A member of the Phillips Academy class of 1930, Edward P. Lee was originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and matriculated at Harvard University. He was a passionate musical concert and sporting event attendee, excelled in the subject of French and was involved in government projects in his hometown.
Lee’s scrapbook is a simple black, leather-book bound with black rope and lettered with Lee’s full name in gold. Most of the pages are intact but yellowing, and Lee’s keepsakes are either partially glued or simply tucked into the book.
At the beginning of the scrapbook there is a collection of newspaper clippings from the 1928 New York Herald and New York Times outlining the advantages of attending a prep school. Lee also includes Phillipian newspaper clippings about the construction of the Armillary Sphere and the Oliver Wendell Holmes Library on the Andover campus as well as numerous articles on student sporting events. The scrapbook comprises many academic keepsakes including graded exams (in physics, history and French), report cards and a list of school supplies. Lee also includes a praiseful house counselor letter among his grades for the winter term of his senior year. Documenting Lee’s active social life on the Andover campus, his scrapbook is scattered with ticket stubs, programs, and schedules for numerous scholarly, musical and sporting events. There is memorabilia from class day, graduation, and other senior milestones, musical programs for glee club and orchestra concerts, and Andover/Exeter competition schedules and outcomes. Additionally, Lee saved a large amount of ephemera: his senior year housing contract, a check from the Andover National Bank and a sheet of dining hall orders.
Near the end of the album, Lee includes documents from universities other than Harvard and towns other than Andover; there are numerous documents outlining the establishment of a national post office in Pittsburgh as well as musical and sports programs from the University of Pittsburgh and Schenley High School.
By Esther Cohen, Class of 2014
Scrapbook Box 4