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Dear Child, July 6,1741
I am glad and thankful that the work of God is still going on in Boston and to find that you are so well disposed & determined; and whereas you [[desire?]] some directions from me I know not what better to give you than yt of our Lord & Saviour to his Disciples which if you headfully observe you shall do well viz., watch and pray _ O be not confident of your own strength nor have any dependence on your own present zeal and Resolution but be jealous over
yr self and let your jealously excite you to watch, lest you by any means whatever be overcome either to omit or trifle in Religious Duty. Probably you are sometimes ready to think, that you shall never draw back from, or become sluggish in the service of so good a master: but alas! how many have that as you do and yet have soon left their first love, for being pleased with their own zeal as tho sufficient, they have not taken a due care to preserve it, and so it has gradually [languishd & come to little: I tell you there is no preserving this Holy fire but by continuall watchfullness & fervent prayer _ and as you may not have any dependance on your own zeal and strength and Resolution, so neither on the ordinances of God in themselves considered nor upon your own attendance on y same; No indeed, but Renounce your own Righteousness and be willing to be beholden to thirst for righteousness that you may be justified; Learn I say, to go out of your own self more & more, and to live by faith in y Son of God_ And if at anytime, you find your self almost discouraged because you think God does not hear your prayers then remember that God is trying your affection towards him, and whether you Love him for what he is, as well for what he has, and whether you are determined to follow hard after him, whatever be the event of it: Also bear in mind that not only Religion, but even civility and good manners teach you to wait on your Superiors, and especially on y great Creator & Redeemer
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until he shall see meet to answer your Requests; O do not go about to limit y Holy one of Israel either as to y time on y manner of his fulfilling your desiers, but hope and quietly wait for his Salvation, for he is ever good ye Soul that Seeketh him and if he answers you not in the letter so as to give you the particular thing which you ask of him, yet he will answer you in that which is better; you and he will grant you your particular Request provided it shall be best for you; that is to say, when he has prepard you for a thankful reception & a fruitfull improvement of ye same, wherefore to use the words of the Pslamist (in Psalm [[illegible]]) wait on the Lord b of Good courage and he shall strengthen they Heart: wait I say on ye Lord~~ This Child be very humble diligent and patient in your seeking to and waiting for the Lord and let love be the principal you act from, I dont mean self love, or a desier meerly & only to obtain peace and comfort hear & happiness heareafter;
Box 1 Folder 1-2
Phillips Family Papers
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections