Levy, William, Jr., 1912

William M. Levy Jr, born in 1883, was an Andover student in the class of 1912. He was disqualified from military service and placed in class V. At Phillips Academy he was on class football and swimming teams. He played several musical instruments and was very interested in musicals, orchestras and plays. Levy’s school report indicates that he was not academically invested; he often had low marks and unexcused absences. He applied to Yale and got accepted.

The scrapbook mostly contains material on his courses, Phillips Academy sports and music, and some other random things.

There are multiple grade and physical tests reports as well as Yale entrance examination sheets for multiple subjects. Levy collected school menus, event schedules, two Phillipian newspapers, 1910-1911 student list, P.A. informational booklets, and many photos of various school places and students, even a photo of the entire class. He collected newspaper clippings and photographs of Andover’s new pool, which started Phillips Academy swimming program.

Levy collected various sport game schedules, scores and meets booklets, which have information about people on the team, focusing on Andover and Exeter scores against various other prep schools and well known collages, and rivalry between Andover and Exeter. Mostly it is about football, baseball, swimming and track. There are some mentions of hockey and basketball. It is interesting that he also included Yale-Harvard dual game meet in 1912 with results.

This scrapbook includes a few issues of “Tech Show” magazine about musical instruments, their prices, concert attire and various performances. There are many booklets and informational leaflets about various theatre performances. Levy attended many orchestral performances and saved the tickets. He even included the school song “Old P.A.”

In addition, Levy included a Red Cross seal, a few wedding invitations, booklets about attractions in various cities including, for instance, one called “Daily attractions in New York.” Of particular note, the scrapbook includes a menu from R.M.S. Lusitania with King George V coronation card on the cover.

by Gabriele Gucagaite, class of 2017

Scrapbook Box 74