John M. Kemper, 1948-1972 Collection Guide

John M. Kemper (1948-1972): List of Correspondence below (alphabetical within five-year chunks).

PDFs of list of Kemper correspondence:
1948-1952 Box 1-6
1948-1952 Box 7-11
1952-1957 Box 1-9
1957-1962 Box 1-9
1957-1962 Box 10-12 and 1967-1972 Box 1-6
1967-1972 Box 7-26
1962-1967 Box 1-26

NOTE: In addition to the administrative records listed below, the Headmaster Kemper collection includes six records cartons of Kemper’s private papers including material pertaining to Kemper’s service on the President’s Commission on an All-Volunteer Army, 1969-1970.

1948-1952 Box 1 Abbot Academy-Alumni Educational Policy Committee
1948-1952 Box 2 Andover Graduates at Yale – Blair Academy
1948-1952 Box 3 Boston & Maine Railroad – Commonwealth Fund Annual Report
1948-1952 Box 4 Conference on Education for Public Service – Faculty Seminars
1948-1952 Box 5 Failures by subjects and courses – Henning
1948-1952 Box 6 Hill School – Kemper: Engagements
1948-1952 Box 7 Kemper reports – Julian S. Mason
1948-1952 Box 8 Commonwealth of Massachusetts – M Misc.
1948-1952 Box 9 National Association of Secondary School Principals – O Misc.
1948-1952 Box 10 Parents Fund – School and College Study
1948-1952 Box 11 Seymour – YMCA International

1952-1957 Box 1 CISA Marion Harper – Kemper: Engagements
1952-1957 Box 2 Council for financial aid to education – Engagements
1952-1957 Box 3 Addison Gallery – Archaeology Dept.
1952-1957 Box 4 Arts Association – Curriculum
1952-1957 Box 5 Curriculum – G Miscellaneous
1952-1957 Box 6 Harvard University – L Miscellaneous
1952-1957 Box 7 Meals – Newcomen Dinner
1952-1957 Box 8 Personnel – Senior House
1952-1957 Box 9 Snow, Franklin – Wickwire, Jere

1957-1962 Box 1 Abbot Academy – American School
1957-1962 Box 2 Architects Collaborative – Andover Program
1957-1962 Box 3 Andover, Town – Architects Collaborative
1957-1962 Box 4 Aspects of School Life – Boathouse
1957-1962 Box 5 Boys Club of New York – Coast Guard Academy
1957-1962 Box 6 Coast Guard Academy
1957-1962 Box 7 Conference of superintendents of the academies of the armed forces – Council for Independent School Aid
1957-1962 Box 8 Council for Independent School Aid – Crosby Family
1957-1962 Box 9 Culver Military Academy – C Misc.
1957-1962 Box 10 Dartmouth/Andover Math Institute – Forms and Mailing Pieces
1957-1962 Box 11 Foundation Presentations – Harvard University
1957-1962 Box 12 Headmasters Association – Instructor & Housemaster File

1962-1967 Box 1-26

1967-1972 Box 1 Abbott, Paul – A Better Chance (ABC)/ISTSP
1967-1972 Box 2 A Better Chance (ABC)/ISTSP – Advanced Placement
1967-1972 Box 3 Afro-American Society – Alumni Trip
1967-1972 Box 4 Alumni Trip – Aspen Institute
1967-1972 Box 5 Assemblies – Byington
1967-1972 Box 6 Buildings and Grounds – Composition of Student Body
1967-1972 Box 7 Dartmouth College – Evening Study Program
1967-1972 Box 9 E Miscellaneous – Four-School Study
1967-1972 Box 10 Four-School Study – Grading Scale
1967-1972 Box 11 G Miscellaneous – H Miscellaneous
1967-1972 Box 12 Hi-Hz Miscellaneous – K Miscellaneous
1967-1972 Box 13 Lawrence, City of – Moravec
1967-1972 Box 14 Music Dept. – National Association of Independent Schools
1967-1972 Box 15 National Association of Independent Schools – New England Student Government Conference

Kemper records, 1948-1952

Box 1

Samples of Stationery used by Kemper

Abbot Academy July 1948- November 1951 about 25 letters
Abbot Academy Principal Marguerite Hearsey welcomes JMK and assures him that his job will not be monotonous. JMK’s mother was an Abbot alumna. An account of early fund-raising problems written by the Rev. John Lord Taylor, treasurer, 1852-?? Routine stuff.

American Academy of Arts & Sciences 1949 2 letters

Accelerated program
A memo prepared for JMK by Richard Pieters (?) in 1951 explaining PA’S program during World War II for boys drafted during a school year.

Admission Research Committee on Enrollment about 50 pages.
1949 committee studied entrance exams, examined faculty and parent complaints, and analyzed the mortality rate of PA students as a basis for possible changes In admission policies and recruiting. Notes & minutes of meetings. This study is prompted by a lack of high- quality, full-tuition applicants. Lots of charts, statistics, and data.

Alumni Educational Policy Committee 1951-1952 about 40 pages
Mostly correspondence with members setting up the committee meetings and agendas. Some alumni comment on what the faculty should get.

Addison Gallery of American Art 1948-1952 thick file
Lists of Gifts of art to Addison Gallery. Resume of a discussion on art as part of a general education. Bart Hayes suggests purchasing some Currier & Ives and other prints decorating the Inn (1949) Report on the operation of the Gallery 1947-1948. Report of the Arts Association of N. E Prep Schools. Annual Reports 1949-1950 and 1950-1951.

Addison Gallery 1943-1948 thick file
Annual report in 1943 with sample scripts of the Gallery’s radio program on WLAW. Lists of acquisitions. Annual reports for 1943-1944, 1944-1945, 1945-46, 1946-1947. In each report, Bartlett Hayes tries to assess the role of Addison in the context of PA and in that of the community. Claude Moore Fuess (CMF) is interested In purchasing a painting from the Addison collection until ie learns the price (1948)

Addison Gallery 1938-1943 thick file
Report on plans to set up an association of sponsors for the Addison Gallery in 1938. A report from C. Sawyer in 1940 to the Art Committee. 1940 report on the status of the Art dept. Several lists of acquisitions by gift & purchase. Hayes looks for a raise for Patrick Morgan, Art teacher Some confusion over a drawing of Sargent by H.M.Crosby bought for PA and proper credit not given to donors. CMF expresses firm support for Addison Gallery, even though he doesn’t go there very often. (1942)

Addison Gallery 1933-1938 thick file
Annual Report 1932-33. More lists of acquisitions. A list of picture valuations. Annual report 1934-1935, 1935-1936. A report on the state of art education in secondary schools with recommendations for PA by B. Hayes, 1936. An assessment of 4 PA grads as possible art instructors in 1937. A brief history of the collections of the the Addison Gallery (no date). Report on art and music courses at PA by Pfatteicher & Sawyer

Addison Gallery 1928-1933 thick file
More lists of acquisitions. Loan to Museum of Modern Art
Copy of Art Notes, publication of the Macbeth Gallery, whose director is one of Addison’s art committee. Chas. Sawyer discusses the importance of art education in secondary schools, 1932. Annual report, 1931-32. Catalog of paintings by American artists owned by PA in 1928.

Alumni Educational Policy Committee 1950-1951 thick file
JMK appoints’ a committee of alumni to advise on various curriculum revision plans. Recommendations made in areas of foreign language, history, science, Bible, and fine arts. File includes correspondence setting up meetings, list of committee members, Bromwell Ault is co-chairman with JMK.

Kemper records, 1948-1952

Box 2

Andover Graduates at Yale 1949

A paper by Dean R. C. Carroll of Yale studying the careers of Andover grads at Yale before and after the war.

Andover and the Colleges 1949

A paper by G. Benedict given to a faculty seminar in May 1949 (as was the above paper) about why PA grads choose the colleges they do.

Andover Sporting Publications1952
One memo to Kemper recommending that he discourage the activities of Andover Sporting Publications headed by Bob Ornsteen.

Andover Summer Session 1949

A paper for the faculty seminar by Floyd T. Humphries.

Andover, Town of    1948  one letter
From JMK thanking the fire dep’t for prompt action in dealing with a fire at Abbot House in Dec., 1948.

Archaeology 1901-1940 Very thick file
Copies of correspondence and will relating the the gift of Mr.& Mrs. Peabody for the purpose of establishing a dept of archeology. Letter from Ellas Bishop to AES suggesting that some of the Peabody money be spent for a kind of club room in the archeology building, where students could get sandwiches and ginger pop. This would “…go a long way toward solving the problem of ‘Chaps’. I regard ‘Chaps’ as a serious menace to the moral welfare of the school and some of the stories which I have heard would lead me to go a long way to provide something else for the boys.” (Ellas B. Bishop to Alfred E Stearns, Boston* March 15, 1911) Report of the Advisory Committee on Archaeology, 1914. Report on the Peabody Union by a committee of investigation ( no date) Mr. Moorehead disagrees with Mr. Ropes as to the activities of the arch. dept. in the Mississippi Valley. (1924) Moorehead asks for more funds, at least as much as Kidder gets, for his field work. (1925) He worries about students using his space for other activities and too many keys to the building being in circulation. Report in newspaper of Lindbergh’s visit to PA dig in New Mexico.
Funds acquired for a Merrimack Valley archaeological survey. (1930)
King Phillip’s War Club sold to Miss Sears (1930) Kidder writes to CMF not to let Moorehead give the Pecos collection to the New Mexico Museum. “Warren is so trustful a soul that he might well have been bamboozled by the wily director aforesaid,…Warren doesn’t understand the Phillips Academy-New Mexico situation, though I’ve tried to explain it to him,” (Alfred Kidder to Claude Puess, Globe, Ariz., March 20, 1934) Moorehead applies for a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1934. Estimates on the cost of remodeling the Archaeology Museum. In Aug., 1936, CMF gives Moorehead permission to turn over the text, diagrams, etc. of PA’S copywrited Archaeology of Maine to the State of Maine. Later, in 1937. Douglas Byers advises CMF that the book is hopelessly out of date and republication might embarass both Moorehead and PA.’ CMF admits he knows nothing about archeology. Moorehead makes a final report on his years as director in 1938. Many tributes to Moorehead on his death in 1939.
Dr. Charles Peabody writes from Paris In 1939 that he is destitute and could PA give him some funds, since he never received a salary when he worked there. The Peabody museum In Cambridge receives a similar letter. CMF says he was left lots of money and has frittered it away. “It is perfectly obvious that we have no moral or legal obligation in the matter, but of course no one here would wish to have a relative of one of our great benefactors starve.” (Claude Fuess to Dr. Donald Scott, Peabody Museum Cambridge, Andover, July 1,1939) Peabody’s son recommends, that nobody pass a hat for his father, since he left his wife to go to France and has-married a French woman whose able-bodied relatives are all living off Dr. Peabody, and that he is not that badly off. Douglas Byers writes an interesting letter on the state of the Archaeology Dept in Sep, 1939. saying the Moorehead was a figurehead for the last years of his directorship with Byers doing all the work.
He is also upset about the status of Mr. Travis, “…wished on this Department, by Mr. Sawyer in a way which I consider most unethical and in a way which at the same time it was impossible to refuse.” (Douglas Byers to Philip L. Reed, Andover,-Sep. 29,1939) CMF concurs with Byers about Travis, saving that he can add interesting and almost incredible details about him. Annual report of the Archaeology Dept, 1939. A linguistic map of Mexico and Central America by Frederick Johnson.

Archaeology 1940-1948 thick file
Further developments in the Boylston Street Fishweir excavation reported in the 1939 Annual Report in the preceding folder. Dr. Johnson requests funds from the Am Academy of Arts & Sciences to publish findings. Eli Lilly gives $2000 to the Dept in memory of Dr. Moorehead. Annual Report for 1942 outlines the dept’s efforts toward defense. Dr. Johnson describes his “war course” in map-reading & geography, some preliminary annual budgets for the Arch. dept. CMF writes an official letter identifying Dr. Johnson and his associates as loyal US citizens so they can continue -their work on sites near military installations in 1943. Outline of a proposed expedition to Alaska, April, 1944. Several letters & memos concerning “the placing of a memorial plaque to Dr. Moorehead by his family. Annual report for 1944. Copy of Prehistoric America and the River Valleys published by the Committee for the Recovery of Archeological Remains (Johnson is a prominent member) Some information on the Andover-Harvard Yukon Expedition of 1948.. Annual report for 1947. More on the Great Auk. Johnson is involved in early studies with Carbon-14 dating.

Archaeology 1948-1952 thick file
Reprint of an article. American Archaeologv, 1948. edited bv Johnson. Also American Archaeology,1949. Annual report, 1950. American Archaeology, 1950, edited (as the other two) by Johnson. Also some preliminary budgets.

Athletic Department: Policies Governing Administration 1950-1951

One mimeographed pamphlet detailing procedures and duties

Athletic Dept 1948-1962 very thick file
A review of athletic facilities and outline of what is needed, (no date: 1948?). Athletic dept seeks closer relationship with the PR dept. in 1949. Annual Report and summary of Sports Results, 1949-1950. Example of a new phys. ed. appraisal report to parents, 1950.
Annual Report, 1950. Another analysis of the Athletic dept with recommendations for Improvement In 1950- 1950-1951 budget by report. many reports, collections of statistics, ete. Minutes of the Athletic Committee. A few references to tournaments-&-meets. Lists of boys who scored low in physical aptitude tests, 1951- Lengthy “Philosophy and Policies which guide the administration of the program of physical education” prepared by Ed Shea. Decision made to rent rather than provide uniforms for boys other than varsity, Preliminary report of the committee on awards, also final report of same, 1952.

Athletic Dept. 1941-1948 2 reports, copies of letters
Emphasis on an Integrated P.E. & athletic program in a 1945 report. Letters to alumni asking them to play in annual Alumni vs. School baseball game.

Athletic Dept. West Point’s P.E. Program few letters, mimeo info
Booklet on West Point intramural regulations; other west Point stuff. Shea arranges to go study methods at West Point, 1951.

Baldridge. Malcom. 1949 2 letters
Alumni affairs

Baldy. Fred. 1950 4 letters
Routine pleasantries

Bale. Frederick. PA 1902 1949-1950 3 letters

Beaver Country Day School 1949 5 letters
Routine; some discussion of Rorschach testing.

Bedford-Rippowam School 1946-1951 7 letters
Routine, with some mention of individual students.

Belmont Hill School 1951 one memo
Report on accident involving a Belmont Hill student injured on the hockey rink, not seriously.

Benezet, Louis B. 1948-1950 4 letters
A former teacher of JMK who advises him that the doctrine of ‘formal discipline’ ie, the study of Latin and other difficult & outmoded subjects is detrimental to student development. JMK outlines the theory of his curriculum revision program.

Benner House 1951 letter 4 memo
Leon Davidson cannot make the grill profitable and so parts company with PA.

Berkshire School 1948-1951 6 letters

A list of scholarship boys sponsored by alumni across the US; both successful and unsuccessful in 1948.

Berkshire Industrial Farm 1949-1950 2 annual reports, 1949, 1950
JMK apparently a director of this home for boys in trouble.

Black, George 1950 2 letters

Blair Academy 1949-1950 9 letters


Kemper 1948-1952 

Box 3

Boston & Maine Railroad 1948  4 letters
Regarding special stops at Andover on Sunday nights by the Boston train.

Boston University 1950 5 letters

PA cooperates in a BU study on the economic importance of N.E. educational institutions.

British Committee, Teacher’s Exchange 1951  5 items
Application forms of 3 British teachers Interested in teaching a year in the US: James Gibb. Sherborne School; Arthur Harsden, Eton, and Eric Hudson-Davies, Harrow

British Information Service 1951    one letter
Asks for film of the soccer final cup matches.

Brooks School 1948-1951
Routine. Several copies of “The Next Voter,” a political science newspaper published by Brooks students.

Buckley Country Day School 1950 one letter

Buckley School 1948-1951 19 items
An Assessment of JMK by J. Adriance: (in a lighter vein) “…he has a strong attachment for woodworking. cigarettes, sailing, and a gaudy houndstooth sports jacket. His closest approach to militarizing P.A. has consisted of his indoctrinating our magnificent student band in the rudiments of formation marching.” (James Adriance to James Hubball, May 1950). Ref. to individual students.

Buildings & Grounds 1952-1957 12 memos, notices, etc.
Routine, regarding maintenance of various houses.

Bunting, James E. 1949-1951 about 30 letters
The publisher of “Private Independent Schools”. Letters and agreements concern PA’s entries in the publication.

Burdett. Leonard PA 1936 11 letters 11951
Burdett is interested in prep school teaching, preferably at PA.

Burns. John Home PA 1933 1948-1949 7 letters
Burns is commissioned to write an article on PA for Holiday and interviews JMK & Basford. (1948) He also writes a novel Lucifer With a Book in 1949 which attacks prep schools. He defends it as a parable of modern society..

B Misc. About 50 letters
JM tells Frank Beatty that PA does consider the academically slow but ‘good citizen’ type student in its planning. JMK waffles on a proposal by Mr. & Mrs. Beede of Rehobeth to make the dorms more homelike (add rec rooms) in 1949. PA Is residual legatee of Horace Bellis. John Bishop recommends Horace Cole as a replacement for Jim Gould fin 1950. It Is decided* however, not to replace him. Henry Kelly Brent expresses his desire to leave his library to PA In 1941.

Cambridge School 1948-1951
Annual forums, and a Job interview for Frederick Allis.

Carnegie Corp. of N.Y.
two annual reports, 1948, 1951.

Carroll, Richard C, PA 1928    1949   9 letters
Associate Dean at Yale, he prepares a paper for the faculty seminars on the PA student as Soph., Jr. & Sr at Yale.

Casady School 1949-1950 7 letters
Pretty routine.

Chicago Latin School 1951    7 letters

Choate school 1949-1951 about 20 letters
In reply to request from PA, Choate supplies Info on Its curriculum. (1949) PA teachers agree to answer questions for a Choate teachers’ thesis. JMK explains how he got money for an educational survey In 1951 from the Ford Foundation: he, asked for $25-50,000 thinking that the Foundation would help him prepare a budget,”…Instead they proceeded to grant us $50,000 purely on the basis of my exploratory letter, and there we were with money to spend and no detailed plans as to how we were going about it.” (John Kemper to Rev. Seymour St. John, Andover, December 18,1951)

Choate. Hall & Stewart 1950 5 letter
JMK asks whether PA’s charter can be amended by the trustees to make Henry Hopper treasurer without making him a trustee, and would also like to change the rule that no Trustee can be both Clerk & Treasurer. Brooks Potter provides a 5-page opinion that neither can be done and that the trustees have no power to change the provisions of the constitution or charter. Furthermore, he says the trustees acted wrongly in hiring non-Protestant teachers. JMK asks Williams College for an opinion, evidently unhappy with Potter’s comments.

Civil Defense 1952-1953
Elaborate mimeo plans for emergency assignments, evacuation plans, shelters, etc.

Civil Defense 1951-1952 thick file
Contents similar to preceding file.

Clark School 1950 5 letters
Routine, asks for referrals

Cochran Chapel 1952-1957 & a few earlier
list of members, usher assignments, speakers 4 topics. The organ repairman warns that too much summer use Is ruining the organ valves (1953)

College Entrance Exam Board 1952 about 30 Items
JMK presents Blackmer’ s paper at a board meeting. Other routine stuff about CEEB meetings. Copy of College Board Review, Nov., 1952, with Blackmer’s paper about the 3-school, 3-college plan.

Collegiate School 1949-1951  4 letters

Columbia University 1948-1951 about 15 letters
Columbia invites two PA students to a 3-day conference on democracy (1949)

Commons 1948-1952  6 Items
lists of commons supervisors.

Commons 1952-1957 about 30 Items
Duty rosters and reports of the commons supervisors with recommendation for improvements In procedure. Correspondence with a food consultant, Howard Post, in 1955-1956.

Commons 1931-1943 thick file
Financial reports, monthly and 6-month. Minutes of Commons Committee meetings. Reports of Commons Committee. Miss Baker fired as food manager in 1932. She is replaced by Helen Marks. Food consultant, H. G. Francke, studies the commons in 1933, finds it overstaffed. Copy of his report.

Commons 1929-1930 thick file
Annual report, some monthly reports. AES (Stearns) asks Yale for help in finding a new dining room manager in 1929-1930, finally settles on Miss Baker from Drexel. AES asks for advice in constructing the new dining hall system from Girard College. Oct., 1929 file includes a blueprint of Girard’s kitchen. Also advice from Culver, Mercersburg, Lawrenceville, & Hotchkiss.

Commonwealth Fund Annual Report 1950-1951
2 annual reports

Kemper 1948-1952

Box 4

Conference on Education for Public Service 1948-1957 about 30 items.
An annual meeting with representatives from New England private schools. JMK is unable to get Arthur Schlesinger as a speaker in 1950

Connor. Samuel PA 1924 1948  2 letters
Routine social.

Cooperative Bureau for Teachers 1949  6 letters
All setting up appointments.

Cornell   1948-1950 16 items.
lists of PA grads going to Cornell supplied to Delta Kappa Epsilon and other fraternities.

Cranbrook School 1949 6 letters

Culver Military Academy. 1948-1951  10 letters
Routine. JMK supplies info on tuition in 1948.

Cum Laude Society 1949-1950 3 letters
Letters to possible speakers.

Curl, Melvin J. 1953 2 letters and a proposal
Involves a plan to generate income for PA through the purchasing of student life Insurance.

Cutler, Ben PA 1922 1948-1949  6 letters
A baritone who would like to give a concert at PA if it could be arranged.

C Misc. thick file.
Eliot Carter gives $1000 In 1950. Some genealogical Info on Samuel Farnum Chapin, MD, who went to PA between 1850 and 1860. Cleveland Graphite Bronze Company gives a dynamometer to PA (1952) Correspondence with Gerald Curran of the Andover Fund about raising money.

Dana Hall School 1948-1951  11 letters
Regarding dances and other social functions.

Darrow School 1946-1949 about 10 letters
Routine. PA recommends Darrow to a parent

Dartmouth College 1948-1951   8 letters
An alumnus sends Bulletins and other occasional info to JMK

Dean of Students 1943-1950 about 40 Items
G. Benedict recommends in 1943 that traffic lights at Salem Street and Chapel Ave be disconnected for the duration of the war due to light volume of traffic. The Office of Censorship admonished the Bulletin for printing names of Navy personnel and their ships. GGB report of trip to New York in 1943 to try and get press to publicize PA’s summer session. Various memos: List of boys who have not surrendered their ration books (1943; Misdeeds of students who bother Mr. Side’s nursemaid (1944); Report of Faculty meeting. Study of course enrollment. December1944; Number of students in division, March, 1946. Report on four boys who refused to take a Latin test (1946) JMK thinks that correspondence with parents ought to be channeled through the students housemaster; List of Scholarship awards 1949-1950. Report on Vandalism, Oct. 1950.

Deerfield Academy 1948-1951 about 25 letters

Detroit University School 6 letters
Some confusion regarding the administering of entrance’ exams for a scholarship candidate.

Dodge, John L. PA 1887 1948   5 letters
The Wyoming rancher. See CMF files.

Donner, Robert 1928-1951 about 40 items.
Refers to the short career of Charles Parker Wood at PA. Donner is an alumnus(?) who writes periodically on various topics. He is concerned about subversives and the letter signed by Graham Baldwin supporting the National Religion & Labor Foundation in 1935. Apparently a good friend of CMF (Fuess), becomes increasingly concerned about Communist influence at PA, or anywhere, and especially the Columbia Teacher’s School. Calls CMF a dupe for joining an anti-Nazi group in 1941.

Douglas, Jesse S. 1949 6 letters
Personal correspondence with an Oregon friend.

D Misc. about 10 items
JMK writes to a Rochester, N.Y. alumnus that PA functions should not ignore alumni wives since it gives them bad feelings about PA which could mean fewer enrollments: “Andover’s public relations, as you know, have not been good in recent years. This year there were not enough qualified applicants to fill the school, though there were three or four hundred whom we rejected as unable to make the grade.” (JMK to Martin H. Donahoe, Jr. Feb. 8, 1949)

Eaglebrook School 1948-1951 thick file
Ref. to individual students, also winners of the Andover Cup.
Copies of letters to parents show how Eaglebrook handled 3 cases of polio and quarantine in 1959. Ref to standards of grading

Educational Policy Committee Dec, 1948
Mimeographed agenda of Joint meeting with Enrollment Committee

Educational Records Bureau 1948-1953 thick file
Reports of meetings of standing committees. List of members. 1946.

Educational Testing 1949-1951 5 Items
Bill Brown and Fred Peterson recommended as English readers.

Emerson School for- Boys 1948-1951 about 25 letters
Mostly routine, with reference to individual students.

Englewood School 1948-1951   4 letters
Routine, with individual student reports.

Enrollment Committee Dec., 1948
Two copies of meeting agenda

Entrance Examinations 1948-1951 about 25 letters
Correspondence with Union Theological Seminary arranging rooms for exams.

Episcopal Academy 1950 2 letters
JMK not interested In an English exchange teacher this year.

Evaluation Criteria and Standards.
Pennsylvania Association of Private Academic Schools, 1951 78pages (one booklet)

E Misc. about 30 letters
Nothing Interesting.

Facilities, School. (Use of) 1954-1955   3 memos
Establishment of a committee to oversee the use of PA facilities by non-Academy groups.

Faculty Seminars 1948-1949 8 papers:
Andover Graduate at Yale, by Dean R. C. Carroll,
Some thoughts on general education…, by R. W. Sides
Andover and the Colleges, G, G. Benedict
Foreign Languages at PA, or, Don’t shoot the pianist; he’s doing his best, by Dudley Fitts.
Andover Summer Session, by Floyd Humphries
Religion & Education at Andover, by A. G. Baldwin
What Is Andover, Dr. Alston Chase
Growth and Development In Adolescence

Kemper 1948-1952

Box 5

Failures by subjects and courses 1942-1952  (2 folders)
Annual statistics, analyzing failure by course, term, percentage, etc.

Fair Educational Practices Act. 1949-1951 Thick file
Correspondence (incomplete) as to whether PA should oppose pending legislation about admission practices. PA does not actively oppose the bill, since “…secondary schools may be excluded but also because we feel that our own policy can stand pretty careful scrutiny.” (James Adriance to Brooks Potter, April 22, 1949 ) Potter thinks the legislation is wrong and wishes PA would take the lead in arguing against it. Adriance says there is no hard and fast quota , “On the other hand an effort is made to move steadily toward a constituency that fairly represents a cross-section of the United States population.” (James Adriance to Brooks Potter, April 1, 1949 quoting a statement he had made to the Mass Committee for Equality in Education.) After passage of the bill, PA is concerned about the wording of its application forms, and requirement of a photo. Copy of the act. Chap. 726 , Several bulletins put out by Fair Educational Practices Director.

Fairfield Country Day School 1950
Routine. Fred Petersen is sounded out for job as headmaster.

Falk Foundation 1950 9 letters
Dr. & Mrs. Reed are making a study of political science courses at US schools under a grant from the Falk Foundation.

Fay School 1948-1951 6 letters

Fenn School 1951 one letter

Fessenden School 1948-1951 thick file
More friendly & Jovial correspondence between James Adriance & Bart Fessenden, with frequent reference to individual students

Five year report Nov. 1953 thick file
Copy of JMK’s report on his first five years as headmaster. Comments from Fred Petersen, R. Sullivan. Trustees’ comments (All favorable) Donald Townley, has some minor complaints, and laments the demise of the societies and says that “Andover lost ground in secondary school standing because of the personality of your predecessor and the problems that ensued. You changed that and the manner of handling personnel.” (Donald C. Townley to JMK, May 10, 1954, Darien Conn.)
JMK replies: “Certainly I came to Andover believing that every effort should be made to make them work, ie. to be of greater service to their members and to the school. However, I was soon forced to the conclusion that it was too late to mobilize the kind of faculty and trustee support that would have been needed. All these men had, for whatever reason, become convinced that the societies were no longer useful to the school. I felt that I had better direct my own initial energies to other matters which at the time seemed quite urgent.” (JMK to Donald Townley, May 19, 1954) Other reactions, chiefly favorable from alumni and headmasters.

Flecker, H. L. 0. 1948-1950 6 letters
Mutual best wishes for future exchanges between PA and Christ’s Hospital. Good reports of 2 PA students at Christ’s Hospital: Ken McDonald and Pat Esmiol.

Foote School 1950-1951 6 letters
Routine, with references to individual students

Foreign Languages at PA. by Dudley Fitts. One paper, prepared for faculty seminar.

Forman School 1950-1951 6 letters
Routine, looking for referrals from PA.

F Misc. about 30 items
Refers to a photograph of the 1890-1891 glee club including Frenchy Stone. Flintridge School advises PA not to let two boys room together as they would be poor influences on each other. Letter from Mrs. Gage who objects to calling the house on the corner of Morton and Bartlet Sts, Greene House and gives its history.

Gardner, George E. 1950 7 letters
JMK is anxious to talk with Dr. Gardner on problems of discipline, “…here we need help on how to treat an individual case of stealing in such a way as to be constructive for the boy concerned without giving the rest of the student body the idea that we do not consider stealing a serious matter.” (JMK to Dr. George Gardner, Jan 17. 1950)

George School 1949-1950 5 letters

Girard College 1949 2 letters

Goss Memorial Trophy 1950 2 letters
Prize to go to the winning club team of the year at PA.

Governor Dummer Academy 1949-1951 about 25 items
Routine, with reference to individual students. PA presents Governor Dummer with its old hand tub fire -fighting pumper. (1949)

Graham, Thomas 1948-1950 11 letters
A Kentucky alumnus.

Grant Foundation 1948-1950 about 25 items
The foundation gives Roswell Gallagher $10,000 for his research at PA. The grant is made for 5 years, a total of $50,000. outline of current studies in Nov., 1948. Study continues after he leaves PA at Wesleyan Univ.

Grant Foundation.
Thesis abstract: The Relationship between non-intellectual factors and scholastic achievement by Barbara Kimball.

Greene, Frederick D. PA 1881 1951 4 letters
Interesting reminiscences of an old alumnus at the 70th reunion.

Greenwich Country Day School 1949-1951 15 letters
Routine, with individual student reports. An inquiry about Catholic instruction at PA.

Groton School 1949-1951   12 letters
Outline of PA pay scales in 1950. It appears an effort was made to bring them more in line with Exeter and Groton.

Growth and Development in Adolescence by Roswell Gallagher.

One paper, prepared for faculty seminar.

Gunnery School 1949-1950 6 letters

Gymnasium 1949   6 letters
List of what should be included in the new gym. Minutes of discussions with Eggers & Higgens, architects. JMK asks them to find room for an Indoor rifle range, if possible.

Gymnasium 1950 (2 thick files)
Plan of proposed rifle range. Minutes of meetings with architects. Ros. Gallagher agrees with plans to put radiant heat under locker room floors to cut down on athlete’s foot, but thinks ultra-violet light in the ventilations ducts is going a little too far.
Copy of plans for Lawrenceville fieldhouse. Seems to have been controversy over whether the gym design should coniform to Bulfinch and Borden or whether, in the modern idiom, form should reflect purpose. Questions of amount of office space and proper depth of the pool for springboard diving. Contains a stack of letters from architects, artists others in answer to requests from Bart Hayes (Addison); all support his idea that the new gym not be made to match other Georgian buildings. Some problem involved with National Production Authority, and PA has to be granted a special exception to begin construction. Reports of meetings with architects.

G Misc. about 30 items
In writing to Rev. Greene at Yale, JMK agrees that he wishes to retain formal religion courses, and to continue to emphasize one religion over others. Mr. Greene plans to leave his property in Andover to PA. Grecoe Jewelers does not have exclusive rights to sell senior class rings. Letter from John Barss to a 5th grade Methuen student who would like to come look at the moon through a strong telescope if PA has one. He offers to help them look through a small telescope, since the only big one he has is still in its box in the basement for lack of installation funds.

Hackley School 1949-1951   4 letters
J. Adriance discusses how PA gives credit for foreign student transcripts.

Hallock, Gerald 1927-1929  8 letters
Hallock is headmaster of a school in financial difficulties through embezzlement, though the culprit has not yet been found. He asks AES to help him find another Job. “You aren’t the only one” he replies, “who has had to suffer misrepresentations to stand up under the hard knocks that came to them. Keep up your head and your courage, and if you are right, you will win in the end — at least to the extent of facing the world with a clear conscience and unafraid.” (Alfred Stearns to Gerard Hallock, Jan. 26, 1929) Hallock becomes a car accessory salesman.

Halsey, Admiral William F. 1951    7 letters
Concerning his visit to PA to dedicate the War Memorial at commencement.

Harris School 1950-1951 9 letters

Harvard University 1949 one paper
Some thoughts on General Education as applied to Andover In light of “the Harvard Report”… by R.W. Sides, paper for the faculty seminar.
Harvard University 1949-1950 one report.
The President’s report.
Harvard Univ.. including visiting Committees. 1949-1950 about 40 items
JMK is member of visiting committee to the History dept. He is unable to recommend an athletic director for Harvard.

Harvey School 1948-1950 10 letters
Routine J. Adriance writes a nice recommendation for Harvey.

Haskell. Broderick 1948-1949   3 letters
An alumnus (?) who asks for info on another school, can’t afford to contribute toward the new gym.

Hayes, Bartlet H. 1949   one letter
Congratulations on B. Hayes, Jrs’ 4th daughter.

Hebron Academy 1949-1951   about 25 letters
Reference to visits and hockey games.

Henning. George N. 1950 5 letters
PA class of 1890. A retired French teacher he deplores the over-emphasis on spoken language and would like to see more translation and literature in the curriculum.

Kemper 1948-1952

Box 6

Hill School 1951 11 letters

Hockey Rink 1948-1951 about 40 items
Materials covering proposals for a rink to replace the system* of using various ponds, efforts to raise money, most of which la given by Sumner Smith.

Horace Mann School for Boys 1951 3 letters
PA provides Info on curriculum changes in 1951.

Hotchkiss School 1948-1951 6 letters

Hun School 1949 8 items
Routine, requests for referrals.

H Misc. about 40 items
Includes correspondence from a character named Hudson Hawley, PA 1901, who sends his World War I Paris press pass and wrote a book “Gay Days and Ginn” which made dirty cracks about Poynter & Fuess and which could not find a publisher. JMK outlines policy for scholarships for foreign students in 1950: Three are given: one English, one French, one from another country. (JMK to W. Sudduth, Jan 11, 1950)

Independent School Association of Boston 1949-1951   8 letters
Invitations to the annual meetings.

Insurance (various forms of) 1950   6 letters
Mimeo stuff about TIAA vs. Blue Cross

I Misc. 7 items
Industrial Councils International Yacht Club.

Junior Plans Committee 1948-1950 very thick file
A sheet filled out by each faculty member who is a house master with his ideas on housing boys. Some answer briefly; Follansbee fills 2 pages, single-spaced. Cost analysis of various plans for dorms. Colored pencil drawing of proposed Williams Hall alterations. An estimate for food service equipment by the 0’Toole Co. Report of the housing committee, 1948. Report by F. Peterson on the Junior Plan Committee, Sept, 1950 22pages

J Misc. 5 letters
Nothing interesting

Kamehameha Schools 1950 2 letters
In answer to an inquiry, PA outlines its health service program

Kemper: Portland Alumni 1953 6 letters

Regarding an Andover Exeter dinner.

Kemper: Brown Univ. Dinners 1953 5 letters
Not much

Kemper: Boston Alumni 1953 13 letters

Arrangements for a dinner at the Harvard Club.

Kemper: Baltimore-Washington Philadelphia trip March 1953 about 10 items.

Kemper: Hartford dinner. March 1953 5 letters

Kemper: New York (Rogers) Feb. 1953 9 letters

Andrew Rogers arranges the visit

Kemper: Bridgeport Feb. 1953 4 letters
More dinners and speeches.

Kemper: Midwest Alumni trip Deo. 1952 about 40 letters
Some possible candidates for PA. An itinerary and. lots of thank you notes. A name tag with blue ribbon. Very full schedules for interviews, lunches, dinners, etc.

Kemper: New York Alumni Nov, 1952 9 letters

Kemper: Engagements 1952-1953 30 Invitations, replies,, etc.
Invitations ranging from banquets to honorary referee at at a swimming meet.

Kemper: Engagements Sept. 1949-Sept.1950 A – C about 25 letters
Visits to Amherst, Brown, Buckley School and the New England Boy Scouts

Kemper: Engagements 1949-1950  D – H about 30 letters

Dartmouth, Exeter Alumni Dinner, Harvard, Hartford PA alumni

Kemper: Engagements 1949-1950 I – N 6 letters

Lawrence College Club, Los Angeles PA alumni

Kemper: Engagements 1949-1950  O- Z 25-30 letters
Princeton, St. Paul’s, Williams, Yale

Kemper: Engagements 1950-1951  A – C about 40 letters
Berkshire Industrial Farm, Andover dinner at Harvard, Bridgeport alumni. Chicago (includes annotated list of people JMK is likely to meet)

Kemper: Engagements 1950-1951 D-H 6 letters
Fay School, Dartmouth, Harvard

Kemper: Engagements 1950-1951 I – N about 25 letters
Kansas City, Lawrence Board of assessors, Los Angeles ( with annotated list of parents & alumni), Lowell rotary club, MIT

Kemper: Engagements 1950-1951 O-Z about 25 letters
Princeton Shore Country Day School, Yale

Kemper: Engagements September 1951-September 1952 about 40 items
Atlanta alumni, Bowdoin, Dartmouth club of Springfield, MIT, Contributions to the Masters School fund. St. Marks, Yale

Kemper 1948-1952 

Box 7

Kemper Reports 1948-1949 6 reports, 5 reprints
Report on a trip to New York Washington, May, 1949, by Joe Staples. Commons in retrospect, by John M. Gates, PA 1903 (39 pages of good old school days) Report on self-help programs, by R. Gallagher. A Year In an American School by Edward S. Malins. Church Deacons, by G. L. Follansbee. What Is Andover by Alston Chase. Reprints of 5 articles by Roswell Gallagher from various publications.

Kemper: Western trip 1948-1949 about 40 letters
Materials relating to JMK trip to Ohio, Missouri, Texas, Calif., Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas. Lists of prospective students in each city, annotated list of alumni In St. Louis.

Kemper: Alumni Fund Dinners 1948 about 50 items
trip of JMK and L. Shields Nov. 26-Dec 11, with dinners in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse. Memo from J. Gould on possible contributors. Also info on New England Alumni dinner in Sept. In supplying introductory material for the, Detroit toastmaster, J. Adriance states that several parents mistook JMK for an undergraduate at first. Also that it was Phinney Baxter who was responsible for JMK getting the job.

Kemper: Induction. 1948 very thick file
Invitation to D.D. Eisenhower. Many letters of congratulation, especially from heads of other schools, teachers, etc. Telegrams. Inaugural Committee meeting details; samples of invitations, a program list of escorts and escortees. samples of formal Invitations. Copy of JMK address.

Kent, Sherman 1949-1950 5 letters
JMK wonders if PA is ‘sending too large a group to Yale each year, are they poorly motivated and coast on their achievements at PA? Kent agrees that they are likely to get Inexperienced teachers their freshman year.

Kilpatrick. John R. 1948-1950 8 letters
PA alumnus (?) at Madison Sq. Garden; sends JMK tickets to Harvard /Yale football game.

Kimball. Barbara no date   one paper
Thesis abstract: The relationship between non-Intellective Factors and Scholastic Achievement-, based on a Gallagher project.

Kimball. Charles N. 1951 2 letters
Recommends a student for admission (James Wood)

Kingswood School 1950-1951 10 letters
Routine, with reference to Individual students.

Kiskiminets Springs School 1949-1950 8 letters
Organizing trips to foreign countries for language students.

Knight. Richard 1949-1950 3 letters
Regarding student medical insurance.

K Misc.
Joseph Kaplan gives $1000 in 1950. Set of snapshots taken of PA campus in 1950

Lake Forest Academy 1948-1951 12 letters
JMK is asked if some of his faculty might be interested in the headmastership. He doesn’t think so, but “…no less than for of our men have gone to headmasterships In the time I have been here. In each case I was startled because-obviously the trustees of their schools saw qualities in them that I had ”not seen, and were prepared to take a chance with them that I would not, myself have risked.”
(John Kemper to E. Frank Bowditch, April 5, 1951)

Lake Forest Day School 1951 6 letters

Language training 1948-1951 thick file.
Refers to special classes for students with language disabilities. Pretty thorough account with budgets, list of students, teaching assignments, reports of other schools doing similar work

Lansing. Charles B. 1949 5 letters
Nothing much. JMK has never heard of Walbank & Taylor.

Lawrence School 1950-1951 12 letters
Routine, with ref. to individual students.

Lawrenceville School 1947-1951 about 25 letters
Friendly correspondence with Allan Heely.J MK writes a long letter about the strengths and weaknesses of PA in answer to a query.

Lectures 1947-1951 about 30 items.
letters from hopeful speakers, particularly Michael Dorizas of the Wharton School. Most regretfully declined.

Levin. Philip 1949-1950 7 letters
A PA grad at Harvard makes a profit with the Mirror and wants to use it for a prize to a PA student who overcomes difficulties to make a good showing. JMK cites two possibilities in Jan, 1950: a Negro who overcame poor preparation and not too high aptitude and a French boy who survived an identity crisis. But how to word the award to avoid emphasizing their handicaps. The wording is agreed on and the prize given to George Washington Davis, III.

Life Magazine 1948 one letter
Life sends JMK photograph of himself taken at Eisenhower’s Induction at Columbia.

Look Magazine 1948 2 letters
Joe Staples asks Look not to use pictures it took of boys fooling around in the fraternity houses, since the houses are on their way out. Look replies that it will give the matter consideration.

Lindsey, Sanford 1949 7 letters
A theological strident who acted as Chaplain for the summer session in 1949.

Litchfield School 1948-1949 4 letters

Longley, William L. 1949-1950 about 25 letters
JMK helps an old friend find a teaching Job in Texas.

Loomis School 1949 about 10 letters

Lower Canada College 1949-1950 7 letters
Montreal School is interested in exchanging physics teachers with PA for one year: it does not work out.

L Misc. about 25 items
An alumnus is concerned when he is sent political propaganda by another alumnus using the PA mailing list. JMK says he will speak with the culprit when he sees him next. PA declines to have the Greater Lawrence all-star baseball team train at PA. Appeal to the Baker Trust for gym building funds.

McCallie School 1949-1950 6 letters
PA supplies info on how it conducted Its fund-raising campaign.

McCormick, W. L. 1949 14 letters
PA class of 1894 alumnus who is Interested in the life of Isaac Stevens, first territorial Governor of Washington. Steven Whitney lists some very interesting sources found in various files at PA (1948) He then gives them to the Washington State Historical Society. PA gets Copies back. Stevens is related to the Stevens in North Andover.

McDonogh School 1950 3 letters

McTernan School 1949 3 letters

Manlius School 1950 2 letters Routine.
Marquis. A. H. & Co. 1949-1950 11 Items
Who’s Who correspondence: PA decides not to have a notice In the book as a money-saving measure.

Marsh, A. Fletcher 1951 2 letters
PA alumnus urges JKK to read “God and Man at Yale” by W. F. Buckley

Mason, Julian S. 1950 about 10 letters
PA class of 1894 Mason is upset at JMK’s arrogance in demanding the end of the societies as a condition for taking the headmaster’ s job at PA. JMK replies that on the contrary he was one of the few who initially thought they could be made to work, and asks Mason to’ withdraw his charges. Mason does but is still disgruntled because he claims he did not know of the societies’ dissolution until it was over. JMK replies that all the mailings were sent to him including a ballot. Mason regretfully decides that he will never be able to agree with JMK, “…who is unaware of the obligations of~ candor and open-dealing.” (Julian S. Mason to JMK, Glen Head, Long Island, New York, Dec. 17, 1950)

Kemper records, 1948-1952


Massachusetts, Commonwealth of 1949-1951 one letter, 2 reports
Report of a special commission to study state education. Report on Welfare,1951. As corporator of Andover Savings Bank, JMK opposes new taxes on savings.

MIT 1949-1951 about 25 letters
Invitations to lectures, 1948 deans list. JMK consults MIT about his study of the currioulum etc. in 1949-1950. In particular, JMK is concerned about discipline and stealing and sends letter ‘ similar to that sent to Dr. Gardner (Box 5)

Mercersburg Academy 1950-1951 4 letters
JMK gives advice to head of Mercersburg alumni.

Methuen School Dept. 1949-1951 4 letters

Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth 1950-1951 huge file
preliminary, tentative, final reports and other extraneous papers relating to a massive study on Mass. education.

Mierow, Charles 1948-1949 6 items
Teacher at PA in 1908, he sends a couple of reprints of articles he has written and a four-page essay on his reminiscences of the School- very rosy.

Millbrook School 1950 one item

Miller, G. B. 1952 2 letters
A PA grad who wants to know if his ROTC at PA during World War I entitles him to Join the American Legion. PA doesn’t think so.

Milton Academy 1949-1951 6 letters
Regarding PA participation in a debate clinic at Milton.

Missouri Pacific Lines 1951 one letter
Routine, asking for student addresses.

Moore, Kenneth L. 1949-1950 4 letters
A Detroit alumnus.

Mortality, Committee on student 1948 one report
Interim report of a faculty committee set up to discover why boys do not finish the course at PA.

Music Dept. 1948-1957 about 30 items
Memo to JMK from AWH In 1948 outlines music courses & activities and requests substantial salary increases for instructors. The Music club twice overspent its budget. Outline of music appreciation course Info on concerts & lectures. Music at PA, reprints of articles from the Bulletin & the Phillipian. Info on band expenses. 6 X 10 glossy photo of the PA marching band (?) n.d. Memo from Mr. Schneider stating the school’s need for another full time music teacher; JMK is not too sure that one is necessary (1954). “two memos accusing the music dept. of 1) sloppy procedures 2) non-cooperation with the excusing officer. Inventory of instruments, June, 1956.

M Misc. about 35 items.
JMK is looking for a Latin or German teacher who can also play lacrosse. He is anxious to continue the sport at PA. MacDuffie supplies an anecdote about the societies: He nominated a new boy for F.L.D. who was blackballed by a friend of MacDuffie who thought the boy seemed slow at learning football signals. The boy was Quigg Newton who went on to become mayor of Denver at 35 while the friend who blackballed him was sentenced to prison for fraud.
“The wrong boy was setting the standards.” (Marshall MacDuffie to JMK, New York, Nov., 5, 1948) He is also concerned about lack of Interest in public service at PA. Ludwig Moorehead writes re- assuringly to CMF, who was upset by unspecified accusations on the part of Moorehead’s mother. He states that age has made his mother increasingly irrational, and asks CMF to destroy the letter. Mrs. Morain offers the Abbot homestead on Andover St. rent free to a PA facultv member willing to appreciate its finer qualities. JMK is unable to use it as present (Oct. 1950) JMK contributes to Merrimack College building fund.

Kemper records, 1948-1952


National Association of Secondary School Principals 1949-1951 about 25 Items
Info about membership, national conventlons. JMK lets his membership lapse, doesn’t see any value in belonging. One Bulletin, 1949.

Oxford Academy (no date) 2 pamphlets
Material from an academy that specializes in individual instruction.

National Council of Independent Schools 1951 ‘
5 copies of 20p. booklet, “Secondary Education and Independent Secondary Education in the United States.”

National Prep School Committee 1946-1952 (2 folders)
JMK is an advisory member of the Committee (commission on religion in independent schools) relatively inactive.  This is a group to assist the development of the student Christian Association movement in prep schools. PA is ready to cooperate in taking on foreign exchange students. In 1947 CMF says that PA has a long-established policy of admitting colored students on exactly the same basis as white students, although the former are rarely qualified enough academically. CMF provides detailed reports of the progress of French students Jean Paly & Georges Sager. Report of PA students who took part in a Conference at Northfleld. Organizational chart of the Phillips Society of Andover, JMK attends conference on Religion in Education in Atlantic City.

National Scholarship Service & Fund for Negro Students 1949-1951 thick file
PA expresses continual interest in qualified candidates. Some reference to individual students.

Nelson, James K 1948-1949 5 letters
JMK writes to reassure Nelson, who apparently thinks that an imposition of military values will have a tragic effect on PA: “When considering whether to accept the appointment, of course I had to weigh with some care the chances of failure. Security, for my family, my own self-respect were naturally factors. But the danger to so venerable and vital an institution loomed largest. You see, I was raised in the tradition of service by my soldier-father and at West Point. That tradition emphasizes duty, personal integrity, and self-subordination when required by the good of the greatest number. I was taught that these attributes characterize the good citizen regardless of his occupation.” (JMK to James Nelson, Washington May, 1948), Nelson contributes to the gym building fund.

National Society of Colonial Daughters 1950-1953 about 20 Items.
Provides a Good Citizenship medal annually. A few names of winners at PA. The organization Is investigated by the Post Office for possible use of the mails to defraud.

New Canaan Country School 1950-1951 3 letters
Routine, with reference to Individual students.

New England Association of Colleges & Secondary Schools (NEASC) 1948-1951 3 items
List of Institutional members, list of officers.

New England Student Government Association 1948-1950 Thick file
Marlatta Tower writes to ask her father if PA and Abbot couldn’t jointly sponsor the NESGA conference in 1949. They do. Some organizational material connected with the conference.

New Trier Township High School 1950 3 items
JMK is impressed after his visit to the school. Copies of student handbooks.

New York Herald Tribune 1948-1951 5 items
Correspondence concerning the Annual High School Forum.

New York Military Academy 1950-1951 5 letters
JMK answers questions about curriculum and personnel.

New York Times 1949-1950 2 letters

Northfield School
ls 1950 10 letters
Routine, with ref to individual students.

Northwestern University 1949-1951   7 letters
Routine, JMK Is unable to help a historian compiling a military bibliography.

N Misc. about 30 items
Refers to article about PA in Jan. 1951 National Geographic. PA declines an invitation to join the National Honor Society.

O.M.S. Mail Advertising. 1948-1951    13 letters
Copies of JMK’s welcoming letters to incoming Juniors, which are sent out to be typed by this Boston company.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Library 1948-1952   20 letters
Resume of Hertha Bergner, who Is looking for library Job.
Also Interview of Miss Gallagher, letters to library employees about Jobs and wages. Annual Director’s report, .1950, 1951.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Library 1943-1948    9 Items
Mem  .on establishment of Elizabeth G. Fuess Fund for purchase of books. On the Graham Fund for purchase of scientific books. Memo to CMF: “May I please plead with you not to tell all the donors you so graciously thank for their gifts that they will be put in the Treasure Room. … It is true that we will carefully house and cherish such gifts but it puts me on the spot when they come expecting to find anything and everything up in the Treasure Room.” ( Theresa W. Richardson to CMF, Sept 10. 1946.) Mrs. Richardson provides a brief outline of the library for JMK. Annual report for 194-1949.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Library 1938-1943 12 letters
List of books missing from reserve shelf. Some comparative circulation and attendance figures. No funds to repair the Audubon bird book In 1939 Attempted burglary at the library, 1943.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Library 1933-1938   13 letters
The Adler prize offered to the student collecting the best personal library. When Miss Frost retires in 1937, CMF wants a male librarian. He feels that too many men in the field, however, are ‘sissies’. Mrs. Richardson appointed in 1937.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Library 1928-1933 8 Items
Annual report of the library, 1930-1933, also 1931-1932. Filled-out questionnaire on the library’s organization & policies.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Library 1912-1913   5 Items
Library account 1912-1913 Includes $1.08 received from the sale of old papers.” Report of the faculty library committee, 1913. Librarian’s annual report, 1912.

O Misc. 18 Items.
Boston minister complains that PA has dirty books on Its required reading list, 1951. JMK tries to help one of his former Army subordinates.

Kemper records, 1948-1952

BOX 10

Parent’s Fund 1949-1950 7 items
Memo from Mr. Shields to JMK explaining the system of solicting funds from parents, with sample letters. Drafts of letters in other years.

Park School 1951 2 letters

Parke, Clinton 1949 4 letters
PA supplies references for counselors far Camp DeWitt.

Peddle School 1950-1951 8 Items
Routine, with some reference to individual students.

Pembroke Country Day School 1941-1951 11 items
Kansas City, High School adds defense courses in 1941 and wonders what PA is doing. CMF helps Barclay Kingman get job as headmaster at PCDS. Some ref to individual services.

Perry, Lewis 1949-1951 4 letters
JMK answers a request about the condition of Al Stearns.

Peters, Lovett C. 1949 6 letters
JMK is not able to offer too much Information on the George School in Pa.

Polytechnic Elementary School 1950-1951 6 letters
Routine, with reference to individual. students.

Pomfret School 1951 2 letters
Routine congratulations on a new headmaster.

Publications 1948-1952 6 letters, one copy of “Bucks and Stripes”
Annual report of the publications committee, 1947-1948. The Mirror had trouble for several reasons, including “…the blunders of the business manager in collecting 50cents instead of $1 as annual subscription fee, in getting in advertising copy so late that over-time work cost the Mirror $90, and in falling to collect about $900 due from advertisers and then losing his business manager records.” (Annual Report of Publications committee, Walter Gierasch Chairman, 25 August, 1948.) Annual Report In 1948-1949. Mr. Leavitt allowed the uncensored publication of letters attacking chapel & church services since the policy is to let the boys learn from their mistakes. An attempt by students to make money by publishing a prep school satirical magazine do not meet with overwhelming faculty approval.

Punahou School 1949-1951 9 letters
In answer to a question, JMK discusses how PA handles the teaching of students of varied abilities in a single class.

Putney School 1949 11 letters
PA supplies answers to a questionnaire on teaching loads also on teacher salaries.

P Misc. about 40 items
JMK’s friend Ed Parker offers PA the plan for ‘installing coke machines, circumventing ‘Leon’. JMK is not interested. PA wins an award for The Andover Year from the American Institute of Graphic Arts, 1951. JMK outlines PA’s efforts to use visual aids in teaching Information on scholarships. Progress of Pike students at PA.

Q, Misc. 2 letters
JMK has never read Quick Magazine

Princeton University 1948-1951
JMK is on the Princeton History Dept Advisory Council. Copy of a report on Undergraduate-Faculty relations at P. President Dodds visits JMK.

Recorders Office 1948 about 15 items
Example’s of forms and a list of procedures

Rectory School 1951 2 letters
reports of individual students.

Relationship between non-Intellective Factors and Scholastic Achievement, by Barbara Kimball. An abstract. The third copy of this which has turned up so far in JMK files.

Religion and Education at Andover 1948
a paper by A. G. Baldwin read at a faculty seminar.

Ringer. Wilfred H. 1948 one letter
Prof. Ringer of Tufts declines an invitation.

Rivers Country Day School 1950 one letter
Report on students.

RKO-Pathe. Inc. 1951-1952 15 letters
Letter from Francis O’Hara suggests that a movie be made of PA. JRA replies that if it is genuinely educational, OK, but a ‘propaganda’ film would be outdated too quickly. It Is decided to explore the possibility of a film showing the merits of private schools, perhaps including Exeter & Lawrenceville.

University of Rochester 1952 6 letters
History Dept. recommends 3 teachers to PA; JMK regrets he has full dept.

Rockwell Hall: Statistics & Reports 1936-1948 about 30 Items.
Rating of the boys in RH, 1936, 1937, 1938 (with Individual reports Probation recommendations. Lots of descriptions of various difficulties that boys can get Into.

Rogers Hall 1950 4 letters
About 8 boys involved in an “Inc Rogers Hall Prom, 1950. £15«3Cxio*x PA choir gives a concert later In the year and behaves well.

Roxbury Latin School 1949-1951  3 letters
A dinner for Ancient History Teachers (faculty). other routine stuff.

Rumson Country Day School 1946-1951 10 letters

Ruston Academy 1951-1952 3 letters

Bye Country Day School 1950 3 letters
Routine, exchange of visits.

Misc. R about 25 letters
Mr. & Mrs. Rich of Central Street take In 5 students displaced by a fire In Abbot House, 1948. PA offers its various lectures & concerts to the newly formed WLAW TV in 1948. Mr. Basford does not see much merit in* having the boys write advertisements for Rogers Peet (a contest) as an English assignment.

St. Bernard’s School 1950-1951 6 letters
Friendly, routine correspondence

St. George’s School 1948-1951 about 20 Items.
Friendly correspondence with Dr. Eccles. He is looking for a French teacher in 1949.

St. John’s College 1949 3 letters
The Assistant Dean plans to talk to F.S. Allis in 1949.

St. John’s School 1948-1951 16 letters
JM recommends possible investigators to study the programs at St.-Johns, a procedure necessary because the parents are unhappy with the headmaster. Wm. Longley-goes from PA to St. Johns

St. Louis Country Day School 1949-1950 5 letter
Science & Art teachers arrange to visit relevant departments at PA.

St. Mark’s School 1950-1951 4 letters
PA apparently behaved badly at an away baseball game.

St. Paul’s School 1948-1951 about 25 letters
Seven Whitney outlines the relationship between the faculty, the trustees. PA asks about student council set up at SPS. JMK distributes a large block of tickets to the St. Paul’s / PA hockey game in NYC.

Sanford, Charles E. Jr. 1950 3 letters
‘An alumnus considered for Jim Gould’s replacement??

Sargent. Porter 1949-1950 about 30 letters
Correspondence dealing with PA’s mention in the Private Schools Handbook.

Scaife, J. Verner 1949 2 letters
Pittsburgh alumnus

Scholarships. 1944-1952   2 reports
A Report to the budget committee of the Trustees in 1944 14 pages. Includes Information on distribution of scholarship funds & the operation-of the scholarship committee. Memo to CMF from J.G. recommends the creation of a director of self-help to take some of the. load off G. Benedict concerning the management .of scholarship activities. He suggests Phil Allen for the Job. (1946)

School & College Study 1951-1952 (6 folders)
Alan Blackmer directs a study under a Ford Foundation grant. Letters of thanks sent to committee members. Committee’s job was to find ways to better integrate the last 2 years of prep school with the first 2 yrs of college. Their report, “General Education In School and College” is published by Harvard University Press. 1952. Issue of Independent School Bulletin, April, 1953. Long list of university and secondary school advisors. Panels are held with these guest consultants. Forms used by the committee to collect data; questionnaires, reading list, 2-page outline of purpose.. Meeting minutes.

Kemper records, 1948-1952

BOX 11

Seymour, Roger S. .1949-1951 8 letters
A fairly recent alumnus was somewhat wary of CMF and did not understand his policies. “To state It bluntly, there was .an alarming lack of confidence in Fuess as far as the student body was concerned.” (Roger Seymour, Greenwich, Conn., July 9 1949 to JMK) He wants to help PA, but doesn’t really know how. In 1951 he is concerned about wha he has heard of curriculum revision. JMK answers with a long letter outlining the proposed changes and the reasoning behind them. He still thinks that only one year of history is not enough.

Shady Side Academy 1949-1950 10 letters
Shady Side Is looking for a football coach; PA is not planning to promote its assistant coach but still doesn’t want to lose him.

Shattuck School 1950-1951 9 letters

Shore Country Day School 1948-1951
Routine, with some reports on individual students.

Size of School. Report of Committee on 1948   2 copies
A committee was formed to study the optimum size of the school. Its report contains memos from Mr. Kemper, CMF, Mr. Adriance, and Mr. Benedict. All agree that enrollment should be smaller, and final recommendation is to reduce to 700 from 750.

Slade School 1949-1950 5 letters
The school is on*the market, and JMK is asked If he knows any one who wants’ to have their own school. Later, Slade plans to start an educational advisory service for parents.

Smith, Wilbur John 1950 4 letters
Mr. Benedict gives a fine reference for Smith who Is applying for Quaker International Voluntary Service.

Society Question at Andover 1949
5 copies of 11-page pamphlet which gives JMK’s views on fraternities. Bishop Hobson’s statement, and two meetings in June, 1949.

Souther, Miss Marguerite 1949-1951 about 10 letters
PA provided addresses for Miss Souther, who arranges dances.

Student Mortality, Committee, on 1948 one report.
Duplicate of an earlier file. (Box 8)

Studies 1949-50 about 30 items
A collection of information on the Bulletin, 1950. A list of all the things PA ‘belongs to and how much dues cost. Report on R. Caulkins visit to Northfield Schools, and a budgetary procedure for expenses at PA. Report of a committee for a faculty lounge. Memo on telephones, Br. Basford objects to some advertising in the Phillipian for cigarettes and bars: he states that the moral tone of the school has not been good for several years. “Time was when any suggestion that we were not the perfect school was regarded by the administration as hostile criticism. We have for over a decade attempted to solve some problems by ignoring their existence. I am writing this letter to you in the belief that you no more approve an ostrich philosophy than I do.” (Emory Basford to JMK, March 11, 1949). Study of smoking at prep schools.

Suisman Foundation 1949-1950 5 letters
Suisman gives $2500 in 1950 to fund a scholarship.

Summer Session 1942-1952 (2 folders: 10 reports)
Annual report and statistics, 1942. Long memo on week-end thefts during the summer session, 1943 a comprehensive report. Memos and report for session of 1945. Report for 1946, 1947. Reports of 1950 and 1951 sessions; Faculty seminar paper by Floyd Humphries.

S Misc. about 30 letters
Lloyd Smith, class of 1892, has made a will leaving PA 3/25 of his total estate. (1950) JMK recommends Andover Supt. of Schools for a Job at Tilton School. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. asks JMK’s help on a book he is writing about MacArthur. Some refs. to individual students PA puts on an ice show, Dec. 1951. Mr. Sheppard is thinking about leaving his collection of first editions to PA. Robert Stevens, 1942, is concerned about possible socialists on the faculty, and JMK sends a long letter stating that students should be exposed to many different points, of view. (1952) A doctor is concerned that a medical program should play an Important part at secondary schools.

Tabor Academy 1949-1950 10 letters
JMK would be interested in a private school rifle league.

Taft School 1949 17 letters
Taft asks for copies of Infirmary reports. Other teachers from Taft visit-PA.

Tax reductions on voluntary giving. 1948 4 items.
Material from a committee established to amend tax laws to mace charitable deductions a separate Item.

Teacher load 1947-1952 (2 folders)
Lists of hours taught by each Instructor (faculty) & number of boys in the classes.

Texas Country Day School 1949 4 letters

Thacher School 1949-1950 10 letters
Routine, with ref to an individual student

Thayer Academy 1951 2 letters
JMK discusses the results of Cresap, McCoramick & Paget survey of the school’s operation (some problems, but generally useful) and the activities of the Alumni Educational Policy Committee

Thebaud, Hewllitt 1950  7 letters
Regarding Rear Admiral Thebaud’s talk at PA.

Thomas, Arthur 1948-1949 5 letters
PA class of 1897. He i class secretary.

Thoughts on General Education 1949 one paper
Faculty Seminar paper, by R.W. Sides

Time Magazine 1949-1951 5 letters
Nothing much.

Timothy Dwight College 1950-1951 about 25 items.
Correspondence about meetings, of the Fellows of Timothy Dwight, of which JMK is one

Torrey, John P. 1950 5 letters
PA ’92, he urges JMK to make religious activities an important part of the program. JMK replies that G. Baldwin has built up “.the finest over-all religious program of any preparatory school in the country.” (JMK to Dr. John Paine Torrey, Feb. 18, 1950) and cites daily Chapel, required Bible study, and the Phillips Society.

Tower Hill School 1950 4 letters
PA supplies Information on admission requirements for each, class.

Tuition Plan 1948-1951 10 letters, several booklets
Persistent effort to interest PA in plans for monthly payment of tuition and insurance for students who drop out. PA already has refund the Baltimore plan, which is cheaper.

Tutors and Tutoring Schools 1949-1950 Items
Letters and “brochures from private tutors and schools seeking referrals.

T Misc. about 35 letters
Letter from David Thompson, PA class of 1934, who .does not want to contribute to another swimming pool and would rather see a hockey rink. JMK replies with all the whys and wherefores and mollifies Thompson somewhat. Details of a congenial Andover-Exeter picnic in California

U.S. Military Academy 1948-1951 6 letters
Track and field coach asks JMK to steer any likely candidates to West Point. A group of PA grads at the Point donate a year of the Howitzer to the PA library.

U. S. Naval School Academy 1950 6 letters
PA students take up a collection to reimburse two ensigns who lost their caps at an athletic meet at PA. They graciously refuse the offer, and JMK writes a nice letter to their commanding officer. He also sends them a check from his discretionary funds.

Vermont Academy 1950 2 letters
Thanks to PA for referrals.

U and V Misc. about 20 letters
JMK provides some details of student government for a new Arizona school.

Washington Franklin Award 1949-1950  7 letters
Annual award presented by the Mass Society of Sons of the American Revolution

Warner, Stackpole, Stetson & Bradlee 1951 9 letters
E. B. Chapin is concerned that the Allan Parker room of the alumni house is to be renamed the Stearns room. JMK says it is not true.

Warren, Dale 1950-1951 4 letters
With-Houghton-Mifflin he donates a copy of S.L. Bailey’s Historical Sketches of Andover and North Andover.

Westminster School 1921-1947 about 15 letters
CMF advises against Westminster accepting both E.W. White and Clark Benton, asked to leave PA in 1941 (no other details)

Westminster School 1951 7 letters
JMK is unable to visit the school on his annual trip to Atlanta.

What Is Andover? 1948 one paper prepared for Faculty Seminar by Alston H. Chase

Williston Academy 1949-1950 6 letters

Woodberry Forest School 1950-1951 12 letters
Routine & friendly correspondence

Worcester Academy 1950 3 letters
PA answers questions on how it handles infirmary charges.

W Misc. thick file
List of Andover men at Williams College in 1949. C.A. Wood enjoys a Chemistry Dept.-sponsored lecture. JMK is unable to give WCCM an interview at halftime of the Andover-Exeter Game. Albert West, a lawyer, bills PA $300 for help on a ‘most difficult problem (Dec.1950) (unspecified). Reminiscences from a PA 1878 grad. Complaint that PA students on buses to Exeter had removed all the advertising cards. JMK discusses the problems of an honor system. Jere Wickwire, an artist, deplores the modernism at the Addison Gallery and offers to paint JMK’s portrait. An alumnus wants PA to wipe out its deficit before it begins building a new gym. JMK gives a little of the “financial situation of the school in his reply. (Sep 1949) Some paintings donated to Addison by Arthur Williston.

Yale Univ. 1949 one paper, “The Andover Graduate at Yale” by Dean Richard C. Carroll, presented to Faculty Seminar.
Yale University Appointment Bureau 1948-1950 14 letters
Some Information on scholarship students. The teacher placement bureau wonders why JMK hasn’t, asked for recommendations (1949)

YMCA International 1951
Contains one letter about the Dartmouth Alumni fund

Kemper records, 1952-1957


CISA Marion Harper, etc. May 20, 1957 5 letters
Thank you notes.

Kersting, Brown, Marts & Lundy April, 1957
5 brief memos about arranging meetings.

S.E.B. St. James Parish 3/1/1957 9 letters, draft of speech.
JMK gives a speech for the St. James (N.Y.C.) family supper which is well received. He donates his honorarium of $50 to the alumni fund. Draft of speech given to Secondary Education Board conference the same day.

McGraw-Hill. National Association of Girls’ Schools Principals 2/24/1957
McGraw-Hill is interested in promoting business support for education; pamphlet on problems of same. JMK speaks to the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls.

NICS; Buckley School 2/12-2/16/1957 4 items

JMK visits 4 functions on a three day trip to New York City
President’s Council of Alumnae Association 11/14/1956 about 20 letters
Details involved in arranging JMK’s speech to this group; some info on increasing aid to private schools

Allen-Stevenson School 10/13/1956 about 15 items
On the same trip to New York, JMK talks to the Father’s Club of A-S School.

Tyer Rubber Co Testimonial 11/8/1956 about 10 items
JMK gives a ten minute talk on the occasion of the company’s centennial.

CISA 11/6/1966 and NCIS 10/30/1966 Nothing.

West Coast Trip October 5-23, 1956 very thick file
Portfolio with itinerary: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Denver. Six Alumni Dinners, meetings with prospective students, CAIS meetings. List of slides. Lists of potential donors, parents, other contacts. Rest of file includes invitations, making arrangements, thank you notes, etc. Also the travel expenses.

CCTE-ACE (Princeton Conference) 9/28/1956
A conference on the preparation of secondary school teacher that JMK attends. Report of the conference is enclosed.

JMK Engagement 1956-1957 about 20 items
Mostly Invitations declined. File also includes a report by F. Allis on the recipients of the Robinson scholarships for 1955-1956.

NCIS Annual Meeting 6/24/1956 empty

National Scholarship Service & Fund for Negro Students 4/19/1956
Refers to teaching fellowships at PA, and JMK addresses the group on “Integration at PA” (text of speech in Speeches 1955-1956 folder)

Boston Alumni Dinner 4/16/1956 10 letters

Mid-West Trip March 11-17, 1956 thick file
Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago. Material similar to other trips: Prospect interviews with comments, invitations, thank you letters, etc.

Parents’ League 11/2/1955 13 letters
JMK attends an annual meeting and says a few words.

Brown University 10/31/1955 2 cards
Refers to installation of Pres. Keeney.

Church and Work Congress 10/19-21/1955 thick file
JMK takes part; he is on a panel to discuss religion and education held at Albany. Copies of several addresses

American Council on Education 10/6-7/1955 about 20 items.
JMK attends the 38th annual meeting, in Washington D. C. JMK takes part in a section discussing how the educational process can be shortened to advantage. Copy of JMK report.

Mass Conference on Education 9/8-10/1955 7 items
JMK attended Conference at U Mass Amherst

JMK Engagements 1955-1956 about 20 items.
More invitations to a wide variety of events.

Kemper records, 1952-1957


Council for financial aid to education. Inc, Conference July 27-28, 1965
Thick file of conference materials: brochures, pamphlets, agenda, and summaries of discussions

Speech at Governor Dummer Commencement June 4, 1955 3 items
Letters confirming arrangements, outline of speech.

Speech at Bedford-Rippowam Commencement June 3, 1955 2 letters
B-R rearranges its commencement so JMK can speak

Eames Dinner May 10, 1955 9 letters
JMK agrees to speak at dinner honoring Eames 25th anniversary at Governor Dummer, organized & presided over by CMF (Fuess). Outline of JMK’s remarks.

Boston Alumni Dinner April 20, 1955 7. items
Letters arranging the dinner, list of guests.

Philadelphia Alumni Dinner; N.Y. meeting of Alumni Council March 15-16, 1955
17 items, including agenda of alumni council meeting. A memo by JMK about a talk with Franklin Snow, class of 1915, at Philadelphia, who was unhappy about treatment of his English Composition prize at the hands of PA, but who likes JMK, so is planning to leave money to PA.

Midwest Trip Feb 20-March 6, 1955 about 20 items (Cancelled)
Proposed trip to Mich., Ohio, Indiana is cancelled when JMK becomes very concerned with the illness of his oldest daughter in Feb., 1955.

Exeter Cum Laude Address Feb 16-17, 1955
Copies of JMK’s speech at Exeter.

NCIS – ESU- Headmaster’s Association Sept. 8-11, 1955 6 items
JMK visits 3 meetings in New York

St. Bernard’s School Dec. 2, 1954 12 letters
JMK speaks at Father’s Day dinner.

Engagements 1954-1955 Pretty routine

Waynflete School June 2-3, 1954 about 16 letters
JMK attends commencement at Waynflete and gives commencement address the next day at Greenwich Country Day School. Letter from Thonas Watson, Jr., who agrees with JMK on the importance of morale. JMK had remarked that when he took over at PA, restoring morale was his most urgent problem.
(JMK to Thomas Watson, Jr., June 4, 1954.)

Hebron Academy May 22, 1954
JMK attends Hebron’s 150th anniversary.

Boston Dinner April 17, 1954 5 letters
CMF (Fuess) and Al Capp are speakers.

Park School, ESU April 11-14, 1954 about 25 items.
Material concerning a trip to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, & New York

N.Y.. Wilmington, Miami. Atlanta Trip. Mar. 16-April 2, 1954 about 25 items.
JMK visits I.E. Dupont Co., comments on a prospective PA student at Westminster School in Atlanta (nice kid, but not ready yet) Series of memos by JMK on alumni & prospective students. Vague reference to PA’s admission, policies for Black students.

Holderness School March 11, 1954 about 15 items
JMK speaks at installation of a Cum Laude Society at Holderness. 2 copies of speech, “Are Scholars Necessary?” JMK warns against McCarthy Senate Investigations of teachers. He gets a letter from an “American 100%” denouncing him. Also draws other fire, gets mentioned in New York paper.

NCIS – ESU Headmaster’s Association. Feb 8-13, 1954 11 items.

Hartford – Bridgeport Alumni Dinners Feb 24-35,. 1954 4 items Routine.

Midwest Alumni Dinners, Dec., 7-13, 1953 about 20 items
Rochester, Chicago, Milwraukee, Pittsburgh, New York. The usual stuff with some JMK comments on Chicago & Rochester Prospects.

N.Y.-N.J. Alumni Dinners Dec. 1-5, 1953 about 20 items
Mostly invitations & thank you notes.

Engagements 1953-1954 about 25 letters
A wide variety of invitations to JMK to speak; some accepted, more not.

Kemper records, 1952-1957


Addison Gallery of American Art 1952-1957 thick file
Copies of letters between Bart Hayes Jr. & Tom Cochran’s sister, Mrs. Savage, who wants an “awful, frightful” bust of Cochran done by Paul Manship and donated by Phillip Bartow, a trustee, “destroyed and broken up.” Hayes thinks it can “be happily destroyed.” June, 1952. Bart Hayes, Jr. replies to a Capt. Bent who was apparently upset at finding rare marine volumes stored in a coatroom. He is concerned about possible theft, but “…I almost feel that the sacrifice of an item or two is a small expense to pay for the relative freedom which visitors can move about unaware of the sinister eye of a custodian. (Bart Hayes, Jr. to Capt. Bertram Bent, Feb 23, 1953) An annual report, 1951-1952. Periodic lists of accesioned works from R. Mclntyre Hayes outlines long and short-range plans in a 2-page memo, Jan. 1954. Discussion about purchasing 2 Morse portraits. Scheme for scholarship students to make money selling Addison Gallery books to bookstores.” Balance Sheet for Addison Gallery, Sept. 55. Name & amounts given by trustees for purchase of Remington’s Wolf (Total $S,250) Charles Stillman asked to head a drive, for $10,000 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Addison Gallery. He manages to raise more than $S30,000.

Admissions Evaluation Committee 1956-1957
about 20 mimeographed reports agenda, minutes, and other materials relating to this committee’s operation.

Alumni Admissions and Scholastic Committee 2 reports
Reports of 2 meetings of this committee in 1957

Alumni Athletic Council 1955 7 items
Agenda of meeting, Feb. 1953. F. O’Brien of the council writes to JMK that he is no longer interested in a coaching job at PA.

Alumni Council 1949-1957 thick file
Regional alumni committees are proposed, 1949. Correspondence regarding the appointment of alumni trustees by the Alumni Council. Various minutes of Council meetings. Richard Jackson, a Council member, is concerned that it doesn’t do all that it could (June, 1955). JMK agrees. Various changes are proposed including coordinating the work of class agents with the Council, which involves compromises.(1956)

Alumni Council: Survey Committee 1955-1957 about 15 reports
papers relating to the operation of this committee set up to review the functions of the Alumni Council and propose a revised constitution and by-laws.

Alumni Educational Policy and Administration Committee. 1957-1960 5 reports
A committee set up to help PA prepare for development and a big fund drive. Copy of final report, (aka Monro Report) Jan, 1958.

Alumni Educational Policy Committee 1955-1956 9 items
List of members, of the Committee, apparently, a forerunner-of the above. Agenda, minutes. Refers to A-V (audiovisual) techniques and the Master Teaching concept.

Alumni Educational Policy Committee. 1954-1955 10 items
Committee is concerned with a teacher shortage and the size of the school.

Alumni Educational Policy Committee 1953-1954 about 25 items
List of members of 7/l/54. Interesting memo from Thomas Mendenhall of Yale describing the problems & frictions between freshmen with high school and prep school backgrounds.(1953) More on recruiting & keeping quality staff.

Alumni Educational Policy Comm. 1952-1953 about 25 items
JMK memo to committee for meeting of April 11, 1953. The problems to be discussed include faculty responsibility and salaries. Refers to Blackmer’s School & College report. JMK agrees with Bromwell Ault that PA needs more contact with business.

Alumni Educational Policy Committee 1949-1950 thick file
Ref. to JMK’s “challenging” report to the Alumni Council of Nor 6, ’49. 6. Ault feels that the A.E.P.C. could “help in matters of dividing PA into a lower and upper school more student government., P.E. for all, considering elective courses, how to help poor students rather than dismiss them, and maintain PA’s real leadership in secondary school “education. Committee advises more A.V. (audiovisual). JMK outlines for B. Ault the way the AEPC could function and cooperate with the similar trustee committee to assist PA with needed changes in educational policy. (Nov. 1949) Names of some of first members of the committee and a copy of JMK letter to prospective members “It has been our thought that not only are the alumni interested in what we are doing education-wise, but there are many, like yourself, from whom ve might get some real help in our efforts to keep the Andover system of education out in front in the secondary field.” (March 9, 1950) Some comments from Max Millikan & JMK about the formation of a core curriculum. Minutes of April 9, 1950, meeting.

Alumni Enrollment & Scholarship Committee 1952 One bulletin, with list of members.

Alumni Fund 1952-1957 about 35 items

Statement of Alumni, Andover and War Memorial Funds as of Oct., 1951, Sep 1952.
Periodic reports on the balances of these funds. F. A. Stott memo on gift accounting, Nov., 1954. A survey of giving by scholarship students 1924-1948. List of class agents, 1957.

Andover Program: Architects considered 1955-1956 about 30 items
Rappoli Co Builder’s Brochure. Photos & floor plans from Union College of a dormitory, Correspondence with V. H. Kilham, a New York, architect. Complete list of architects consulted before Architects Collaborative are asked to submit preliminary drawings.

Archaeology Dept: Report
Johnson, Frederick, Chronology and Development of Early Cultures in North America Peabody Foundation, Andover, 1956 A first draft of transcript of proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Peabody Foundation to prepare for an International Conference on Radiocarbon Dating to be held at Andover later in the year. 127p.

Archeology Dept 1952-1957 very thick file
Budget for 1952-1953. Recommended, acceptance of a bequest of a collection by Howard Torrey. Annual Report, 1952. D. Byers supplies an outline of the history and programs of the Peabody foundation since its inception. F. Johnson is involved in early studies with Carbon 14 dating. Annual Report, 1953. Some material on the Oct. 1954 International conference on radiocarbon dating, a huge success. Annual Report, 1954 Long memo from D. Byers to Mr. Schereschewsky concerning the policy of financial arrangements between the foundation & the academy. Another letter from Byers to JMK on June 7, 1955 reiterates his position that the foundation should not be financially responsible for Peabody House, “‘a 13p. legal opinion from Choate Hall suggests that repairs to Peabody House should not be made with foundation money. Lindsay Bradford is very unhappy with the opinion and tries to find ways to reject it. Annual Report, 1955. Complaint about $1100 that PA charges the foundation for administering its fund is met with a legal opinion that they could charge even more if they wanted to Annual Report, 1956 Another International conference on Radiocarbon dating,. Oct. 1956.

Kemper records, 1952-1957


Arts Association of the New England Prep Schools 1955 10 items
Materials relating to annual meetings of this group, of which PA is a member.

Athletic Dept. (Results of the 1953-1954 P.E. Pilot Program) 9 copies of report
Results of a program to give every boy a chance at athletic success by having him compete against his own efforts.

Athletic Dept 1952-1957 thick file
6 copies of schedules. Request that boys be required to wear trunks so that the new pools could be shown to visitors at any time. Dr. Law strongly protests the introduction of boxing at PA (November 1952) In answer to complaints that PA had overdone things by defeating Exeter 59-0, the coach replied that he didn’t know that the third and fourth teams would score more points than the first and second teams. (November 1952) proposed budget for sports 1952-1953. Report of the award system. Statement of the faculty athletic committee on the educational value of the athletic program. Two more copies of the report of the preceding folder. A brief history of Andover-Exeter games, 1954. Results of the 16th annual New England Prep School Track Meet, May 21, 1955. Report on Phillips Academy P.E. program, Feb 9, 1956.

Australian Teacher Exchange 1954 about 20 letters
Exchange suggested by headmaster of Wesley College, Melbourne, after a visit to PA. Four candidates considered, but cost of fare ia a stumbling block. One man eventually comes to the U.S. but to Exeter.

Aver, N.W. and Son Reports 1948-1962 about 20 items
A School advertising service. Occasional publications and statistics about prep school enrollments.

A Miscellaneous 1952-1957 about 30 items
Odds and ends: office details, purchase of a car to be paid for by the school (1953), correspondence to retrieve JMK’s briefcase, left in a car before boarding a flight at Logan Airport.

British Committee Teachers Exchange 1952 4 items
Unable to arrange an exchange for John Hawes.

Buildings & Grounds 1952-1957 about 50 items
Comparative figures on cost of hard-topping tennis courts. (1951-) List of employees (no date) snow removal schedules, a number of memos concerning wide variety of daily problems, e.g., the Cage is too cold, boys are cutting across lawns and tracking mud into buildings, a janitor feels overworked, JMK wants repairs done in his house. Memo giving responsibility for buildings and grounds to Verne Porter, with list of work to be done before opening of school in 1955. Notes on long-range plans for long-range plans of PA’s builiings and grounds. Weekend janitor service for Alumni House is requested by and received. Not enough boys are using the new laundromat to make it pay (1957).

Bunting, James E. 1952 about 50 items
Publisher of Private Independent Schools. JMK and Fred Stott do not want to continue subsidizing Bunting (PA’22) by paying a high rate for inclusion “and not being able to choose the size article. Bunting says must take the biggest or none at all. In 1959 JMK requests the smallest article an^ Bunting refuses to include PA. at that rate. He asks,
for addresses of trustees, seeking to go over JMK’s head. JMK agrees for one more year. The debate continues; Exeter is not happy with Bunting either. Finally; a letter from Bunting to D. McLean, Nov., 1975, which has a penciled notation by Fred Stott: “Bunting “is a real S.O.B. (P.A.’22) who has been bad-mouthing us ever since we and Exeter refused to be in his
Guide at the price he set for big schools…”

B Misc. thick file
Not much of interest, in one letter, JMK says that Jim Baxter was the ‘man principally responsible for his coming to PA. (JMK to James Carroll, May, 1956)

Central Filing System 1951-1955 5 items
1951 memo by JMK outlines what he keeps in his files and what is sent to other offices. A report (6 pages) by outside analyst with recommended changes and a central filing procedure. Memo from ARR to JMK asking whether to continue going through old files and throwing stuff out since Dr. Robinson said that everything was to be saved for some sort of historical project on Mr. Allis’s part (1955). JMK advises to proceed cautiously.

Closed circuit TV 4 items
Pamphlets background information.

Class Agents about 50 letters
Copy of Munro Leaf letter and folder used for Parent’s Fund drive.
Examples of class agent letters. Class Agent Newsletters. Statistics on returns by class.

Classics Dept. 1952-1957 10 items
Pamphlet “Why study Latin in school?”. Correspondence with someone at Harvard who wants to organize Easter vacation trips to Greece.

College Admissions 1949-1957 about 30 items
Statistics on PA seniors: what schools they go to, whether first or second, choice, and distribution,(how many to each college)

College Entrance Exam Board 1957
Thick report on 1957 colloquium on admission policies and letter inviting JMK to take part in 1958 colloquium, which he declines.

College Tuition and Applications 1953-1957 about 40 applications
Grants given to children of PA staff to attend college.

Contributions about 20 letters
PA is residual legatee under Johnson de Forest will, Edward O’Neil considers a scholarship in his father’s name, and JMK expresses his views on loans vs. scholarships (he is not in favor of them).

Contributory Fund Faculty 1957 one report
Attempt to set up a fund to pay for retirement gifts & flowers

Council for religion in Independent Schools 1952-1957 about 15 items
JMK is a member of advisory committee. Council seems, to be chronically in need of funds.

Cum Laude Society 1952-1957 about 20 items
Cum Laude address, 1952, by E. T. Hall. Clippings from Phillipian listing new members of society. Correspondence with prospective speakers.

Curriculum 1927-1933 8 items
Memo outlining the course of study orgamized programs A,B & C
List of teacher’s pupil-hours, 1927-1928. Results of a survey on the teaching of public speaking in secondary schools, 1928. Report of the curriculum committee, 1933. New York Times clipping of Fuess’s remarks about new curriculum (1933)

Curriculum #1 thick file.
Charts and statistics and memos for the curriculum committee in 1950. proposed P.E. program, memo from Mr. Baldwin, who is concerned that religious education will be slighted by the curriculum changes. Reports on History 1, 2, 3, & 4,

Kemper records, 1952-1957


Curriculum # 2 thick file
“An interesting relic from Eccles & the past”; — Eccles’ views on History at P. A. An. unsigned memo lamenting the- lack of progress of the Curriculum Committee. “At the moment Chase, Greir, and Basford are favoring distribution. Dake, Hayes, Sides, Blackmer ane favoring requirements in addition to the core, still leaving some flexibility. I don’t know exactly where Shea stands. It is very questionable in mind whether Darling will vote for anything except his own curriculum proposed many years ago and essentially unchanged in recent discussion.” Some faculty comments, minutes of meetings. Report of Oct. 23, 1950, signed ‘Al’, reporting to JMK on. Art Darling’s domination of the recent committee meeting in which he advocated his own plan and refused to consider others. JMK reports to Brom Ault on progress (?) Sept., 1950. Evan Nason (?) submits his thoughts on foreign language program at PA. Darling objects strongly to Blackmer’s report of his curriculum plan.

C Misc thick file
Odds & ends. Barton Chapin is upset by treatment received at the Inn. PA regrets that it is unable to host Mass. Boys State. Not sure whether to join Cooperative Bureau

Dean of Students about 15 items
Various matters: a memorial for Danny Greco, who was forced to leave PA with Hodgkin’s Disease. Permission for students to enter an organ contest. Report on student hit by a car on Main St. (no injury). Startling fact that Minutes of the Faculty 4 discipline committee for 1949-1950 take up 23 pages and those for 1953-1954 comprise 103 pages. Sun lamps to be confiscated. Students warned about throwing snowballs. PA has a contract for storing records at Iron Mountain (l952) Specific Discipline cases (l95l).

Development Committee very thick file
Reports of studies on estimated future growth, physical needs, & probable costs of expansion at PA. Thoughts against increase in size. Report by Allan Gillingham, who doesn’t want PA bigger. Comments on expansion from several others, including Mr. Grew, an unnamed trustee, all the trustees in one report, another from Gillingham. Memo from Mr. Basford deploring the general tone of PA

Discipline 1952-1955 about 25 items
JMK (?) memo on concern “…at the absence here of any generally accepted philosophy of discipline.” which he feels leads to inconsistency of punishment and lack of morale. Views on discipline of Evan Nason, who feels that the emphasis should be on the individual student and not on the good of the school as a whole. Outlines of proposed changes in the discipline and cut systems. Report of the discipline comm., Sept. 1953. Scholastic restrictions. Report to the Faculty from the Committee on rule codification, May, 1954.

Dormitory Light Control Comm. 1957 one report
Report of Committee recommending control of wattage in dorm rooms.

D Misc. about 10 items
Not much of interest

English Schools 6 letters, 4 catalogues
History of Andover Grammar School

E Misc. about 30 items

Info on an Andover Cup winner at Eaglebrook. Stott reluctant to advertise in the Educational Register. JMK recommends Cresap, McCormick & Paget to another school.
Faculty Teacher Loads Oct., 1966 one memo
Summarized by department.

Failures by Subjects & Courses about 20 items
Mostly charts listing failures by subject & course, by the term & year, special reports by French, Physics, Math depts. Some reports on individual students.

Foreign Visitors 1951-1957 thick file.
Various types: An Indian Geography teacher, several English teachers and headmasters, Pakistani Educator, English Navy Soccer team; Many are under auspices of the Federal Security Agency office of education Visitors from Ecuador, Switzerland, Australia, Germany, Denmark, Canada, and Italy.

F Misc. about 20 items
Fairly routine.

Georgia, University System of 1956    3 letters, one report
JMK is not able to give much help to a school board member who wants to set up a high-standard public school in Atlanta.

G Misc. about 20 items
In answer to a question from Cranston, R.I. JMK sees some advantages in public schools, but thinks that private schools offer superior training Greater Lawrence Tennis Championships held at PA. (with 1953 photo)

Kemper records, 1952-1957


Harvard University thick file
JMK reluctantly tells Harvard’s ROTC director that he would waste his tine talking to PA boys aince “They are a fairly, sophisticated bunch and prefer the life of ease in the Navy and “Air Force to the rigors of service in infantry or artillery.” (JMK to Col. C.P. Sunmmerall, March 18) 195.2) JMK is a visitor to the History Dept. until 1957. Much of tbe correspondence are details of the meetings of this committee. PA and Harvard consider exchanging French Professors for a year in 1955-1956. JMK frequently invited to attend High Table at Lowell House. Assorted reports of the Board of Overseers and the President as veil as the visiting committee

Holley, J. W. about 15 letters
A Black PA alumnus who was helped by former Headmaster Al Stearns to get his biography published. President Emeritus of Albany State College, in Georgia, he seems to think that integration is a communist plot to exploit Black people.

Hopkins Grammar School about 10 letters
Asked for suggestions for a headmaster for Hopkins, JMK supplies names of 19 PA faculty members. ( A history teacher from Milton gets the job)

Faculty Housing: Annual Moves about 15 items
Annual lists of apartments available. Map of PA showing which faculty in what house 1953-1954.

Housing, Student 12 items
List of housing capacity in 1952 with students listed by dorm, 1952-1953; 1954-1955. Memo from JMK tracing the development of the responsibilities of housemasters and the role of the dean in the counselling process, as well as many other thoughts on housemastering. Mention of planned major dorm construction, 1956.

Housemastering 1955-1957
JMK memo to the development suggesting changes in the housemaster system. The dormitory committee has misgivings about JMK’s 40-boy dorm schemes, makes its own suggestions. Stott sees the main purposes of a revision of housemastering duties as: increase the responsibility of housemasters, permit the faculty to focus on teaching or housemastering, to increase the effectiveness of guidance programs. G.G. Benedict’s views on English system of housemasters. Several additional copies of JMK memo to the faculty as in above folder. A preliminary outline of development projects, 1956. A memo on decentralization of excusing, Nov., 1966.

H Misc about 30 items
JMK declines a suggestion from Hotchkiss that several prep schools jointly advertise the availability of scholarships. Routine inquiries from other schools; Ref to March, 1950 Holiday with article on PA.

I Misc. 5 items.

Junior housing 15 items
A tabulation of costs involved with 5 different housing plans.
List of rented houses for other than faculty members, March, 1950 Details of plans X, Y, and Z. Mr. Gallagher thinks juniors ought to be housed with masters in units no larger than 10. Annual cost of 13 teachers’ houses May, 1949. A plan for the unification of the junior class. Multi-page report by Sears on Junior housing (no date).

J Misc. 5 items
Routine. Letter from the retired Archdeacon of Arizona, PA class of 1887.(J.R. Jenkins)

K Misc. about 20 items
Gifts from Henry J. Kaiser and the Kates brothers to Andover program. Several other gift acknowledgments, all in 1960. Ref. to J. Montague Fitzpatrick (imaginary?) PA student; 2 alumni want to give memorial to him. Correspondence with John Kimberley of Kimberly-Clark, looking for donations.

K Misc. about .20 items
Not too much, trouble with a Denver parent, some letters from alumni.

Language Training
Materials relating to work with boys vith language disabilities at PA. The program seems to be perennially short of funds.

Lower Canada College about 15 items
Re the exchange of hockey teams which PA finally discontinues in 1958 as being too expensive.

L Misc.
PA librarian Miss Eades complains to Eagle Tribune about lack of ‘notice of a speech by Eleanor Roosevelt and gets a testy reply from the managing editor who complains in turn to JlMK.

Kemper records, 1952-1957


Meals, Cost of:Faculty 1952-1953
5-page cost study prepared by H. Schereschewsky on costs of feeding faculty and children 8yrs. or more at Commons.

MIT Combined Plan Conference Oct, 1951 8 items
JMK gives a speech on ‘The Period of Formal Education’ to the conference. A study of possible accelerated programs.

Millbrook School about 15 letters
In answer to inquiry, PA supplies info on building Gymnasia. JMK does not think that a Korean who wants a year of prep school before attending a U.S. college would do well to come to PA. JMK outlines the pension plan at PA.

Moses Brown School about 15 letters
Ref to help received from the Educational Facilities Laboratories in designing a new science building in 1958-1959.

M Misc. about 20 items
Ref to a bequest of Isabel McKenzie of $25,000 in 1952. The lawyer involved is Harold Beming, PA ’01, whose son Angus, PA 1944, won a Silver Star in Korea. JMK writes that the brilliant combat records of PA alumni are a source of great pride. “I can’t feel too regretful at leaving the service and coming to Andover when I realize how many fine young men she gives to the services in time of need.” (JMK to Harold S, Deming, April 10, 1952) Other routine items.

National Registration Office 10 letters
PA does not feel it needs the NRO’s services, since it knows pretty much how its students do at college, but is willing to put in a good word for it with other schools.

New Dormitory 1955-1956 about 50 pages of memos and notes.
List of teachers who could handle large dormitory units with increased authority. Long letter from Ralph? advocating a more English type system of houses & housemasters. 1956 memo from JMK outlining the major questions to “be dealt with in working out new dorm plans. Report of G.G. Benedict on his visit to English schools. JMK memo to the faculty about housemastering with proposed changes, 1955. Sample floor plans of single and double rooms. Memo from A.R.B. advocating decentralization (transfer more authority from the Dean of Students to Housemasters) and larger dorms. Memo from Harper Follansbee about the New Dorm Committee (1956) who does not want to see an outlandish building put up just to be in the architectural forefront. He has other comments, too. Report of faculty comments on discussion of the new dorm. Memo with comments from F. A. Stott.

New Dormitory Committee 1954-1957 thick file
Map of PA with proposed areas of expansion. Blueprints for a dorm unit at Deerfield. Proposal of the contactors, Dec. 1954. Several 8 X 10 glossy photos of other dorms built by Rappoli. large maps of PA, showing areas of possible development (A,B,C,E,E) A list of desirable projects at PA with proposed costs (n.d.). Minutes of the P.A. Development Committee, who are supposed to be considering the growth of PA in the long run as well as the immediate problem of the new dorm. Report of the (Trustee?) Committee on the new dorm.

N Misc. about 15 items

O Misc. 6 letters
Parents’ Weekend May 17-19. 1957 17 items.
List of events. A Discussion weekend with 8 sets of parents attending.

Pension Plans 8 booklets
Pension plans in use at schools and corporations.

Newcomen Dinner Nov. 1, 1957 very thick file
Materials relating to dinner held at the Hotel Somerset in Boston, at which JMK was the guest of honor. Copy of JMK address, “Phillips Academy, at Andover a National Public School:” Series of pen & ink original drawings of views of PA campus. (8 in all) •Telegram from F. Stott to JMK in Maine: “Both Alan Blackmer and Fritz Allis are seriously disturbed with Newcomen situation. Request you telephone Blackmer at home or at office soon as possible.” (Aug. 1957) Three drafts of JMK speech. Seating list off all the guests. Several congratulatory letters. Copyright for the speech, published as a booklet.

Kemper records, 1952-1957


Personnel selection: faculty about 25 items
Much correspondence with Worthington Associates in Chicago who offer help in personnel selection with the use of psychological testing. The Civil Service Commission supplies JMK with a long bibliography on interviewing techniques. Two booklets on interviewing and employment procedures.

Population Statistics 9 items
Clippings and other info on population growth as a background for expansion plans.

Polio Epidemic 17 items. (1955)
Press release (?) about the delayed opening of boarding schools in New England. Copies of memos to Andover parents. Memo about inspection of PA swimming pools another memo on current progress of the epidemic (Sep, 1955)

Power Plant 9 items
Report of R.D. Kimball Co. concerning additions to central plant, Sep., 1953. Report of John Matthews on the PA power plant, June 1953. Cost accounting on expansion of plant, July, 1953. Abstract of Abbot Academy heating contract. Memo from Matthews to Abbot Stevens about improvement of PA power system.

President’s Council on Youth Fitness 1957 thick file
Information on forming of President’s Council. Several pamphlets and booklets on the subject. JMK is a member of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee of the PCYF. He is a member of Group D, ” Leadership for Youth Fitness” along with George Meany and others. Report of the first meeting, held at West Point. Letter of thanks signed “Dick Nixon” (then VP) Copy of National Golfer with a story on the conference.

Princeton University 4 items
Andover grads in the Princeton class of 1957. Other misc.

Public Relations 1940-1957 thick file
Twenty-page PR program for PA.(unsigned) Reprint of Public Relations in Independent Schools” by J. Staples, 1946. Memo from JR Adriance to CM Fuess recommending the establishment of a PR office for PA (1944). Memo from J. Staples to Mr. Gould on his first months on the job. Clipping of article about PA from Parade Magazine. Some budget figures for PA PR expenses. Several press releases. Four-page memo from F. Stott outlining his views of PA’S PR program. Memo which indicates that Lawrence Eagle-Tribune distrusts PA’S publicity handouts. Reflections on PA’S PR (1955)

Publications 4 items

Putney School 8 items.
PA recommends two men for headmastership of Putney.

P Misc. About 25 items
Info on the Parent’s League of Boston. No one at PA wants to apply for headmastership of Peck School. In answer to inquiry, JMK outlines generally how PA sets up its annual budget.

Roth Brothers & Co. 7 letters
“Why not finance careers as we do homes?” 11-page plan for financing higher education by Sydney Roth. JMK likes the idea in principle, but is concerned “that it will not encourage students to choose worthwhile but financially unrewarding careers like teaching or the ministry.

Rule Codification 1954
Two copies of report to the faculty from the committee on rule codification.

R Misc about 20 items.
Nothing much.

St. George’s School 9 letters

St. John’s College about 15 letters
Plans for a seminar conducted by Dean Klein of St. John’s for Andover and Brooks seniors.

St. John’s School (Houston, Texas) 9 letters
JMK (?) comments on the 3-term system: “While the 3-term system has long been our practice and the faculty seem to prefer it, I’m not sure that I am personally enthusiastic about it. I don’t particularly like our practice of doing all of our reporting and corresponding on each term’s work during the ensuing vacation period. The boy has gone home without knowing his situation; a letter comes from the school about him while he’s there but not in position to explain himself or his performance to his family.” (Response to a questionnaire received May 9, 1955) PA recommends an alumnus for athletic director at St. John’s.

St. Paul’s School about 20 letters
Routine. Copy of St. Paul’s admissions, policy.

Porter Sargent about 15 items.
JMK declines to write an introduction to the 38th Handbook.

Scholarships about 40 items
Lots of statistics: Comparison-of scholastic achievement of scholarship boys geographical distribution, survey, of giving by scholarship alumni. Study of day scholarship students. Letter to parents of scholarship students.

Enrollment & Scholarship Committee 1955 2 reports
Suggested activities for committee members to help increase PA enrollment. Report of E & S Committee, June., 1955

School Census Reports about 40 items ‘
PA supplies info to various towns concerning the residents under 16 enrolled at PA.

Senior House about 25 items
Pencilled notes about various problems. House accounts, 1950-1951

Kemper records, 1952-1957


Snow. Franklin about 20 items
A travel writer who sends a copy of “Travel Items” with references to PA. He suggests to JMK that PA students resemble a rabble in arms when they walk into football games. JMK replies: “Remember that I am about the only headmaster in Andover’s history who would be suspect if he put the boys into any kind of parade “ground order. Your old school occasionally gets it in the neck because I have a “military mind.*” (JMK to Franklin Snow, March 31, 1952). JMK memo of a meeting with Snow in Philadelphia (See also Philadelphia Alumni Dinner, JMK correspondence 1952-1957 box 2) He supplies Snow with information on how to remember PA in his will. Snow edits the Railroad newsletter; sends issues occasionally to JMK. Thinks that it is dangerous for PA to send the school to Exeter on Buses.

Students under Restriction by Housemasters thick file
Lists of individual students placed under restriction by housemaster- from 1948-155 with a study of the number of restrictions per housemaster by Miss Whitehill.

Summer Session thick file
Complete reports on each summer session from 1952-1957. Report of the director, lists of faculty, scholarship students and courses, infirmary reports, weekend excursions, athletic information.

Summer Session Ad hoc committee on 1955 one report
Report of a committee set up by JMK to study the history of summer session programs and make recommendations for the future.

Station Wagons 1954-1957 about 35 items
Rules for the use of the school station wagons. Memo from F. DiClemente showing how much money is saved by using station wagons to transport athletic teams to out-of-town events.
About 30 signout sheets showing use of the 3 school wagons.

Steering Committee for decentralization plan. 1956-1957 3 items
Recommendations for setting up one or two double-entry dormitories with 20 boys in each entry.

Student Guides 7 items.
Directions for student guides. A quiz to test guides’ knowledge of PA. Letter from Mr. Peterson to Peter Mattern, naming the latter as chief guide.

Student Work Program 1954-1955 about 30 .items
list of faculty work-program supervisors. Daily work program assignments. Some later papers, 1962, Report of useful things accomplished by student work crew. 1967. Summary of student work programs in 34 schools.

Student Work Program 1953-1954 about 30 items
Daily work assignments with jobs done. Few reports from F. DiClemente, who is enthusiastic about the program.

Student Work Program 1952-1953 about 25 items ,
JMK talks to other schools as PA plans to expand work/program in 1952. JMK letter to parents, explaining the system, Sep. 1952. Guide to dormitory duties. Preliminary report in 1953 on phase III of the program assigning boys to work groups doing jobs like leaf-raking, snow shovelling, moving bleachers, digging ditches. Early progress reports on first months of the program.

Study Efficiency. Committee on 1956 one report
Summary and recommendations of a committee which tried to study student motivation.

Study Hall 1957 4 items
Statistics on the use of a study in Samuel Phillips by Juniors and Lower Middlers. Mr. Bennett closes the study hall because faculty keep scheduling exams there without telling him.

S Misc. about 15 items.
In answer to an inquiry, PA (H. Schereschewsky) states that it would not pay Treadway to supervise the school’s dining halls if it did not do such a good job with the Inn.

Tabor Academy about 15 items
Tabor is interested in PA’s math program, JMK is unable to attend the annual Buzzards Bay Buccaneers’ luncheons held at Tabor.

Taft School 13 items
PA suggests possible Spanish teachers.

Teaching Load 6 items
Statistics: number of students in each course, 1952-1956.

Term Letters about 50 letters
Numerous letters, all of commendation, to PA students.

Third Phillips Academy 6 items
Consideration is given to the possibility of Andover and Exeter jointly sponsoring a new prep school west of the Mississippi Arkansas California, briefly considered as sites.

Timothy Dwight College thick file.
JMK is an associate fellow, and invited to many dinners, none of which he is able to attend.

Treasurer’s Office about 30 items ‘
A preliminary study on on different personnel policies of different offices at PA with a view toward standardization. A job classification schedule of clerical and similar jobs. Assorted memos on purchase of football helmets, putting up parents at the Inn, etc. List of capital assets of the Headmaster’s Office, 1957

Tuition: PA 5 reports
The trustees consider the introduction of a flat rate in 1933.

Tutoring School of N.Y. about 15 items Pretty routine.

Morton C: Tuttle Co. about 25 items (1957-1960)
Contractors who are engaged to build the new dorm in 1957. In a memo to trustees, JMK explains why it’s best to go ahead with Tuttle rather than wait for competitive bids. Considerable unexpected costs are encountered. Complete and itemized final costs for Dorms 1 and 2. There are also costs and info on the Copley library addition and dorm #3. Tuttle is extremely upset when another firm is asked to give an estimate on dorm #4.

T Misc.,
JMK is unable to give Thorwald Thoresen a requested raise. PA settles a claim against it by Leon Tumarkin for $500.

Uihlein, Robert A. about 25 items
Correspondence and memos relating to JMK’s interest in approaching a prominent Milwaukee family (Schlitz Beer) for contributions to PA.

United States Steel Foundation 5 letters
JMK asks for help from Dr. Turner of USS Foundation in setting up a .permanent staff for the National Council of Independent Schools. Also a letter from JMK commending USSF for its scholarship grants.

U Misc. V Misc. about 6 items
Info on Unitarian Conference at PA, 1953. PA contribution to United Fund (N.d.)

W Misc about 25 items
JMK agrees with a trustee of Wayland Academy that the faculty and trustees of prep schools should get to know each other and tells how PA has promoted this idea with small faculty-trustee dinners and joint committees on common problems. (Sep. 1955)

Wickwire, Jere about 30 items
PA class of 1902 alumnus whose handwriting is so difficult that JMK’s secretary has to transcribe all the letters so that he can read them. He is a portraitist who did Al Stearns and wants to do JMK, who reluctantly agrees. Apparently, the trustees refuse to pay for the unfinished portrait, which upsets Wickwire even though there was no commission for him to paint it. Under the circumstances, JMK resists Wickwire’s pleas for two more settings to finish the portrait. Later JMK asks him not to exhibit it, even anonymously. Wickwire visits PA occasionally and laments the current slovenliness of students and the poor quality of art at the Addison Gallery.

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 1

Abbot Academy 1952-1962 about 25 items
JMK Issues an invitation for Abbot girls to attend Saturday afternoon athletic contests. Miss Hearsey replies that this would “…not be advisable practice” except for fall football games,(1953) She also complains of various mischiefs perpetrated by PA students. JMK apologizes for unspecified bad behavior of PA students at Abbot torchlight parade. Memo about problems caused by an unorganized Abbot Day Student dance; Dr. Clark writes to Abbot’s physician about PA’s possible handling of psychiatric and psychological services for AA. Info on annual mixers.

Abbot Academy Commencement speech June, I961
Copy of the address, along with some of the articles used for sources. Letters requesting copies, and one from PR director of the LWV questioning whether JMK really gave the girls good advice.

Activities about 15 items
Memo from the committee on extra-curricular activities listing what facilities need to be provided for different activities. (Jan. 1958) Student activity questionnaire. Student activities directory 1958-1959. 1962 list of activities.

Activities 1944-1957 about 15 items
Report of student activities committee, 1946. Report on the history and activities of the bird-banding club. Some annual lists of activities and budgets. Long report by E.C.Weaver on
1955-1955 activities.

Addison Gallery about 40 items
Weekly bulletins of events. Letters from R. Mclntyre listing acquisitions to the permanent collection. Letter from E.H.Clarkson who gave one of his paintings to Addison Gallery. PA gets a set of 500 slides from the National Gallery for use as a teaching tool. JMK tells Bart Hayes that he would rather have Hayes working at PA than accepting out-of-town speaking engagements. In 1960, he warns Hayes that the new Arts & Communications Center is primarily a school facility not an addition to the Gallery. B. Hayes does not think that Dot Stevens should be on the Art Committee but thinks she would be useful on the Gallery Associates. There seems to still be discussion on the role of the Gallery in relation to proposed Art Building (1961).

Admissions about 6 items 1949-1952
Various statistics on admissions, applications, enrollment. etc.

Admissions 1952-1957 thick file
More charts and statistics. Interim report to the trustees April, 1955. Report of the Alumni admissions & scholarship committee, 1957. Memo on the question of a double standard for scholarship boys, i.e., expecting a better performance from a scholarship student. Basic Principles of Andover Admission Policy.

Admissions 1957-1962 thick file
Interim report that applications are up 50% in 1958 over previous year. More statistics, weekend duty rosters for admissions and scholarship committees’ reports to .
from J. Miner to J. Adriance concerning preliminary application fee. More concern about a double standard: scholarship boys are expected to achieve more than other students.

Adriance J. R. about 15 items
Itineraries of J.R. Adriance trips around the country.

Advanced Placement about 20 items
Memo, 1959 encouraging PA students to take the advanced placement exams to support the program and to ensure PA’s continued leadership in it. Memo suggesting that the program has had an important effect on the curriculum at PA. Letter from MIT expressing pleasure at increasing quality of incoming students.

Alumni Dinners about 15 letters
Flier on Andover-Exeter Night at the-Pops, April i960. Letters regarding 1962 Chicago Dinner.

Alumni Council 196O-1961 thick file
Memo suggesting the Alumni Council discuss discipline, 1960.
Lists of Council members, housing assignments at PA. Three discipline cases for the alumni to study. Report on PA’s Junior P.E. program by R. Wetmore & J. Miner May,1961. Booklet on Athletics at Andover by William Brown.; background for discussion of athletics at the spring 1961 Council meeting.
Alumni Council 1959-1960 about 25 items.
Budget for Office of Secretary of the Academy. Draft of JMK memo on public relations (9 pages) Alumni Council is asked in fall, 1959, to consider reorganizing and redefining the office of PA Secretary. Interest expressed in regional alumni organizations.
Alumni Council 1959-1960 one report, 10 other items
Report, dated July 6, 1960 from Thomas Kelly on the results of the June, 196O Alumni Council Meeting. Many other items duplicate those in preceding folder.
Alumni Council 1958-1959 Routine.1Alumni Council 1957-1958
Minutes, newsletters, agenda. Administration expresses the desire to have alumni take some part in directing course of the school, and Alumni Council wants to know specifically how to help.
Alumni Council 1961-1962 thick file
Minutes of Alumni Fund Committee, June 1961. Memo from J. Adriance to B. Farrington about class agents. Agenda and other, info on Alumni Council meetings. Letter from an alumnus complaining that nominations for Alumni Council are almost all businessmen. More minutes and some notes on a proposed new school to be set up by PA.
Alumni Council Material for May 1962 meeting about 10 items
Mostly JMK notes; also a memo from A.R.B. on housemastering.

Alumni Fund about 15 items
Statistics on giving by parents an alumni, and some memos on how more effective in raising money.

Alumni Trip Nov. 11-24,1963 about 15 items
JMK trip west Itineraries, some notes about prospective candidates.
(Alumni) Southern Trip March-April, 1963
Material on a trip to Washington and Philadelphia
(Alumni) West Coast Trip Nov.-Dec. 1962
Same type of thing as above.

American Alumni Council 1957-59 about 10 items
JMK declines an invitation to speak at a AAC conference in 1955. Memo to JMK from Fred Stott suggesting a more professional approach to alumni considerations.
American Alumni Council Atlantic City Conference July 8, 1963
Copy of JMK address to conference, “If I had my way with alumni” Organizational letters and letters of appreciation.
American Alumni Council District 1 conf. Jan., 1964
Copy of JMK address to the conference other materials.

American Council on Education about 15 items Routine.

American School In Switzerland 1959 about 10 items
Report to the board of advisors, JMK agrees to be on board of advisors “in a weak moment”, and really doesn’t know anything about the school.

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 2

Architects Collaborative 1960 one folder.
A memo from H. Schereschewsky to JMK suggests that TAC reimburse PA the $13,000 extra PA has had to pay because TAC failed to provide working drawings for the contractors building dorm #3. TAC responds with a lengthy memo explaining everything.

Andover Book Store 1954-1960 about 20 items
Editorial in Phillipan about inadequacies of the Andover Book Store (1954) Memos concerning attempts to smooth relations between faculty & students and Johnny Cole of Andover Book Store. Laurence Lewis of N.Y.C. tries to buy the store, but can’t reach an agreement with John Cole. Report by Walter Gierasch listing specific remedies for the problems between PA and the store.

Andover Inn about 20 items.
Dean Bennett outlines the rules for unchaperoned .young ladies, guests of PA students, staying at the Inn. A letter to JMK about a guest falling down the stairs and receiving little help from the disorganized staff with the moral “…never get sick in the Andover Inn.’ Several resumes of prospective managers. Memo on a meeting with Treadway officials, April, 1961. Memo of meeting on lease proposal by Treadway, June, 1962.

Andover, Town of about 25 items.
Proposed zoning amendments. Letter of appreciation from Andover Police Chief for good behavior of PA boys taking the train to Exeter game. Letter to the Chief about 3 boys in a disturbance at the Playhouse. During a severe drought (1957) Dean Benedict offers the services of students in case of a forest fire. JMK asks the Chief of Police to get rid of the food-selling vans parked along Salem Street. Undated JMK note that PA is the third largest tax payer in Andover.

Additions to the Cage
Drawings, construction estimates, etc.

Andover Program: Cage 15 letters
JMK draft of proposed letter to Ted Avery asking if he would care to contribute to Cage addition in honor of ‘Shep’, (1959) “Dinty’ Moore has contributed but does not want his name mentioned. Specifications and requirements for addition. MLS letter to Ray Shepard informing him of the new Ray Shepard Wing: “The idea was sparked by Dinty Moore, and along with Dinty the cost has been underwritten by Ted Avery, Keith Brown, George French, Ray Graham, Tobey Richardson, and other of your friends.(MLS to Ray Shepard, May 24, I96O) Cost was $50,000.

Andover Program: A five-year fund drive about 25 items.
Goals of the programs notes on salary requirements for faculty, recommendations to trustees for salary increases; building priorities; case for art addition; memo on science building; statement of growth plans for art & music depts. Outline of the 5-year plan. Chronology of development planning, 1954-1958. Schedule of competitive bids by contractors, 1961.

Andover Program: Anonymous gifts 3 items.
Examples of forms used in handling anonymous gifts.
Andover Program: Block Sheets #1-100 1/22-10/15/59 thick file
Daily and weekly reports of individual contributors & amounts, with cumulative totals. ‘
Andover Program: Block Sheets #101-200; 10/16/1959 – 4/7/1960
thick file
Same as above. Most of these are thermofax copies, some stuck-together. Total amount pledged at end of files $4,232,456.74
Andover Program: Block Sheets #201-290 4/8/1960-6/1/1961 thick file
Same as above, more thermofax copies. Total pledged as of June 1, 196I1 $6,285,474.16/
Andover Program: Boston about 15 items
List of alumni leaders and prospects in Boston area, 1958. Members of parents committee of the Andover Program. Assorted, regional progress reports with pep talks and awful limericks from Dick Farrington.
Andover Program: Misc. very thick file
April, 1957 issue of Journal of Ed. Sociology on the role of the independent school in a democratic society. Notes on approaches to individual prospects. Preliminary budget for the Andover Program, Jan-June,1958: total $45,150. Other reports on campaign expenses Procedure and flow charts for handling of gifts to PA. Building cost analysis on dorms built, 1911-1958. Status report on the Andover Program. July-13, i960. Memo from F. Stott to JMK cites lack of trustee involvement with the Andover Program and mentioning the use of outside fund raisers[?] Duncan and Kersting. Confidential memo on Andover development on a conversation among JMK, F. Stott, and Harold Seymour, Feb, 1957. Interesting discussion on general aspects of fund-raising campaigns. Memo from F. Stott to JMK (Dec, 1960) bringing him up to date on the Andover Program. List of large gifts to the Andover Program. largest is $690,000. List of corporate contributions.

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 3

Andover, Town of Salary Evaluation Committee 1956-1958 very thick file
Annual Reports of the Andover School Committee, 1956-1959. Schedule of Massachusetts teachers’ salaries, 1957. JMK is on this special committee of the school committee. The file contains assorted statistics on teachers’ salaries from various sources. Reports of the committee, which recommended increased teachers’ salaries for Andover public schools.

Andover, Town of Urban Renewal Committee about 25 items
JMK is a member of this committee. A Reconditioning and Conservation Workshop held at PA, April 1961. Booklet, “Urban Renewal in Andover Massachusetts”. JMK does not get too involved.

Architects Misc, thick file
Architects considered for the Abbot Stevens House project. File includes a complete list of the architects considered, seven of them seriously. JMK visits dorms at other schools. Considerations of long-term master planning. Some comments on individual men.

Appleby College 8 letters
PA declines a suggested exchange of Latin teachers in 1959. delegation of trustees and headmaster of Appleby visit PA in April 1959.

Archaeology thick file
Annual reports for 1957-1960. “Pleistocene Man at San Diego” a reprint of article by P. Johnson & J. Miller. 1958 report is a history of the Peabody. An informal report from D. Byers to Sumner Smith on recent activities, June, 1959. Report of F. Johnson on a radiocarbon dating conference in Grongingen, Netherlands. Also a letter from Johnson to S. Smith on the same subject. Some budget figures for 1960-1961. Periodic reports on installation of displays in cases at the museum. Several more reprints of scholarly articles by Peabody staff. Grants received from NSF and Rockefeller Foundation for archaeological studies. Information on various conferences attended by staff.

Architects Collaborative (TAC) thick file
Letter from Walter Gropius enclosing a “NYT Magazine article on collegiate achitecture. It totally rejects traditional designs: “How can we expect our students to become bold and fearless in thought and action if we encase them timidly in sentimental shrines feigning a culture which has long since disappeared?” NYT Magazine, Oct. 23, 1949. This is the philosophy he is recommending for PA. A status report on PA architectural work, April 1957..Misc. bills. List of members of faculty committees considering various projects under the Andover Program. Specifications of request for borings on sites of Arts Center & Sciences Building.
Copy of program and plans for Arts Center & Science Building, Oct. 1960. F. Stott suggests making a checklist following each meeting with TAC to serve as a record later on. Summary of April 1961 meeting. Bid on furniture for the Science Building from A.B.Stanley Co. Cost of Stanley designed equipment is about $40,000 less than TAC design. In a reference, JMK states “Benjamin Thompson has now designed six buildings and a couple of additions for Andover. I can say that except for a few minor things we are both proud of and very happy with his buildings. …There have been times when Ben was slow to make up his mind and we or the contractor have been annoyed by the delays. Also, I think, he can get himself spread too thin with more work than he can handle expeditiously.” He tends to build the same kind of thing, and “If you like what he’s been doing, fine. We do.” (JMK to Vincent Barnett, Colgate University, April 12, 1963.)

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 4

Aspects of School Life 5 items
Letters, comments, and essays by PA students on life in general at PA. One charges that PA crushes the inquisitive spirit I A description of the plight of a lower middler selected as the butt of pranks and torments from other boys in his house; A Japanese exchange student looks forward to meal” time as the only time he doesn’t feel under pressure.

Athletic Department
One report: Philosophy and Policies Governing Administration of Physical Education

Athletic Dept. about 40 items
Coaching assignments, Winter athletic schedule, and other seasonal schedules. Memos on faculty children in the gym on Saturdays, free tickets to Andover-Exeter games for faculty and staff, refusal to let crew report to school early for practice. Sports Illustrated article about PA crew winning schoolboy sailing championship of the U.S. in 1960. List of I96O lacrosse candidates. JMK memo to Mr. Harrison about Skip Eccles who wants to be released from some of his PA duties to finish his MA at Harvard. Huntington School thinks it will be in the interest of good sportsmanship to suspend athletic contests with PA for an indefinite period (Feb, 1961). Letter from a Frederick R. Rogers, who advocates doing away with coaches in favor of player control. Memo from F. Harrison complaining about the poor drainage of the new soccer field.

Averages and Ranks thick file
Lists of scholastic averages and class ranks by class, term, and school year, 1957-1962

A Misc. thick file
JMK letter to student Edwin Abbott, who is denied a diploma for being out of bounds, absent from the dorm from 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., and not telling the whole story to the Dean. Even though he may be denied admission at Brown, JMK feels that “…you have it in you to “make a success at college and in later life.” (JMK to Edwin Abbott, June 30, 1960) Memos discussing which faculty members should be covered by a general air travel insurance policy. In answer to an alumni inquiry, JMK explains why the Andover Program did not emphasize athletic expansion. Letter from RWS to the African American Students Foundation asking for some help in coordinating the flood of requests for admission from African students, chiefly Kenyans, many poorly qualified and some even with forged credentials (Oct. 1960). Some Andover Program letters to midwest alumni. JMK recommends, three men: Dake, Pieters, and Hammond, for the Elizabeth Thompson “teaching awards of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. (1958). PA declines to send Bart. Hayes to TEPS conference in San Diego in May, 1960 since he is too busy planning the new arts center.
Several declined invitations to American Fiends Service functions. JMK. declines to write an editorial for the AMA Journal. PA has to turn down the son of a West Point colonel, whom everyone likes but can’t handle the work. A Conn. alumnus is irritated by receiving a special delivery plea for donations to PA annual fund and feels PA spent too much in raising funds. JMK states that PA aimed to spend 5% or less of the total sum raised in soliciting funds, (i960) Report of Atlanta trip, 1959. In answer to an inquiry, JMK outlines PA’s faculty situation re tenure, in-service-training, retirement, turnover, degrees earned, etc.

Balch. Richard 2 letters, resume.
Reference to proposed PA in western US. Resume of Balch, who is Director of Athletics at MIT.

Arts and Communications Center Advisory Comm. May 20-21, 1960 thick file
Contains more than Advisory Committee meeting in May 1960. Memo on the slide-tape presentation planned for prospective donors. Specific comments & suggestions from various individuals on the plans for the new building. Schedule for fund raising campaign. List of the members of Advisory Comm. and agendum for meeting of May 20. Memos on possible members & suggested donors. Letters from men asked to be on advisory comm. Jack Lemmon is flattered but expects to be making a picture in Tokyo and probably won’t make the meeting. Several other regrets including S.N. Behrman. Memo from J. Barss to B, Hayes with suggestions for the new Arts and Science bldgs. Impressions of Mr. J. Whitham of the meeting. 11-page summary of the meeting. JMK complains to D. Bensley that the architects don’t seem to understand what PA wants done in the Arts center.
Some preliminary floor plans. Memo on long-term objectives of the Arts & Communications Building. Memo on new electrical system (with map) and transformer vault. Nov. 1960 Report to members of the Advisory Comm. Charles Stillman refuses to have the building called “Stillman Art Center”.

“Big Three:” Arts Center. Science Building. 4th dorm. thick file
Costs, budgets, equipment estimates, of Andover Program. Construction alternatives. Bid forms. Draft of JMK memo, July, 196I, outlining responsibilities and channels of communication during construction. Copies of JMK letters to donors who gave additional amounts when it became known that construction was going to cost more than projected by Andover Program. Progress report on the Andover Construction Program, 1963. Extensive equipment lists for the new buildings and GW Hall renovation.

Association of Business’ Offices of Prep Schools 1955-1962 about 25 items
Comparative cost figures for 33 prep schools. Biographical sketches of member schools’ business officers. Report on PA salaries.

Audio-Visual Dept. 1954-1962 about 25 items
Specific recommendations to Mr. Bensley from Elliott Kone, Director of Yale’s A-V Center, on the planning of PA’s new building (1954) Plan for remodelling of Loan Library for A-V classroom. Booklet on the PA A-V center. Some schedules of films to be shown in various subjects: general science, physics, biology etc. Cost estimate for equipping auditorium, n.d.

Belvedere School 1957-1963 thick file
JMK declines an invitation to join the trustees in 1957, stating that he is already a trustee of schools. JMK agrees to be a trustee in 1960. Assorted reports, announcements,invitations related to the school. JMK is unable to attend most of the trustee meetings and resigns in Jan, 1963.

Boathouse 1960 about 20 items
A member of the class of 1928 gives funds for construction of a boathouse. Full size plan of the plaque drawn by TAC (Architects Collaborative). More correspondence about the Teak plaque (cost: $110)

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 5

Boys Club of New York 1958-1962 about 25 items
List of Boys Club boys in prep schools and colleges, 1958 Peter Capra, director of the Boys Club of NY, is PA alumni trustee. Brief sketches of boys in the Club’s educational program, including Anthony Accetta, PA ‘6l. JMK is prevented from making a speech by a storm (Sept. i960) He is invited for next year but plans to be in Europe on leave of absence, JMK suplies background on John Monro, PA trustee, for a speaker’s introduction. Photograph of JMK speaking at a Boys Club Christmas party, (1961).

Buildings & Grounds about 40 items ‘
Building cost analysis of dorms: 1911-1958. JMK note to set-up a revolving fund for Abbot Stevens house and the new dorm for furnishings. PA accepts the offer of Mrs. Drayton & Mrs. Pratt of 1,000 daffodil bulbs to put around the new dorms (1958).
1958 list of PA houses with historical value (18 in all). B. Hayes objects to dropping the ceiling in Pease House since it would destroy proportions. JMK suggests lowering them as little as possible but insists on good construction. “I have given a good many hours this summer to considering the pros and cons of the recommendations to preserve the original construction and dimensions of the old houses. We will do the best we can consistent with sound structural work. Could we, therefore, please discontinue communications on this particular subject until school starts?” JMK also asks B.
Hayes to submit info on what constituted proper proportions. Apparently a conflict between Hayes & Healey. Memo on West campus traffic. Memo on reorganization of ‘care of athletic fields dept.’ Memos on painting new dorms, extending the steam line to alumni house, the dorm planning committee recommends building no more abbot stevens-type dorms until their workability is established (Jan 14, ??). Graves Hall equip, requirements for 1958-1959. Glass in GW Hall doors replaced. Memos from JMK about trash and other things he finds on walking about campus. PA is offered a house at 50. Salem St for $22,000. HWS calls it “a borderline property for our needs” (April, i960) Report on building and repair work for year ending June 30, 1959. Two more houses offered to PA in i960. Engineer’s survey of possible athletic fields on PA land (Oct. i960) offered to PA /?/ Trustees are not ready to pay asking price??or “Morton Acres” land owned by the Campopianos. Fred Cheever offers another house to PA (Nov.i960) which is declined. Occasional accounts of accidents and vandalism.

Bulletin Article on Andover Program about 10 items
Notes, comments, and several drafts of an article prepared by JMK for the Bulletin on completion of the program.

B Misc. thick file
Letters on the assistance given by the Bacon family of Chicago to the Andover Fund. Letter from JMK to Sam Ballard who questions some of the goals of the Andover Program. Several letters of thanks for gifts to the Andover Program. Letters from JMK and T. Mikula to parents of a student not doing well in math. JMK letter to Channing Bates, who is denied a diploma for being absent from the dorm, out of bounds, and lying to the Dean. A Student, Sam Bingham, writes to ask for an appointment with JMK, since he is in the Upper class and never met the headmaster. Letters to Phil Block, who helped with special gifts to the Andover Program Info on the Boeschenstein gift of $100,000 in stocks. Paul Bouce (PA’56) offers to teach a summer session at PA gratis as his contribution to the Andover Program.

Calendar 1953-1962 about 20 items
Unsigned memo to CMF (Fuess) advising that exams not be given before Christmas vacation. Collection of School year calendars with suggestions and memos for changes, e.g., more school days should be added.

Casady School about 15 items.
A friend of JMK’s is headmaster of Casady in Oklahoma City.
Catalogue 1960-1962 about 15 items
Minutes of meeting of the Catalogue committee, Nov., 1959. Minutes of further meetings of the committee. Report of the committee, March 1959.

Celebrity Series about 10 items
Expenses for 1951-1952 series. Advertising brochures.

Center for Information on America 1956-1958 about 15 items
Issues of “Vital Issues” conference programs sponsored by this group to promote American studies.

Charles F. Kettering Foundation thick file
Several drafts of a proposal to the Kettering Foundation requesting $250,000 to build a science building. (i960) Directors do not immediately buy the presentation but don’t say no either (Nov. 1960) They do say no later in the month.

Chemistry Film Project 1956-1957 about 15 items
PA Chemistry Dept plans a program of films and filmstrips to aid teaching of high school chemistry to be done under a grant to Elbert Weaver.

Christopher D. Smithers Foundation 1959-1961 8 items
Foundation for study of alcoholism asks PA what kind of alcohol education program it has. Answer: none.

Clark, Lincoln D. PA ’42 7 letters
A psychiatric specialist, he is offered a position by JMK.

Classics Dept. 9 items
invitations to plays given by the Classics dept, program, other routine.

Clean-up Campaign about 20 items
1961 materials relating to finishing off the Andover Program.

U.S. Coast Guard Academy meeting, Feb-24, 1956 thick file
JMK is a member of the advisory committee. Agenda and other materials relating to the meeting including a thick “Survey of Coast Guard Officers’ Opinions & recommendations concerning the curriculum and functions of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy”
U.S. Coast Guard Academy meeting 11/9/1956
JMK is unable to attend meeting of Advisory Comm. and is sent a report of the proceedings.

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 6

Coast Guard Academy Advisory Committee 1955-1959 several lbs. of material
Printed matter relating to the Coast Guard Academy including if-year follow-up study of 1948 freshman entrants to engineering colleges, report of comparative study of attrition survey of Coast Guard Officers’ opinions and recommendations on academy curriculum, Oct. 1955 (55 pages) and appendices (about 100 pages). Letter from Secretary of the Treasury appointing JMK to the advisory committee. He agrees to serve for another 2-year term in 1957. JMK is unable to attend commencements at the Academy. He misses a few meetings of the Advisory Comm. as well. His second term expires in June, 1959.

Coast Guard Academy Meetings 1957-1958 6 folders
Correspondence, notes, reports, travel vouchers, etc. as well as minutes of the meeting JMK attended. JMK is unable to attend some of the meetings.

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 7

Record of the proceedings of a conference of Superintendents of the Academies of the Armed forces April 18-19, 1958 in New London. Bound copy of a report.

Coast Guard Academy Advisory Committee  April 13-14, 1959 about 12 items
Materials concerning meeting and plans to enlarge the Coast Guard Academy JMK is unable to attend.

Cochran Chapel about 20 items
Chapel schedules. Memos concerning an incident when campus police entered the chapel to check on some of the worshippers, much to the distress of Mr. Baldwin. (1957) Lists of boys in the choir, 1958-1959. A few programs of Chapel services. JMK memo about the place of chapel in school life.

Collado, Emilio G. 10 items
A member-of PA Alumni advisory committee. He offers some comments on the development program, particularly faculty salaries. He is with ESSO (oil) and gives generously to Andover Program.

College Admissions about 12 items
List of PA seniors admitted to colleges in 1958. Other memos from Mr. Benedict analyzing the success of each senior class in getting accepted by a first-choice’ college and noting trends, e.g. in 1959 Eastern colleges were harder to get into, and Andover seniors in the lower half of the class were not being accepted as readily as in the past. 1959 commencement program (partial; photocopied) “There is, unfortunately little doubt that this year tensions are increasing, the emphasis on marks is growing, and more than ever boys are thinking of the school as a mechanism leading to college admission rather than as an educational institution.” (Oct., 23, 1959 memo from dean of students to trustees) College admission is even tougher in 1960: “Colleges previously regarded as ‘soft touches’ have become tough. Frequently Directors of Admission.. .have been disposed to admit an Andover candidate but have failed to get him through their Faculty Committee on Admissions, who members argue, sometimes correctly, that a boy in the last ten of the Andover class is not as good a bet as an ardently motivated high school boy in the top half.” (Memo to JMK from Dean of Students, May 30, 1960).

College Entrance Exam Board 1955-1962 about 20 items
Memos on the advanced placement program. PA averages on College Boards, March 1953-March 1958. Report of a commission on mathematics. College Board averages for March 1954-March 1959. Same for March 1961

College Tuition Applications 1957-1962 thick file
Contains application forms of PA faculty for college tuition grants for their children.

Committee of the Arts and Sciences for Eisenhower 4 items
JMK agrees to serve on above committee during the 1956 campaign. He receives an honorary invitation to the inauguration (not in file) and a note of appreciation signed by Eisenhower in a White House envelope with a nice commemorative stamp.

Copley Wing Library thick file
Report of the Library Committee, recommending the construction of an addition. A Library Building Committee is appointed and consultants hired. Invitation to the- ground-breaking ceremony. Some cost figures. Invitation list for the groundbreaking ceremony. JMK’s typescript of remarks at the ceremony. Seven copies of program. Several letters to and from Design Research in Cambridge about library furniture and letter from Mrs. Eades who is rather upset to be left out of the planning. Itemized final costs for library addition.

Corning Glass Works Foundation (2nd Coming Conference) about 10 items.
Corning sponsors a conference on “The individual in the modem world” May 18-20, 196I, and invites leaders in education (including JMK), public affairs, industry, and labor from this country and abroad. He is unable to attend but receives reports and a directory of participants.

Council for financial aid to education 1956-1958 about 15 items
Memo on comparative plans for long-range financing of education. 1955 pamphlet outlining plans of the CPAE. Mention of a PA candidate for admission named Wickwar.

Council for Independent School Aid. Inc. 1957-1958 thick file
Memo of 1957 meeting re efforts of National Council of Independent Schools to produce a pamphlet stating the purpose of CISA. JMK is a director of CISA. Notices and minutes of meetings. Booklet “American Philanthropy’s Blind Spot” states the case for private schools’ need for corporation donations, citing the fact that corporate leaders send their children to such schools but are unwilling to support them financially. CISA mailing list (28p. of corporate presidents).

Council for Independent School Aid 1958-1959 very thick file
Memo on establishment of an advisory council of businessmen for the CISA.(Sept1958) CISA was established when JMK was Chairman of the National Council of Independent Schools. Letters to Marion Harper of McCann Erickson about possibilities of advertising because CISA is not as successful as hoped. Proposal from Cresap, McCormick & Paget for a study to make CISA more effective. Ford Foundation is interested (maybe) in financing a study of independent schools if it deals with experimental learning methods. About 20 copies of Vol 1., no. 1 og CISA newsletter (Jan. 1959) Notices of meetings and minutes of same with occasional reports on efforts to increase corporate giving. JMK not able to attend most of the meetings.

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 8

Council for Independent School Aid 1959-1960 thick file
JMK is still a direcibor of CISA. Agenda, minutes, and reports. Recommended program for 1960 recognizes that CISA has not been as effective as possible and suggests a big splash to really gain attention. JMK continues to miss most of the meetings, which are in New York. 1959 survey of reading preferences of business officers and executives. 1958-1959 survey of annual giving and alumni support of indpendent schools and colleges. Reprint of a series of articles in Wall Street Journal by John Chamberlain on current problems in US education.

CISA 1960-1961 thick file
JMK is still a director and still missing the meetings, agenda, minutes, reports of conferences sponsored by CISA. PA gives $500 to CISA in 1961. Summary of CISA history and achievements.
CISA 1961-1962 thick file
CISA still not doing well, tries to decide whether to merge with NCIS. JMK, about to leave on a 4-month sabbatical in July, 1961, offers to resign as director. “It seems that the question you raise boils down to this: Should CISA be the link between schools and business the way we originally conceived it or should the schools be the lihk between CISA and business? If the latter, it puts CISA in a tricky position and has implications that are considerable for CISA, implications that I sense rather than am able to define.” (JMK to German H.H. Emory, July 25, I961) JMK is asked to stay on the board.” PA continues financial support of CISA. CISA finances a study by Charles McArthur of Harvard comparing public and private school educations. CISA is less than pleased with the results.
CISA 1962-1963 thick file
Reprint of a speech by Harold W, Dodds on the future of independent education (no date). More memos, minutes, and reports. Continuing question of whether CISA should merge with NCIS. JMK doesn’t think it should. JMK also attends several of the directors meetings.

Crosby Family about 30 items.
Rather large and extensive Crosby genealogy. Letter from Thomas Crosby, Feb., 1959 outlining the family’s gifts to the Andover Program (total of $30,000, apparently less than JMK had hoped for).

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 9

Culver Military Academy 1954-1962 thick file
Henry Hitchcpck, PA class of 1924, is concerned about communism and hopes that PA has a program to teach American ideals. (1954) A Director of CMA writes JMK for help in finding a successor to the Superintendent, who died unexpectedly. JMK replies 3 months later that he has not been able to think of the right man.
In reply to request for info on fund raising and faculty salaries, JMK says “…we have had extraordinary success with our annual giving program. Though “we have had such a program for fifty years it really put on steam about six years ago when I decided to put a full time man on it. In the six years the Fund has jumped from around $45,000 per year to $200,000. There is a good deal of overhead if you do it our way, but we are convinced that we get it back not only in the annual giving but in the form of many other gifts which directly or indirectly stem from interest in the school created by the annual drive.” (JMK to Maj. Gen. Delmar T. Spivey, Dec. 18, 1956) In tne same letter, JMK says that he spent the better part of 8 years trying to straiten out the discrepancies between the endowed chairs and regular faculty salaries, which had caused morale problems. JMK recommends a former West Point classmate for job at Culver, and supplies info on PA “work progam. Some info on Culver curriculum. JMK replies to a query of how CMA can attract more intellectually able students: “We have come to the conclusion, despite a heavy application rate, that we should have one of our best men pretty constantly on the road looking for top-flight boys.” (JMK to Maj. Gen. Delmar Spivey, Feb. 18, 1959) He also stresses the importance of alumni admissions interviewers. Some PA data on scholarships, endowed chairs, and alumni giving. JMK advises Spivey not to make too much of being a military academy, that it doesn’t have any special virtue. JMK continues to support Culver and its superintendent, who as a good friend.

Culver Military Academy Catalogues, reports, etc. very thick file.
Academic policies and faculty assignments. Guide for Conduct and S.O.P. for Culver Military Academy. School Catalog, 1964-1965.- Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Culver Educational Foundation, Oct. 25, 1963. 1963 Culver Financial statement. Comparative faculty fringe benefits, 1963-1964.

Cum Laude Society 1957-1962
PA alumnus Geoffrey Bush gives a good Cum Laude address. An informal discussion about the teaching of fiction, notes and letters re. the Cum Laude address of Robert C. Dean. Ditto speech by John U. Monro. Also Dean Elder of Harvard Grad School.

C Misc. 1957-1962 very thick file
JMK recommendation for alumnus’ daughter to Dana Hall and Brearly School. Turns down a request from Casanticus Prep School to visit and give advice, JMK letter to an anxious mother that her son is doing well and that his housemaster knows the boy and cares about his progress.

JMK recommends Mrs. Campbell of Beaver Country Day School for a headmistress position. Long letter from JMK to an alumnus concerned that the teacher training program at PA will result in the same reliance on certificates and education courses that have weakened public school curricula: “What we are doing, in effect, is training young men to teach in accordance with our own Ideas. We shall continue to do so at least until such time as the colleges and graduate schools which train teachers can once again do the job for us and to our satisfaction”. He goes on to say that perhaps not all education courses are bad. (JMK to Donald K. Cameron, Feb. 28, 1959) Copy of Newcomen address on John Carver (1799-1867 Builder of Wooden Ships on Penobscot Bay by Clifford Carver. Carver recommends Laney Thornton for PA. Ref. to PA’s Society for the Propagation of Japanese Cherry Trees. Letter of thanks from parents of Keith Chiappa of Bermuda for his two years at PA. Alumnus Derwood Chase objects to the election to the Alumni Council of William Moorehead, a “radical-socialist”. Alan Blackmee supplies a soothing reply. Picture postcard from Laury Chickering in Rhodesia. JMK comments on plan of L. M. Clark to use federal money to educate 120,000 gifted students pej year at private schools. A report on Ward P. Cleary, ‘62, who managed to steal two cars and smash one of them while intoxicated. (Dec., i960) A Univ. of California rowing coach is most impressed with Marshall Cloyd, ’58. Copy of Commentary vol 1, no. 1. Letter of thanks from the Lawrence Community Concert Association for use of G.W. Hall for the series. List of student concessions, 1962-1963. Some notes on the Conference of Internationally minded Schools. Exchange of correspondence re the posting of Chris Cooke for late return from Thanksgiving vacation in, i960.

C Misc.; 1959-1961 about 59 items.
JMK report of conversation with Thomas D, Cabot, who does not want to contribute to PA. Letters of thanks for gifts to the Andover Program. Sketches on alumni in Chicago solicited for A.P. donation. Also Cincinnati prospects for contributions to the Andover Program. E. H. Clarkson offers JMK another painting. Andover Program Convocation Feb. 27-28 is cancelled in favor of regional convocations.

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 10

Dartmouth-Andover National Science Foundation Institute i960 ‘items
Info, on a summer institute for high school math teachers held at PA, June-Aug i960 List of teachers attending report of the director of the institute (Mr. Pieters).

Dean of Students about 20 items
Misc. minor problems, e.g., PA boy who was rude to Andover H.S. principal, photos of faculty in address book, a messy G.W. Auditorium for a Lawrence General Hospital benefit, disciplinary action requested by JMK for 2 boys who fell asleep (in chapel?), list of statistics maintained by Deans office.

Donner, Robert about 10 items
“A McCarthy empire builder based on slander and vilification” (M.L. Shields?) JMK draft of a letter to Donner (not sent) defending PA’s involvement with a Ford Foundation study. Copy of the restrained reply actually sent by JMK. Donner sends occasional literature, opposing communists, the UN, Democrats, taxes, and other things including biased teaching of American history (slanted toward Great Britain).

Dormitory Construction one folder
Preliminary planning conference of Architects Collaborative (TAC) for dorms 3 and 4

Dormitories thick file
Comparison of dorm sites. Requirements for housemasters’ quarters. Letter from TAC stating its qualification Report of the new dorm committee on furniture. Assorted communications from TAC, incl. plan for acoustical tile ceilings, test boring report, photograph of site plan resolving problems with the Minors, drawings of the Stimson dorm plaque. Leaflet suggesting gifts of parts of, or a whole new, dormitory.

D Misc. about 50 items
Some thank you letters to Andover Program contributors. Correspondence re efforts to interest Charles Dana in a large gift to Andover Program. Sad death of J.P. Davids, ’54. JMK explains the firing of Larry Dell Isola to a friend of the family. Letter from Josh Minor regretting inability to admit Steven DeMund. JMK answers a parent concerned about radical teaching techniques at Daycroft School. Brief report of Denver Visit, Nov. 1962. Efforts to help Indian teachers find work in the U.S. JMK awards William Donnell an Eagle Scout. Badge. JMK helps Merrill Dorman win appointment to Annapolis. Letter from Goldthwaite Dorr, who sends a paper on Tammany Hall written by him in 1895 at Harvard. Attempts to interest Mrs. duPont in the Andover Program.

Educational Facilities Laboratories
PA submits a grant proposal to Educational Facilities Laboratories for a study on the best possible science building for PA. PA gets $19,500 for the project. Interim report, April, 1960.

Esso Education Foundation 1958 6 letters
PA is looking for money for a science building Despite efforts of PA sympathizers connected with the oil company, EEF does not want to give money to prep schools.

E Misc. about,40 items.
Many routine items. Funny letter from J. Adriance to Dr. Eccles about a William Cobb, former chairman of the North Carolina Republican State Committee, who was discovered to be maintaining two domestic establishments: one wife and child in N.C., another wife and two children in Roanoke, Va. Cobb spent 3 years at PA, leaving in 1940. Over the notation “not allowed to return” in “the vigorous hentracks of Headmaster Claude Moore Fuess, is a succinct appraisal in the fine Registrarian hand of Willet L. Eccles: ‘ Lacks enthusiasm for anything– tired.’ Little did we know, did we, that William would eventually learn the Great End and Real Business of Living?” (JRA to Willet Eccles, Aug. 21, 1962) also an original, unsigned poem (by JRA?):

Stimson, Stearns and Stevens – we’ve named these
for Henry L. and Alfred E. and Abbot.
T’would seem we’re heavy-laden with ‘S-t’s’:
Egad! Could’t be we’re forming ‘S-T’ habit?
So cerebrated Royal Blue Trustees,
A-planning Dorm 4 moniker to fix –
Resolved: “Let’s break the mold with Old Claude Fuess,
The Country-boy from up-state New York sticks!
Though Mother called homely, he done good;
Try as we may, we truly fail to see
How in the name of Phillips (Sam) we could
Do less than name the joint for The B. D.”

A letter from David Kendall reveals how David Eisenhower happened to go to Exeter, although his grandfather would have preferred PA. Ref. to efforts to interest Harmon P. Elliot, class of 1907, in a big contribution to PA. Electrical facilities for new arts center & science buildings. Nice letter from Mrs. Elkin thanking PA for her son’s 4 years at PA. JMK states in answer to an inquiry that the trustees at PA do not interfere with the admissions process. Ref. to the Andover cup at Eaglebrook with names of winners.

Faculty Housing about 5 items
Info on the building of two faculty houses by Techbuilt in 1962. Several maps of campus.

Faculty salaries 1958 3 items
Two copies of a statement on faculty salaries developed for the Andover Program campaign.

Failures by subjects and courses 1957-1963 about 15 items
Statistics. Percentages of honors and failures in major courses by departments

Andover Program Financing about 10 items
10-year comparative operative statements, July 1948-June 1958. Some JMK notes and statistics. Memo from Munroe to Schereschewsky 1962 about Andover Program financing; more money needed to complete the Andover Program and it is borrowed from Merrimack Valley National Bank. “Financing at Andover” is a brief summary of favorable financial conditions at PA from 1949-1957.

Fisher, Henry J. *92 about 15 items
1959 biographical data on Fisher. He writes that he has reservations about increasing the size of the school, JMK reassures him that 850 vfill be tops, and not for 5 or 6 years. JMK visits Fisher in Conn. He is publisher of Popular Mechanics. Eventually donates $10,000 worth of stock to Andover Program.

Foreign Visitors 1957-1962 thick file
Visitors includei Australian architects, V.P.of a Pakistani college, English educators, Danish headmaster, Japanese educators. Principal of Burmese college, etc. Some are referred by NCIS or English-Speaking Union or State Dept. Several stamps and foreign cards. Comptroller of the State Railway of Thailand left a Thai baknote. Dr. Sizer of Harvard brings Australian friends to PA. (1961). Package of info on St. John’s Ravenscourt Lower School for Boys, Winnipeg.

Andover Program Forms and Mailing pieces very thick file
Copy of Andover Bulletin, Spring 1959. Samples of pamphlets, donations cards, etc. Mimeographed “News of the Andover Program ” Nos. 1-28 (some missing). press releases. Phillipian, Thurs, March 5, 1959. Discussion of proper approach to Sloan Foundation. Copy of Princeton booklet on tax advantages to different types of gifts.

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 11

Foundation Presentations about 15 items
Suggested approaches to the James Foundation of New York. Suggested by Harper Follansbee that Longwood Foundation (DuPont money) be approached. A special committee for foundation solicitation for the Andover program is set up. JMK memo ‘on PA dealings with following proposals: Ford Foundation, Conner Foundation, Carnegie Corp., and Spaulding Foundation. Proposal to develop design features for a secondary school science building. Letter to Avalon Foundation. Ref. to the Hayden & Dreyfus Foundations. Progress report of the Foundation Committee, Nov. 1959.

Fuess, Claude M. 1952-1963 thick file
Letters of sympathy and tributes to CMF. Complete copy of memorial service at Cochran Chapel. Materials on the CMF dorm dedication. Letter from CMF to JMK in 1960s “I returned early in the week from a … cruise with a group of so-called ‘educators’, who certainly made me feel how antiquated a professional I am. These fellows have a kind of revised jargon which I cannot always understand.” (CMF to JMK, Chestnut Hill, Aug 12, 1960) Copy of CMF sermon, Sept. 20, 1959. CMF agrees to write a memorial for Carl Pfatteicher, “with whom I frequently disagreed but whom I always respected.” Letter from JMK to CMF thanking him for his many contributions and services to PA. CMF gives a portrait of himself by Pezzati to PA. Interesting letter from CMF to JMK, who appairently wrote asking for CMF’s opinion on which member of Latin department to promote to Dept. head. Fuess’s response is very frank.

Fuller, Samuel L., ’94 about 10 items.
Fuller makes a Florida visit pleasant for the Kempers by paying their hotel bill. Fuller gives PA $10,000 for a fund to pay an annual award and for a student carillioneur. JMK sends condolences on his death in 1963.

Fund for the Advancement of Education about 15 items
2 bulletins of the FAE on ten-year plans and teaching salaries. JMK explains some of the points of new salary scale worked out in 1956. FAE gives PA money for a chemistry film project. JMK warmly recommends Outward Bound program to FAE.

F Misc. about 50 items.
JMK does not think Gary Fuller ‘60’s father is a good prospect for Andover Program. Vol. 1, no. 1 of Le Cercle, put out by PA French students. Col. H.G. Foster, PA ’10, writes that Giilbert Amsden has left some papers from his days at PA (’98) if PA wants tham. ” Foster also has correspondence of his grandfather’s relating to the PA careers of W.P. and Claude, & Tobias Gibson, in the 1860’s. JMK cordially answers a long, chatty letter from Hubert Fortmuller, Jr. PA ’52. Ref. to Fort Worth Day School. Confidential memo from M.L. Shields on the Fleischmann Foundation. Some memos about the purchase of additional flexowriters. Another memo on presentation to the Fleishmann Foundation, which eventually says no. Dean Benedict apologizes to Mr. Fisher-Galati who has complained of PA students littering his lawn. Correspondence with Tony Fisher ’52, stationed in France and wondering whether to apply for a commission. Dean Benedict writes to Patrick Morgan in Italy to ask whether Film Society is really necessary, in view of recent lousy quality of the movies. R.W. Sides has to deny admission to Peter Farrell of Bath, Maine, Many other odds and ends.

General Services Administration 1957 about 5 items
GSA answers PA’s inquiry about how to figure overhead in working out government contracts.

German Exchange Students 1954-1958 8 items
Letters refer in informal exchange of students with Schule Schloss Salem and are arranged by Dr. Lohnes in Frankfurt/Main. Evidently the exchanges do not always run smoothly.

Goldwater. Sen. Barry 1963 5 items
articles and letters relating to Goldwater’s speech at PA sponsored by the Russian club.

G Misc. about 50 items
Correspondence with various Gardners in Chicago who are alumni and contributors. JMK made the acquaintance of Arthur Garthe, head carpenter during the building of Stimson House, and recommends him for a permanent position at PA. Resume of Lt. Col. Benjamin Gault, PA ’29, who is looking for a job as headmaster after twenty years of teaching at West Point. Several letters of thanks for gifts to Andover Program. Mr. Ben Gilbert hosts a very successful PA party in New York. In Dec., 1959. JMK letter of condolence to son of Mr. Gildehaus, who had apparently been giving JMK a very bad time. “JMK is unable to help an old classmate who wants his son to go to PA. Ref. to a plan for an elevator in G.W. Hall. Letter from the South Pole, from Charles Greene, Jr., with a nice IGY Antarctica cover.

Harvard College Military, Naval, & Air Science Visiting Comm. 1958-1964 3 folders
JMK spent six years on this visiting comm., ending in 1964. File contains materials concerning his work on this comm.
Lists of Army, Navy and Air Force ROTC grads of Harvard, used by JMK to solicit funds for a new rifle range at Harvard. Also letters sent to individuals who were also PA grads.
Brochures on NROTC program. Notices of meetings of the committee. Report of the committee, May, 1960. Other material.

Harvard University Misc. about 15 items
Results of PA grads who chose advanced placement at Harvard, 1962. In return for taking apprentice teachers from Harvard, PA faculty is offered a free summer course; there are no takers. JMK invitations to High Table at Eliot House.

Kemper records, 1957-1962

Box 12

Headmasters Association 1957-1964 7 folders
Nominations for Fall 1957. A humorous description of the Yale Faculty hockey team which has engaged to take on the Headmasters Association team, which includes JMK, Feb. 12, 1957 (He is listed on the roster as litter bearer). Equally amusing program of the event: a final note reads “Applicants for admission to any of the Secondary Schools represented may see the headmasters in Choate Infirmary during the week fallowing the game.” A news clipping of the match indicates that the headmasters, won; 3-1. Association handbook, 1958. A Sports Illustrated account of above-mentioned hockey game. Some seconding letters of nomination and program of the 65th annual meeting, Feb 1958.
Refers to a rematch of the Yale faculty team with the headmaster’s Hic Haec Hockey Club. JMK declines. Records of the Headmasters’ Association transfered to PA archives. Program of 66th annual meeting.
Nominations for fall 1959 with JMK’s votes noted in margin (?). JMK also declines to play in the third annual hockey game. 67th annual meeting program, Feb. 1960
Nominating list, JMK’s letters of seconding. JMK declines another invitation to play hockey against “what Yale chooses to call her Faculty” Princeton wants to send a few more Headmaster’s Association records to PA. April, 1961). Program of 68th annual meeting, 1961
same type of stuff as preceeding folders.
JMK nominates Valeau Wilkae of Governor Dummer and solicits seconding letters from other members. List of nominations with JMKs votes. No annual meeting program.
Report of a trip to England by Mr. Jones. Other items same as in above folders.

Project Hope 1962-1963 about 7 items
JMK agreed to be a director, 7/12/72, to help out Stephen B. Young, Director for New England. JMK is actually a member of the Massachusetts committee. He is unable to make the meetings & dinners, and does not sign up for a second year.

Honor roll 1948-1962 about 20 lists
Fall terms, 1946 and 19448. Fall & Winter 1955-1956. Fall 1956. Spring 1957, Fall 1957, 1958: spring, fall, winter. 1959:sp,f,w. 1960:sp,f,w. 196ltsp,f,w. 1962: sp.

Housing, faculty: annual moves 1957-1962 thick file.
Rebard of housing changes, 1957. Complete sets of Housing Bulletins for 1957-1958, 1959-1960, 1960-1961, and 1961-1962. The latter set also includes two housing committee reports which give some idea of how housing assignments were made.

Housing, Student 1957-1962 about 30 items
Memos from W. Bennett, dormitory census lists. Report of the ad hoc student housing committee, 1958. Report on immediate and long-range housing needs. A memo on proctors. One memo entitled “Why we should take next year off” from Bennett to Sides relating that as of June, 1959 “…we have 767 potential boarders for 1959-1960 and 746 spaces for them”.

Housing studies 1958-1962 thick file
Memos form R. Healy on estimated costs to renovate certain houses,. 1958. 1959 survey of housing, with a rating of each house. Two housing surveys in 1960 by R. Healey with recommendations, map of proposed changes. Nov., 1960 report with suggested housing changes by W. Gierasch. 1961 distribution of boys in houses. 1961 photo of comer of Highland and Salem Sreets.

Housemastering 1957-1962 about 8 items
Nov. 1955 memo to faculty from JMK about housemastering.
Memos on selection of faculty for various types of housing and on the pilot dorm experiment. JMK notes on one student who did poorly at PA but might have done better with more attention from housemaster. Talk by Floyd Humphries at parents orientation meeting, Sep 1962 about how a housemaster is supposed to function.

H Misc. thick file
Thank you notes from JMK to Andover Program contributors. Routine exchanges with Hackley and Holdemess schools. Ref. to the Hamilton Fund. PA accepts C.B.Kaufmann, recommended by Pres. of Allegheny Steel even though he is in Europe and not available to interview. A table of gifts to Harvard campaign, 1959. G. Benedict’s letter to a father in Ireland reassuring him about Jerry Heist’s accident in PE class which resulted in two broken wrists. Letter from Maurice Smith, ’13 asking JMK to reconsider the application of Robert Helms. Letter to Bennet Hirst saying he can come back to senior year at PA if he really wants to. He was expelled for being out of bounds overnight. His father then resigned as alumni rep. for Andover program in Idaho. Letters to Steve Hord re. Chicago fund raising activities. Correspondence with Jack Horner of United Aircraft about fund raising for the science building. JMK recommends ministers for the First Church in Cambridge. Huntington school complains about conduct of PA athletes at a track meet. Papers re the bequest of the total estate of Robert Hurlburt to PA. He had no relatives, & JR Adriance supplies a report of the funeral.

Instructor and housemaster file about 30 items
Records relating to JMK’s Math 1Bb course. Reports on students living at Phelps House including letters to parents. Also medical reports and class reports and demerit slips.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 1

Abbott, Paul 1961 about 15 items
An alumnus in New York interested in Outward Bound. He is
concerned about the rejection for admission of a protege. Arranges for an autographed copy of MacArthur’s autobiography to go to PA.

A Better Chance (ABC)-ISTSP 1968-1969 thick file
Materials relating to the national Independent Schools Talent Search Program and A Better Chance. JMK is a member of board of trustees in 1968, and PA is a member school. JMK states that “OUTWARD BOUND and ABC are my two favorite causes, and the
two to which I give the bulk of my extracurricular time” (JMK to Charles S. Hamilton, Dec. 26, 1968, in support of a proposal to the Avalon Foundation for funds for ABC)
ABC-ISTSP 1968-1969 extremely think file
ABC auditor’s report. Reading lists and course outlines of Black History courses at various schools. ABC trustees agree to work toward a “non-white or disadvantaged student enrollment of 8-10% of the boarding population of the member schools” and schools that make this a public commitment will receive priority in the awarding of ABC funds. (Memo of trustee action of Sept. 29, 1968) ABC Newsletters. Reports of trustee meetings.
ABC-ISTSP 1969-1970 extremely thick file
More of the same. ABC Newsletters, reports of trustee meetings, most of which JMK attends. Lists of ABC students at various schools and lists of the colleges they attend. Data about Black study courses. Ref. to education needs of American Indians. Paper on “Racial Minorities and Curriculum Change” by Todd Furniss with a commentary by John Munro, which interests JMK. Reports of the executive director.
ABC – ISTSP (Development Office) 1969-1970 20 items Reports of the ABC Development office to the trustees. Ref to possible grant from Olivetti Foundation to ABC. Some
comments by J.R. Adriance on the effect of PA’s active role in ABC on alumni giving: He seems to feel that any negative effects are more than balanced by other alumni who support the program. (Feb. 1970) Reports relative to ABC’s 1969-1970 fund raising campaign, which employed JRA as helper.
ABC-ISTSP 1970-1971
More reports: financial, statistics on participating schools colleges attended, and attrition.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 2

ABC-ISTSP (Development office) 1970-1971 about 10 items
Reports of ABC fund-raising activities. JMK writes a letter to Bob Sarnoff at RCA in support of an ABC proposal. JMK continues to help with proposals to various foundations.
ABC-ISTSP (Development Office) about 10 items 1971-197
JMK no longer a trustee in 1971 but continues to help when he can, writing in support of foundation proposals.
ABC-ISTSP 1971-1972 about 10 items
ABC Newsletters, other printed material
ABC Projects (Dartmouth, Carleton, Williams, etc.) thick file Concerns the programs set up to help the transition of ABC students from public to private schools–summer program. Lengthy proposal. Comments of Donald Shepard, a tutor, on PA’s program in 1965. Report by Dean Charles Dey of Dartmouth “Chapter Two of Project ABC” Correspondence with head of Carleton’s ABC summer program. Ref. to Mt Holyoke program. Examples of creative writing at Carleton ABC. Report on Dartmouth 1969 program.

Activities 1967-1972 about 3O items
List of student organizations as of Dec., 1965. Budget of the outing club, constitution of the Andover Student Political Union. Problems of space for extracurricular activities. List of student organizations and their meeting places, Long evaluation report on student activities and student government (1970) with list •Of activities and their purpose. 1971 memo on the relationship between activities and athletics.

Addison Gallery 1967-1972 thick file
Memo on AG, accounting, 1967. Copy of October 1967 Boston Review of Photography. JMK memo, ’67, recommending that AG have a larger annual purchase fund. Lists of new acquisitions for trustee meetings, Correspondence with candidates for B. Hayes replacement, Information on gifts to AG of money. PR on Seven Decades show. Cook wants to raise the figure alloted for special exhibits. Cook purchases a car for AG against advice of administration, Catalog: The Black Photographer 1908-1970, Material on the National Humanities Faculty with which Cook is involved.
Addison Gallery 1967-1972 additional material about 25 items Ref to Gov, Winthrop desk; owned by Phillips’ wife. Newspaper clipping referring to American Heritage, Oct, 1968 which used a primitive school scene from AG to satirize student unrest. Insurance Co, recommends a much better alarm system for AG in 1968, Report on the theft of silver, Dec. 1968, with list of stolen Pieces and values.
Addison Gallery Alumni Treasures Show about 5 items Copy of Catalog, 1967. List of alumni interested in lending objects for the show. Examples of forms used. Report on the whole process of planning the exhibit by Sara Weeks. Memo from W. Munroe on the cost of the catalog (expensive).

Admissions thick file
Lots of statistics. Schedules of duty officers for weekend guide service. Comparison of action taken on joint applications to PA and Exeter. Memos concerning drop in number of applications in 1970. Clippings in 1971 about drop in admissions. Vol, No of Harvard’s “Perspective”. Continued problems in 1972.

Advanced Placement 5 items
Monograph (25p) on the beginnings of the advanced placement program by David Dudley of IIT, which outlines PA’s significant role. Other memos and routine stuff.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 3

Afro-American Society very thick file
PA wants to move carefully with request of students to form an Afro-American Soceity in 1967. Note from Meredith Price to JMK, PA rejects the request at first, fearing ties to a national organization and semi-professional agitators, and too much pressure on black students to join. OK is officially given. Copy of the constitution and some early programs. Afro-American Cultural center is also ok. Vol. 1 of the Andover Black Caucus. Memos on Black studies. Annual budget figures for Af-Am Society. ore issues of the Andover Black Caucus. Minutes of trustees meeting, 1969, which discussed the position of blacks at PA. Long memo from Frank Eccles (Dec. 1970) outlining agreements reached between AfAm Society and faculty about such things as hiring of black faculty, a black dorm, black history courses.

Alumni Council: Topics for Meetings
One sheet listing topics discussed by alumni council from Oct. 1960 to Oct. 1970.
Alumni Council Meeting April 1968 about 15 items
Minutes of the meeting. Minutes of executive committee of the Alumni Council, Jan, 1968, and July, 1967. Schedule of events for alumni council meeting, Fall, 1967. List of members of alumni Council with addresses.
Alumni Council 1968-1969 about 5 items
Minutes of May, 1969 meeting. suggestions, nominations, and ballot for alumni trustees and alumni council, 1969. Schedule of events for fall meeting, 1968. List of Alumni council members with addresses.
Alumni Council 1969-1970 about 5 items
Minutes of Alumni Council/Trustee meeting, April, 1970, Minutes of Alumni Council executive Comm., Jan, 1970. Minutes of Alumni Council Meeting, Oct., 1969. Address of Al i Council Members, July, 1969.
Alumni Council and Class Agents 1970-1971 about 10 items
PA finances, a report prepared for Class Agents’ Convocation Address of Alumni Council members, June, 1970. Minutes of Alumni Council meeting, Fall, 1970. Minutes of Alum. Council Exec. Comm. in New York City, Jan, 1971, Minutes of Alum. Council meeting of Spring, 1971. which discussed t e question of coeducation for PA. Case for by Simeon Hyde (from Andover Bulletin) and against by Richard Pieters.

Alumni Council and Class Agents 1971-1972 thick file, about 20 items
Address of Alumni Council members, June 1971, Annual re_port on gifts to PA , 1970-1971, Also a report on Parent giving. PA finances 1969-1971, Minutes of Fall 1971 A1umni Council meeting. Materials relating to Spring 1972 meeting, Addresses of Alumni Council members, 1972.

Alumni Dinners about 25 items
Alumni get-togethers at PA, New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, List of questions asked by parent & alumni at New England dinner. JMK notes for a talk given to Chicago, Detroit, Boston, and N.Y. alumni dinners about student unrest. (1969)

Alumni Fund 1967-1972 about 20 items
Material for Alumni Fund Statement including general comments by JMK and JMK commencement address, 1970, Copies of Andover Giving. Some memos on ways to increase alumni gifts and on the use of money raised. Three “statements” of JMK: “This is the Real World”, Helping Boys to Find Themselves”‘, and “There have been some Changes”.

Alumni Trip Florida, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia March & April, 1967
Itinerary, Hotel, car rental, & other receipts. Thank you notes. Some notes on Atlanta students,
Alumni Trip Cleveland & Pittsburgh April 1968
One item: itenerary.
Alumni Trip Rochester, Detroit, Syracuse Nov. 167
Syracuse guest list, itinerary. Same for Detroit, Rochester itinerary.
Alumni Trip Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland about 20 items
Itinerary. List of 6hristmas gifts. Outline of speech(Nov. 1968) deals somewhat with topic of campus unrest. Hotel, etc, receipts, Annotated lists of prospects and contacts.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 4

Alumni Trip Nov. 17-23, 1969 about ten items
Same speech on student unrest (the class of 1969); in Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, And San Francisco

Ambassador Program 1969-1971 about 30 items
Info. on experiment in International Living. A Greater Lawrence Program is affiliated with the Experiment, and JMK is in charge of selection committee. Several application forms of prospective Experimenters.

American Bar Association about 10 items
The chairman of the ABA’s standing committee on Education about communism and its contrast with liberty under law sends JMK various materials generated by the committee because of JMK’s interest its work.

Andover Bulletin about 20 items
Copy of May 1969 issue with “Reflections on a Winter Term” by JMK. JMK reply to a letter from an alumnus’ mother charging PA with “meeting every demand for laxity made by a few students”
in abandoning dress codes and allowing students to advocate draft evasion on campus . (Mrs, Claude H. Jones, Oyster Bay, N.Y,, May 26, 1969) A number of letters, some congratulating JMK for “Reflections” and some outrage at the photographic essay in the same issue which showed portraits of semi-longhaired PA students.

Andover Educational Improvement Ass’n 1972
A seminar sponsored by Andover public schools on individualized secondary education, to which PA is invited.

? Commencement about 20 items 1972
Reunion info, and forms, Lists of responsibilities, Copy of invitation. Reunion Weekend schedule, Order of Exercises. Copy of Phillipian, June 9, 1972. Reunion guest lists by class, Speech by Simeon Hyde, notes for speech by Ted Sizer, Two more copies of order of exercises.

Andover Inn thick file
Materials relating to 1969 study of the Inn by consultants,
F. Stott memo on Inn proposals, Plans for $1 million renovation of the Inn, Funds for the consultants’ study given by Milton Steinbach, who continues to take interest in renovvation plans.
Much of the money seems to have been raised by trustees. Oct,,1970 memo to the trustees outlines progress to date. Financial statements and other accounts relating to Inn.

Andover, Town of about 10 items
Annual budget message, 1969. PA donates use of cage for special town meeting, use of pool for special education classes, F. Stott memo on problems encountered by PA when it plans to build new dorm on Highland Rd. and Selectmen considered requiring PA to pay tax on it. 1970 annual report of Andover School Committee.

Andover Inn
Study of development of long-range plans for Inn operation by Harris, Kerr, Forster & Co. 54p. Oct. 1969

Archaeology Thick file
Copy of Scientific American April, 1971, with article by R. S. Mac Neish. Letter of thanks for gift of an artifact collection from Dr. Tyzzer. Some rearrangements have to be made as Byers retires
and MacNeish joins the staff. Reprint of an article on conducting a dig with secondary school students. Info on gift of Ross Moffett collection. Memos opposing PA’s hiring Miss MacIntyre for a position with the Peabody Foundation. Some small evidences of friction between Byers and Johnson. “A look forward” Oct., 1968 by F. Johnson & R. MacNeish; a statement of their plans for the Peabody Foundation. Proposal from Johnson for remodelling exhibits to make them more useful to PA; Some memos on status of employees on the Peruvian project. Other reports on Peruvian project. Proposal to NSF for more funds for Peruvian project. Informal memo on trip to Mexico by E. Sisson.
Not in folders: First & Second annual reports of Peruvian project 1969-1970 Peabody Foundation Annual reports, 1969 (2) 1970, 1971.

Art Department about 25 ttems
W. Monroe asks G. Bensley to describe and figure his costs more accurately. Minutes and memos about the activities of the Art Ass’n of N. E. Boys Prep Schools. 1967 memo by B. Hayes of a program of development for the arts at PA. JMK (balks to art dept. about its needs and responsibilities in Jan, 1968. In answer to an inquiry, Gerry Shertzer justifies the presence of a furniture design course in the art dept. Memos on the idea of mini art centers for clusters. Memo on materials used in PA-Abbot Art courses, 1971.

Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies June-July, 1968
JMK is asked to be a resource guest at summer session of the Aspen Executive Program. Background info and correspondence about JMK’s participation.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 5

Assemblies about 10 items
An emergency meeting on May 29 about fighting between PA boys and Townies. Other memos on possible topics and speakers.

Athletic Department thick file
Memo from T. Harrison about pre-season football program (Oct.1961) outlining ways to keep boys out of trouble. Athletics schedules, coaching assignments, Statistics on the PAT program (developing physical abilities of lowers and juniors who fail minimum tests). List of Athletic Department wants, March, 1968. Petition from Club hockey players demanding more rink time. Various memo on the assignments of athletic dept. crews.

Audio-Visual Center about 10 items
A copy of Focus which lists film holdings of the A-V center and the Addison Gallery. Minutes of Trustee meeting of Jan, 1968, which discuss the Paine addition on to Addison Gallery for photography. Memo on A-V dept procedures.

Ault, J. Burchenal about 15 items.
A successful fund-raising alumnus. He is against co-education for PA. JMK replies that he is also very concerned “, can be sure that there’ll be lots of discussion into which I shall invite Trustees and Alumni before we go off the deep end. And I do agree that unless we’re very intelligent and farsighted, it could be a deep, deep end.” (JMK to J.B. Ault, Feb. 19, 1970) JMK helps with a reference when Ault decides to leave business for headmaster­ship of a private school. He becomes V-P of St. John’s College in Santa Fe.

A Misc. thick file
Introductions of assembly speakers. Requests for suggestions for headmasters posts and other information about school administr­ation. Ref to four-school study of last two years of prep school
and first two of college. Correspondence with Andover Skating and Tennis clubs. Various comments on a proposal for Andover North, a scheme to buy an island off the Maine coast for a wilderness campus. Some letters to applicants and parents of applicants. Correspondence with Winslow Ames, PA ’25, who wants to establish rowing between Andover and Exeter and complains about the emphasis put on military records of Trustee nominations. JMK replies that it is just part of the list of things he has done. Also mention of Albuquerque as a site for Andover West. JMK declines to be a member of Board of Governors of the American Scholarship Foundation. Series of letters when T. Harrison makes an adverse report on Mark Allen 1968 for his long hair and general sloppiness. After a talk session in Paul Revere dorm, JMK indicates that he still is not fond of long hair but is interested in the variety of motivations for such hair styles. (1968) Some figures on comparative aptitudes of PA and Abbot students, 1972.

BA-BE Misc. thick file
Correspondence with Phillip Babb, a generous parent of two PA boys, ? and Perry. Mr. Babb is upset with the tone af a letter from Mr. Morell informing that Perry will assuredly fail math and not get a diploma. JMK reassures him that Morell has the boys best interest at heart, etc. Short JMK letter to H. Bachman on his retirement from the English Dept. Letters to Bernard Began, father of Ken, who gave generously to PA land acquisition funds. Letters and memos on Mark Baldwin, denied a diploma for distributing liquor and pornographic films in 1970, JMK grants the diploma after a succesful semester at UNC. Some figures and notes on Bancroft Hall remodeling. Exchange of letters in June, 1970, with Michael Batal about drug problems on campus. JMK agrees with a parent who thinks that boys should not be educated in a place that is cut off from the “real world”. Mr. Wallace Bell (1968) is concerned about permissive trends at PA and fearful of giving students too much of a role in running the school. Memos about opening the basement of Benner house to students (1967 and 1969) Russell Bennett refuses a job with Andover Program as Minnesota rep, but gives $10,000, Letters from Edward S. Bentley, who increases the fund in his son’s name to $30,000. Letter from a man who lives in JMK’s ancestral home in Warrenton, Virginia.

Barker, Robert R. About 20 items.
Apparently unsuccessful attempts to interest Barker, a very wealthy man, in PA. He does supply advice on managing endowment.

Bennett, John M. about 20 items
A Texas alumnus who is concerned about a sermon in Chapel given by George Bundy Smith, a black PA grad and NAACP lawyer. JMK did not agree that civil rights is a political and not a moral issue.
John Bennett IV is chosen for Schoolboys abroad. Bennett is also upset by the selection of William Coffin to speak at Chapel (Feb, 1969) JMK pointed out that Coffin had been speaking annually since the time when he was acting School Minister. Bennett is very concerned about the liberal tendencies he feels are growing at PA. JMK has to reassure Bennett in 1971 that PA did not encourage or subsidize students who took part in peace demonstrations in Washington, D.C. in May, 1971.

BF -BRN Misc. thick file
In response to a letter from Bishop’s College School in Quebec asking about a PA-Abbot merger, JMK sends a confidential study (1970) and says”I qlways thought Canadians had better sense than we, on our side of the border…. We have not progressed very far, yet perhaps too far to turn back. [There are] “some awesome financial and administrative contrasts which are going to be hard to reconcile, the closer we approach matrimony.” Difficult dealings with the father of Timuel Black, who loses stereo equipment during moving and gets behind in tuition payments.
JMK helps George Blackwell to find jobs. In Sept., 1971, JMK writes that he is jealous of Phil D. Block, just retired as Chairman of Inland Steel: “… particularly at this moment in September when I face what looks like a very complicated year.” Block supports the land acquisition program and writes two letters of support for applicants. Brief JMK letter to the mother of a boy thrown out of PA and convicted of drug misuse. (Aug. 1970). JMK writes to guardian who feels that PA should give students the responsibilities for school government that they demand (1969); “You and I know that progress in any given community is usually made by a series of compromises. This is very hard for boys to accept. They forget, in their enthusiasm for a particular point of view, that there is often an equally enthusiastic (if not violent) opposing point of view. But I guess you have to be a lot older than sixteen to understand the danger of what nowadays is called ‘polarization’,” (JMK to Mrs. William Kiskadden, June JO, 1969) Details and letters about the Richard K. Boyd Fund, established for a 1956 PA graduate killed in Vietnam. An unsolicieed gift from Grandmother of a PA student leads to a memo on types of funds and restricted uses of income from them, John S, Brittain, ’40, tears up his pledge card and sends it back with an angry letter about PA’s abandoning dress coses, educating disadvantaged boys, and going coed; JMK writes a nice letter in return.

BRO .. – BZ Misc, thick file.
Homer M. Byington, PA’26, Consul General in Naples, gives PA a portrait of George Washington in 1968. Ref, to educational research being done by Robert Burton at Air Force Academy Correspondenc with Burdicks of Chicago area, who organize alumni affairs there and have a son Tony who has difficulties at PA, Alumnus Morrison Bump ’37 is upset about allowing students too much control in school affairs and turning into “animals of no visible good habits” F. Stott mentions in 1970 that budget cuts have to be made, and suggests that JMK leave more of the “dirty” decisions to him. Col Staunton Brown in interested in a job at PA. JMK writes a letter about what happened to Chapel (Aug 1970) to Howard Brown and about his views on the role of religion in secondary schools, Correspondence and memos to Gardner Brown, Chicago alumnus, whose son Malcolm has problems at PA.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 6

Buildings and Grounds thick file
Memo from Healy to JMK on proposed savings through reducing janitor payroll by cutting the number of hours worked by janitors. Figures on fire protection program. Memo on renovation of Graham House for Outward Bound offices, Notes of dorm inspections in 1967 and letters of commenda tion to janitors from JMK. Memo on traffic lights on Main Street, List of priorities on bath and kitchen remodeling, PA buys property on Stonehedge Rd, & Salem St., 1968. Memo on security, 1968. Memos on Bancroft tennis courts. First issue of the PA Employees’ news bulletin, Memo on remodeling of Bancroft Hall, PA terminates security contract with Wackenhut, 1969, and hires Vicetor Serivice of Lawrence. PA concerned about wages and if they are comparable to similar jobs in the area, Memo on dorm inspections, Memo from Dean of Students on need for additional campus security.(May, 1969) 1970-1971 list of PA rental properties with occupants and rents. Long memo from W. Monroe on the management of PA property. Some info on the history of the Trott porperty on Stonehedge Rd.

CA – COL Misc, thick file
Reprt on Bruce Carl, who is advised (?) not to try PA ( 1968) Correspondence with Nathaniel Cartmell of NYC who is interested in getting more disadvantaged boys into schools like PA, Suggests strongly that Jews must be represented on the Alumni Council (1968)
He wants to see Negros and Jews on the PA faculty. Four-page memo from Simeon Hyde on the Problems of recruiting Black teachers, JMK talks with Edward C. Cayley about a possible position at PA Unsuccessful(?) attempt to interest Otis Chandler of the Los Angeles Times in a big gift to PA. Thurston Chase is unhappy in retirement in Virgin Islands and asks JMK for a job at PA, but there isn’t any. JMK has to answer 3 letters from upset alumni about speech by Noam Chomsky in 1967, Some correspondence with Colorado Academy.

Calendar about 12 items
Annual calandars and some memos on them. 1970 letter to parent explaining the trimester system.
Campion, Thomas 1970-1971 about 10 items
Director of operations for the New York Times, he writes to JMK for help in finding a job in education. F. Stott mentions several things he could do at PA, and he eventually becomes Vice Chancellor of UMass Amherst. Earlier letter, May 1961, Campion complains bitterly about the excessive influence of the athletics dept. on academic matters,(He was alumni council member.)

Canadian Headmasters Ass’n about 10 items
Large glossy photo of headmasters at conference, Nov. 1970, including JMK. JMK’s notes for speech, which recounts the trials of a boy with long hair who wanted to go out for football at PA. He would also like to worry less about the 5 “d’s”: “May dollars, dress, and drugs soon disappear as issues. And may we soon figure out what to do with dames and democracy.” (JMK’s speech given to Canadian Headmasters’ conference Nov. 23, 1970).

Carleton College 1969 5 items
Article on discontinuing of religious requirement at Carleton.
Copy of “Black at Carleton”, a pamphlet about black students at the school.

Catalogue 1967-1972 about 15 pp.
Page mock-ups of the 1970-1971 catalog and some memos about items to be included.

Choate School about 10 items
Routine stuff, Info. on the Russian Studies Center at Choate.
Interesting JMK letter to Headmaster of Choate in answer to a question about social issues. “We’ve had our share of trouble with drugs. In the last few weeks of the year, on three separate occasions, the local police got wind of drug use by P.A. students and ended up arresting no less than five of our boys. Four of them got probation and one got a suspended sentence. All of them were also dismissed by the school.” Fear of dismissal doesn’t seem to be enough of a deterrent, and JMK doesn’t feel like PA is making much progress in discouraging drug use. He sees a similar lack of results in banning the use of cigarettes. “The hair business is such an emotional issue that some of the faculty completely blow their cool. Some boys, on the other hand, get really up-tight about being spoken to about their hair. The problem for me, as I see it, is to keep the peace and explain to the boys that they’ve just got to get along with the older folk, making some concession re their hair in return for our help in getting them educated.” (JMK to Rev, Seymour St. John, June 17, 1970).

Church, Howard W. about 10 items
A former PA teacher, 1917-1925, who writes from time to time in ourraged indignation about William Coffin speaking at Chapel, the admission of “girls and darkies” to a “Manly WASP sort of place” like Yale or PA., etc.

Cochran Chapel about 30 items.
Copies of the Epistle and Chapel Programs. Memo on non-school ase of the Chapel. Letters about problem of insufficient funds for new hymnals. Memo from the Religion Dept. supporting the proposal for voluntary Chapel.

College Admissions thick file
Many charts comparing admissions and acceptances with applications to colleges. Memo from R, Hulburd in April, 1971, laments the fact that PA candidates are getting weaker every
year, and seniors still insist on trying only for prestige colleges.

College Entrance Exam Board about 10 items
Average senior scores on College Boards, 1961-1965. PA is chosen as a member of CEEB in March, 1970.

Commons about 20 memos
Mostly about schedules of commons duty and increase of problems with students.

Communistic Propaganda in Textbooks one note
Ref to book? good at answering charges of communist textbooks.

Community Service about 10 items
Four PA students honored for their work at Greater Lawrence Guidance Center. Ref to South End Summer project. Budget for community service programs 1970-1971.

Composition of Student Body 3 reports
Report of May 22, 1968, on special academic provisions for low testers and students from disadvantaged backgrounds (16pages). “Costs and rewards of school integration” Sept, 1964.
Report on the socio-economic background of Andover students.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 7

Dartmouth College about 15 items
PA suggests a joint summer teacher-training program in Math for teachers from disadvantaged areas. W. Monroe supplies information on PA endowment investment techniques. Letter from Dr. Eldredge to JMK regrets the split in Outward Bound administration (1971).

Day Students about 10 items
Lists of day students with counselors. Letter to parents of day students.

Dean of the Faculty thick file
Class Officer time table. Dean of faculty office job description.
Various memos to the faculty. 1969 memo from the Dean of Faculty “Towards a more flexible curriculum”.

Dean of Students about 50 items
Report of Dean on seniors Kendrick and Dunham who in 1967 “…most ingeniously used the P.A. photo lab to produce phony Selective Service registration card which they then sold to eager buyers, allegedly at $4.oo to $6.oo apiece” for use as I.D. cards for buying beer, etc. (Memo from G. Benedict to Mr. Richards, Aug 3, 1967) Memo from Jack Richards to JMK in Feb, 1968 recognizes that some members of the faculty, particularly Ted Harrison, are upset by long hair, but Jack Richards really doesn’t know what to do about it. Richards is upset about the atmosphere in the coffee houses in the drama lab. Report on a fight in the dining hall, with copy of letter sent to parents of boys placed restriction for the violence. Memo on student thefts 1971. Memo to JMK from JR. ( 1971) that if boys are required to wear socks, the faculty should too. More memos on thefts. Minutes of permissions Committee meetings.

Development and Planning 1967 about 10 items.
Preliminary plan for expanding enrollment to 1000. Minutes of several planning meetings aimed at a Junior Cluster and improved Commons. List of development objectives in areas of endowment and physical facilities.
Deerfield Academy about 15 items

Discipline (Revision of Rules and Regulations) about 40 items JMK memo draft (Feb 1969) asking the discipline committee to consider the entire problem of appearance, both dress and hair style. JMK tries to find a middle ground between students demanding more personal freedom and the faculty and conservative students who like traditions. Memo to the faculty on proposed discipline changes. Summary of results of small faculty discussion groups on each section of Report on Rules & Regulations. Phillipian clippings on proposed rule changes. Copy of 1969-1970 Blue Book.

Dormitory Inspection Reports about 40 items
Letters reporting the results of the Deans inspection of dorm rooms, full of little descriptions of every room, to the housemaster in charge e,g. “Room 28 (Peck): An orderly room, even the sleeping Peck. •…Too bad that a bed was unmade. Otherwise we wouldn’t have seen the filth on the floor underneath it. ”A real MESS!! A dormitory room is not a proper art studio. “Soft, quiet live music as we entered did not distract from the daybed mattress on the floor and thumbtacks in the ceiling. $5 fine.” Two housemasters take exception to inspections, judging them too harsh and an infringement of their responsibilities.

Dormitory Requirements about 5 items
Memo from JMK, Feb 1964 on dorm requirements of four new proposed dorms. Tentative cost estimates on enrollment expansion to 1000.

Drama about 20 items
Programs of student productions.

Drugs thick file
Generally indicates concern of faculty with drug misuse by students. Reprints of several articles about drugs. A letter, May 3O, 1972 to Mr. Richards from Chris Leverett naming six marijuana smokers in the hope that they will be given a few lessons by Dr. Roehrig. Copy of Phillipian article quoting drug dealers at PA, and letter from upset parent states “So far we have been placing our reliance in various serts of education intended to free the young from the forces that lead them to drugs. These include education about drugs and a variety of programs intended to help them develop self-understanding and self-confidence.” (Simeon Hyde to Mrs. Harvey Yu, Feb 8, 1972) He admits that there is still a problem, Outline of Junior drug education program, Memo on patterns of drug use and characteristics of drug users, classes of 1967-1971, Copy of police search warrant and evidence seized relating to the arrest of David Bodine for selling drugs at PA. May, 1970, Some evidence of PA concern about relations with Andover Police.

D Misc. very thick file
Letter from William Dahling, a Grosse Pointe alumnus who is seriously reconsidering sending his son to PA: “Lamentably, now, I fear, there are a number (how many?) who graduate with only the ‘diploma’ and what will be the short-lived satisfaction of having their first encounter with Pot etc., having assaulted the System and caused certain changes in tradition (did they weaken the school?) having had an opportunity to have done verbal battle with Faculty for its own sake and to have “shaken up” the old place. If there are many of these they must have an adverse effect on the bulk of the students.” He is afraid that instead of strengthening the moral character of his son, PA will tend to weaken it with exposure to the above. (William D. Dahling to JMK, Oct. 14, 1969 Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan p.4) He asks if P.A. “still maintains its poise and perspective above the hurly-burly of the times” JMK sends the letter to Francis Grubbs, chairman of an accreditation committee for comment. Grubbs replies that as a result of his interviews at PA, he feels that students are basically loyal to the school, but feel extremely frustrated at not having more say in the running of the school. He also states that Mr. Dahling’s sons will probably not escape the wide-spread feelings of student unrest even if they go to school at home. Another letter from apprehensive parents in May, 1971, concerned about coeducation, dropping chapel requirements, drinking & drugs, etc. JMK replies with a long letter (which he suggests be published in November Bulletin) “The question for me is whether to do only what we feel forced upon us, or to say to ourselves that coeducation is of first importance and we should make an all-out effort. Whether one feels coeducation. is important depends on whether one feels that education could contribute to male-female relationships that won’t end up in divorces or unhappy homes or poor child-rearing.” (JMK to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Danelle, July 20, 1971) J. Richards letter to parents of Richard Darner, put on probation for liquor offenses. JMK asks J.Richards to write a recommendation to Smith for a promising summer school student as he is going into the hospital for chest surgery Feb. 1971. Guy Dempsey sends JMK a military miniature painted by himself as a “token of thanks for four years at Andover” Four letters to boys involved in painting the mail room in an unauthorized fashion.(Feb, 1972). Memos and letters re the Endowment conferences sponsored by Donalson, Lufkin & Jenrette. Memo to the faculty for basis of discussion of the double standard policy of admission for scholarship boys (Jan 1961). Phil Drake, who won the Headmaster’s prize in 1943, returns it to PA to further the education of his nephew in 1969. Some letters from Arthur Drinkwater, class of 1886(no recollections). JMK approves driver education for PA students during their free time. Correspondence with Dr. Clyde of the Duke Endowment. Mr. Robert Duncan is interested in the possiblities of an Andover Exeter_ sponsored school in Tarrytown, N.Y. (taking over the Hackley School). A memo on Anthony A. duPont, who brought his son for a look at PA, May, 1967. Notes and photos from Tim Durant, PA??, who is also a steeplechase rider.

Electronic Data Processing 1969 10 letters
Memos re possible uses of EDP in admissions, student records, alumni office, scheduling, and grade reporting; all are in favor.

Evening Study Program about 20 items.
Copy of Andover Evening Study Program, 1935-1962 prepared by Alan Blackmer. Evening Study brochures. Financial statement, 1968. Report of Robert Lloyd to the Directors, 1968. More similar material.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 9

E Misc. thick file
Eaglebrook decides not to award an Andover Cup in 1969.
Memo from W.A. Munroe concerning the Eaton Fund which provides for Math prizes. W. Munroe points out that Mr. Pieters cannot really use the extra income for anything else, like renting air conditioners.
Pres. of Chatham College writes to encourage JMK & hope for continued success with the ABC program, and particularly with Al Jones.
Mark Efinger writes Simeon Hyde a long letter about coeducation, apparently in favor of the move but against the merger with Abbot because of the long distances he would have to walk to classes. However, he is “a firm believer in nAndover’s capacity to lick this problem.”
Correspondence with Jeffrey Eiseman, a psychologist at UMass, about
some of JMK’s problems with students. “Boys profess to be sore at
P.A. or something about it like a rule or the awarding of a penalty, and they make an issue of it, when such issue raising is really something trumped up to get attention or otherwise take their minds off their troubles. What they’re trying to communicate is their troubles, which are emotional rather than rational. Should not, then, the response be emotional in some way, not too cool, not purely rational?” (JMK to Jeffery Eiseman, July 27, 1970) Eiseman responds with an involved, analytical, six-page reply. He also has a lot to say about “open curriculum’ discussions in 1972.
Details of the Elm Street Foundation, set up by John Greenway,’42.
Correspondence re David Ensor. Letter from him to JMK in favor of long hair. He is placed on probation in 1969 for leaving school for four days without permission. He later asks for help in getting into Harvard.
Problems with the account of Fenn Eubanks. P.A. refuses to send a record of his grades until a 2-year old outstanding bill is paid. The family finally pays.
PA has to turn down the application of the son of Ford Foundation President because his aptitude scores are too low.
JMK thanks Executive airlines for extraordinary effort in arranging his on-time arrival in Washington for a conference with the President (March 1970).

February Week about 15 items.
Papers and memos re an ‘intensive study week’, 1970 Lists of special projects and evaluations of students taking part. Suggested projects in 197l, Phillipian article on February Week, 1972.

Fire Regulations and Reports about 25 items
Lengthy Insurance Survey, 1967, and Revised Fire Protection program. Reports of inspection by Andover Fire Dept. Copies of Fire Drill Regulations. Reports of minor fires on campus.

Five-year forecast Jan 1967 and Jan 1968
A 5-year forecast report to the trustees. W.A. Munroe suggests changes and another forecast is issued in 1968. It suggests that new sources of funds will be needed even if no new construction is undertaken or new programs introduced.

Fleischmann Foundation about 10 items
J. Adriance suggests a proposal to be put to Fleischmann Foundation to teach remedial work to potential scholarship students who can’t pass PA entrance requirements. Absolutely no luck on any of the several proposals PA tries.

Foreign Visitors 1967-72
About 40 items. Visits from South African headmaster, other educators from Thailand, Australia, England (several of the latter two) Switzerland, Nigeria.

Four School Study: Misc. Correspondence about 15 items
Study untertaken with a Carnegie grant by PA, Exeter, Lawrence­ ville, and Hill on the last two years of secondary and the first two years of college. Several requests for further information
from other schools. It is generally received with great interest.
Four-School Study: Correspondence thick file
Earliest letter is May 1965, from E. Hall of the Hill School to JMK proposing an informal meeting at Hall’s summer home. He proposes a study similar to the earlier 3-school, 3-college study, Carnegie is interested in same problems of last 2 years of prep school, first 2 of college. Assorted memos, letters, etc. about the project. Some promlems selecting a director, but Harlan Hansen is chosen. Mr. Pieters is the PA representative to the project. Committee is not l00% pleased with Mr. Hanson’s work, but it does get done eventually.
Four-School Study: Source Material thick file
Catalogs of schools with innovative programs, reprints and copies of relevent articles. Draft report on the Advanced Placement program by Patricia Casserly.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 10

Four-School Study Source Material-2 about 10 items
Reprints of articles and speeches. Preliminary report on the 4-School study by Wade Stephens of Lawrenceville. (1968) Letter from Ted Carter in Rome full of various suggestions and looking for a job. Sarah Lawrence Catalog, 1967-1968.
Four-School Study: Minutes and Reports for Members Thick file Outline (Nov. 1967) of the “Tentative Characteristics of our Thynge,” which is a 4-year institution of grades 11 – 14. The reports all develop further the basic agreement that “the natural unity, physical, psychological, and curricular of grades eleven­ fourteen (ages sixteen-twenty), is presently divided between school and college to the detriment of students’ personal growth and general education” (Report Number Two, 1/25/1968) Meetings are held in New York City, colloquia are arranged at various schools, and consultants are consulted. Preliminary statement (1968) with JMK’s comments: he feels it is a little sketchy for all that has been done. Director is frequently invited to speak to educational groups, and there is much interest in the project.

Friedman, Milton about 10 items.
Copies of articles by and about Friedman from the New York Times. JMK aske Milton Friedman to speak at Headmasters Association meeting, and says he is “one of the most interesting thinkers of our time.” Friedman loses the letter and then is unable to come.

F Misc. thick file
Various memos and budgets relating to Faculty Dances.
JMK is asked to give commencement address at Fairfield Country Day School, says he will if Headmaster is desperate, but he is very uncomfortable as a speaker.
Copy of a False daily bulletin.
JMK replies to an alumnus not sure he is in favor of coeducation: “We men, I fear, don’t really believe that women have or should have an equal place at our sides. To be sure, womenfolk are a comfort to us, and they do all the things we don’t want to do, from
typing our letters to washing the dishes to having the children to
(for the most part) disciplining and educating them. But we don’t want them in our Directors’ Rooms, in our clubs, and in our schools and colleges (in the dorms, maybe, but not in the classrooms). …What we have to face is whether, in discussing coeducation, we’re ‘for real.’ The question is as much, can we afford not to, as can we afford to.” ( JMK to Walter L. Farley, Jr., August 3l, 1971).
Correspondence with William Field of California,, who establishes a scholarship fund for ABC-ISTP boys of $5000 per year in 1968. JMK reports on progress of ABC (briefly) students. Report on several ABC boys sponsored by Field in Oct, 1968. JMK thanks him for continued encouragement and support in January 1971.
JMK recommends Mary Semans for a job with HEW.
Periodic letters from James E. Finnesy, class of 1908. He is concerned about student protest that is violent and outside ‘regular channels of commnnication’. He relates history of a strike against the rubber industry in Akron during World War II when he was on War Production Board.
Howard Finney contributes generously to PA. List of foreign students at PA, 1963-1964.
Correspondence with Shorty Follansbee, who recommends a teacher, Mr. Minegar, and other stuff.
JMK takes part in a Forum on Vietnam, Jan 22, 1968. no details. Correspondence with Whitney Foster, a Peace Corps volunteer in Nigeria. He suggests that PA take on a Nigerian student or two, JMK says the school lacks the proper programs but will consider it. JMK writes a warm recommendation for him to UCLA. He is interested teaching a course in African studies at PA summer Session, 1967.
A Dr. Paul Francke is miffed when ordered off the tennis courts by a faculty wife. Soothing letter from J.L. Miner, no reply.
Plans for summer sessions in Mexico and Roxbury, 1969-1970.
Frost Film produc.ations plans to make a seven minute film about PA, nothing decided by Jan, 1972.
Two letters from John C, Fuess, Consul General in Trieste, then retired in Carmel, Calif.
PA considers the Fuller property at 50 Salem Street.
A parent is concerned about the employment of a ‘radical’, Gene Murrow, and the resignation of the President of the Senior Class, JMK writes in firm support of Murrow. Dean Richards offers an analysis of Crosby Kemper’s decision to resign his office.

Gardner, Henry A. class of 1901 about 15 items.
Chicago alumnus who gives money for a Gardner Fund. JMK explains why a Gardner protege was turned down. Gardner writes to complain that the Director of Admissions advised his grandson Jeffrey Gardner not to apply to Yale as he had no chance. JMK writes to defend the advice, pointing out that the boy’s academic performance and all his scores are not that great, and that he really doesn’t want to go to Yale, even though his father and grandfather want him to. (1964) Letter of condolence, 1968.

Governance thick file
Collection of reprints of articles and speeches about the governing of educational institutions and student unrest.

Grading scale: Term and year grades thick file
Statistics put out by the Office of Research and Evaluation. Also an explanation of new grading scale, Sept. 1968, Analyses of grades by term and by course. Memo of March 9, 1972, of failure record of Special Students compared with the rest of the school.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 11

G Misc.
JMK invites J.K. Galbraith, whose son is at PA, to be Lana Lobell lecturer, Dec. 2, 1966.
Thomas Gates recommends Perry Hall as an Outward Bound trustee. Correspondence with Melvin Garten who writes initially when his son Jeff was cut summarily from the varsity baseball team by Mr. Harrison. Garten is a Lt. Col. with a paratroop command in Vietnam. JMK says he doesn’t believe in draft deferments for education (Jan, 1966). When Garten is seriously wounded, JMK tells his wife not to worry about their son’s tuition for the following year, as there would be a good chance of a scholarship. JMK also makes a special effort to help Allan when his father continues to suffer from his injuries. Garten later becomes director of National Alliance of Businessmen and Professor at Tampa University.
JMK states that it is necessary to pay faculty well to keep them from being lured into college teaching. (1967) Letter to Henry Scattergood of Germantown Friends School,
Correspondence with Wayne Glenn, Chairman of Parent giving campaign (1967-1968).
Daniel Goldman, a student, complains about mistreatment and boorish behavior of other students.
Mrs. Stephen Goodhue is so upset about the unkempt appearance of PA students (1970) that she is considering sending her sons elsewhere. JMK replies; “I can’t say that I’m proud of how Andover
boys look, and I certainly get impatient with their incessant demands for further privileges. But I am proud of the great work our men do in getting our boys to perform to a very high standard in
countless other areas.” (JMK to Mrs. Stephen V.R.Goodhue, Nov. 9,1970)
Nice letter from the parents of Patrick Grant, who is kicked out of school. JMK is sorry too.
A note enclosed by Alexander Dole, class of 1920, with his annual contribution, stating that it is vote of faith that PA will never get as radical as Harvard.
Ref. to the John Gardner Greene Trust.
Ben Gruber writes an essay complaining about ‘ringers’ -­ Senior preps with superior athletic ability who keep the ordinary, academically inclined boys off the varsity teams.
Countess Guardabassi sends JMK a number of right-wing publications.
Hair, Dress, and appearance thick file
Several copies of JMK’s memo to parents setting himself as the final arbiter of dress and hair style. Wide variety of comment from students and alumni and parents. e.g. “any person who objects to the content and spirit of your letter is probably an unbalanced professional (though not competent) faultfinder…” (J. R. Murray Birmingham, Ala,; parent) “Is the best solution to remove the problem, or would it be better still for all of us to get to under­ stand each other a little better, instead of making childish personality judgements on the simple basis of personal appearance.” (Hamilton Kahn, student). Most of the letters are favorable.
There are several requests for copies of the memo from other schools. Chris Bremser and Doug Richardson are dismissed from PA for possession of drugs, but the Boston Juvenile Court drops charges against them. A list of long-haired boys referred to JMK for arbitration carries his notes in margin: “general haircut” “out of eyes” “sideburns” “OK”, A few other notes on individual cases.

Hair, Dress & Appearance Judge Wyzanski’s decisions about 15 items
When Chief Judge of US District Court in Boston, Charles Wyzanski, rules that a school principal could not compel a boy to cut his hair, JMK writes a “Dear Charlie” request for a copy of the decision. Wyzanski replies most cordially, and recommends John Stuart Mill’s essay on Liberty. A 3½ page analysis of the decision and Mill’s essay by Simeon Hyde which includes the comment: “…the folly of assuming that one style is inherently right is daily demonstrated in your office by the long curly locks of Samuel Phillips, whose portrait hangs just above the point at which boys stand to make their hair appointment with the Headmaster.” On balance, Sim would rather not interfere with harmless personal rights.

Harvard University 1971 about 8 items
Ref. to the Van Duzer Harvard-Andover Prize. Paper by Dama Farnsworth of Harvard on “The college applicant who has had psychiatric treatment.” Materials relative to the Dana Cotton Fund and Search for a new president for Harvard.

Headmasters Association about 15 items
Correspondence re plans for annual meetings and executive meetings. Program of the 75th annual meeting.
Headmaster’s Ass’n 1968-1969 about 10 items
Copy of JMK ballot, Oct, 1968 Program of 76th Annual Meeting (1969)
Headmasters Ass’n 1969-1970 about 15 items More of the above.
Haadmasters Ass’n 1970-1971 thick file
JMK is president of the Headmasters Ass’n. and is involved in making arragnements for meetings, finding speakers, etc. JMK misses an annual meeting when he is in the hospital (Feb, 1971) Many messages of sympathy and encouragement.
Headmasters’ (Nearby) Luncheon & Dinner meetings about 15 items.

History Dept. about 5 items.
Materials relating to a course devised by Tom Lyons including an article written for NAIS Bulletin.

H Misc. thick file
Materials on the David S. Hackett Memorial Scholarship Fund.
JMK writes a letter in support of an application to 1st grade of an alumnus’ son.
JMK regretfully denies George S. Haskell the PA diploma he was unable to get in 1914.
Lengthy paper by Douglas Heath on affective education,
Correspondence about John Heflin, whose religious zeal threatens his academic standing.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 12

Hi-Hz Misc, very thick file
Conrad Noll recommends Frederick Hickman as a good black candidate for PA.
Correspondence with Carleton Higbie, Detroit alumni chairman, who is also a generous contributor.
JMK regretfully declines to be trustee of Hillsdale School in Cincinnati.
Toby Hinkle decides not to go to PA for his senior year because of lack of girls and too many restrictions.(1969)
Townsend Hoopes is a Fuess lecturer on SE Asia. Honor roll, Winter term, 1969
Information on the Horowitz Fund
Alumnus letter in support of applicant John Witt, Jr.
Miss Huck, a teacher at Abbot, writes to JMK when she is fired from her job, apparently because she was treated for mental illness.
Howard Hudson, a PR man in New York, writes often to JMK for advice or to keep in touch.
Materials on the Human Relations Conference held at PA Nov, 1968.
Roger Hunt, “proud alumnus and supporter of the school,” feels he needs to tell PA why he is not sending his son there. (1970) He thinks that current transitional phase will result in poorer education for student and that the school is too impersonal and that his son will not be able to make any team.

Independent Schools Foundation of Mass. 1967-1968 about 15 items.
PA gets Crane & Co. of Dalton, Mass. to contribute to this fund. Copy of by-laws.
Independent Schools 1968-1969 about 15 items
More assorted materials. PA does not think the organization is fulfilling a useful function and would like to see it disbanded.
Unable to get other schools to see it this way, PA withdraws. (1969)
Independent Schools Foundation 1969-1970 about 15 items
PA keeps receiving materials including bill for dues. JMK reiterates that PA is out.

Independent School Testing Service 1969 about 20 items.
Most items deal with summer symposiums, one of which is held at PA (1969)
Intensive Studies Week (February Week) 1970 about 12 items Answers to letters sent by students to other prep schools with February activities weeks, seeking to get enough info to convince PA faculty to have such a week at PA, Not much enthusiasm from either students or faculty although a later questionnaire shows students in favor.

I Misc, about 40 items,
Correspondence with Robert Ireland, a generous PA supporter. Routine correspondence with Iolani School, Hawaii.

PA decides not to join the International Schools Ass’n (1969)
Ref, to International Baccalaureate.
Two more refusals to join organizations.
JMK memo on Alfred Ingram (1968), an “interesting and articulate” Black spokesman among students at PA.

John Motley Morehead Foundation about 25 items
A foundation based in Chapel Hill, N.C., it provides scholarships for study there. Several PA students win awards, they do not always accept.

J Misc, about 20 items
Brooks Joslin, PEA, and David Sargent, PA, have standing bet of $5 on outcome of annual football game, with the loser’s check going to alumni fund of winning school.
Copy of a letter to Edward Eddy about Albert Jones, black student at PA.
Son of Gilbert Jones is rejected for PA summer school,
Tony Leggett is chosen for an exchange program with Scandinavian Yacht clubs.
Correspondence with the Johnson Foundation of Wisconsin about various conferences at Wingspread.
Correspondence about John W. Johnson, PA student: routine.
Howard Johnson is sounded out on possibilities of contributing to improving the commons. When asked for advice about the Andover Inn, Howard Johnson replies “The Inn is in deplorable condition, and thoroughly inadequate to handle what the area needs. You might give some consideration to taking it over at a very nominal price and using it for a dormitory for students after eliminating the food and beverage operations. Put your money in IBM!” (Howard B. Johnson to JMK, NYC, April, 1970.) H.J. is also upset about rumors of lax discipline he hears about PA.
Some memos from the Society for the Propagation of Japanese Cherry Trees.

Kemper, R. Crosby Jr. & III about 12 items
A key alumnus in Kansas City. His son is President of Class of 1969. Long letter from Dean Richards when Crosby son resigns from his office. He is nervous and gets into some scholastic difficulties.
His father doesn’t like PA’s investments; much too speculative. (1970)

K Misc. rather thick file
Richard Karlin is excused from Commencement to start his summer job.
A parent questions the decision to eliminate required chapel. Gifts to PA from the Kayden Fund
Correspondence with Gerrit Keator of Iolani School and Chestnut Hill in 1972.
JMK writes a letter in support of Hugh Kelleher’s request for CO status from his draft board. (1971)
Correspondence with David Kendall, Chrysler VP and important Michigan PA alumnus.
Copies of letters from Jacqueline Kennedy in 1968 asking for advice about her nephew, Anthony Radziwill.
Occasional missives from John S. Kennedy, class of 1910.
JMK answers a letter to Mr. Edmund Kenney, who is upset by the refereeing at a JV football game.
Correspondence about Langley C. Keyes & LCK, Jr., whom JMK recommends for a Rhodes Scholarship
Correspondence with Richard Ennals, Kings College Exchange student Annual Christmas cards from Kiyoshi Kondo PA 1967?
JMK tells John Kubie that PA does not want to raise tuition so high as to put it out of reach for middle class parents.
JMK replies to a concerned parent that sloppy dress doesn’t always make for sloppy thinking.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 13

Lawrence, City of about 5 items
Mostly stuff about Lawrence Public schools: invitations to discussion meetings, etc.

Lawrenceville School about 25 items
Routine correspondence with a Headmaster who is also a friend of JMK.

Lectures and Entertainments thick file
Programs of concerts, performances, etc. Suggestions for speakers. Programs of Andover-Exeter debates.

Library about 20 items
Letter to Friends of OWH Lib ary. Info on book collection for senior dorm complex. Letters of thanks to donors of books to the collection. Statistics on missing books.

Lipsey, David, et al 1971 about 30 items
An incident involving an American flag hung upside down in Nathan Hale Dorm, which outrages a visiting alumnus. The person responsible is David Lipsey, who also presents the Trustees finance committee with a list of socially unaccpptable stocks held by PA (e,g, Polaroid because it does business in South Africa; Honeywell which manufactures weapons, etc.) Apparently he is behind a petition signed by PA seniors which accused faculty of hidebound tratitionalism and voting a lack of confidence in them. One
boy, David Danner, writes to disassociate himself from the petition. JMK notes for a response to petition. Frank Eccles reply to the petition. Christopher Kirkland asks signers for a specific instances. R. Hulburd warns New College in Sarasota about Lipsey’s efforts at PA. Original of the petition.

Lucas, Joseph W. about 15 items
A PA alumnus who writes from time to time. He has written a booklet on how to write resumes for high school seniors. He is very concerned about vocational guidance. He suggests that the class notes in alumni bulletin be expanded to include anecdotes contributed by alumni (he contributes one about how awful the beanery used to be). JMK never replies, and Lucas, class of 1920, sends a carbon to Sizer. He is thanked for his suggestion, but it isn’t felt that PA alumni Bulletin could handle all those anecdotes.

Longer School Year one memo, some notes,
14-page memo on the report of the committee on the length of the school year, 1961, length of Thanksgiving vacation, and end-of-term schedule.

LOOK magazine article March 10, 1970 thick file
An article on campus radicals contains a piece by “Thomas Doland”, a pseudonymous student at PA, telling about sex and drugs on campus and how much he hates it at PA, Phone calls from angry
alumni. Letters from weird people. WRB makes a good guess that “Doland” is Charles Finch. Letters from unhappy alumni, who mostly resent anonymity of the author. Charles Finch later admits his involvement but claims that he did not make all the really nasty statements in the article. Several letters from alumni who don’t believe a word of it. The LOOK article was based on a book co-authored by Tom Seligson, class of 1964. He says that the Andover section was based on interviews with a ‘number’ of boys. JMK asks how many. Seligson refuses to divulge the info, New York Times also reviews the book, and the reviewer is upset when PA informs him that Thomas Doland is a compilation concocted by the ‘editors’.

L Misc. very thick file
Roger T. Lyford, class of 1939, really wants PA to set up a debate annually on the responsibility of newspapers.
Correspondence about the Lumpkin Fund.
Materials relating to the establishment of the Russell Lucas Book fund.
Info on Lana Lobell speaker Elmer Lower.
JMK helps supply info article on how private school headmasters reach their positions.
In 1967 PA is looking for a first-rate Black teacher and housemaster.
Larry Lewis, class of 1948, is helped by JMK to save the Springfield (Mass) Armory Museum.
John Leone, PA grad who writes a novel with a bad ppep school headmaster as a character, writes JMK to reassure him it doesn’t have anything to do with PA.
Theodore Leverett is concerned about possible relaxation of smoking rules (1972).
Jack Lemmon gets hepatitis and is unable to deliver the Hosch Lecture in 1964 as planned.
JMK comments on the participation of some PA students in a Boston peace rally in May, 1971, which turns violent and leads to some arrests.
JMK’s letter of sympathy on the death of John Leacock.

Massachusetts, Commonwealth of 1968-1972 about 10 items
JMK writes to State senator in opposition to inclusion of private schools in state employment security program.

Medical Department thick file
Many routine memos. Dr. Bonin resigns as orthodontist in 1968. Arrangement for clinical psychology grad students to spend 8 weeks at PA working with Dr. Roehrig. (1968) Info on arrangements with outside doctors and dentists. In answer to inquiry, Dr. Soule describes the operation of PA’s medical Dept. (1970) Memo on Abbot-PA medical arrangements, 1971. Memo on the economics of Isham Hospital. (1971)

Memorial Day about 3O items
8X10 glossy photo of JMK speaking at 1967 memorial day observance at PA, in uniform. Copy of 1968 Memorial Day speech by JMK. Hyde, Whyte, Bennett, and Richards advise JMK not to require PA students to take part in 1969 Memorial Day services for fear of anti-war demonstratmons. JMK agrees but reluctantly: “Why shouldn’t we turn out the school to honor alumni KIA? Isn’t this a great tradition of service?” Various materials about students who protested by wearing armbands and getting thrown out of the Coffee Mill. JMK letter to brother of Neil MacFarlane, who had a small disagreement with Andover Police during the demonstrations. PA opts out of the parade in 1971 beaause of change to Monday.

Missionary Rock 2 items
A petition signed by facul1filv members opposed to building a new dorm in the Missionary Rock area is consigned to the archives. Also a letter of concern from the United Church Board for World Ministries.

Moratorium Day Oct. 15, 1969 about 15 items lots of petitions
About half the students sign petitions asking for a moratorium on classes. JMK says no, classes as usual.

Moravec, Vincent P. and Joseph about 20 items
Long letter from an irate parent when his son is dismissed from PA. Second letter with vague references to possible interest in the case by Civil Liberties Union. JMK tries to explain that Joe’s dismissal was the result of cumulative effect and that he will undoubtedly do better at another school. Faculty rejects JMK’s proposal that Joe be allowed to take his final exams.
Mr, Moravec continues to send long, angry letters to PA. Two years later, with Joe at Harvard, Mr. Moravec sends PA $100.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 14

Music Department about 30 items,
Concert programs. Memo from WBC who believes black students do better in music than any other field (1968).

Mc Misc. about JO items
Correspondence with John McBride at Aspen about the possibilities of a second Andover or Exeter at Aspen. In answer to an inquiry, Richard Pieters writes at length about the value of PA’s computer time-sharing plan with Dartmouth, Memo on Bill Mccurine, who is invited to visit PA regularly as a counsellor.
Discussion of a proposal by William McElwain to involve PA suudents in an inner city program in Boston.

M Misc. very thick file
Correspondence with William B. Macomber, who holds a series of Presidential appointments. He and his brothers establish the Macomber Scholarship fund.
Parents of Jeff Marshall are concerned about what they feel was excessive dental treatment and of poor quality. JMK defends PA’s dentist.
Copy of What’s Under your Hood, published by the Mechanics Club, 1970,
Merrimack Valley Academy of the Dance is unable to use PA stage and feel they are being discriminated against.
“The Housing of a Textile Collection,” Bulletin of Merrimack Valley Textile Museum.
Friendly correspondence with Gerrish and Phoebe Milliken.
Correspondence about the case of Christopher Mok, who runs into disciplinary problems just before graduation, has his diploma withheld for 6 months until he makes the grade at Cambridge.
A parent is most unhappy with the Bookstore.
JMK’s letter to the parents of Todd Moore, who is having difficulties at PA.
Info on awarding the Fuess Award to William Moorhead.
Info on the large John H, Moree bequest.
Correspondence about the Mudd Fund for Negro Scholarships.
Letter from the agitated mother of Mike Muldrow, who had not written home since his arrival at school; he was told to write home.
Thomas Myers has plans for a memorial scholarship for Martin Luther King.

National Association of Independent Schools 1967-1969 (2 folders)
NAIS reports, conference materials. Memo about reluctance of business office to send 8 PA faculty members Houston for a conference.

Kemper records, 1967-1972

Box 14

National Association of Independenct Schools 1967-1970 thick file
Report on NAIS Conference, 1970 by Dean of Students.
Several NAIS publications including “An Inquiry into Student Unrest in Independent Secondary Schools,” by Alan Blackmer.
David Cohen is PA student representative to a NAIS Student Teacher-Admininistrator conference who does very well. Assorted reports, information on legislation. Notes about a proposed meeting to discuss the declining applications problem in 1969.

NAIS-SSAT Joint Committee on Boarding Schools 1970 about 3O items
An ad hoc committee established to investigate the drop in enrollments and to find ways to improve the situation.
NAIS 1971-1972 thick file
Material very similar to that in first file above, 1967-1970

New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Oct. 1969 about 30 items
Materials relating to the visit of Evaluation Committee of the Commission of Independent Secondary Schools. Copy of the report of the visiting committee, which deals with the general subject of how day-to-day and long-range policy decisions are made. The overall appraisal is that PA is outstanding and is suffering from same problems that face all schools at this time. It is suggested, however, that PA find some way to give students more say in running the school.

New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools 1967-1972
Assorted publications, newsletters, notices of meetings, etc. JMK declines to serve as chairman of an evaluating committee.

New England Student Government Conference 4 items Routine.

Kemper records, 1962-1967

Box 1-26






A Better Chance (ABC) and Independent Schools Talent Search Program (ISTSP)  (4 Folders)



Abbot Academy




A Better Chance (ABC) and Independent Schools Talent Search Program (ISTSP)


Addison Gallery of American Art  (2 Folders)


Administrative Meetings


Administrative Officers




Advanced Placement


Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Inc.


Allison, C. Ralph


Alumni Council Meetings (6 Folders for 6 Meetings)

May 1963 -May1965


Alumni Council Meetings (4 Folders for 4 Meetings)

October1965 – May 1967

Alumni Council: Headmaster’s Fund

October 1962

Alumni Dinners


Alumni Fund


Alumni Office


Alumni Trips (4 Folders for 4 trips)


American Bar Association


American Field Service


American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company


American School of Paris


American School in Switzerland



Amherst College


Andover Book Store


The Andover Bulletin


Andover Evening Study Program


Andover Inn


The Andover Program


Andover, Town of


Architects Collaborative


Asia Society Headmaster’s File


Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies (conference)




Association of Business Officers of Preparatory Schools


Athletic Department


Atmore, Robert C.



AVCO Corporation (Job Corps Camp)


Averages and Ranks


Aymar, Gordon C.


A (capital letter only, mixed contents)


Baldwin, G. Storer


Bates, Theodore L. ’20 (fund)


Bates, Teodore L. – Extract from Draft Will with Suggested Amendments

May 14, 1957

Benner House


Benjamin Thompson & Associates, Inc.


Biology Department


Blair Academy


Bowditch, Francis


The Boys’ Club of New York


Bradford Junior College


Brooks School


Bundy, McGeorge



Buildings and Grounds (2 Folders)


B (Mixed Contents)


Bush, Archibald McClure


Cahners, Norman L.




Capra, Peter




Cate School


Celebrity Series


Chemistry Department


Chinese Program


Choate School


Church, Howard W.


Civil Defense



Classics Department


Cochran Chapel


Colt, Charles A.


College Admissions


College and University Faculty Salaries


College Calendar


Columbia University




Commons (2 Folders)


Communist (Loyalty) Oath


Community Service


Composition of Student Body (Subcommittee of Steering Committee)




Concord Academy


Connor, Samuel P., Jr.


Copley, James S.



Council for Independent School Aid (2 Folders)


Counseling Seminars


Cranbrook School


Cresap, McCormick and Paget (Management Consulting Firm)


Crew (Athletics)


Cum Laude Society


Culver Military Academy


C—Headmaster’s File (Correspondences with Academic Institutions etc.)


Day Students


Danforth Foundation (Foundation on education, includes Danforth Foundation Annual Reports)


Dartmouth College


Dean of Students (Student policies, letters to faculty)


Deerfield Academy



Discipline (Rules, offences etc.)



Driver Training (“Student Congress Driver Education Committee Report, 1964”)


Duke Endowment


Duke University


D—Headmaster’s File (John Daly, US Army, Drama Lab etc.)


Education through Vision (3rd year of program)


Research Program in Visual Perception  (2nd year of program)


Summer Institute in Visual Perception (1st year of program)


Education Through Vision


Education Through Vision Syllabus, 1967


Educational Psychology and Testing Research Project


Educational Television (Teaching by Television report from the Ford Foundation)


Educational Testing Service (College entrance examinations)



Eligibility (Eligibility procedures for extracurricular activities)


Elsas, Herbert R.


English Department (Leonard Prize winners, Faculty appointments)


English Schools (Public schools in England)


Engstrom, William R. (Sedgwick Retirement Plan)


Ensworth School, The


Enrollment (Numbers of enrolled students from 1930-1962)


Evans, Thomas M.  (Phillipian Extra, April 27, 1963, dedication of Evans Hall)


Excuses: Athletic, Medical and General (Procedures for obtaining medical/athletic/overnight excuses)


E—Headmaster’s File (mixed contents)


Failures by Subjects and Courses (Lists of failures and honors, by subject and year)


Fessenden School, The (Fessenden Alumni News, 1967, New York Times 1963 issue)


F—Headmaster’s File (Establishment of Financial Aid Office, 1961, Program of Religious Activities at Andover, Phillips Society Constitution, mixed contents)


Fire Regulations and Reports (“Revised Fire Protection Program” 1967-68, “Life Safety Survey, 1967”)


Ford Foundation (Grant information)


Foreign Visitors


Foundations (List of charitable foundations, trusts and funds in the US)

1956, 1962-1967

French Department (Department Bulletins, Course descriptions, student evaluations)


Claude M. Fuess House (Dedication, Phillipian October 23, 1962, Andover Bulletin, Autumn 1962,



German Department


Gilbert, Benjamin D.


Gilman School


Gimbel, Bernard F.


Gould Academy


Governor Dummer Academy


Greater Lawrence Chamber of Commerce


Greater Lawrence Summer Program (Preliminary Report on the Lawrence Summer Program at Phillips Academy)


Greene, Richardson (Dedication of Alex Smith Faculty Room, 1965)


Greenwich Country Day School


Groton School


Gunnery, The (The Gunnery School for Boys, Study of Independent School Endowment)


G—Headmaster’s File (mixed contents)


Hale, David C. (Lt. Colonel)


Harper, Marion C., Jr. ‘34


Harris, (R.) Neison, PA ’32


Harvard School (N. Hollywood, California)


Harvard University (misc.)


Harvard College, Summer Session Visiting Committee


Headmaster’s Association (72nd Annual Meeting of the Headmaster’s Association, 1965)


Headmaster’s Association (73rd Annual Meeting of the Headmaster’s Association, 1966)


Headmaster’s Association (74th Annual Meeting of the Headmaster’s Association, 1967)



Hebron Academy


Hickox, Charles V., PA ‘07


Hill School, The


Holbrook, Gerlad C.


Honor Roll (Honors and failure percentages by department, list of students on honor roll)


Honor System (Honor system proposal)


Hood, Gilbert H., Jr.


Hotchkiss School, The


Houghton Mifflin Company (endowment and stock)


Housing, Student


H—Headmaster’s file (mixed contents)


IBM Equipment


Independent Schools (In General)  (Teachers College Record, March 1961, The Pasons College Bulletin, July 1962)


Independent School Association of Massachusetts


Independent Schools Foundation of Massachusetts



Independent Schools Foundations of Massachusetts (contributions and donor information)


Independent Schools Foundation of Massachusetts


Independent Schools Foundation of Massachusetts


Independent Schools Talent Search Program, Hanover High School Resident Scholarship Program


International Schools Foundation/Services


Independent Schools Talent Search Program, Jan.-June, 1964


Independent Schools Talent Search Program, Meeting September 28, 1964


Independent Schools Talent Search Program Application (empty)


Independent Schools Talent Search Program, Meeting September 26-27, 1965


Independent Schools Talent Search Program, Meeting May 10, 1965


Independent Schools Talent Search Program (Southern Education Report, 1966)


Independent Schools Talent Search Program, Foundation Requests, Development Office (empty)


Independent Schools Talent Search Program, August – September 1964


Independent Schools Talent Search Program



I—Headmaster’s file (mixed contents)


John Motley Morehead Foundation


J—Headmaster’s file (mixed contents)


K—Headmaster’s file (mixed contents) (Admission to Andover pamphlet, 1957)


Kebo Educational Foundation


Kilpatrick, John R. (photograph)


Language Laboratories


Language Training


Larner, Mark Confidential


Lectures and Entertainments (music and performance programs)


Library, miscellaneous (statistics and library exhibits, 1960-65)


Library—Copley Wing (Supervision and Use)


Lists and Forms to be Revised Yearly (Yearly faculty appointments)


Loan Library


Logan, Sheridan A., P.A. ‘19


Loomis School, The (Loomis Bulletin, 1964)


Lybrand, Ross Bros. and Montgomery (Public accounting company)



L—Headmaster’s file (mixed contents)


Maglia, Tony


Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Mathematics Department


Medical Insurance


Memorial Day (speeches)


Millbrook School


Mirror, The (Andover’s student literary magazine—suspended by Kemper in 1970, 1964 and 1969 publications)


Miss Hall’s School


Morse Hall


Mortality (statistics of student withdrawals)


Movies (conduct and supervision of Saturday evening movies)


Mount Hermon School


Mullen, Joseph V.


Music Department (music programs)


Mc—Headmaster’s File (1967 college matriculation, mixed contents)



Minority Students at P.A.


M—Headmaster’s File (mixed contents)


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

N.A.I.S—External Affairs Committee (National Association of Independent Schools)


National Association of Independent Schools, Jan.-June 1964 (Membership list 1963-1964, NAIS Report of the Annual Conference)


National Association of Independent Schools, July-Dec. 1963


National Association of Independent Schools—Planning Report 10/1/1964


National Association of Independent Schools, 1963-1965


National Association of Independent Schools, Trustee Seminar 1/26/1964



National Association of Independent Schools, 1964-1965


National Association of Independent Schools, 1965-1966 (Independent Schools Retirement Plan Provisions, 1966)


National Association of Independent Schools, 1966-1967


National Association of Secondary School Principals, Washington D.C. Conference, 10/4/63


National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP newsletters)


National Foreign Policy Conference for Educators—U.S. Department of State, June 16-17 1966


National Merit Scholarship Corp.


National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students


National Strategy Seminar, June 11-14, 1963


“Negoism”—The “Nego” (referencing Life article “The Voice of the Nego,” 1962, indifference/pessimism of prep school students)



New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools


New England Student Government Association (Phillipian 1965)


New Trier Township High School


Northeastern University Center for Management Development


Northfield and Mt. Hermon Schools


Nyce, Fletcher E. ‘26


N—Headmaster’s File (misc. contents—National Registration Office )


Opening of School Notices


Owsley, Louis S., Trust (Fund)


O—Headmaster’s File (misc. contents)


Paine, Wingate (fellowship, correspondences)


Parent Questionnaire (1966 questionnaire results)


Parent’s Weekend (Day), 1966


Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co. (consulting actuaries)


Peck. A. Wells (class 1909)


Peddie School



Peters, Lovett C. ‘32


Philomathean Scoiety


Princeton University


Physics Department


Piel Gerard


Policy Committee


Pot Pourri


Prom (Phillipian 1965)


Psychological Testing

No date

P—Headmaster’s File (misc. contents)


Public Relations


Publications (Phillips Academy Scientific Journal, 1961, Andover Reporter, Commentary 1960)


Q—Headmaster’s File (misc. contents)


Radio Station


Rafferty Playing Fields


Reading Course


Recitation Schedules


Redpath, Robert U., Jr.


Reed, A. Lachlan


Religion Department


Religious Affiliation, Students


Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)


Ridgway, William C., Jr., ‘25


Robertson, Helen Briggs



Rockwell House (lists of students living in Rockwell)


Rodman Job Corps Center


Royal Society, The; Meeting March 1965


Rumson Country Day School—JMK’s Commencement Talk, June 3, 1963


Russian Department


Ryley Room


R—Headmaster’s File (misc. contents)


St. George’s School


St. John’s School (Houston, Texas)


St. Louis Country Day School


St. Mark’s School of Texas


Saint Paul Academy


St. Paul’s School (Concord, N.H.)


Saturday Night Activities


Scholarships (Financial Aid),

Report to the Trustees, 1964, Scholarship work assignments


School Losses (dismissed and withdrawn students)


Schoolboys Abroad—Administration


Schoolboys Abroad—Spain


Schoolboys Abroad—France


Schoolboys Abroad—France


Schoolboys Abroad—Spain



Schoolboys Abroad—Spain


Schoolboys Abroad—Spain


Schweppe, Richard J. (Mrs.)


Search and Rescue Team Project


Self Help Bureau


Senior Housemasters (“Senior City”)


Senior Independent Projects


Senior Party


Service Projects, Committee On


Sex Education


Shady Side Academy


Shrewsbury (The Schools)


Size of School



Smoking—Publications on  (Public Health News 1963-4)


Smoking Regulations (Institution of smoking ban in 1965, students’ reactions)


Snow Removal


Social Functions (Dance planning procedures)


Social Security


Snelling, Charles D. (Large map of Allentown West, PA)


Spanish Department


Spencer, Richard


Stevens, Robert T.


Standards Committee (committee using data from “every conceivable subject connected with the functioning of the school”)


Station Wagons (transportation requests)


Steering Committee, January – August 1965 (composition and aims of the school)


Steering Committee (Long-range planning), January – June, 1966



Steering Committee, September – December, 1966 (Andover Bulletin, 1965)


Steering Committee, January – June, 1967


Stillman, Charles L.


Student Achievement Institute (summer program)


Students—Misc. Lists (lists of new students, restriction, chapel seating etc.)


Students: miscellaneous lists (2 folders)


Student Government


Summer Session (expenses, lists of faculty and students)



Summer Work Program—Students


Teaching Fellowship Program


S—Headmaster’s File (mixed contents—Salisbury School, science teaching, summer storage etc.)


Tax Material


Texas Military Institute


Thatcher School (California)


Thatcher School


Thanksgiving Recess


Thomas School


Thresher Correspondence (USS Thresher Scholarship fund, 8 large photographs taken during a scholarship dinner)


Third Phillips Academy (West Coast properties)


Time Article, October 26, 1962—Letters (article focused on Phillips Academy with Kemper on the cover)



Time Article Reactions


Time Article, Oct. 26, 1962—Autograph Requests


Time, Inc.


Time Article, October 26, 1962 (contains full Time issues from 10/26/1962, 05/17/1963, 11/09/1962)


Treasurer’s Office, 1962-1967


Treasurer’s Office, 1957-1962


Trinity College School


Trustees of Reservations, The


Tufts University (formerly College)




Tuition (Including McLean)




T—Headmaster’s File (mixed contents)


United States Military Academy (West Point pamphlets)


University Club


University Club


University Club


U—Headmaster’s File (mixed contents)



Vocational Training Courses—Driver Training, Typing etc.


Ware, John H. Jr.


Western Reserve Academy


Westminster Schools, The (Atlanta)


Williams College


Woodbury Forest School


Values (sermons, papers, essays on students’ values)




V—Headmaster’s File (mixed contents)


Williston Academy (Easthampton, MA)


W—Headmaster’s File (mixed contents)


X-Y-Z—Headmaster’s File (mixed contents)



Oliver Wendell Holmes Library || Phillips Academy