A transcription of the letter is below.
Transcription by Nadia Shahab Diaz, class of 2017
Dec. 28th, 1863
Mr. Warren,
Dear friend,
I wish you a merry christmas
and Happy New Year and although
the greeting may come rather late,
it is none of the less warm
and heartfelt. I spent christmas
on picket, I believe the rest
of the Company spent it playing
ball. for a christmas dinner we
had a quart of good, nice, fresh beef soup.
An expedition left here for
Swansboro last thursday night,
it consisted of six Companies
of the 158 N.Y., two of the
ninth New Jersey, one Detachment
of this Company with a howitzer
and two or three companies of
the 3rd N.Y. Cavalry. [[end page]]
[[start page]] I was so unfortunate as not
to be picked out to go although
I was as well drilled on the
howitzer as any man that went,
but I have got the promise of
being picked the next time
a detachment goes from this
Company on an expedition.
Do you know whether Mr.
Hayward is stationed in Boston
Harbar now, if you see any of
Mr. Hayward family, please
remember me to them.
My health still continues
good and soldiering has not
yet lost its charms for me yet.
I received a letter from
Andover to day and it says
that school is quite full, there
being nearly 200 at present. the religious
interest is prevalent over the
school and there promises to [[end page]]
[[start page]] be another revival there this
winter, I hope it is true.
The news from the west is very
encouraging, I think I saw
a journal of Dec. 17th and it
contained Gen. Haleck’s message
report of the war. I think on
the whole, it looks hopefull.
I suppose by the time you
received this the draft will
have Commenced.
I am in hopes before next
spring to get transfered into
a light battery, if I do, I
shall probably be int the front
and so see more service than
I do now.
I hope you are still in good
I cannot think of much
more at present. [[end page]]
[[start page]] The expedition has just
returned, they went to
destroy some salt works
in Swansboro, none were
hurt and all come back alive.
There is great excitement among
the better class of young men for commission
in the corps DeAffrigue, so you
you must not be surprised to hear
of me in the Department of the
Gulf. but I don’t think you
need be very much afraid of it
at present at least.
but I am getting to the end of my
sheet. I will close, please give
my regard to Mrs. Warren.
Yours Truly,
Eugene C. Houghton