A transcription of the letter is below.
Transcription by Nadia Shahab Diaz, class of 2017
Eugene March 3
Andover Mar 3, 1863
Mr. Warren,
Dear friend,
I am sorry there was such an
ambiguity in my last letter
but I will try to make this
one plainer.
Mr. Hayward wrote to me and
asked me if I would come and
help him hay during
my summer vacation. I do not
remember the exact words I wrote
back but it amounted to this,
perhaps I would come.
I received a letter from Mr. H.
asking me to come and stay with
him a year and I will give you
the exact words I told him th
wrote to him as follows, “There
is but one objection and that
is this: I wish to finish the [[end page]]
[[start page]] Academic yet year here
at Andover. when that is
through, I will come and be your
servant for a year or more.
I wish to come very much but I
do not think it is right to make
you wait untill that time.”
What I wrote to him are my
wishes. I wishes to finish the year
here at all events and then I will
go to Mr. Hayward or any
where esle, although I should
prefer going to war or sea than
to going to any where but Mr.
If I do not go to Mr. H’s, will
you give your consent for me
to go to war or to sea.
The revival is still going on,
although the interest is some-what
abated. Please remember to Mrs.
Yours truly,
Eugene Houghton