Parker, Eugenia, 1912-1916

Eugenia Parker, Abbott Academy class of 1916, came from Winchester, Massachusetts. Eugenia’s scrapbook is an overstuffed, light blue book with a large dark blue A on the cover. On the inside cover of the book she has notes and signatures from her friends. Eugenia was an avid photograph collector and saved many photographs including portraits of her friends and panoramas of school plays. Unfortunately, none of these photos is labeled, making it difficult to decipher what they actually depict. Eugenia was also very cultured in the arts and music. She attended the Boston Symphony Orchestra many times and pasted the programs into her scrapbook. She also attended the Plymouth Theatre in Boston to see shows such as Djer-Kiss, and the November club.

Parker also attended many social events including dances, plays, sporting events, school recitals and weddings. Many times, she included a napkin in her scrapbook as a souvenir from the event. She pasted the playbill or the program of the performances she attended into her scrapbook. Eugenia went to the Andover/Exeter sporting events every year and was a spirited and energetic fan. She even collected objects such as chocolate wrappers and cigarettes that people dropped in the stands as mementos from the games. She also included an article and cartoon from the Andover/Exeter game that was featured in the Boston Globe. At the hockey games, she took notes on all of the players and the quality of their playing. Eugenia also attended many balls and dances. Parker included in her scrapbook a wrapper from the cigar she smoked and the wrapper of the gum she chewed to cover up the smell, from after a ball. She also included dance cards from multiple dances.

Eugenia Parker, 1916, scrapbook

Eugenia’s classes consisted of German, Geometry, Latin, and Drawing. The principal of Abbot Academy at the time was Bertha Bailey. Eugenia received personal notes from Miss Bailey, either inviting her to chat or to her home for coffee. At the time that Parker was at Abbot, Bailey was the school’s new principal. She attended Bailey’s inauguration in 1912, and included the program in the scrapbook. She seemed to have thought very highly of Miss Bailey.

Parker received many notes from her friends including one asking for love advice. She received things such as valentines, handwritten notes, invitations to formal events, and letters. Overall, Eugenia really appreciated culture and the arts. She always had plenty of activities to attend and people to see.

by Sydney Alepa, Class of 2015


Scrapbook Box 15