Transcription of Houghton Letter, March 23, 1863

A transcription of the letter is below.

Eugene Houghton. March 23, 1863 page 1. Phillips Academy Archives and Special Collections.
Eugene Houghton. March 23, 1863 page 1.
Phillips Academy Archives and Special Collections.
Eugene Houghton. March 23, 1863 page 2. Phillips Academy Archives and Special Collections.
Eugene Houghton. March 23, 1863 page 2.
Phillips Academy Archives and Special Collections.











Transcription by Nadia Shahab Diaz, class of 2017

Andover Mar 23, 1863

Mr. Warren,

Dear friend, I
received yours to day with fifteen
dollars. I can settle all bills with
it. I think also it would be
best to buy some boots or shoes
now. My g examination came
off finely. I did not mis a
fail on a question put to me.
I am full of business now,
clearing up my room so
I faeel pretty and in good
spirrits, a great deal better
spirrits than if I had got to
stay here all vacation.
What do you think of the war.
I think our generals have done about
as—little as possible, but dry
weather will do something toward peace
or something esle and I wish I could [[end page]]

[[start page]] be there to have a share
in the glorious battles, how
grand and noble a fellow is as
young patriot who is fighting
for his Country.
but as it is not cold enough
to have a fire and cold enough
to stiffen one’s fingers a little
too much for writting, I must
close. Please give my respects
to Mrs. Warren.

Yours Truly,
Eugene C. Houghton

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