Originally from Andover, Massachusetts, Miriam Sweeney attended Abbot Academy from 1920 to 1923 while Bertha Bailey served as principal.
The pages in this scrapbook are faded and fragile. A couple of pages are slightly torn at the bottom and another two are completely torn apart, but in general the pages are in good condition.
This scrapbook is arranged in the following order: photographs of Abbot Academy, programs of events she attended; all her high school grades and the honor roll list, athletics the school offered accompanied by scores and pictures of the Abbot Day at Bradford (Abbot’s rival school located in Haverhill, Massachusetts) as well as pictures of Intervale (where students spent winter long weekend). Also included in the scrapbook are programs of dramatics as Sweeney participated in several plays including one in Spanish, some Valentine’s Day letters day were included, and school publications including the Courant (for which she wrote) as well as newspaper articles about her graduation and other pieces about Sweeney.
Sweeney’s scrapbook is mainly focused on her time at Abbot and includes some of her high school reunion invitations. She continued her education in the State Normal School of Lowell now known as University of Massachusetts Lowell. She chose to include her grade reports not only from Abbot but also from previous schools.
Additional items documenting Sweeney’s social life include letters she exchanged with Frank and Ken, from New Hampshire and Frank respectively. She also kept some of her birthday cards, one even signed by Frank, and a telegram from Ken wishing her a happy birthday. Sweeney included programs for senior recitals, commencement invitations and the schedule in addition to a few photos of herself.
A newspaper clipping links her to a charity ball and suggests she was related to Mary and Nora Sweeney, both whom were college teachers. Sweeney enjoyed her time at Abbot and later came back to some of the reunions, indicating the pride she felt for her alma mater.
by Ana Ballesteros, class of 2017
Scrapbook Box 69