Phillips Academy contract with principal Eliphalet Pearson, April 29, 1778

It is agreed between the Trustees of Phillips School so called in Andover on the one part and Eliphalet Pearson of said Andover Gentleman on the other part that the said Pearson shall officiate as Preceptor of said School for the present year which is to by computed from the first day of April instant and will to the best of his abilities perform the duties of said office arguably to the institution of the Founders and those established by the Trustees and that in consideration thereof he shall have the use and improvement of all the lands lying in said Andover and belonging to said School for the same term ~ and wood from the wood lot in Wilmington belonging to said School, and in case of very difficult transportation then supply from said land in Andover sufficient to supply a family at the Mansion house standing on the land purchased of Joshua Holt and shall be paid the sum of eighty pounds ~ This also agreed that the hay raised at said lands shall be [illegible] on it ~ In witness whereof the said Pearson and the Treasurer of said Trustees have hereto put their hands and seals this Twenty ninth day of April A.D. 1778 ~

Signd and delivered
In the presence of ~ Nehemiah Abbot Esq

Phoebe Phillips Eliphalet Pearson

Page 2:
School Contract
Andover April 21, 1779
Rev. of [?] Nehemiah Abbot Treasurer of Phillips School eighty Pound in full for Salary, & have recvd the improvement of the Land according to the written contract.
Eliphalet Pearson

Box 1 Folder 55-56
Phillips Family Papers
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections

Oliver Wendell Holmes Library || Phillips Academy