Elizabeth Phillips to son Judge Samuel Phillips 5th, May 4, 1766

Elizabeth Phillips to son Judge Samuel Phillips 5th, May 4, 1766. Page 1.

Dear Samll                                              Andover May 4-1766

I Send you These few lines Hoping they find you in health and Chearfull in your employment.
O Remember the one thing needfull and that is an Interest in Christ: we are told to seek and we Shall find that a promise – But then then we are not to seek in a cool [illegible] manner- But with our noblhearts.
as won [illegible] says Christ is apointed head of the Church as to all end and uses whatsoever – that what ever grace we need we must recieve it From Christ our head.
And he is appointed of the Father to give it out O [[Labour?]] after a holy skill? to Divine grace from Christ as head of the Church- he says we are greatly Defective hear — he is apt to think none are acquainted with Living upon the righteousness of Christ for Justification than they are acquainted with the way of Divine Grace and Spiritual influence from Christ the head of the Church for Sanctification it is not enough that we know how to have [illegible] to Christ for pardon and justification. But we Should be acquainted with Christ as head of Church and Live upon him for actual grace and Spiritual influence John 154 Abide in me and in you- we must Learn that Skill to abide in Christ by the attractive acts of Faith or we Shall make Littel of Sanctification.
it may be you think you Bear no relation to the Church- But are not you mistaken you was Given to God Baptism and if you Give your Self to God in Secret [[his?]] and to be at his Disposal and take

Elizabeth Phillips to son Judge Samuel Phillips 5th, May 4, 1766. Page 2.

















Box 1, Folder 12-13
Phillips Family Papers
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections

Oliver Wendell Holmes Library || Phillips Academy