Petition from Andover Citizens, 18th Century

Petition from Andover Citizens, 18th Century, regarding a road.

To the inhabitants of the Town of Andover


The Petition of we whose Names are Underwritten
Humbly herewith that Whereas at Boston Brook in the Road which was Laid out from the House of mr Edward Gray to ye North meeting House in sd Town There being a Very Difficult place to pass and Repass and sd Road is now become of Considerable use We not only of ye Town Inhabitants but also of Strangers but Especially our Towns people are necessitated to make more use of sd Road latterly then they were for some time past and own Request is Gentlemen Since sd way is become of useful and the aforenamed place to Exceeding Deficult to pass that you would afford us the subscribers Some attendance to make it passable and our humble Request is that ye Town would consider the burden it would be to a few private persons to do sd services entirely themselves & grant us acceptance as aforesd which is the request of your humble petitioners who are as follows

Edward Gray

James Fry

Abel Frie

Nathan Frie

Ezekiel Carlton

Daniel Colby

Samuel Holt

Jonny Ingalls

Joseph Martain

Joseph Ingalls

Daniel Carlton

John Frie



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Phillips Family Papers
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections

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