These recipes, pulled from the desk of Samuel Phillips, instruct the reader on how to make such dishes as “orange pudding” and “quince wine.”
Orange Pudding
Take three fair oranges, cut them and squeeze off their juice
into a clean pan, boil the peels in two or three litres till the
bitterness is off then pick out the pulp and the strings and beat
the peel very fine in your mortar, with orange flower water
then mix it up with the strain’d juice; add to it nine eggs,
leaving out four whites, half a pound of butter, & sugar to your
taste. Put a pff-paste at the bottom of your dish.
An Almond Pudding
Beat half a pound of good sweet almonds, with orange flower
water, grated diet breads or a half a pound of butter, and four
large spoonfuls of sack, eight eggs, leaving out half the whites,
and a quart of cream, with sugar to your taste.
A Rice Pudding
Grind or beat half a pound of rice to flower, mix it by degrees
with three pints of milk, and thicken it over the fire with care,
for fear of burning till ’tis like a hasty-pudding: when tis so
thick, pour it out, and let it stand to cool: put to it nine eggs
(but half the whites) three or four spoonfuls of orange flower
water: melt almost a pound of good butter, & sweeten it to your
taste. Add sweet-meats if you please.
Quince Wine
Clean the quinces with a coarse cloth, then grate them
on large graters; then squeeze them through a linen strainer, to
clear it from the gross thickness; then squeeze it through a flannel
strainer, to clear it from all the thick that remains: to every
gallon of this liquor put two pounds of single lofe sugar; let it
dissolve, & pour it off several times, as it settles to the bottom; do this
at night and at day: when tis fine, put it onto your vessel but don’t
[ill.] for a week, nor bottle it in 6 months.
Box 5 Folder 11.2
Phillips Family Papers
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections