A transcription of the letter is below.
Transcription by Nadia Shahab Diaz, class of 2017
Andover July 8, 1963
Mr. Warren,
Dear friend,
I received yours of the 7th at
this moment, I was quite surprised
to hear of a picnic in Stow.
I am glad to hear that you
had such a pleasant time.
You spoke about my post—
poneing purchasing my [[?]] Sock.
&c untill you come I can do
About my going to Mr. H.,
it was his own proposition about
my having a vacation, it would
never have entered my head if he
had not mentioned it. I will give
you his words, “Herbert will stay
untill Sept., and any time before
that will do if you wish to visit [[end page]]
[[start page]] after school.”
I went to Boston on the
4th , saw Mrs. Root and family,
they were well. I had a very
good time, saw the regatta
Balloon ascension and fireworks.
July 14th, 1863
I have thought a week more or
less on about going to Mr. Hayward
immediately after school closes and
have come to the conclusion that,
as I should not have thought of it
without his having mentioned it first,
I do not see any reason, why I
should not have a few days time,
before I went to work, your letter
convinced me that it would not
be hardly fair, to take untill the
1st of Sept., but I do not think it
would be the least unfair to take
a week to go and see my
I do not think Mr. Howard
Would have offered to me a
vacation unless he thought it
would do me good; and thinking
over all these things reasons, I
wish very much to accept, it with
your approval, a vacation to last
not less than a week or more than
ten days.
School closes two weeks from to
day, ( ) (tuesday).
Mr. Bridgmam, teacher in the
classical department, has been drafted.
I have not heard wether he is going
or not; none of the Academy boys
have been drafted, although several
expect and a great many more wish
to be; some of the theological
students have been drawn to go.
What a terrible riot is raging in
New York, it is a disgrace to
our Country, and I for one would
like to see the streets of N.Y.
run red with the blood of the [[end page]]
[[start page]] rioters.
The Female Seminary held
their anniversary to day, we boys are
not allowed to attend, to bad, is it not.
We are having quite a storm here
to day, not only to day but for three
or four days in succession.
As I wish to write another letter this
evening I must close.
Please give my respects to Mrs.
Yours truly,
Eugene C. Houghton