Gift of John Phillips (founder of Phillips Exeter Academy) to the Trustees of Phillips Academy dating 1794 (original document can be found in Box 1, Folder 61 of the Phillips Family Collection).
Know all Men by these present that I, John Phillips
of Exeter in the County of Rockingham and State of
New Hampshire Esq., for and in Consideration of the
sum of five shillings, paid me by the Trustees of Phillips
Academy in Andover in the County of Essex and Common
-wealth of Massachusetts, and other good causes me there
unto moveing [sic], more especially a Desire or Inclination
to promote the Interest and Happiness of future Generations
by Aiding and encouraging the Education of Youth, have
Given and Granted and, by these present, do remise, release, and forever
Quit claim unto the said Trustees of Phillips Academy a Bond
signed by John Potter & Michael Farley of Ipswich in said Coun
-ty of Essex for the sum of three hundred pounds payable
to me, the said John Phillips, which Bond has been sent
in suit in said county of Essex in my name and
hath been refered [sic] to the determination of a Rule of Court,
of which Rule Benjamin Goodhue of Salem and Ebenezer
March of Newbury Esq. were appointed members, with one other
person — so have [ill.] and to hold the same or whatever sum
hath or may be collected thereon, to them, the said Trustees
of said Academy or their successors in said Office, so that
neither I, the said John Phillips, nor my Heirs, Executor, or Ad-
-ministrator, or any Person claiming by, from, or under me
or them shall have any future claims, challenges, or Demand
to any part or parecell [sic] thereof forever. Witness my
hand and seal this eighth day of July on the year
of our LORD one Thousand seven Hundred and ninety four.
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In presence of
John Phillips [signature]
Abiah Holbrook [signature]
Jacob Abbot [signature]
State of New Hampshire, Rockingham,
Exeter 8th July 1794 John Phillips Esquire approved
& acknowledged this Instrument his free Act and Deed
Box 1 Folder 61
Phillips Family Papers
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections