In celebration of the nuptials of Mr Phillips and Miss Foxcroft
Humbly presented to the bride
Before this day which shines serenely bright
Completes its revolution; and yon clock
That faithful monitor, that counts the time
Strikes twelve to warn us of the midnight hour
Will be enroll’d in Hymen’s sacred list
The happiest couple and the worthiest too
That ever yet adorn’d the nuptial torch
The wise, the virtuous, and the friendly fair,
The pride, and ornament of all her sex.
Then will be the partner of the man
Nature [illegible] looks glad; conscious that good
Will spring from such a match to bless mankind
Pheobus this morn, with more than usual pomp,
Above the Eastern Horizon arose;
And, having mounted his Ethereal Car,
With smiling aspect travel up the Sky
Seeming rejoic’d to think ‘ere long the World
Shall shine illustrious with the noble Race,
Endow’d by nature with a genius bright,
Deriv’d form Parents of superior minds.
This is a Match, that rare that was form’d in heaven,
By God himself ordained for wisest Ends;
Such noble hearts were made to blend in one,
To share each other’s bliss and live in Love!
O happy Pair! the Muses wish you Joy,
With whom your friends transported all unite
To celebrate the day—the glorious day,
Whose Sun beholds you join’d in Wedlock Bands!
Box 5, Folder 14
Phillips Academy collection
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections