Transcription of Houghton Letter, July 28, 1863

A transcription of the letter is below.

Eugene Houghton. July 28, 1863 page 1. Phillips Academy Archives and Special Collections.
Eugene Houghton. July 28, 1863 page 1.
Phillips Academy Archives and Special Collections.
Eugene Houghton. July 28, 1863 page 2. Phillips Academy Archives and Special Collections.
Eugene Houghton. July 28, 1863 page 2.
Phillips Academy Archives and Special Collections.










Transcription by Nadia Shahab Diaz, class of 2017

Andover July 28, 1863

Mr. Warren,

Dear friend, I
have just got through examination,
tomorrow are the closing
exercises, and wednesday I
go to Boston. I think I
shall try to enlist in a Battle
or the Cavalry if I can get
in. in
The Board bill was increased
some about a dollar or more
and that with some photographs
that I was obliged to get increases
my expenses more than I intend
so that I shall need some more money.
I have got enough to go to Boston
with; I am afraid you will think
that I have spent more than is
needfall, that I will not deny;
but I have not spent so much [[end page]]

[[start page]] as most of the boys in
Commons, indeed there are but
three or four that have spent less.
One thing is, that every thing
is higher, pilo tax, club tax,
and school tax, so that while
I will own that I have spent a
good deal, I cannot say that I
have been extravagant.
If I stay at Mrs. Root any
lent length of time, I shall
want to pay my board and
I don’t like to stay at my
Aunt’s because I do not feel at home.

Please remember me to
Mrs. Warren.

Yours Truly,
E. C. Houghton

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