Samuel Phillips’s account of salary arrears, May 13, 1762

Samuel Phillips’s account of salary arrears, 1762

I Samuel Phillips of Andover in the County of Essex, and Province of the Massachusetts bay in New-England, Clerk, do by these Presents Authorize & fully Impower my eldest & well beloved Son, Mr. Samuel Phillips junr of Andover aforesd, Merchant, to Prosecute in my Name, and as my Lawfull Attorney, to the utmost, in the Civil Law, all and Every Such Person or Persons who have Trespassed, or who shall hereafter Trespass upon any of my Lands lying in the Province of New Hampshire in New-England, viz. in Londonderry, Windham, Chester or Freetown (so called) Namely, Whether the Trespass be a Cutting down, or Carrying off any Timber or other Wood of what name or kind soever, belonging to any of my said Lands, or a making of any Spoil or any Encroachment thereon in any form whatsoever. And I also Give the sd Samuel Phillips junr full Power to Substitute one or more Persons to Prosecute all such Trespassers, as abovesaid. In Witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand & Seal in Andover, this Twenthyeth Day of February, Anno-Dom:, On thousand Seven hundred and Fifty, Fifty-one.
Signed Seald of Deliv_d
In presence of us
George Abbot Samuel Phillips Nathan Blanchard
Essex Co: Andover Feb: 28th, 1750, 51.
Then the above named Samuel Phillips personally appeared and freely Acknowledged the above written Instrument to be his Voluntary act and deed,
Before me. John Osgood, Justice of the Peace

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