John Phillips to Samuel Phillips Correspondence, 1771


Dear Kinsman, Exeter 26 Aug. 1771
Master Moody inform’d me you had thoughts of journeying Southward, but he was totally averse to you being innoculated; & as there is great danger of your taking ye distemper, and tis almost certain Death for any, from hence taking in ye natural way – you will further advise [[page ripped]]
Sho’d you not take this tour; I with you would acquaint yor your parents with mr. Moody’s scheme of studying Law at Judge Parker’s, and if they do not wholly disapprove of it, I shall hope for the pleasure of your company, at the sitting of the Superiour Court here next week, and further up country North etc. etc.
I presume not to counsel, but rather wish to commit you to the conduct of ye unerring Counsellor, and am, with Love to Brother and Sister,

Your loving Uncle
P.s. The small pox is in
Connect. Gov.

Mr. Samu’l Phillips

Box 6, Folder 3.4
Phillips Family Papers
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections

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