Bancroft records, 1893, 1898, 1899

SERIES 3 Correspondence, 1898-1899

Supplement to the Bancroft Correspondence, 1893

1. J. Page to Bancroft, 6/10/1878–congratulating on success of centennial–
2. J. Page to Bancroft, 6/18/1878–letter of introduction for J. U. Haken, who wants to see the examinations–
3. W. L. Page to Bancroft, 2/14/1891–wants to send J. L. Dube to PA–is a native of Zululand– gives boys family history–boy wants to go back and be a missionary there–
4. J. A. Paige to Bancroft, 4/20/1882–thanking for favors to son–son improving greatly –
5. C. C. Paige to Bancroft, 2/15/1896–asking about deduction from sons board charges because boy was sick-
6. R. Palmer to Bancroft, 3/30/1878–about getting portrait of S, F. B. Horse–about old student –
7. R. Palmer to Bancroft, 3/18/1886–about portrait of self–personal health–
8. F. S. Palmer to Bancroft, 7/23/1892–about current work–is a doctor in Seattle, Wash.-­ also about Harvard clubs, and old P. A. men in area–
9. F. S. Palmer to Pettee, 9/4/1893–sending two Seattle boys to PA–
10. G. H. Palmer to Bancroft, 4/17/1883–about having Harvard exams at PA–“The general public does not know – as we do here – that Andover is an excellent place for boys to fit for Harvard. Formerly it was not, & the great improvements in its course which you have brought about are not yet generally understood. For us conspicuously to endorse the school would seem to me as much for its interest as for our own.”–
11. G. H. Palmer to Bancroft, 12/9/1885–about requiring attendance at lectures—think should be a difference between boys and young men–asking to review an article he wrote–
12. J. P. Palmer to Bancroft, 1/23/1882—disapproves of hazing—son genuinely sorry will miss not having the six weeks of classes –but will work hard to try to keep up–
13. J. P. Palmer to Bancroft, 9/14/1882–about chapel organ business–thought was between son and a Thee. Sem. boy–surprised committee is considering another application,-
14. J. P. Palmer to Bancroft, 12/15/1882–very glad son has decided to become a Christian–
15. J. P. Palmer to Bancroft, 2/17/1883–asking if son can get substitute for organ so can go to church first Sunday with his father–about religious spirit at PA–sorry son cut a recitation-
16. J. P. Palmer to Bancroft, 8/18/1883—about paying for sons broken door—sons room had been stacked–
17. J. P. Palmer to Bancroft, 11/26/88–“When the Master of Phillips Academy makes a suggestion of an educational nature it demands and should receive attention.”–has received many job offers–about going into the ministry–
18. J. P. Palmer to Bancroft, 10/6/1889–thanking for catalogue and article by Coy–
19. C. W. Paradise to Bancroft, 7I1189–asking if has any open position at Theological Seminary–
20. F. I. Paradise to Bancroft, 7/21/1881–asking about the Shawsheen club, about French exams–entering college early and how that will affect his scholarship status–
21. F. I. Paradise to Bancroft, 5/24/1883–about getting a big choir for Inquiry? semi-centennial–about getting a poem written–personal news
22. F. I. Paradise to Bancroft, 6/25/1883–about finding job for mother–personal news–
23. F. I. Paradise to Bancroft, 7/21/1884–about bills, etc–is in Yale without conditions—complains and and comments on entrance system–
24. F. I. Paradise to Bancroft, 7/8/1884–about bills etc–“Andover could not honestly be called “gay” just now…Prof. Graves is learning to play tennis – as a last resource. I suppose Mr. Gile walks quickly from his room to Madam Comstock’s with a book under his arm; a few ex –ministers go to the morning mail. The rest of the town peacefully sleeps.”
25. F. I. Paradise to Bancroft, 7/18/1887–family news–about buying a house intending to keep lodgers-­perhaps will send sister to school instead of the boarding house arrangement-
26. A. B. Park to Bancroft, 11/26/1886–sons eyes bad–thinks should take a year off–personal-
27. E. A. Park to Bancroft, 11/13/1977—letter of thanks–
28. W. E. Park to Bancroft, 4/25/1878–about sketch of Judge Phillips and other pamphlets about PA history–asks for some reference works–asking about division of topics–about interviews for “Annals–
29. W. E. Park to Bancroft, 6/20/1891–about republishing “Annals” for the benefit of students and alumni–
30. W. E. Park to Bancroft, 7/9/1891–sending copy of “Annals of PA–hopes can get out a cheap copy–
31. W. E. Park to Bancroft, 2/14/1896–cannot attend PA dinner in Boston–about reprinting “Annals”–
32. W. E. Park to Bancroft, 2/15/1896–about price suggested by Houghton & Mifflin–
33. E. E. Parker to Bancroft, 9/20/1877–about getting diploma–suggestions for diplomas-­personal history–is now an actor–
34. E. E. Parker to Bancroft, 11/29/1879–about entering profession in Centennial Catalogue(?)-­
35. W. B. Parker to Bancroft, 12/15/1893—about his journeys out of town while at PA–
36. C. A. Parker to Hardy, 7/20/?–about prices of cottages–
37. H. B. Parker to Bancroft, 6/12/1878–congratulating on Centennial–sorry could not attend-­ also cannot make sons graduation– thanks for all that have done for boy
38. J. J. Parkhurst to Bancroft, 4/3/1882—about withdrawing son
39. C. Parkhurst to Bancroft, 10/1/1889–thanking for letter on temperance reform–
40. C. Parkhurst to Bancroft, 10/24/1889–about publishing articles–
41. C. Parkhurst to Bancroft, 3/4/1890–payment for publishing article–
42. C. H. Parkhurst to Bancroft, 2/9/1899–about possibility of asking Prof. Moore to become Pres. of Amherst–asking about the man–
43. C. H. Parkhurst to Pettee, 2/13/1899–thanking for reply about Prof. Moore and Pres. Hyde–
44. C. W. Parks, 6/8/1896–about encouraging interest in forestry–wants to form summer camp—asking for help and as many PA boys as possible–
45. W. H. Parks to Bancroft, 4/30/1899–personal news–news of Americans in Paris–
46. W. H. Parmenter to Bancroft, 2/19/1886–about Morse portrait–about getting proofs–
47. J.P. Parrot to Bancroft, 7/13/1892–about young man who wants an education–recommendation-
48. J. Parton to Bancroft, 12/10/1882–about portraits–
49. A.D. Patterson to Bancroft, 9/23/1892–financial situation—reasons for sons action–
50 M. B. Patterson to Bancroft, ?/3/1896–about certificate of Regents exam–about Andover­ Worcester debate–about bills—society finances–
51. J. W. Patterson to Bancroft, 4/15/1878–will lecture at Andover–gives subject–details–
52. J. H. Patterson to Bancroft, 5/7/1886–thanking for recommendation–personal news–
53. J. H. Patterson to Bancroft, 7/12/1886–recommendation for a friend who must work his way through PA-­personal news of graduation from Dartmouth—thanking for all Bancroft’s help—future plans–
54. E. Y. Patterson to Pettee, 8/12/98–wants little money as well–
55. E. Y. Patterson to Pettee, 9/6/1898–wants to become minister–asking for help –
56. E. Y. Patterson to Pettee, 9/15/1898–thanking for favors–realizes school would have been too hard but would have liked to try–
57. A. H. Patton to Bancroft, 1/7/1888—thanking for account of surprise–compliments on service—personal news
58. L. Patton (husband) to Bancroft, 12/10/1892–thanking for consolation for wife’s death–
59. A. M. Payson to Bancroft, 6/12/79—asking if will be Centennial Catalogue—

Correspondence, 1898-1899
Bancroft Correspondence, 1898

1. Mrs. J. R. Stibbins to Bancroft, 10/8/1897–letter of introduction for S. N. Abbey-­reminiscences about Lookout–personal and family news–
2. Mrs. L. G. Abbey to Bancroft, 10/15/1897–asking for catalogue–sons complaint that room is too cold–
3. Mrs. L. G. Abbey to Bancroft, 11/11/1897–asking if son can be excused from school to be examined by their doctor–will not miss any recitations—note by Bancroft says yes–
4. C. O. Sahler (dr. above) to Bancroft, 11/27/1897–discusses boys health–boy improving at PA-
5. C. O. Sahler (dr. above) to Bancroft, 1/5/1898–describes health of boy–sends article–
6. S. F. Abbott to Bancroft, 10/1/1897–about grandsons? tuition payment–family news–
7. S. F. Abbott to Bancroft, 12/18/?–Carl Perkins (boy above) distressed about letter saying was destructive–note by Bancroft on case
8. R. J. Adams to Bancroft, 2/14/1898 –asking opinion of having principal on of the trustees— asking role of faculty in disciplinary action–etc–
9. M. Adler to Bancroft, 9/20/1897–wants name entered in list of those always getting catalogue
10. C. H. Aldrich to Bancroft, 11/20/1897–agrees is a good idea not to excuse students to see ball games–pleased with effect of school on boy–
11. Telegram, Bancroft to Aldrich (copy in Bancroft’s handwriting), 3/15/1898- telling of sons suspension
12. Aldrich to Bancroft, 3/18/1898–believes sons version of story–will not trouble Bancroft in his sorrow by arguing–hopes son will be restored at start of next term–(Note–these letters should be referenced to the letters in general file)
13. H. P. Amen to Bancroft, 2/3/1898–about Exeter’s decision not to go to YMCA meeting in Cleveland–asking if will be an Andover delegation-
14. H. P. Amen to Bancroft, 2/8/1898–not sure what in Exonian has bothered And–explains Exeter attitude towards disappointment over debate–glad PA can send someone to Cleveland–
15. J. A. Armstrong to Bancroft, 10/15/1897–about sons laundry bill–about performance of other boys at Yale–
16. C. W. Arnold to Bancroft, 7/13/1897–asking why H. M. Goodchild is not doing better-­covered with notes by Bancroft and others about Goodchilds work–
17. C. W. Arnold to Bancroft, 10/12/1897–advice on how to get Goodchild to work better—about next year–
18. C. W. Arnold to Bancroft, 10/19/1897–accepting Bancroft’s request about visits–
19. S. Baker to Bancroft, 11/30/1897—New York–about petition of Mrs. Sillock to be made guardian of her son–instructions for signing–
20. A? Baldwin to Bancroft, Oberon, North Dakota, 1/22/1898–reasons why could not send contribution to dormitories before this–is money still wanted–
21. A? Baldwin to Bancroft, 2/7/1898–about death of close friend–if need more money just ask-
22. H.P. Bale to Bancroft, 8/28/1897–about work at Boston Herald–is any Andover news Bancroft would like publicized–news of brothers success at Harvard–
23. W. A. Ballou to Bancroft, Lawrence, 2/21/1898–asking about sons progress–
24. B. C. Batcheller to Bancroft, Philadelphia, 3/6/1898–good wishes for school–
25. C. H. Shearer to Bancroft, 9/23/1897–Andover–about letting Armenian boy work for his board-
26. C. H. Shearer to Faculty, Boston, 2/10/1898–about Barsamians petition to get out of morning chapel–describes conditions in the house–
27. Copy of letter, Banto Barsamian, Andover, 2/11/1898–gives almost direct quotes from letter above–personal comments and advice on what boy should do–interesting example of school discipline–
28. L. B. Bishop to Bancroft, 11/20/1897, Lorraine, N. Y.–cannot pay sons bills–has given son his time but boy must get through school on his own–
29. C. H. Bliss to F. K. Bancroft, 2/4/1898- Newburyport—about sending cotton and silk
30. J. W. Brooks to Bancroft, 8/16/1897, Burlington, Iowa–about entering son–asking about rooms–
31. J. W. Brooks to Bancroft, 1/6/1898–sorry son cannot cope with school but pleased with Bancroft’s praise–about with withdrawing boy from school and placing him in another—asks rather diffidently and without pressure for boy to have another chance–
32. W. Brown to Bancroft, Union Theo Sem, 3/16/1898–about unavoidable inaccuracies–asks for help from Bancroft–
33. W. A. Brown to Bancroft, New Haven, 8/31/1897–wants to continue with Bancroft’s cottage–face healed up–note by Ban declines to readmit him–
34. W. A. Brown to Bancroft, 9/8/1897–cannot work way through a high school–father practically disowned him–begging to be allowed to come back–
35. J. E. Bruce to Bancroft, E. Poultney, Vermont, 9/13/1897–son not exceptional in any way–does not completely approve of verbal exams for work done long before–usual letter–
36. F. Brinkerhoff to Bancroft, 9/13/1897–giving money for Percy (son of Bruce above) but does not want him to know who she is yet–
37. F. Brinkerhoff to Bancroft, 10/14/1897–money for Percy–asks him to come to Boston on Saturday–
38. F. Brinkerhoff to Bancroft, 10/18/1897–Why Percy did not come Saturday–glad did well on exams­-not worried about college yet–about difficulties of getting money for Percy–
39. M. E. Vibbert to Bancroft, Springfield, 11/18/1897–hopes to talk Percy into selling her book and keeping part of the profits–only way she can help Percy at moment—thinks F. Brinkerhoff might not approve–asks for Bancroft’s help–
40. F. Brinkerhoff to Bancroft, Bn, 11/21/1897–about seeing Percy over Thanksgiving
41. F. Brinkerhoff to same, same, 12/3/1897–poor luck with money–about Miss Vibberts plan–gives details of her own troubles—about college choices–
42. F. Brinkerhoff to Bancroft, same, 1/6/1898–thanking for kindnesses to Percy–asking about bills-­details of financial worries–glad Percy is doing so well and growing so nicely–
43. H. G. Buehler to Bancroft, Lakeville, Ct, 9/2/1897–about lecture on battle of Gettysburg-­suggests coming to PA and giving it–
44. Mrs. J. C. Butler to Bancroft, Sandusky, Ohio, 12/12/1897–thanking for advice on sons ailment–son very happy and very fond of his teachers–
45. J. C. Campbell to Bancroft, Joppam Ala., 2/7/1898–about school–letter of recommendation for two boys he must let go or find better schools for—problem with people there–
46. F. Carter to Bancroft, Williamstown, Mass, 9/20/1897–about book on history and geography of Palestine–
47. F. Carter to Bancroft, same, 2/24/1898–about temperance at Yale–conflicts between duties on Board of Education and being And. Trustee–personal–asks about Tucker–
48. D. E. Callahan to Pettee, N. And., 7/12/1897–asking for testimonials–mixup about failures in entrance exams–
49. L. D. Chamberlain to Bancroft, Salem, NH, 3/10/1899–reminding him who she is–recommending friend of hers as tutor to boys who must be sent away–gives his background—interesting letter
50. G. W. Christie to Pettee, 8/30/1897–amestown, mass—about sons poor showing on exams– his problems in educating his family–
51. C. H. Clark to Bancroft, Decatur, Ill, 1/22/1898–about sons work at PA–
52. W. D. Clark to Bancroft, Andover, 12/8/1897—needs assistance to get through the year—describes financial situation
53. E.F. Coburn to Bancroft, Lawrence, 2/4/1898–surprised at sons actions–
54. O. M. Collins, to Bancroft, Franklin Falls, NH, 12/7/1897–son being repeatedly annoyed and having his room broken into–very worried–if doesn’t stop will have to change school-­
55. O. M. Collins to Bancroft, same, 12/16/1897–information not received from son–
56. O. M. Collins to Bancroft, same, 12/28/1897–thanking for letters–gives sons past schooling record-­ reasons boy came to PA–mentions a pistol–asks for advice–
57. O. M. Collins to Bancroft, same, 12/30/1897–about boys involved in sons hazing–
58. O. M. Collins to Bancroft, same, 2/19/1898–about school service, about his work–Boys opinion of Mr.Boynton–very distressed–
59. W. H. Conant to Bancroft, Mt. Vernon, 12/6/1897–about recommendations for Mr. Hartshorn–
60. E. B. Convers to Bancroft; New York, 10/18/1897–pleased with son’s progress–good wishes–
61. F. Coonley to Bancroft, New Haven, 12/16/9 –personal news–asks for catalogue–
62. C? E. Copp to Bancroft, Lawrence, 2/1/1898–about sons desire to return–
63. C? E. Copp to Bancroft, same, 1/3/1898–hopes son will continue to do better–about painting room at Commons–
64. J. E. Hamilton to Bancroft, Hartford, 2/5/1898–about Copp leaving school–very angry letter refuting Bancrofts allegations–
65. A. W. Copp (son in question) to Bancroft, Lawrence, 2/8/1898–asking for pardon for offence-­asking to be allowed to return to school–
66. C. E. Copp to Bancroft, Bn, 2/9/1898–very sorry son apparently won’t be able to return-­feels himself responsible–would not have gone at all if not for Hamilton–
67. A. W. Copp to Bancroft, Lawrence, 2/14/1898–asking for reconsideration of case–
68. S. E. Ensign to Bancroft, Amagansett, L. I., 8/1/1897–thanking for letter and for attention to son–about boys past schooling-about tutors after he left school–boys character–
69. A. H. Pingree to Bancroft, Jamaica Plain, 9/10/?–about boy of above letter–advice on how to get the most out of him–plans for boys future education–
70. W. E. Davis to Bancroft, New Haven, 10/4/1897–asking about diploma–
71. D. H. Day to Bancroft, New Haven, 11 /16/1897–bros health poor–reasons–
72. D. H. Day to Bancroft, same, 11/18/1897–giving reasons for requesting excuse for bro to see game
73. K. H. Day (mother) to Bancroft, address illegible, 11/26/1897—about sons health–boy was too wrought up with football–glad season is over–news of Dwight–
74. W. P. Denegre to Bancroft, Phila., l/8/96–about sons progress at PA–
75. C. L. de Nottbeck to Bancroft, Fishkell on Hudson, 1/11/1898–sending clothing which might be useful for a scholarship student—personal—family news
76. J. P. Kane to Bancroft, Lawrence, 12/8/1897–asking about conduct of W. Delaney(?)–
77. J. A. Dravo to Bancroft, Rittsburg, 12/17/1897–family financial trouble- returning Bancroft loaned him–
78. L. H. Dravo to Bancroft, same, 12/29/ 7(bro)—asking about details of brothers expulsion–personal news–family financial trouble–will pay brothers bills as soon as possible–
79. J. E. Drinkwater to Bancroft, no pace, no date—about fund-raising for Holyoke thanking for Bancrofts support–about Arthur–boy getting on very well at Harvard–
80. M. B. Dudley to Bancroft, Lexington, Ky, 7/16/1897–very unhappy with sons report from PA-­asking for advice on what should be done about him–
81. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, Bn, 10/12/1897–not in favor of son being allowed to attend Episcopal services–
82. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, same, 11/6/1897–son taking care of his health–will not abuse privileges son very happy at PA–
83. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, same, 11/11/1897–wants son to go to Harvard next year–son very happy–
84. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, same, 11/18/1897—very sorry son seems to be smoking again–
85. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, same, 11/18/1897–about sons desire to go to Yale instead of Harvard-­ Harvard has raised entrance standards and would be easier to get into Yale–not sure what should do–wants boy to save year if at all possible –
86. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, same, 11/19/1897–feels son should stick to going to Harvard–
87. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, Cambridge, 11/22/1897–not sure where son should go to college–asks for advice–
88. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, Bn, 1/20/1898–thanking for keeping posted on son–son has trouble with heart–but if missed recitations should not go to evening entertainment–
89. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, same, 2/4/1898–agrees with Bancrofts disciplinary actions–endorsement-­
90. O. H. Durrell to Bancroft, same, 3/15/1898–son has no sense of value of money–about his health-­disappointed with his work at PA—thanking for interest in son—his going away has brought out weaknesses which can now be corrected–
91. T. P. Ellicott to Bancroft, 3/8/1898–thanking for letter consoling about death of son–
92. Mrs. G.F. Elliott to Bancroft, Manchester, 9/29/1897—asking for son to come home–telegram
93· J. Perley Elliot (son) to Bancroft, Manchester, 12/20/1897?–asking for recommendation and honorable dismissal–
94. S. J. Ensign to Bancroft, 12/30/1897, Tariffville, CT–always very concerned with sons welfare very surprised at letter from Pingree about sons demerits–complains about sons past teaching–expectations for boy–same boy as in 68-69 above–
95. S. J. Ensign to Bancroft, Brooklyn, NY, 1/15/1898–about sons proposed trip to Bn–not very concerned–
96. S. J. Ensign to Bancroft, Tarriffville, 1/27/1898–son very sick and cannot return to school–lungs are weak–
97. S. J. Ensign to Bancroft, same, 1/28/1898–thanking for good wishes for boy–does not think Hamilton (see 64 above) was to blame for the Copp episode (see. 62-67)–character of boy-­not sure she approves of Miss. Cheevers methods of handling boys–Joe was in bed because of a cold the morning after his visit to Bn–defends sons morals etc–
98. S. J. Ensign to Bancroft, same, 2/2/1898–very unhappy that would think would entertain Copp when he ran away–son has had no contact with boy except phone calls–does not think Hamilton had anything to do with it–about boys movements during illness—husband will assist in finding Copp–
99. S. J. Ensign to Bancroft, same, 2/3/1898–encloses 100 below–still thinks there is a misunderstanding and falsehoods somewhere–still thinks Hamilton did nothing to entice Copp–
100. J. E, Hamilton to S. J. Ensign, 2/2/1898, copy–does not know what Bancroft is accusing him of except Copp affair–gives own version of Copp affair–sorry any trouble about his visit to her son–
101. S. J. Ensign to Bancroft, 2/14/1898, Tville—son not returning to PA this year since health is very poor–needs complete rest–thanks for kind attention–very sorry cannot return
102. R. P. Fairing to Bancroft, Syracuse, NY, 6/26/1897–asking for catalogue–poor finances but wants college education–
103. T. C. Field to Bancroft, Washington, NH, 7/5/1897–asking for catalogue and last years exams for Class B scientific–
104. G. W. Field (father) to Bancroft, London Eng, 2/12/1897–very surprised that son has been sent down for misconduct–asking for details and advice on what to do–
105. E. L. Field (wife of above) to Bancroft, Andover, 2/28/1898–cannot pay rent on Scott House-­tells of allowance made by husband–going back to England soon–news of other son who has had a bad accident–
106. E. L. Field to Bancroft, no date or place–asking to talk with son–misunderstanding about rules–asking about sons friends–about the characters of other boys–hopes to enter boy after christmas–
107. L. P. Fisher to Bancroft, San Francisco, 11/3/1897—asking about Centennial Catalogue–
108. W. L. Foley to Bancroft, Ney York, 1/14/1898?–son wants to see Ban and ask to be taken back–leaves matter up to Bancroft–
109. G. L. Fox to Bancroft, New Haven, 10/7/1897–regrets not being able to see Bancroft–praises for achievement in making PA what it is–compliments about Forbes and his wife–news of Coy and Comstock–about goings on in Headmasters assoc–personal–
110. D. E. French to Bancroft, Milwaukee, 12/8/1897–Milwaukee-Andover Club is holding annual dinner–requests a letter from Ban to read at it–
111. Z. E. French to Bancroft, Everett, Mass, 12/9/1897–about getting diploma from PA–personal-­thanking for all PA has done for him–
112. M. D.M. Fulton to Bancroft, Lanesville, O., 12/31/1897—nephew very happy at PA but is not satisfied with his table board—T.B. in immediate family, other sicknesses as well-­very concerned that boy get good food so will turn out healthy–does not like fresh pork as a food–glad that did not send boy to Lawrenceville as had considered–
113. M. D. M. Fulton to Bancroft, same, 1/14/1898–thanking for letter–worried that boy may not be paying bills promptly–explaining her previous letter–
114. L. E. Greene to Bancroft, N. Petersburg, 3/22/?—distressed at sons having been in his room–boy did not know it was illegal–not excusing, but hopes will not be suspended—boy feels terrible–worried about fathers reaction–
115. G. C. Greenway to Bancroft, New Haven, 11/15/1897–asking that his brother be allowed to come see the Yale-Princeton football game–reasons would like to see brother very much–
116. Gregerson? to Bancroft, 10/24/?,no place, frag–about John and George Bethune—with comment by daughter–very confusing–
117. L. Gregerson to Bancroft, 10/29/?–also about Dr. Bethune–about his circle–Dr. Roby–
118. P. H. Griffin to Bancroft, Buffalo, NY, 1/2/99–thinks son should not go back to PA until next fall–has improved since coming home–has been working very hard
119. P. H. Griffin to Pettee, same, 8/14/1897–son arrived pretty sick–very distressed by poor report but determined to make up his work without excuses
120. H. F. Griffin (son) to Pettee, no place, 8/15/1897–had tried very hard to settle down and get good work done—first term had been review, so had done better than normal–asks if can take make-up exams at start of next term –
121. P. H. Griffin to Bancroft, Buffalo, 10/14/1897–very disappointed but feel for the best-­feels Bancrofts requirements just what boy needs to get back on the track–
122. P. H. Griffin to Bancroft, same, 10/21/1897–probably best for son to go into scientific dept as that is what really interests him–about chem. course–sure will do better now–
123. I. S. Griffin to Bancroft, Round Hill, 9/30/?–thanking for letter of condolence about brothers death–
124. H. W. Hayward to Bancroft, Temple, NH, 9/29/1897—about buying old style lantern–
125. H. W. Hayward to Bancroft, same, 10/6/1897–about various old artifacts–
126. B. C. Holladay to Pettee, Andover, 8/17/1897–asking about room in English Commons-­with note by Pettee asking if Holladay should not come back, and note by Bancroft–
127. B. C. Holladay to Pettee, same, 8/26/1897–protesting not being readmitted–had earlier said could come back if took some exams–city won’t turn head–talks about society in home–about where he did go in Lawrence–
128. H. B. Hollinbeck to Bancroft, Ithica, 9/24/1897–about getting certificate in Physiology in order to enter Cornell–asking about diploma–asking for advice–
129. J. W. Holley to Bancroft, Narragansett Pier, RI, 8/19/1897–making arrangements to return to PA–asks about rooms–money troubles–note
130. W. A. Houghton to Bancroft, Brunswick, Me., 12/14/1897–sending sons letter apparently criticizing administration–knows must be accepted with caution but may be important–clearing son of accusation that is not working hard–
131. J. R. Howard to Bancroft, Montclair, 9/12/1897–suggests course for son since not going to college–about future plans for both boys and how this should affect their work–
132. H. C. Howell to Bancroft, N.Y., N.Y, 7/17/1897–about sons lack of aspiration or interest-­about stolen bicycle–
133. H. C. Howell to Bancroft, same, 9/13/1897–about sons returning to PA–about getting room back–
134. H. C. Howell to Bancroft, same, 12/29/1897–very distressed with sons behavior–handed in copied exercises, got improper help in classroom work–more or less a sneak–more precise nature of general charge and who made it–interesting comment on relative difficulty of Classical and Scientific depts–
135. W. C. Irvine to Bancroft, Omaha, Neb, 11/5/1897–about sons expenses–did not realize music might interfere with studies–
136. W. C. Irvine to Bancroft, same, 11/16/1897–staggered since expenses twice what had figured–family finances–had not realized asking Bancroft to handle finances would add a major burden-­ sons character good but does not realize the value of money–
137. J. E. Kittredge to Bancroft, Geneseo, NT, 9/1/1897—thanking for stay at Mt. Vernon during vacation –about family motto–about sons plan to skip college and go straight to Med. school–
138. W. McN. Kittredge to Bancroft, Geneseo, NY, 9/2/1897–about plans for future schooling-­but loves PA even though must leave early–thanks for stay at Mt. Vernon
139. C. N. Kimball to Bettee, Plattsburgh, NY, 7/28/1897–asking about rooms–about applying for school office–etc–
140. Mrs. D. L. Kemberly to Bancroft, Neenah, Wis, 9/14/1897–about entering son—asking for Bancroft to notice him occasionally–
141. Mrs. D. L. Kemberly to Bancroft, same, 3/5/1898, telegram–asking what is trouble–starting tonight–note by Bancroft says boy was in Boston without permission Saturday night–
142. N. M. Lawton to Bancroft, Lowell, 10/26/?—about lecture by Dr. Nansen—asks if would be interested in bringing some boys—
143. E. G. Leach to Bancroft, Franklin Falls, NH, 11/7/1897–about boys having to change rooms-­cannot come down for a few days–about ambiguity of anti tobacco laws–
144. M. C. Leuthstrom to Bancroft, Hartland, Wis, 9/13/1897–sending old paper or speech which might be of interest to Bancroft
145. J. R. Locke to Bancroft, Cambridge, 9/30/1897–asking for certificate of honorable dismissal from PA–about Andover students at Harvard–misses PA morning chapel–
146. F. A. H. Lowell to Bancroft, Cambridge, 9/30/1898—thanking for encouraging letter about sons progress and hard work–worried about carelessness–
147. E. Malone to Bancroft, Dublin, Ire., 12/9/1897–holiday wishes, thanking for kindnesses-­personal news–asking about Canadian stamps commemorating jubilee year–
148. W. Marland to Bancroft, Andover, 2/3/1898–thanks G. Eaton should find another boarding house–has broken door twice–
149. R. S. McClanahan to Bancroft, Allegheny, Pa, 10/16/1897–about trip to Europe–asking for letters of introduction–personal–
150. R. S. McClanahan to Bancroft, Alexandria, 11/20/1897–about book charged out from Seminary library-­possibly a Soc. of Inquiry book–news of trip–personal–
151. M. S. McCurqy to Bancroft, And, 8/31/1897–about case of boy who should not return to PA -­personal–
152. W. F. McKeen to Bancroft, North Reading Mass, 2/5/1898–asking about Quaker Bath Cabinets–
153. G. X. McLanahan to Bancroft, Cambridge, 11/7/1897–inviting cousin to spend Sunday with him and see Harvard–personal news–
154. F. A. Merrill To Bancroft, Jamaica Plain, 11/28/?–thanking for letter while was sick-­personal news—sorry Mrs. Bancroft is unwell—thinks it hysteria rather than heart trouble–
155. Mershon & Graham to Bancroft, Ny, NY, 12/31/1897–in ten days will bring suit for money due the Brunonian for back subscription–
156. C. E. Meyer to Bancroft, Thompsonville, CT., 7/16/1897–asking about laundry service being set up in competition to his–
157. T. C. Mitchell to Bancroft, NY, NY, 10/23/1897–asking for copy of address to Schoolmasters’ Assoc. of New York and Vicinity to print in annual report–
158. J. W. Miller to Bancroft, New Haven, 12/28/1897—sends cerfiticate of admission to Yale—asking for PA diploma
159. J. W. Miller to Bancroft, same, 11/21/1897—asking about getting diploma—news of work at Yale
160. M. H. Moore to Bancroft, no date or place–sympathy for Mrs. Bancrofts illness–
161. P. J. Morgan to Bancroft, Amherst, 9/22/1897–did take entrance exams to Cornell when was supposed to—did not go back to PA since would not be returning next year–
162. R. Morris to Bancroft, New Haven, 1/16/1898–about raising funds–bills for class day–troubles getting people to pay—asking for advice on how to finish payments–
163. G. C. Muller to Bancroft, Lawrence, 1/18/1898–asking for financial aid for P. R. Oeser–
164. A. A. Murphree to Bancroft, Tallahassee, Fla, 10/5/1897–asking about admission to PA on certificate–note by Bancroft to secretary(?) gives his reply–
165. W. Odlin to Bancroft, Andover, 3/16/1898–about law suit mystery–
166. A. H. Olmsted to Bancroft, Larchmont, NY, 11/20/1897–reasons for wanting son to come home for Thanksgiving–also asks about possibility of son doing some gymnastics–
167. E. O’Neil to Bancroft, 9/28/1897–about placement of son in Middle class and his hopes for going to Yale next year–
168. E. O’Neil to Bancroft, 1/4/1898—about tuition and records of sons–
169. C. H. Patton to Bancroft, Duluth, Minn, 9/23/1897–various religious and family matters-­praise for work at PA and elsewhere–
170. W. C. Irvine to Bancroft, Omaha, 12/26/1897, see 135, 136–about sons financial matters, particularly a bill from the druggist –
171. H. A. Peters to Bancroft, Mauch Chunk, Pa, 9/6/1897–wants to return to PA but will need aid to do so–about getting place with Mrs. Jenkins–
172. H. L. Petit to Bancroft, Wellsboro’, Pa, 10/4/1897—wants to work way through PA–is a barber asks about possibility of working as barber and putting himself through that way
173. H. L. Petit to Bancroft, same, 10/15/1897–asking about possibility of tuition remission–doesn’t see how could raise enough money to get started–
174. G. L. Plimpton to Bancroft, Tilton, NH, l2/27/1897–about boy from school there who is applying to PA–frank assessment of boys problems—doesn’t think PA a good plane for him
175. J.T. Potter to Bancroft, North Adams, Mass, 12/31/1897–about gold mining investment which Bancroft might be interested in–personal–
176. E. J. Potter to Bancroft, Alpena, Mich, 10/20/1897–thanking for letter after death of husband personal news and news of business–
177. H. C. Potter to Bancroft, Saginaw, Mich, 11/30/1897–thanking for letter on golden anniversary family news–
178. A. Quinby to Bancroft, 8/14/1897, North Sandwich–asking if can get diploma–Ban note says yes
179. E. P. Reed to Bancroft, no date or place–about talk to several boys–getting them to work-
180. E. P. Reed to Bancroft, no place, 1/1/1898–about Neds Latin–about his diligence –personal—
181. P. F. Reverts to Bancroft, 2/15/1898–Boston–asking to be restored to school for Spring term instead of waiting until next fall–
182. P. F. Reverts to Bancroft, 2/19/1898, same,–reasons stayed in Andover last summer–
183. C. R. Roberts to Bancroft, 9/30/1897–sorry did not know sooner that son was not to be readmitted–asking what should do–plans for tutor–written from Springfield–
184. C. A. Robinson to Bancroft, Princeton, 11/23/1897—congratulating on victory personal requests–about getting and keeping his work as a teacher—personal–
185. C. A. Robinson to Bancroft, same, 3/14/1898–hopes to remain teaching at Princeton–personal news-­about Lawrenceville –about friend who wants to send son to PA–
186. R. Johnson to Bancroft, Springfield, Ohio, 10/4/1897–about boarding room for son—
187. L. A. Roby to Bancroft, Cleveland, 11/22/1897–about sons permission to go to Bn– king talking to boy and ask about his friends, etc–son very happy at PA–
188. Mrs. L. A. Roby to Bancroft, same, 12/8/1897–asking about sons progress in his studies-­note by Ban gives comments on his work, which is pretty low–
189. Mrs. L. A. Roby to Bancroft, 1/3/1898–why son cannot come back to school–family financial trouble-­ made father sick–son thought would drop out so did not concentrate on exams–sorry boy was not doing very well–hopes can catch up and return for spring term–
190. H. Rogers to Bancroft, Bn, 7/20/1897–about sons expulsion for cheating?–feels Bancroft did right thing–son very penitent and wants another trial-
191. H. Rogers to Bancroft, same, 10/8/1897–thanking for letter–son had thought all faculty thought him criminal–about boys job–
192. H. M. Russell to Bancroft, Wheeling, WVa, 12/30/1897–very distressed at sons poor work-­
193. W. E. Schweppe to Bancroft, St. Louis, 10/26/?–sending tuition-, about paying bills
194. O. A. Schreiber to Bancroft, NY, NY, 12/11/1897–disappointed over brothers negligence–
195. O. A. Schreiber to Bancroft, same, 3/15/1898–wants bro. to stay until steamer sails–asks about work–
196. L. C. Seelye to Bancroft, Northampton, Mass, 10/20/1897—asking about copy of article on womans health, about three year college course, and about ages of graduating classes–
197. L. C. Seelye to Bancroft, same, 10/22/1897—thanks for article, asks- about effect on professions of having men wait longer before entering work–has notes by Ban on subject–
198. L. C. Seeley to Bancroft, same, 10/25/1897–thanking for letter–asks if girls were ever admitted to PA when it began–
199. A. J. Selfridge to Bancroft, Bn, 11/30/1897–about young man who wants to go to PA–needs financial aid–
200. J. G. Serviss to Bancroft, Amsterdam, NY, 1/6/1898–pleased with sons work first term-­compliments on job PA has done for him–
201. Telegram to Bancroft, New York, 6/25/1897–congratulating class of ’57 from class of ’72
202. W. W. Shaw to Bancroft, 9/20/1897–Chicago–about late payment of tuition–
203. G. W. Shaw-to Bancroft, Little Compton RI, 9/2/1897–news of what has done since was at PA fourteen years ago—asking if can find any work to do–
204. C. M. Sheldon to Bancroft, Topeka, Kan, 2/14/1898–declines doing biography of uncle–
205. F. R. Shipman to Bancroft, And., 1/26/1898–medical treatment for Reuben Goddard–
206. F. R. Shipman to Bancroft, same, 2/7/1898–about arranging “no license” rally–asking about the French–
207. A. Shirley to Bancroft, Stratford, Ct, 3/14/1898–about mail bag–about ex-PA boys,–about arrangements for teaching–
208. S. M. Sillick to Bancroft, Bellport NY, no date–about entering son at PA–
209. S. M. Sillick to Bancroft, NYC, sometime in March–tuition payment–about paying bills–asking if son should go into science or into business–
210. W. D. Skinner to Bancroft, Des Moines, Iowa, 11/1/1897–asking how son is getting on-­ asking about his churchgoing and who is in the Andover cottage as housemaster–
211. W. D. Skinner to Bancroft, same, 11/13/1897–somewhat disappointed with sons work–puzzled with account of conduct–about loss of roommate–
212. W. K. Smith to Bancroft, Oconto, Wis, 3/2/1898–asking if son can change rooms–not pleased with current rooming arrangements–
213. J. P. Smith to Bancroft, Salem NH, 2/22/1898–asking if have any students needing tutoring-­gives credentials and past work–
214. J. P. Smith to Bancroft, same, 3/2/1898–gives details of tutoring would be willing to do–
215. J. H. Solomon to Bancroft, NYC, 6/30/1897–about whether son should take classical or scientific course–he believes scientific best since going into commercial line
216. J. H. Solomon to Bancroft, same, 7/23/1897—thanking for letter full of advice—plans for son–
217. T. H. Spense to Bancroft, New Haven, 12/16/1897–asking for PA diploma–gives work done while at PA and while at Yale–
218. M. K. Spencer to Bancroft, 9/5/1897–not pleased with having suite in Draper–does not want son to have roommate–sons health problems–about paying bills–troubles she is having educating boys–
219. M. K. Spencer to Bancroft, Chicago, 9/20/1897–about unpleasant letter from husband–financial situation–thanks for his assistance in doing what is best for son–
220. M. K. Spencer to Bancroft, same, 9/26/1897–thanking for what has done for son–about paying board bills–son having hard time adjusting due to fathers telegram and homesickness–
221. Stearns to Bancroft, Middleboro, 3/9/1898–about tutoring Baylor–gives work done–asks for advice–note by Bancroft advising to do a little Latin and Greek composition daily–
222. H. H. Stebbins to Bancroft, Rochester, 11/3/1897—about placing son–asking for Bancrofts advice–
223. H. H. Stebbins to Bancroft, same, 1/13/1898–son coming back to PA—hope boys health is fully recovered–hope boy can return to his class without too much trouble–
224. W. E. Stilwell to Bancroft, Cambridge, 12/26/1897–about boy recommended for financial aid-­ thinks Bancroft should talk him out of going to work–personal news–
225. C. E. Stone to Bancroft, 7/14/1897–asking about position at FA–also about benches with desks–well wishes-
226. E.B. Thompsons to Bancroft, Seymour, Indiana, 12/29/1897–very unhappy about sons conduct–asking if Bancroft could choose him the right roommate–may be late returning because of expiring railway passes
227. E. Tuck, Paris, France, to Bancroft, 11/11/1897–political views–bimetallism–happy cousin is getting on well at PA–
228. R. De F. Tucker to Bancroft, no place, 9/28/1897–about performance of his tutees on Yale exams–about character of the boys–
229. K. Twining to Bancroft, Morristown (NJ?), 6/28/1897–why did not come on Wednesday–fear of scarlet fever—well wishes–
230. K. Twining to Bancroft, same, 10/30/1897–thanking for letter about son–his position at Yale–
231. C.P. Vaughn, Peabody, to Bancroft, 2/17/1898–what has done since leaving PA
232. L. D. Waddell to Bancroft, NYC, 9/29/1897–financial problems–asks that son be allowed to continue at PA–
233. L. D. Waddell to Bancroft, same, 12/18/1897–very sorry about sons suspension-.,
234. L. D. Waddell (son) to Bancroft, Parsippany, 12/30/1897–business -trouble–wants to come back and finish year if possible–about trouble selling calendars–“Hoping to hear from you soon, and will you be kind enough to address my letter in a plain envelope as my aunt or uncle whom I’m staying with might think it my report card and open it.”
235. A. V. Wadhams to Bancroft, New Orleans, 10/5/1897–cannot go south until yellow fever abates– asks if can give lecture at PA–terms of lecture–encloses circular–
236. A. V. Wadhams to Bancroft, same, 10/25/1897–thanks for letter about sons–understands about lecture–
237. Bancroft to Wadsworth, Andover, 7/13/1897–about late award of diploma–steps to be taken to get– one with letter by Pettee on back, dated 7/15, giving terms of &ward–
238. Mrs. G. W. Wiggin, Wakefield, asking if Bancroft would help get money some boys owe them-­gives particulars–11/26/1897–
239. R. A. Waller to Bancroft, Chicago, 12/6/1897–distressed at sons poor health–plans–
240. Bancroft to M. R. White, And., 4/27/1897–about habits and character of Blaine Warner-­plans for his roommate-
241. H. C. Warren to Bancroft, 12/12/1897, New Haven,–about sons misconduct-feels should be more lenient for first offence–asking if boy can stay remainder of term–
242. H. C. Warren to Bancroft, same, 12/17/1897–thanking for letter–plans for tutoring boy–
243. H. K. Warrent to Bancroft, Salem, Mass, 12/8/1897–about fund-raising for Yankton College-­asking if could address PA on subject of Dr. Ward–
244. I. B. Watson to Bancroft, Hartford, 3/19/1898–about trip to Europe–gives outline, and description of last years trip–asking if Ban can help find two more ladies–
245. L. Watson to Bancroft, and, 10/1/?–complaining about Butterfield’s boys–
246. W. R. Webb to Bancroft, Bell Buckle, Tenn, 9/12/91–about sending son to And–boy in poor health–character–boy wants to concentrate on the sciences–asking for Bancroft’s cooperation–news of other son–
247. R. Weeks to Bancroft, Columbia, Mo., 9/9/1897–idea for getting Yale men to support PA–
248. W. N. Weir to Pettee; NYC, 11/29/1897?–asking for statement of standing while at PA-­thanking for all help while at PA–
249. AM M. Wheeler to Bancroft, Cambridge, 3/17/1898–asking about record and whereabouts of W. M. Gardner, supposed PA grad. and Harvard man–suspected of defrauding banks–
250. E. A. Whitney to Bancroft, And. 8/9/1897–thanking for interest in son–very ashamed and surprised at failure at Yale exams–overworked and got into poor health–mixed up by change in plans and decision to go to college before Med. school–agrees should go back to PA for another year–plans–
251. T. H. Wickwire to Bancroft, Cortland, NY, 12/3/1897–son not to blame for late return to school–not aware had been negligent about work
252. T. H. Wickwire to Bancroft, same, 12/7/1897–reason son has so many demerits–note by Pettee tells of school policy about demerits–
253. W. H. Willcox to Bancroft, Wellesley, 11/5/1897–sending clock–
254. W. H. Willcox to Bancroft, Malden, 11/27/1897–surprised at cost of fixing clock–feels should spend money on some needy Wellesly girl rather than wasting it on the clock–
255. W, H. Willcox to Bancroft, same, 3/12/1898–about woman who apparently wants to be licensed boarding-house keeper–about date of issue of new catalogue–
256. M. H. Williams to Bancroft, Phila., 2/5/99–about “Friendship Calendar” for son–personal–
257. J. Winslow to Bancroft, Brooklyn, NY, 12/29/1897–about revisiting PA–feels the Commons will have to go soon–
258. B. L. Winters to Bancroft, NYC, 2/9/1898–news of family and farm– personal–
259. W. M. Wood to Bancroft, 1/4/1898–about tuition payment character of son–plans–

Bancroft Correspondence, 1899

1. A. G. Bale to Bancroft, Asbury Park, NJ., 8/28/1899–asking for catalogue–about entering son–boys character–about getting a room–
2. A. G. Bale to Bancroft, same, no date—sons character and past work—about which class to enter–about getting room–
3. A. G. Bale to Pettee, same, 9/10/1899—about which class son should enter—asking if change of class would affect rooming situation–
4. A. G. Bale to Bancroft, same, 9/18/1899—about testimonial for son
5. W. H. Willcox to Bancroft, Malden, 9/18/1899–letter of introduction for Bale–
6. C. A. Brown to Eaton, NYC, 5/25/1899–about sending son to PA–gives recommendations–encloses picture of son on champion football team–and some clippings about his athletic ability–athletic pressure too great for boy to study–want to change school-
7. C. A. Brown to Pettee, NYC, 7/21/1899–about entering son in Middle class—about rooming
8. C. A. Brown to Pettee, same, 8/18/1899–about sons progress in his studies–tells of successes of sons former teacher–reason son was so involved
9. C. A. Brown to Pettee, same, 9/6/1899–about getting bedding and furniture delivered to sons room
10. C. A. Brown to Pettee, same, 9/26/1899–asking about sons joining society–
11. R. D. Clarke to Bancroft, 5/3/1892–Poughkeepsie, NY–about past work–
12. B. Amen to Bancroft, same, 9/7/1892–letter of good standing for R. D. Clarke–
13. R. M. Colgate to T. M. Gopsill, NYC, 3/30/1899–about friend who may want to go to PA–
14. T. M. Gopsill, Jersey City, 3/31/1899–forwarding 13 above to Ban–personal–
15. H. Bingham, Jr. to Bancroft, Honolulu, HI, 1/8/1899–about Mrs. C. M. Cooke, who wants to send one of her sons to PA–personal news–
16. F. Coonley to Bancroft, Fort Richmond, NY, 7/13/1899–wants to send brother to PA–asking about getting room for boy–
17. B. D. Coonley (father) to Bancroft, same, 9/19/1899–about sons past work–about character-­boy not very interested in going to college–
18. M. E. Coonley (mother) to Bancroft, same, 9/22/1899, wants son to go into Classical course instead of scientific–feels sure could do the work–
19. H.W. Cullen to Bancroft, letter of introduction for son–Concord, NH, 9/19/1899–
20. W. H. Miller to Bancroft, Burlington, Vt, 9122190–letter of recommendation for Cullen boy-
21. H. W. Cullen to Bancroft, NYC, 10/23/1899–tuition payment–why holdup on payroent—
22. H. W. Cullen to Bancroft, no place, 11/17/99–permits son to spend Thanksgiving with friend–
23. H. W. Cullen to Bancroft, no place?, around 4/5/1900–paying back tuition–
24. H. W. Cullen to Bancroft, NYC, 1/3/1900 –tuition payment–
25. J. R. Eastman to Bancroft, Andover, NH, 7/6/1899—about helping H. S. Davis (an ex-PA student) to get appointment as professor of mathematics in the Navy–about system of appointment–
26. Bancroft to J. D. Long (secy of Navy), Andover, 7/10/1899–rough draft of letter of recommendation for Davis–
27. Davis to Bancroft, NYC, 7/11/1899–thanking for letter–suggestions for use–
28. Davis to Bancroft, same, 7/14/1899–thanking for letter–about other friends support–
29. Davis to Bancroft, same, 6/30/1899–about vacancy–about system of appointment—criticizes Naval Observatory–ways and means–list of people who must be influenced–plans–
30. Davis to Bancroft, same, 10/27/1899–asking about current state of affairs–
31. Davis to Bancroft, same, 11/13/1899–about number of favorable letters–
32. Davis to Bancroft, Washington, DC, 3/6/1900–did not get appointment at Observatory but now position on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey–asking Bancroft to perhaps show letter to some wealthy Andoverite who might give survey some money–
33. B. E. Whithead to Bancroft, S. Woodstock, CT, 2/2/1899–asking about exams for friend (H. Deming) asking if could substitute books–
34. B. E. Whitehead to Bancroft, Same, 5/24/1899–asking about fables of Ovid–also asks for set of exams-
35. H. E. Deming to Bancroft, NYC, 4/7/1900—son going deaf in one ear—sending him to an aorist in Boston–wants son to be excused to go to Boston when needed–personal–
36. H. E. Deming to Pettee, NYC, 4/10/1900–making arrangements about rooming for next year–
37. J. Farson to Pettee, Chicago, 8/14/1899—asking for catalogue
38. J. Farson to Pettee, same, 8/18/1899—about entering son–
39. J. Farson Jr to Pettee, Oak Park, Ill, 9/3/1899–sending application blank–asks about entrance exams–
40. J. Farson to Pettee, Chicago, 3/31/1900–son sick with grippe—may not return on time–
41. l. H. Gallyon to Pettee, Boston, 6/6/1899—asking about coming to PA—rooming arrangements
42. I. H Gallyon to Pettee, same, 7/8/1899–about results of entrance exams–asks about room–
43. I. H. Gallyon to Pettee, same, 7/28/1899–about recommendations–
44. I. H. Gallyon to Pettee, same, 8/1/1899–about boy who wants to room with him—doesn’t want to room with that boy–
45. I. H. Gallyon to trustees, Andover, 12/9/1899–asking for tuition remission–note by Bancroft–
46. I. H. Gallyon to Bancroft, Lynn, 12/30/1899–sorry work has been so poor and that will not get tuition remission–about getting work to help put self through–
47. H. A. Gardner, Jr., to Pettee, Chicago, 8/31/1899–about entering PA–asks if will need entrance exams with certificate and prelim. Harvard exams–note by Pettee–
48. G. M. Gelser to Bancroft, 8/29/1899, Webster, NY—asking about entering PA for senior year—family financial situation—asking about scholarships and work–
49. G. M. Gelser to Pettee, same, 9/2/1899–has not yet passed any exams–about being admitted–asks about working at PA and getting tuition remission–encloses Regents certificate–
50. G. M. Gelser to Pettee, same, 9/12/1899–cannot come on time because of Yale exams–about choice of roomates—asks for plans of rooms–
51. G. H. Gelser (PA) to Pettee, same, 9/18/1899–about character of roommate son must have—about conduct of son—where should go to church etc–
52. G. H. Gelser (PA) to Bancroft, same, 2/13/1900—about financial situation—needs scholarship–
53. E. A. Grazier to Bancroft, Provincetown, Mass, 8/16/1899–about entering son–
54. E. G. Hincks to Bancroft, Andover, 3/9/1900–will meet the Visitors–
55. H. A. Stimson to Bancroft, NYC, 6/15/1899–letter of introduction for Mr. D. B. Holmes, who may want to send his two sons to PA–
56. W. F. Lyons to Bancroft, 5/14/1900–no place–about sons offence at Andover–unclear about what boy did and protests arbitrary request to take son out of school–
57. A. C. Ray to Harding, West Haven, Ct, 10/7/1898–asks how to get scholarship at PA for friend of hers–boys family history–
58. Harding to Graves, Pittsfield, Mass, 1/9/1899–encloses above–character of Miss Ray–
59. Ray to Pettee, West Haven, 1/18/1899–thanking for letter and catalogue–character of the McClelland boys–reasons wants a scholarship for them–
60. J. J. McClelland to Pettee, same, 1/22/99–sickness in family has interfered with studies–about getting room and some form of work
61. Ray to Pettee, same, 1/30/1899–about breakdown of boys mothers health—how it will affect their plans–“May I add that you have given a new and most admirable view of Andover? I had supposed it was like St. Pauls’, a school only for the very rich. The tone of your letters to these two strange boys has changed that…”
62. J. J. McClelland to Pettee, same, 6/9/1899—about getting rooms—about supporting mother while trying to work through PA–
63. J. J. McClelland to Pettee, same, 6/9/1899–about getting work–asking about entrance exams–
64. Ray to Pettee, same, 6/9/1899–about nagging McClelland boy is undergoing from family-­accusing him of being selfish and lacking independence–
65. Ray to Pettee, Nantucket, 9/10/1899–McClelland will come to Andover next week–not sure how well up in his studies he is–thanking for all Pettees interest–
66. P. J. McDonnell to Bancroft, Archbald, Pa., 7/28/1899–about attending PA–needs a scholarship–past work–gives details of his athletic prowess–
67. P. J. MacDonnell to Pettee, same, 8/5/1899—would enter Middle class–gives past work–about athletics
68. S. C. McDanahan to Pettee, 7/6/1899–asking if could enter son at PA–
69. S. C. McDanahan to Pettee, 7/10/1899–Hollidaysburg, Pa, asking about getting rooms in a cottage-­son would enter scientific department and prepare for technical school–
70. S. C. McDanahan to Pettee, same, 7/15/1899–about getting rooms–sons character–gives details of his size, morals, etc—encloses application blank–
71. S. C. McDanahan to Pettee, same, 7/22/1899–worried that has not gotten answer to letter–
72. S. C. McDanahan to Pettee, same, 7/29/1899–about getting room–arranging board–
73. S. C. Mcdanahan to Pettee, same, 8/24/1899—enclosing testimonials–has engaged rooms–
74. E. A. Means to Bancroft, Andover, 5/2/1900–complains about PA boys bothering Abbot classes with mirrors again–suitable date for reception–arrangements for graduation–
75. C. C. Miller to Pettee, Meridian, Miss., 3/25/1899–about entering son–“The only objection that I have to your Institution is that you do not draw the color line, and that you have colored people in the Institution, but…there is no trouble arising from this irregularity, inasmuch as the white boys are kept away from them.”
76. C. C. Miller to Pettee, same, 8/12/1899–encloses sons past work–asks about expenses–
77. Samuel Morse to Bancroft, Newtonville, Mass, 12/26/1899–very honored about picture–about getting roommate and room at one of the cottages–
78. G. W. Morse (father) to Pettee, Boston, 1/2/1900–about rooming arrangements–
79. S. Morse to Pettee, Newtonville, 1/2/1899–about roommate who might prefer to room with someone else–
80. S. Morse to Pettee, Boston, no date–asking to clear up some misunderstanding–
81. G. W. Morse to S. Morse, Boston, 1/29/1900–about sending other son to PA–encloses 82 below–plans for sons application
82. G. W. Morse to E. D. Woodbury–Boston, 1/29/1900–worried about sons health—worried about course son is taking–prefers a more classical course–
83. G. W. Morse to Bancroft, same, 2/3/1900–about what should do with second son, whose health has interfered with his studies–asks for advice–
84. Admission blank for H. B. Morse (other son of G. W.)-­
85. G. M. Mourad to Pettee, 7/26/1899–about entering brother–asking for tuition remission–
86. G. M. Mourad to Pettee, same, 8/28/1899–financial situation not good–past teachers say is very smart and suggest that boy go to law school or MIT–but needs preparation–
87. S. U. Newell to Pettee, Denver, Col, 9/11/1899–sending son to PA hopefully in time for entrance exams–(telegram)
88. S. U. Newell to Pettee, same, 9/11/1899–son has wanted to go to PA for a long time–asking for catalogue–
89. S. U. Newell to Pettee, same, 9/27/1899–son seems to have settled in well–news of PAers in Colorado–
90. D. C. Wells to Bancroft, Hanover, NH, 8/2/1899–about two Fayetteville boys who want to go to PA but need scholarships–personal news–
91. F. K. Bartlett to Bancroft, Belmont, Calif, no date–about D. Nichols–will need tuition remission since is working way through—personal news–
92. Dana to D. C. Wells, no place, 7/30/1899—note for which 90 was a cover letter–personal, news–about D. Nichols and a friend of his–
93. A. E. Chase to Bancroft, Essex, NY, 8/10/1899–letter of recommendation for Nichols–gives past work–hopes can get a scholarship–
94. C. P. Osborne to Bancroft, Boston, 7/25/1899–does not know much about Nichols as boy went to Episcopal church–rumor about family–
95. F.H. Bartlett to Bancroft, Fayetteville, NY, 6/26/1899–recommending Nichols–about other Fayetteville boy trying to get him an education–personal news–
96. D. Nichols to Bancroft, same, 7/19/1899–interested in coming to PA–family background–
97. O. S. Northrop to Pettee, Waterbury, Ct, 7/8/1899–asking about rooming houses-­surprised at high prices charged by Blunts, Butterfields, and Marlands–asking if such prices are normal–
98. W. W. Nolan to Bancroft, Cambridge, 6/23/1900–about T. D. Hour’s past work and deficiencies–about admission to colleges by certificate of postponement–thanking for past kindnesses–
99. W. S. P. Oscamp to Pettee, 2/2/1899–about entering son–Cincinatti
100. W. S. P. Oscamp to Pettee, Worth, Ga, 2/20/1899–about entering two sons–about courses he would prefer
101. W. S. P. Oscamp to Pettee, 3/8/1899–Cincinnati–asking about placement of sons–
102. W. S. P. Oscamp to Pettee, same, 3/21/1899–work one of sons will have finished by June–
103. W. S. P. Oscamp to Pettee, same, 3/23/1899–about fitting one son for Senior class by Sept–note by Pettee on back–
104. W. S. P. Oscamp to Pettee, Rangelly, Me., 6/26/1899–about getting boarding place and placing son–
105. W. S. P. Oscamp to Pettee, same, 7/6/1899–about sons performance on entrance exams–
106. W. S. P. Oscamp to Pettee, Cincinnati, 9/11/1899–son leaving forP–about placement–
107. A. T. Otto to Pettee, NYC, 9/2/1899–asking for catalogue–wants to prepare son for Harvard, scientific course–
108. A. T. Otto to Pettee, same, 9/5/1899–gives sons past work–asks about rooms–
109. A. T. Otto to Pettee, same, 9/9/1899—ask about price of room and board–
110. H. K. Santikian to Bancroft, Lawrence, 8/22/1899—about placing foreign boys at Andover–about a boy he placed in Exeter who now wants to go to PA–
111. H. K. Santikian to Bancroft, Cambridgeport, 9/6/1899–asking for a letter of recommendation to Mr. Amen at Exeter–explaining why boy is going to Exe. and not And–about other boys–
112. S. M. Silleck to Bancroft, NYC, somewhere about 12/4/1899?–about sons inflamed throat-­possibly diphtheria?–will return to PA as soon as is able–
113. W. M. Silleck to Pettee, NYC, 8/17/1899—asking if can reenter PA now—gives references–
114. W. M. Silleck to Pettee, same, about 8/22/1899—about rooming arrangements–preferences as to roommate–asks what comes with room–
114. W. M. Silleck to Pettee, same, 8/25/1899—about coming to PA—
115. W. M. Silleck to Pettee, same, 9/6/1899—business will keep in NUC until time to come up –asks for particulars of room etc—notes by Pettee in short and longhand
116. W. M. Silleck to A. B. Abbott, 9/8/1899–about rooming arrangements–
117. w. M. Silleck to A. B. Abbott, same, 9/13/1899–final rooming arrangements–
118. R. McE. Stuart to Bancroft, Tannersville, NY, 9/21/1899–about sending son to PA–thanks for catalogue, asks about expenses–
119. R. McE. Stuart to Bancroft, NYC, 10/8/1899–letter of introduction for son–asking about roommate-­tuition payment–
120. R. McE. Stuart to Bancroft, same, 1/4/1899–son cannot return on time–having troubles with his eyes and was very sick all vacation–afraid may not return to PA at all–
121. R. McE. Stuart to Bancroft, same, 1/13/1900–son wants to change course to go to Princeton next year–about changes in studies–worried at his lack of English–
122. C. P. Kitchel to Bancroft, 6/19/1899—New Haven–recommending T. Thacher–boy almost ready for Yale but wants one more year to get fully prepared–boy very weak in the classics—personal–
123. T. Thacher to Bancroft, NYC, 7/21/1899–about sending son, T. D. Thacher to PA—roomming arrangements–
124. T. Thacher to Bancroft, same, 7/25/1899–personal–sons past history–achievements–exam results–
125. H. D. Taft to Bancroft, Watertown, Ct, 7/28/1899–recommendation for T. D. Thacher–
126 T. Thacher to Bancroft, NYC, 4/18/1900–distressed since son will not get PA diploma–asks why not when schedule was arranged so that would get one–note attached by Charlie Forbes explaining that Thacher fulfilled college entrance requirements but not PA’s–
127. J. B. Thrall to Pettee, Pepperell, Mass, 8/28/1899–about entering son–boys character, etc,–financial problems–
128. J. B. Thrall to Pettee, same, 8/30/1899–about coming to school for interview–
129. J. B. Thrall to Pettee, same, 6/10/1899—asking for catalogue and expenses estimates–
130. J. E. Tynes to Bancroft, Fort Douglas, ? , 12/26/1898–black man who fought at San Juan, asking if could come to PA–gives background–addresses for references–
131. A. W. Parlur to Bancroft, Burlington, Vt, 1/4/1900–son has left to enter PA–about his punishment at other school–boys character–to be allowed to go to Boston since needs treatment for partial deafness–
132. J. C. Whitney to Bancroft, West Boxford, 6/1/1899–about entering son–financial troubles-­sons ambitions and past work–
133. C. N. Whitney (son) to Pettee, same, 6/29/99–about English–appears very deficient–about making up failed studies–
134. J. C. Whitney to Pettee, same, 8/26/1899—asking about tuition remission—family background–
135· C. N. Whitney to Pettee, same, 9/14/1899–final details about fitting out room–about getting work
136. D. W. Whitmore to Bancroft, Mt. Vernon, NY, 8/21/1900–protesting decision not to readmit son–unsatisfied with Pettee’s conduct in matter–

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