Bovey, Martin 1920

Martin Bovey was a member of the class of 1920. From the limited information available about him in his scrapbook we know that Bovey was from Minneapolis, Minnesota, entered Phillips Academy in 1917 and went on to study at Yale afterwards. His scrapbook, in general, is in poor condition, as the pages are no longer attached to the core of the book. Pages are falling out and are generally very brittle.

The most prominent topic of Bovey’s scrapbook is sports. The first two pages display the names of players on the football team in 1917 and 1918, after which there are long pages of photos about football. There are photographs of individual players, games photos, and team photos as well. After the segment of images there is an array of newspaper articles, which include articles of game reports and commentaries, opinion articles on evaluating players, and previews of upcoming matches. The scrapbook also puts a special emphasis on the Andover-Exeter games. There are two preview booklets of the “Annual Football Game” from the year 1917 and 1919, and there is a whole page dedicated to the outcome of the Andover-Exeter matches. The results of the football games are listed from 1878 to 1916, baseball from 1878 to 1912, and track from 1897 to 1912.

Second, there are school life related materials in the scrapbook. Bovey included the list of his subscription for the Mirror, a Philippian card, and several other club-related materials. More interestingly, however, we can also see his grade book for the fall of 1919, and his sheet of absences. In addition, there is the schedule of the recitations for the fall term of 1919, which gives the reader a sense of the subjects the students were taking, lists the names of teachers and the buildings on campus.

Lastly, Bovey included a newspaper crop-out of a roll of honor listing the names of Phillips Academy students who died in the First World War. An article about Bovey also suggests that he had to miss a whole school year during his studies at Phillips Academy; he may have left the school that year in order to participate in the war. Thus, he is probably the person who is portrayed on the numerous photos of a young man in military uniform, while the older man on one of the other photos might have been his general.

by Tamas Tolerian, class of 2018

Scrapbook Box 77