Maps and Plans of Campus

Scroll down for links to related map collections.

Dorman, Moses. A Plan of Andover taken for the Town, Pendleton’s Lithograohy, 1830.

Barton, F.A. Plan of the real estate of Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1836.

Bartlett, L.L., Barton, F.A. Plan of the real estate of Phillips Academy, Andover, Ms., 1837.

Walling, Henry F. “Map of the Town of Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts.” 1852.

Walling map of Andover, 1852

This 1852 wall map of the Town of Andover was given to Phillips Academy by Arthur L. Kelly ’55 in recognition of his 65 years of friendship with and respect for Stephen F. Snyder ’56 on the occasion of the dedication of the Snyder Center on February 10, 2018.


Griffin, La Roy F., Houghton, A. N. Plan of the real estate of Phillips Academy, Andover, 1874.

Griffin, La Roy F. Plan of the real-estate of Phillips Academy, Andover, 1874.

Plan showing the Grounds and Buildings connected with the Abbot Female Academy, 1878. Hammond & Gay, Surveyors.

Andover Village, 1880.

Andover, 1880.

O.H. Bailey & Co., View of Andover, Massachusetts, 1882.

Melvin, Plan of real estate belonging to Phillips Academy, Andover Mass., 1891.

Olmsted Brothers, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.: Plan for development of lands lying between Bartlett, Morton and Highland Sts., 1912.

Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, map of property, 1929.

Goodwin, Clinton F. Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, 1954.

[Plan for the area around Rabbit Pond, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.], 1957.

E.S.C., School Limits, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1966.

Related Map Collections

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Andover
Town site includes recent maps of transportation, zoning, historic preservation, recreation and natural resource, school districts and voting precincts in Andover.

Mapping Massachusetts: Chronicles the the development of transportation systems in Massachusetts including canals, railroads, highways, and harbors (State Library of Massachusetts)

Atlas of the city of Lawrence and the towns of Methuen, Andover and North Andover, Massachusetts, 1906

Atlas of the city of Lawrence and the towns of Methuen, Andover and North Andover, Massachusetts, 1926

Historic USGS Map of New England and New York (UNH)

Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at Boston Public Library

Sidney R. Knafel Map Collection, Phillips Academy

Map History
The gateway to resources on the history of cartography

Harvard Map Collection Digital Maps

Osher Map Library

The History of Cartography Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987-1998. (Links to full text PDFs)


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