Anderson, Daniel and Quint. 1945-1949

Little can be discerned about the owner of this scrapbook because there is no name or indication of ownership that can be found throughout. Beginning in 1945, the scrapbook chronologically follows events in sports and in school politics; the last article dates to the mid 1950s. The closest to any identifying marks that can be found consist of the repetitive underlining of the name Dan Anderson as well as the followings of his activities through sports, mainly as captain varsity soccer and the president of the Society of Inquiry, however, the focus changes as sports clippings give way to articles focusing on the Phillipian and especially the Student Body Head, Raymond “Quint” Anderson. The Andersons look remarkably similar, and it is possible that the two were siblings, having passed the book from Dan to Quint when Dan graduated in 1946.

The book starts at the beginning of the fall 1945 soccer season and mainly consists of clippings from the Phillippian about the games. Dan’s name, along with the names of several others, is repeatedly underlined as he appears in the articles. Occasional clippings of a cartoon that appears to have run in the Phillipian can be found along with notes about the Society of Inquiry. As the soccer season drew to an end the scrapbook records the successful winter and spring sports of that year, although Dan does not appear again. Dan graduated in 1946 and went on to Princeton University.

In the latter part of the book, the newspaper clippings follow Quint’s time as Student Body Head and the various meeting that he led and speeches he gave. He resigned from his position his senior year, saying that he felt over-committed to too many other clubs and organizations and felt that the students deserved someone who could commit to them as a leader. No indication of his other activities is presented in the scrapbook. Quint graduated Phillips Academy in 1949.

By Eric Alpert, Class of 2014