, September 1836

26. Letter by Oliver Wendell Holmes, April 15, 1875: tired of writing poems so not doing one for celebrations

27. Letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes in which mention is made of a poem to be written for the Phillips Academy centennial (June 5-8, 1878)

28. Oliver Wendell Holmes letter to John Murray, 1889

29. Letter from Edward L. Peirce of Boston to Phillips Academy Principal Bancroft (1878) giving a medal that was given by the Academy to Charles Pinckney Sumer in 1789

30. Letter from John Byers to trustee Alpheus Hardy, 1879, presenting portrait of Peter S. Byers

31. Letter of thanks from John Greenleaf Whittier to Mrs. Kilham, 1892

32. Receipt of payment for board of John Williams’s son by Abiel Pearson, 1790

33. Letter to Mark Newman from Joshua Bates recommending Giles Richards as a student at the Academy, 1808

34. Letter to Phillips Academy treasurer Samuel Farrar from Hon. William B. Banister telling him of successful passage of bill in the legislature, 1824

35. Letter from Josiah Quincy answering questions about the Academy, 1860 (Gift of H.S. Gorham of Noroton, Connecticut)

36. same

37. Letter of Col. William Augustus Washington to Samuel Phillips referring to his son, Augustus, and regarding a remittance of $300 on account of his two sons, students at Phillips Academy [MOVED TO WASHINGTON FAMILY COLLECTION]

38. Letter from Mrs. Osgood Johnson, wife of Phillips Academy Principal, to her son, Osgood Johnson, 1852

39. Letter from George Washington to the Hon. John F. Mercer regarding settlement of a debt [MOVED TO WASHINGTON FAMILY COLLECTION]

40. Letter to Hon. John Phillips from M.L. Hurlbert, 1806, recommending young man with no funds

41. Letter from G. Gordon to Mr. Morgan

42. Letter from W.H. Forbes to Prof. Ropes, 1924

43. Letter from William R. Thomas (at Phillips Academy) to William B. Stone, 1834

44. Letter of Phillips Academy student Otis B. Bullard, 1837

45. Letter from Samuel Phillips to Hon. William Bradley of Vermont, 1829 regarding government

46. Letter from Bushrod Washington to nephew John A. Washington at Phillips Academy, 1806 wanting him to leave school soon [MOVED TO WASHINGTON FAMILY COLLECTION]

47. Letter from Samuel Phillips to Hon. William Bradley of Vermont, 1829 regarding government appointment he disapproves of

48. Letter from Alpheus Hardy to his classmate R. Singleton Peabody, Feb. 1859

49. Letter from Phillips Academy trustee Alpheus Hardy to Dr. Sweetser, 1874, regarding financial affairs of the Academy

50. Letter concerning the withdrawal of the agreement to purchase the Merrill Museum for Hartford Theological Seminary. To Phillips Academy trustee Alpheus Hardy from H.H. Kelsey and J. W. Allen on behalf of the contributors, 1882

51. Letter of Samuel Merrill, written from Andover, October 23, 1843, to the Hon. Daniel Webster regarding Webster’s proposed visit to Andover on November 9 at invitation of Committee of the Whigs

52. Calvin Coolidge letter

53. Letter of Calvin Coolidge to Frank W. Stearns, 1922

54. Letter of Calvin Coolidge, 1924

55. Letter from Elizabeth Stuart Phelps to Prof. Bailey, 1907

56. Letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes to Mr. Lodge, 1888, regarding copyright bill

57. Letter from Phillips Academy Andover describing fire, Feb 2, 1818, describing burning of the second Academy building

58. Letter from Henry L. Stimson to M. Lawrence Shields, 1948, regretting inability to attend John Kemper’s inauguration as Phillips Academy headmaster

59. Letter of Rafael Sabatini regarding Scaramonche, 1935

60. Letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1890, regarding Mr. Lock who kept Mansion House

61. Letter from E.H. Laws to parents, 1838

62. Letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes to C.C. Carpenter regarding verses (gift of Jane B. Carpenter)

63. Letter to C.C. Carpenter from Josiah Quincy, 1880 (gift of Jane B. Carpenter)

64. Letter to C.C. Carpenter from Ray Palmer (gift of Jane B. Carpenter)

65. Letter to C.C. Carpenter from George W. Curtis (gift of Jane B. Carpenter)

66. Letter to C.C. Carpenter from Henry W. Longfellow (gift of Jane B. Carpenter)

67. Letter to William Phillips from his brother Samuel Phillips, Esq. regarding very sick child, 1757 (gift of William Phillips of Beverly, Mass., Nov 27, 1951)

68. Letter to William Phillips from his brother Samuel Phillips, Esq. regarding business and family, 1757 (gift of William Phillips of Beverly, Mass., Nov 27, 1951)

69. Letter from Charles Edgar Smith, Phillips Academy class of 1861, to his mother from Andover, 1859 about how he has become a Christian (gift of Sarah S. Dennen)

70. Letter to Col. Israel Hatch from Jacob Ide Jr. at the Seminary, 1810, regarding Phillips Academy (gift of Mrs. John Hartwell)

71. Partial letter from Harriet Beecher Stowe to unknown regarding her health and lecture engagements (gift of Mrs. B.F. Schlesinger)

72. Letter from Phillips Academy alumnus Joseph Neesima to Miss Mary Hidden, 1876

73. Letter from Woodrow Wilson to Mrs. Arthur Leonard expressing regret, 1954 (gift of Mrs. Arthur Leonard, Feb 1954)

74. Letter from Josiah Quincy to John L. Taylor regarding Samuel Phillips Jr. telling of his character etc. 1855

75. Continuation of above letter

76. Letter from Calvin Coolidge to Phillips Academy headmaster Al Stearns, 1923, recommending a boy, John H. Hills

77. Letter from A. Holmes to Ephraim Abbot, 1811, informing him of appointment as missionary in the northeast part of Maine by Society for Propagation of the Gospel among the Indians and Others in North America

78. Letter to Mrs. McCracken from Henry James, 1909

79. Letter from Bliss Perry to Prof. James in Chicago, 1897 regarding Arthur Leonard

80. Letter from George Barrell, at Phillips Academy, to his mother, 1799

81. Letter from Samuel Phillips Jr. to Samuel Holton regarding court appointment, 1798

82. Report of Committee of Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1819, regarding appointment of Mr. Brown

83. Letter from E. Robinson, Andover, to Henry Upson, Berlin, Connecticut, 1823, describing the Academy

84. Letter from Samuel Phillips to Col. Washington regarding departure of his two sons and travel plans [MOVED TO WASHINGTON FAMILY COLLECTION]

85. Letter from Samuel Phillips to Jeremiah Smith in Peterboro, 1783, offering him position as assistant (gift of George F. Sawyer, Phillips Academy class of 1919)

86. Letter from John William Farrar, Phillips Academy class of 1841, to his parents (gift of Byron S. Harvey III, PA class of 1950)

87. Letter from Henry L. Stimson to Capt. Charles Roe, 1926 (gift of Richard Hartwell, PA class of 1969)

88. Letter from Albert Schweitzer to Phillips Academy instructor Carl Pfatteicher, 1954

89. Letter from Albert Einstein to Phillips Academy instructor Carl Pfatteicher, 1940

90. Note of receipt from estate of Samuel Abbot signed Samuel Osgood, 1763