Dear Sammy August 10 1767
We are much pleased that you are so well satisfied & contented with your birth hope you consider a kind providence as ye first cause in this as well as in every other now whether prosperity is best if it makes us either carnal or secure or if [[strikethrough]] was not [[/strikethrough]] thankfull we must expect adversity [[illegible]] its much more greatfull to heeven to be Drawn then Drove
Its uncertain when your father will come down we are full of business- have built the [[illegible]] & other things
Seing your father dident see course to send ye spoon dont think it would be prudense for me to send it he knows you could spoons I trust you wont be discontented hope your wants will be supplied soon
Have sent 3 shirts 2 caps 1 towel 1 pr stockings
We are all well & seend our Love
from your effectionate mother Elisabeth Phillips
your granmother has been to our house John Porter is dangeresly sick with a nervus fever
if reckn’d right haven’t Linen enough to last til you come home but send more ye first opertunyti if you want
Box 1, Folder 17
Phillips Family Papers
Phillips Academy Archives & Special Collections