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Transcription (11):
O Lord be thou my strength in my
trouble, for – I fly unto thee for help
and for inccour!
Transcription (12) Page 1:
A Christian behaviour and deportment,
under the sense of fruitlessness, expressing an
holy submission of [illegible] unto God as sovereign,
much humility of mind before Him, justifying
of God and taking guilt to themselves, with a
firm resolution to wait on patiently, in
the use of means appointed, cannot but
be edifying to Christian souls; such exercises
being really the works and fruit of
the Spirit of grace working in them.
God hath his own time for making good all
his promises, and we must not [illegible] Him
to a Day
(12) Page 2.
The lives of the righteous feed many: [Prov 10.21]—The lives
of the wise disperse knowledge.[Prov 15.7]
Let us be as duty, leaving the event to God.
Right faith will lay, tho’ he lay me, yet will [illegible] Him!
O Lord I beseach thee, let now thine ear be attentive
to the Prayer of thy Servants, who desire to savor
thy Name.
What can we know of God, but that he far
transcendeth all our knowledge, and that He is
an incomprehensible one in all his ways.
There is no perfection in knowledge but God have, for
have, the least but [illegible] part & [illegible] in
past —
Transcription (13) Page 1:
“Lift up your eyes Christian, & see what pleasures there are
“within the veil.” Come drink thy fill of the mead wine, let thy
faith draw the curtains of Eternity, & take a view of those
height, & depths, & lengths & breadths of that glory & joy, which
there it may discover. Look on him that “sits on the
throne,” and those everlasting treasures of light, holiness,
goodness, and mercy which are streaming from his face,
on those over-flowing bowells of kindness & compassion,
on those rivers of peace & eternal pleasures, next and
peace that rise from that glorious throne, and run
through the city of God. Behold the “Tree of Life,” and
feed thy soul on it, piece over faith, whose very leaves
are for the healing of the National Heathen to, & fill thine
ear & heart with those triumphs & exaltations, those
raptures & [illegible] of unspeakable & glorious joy, turned
upon the heart & tongues of the Heavenly love in the
Glorious Angels, “and the spirits of such just men made, perfect,”
by the [illegible] of thy God, the God of Glory.
Look on & profess, this Joy & Glory; say to thy
soul as God to liberation — “Lift up thine eyes & look
From the place where thou ask, Northward, & southward,
& eastward & westward,” through all the Coats & all the
dimensions of the blessed land of Promise, , the Holy City,
& then say, “Come soul, take up thy rest here, all this is thine.”
Box 2 Folder 1C
Phillips Family Papers
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections