Edward Ingraham, a resident of Bristol, Connecticut, graduated from Phillips Academy in 1906. The exterior of Ingraham’s scrapbook is blue, and there is minimal writing on the front cover. The spine of the book isn’t in very good shape. On the inside, there are many pages that have fallen out and are loose.
The contents of the scrapbook date from 1904 to 1906 and includes programs and schedules of the football, basketball, and baseball teams. The schedules are very interesting to look at because the teams played a lot of different teams compared to the teams Andover plays today. For example, the baseball team only played two other high schools, Hotchkiss and Exeter, during one of the seasons. The rest of their schedules were made up of local area teams and college freshman teams. Included was also a roster and descriptions of each player. At the end of each blurb, the college where each player was attending was listed. For most of the players, it was Yale University. Other schools Andover athletes went on to attend included Harvard, West Point, and Boston Tech (now MIT).
Ingraham documented a very interesting series of events in his scrapbook. There are a plethora of Phillpian articles centered on this one topic. A male student at Phillips Academy kissed a waitress at the Phillips Inn (now called the Andover Inn). The manager of the bar reported the student, and he was removed from the school. This sent members of the school into an absolute uproar. Several students threw the manager of the bar into the lake, and an investigation ensued. Furthermore, all the members of the school decided to sign a petition to get those involved out of trouble. If those involved were removed from the school, then every other student would have left the school as well. I found this situation interesting and shocking. The reaction of the students tells a lot about the time period. The school would not stand for something like that in this day and age. It was also at a time when the school only for boys.
by Matt Hosman, class of 2015
Scrapbook Box 28