A transcription of the letter is below.
Transcription by Nadia Shahab Diaz, class of 2017
Camp Meigs Readville August 14, 1863
Mr. Warren,
Dear guardian,
I take this opportunity of writing
to you, I came out her monday
saturday evening and spent
the next day (sunday) doing
guard duty, it seemed very strange
on waking up sunday morning
to find it nearly the same as other
days of the week. I was on guard
48 hours in succession that is I
mean by that, that I was in
the guard squad being two hours
on at a time and four hours off
probably, this does not seem very [[end page]]
[[start page]] hard at first but the last
hours dag rather wearrar wearyly.
I am at present employed at
Headquarters acting ordly ordyly
Orderly untill the young man
that holds that position returns
from his Furlough, I have found
nothing yet to make me
regret that I enlisted. the Officers
have treated me as well as I
could wish or expect, every thing
is good but the food and that
is bad.
We may go off in about 30 days.
we have had several rumors to
that effect and I should not
wonder much if we did go. [[end page]]
[[start page]] My health continues good
and I hope will remain so
untill I returne. before I go,
if I have time, I will write what if I felt what
I wish would be done with
my things in case I did do not
come back alive.
I wish when you write you
would tell me (i.e. if you should
happen to know) wether Mr. Hayward
went off when the 1000
conscripts were sent off or not.
If you have any old Newspapers
that you have no use for,
I should like them to read.
My time is up, so I’m [[?]]
close. Please remember me [[end page]]
[[start page]] to Mrs. Warren.
Yours Truly,
Eugene C. Houghton
P.S. Please send my woolen
shirts if you have thave
them, my address is simply
E. C. Houghton C 2nd Reg’t Heavy
Artillery Company C Camp
Maeig Readville
Yours Truly,
E. C. Houghton