Bancroft correspondence: Hinkle-Noyes, 1877-1904

Bancroft Correspondence: Series 2: Hinkle to Noyes, 1877-1904

1516. C. M. Hinkle to Bancroft, 7/3/1883—thanking for kindness while in Academy—plans not settled-­
1517. W. H. Hinkle (brother) to Bancroft, 7/25/1893—about sending son to Phillips Academy—
1518. H. P. Nichols to Bancroft, 7/19/1893—letter of recommendation for E.F.Hinkle-­
1519. G.F. Barnard to Bancroft, 8/6/1893—letter of recommendation for E. F. Hinkle—
1520. W. H. Hinkle to Bancroft, 8/16/1893—sending testimonials 1518 and 1519 above—sons character and background—
1521. Same to same, no date, list of studies perused—Yale prelims—passed in three—sure mistake has been made in papers—sure passed in French Caesar and Roman History—papers destroyed and nothing more can be found out—not sure about Vergil and Cicero—
1522. F. E. Sanborn to Bancroft, 9/9/1890—letter of recommendation of G. H. Hinman—
1523. Mrs. G. R. Hinman to Bancroft—7/16/1891—asking Bancroft to name some day he will be home for conference·
1524. Same to same, 6/11/1891—son wants to switch to Classical Dept—asking about scholarship aid —
1525. Same to same, 8/4/1892—asking if son will get same aid this year as last—
1526. Same to same, 1/8/1894—thanking for coats at Christmas—son wants to go to Harvard—asking if Bancroft can help him get a scholarship—
1527. A. Hinton to Bancroft, 2/3/1896—receipt of payment for 5 quarts of ice cream on Jan 8—
1528. J. W. Hird to Bancroft, 12/11/1893—asking about reasons for expulsion of Walker Blaine—note by Bancroft in margin states Blaine graduated—Bancroft never saw him and never heard that he was in any trouble
1529. Same to same, 12/5/1893—trying to find out truth about Blaine—asks whether Graves remembers anything—heard did not graduate from Harvard though went there one year (Bancroft’s not above says Blaine graduated from Yale!)—
1530. R. D. Hitchcock to Churchill, 6/4/1878—sorry cannot be in Andover—was assistant teacher under Taylor for one term in 1839—tells of severe and microscopic method—high praise for ability—
1531. I. P. Hitchcock to Bancroft, 6/21/1890—about renting Mrs. Merrill’s house—note in Bancroft’s writing gives terms—
1532. Mrs. C. Hollenbeck to Bancroft, 5/17/1897—asking if son can graduate this year—wanted to enter Cornell—about choosing his lifework—
1533. A.M. Hirsh to Bancroft, no date—sending four pictures of the ox cart—won’t be able to return to school—
1534. S. Hirsh parent to Bancroft, 10/8/1894—wants Allen to enter Harvard in two years—asking if can change room
1535. Same to same, 11/13/1894—son wants to get to Harvard as soon as possible—hopes to return next year and have rooms in the Bancroft—
1536. A. M. Hirsh to Bancroft, 6/21/1895—has lost almost full year of study—wanted to return to Andover in September about entering Middle Class—
1537. S. Hirsh to Bancroft, 7/5/1895—repeating questions of 1536 above—
1538. A.M. Hirsh to Bancroft 9/4/1895—details of studies covered—feels could make up deficiencies if allowed into the Middle Class—
1539. F.L. Hirsh to Bancroft, no date—very distressed at brothers disgracing himself—would redeem himself if he were given one more chance—about prelims—
1540. D. W. Hoagland to Bancroft, 10/19/1891—wants son not to be in 4th class—wants to know his progress—
1541. S. Hoar, 5/6/1896—been invited to be judge in Andover-Worcester debate—wants to know when, where, etc—also hotel reservations etc—can wife attend debate—
1542. M. C. Hodenpyl to Stearns, 6/8/1904—about entering son—usual requests about details of cost—
1543. Same to same, 6/11/1896—asking about expense—asking if rooms are heated—about character and background of son—
1544. 6/16/1904—Same to same, sending son—friend will also send her son—double suite in Farrar—
1545. Same to same (with friend), 6/22/1904—asking for suite of three rooms in Bancroft—about dining Hall—asking for copy of Phillipian—
1546. Same to same, 7/8/1904—returning application for rooms about dining hall—background and character of son—
1547. Same to same, 8/26/1904—plans for sending son up—
1548. C. A. Hodges to Bancroft and Faculty, 12/21/1885—asking for clemency and permission to remain in the school—will not transgress rules again—
1549. E. Hoeke to Bancroft, 1/12/1888—wants son to keep up drawing and take elocution—about—gymnasium-­
1550. Same to same, 11/27/1888—about breakdown of son—
1551. C. Holder to Bancroft, 9/11/1877—news since leaving PA
1552. W. Holden to Hardy, 8/9/1891—letter of acceptance—for janitor in Seminary buildings-­on same sheet copy of letter of Hardy stating details of position—
1553. E. B. Hodge to J. W. Holley—letter awarding $1OO scholarship—must not use tobacco—8/1/1898—
1554. Holley to Bancroft, 8/2/1898—sending 1553 above—will be able to go to Lincoln U- asks advice news chrch
1555. Same to same, 9/19/1898—not sure if will be able to attend school at all as did not get as much summer work as had hoped and wife is sick—
1556. J. Hollister to Bancroft, 4/9/1888—wants to join Classical Department and go to Williams—needs work— gives past schoolwork—
1557. H. K. Hollister to Bancroft, 4/9/1890—asking that son Fred have hearing before whole Faculty—does not want to lose whole four years work because of such slight fault—
1558. H. K. Hollister to Bancroft, 6/16/1890—family has been most unlucky at PA—all want son to graduate­-
1559. H. M. Holmes to Bancroft, 8/3/?—asks for catalogue—about entering son—
1560. G. P. Holmes to Bancroft, 3/30/85—hopes has not condemned son on slight cause—will withdraw him—
1561. H. Holston to Bancroft, 3/7/1883—asking about son’s progress—money problems—
1562. Same to same, 3/29/1883—will educate son despite losses provided he is prudent—
1563. Same to same, 9/1/1882—letter of introduction for son—son has had hearing trouble which has held him back in his schoolwork—
1564. Same to same, 2/3/1883—will keep son in school as long as he studies hard—asks Bancroft to encourage
1565. Same to same, 12/30/1882—asks Bancroft to try for son to do better—if he wants an education will pay for it but if he doesn’t work hard will be taken out of school—
1566. Same to same, 1/3/1883—would pay cigar and beer bill if doesn’t interfere with training—
1567. Same to same, 1/11/1883—gives sons earlier troubles—outlines studies wants son to have—
1568. W. Holt to Bancroft, 7/21/1879—asking for copy of centennial proceedings, if a printed one exists—
1569. F. B. Holt to Bancroft, 9/16/1882—telling of college work—won Porter Prize for best entrance exam—
1570. E. L. Holt to Pettee, 8/23/? —Haggerty wants to come to Andover next year—unable to come because of expense—looking for football men but considering no one if cannot stay whole year—
1571. W.T. Holt to Bancroft, 1/3/1892—sending only one son back this year—other son being given a years run in open air—still weaker than should be—roommate for other son—
1572. Same to same, 2/25/1892—asking Bancroft to advise on marked part of sons letter—about church, it would seem—seems to have been annoyed during chapel services—advice on other sons college ex
1573. Same to same, 11/29/1893—about Noyes not having shipped son’s goods—news of sons—
1574. J. J. Hooker to Pettee, 6/12/1892—asking advice on payment of bill for cleaning up after smoking lamp—thinks charge excessive and improper—
1575. W. S. Hopkins to Bancroft, 4/10/1888—son returned to school late—had forgotten to telegraph when son left—hopes son will do better this term—Gile has done much for son—
1576. W. S. Hopkins to Bancroft, 4/24/1888—distressed by son’s exam—cribbed from fear of not passing, not because wanted to shirk—not sorry that will suffer penalty—thanking for suggestion on future during suspension—
1577. G. N. Henning to Bancroft, 5/15/1897—his academy closing next year—wants one of pupils to go to PA—not take Greek—asks if could be admitted to JM Classical class and graduate with no Greek—
1578. J. M. Woolsey to Bancroft, 5/21/1895—about friend who wants to enter Sr. English—asks about boarding houses—
1579. Same to same, 6/9/1895—Hotchkisses have approved rooms in Tarbok’s—
1580. H. L. Hotchkiss (father of friend) to Bancroft, 6/10/1895—asking about exams to enter—not sure if coming or not—
1581. Same to same, 6/29/1896—son who did not attend last year coming this year—
1582. Same to same, 7/13/1896—gives finals son must pass to enter SSS
1583. Same to same, 7/17/1896—particulars of prelim exams and attempted finals this June—
1584. S. S. Houghton to Bancroft, 8/28/1882—news of son—about course of study—asking about room-­
1585. Same to same, 5/16/1882—thinks second son should not continue to study for rest of year—hope rest etc will help son next year—sickness at beginning and end of year—
1586. C. Houghton (son) to Bancroft, 8/26/1884—asking for Latin and Greek certificate and testimonial— passed all exams for college—good wishes for Andover football—wants Cecil to be quarterback—
1587. L. S. Houghton to Bancroft, 8/9/1883—feels son should repeat year—son is really interested in work—
1588. C. F. Homiston to Bancroft, 5/3/1877—explaining absence of son—son had thought must leave school-­
1589. J. R. Howard to Bancroft, 6/30/1892—insulted at Princeton’s return of papers for copying—feels Princeton guilty of petty jealousy—if PA intends to take notice of this will defend son—
1590. Same to same, 2/14/1891—about sons joining PAE—surprised that there is no systematic study of Bible—also asks about Gym instruction—
1591. S. M. Howard (wife) to Bancroft, 5/27/1895—about rooms for son—son’s poor health—needs good food-­news of other sons—
1592. J. R. Howard to Bancroft, 9/4/1895—about poor health but good qualities of son—gives background in past work—about arranging studies to go to SSS
1593. J. W. Howard to Bancroft, 12/13/1885—scholastic career since leaving Andover—news of RPI—feels needs more strong Prep schools to teach boys how to study—encloses football team of 80-
1594. A. Howard to Bancroft, 4/25/1891—new clock for Academy—
1595. O. V. Howard to Bancroft, entering another son—does not want sons to be fitted as specials—wants them to take regular course—asking about professorship in Math or English at PA—
1596. A. M. J. Howe to Bancroft, 2/20/1881—about giving lecture “Two Years in the Azores”—family news—
1597. O. T. Howe to Pettee, 9/10/1899—asking whether hours that son passed irregularly will be accepted at Harvard and if can pass senior year—
1598. Same to same, no date, asking advice on next term—son has been trying but not succeeding-­
1599. M. H. Morgan to Pettee, 9/27/1899—cannot give Howe (son) credit for any of his exams—
1600. Same to same, 9/27/1899—since did not pass all courses in schools prelim certificate and took more exams than was ready for will not receive credit for exams he passed—
1601. Bancroft to R. Cobb, 6/20/1900—Howe honorably dismissed from PA—PA willing that boy do as sees best—letter to Nolan on same page—glad Harvard has policy in such cases—boy is postponing
1602. E. Howe Jr to Bancroft, 2/24/1890—explains why son late in returning from home—
1603. Same to same, 2/27/1890—asking about son’s use of tobacco—
1604. S. Howell to Bancroft, 10/11/1888—information on Pearson—gives children, mother’s family, etc—
1605. Same to same, 11/7/1888—portraits of Bromfield family (Pearson’s mother’s family)—asks about book on Vergil by former principle of PA or Exeter—
1606. M. S. Howell to Bancroft, 1/21/1892—thanking for letter of condolence over death of son—
1607. C. K. Hoyt to Carpenter, 10/22/1876—has failed in everything—still tries to act for best-­
1608. Same to Bancroft, 10/12/1877—thanking for letters and papers—personal news—
1609. Same to same, 5/12/1879—thanking for postcard—personal news—
1610. Same to same, 3/24/1890—news he has had of and—the boys he has helped send there—personal news
1611. M. C. Gile to Bancroft, 4/7/1897—recovering from sickness—news of Coy—sorry cannot come east this year—can Bancroft go West instead—hopes Mrs. Bancroft is doing better—
1612. N. C. Hubbard to Bancroft, 10/25/1888—has won Ayres prize for pest preparation for Wesleyan—
1612. M. G. Burton to Pettee, 12/27/1892—very upset at son’s conduct—asks advice on course of action
1613. R. G. Huling to Bancroft, 5/25/1884—arranging conference on uniform entrance requirements—
1614. Same to Same, 8/10/1885—Eliot will attend conference—wants to see Bancroft’s paper
1615. Same to same, 12/7/1888—asking for propaganda against smoking—both for boys and teachers—
1616. Same to same, 10/29/91—asking Bancroft to review Goodwin’s address on Harvard’s future to B K for his magazine
1617. Same to same, 10/28/1896—about appointing Science committee—congratulating on President of New England Association of Colleges and Prep Schools
1618. Same to same, 10/31/1896—about appointing Science committee—asks who Science men at PA are—various suggestions for appointments—
1619. Same to same, 1/9/1897—more about Science Committee—suggested list—
1620. Same to same, 1/13/1897—about request of Prof. Poland which would be embarrassing—
1621. H. S. Hurlbert to Bancroft (?Barnard)—7/27/?—nephew suspended for cribbing—asks for clemency—
1622. J. Hutchenson to Bancroft, 5/11/1879—news of tutoring—hopes will do better when he returns—sent by Bancroft, with cover note in margin to his father 5/13/1879 saying letter very encouraging—
1623. W. Hutchinson to Bancroft, 3/21/1882—thanking for working plan and other documents which will help in reconstructing school work—problems of Norwich Free Academy—wishes were standard admission standards in all colleges and scientific schools—thinks should be no requirement in sight reading—
1624. Mrs D. Hutchinson to Pettee, 1/10/1894—correcting error in son’s absence record—
1625. E. B. Hutchinson to Bancroft, 6/14/1896—thanking for filing letter about Arland—would be a good teacher—trip in Europe—
1626. Mrs J. F. C. Hyde to Bancroft, 1/26/1888—glad of crackdown on gambling—asking about son’s studies—does he have training in English composition—about Sunday school—about going to college—thinks would do best in business—asking about his work—asks about library—
1627. Same to same, 4/14/1888—very surprised and unhappy about son’s debts—long and amusing letter (not intended to be amusing, but in places so starchy as to be hilarious—)—talk of Chapmans
1628. Same to same, 4/16/1888—additions to letter above—stating explanations—
1629. Same to same, /12/1888—asking about son’s studies and conduct—
1630. W. M. Irvine to Bancroft, 5/14/1901—complaining of treatment of Mercersburg Academy by PA team at the Princeton track meet—illegible notes on matter in margin (written by Bancroft?)
1631. Same to same, 7/2/1901—asking advice on disciplining of seniors carousing just before graduating—note app by Al. Stearns in margin commenting on juxtaposition of two letters with personal
1632. C. Isham to Bancroft, 6/6/1882—thanking for program of Means Prizes
1633. E. S. Isham to Bancroft, 9/8/1883—sending son to PA—worried at making boy rely only on self at his age but sending him anyway—background
1634. Same to same, 4/4/1884—asking if son couldn’t do a little better—
1635. T. Iwaya to Bancroft, 9/1/1886—wants to enter PA—
1636. Same to same, 9/4/1886—asks about entrance requirements—has had only a year and a bit of English
1657. Same to same, 9/7/1886—thanking for letter—guardian has returned to Japan so is on his own—
1638. A. E. Rankin to Bancroft, 9/11/1888—about S. Ito who wants to come to PA—
1639. S. Ito to Bancroft, 9/17/1888—thanking for letter—asking about work and when should come to PA—
1640. Same to same, 10/1/1888—not sure if can get through school on $150—would come if could-­
1641. Same to Smith, 12/24/1888—afraid will not be able to get through school—thinks costs wonad be lower at most other schools—asking for advice—
1642. S. E. Jackson to Bancroft, 1/13/1885—about proper action for damages from upset ink bottle—
1643. Same to same, 6/24/1886—about rooms being reengaged for next year—behavior of boarders—
1644. J. F. Jelke to Pettee, 12/31/1898—withdrawing son—feels apology is due himself and son—
1645. D. W. Jefferis to Bancroft, 11/17/1892—not surprised that Bancroft is puzzled by son—son puzzles him—gives some facts on character—how son chose Andover is amusing—not too good for schools ego
1646. E. K. Jenkins to Bancroft, 7/17/1884—about table board—burning of Blunt’s house—sending son—
1647. K. E. R. Jenkins to Bancroft, no date—about behavior of boarders—
1648. O. G. Jennings to Bancroft, 7/3/1883—Yale finals—4 conditions—thought had done better
1649. Same to same, 7/10/1883—has not been able to check at Yale to see if there is a mistake—
1650. Same to same, 7/16/1883—would be difficult to check for error—has been advised to pass them off in September
1651. Same to Tobey, 1/11/1892—sending subscription to PA fund—wishes could send more
1652. F. F. Jernegan to Bancroft, 8/12/1885—financial loss caused change of college plans—going to Brown instead of Harvard—wants to enter on certificate from PA—at least for the courses passed
1653. E. N. Robinson to Bancroft, 8/22/1885—sending blank certificate—cannot accept partial one—
1654. F. F. Jernegan to Bancroft, 8/25/1885—surprised has not received certificate—would prefer to go to Harvard but Brown is good enough and costs less—does not want to have to borrow money—
1655. M. W. Jernegan (brother) to Bancroft, 9/20/1892—provisional at Brown—mixup over certificate—
1656. P. F. Jernegan to Bancroft, 9/11/1894—prefers to stay in ministry rather than return to teaching—personal news
1657. J. C. Jessup to Bancroft, 12/28/1892—son may have to take a lower standing but doubts it—And has done much for him physically morally and intellectually—very glad son went
1658. M. F. Jewett to Bancroft, 5/29/1878—thanking for letter—asking about papers on Christian Schools—memories of Andover in 1858—announcement of first Transatlantic Cable—
1659. Hardy to Ropes, 1/28/1893—C. E. Johnson paid early his subscription to the Science Building—
1660. F. H. Johnson to Bancroft, 2/13/1878—talk with John C Phillips—who thinks PA is low relative to Exeter—wants comparison—
1661. Same to same, 6/22/1885—cannot meet because of hay fever—business matters—
1662. Same to same, 6/23/1885—should choose new secretary as well as treasurer since cannot stay in Andover beyond middle of June without getting bad hay fever—recommends Porter
1663. Same to same, 8?/1885—still sorry about not being able to attend—business—vacation news—
1664. R. U. Johnson to Bancroft, 5/5/1893—about religious studies—about bringing son
1665. J. E. Johnson to Bancroft, 8/14/1893—wants to prepare for college—had tried on own and failed but not badly—wants to come to PA—asks about financial aid—
1666. Same to Pettee, 8/21/1893—tells which exams passed—about getting some work to get through
1667. S. B. Johnson to Bancroft, 4/4/1885—death of Mcfarlane—of pneumonia probably caught by overwork in the Gym
1668. De F. D. Johnson to Bancroft, 11/2/1896—wants to enter PA—about financial ability—
1669. Same to same, 4/16/1897—wants ample time to make up mind about where to go—has trouble at Mt. Hermon because cannot attend until two weeks after school opens—PA opens later—is black
1670. Same to same, 5/20/1897—very interesting letter on condition of black race—will stay at Mt. Hermon—
1671. L. Jones to Bancroft, 1/27/1879—thanking for kindness to son—financial trouble—son wants to work to help support his expenses—don’t let him take something that will interferw with his studies—encouraged by his record—want him to be able to get through PA, college, and Seminary
1672. C. A. Jones (son) to Bancroft, 12/5/1885—expresses his feelings for PA thankful for Greek—gives imp quotation on not rushing education which is finding apt
1673. Same to same, congratulating on LLD—wellwishes—7/14/1892
1674. H. C. Jones to Petee, telegraph, 1/18/1900—asking about health of son—return wire by Bancroft says was very ill but now doing well after successful appendicitis operation—
1675. Same to same, 12/8/1900—better for son to stay in school at least through the end of the term
1676. B. Bruce to Mr. Jones, 6/18/1890—report on son’s excellent progress at his school in Washington DC—
1677. M. E. Rogers to Bancroft, 6/2/1894—private teacher in Boston—has 21 yr old pupil (same as son above) who wants to come to FA and get a college education—praises his ability and character—
1678. Notes in Bancrofts handwriting about Jones and his background—
1679. W. Jones to Bancroft, 6/25/1894—asking if has good chance to be admitted to PA in fall—
1680. R. M. Jones to Bancroft, 11/25/1892—about proposal of schoolmasters’ Guild and about Mackenzie, its founder—
1681. Same to same, 2/22/1894—compliments on PA and staff—about types of boys at PA not at his school—seems anti-sports—not very clear on point—
1682. Same to same, 1/1/1895—agrees with Bancroft on football issue—Exeter sharp practices—Mackenzies trouble with his athletes—all on his team (Penn. champions) are well above danger line in mark have never treated football players specially—other news—
1683. Same to same, 6/4/1897—on the word Academy—
1684. Same to same, 5/27/1897—about the William Penn Charter School—constitution, purpose, etc—
1685. M. C. Jordan to Ban (with clippings), 6/16/1890—pending humane (anti-vivisection) literature to colleges before they close—glad to know he agrees—tells of her love for animals and her hatred of those who abuse them—about cruelties in farming districts—opinion of vivisection—
1686. H. C. Josselyn to Bancroft, 8/29/1889—about arranging course of study—can have only two years work
1687. H. B. Joy to Bancroft, 3/4/1885—brother has postponed entering until next year—wants to study for Middle class of English Department—asks for list of books—remember me to Graves and others—grad in ’83—
1688. Same to same, 6/4/1885—about entering younger brother—studies to take, rooms etc—
1689. I. F. Joy (father) to Bancroft, 5/24/1888—explaining why younger son was late returning for spring term—thanking for remission of some studies because of his weak eyes—
1690. J. E. Kaine to Bancroft, 1/25/1890—does not consider himself an alumnus despite very unsuccessful fortnight at PA—son likes PA and seems happy—quotes theory of Ban’s
1691. O. H. Keep to Faculty, 3/29/1886—wants to change boarding house—
1692. H. V. Keep (brother) to Bancroft, 4/12/1886—cannot pay landlady’s higher charge—feels brother should be permitted to change his boarding house—
1693. R. P. Keep to Bancroft, 4/19/1888—wants Pettee for Math teacher at Norwich Free Academy—asking if he would be good for the position
1694. Same to same, 4/24/1888—about approaching Pette—
1695. F. H. Kasson to Bancroft, 2/12/1891—asking about opinions on articles in magazine, on inserting ads
1696. A. M. Kellogg to Bancroft, 2/14/1885—worried about not hearing from son since sickness—
1697. H. S. Kellogg (son) to Bancroft 9/1/1885—asking for certificate—plans—wellwishes—
1698. Same to same, 4/17/1886—personal news—
1699. 3/10/1891—H. Kimball to Bancroft, thanking for Coy’s history sketch—about his career at PA—later life
1700. Same to same, 4/9/1891—looking forward to reunion—reminiscences of old PA—
1701. B. A. Kimball to Bancroft, 11/26/1881—persecution of son—hopes is over now since boys made up—
1702. C. N. Kimball to Bancroft, 1/4/1900—has to borrow money for a year—asking for letter to some man whom he can trust in the area—
1703. E. E. Kimball to Pettee, 8/1/1896—will need work if comes—news of old Andover men—
1704. G. C. Kimball to Bancroft, 4/1/1900—asking for letter of recommendation to Senator Gallinger for position of Superintendent of Education in Puerto Rico—
1705. F. J. Kimberly to Bancroft, 8/28/1899—asking if son will be able to graduate if finishes years work—sorry send boy away so young—mistakes he has made—
1706. A. Kimberly to Bancroft (son), 10/20/1899—resigning from school—
1707. Mrs. G. S. King to Bancroft, 4/6/1879—worried because has not had a letter from son for a long time—asking Bancroft to show him that he should write every week or two—asks how he is doing
1708. J. D. Kingsbury to Bancroft, 9/12/1878—complimenting on conduct of boys at church last Sunday—
1709. F. L. Kingsbury to Bancroft, 11/10/1893—telling of work in Europe—asking advice on educating son—
1710. J. E. Kittredge to Bancroft, 2/27/1877—hoping to see Bancroft soon—work in Florence—personal news
1711. W. Klein to Bancroft, 8/29/1886—wants to take Coy’s junior Greek class but nothing else—wants to know terms—
1712. Same to same, 9/1/1886—wants to be minister—needs to learn Greek—had been merchant—asking how could earn money to go—could give lessons in German (German by birth)
1713. R. Kepler to Bancroft, 6/4/1884—unhappy that son should do anything wrong—son says four came in with a bottle of wine aftesr tudy hours—he did not drink—many people visit after 8:00—feels punishment of violation of study hours should be equal—feels expulsion of sons unjust
1714. Same to Hardy, 6/9/1884—statement of offence for which were expelled—punishment arbitrary and unjust—tells of similar but more serious offence which was not punished as much—interesting picture of PA justice and of Bancroft’s methods in catching lawbreakers
1715. Same to Bancroft, 6/16/1884—paying bills, board, etc—views on PA disciplining—enclosing above—
1716. W. S. Ladd to Bancroft, 12/7/1878—sorry son may have seemed to lie—explains circumstanes
1717. C. E. Ladd to Bancroft, 2/16/1883—asking Bancroft to call on E. D. Collins, a PA boy threatened with TB—boy is not turning to God—has no home to go to—feels Bancroft could cheer him up—news—
1718. Same to same, no date—asking to be enrolled as PA graduate—working harder—not misconducting any more—asks for addresses—
1719. G. E. Lake to Bancroft, 4/28/1897—finishing year with credit—hopes to return to Andover next year—money troubles—hopes for disinterested consideration despite conduct of last fall—
1720. Same to same, 5/1/1897—worried about returning to Andover—hopes to see Bancroft soon—
1721. T. J. Lamar to Bancroft, 4/15/1881—going to Boston soon—hopes to see Bancroft—business—asks for hotel
1722. J. H. Lancashire to Stearns, 11/5/1903—wants son to have a year at PA before going to Yale—
1723. J. Lancey to Bancroft, 11/24/1890—thanks for catalogue and letter—son’s past record—about position at Rochester—wellwishes—
1724. Same to same, 12/28/81—son now wants to give up extra year at Andover and go to Boston Tech (MIT) next term wants advice on question—not sure if will stimulate or handicap boy to make up some back work
1725. Same to same, 7/29/1882—feels son shouldn’t think of himself as smart—wants to find level at large school where must earn favors—about where to board him—
1726. Same to same, 9/6/1885—has changed jobs so late in answering letter—glad son can get prep for Scientific school by staying in Classical Department—wants boy to stay in Classical Department and go to MIT—about boy’s taste and inclination—about handling own finances—Contingent Act
1727. Same to same, 4/11/1886—about dropping Greek—or else Ovid—son proud of being Christian—uses it to support all his arguments—does not want to take Harvard exam—possible extra year at PA—about heating his room and similar matters
1728. Same to same, 6/1/1886—about paying lamp charge—about going to Boston—asking if son overlooked anything else
1729. J. M. Lassell to Bancroft, 3/8/1885—asking about Amherst alpha delta phi member who may go to Williams—cloud over past—not sure if should admit to branch of society
1730. E. A. Lawrence to Bancroft, 9/15/1894—about new edition of Gildenstern(?)—news of Thayers—about Groton and Lawrence Academy—
1731. Same to same, 9/19/1894—about Sarah Thayer—
1732. M. W. Larence to Bancroft, 11/7/1885—about letter to Mrs. Abbott and book order—about her book—about Canon Farrar’s lecture on Browning and reviews on her book on Tobacco—
1733. Same to same, 5/28/1890—about Captian of the Pavonia’s views on smoking—her book and reactions to it
1734. Same to same, 7/9/1891—thanking for letter of introduction—on friendship about her invitation visit with Dr. Beecher—personal news—about Francis Abbott—
1735. Same to same, 2/7/1892—death of Arethusa Hall—unanswered red letter to Smith—
1736. Same to same, 2/19/1892—has ordered copy of her book for PA—asking about mutual friends—arranging to meet so can tell him funny story about Joseph Cook—personal news
1737. Same to W. Phillips, 6/6/1892—gossipy letter about her friends and her anti-smoking appeals
1738. Same to Bancroft?, 6/11/1892—same sort of letter as those above—asks about Calvin’s views on infant salvation—
1739. Same to same, 6/13/1892—about tobacco circulars—about money etc
1740. Same to same, 6/23/1892—abut Calvin and tobacco—gossipy letter—mentions lawsuit—
1741. Same to same, no date—mentions trip to Andover—about agents for Century Co.—tobacco effort
1742. W. C. Lawton to Bancroft, 12/19/1889—about Delphi talk and fund raising(for archaeology there? not clear)and expectations from Boston, Chicago, etc—asking for help in finding sponsor—
1743. J. R. Leslie to Bancroft, 4/4/1893—about Reynold’s delay in writing, had asked for recommendation so could show had not been expelled—about entanglement with the girl in Boston—
1744. F. R. Leavenworth—wants to fit for Yale—asks for catalogue and info on school—12/28/1886
1745. D. B. Lester-to Bancroft, 10/1/1885—reminiscences of Lookout Mountain—half brother wants to go to PA
1746. Same to same, 7/24/1890—wants son to fit for Yale or Harvard—asking about boarding arrangement
1747. P. R. Lester (cousin) to Bancroft, 8/4/1890—asking if could get scholarship—
1748. D. B. Lester to Bancroft, 8/9/1890—son good and they don’t want him to have bad friends—about cousin
1749. Seth Lewis to Bancroft, 11/1/1893—sorry that son must leave school so soon before graduating—hopes has not done anything wrong –
1750. Bancroft to G. W. Lewis, 5/6/1895—son has been very rude to some of the neighbors—warning that son might have to leave the school—has obviously been brought up well as has been polite to school
1751. S. M. Libby to Bancroft, 6/23/1891—asking about reported trouble at PA—worried since nephews there
1752. Mrs. J. Lowenburg to Bancroft, no date—asking for catalogue and information on boarding son—
1753. C. H. Lindenberg to Bancroft, 10/31/1894—does not want son to play football but does not want to directly forbid him—asks for advice on gaining end without direct intervention—
1754. Same to same, 4/15/1896—son said long absence record mistake—wants corroboration from Pettee as similar thing has happened before—not doubting sons word but wants to check—
1755. Rand L Lindenburg to Stearns, 10/20/1901—promising not to go to Yale Bicentennial celebration-
1756. T. B. Lindsay to Bancroft, 10/31/1885—thanking for work as chairman of committee of Association of New England colleges—tells of Association action on admission exams question—increasing uniformity of admission standards—
1757. R. E. Speer to Bancroft, 1/9/1892—about converted Russian Jew who wants to become a missionary-­ was at Andover but had to leave due to financial reasons—asks if is of good character and how much it would cost to send him to Andover—
1758. I. N. Locke to Bancroft, 11/15/1877—telling of area in Kansas is now exploring—hopes to set up home soon—personal news and news of mutual friends—
1759. M. B. Loundge to Bancroft, 11/13/1878—asking for pictures of Bancroft and family—personal news
1760. H. M. Love to Bancroft, 2/6/1891—asks if could publish class lists—asking for information on catalogues etc—business matters—about friend who wants to go to PA
1761. Same to same, 2/21/1891—arranging dinner—has done list of A’s (Andover alumni?) since ’45—asks about carpenter work
1762. Same to same, 2/28/1891—tells of meeting member of class of ’16—about menus etc for dinner
1763. Same to same, 2/27/1891—about meeting yesterday—about association and dinner—about fundraising—some think PA doesn’t need money—about class reunions—
1764. Same to same, 4/1/1891—sending some regret letters—arranging dinner—about catalogues—fundraising and association business—
1765. Same to same, 5/19/1891—congratulates on having typewriter—fundraising and cottagebuilding—about dues and association members—about compiled list of graduates—about old catologues
1766. Same to same, 2/12/1892—fundraising—
1767. Same to same, 3/30/1892—about association—sorry Gile, Coy, and Comstock are leaving—some have dark memories of Uncle Sam and don’t want to give money—hopes to overcome that—fundraising list of old PA students in area—asks if has gotten typewriter yet—
1768. Same to same, 7/4/1892—general list of students through B—tells of huge size of A’s and B’s when it is done will give it to school—
1769. Same to same, 4/26/1895—about gift from Mr. Borden—about fundraising and improving the school—mentions importance of broad democratic spirit to success of the school—
1770. M. Lovering to Bancroft, 5/13/1882—thanking for testimonial—glad has gotten into college—
1771. E. M. Judkins to Bancroft, 6/4/1878—asking that another fill in top scroll in her picture as cannot finish it herself—about collecting the mottoes—about frames and presentation—invitation to visit her—
1772. Same to same, 6/4/1878—sending cluster of pressed leaves with symbolic connotations in honor of Josiah Quincy and Abiel Abbot for Centennial—tells of house where is staying—invites them to visit her there—good wishes for the son—hopes will be another Quincy—
1773. Diagram of chapel, on Bancroft’s stationary and in his handwriting—showing pew arrangements and rents
1774. C. McArdle to Pettee, 7/22/1895—will not send ward back to PA as aid not appreciate it
1775. H. J. McBirney to Bancroft, 1/14/1890—sorry son has started to smoke—thanking for interest—
1776. G. B. McClellan to Bancroft, 1/31/1895—about work in college—sorry is not in catalogue as gone to college—about other PA men there—note by Ban? in margin explains absence from catalogue—
1777. G. H. McClellan to Bancroft, 5/5/1890—about course of study—needs Greek more for Bible study— asks about textbooks—
1778. W. F. McClelland to Graves, 9/30/1885—explanation for son’s late arrival at school—glad is doing well—
1779. W. L. McClintock to Bancroft, letter of recommendation and introduction for Wells—
1780. A. J. McClure et al to Pettee, 11/24/?—thanking for bicycle ride and hospitality during trip to Newburyport—
1781. S. S. McClure to Bancroft, 1/10/1896—asking for pictures of Andover boys during the war to illustrate series of articles by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps on PA
1782. B. I. McClure to Bancroft, 8/30/1884—reports etc of son—about boarding houses—expenses—
1783. M. D. McCord to Bancroft, 3/24/1880—pay sons expenses and send receipts—not worth it for son to come home—
1784. R. L. McCormick to Pettee—2/29/1894—about son’s frequent absences—wants particulars—asks for benefit of doubt
1785. Same to Bancroft, 3/3/1894—about boy’s upbringing—tells of habits at home & on vacation—woefully deficient in tact and address—asks for personal interview so will feel less alone—
1786. W. L. McCormick (son) to Bancroft, 5/9/1894—explaining why missed chapel and first class—
1787. V. C. McCormick (cousin?) to Bancroft, 10/8/1894—thanks for criticism of T. Cochran’s lecture—
1788. J. McCosh to Bancroft, 5/8/1885—entrance exams for C. of N. Jersey (Princeton?)—policy of admission
1789. G. Macloskie to Bancroft, 6/24/1892—extensive copying on Latin papers for BS course—for admission to Princeton
1790. F. E. McDuffee to Bancroft, 10/18/?—wants to come to PA—needs financial help—about working board
1791. Same to same, 10/22/?—asking for advice on what to do—coming to Andover soon—
1792. R. A. McFadden to Bancroft, 3/31/1890—hopes last letter has not been lost—about visiting Andover—news of Stearns family—
1793. Same to same, 3/13/1890—compliments on Lexington Address—about his oration—outline of speech—about tutoring rich and spoiled NY boy—should he or not—
1794. Same to same, 5/19/1892—not fitted for ministry—might change to law—about losing teachers
1795. M. E. McIlkenny to Bancroft, 1/8/1886—thanking for report on son—hopes will do better now—about bills—sending present to daughter—
1796. D. Mcintosh to Pettee, 2/14/1894—about son’s absences—asking for more details—
1797. F. H. McIntosh to Bancroft, 9/23/1882—telling about movements since leaving PA—asking for another certificate of good character—
1798. G. X. McLanahan to Bancroft, 8/24/1889—asking about entering school—
1799. G. W. McLanahan (pa) to Bancroft, 2/16/1892—asking son to come borne for Washington’s Birthday—
1800. G. X. McLanahan to Bancroft, 3/27/1901—birth of daughter—giving money for portrait of Churchill—
1801. Same to Stearns, 7/4/1902—telegram from Princeton in NY Telegram in very poor taste—should protect from cribbing—(query—repeated cribbing at Princeton exams due to negligence on Princeton’s part or because dishonest set of boys usually took them?)
1802. H. B. Macculloch to PA Trustees—4/21/1888—advertisement for North American Review
1803. J. McMillan to Bancroft, 11/4/1876—asking Bancroft to talk to son and console him for death of cousin and uncle—feels may make himself sick over it
1804. A. McKensie to Bancroft, 5/23/1878—invitations to Peabody and Eliot for Centennial—other invitations and details for celebrations—
1805. Same to same, 5/31/1878—about some latecomers—will stay at Draper’s
1806. S. MacKibben to Bancroft, 10/5/1891—about preparatory work in Michigan—also High School work—
1807. D. McKinnor to Bancroft, 10/6/1894—sorry did not read catalogue more carefully—cannot afford high bills—wants to keep them there until they graduate but must study and economize
1808. Same to same, 10/15/1894—glad boys are interested in studies
1809. Same to same, 10/29/1894—sending $150—wants Bancroft to take care of money—
1810. Same to same, 1/16/1895—won’t keep boys at PA if don’t study hard—won’t pay unnecessary bills—wishes had sent them out to work for a couple of years before sending them here
1811. Same to same, 1/24/1895—boys must stay through April 1 at least—wants them to stay whole year—sending another $150—
1812. Same to same, 3/5/1895—sending another $150—sorry one son isn’t working—will take him out at end of term—will let him try on own
1813. G. S. McLaren to Bancroft, 12/3/1888—wants education—place at now lacks needed drill—wants to go to PA—about jobs can take to work way through—giving present standing and studies—
1814. H. E. P. MacQuesten to Bancroft, 12/31/1877—money for German lessons—asks about taking spelling—son very happy at school and working harder than before—
1815. F. A. Maconber to Bancroft, 6/21/1881—about entering son—gives background—wants him fitted for college
1816. M. S. McCurdy to Bancroft, 8/26/1880—has aired house in case Bancroft comes back for a few days at start of term—about keys and condition of well—work on Academy building—boarding house ladies—advises Bancroft to stay away until is quite well again—
1817. Same to same, 9/29/1880—news of Merrill and of work on Bancroft’s house—condition of drain—water smells but is probably not unhealthy—lead in water from pipes—about the bottles—(wine?)
1818. Same to same, 8/4/1883—personal news—about boys seeing school—about painting water closet—
1819. Same to same, 8/13/1883—about promotion of poor student—personal news
1820. Same to same, 8/17/1885—about non-promotion or placement of student—proposes special course
1821. Same to Hardy, 1/2/1891—sending bills—protests raised rent—
1822. Same to Bancroft, no date—vacation news—thanks for Phillips’ birthday present to son—
1823. Philena McKeen to Bancroft, 6/16/1879—thanking PA boys for present to Abbot—
1824. Same to same, 6/20/1883—wants Bancroft and wife to get fully rested—compliments on condition of PA—vacation plans
1825. Same to same, 9/14/1885—does not want Mrs. Mason to let room to boy—would have distracting effect on girls—would probably distract boys as well—girls would be constantly watched
1826. Same to same, no date, asks that Banthrow a morsle to appease those who are surprised that girls can exercise without chaperone, and those who want closer ties with PA—
1827. Same to same, no date, asking that Banroft send boarders to Mrs. Mason only if she does not let any boys board on Abbot’s side of the house—can constantly spy on girls—vacation news—
1828. Phoebe McKeen to Bancroft, 2/21/?—thanks for letter—tells of Churchill’s success in Baltimore—humorous discussion of crabs, oysters, scallops, and fish—sorry has influenza—asks to take care of sister while is gone—
1829. W. F. McKeen to Bancroft, 7/12/1891—about looking for work—thinks will try to be a clerk—about trouble in being janitor with wooden leg—worried about getting work—asks for help in finding job—has become American citizen
1830. F. B. Makepeace to Bancroft, 8/6/1886—about lectures for the Club—wants it to encourage lay eloquence—also to stimulate democratic idea—news of mutual friends and professors—plans
1831. Same to same, 8/28/1886—Agrees with Bancroft on cutting and drying plan—vacation news
1832. Same to same, 6/11/1891—sorry could not attend meeting—son’s schooling plans
1833. W. D. Makepeace to Bancroft, 5/23/?—wants to tutor someone this summer—news of fellowship from Yale—about brother, athlete and scholar who wants to come to PA next year
1834. Z. B. Makepeace to Bancroft, 2/18/1896—wants to preach again at the chapel—news of friends?
1835. E. Malone to Bancroft, 1/12/1895—wishing happy new year—personal news—asks about friends in U.S. asking about PA library—
1836. Same to same, 3/21/1896—thanking for and accepting invitation—plans for revisiting States
1837. L. J. Malone to Bancroft, 8/2/1888—tutoring boy who did not do well at PA—boy was intending to return after suspension was over but told Mrs. Berry that Bancroft thought it was unwise—asking if Bancroft really feels that way—impressions of family and of boy—
1838. S. J. Marland to Bancroft, 12/17/1888—about McDuffee vs Spear affair—
1839. Anon to Faculty, 2/7/1889—about unfair conduct at Major Marland’s house—
1840. S. J. Marland to Bancroft, 8/13/1892—about rooms that have been let—condolences for recent deaths
1841. Same and husband to Bancroft, 8/13/1892—plans for running Commons Dining Hall—
1842. M. E. L. Mann to Bancroft, no date, frag—family hews—about plans for son—
1843. M. J. Mann to Bancroft, 10/3/1883—plans for son—thanking for advice—
1844. G. A. Mardent to Bancroft, 11/16/84—about Blaines reported election—
1845. O. C. Marsh to Bancroft, 5/3/1890—Carnegie’s placing wife’s younger brother in prep for Sheff—has recommended Andover strongly—
1846. Mrs. M. A. Marmon to Bancroft, 6/13/1886—hopes son will graduate with honor and that he has worked hard—about his past record—wants to send son some flowers as a surprise and asks Bancroft to buy them also giving him a watch, chain and Bible—
1847. W. W. Marsh to Bancroft, 12/10/1885—explains son’s late return from Thanksgiving recess—
1848. J. K. Marshall to Bancroft, 8/13/1892—wants both sons to return to PA—sons’ plans for future—
1849. O. W. Marshall to Bancroft, 3/23/1882—plans for study during suspension—hopes to regain PA’s confidence
1850. A. Martin to Bancroft, 3/13/1894—about possible debts to Lang—some very odd goings-on by PA grads
1851. J. H. Martin to Bancroft or Graves, 1/3/1885—thanking for son’s report—glad is no worse—glad has no demerits—son’s errors of spelling and diction—(two copies, almost identical in wording)
1852. J. Marvel Jr. to Bancroft, 6/10/1886—about entering school—wants to be a lawyer—
1853. M. F. Mason sr to Bancroft, 1/11/1894—not able to pay son’s tuition—pleased at son’s progress—hopes to pay up soon—son should work if can—
1854. Wife to same, 3/14/1894—glad son does not have to leave because of misbehavior—thinks would do better in studies if did not have to work—will pay expenses next term if can return—
1855. E. M. Mason to Bancroft, 9/16/1892—son mortified at not entering the senior class—about his German exam
1856. N. R. Mason (son) to Bancroft, 4/15/1901—asking to use as reference for Boston City Hospital—finishing at Harvard Medical School—wants to go to BCH as house officer—
1857. E. M. Mason to Bancroft, 4/13/1901—about career of son after graduating early from PA—hopes will get appointment at BCH—asking if can use Bancrofts reference—son’s compliments about Bans understanding of boys—son’s present success due to Bancroft and PA—
1858. E. G. Mason to Bancroft, 7/7/1893—pleased with son’s stay at and and with his prizes and honors—will correct failings Bancroft mentions—mixup with the Yale entrance exams—next son coming in fall
1859. W. Mathews to Pettee, 7/17/1899—bills from the Marland house which does not think has incurred—gives full details of problem—has been charged for months and has paid for all his food—to pay this bill would be a great hardship—
1860. Same to same, 7/17/1899—sending stamps for returning letter from Mrs. Marland sent in 1859 above
1861. Same to same, 7/30/1899—feels school strangely ignorant of goings on at Marland’s—will pay bill although feels it injust—slur on courtesy of Pettee (I think, possibly Marland, however)
1862. N. Matthews to Bancroft, 10/22/1889—hopes to support education costs by summer preaching—gives his classical background—about course of study—
1863. Same to same, 10/14/1889—about desire to get classical education—graduating from Bangor, Maine Theological Seminary next June—money problems—reasons for choosing PA—
1864. Same to same, 6/19/1890—still wants to enter PA this fall—may he come late because summer job preaching not over until the 14th—
1865. A. Mayers to Bancroft, 5/7/1890—thanking for leniency shown in case—cannot repay benefits of education
1866. L. Watson to Bancroft, 2/29/?—about insults of boys who spend most of their time in Butterfield’s third floor windows—instances and asks that they be stopped—
1867. Bancroft to C. G. Merrill, 6/18/1877—stating reappointment to Peabody Instructorship—reply from Merril, accepting reappointment, on bottom of same sheet
1868. G. C. Merrill to Bancroft, 9/3/?—had first faculty meeting without head—conspiracy to starve out Hayward—about work on Academy buildings—
1869. Same to same, 9/10/?—boarding houses quiet—saw Mrs. Wetmore—more than half the tiles sent for the Academy building were wrong—news of clubs, teachers, etc—
1870. Same to same, 9/ 3/?—boys spared from the gym fees—
1871. Same to same, 3/18/1881—about resigning—will not until new treatment’s effects can be seen—intends to rough it in Colorado mountains—
1872. Same to same, 6/7/1881—has expectations of being with Bancroft at start of next term—will be contrary to doctor’s advice—if cough does not go away, will not return—advises to look out for someone in his place if cannot return—
1873. Same to same, 7/29/1881—sorry to have to leave PA—accepting last year’s salary although does not deserve it—glad can get so good a man as Graves—will enjoy him unless he is too jealous for the English Department—plans—
1874. F. A. Merrill (wife? daughter?) to Bancroft, 8/17/?—about manuscript, part of which may have been lost at the printers—manuscript appears to be memorial service (for G. C. Merrill? Looks like that)
1875. G. S. Merrill to Bancroft ?, 4/2/1886—thanking for calling attention to ads in his paper for disreputable paper—business—
1876. M. E. Merrill to Bancroft, 1/5/1883—son too seek to come back before the end of the month—doing well but cannot do anything imprudent—fear of serious after effects—fears unsanitary water-closet
1877. Same to same, 3/19/1885—thanking for sympathy on death of husband—glad son is doing well— wants him to stay another year
1878. Same to same, 10/15/1889—glad Bancroft had such a good trip—so many who travel don’t know what they are seeing—sensitive over son’s failure at PA—news of sons—about grandsons—
1879. Same to same, 1/23/1888—glad Bancroft will be able to voyage—hopes to be in Andover at end of year—
1880. S. Merrill to Bancroft, 7/23/1879—about Dea Taylor—he is feeling better—
1881. Same to same, 7/12/1882—congratulating on baby—about resignation of Thayer—hoping to replace Mead if he ever resigned—about Syria—condition of Egypt—about Moslem fanaticsm—about his work and an ostrich which belongs to friends—will get ostrich’s corpse if it dies
1882. Same to same, 4/29/1883—reaction to letter of encouragement, rebuke and warning—about changes at Andover—about passing over of specialized men in favor of less qualified ones—traveling in Syria—about pilgrims at the religious shrines and the Greeks and Russians in particular
1883. Same to same, 11/18/1885—has to leave Syria as a new President has replaced him
1884. Same to same, 9/8/1888—partial catalogue of museum articles has had printed—
1885. Same to same, 11/26/1891—congratulations on past work—thanks for attentions to Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Merrill—fundraising to buy sacred spot—must be nondenominational—advises to learn to labor and to shirk—
1886. Same to same, 8/2/1892—thanks for letters—writing long dispatches—about his work—congratulations on LLD—had written recommending it to Dwight—asks where should will his Josephus collection about affairs of Mr. Taylor—about Bancroft’s family—
1887. A. B. Merrill (wife) to Bancroft, 3/8/1893—glad of the Am. Board changes—possible change of S. M. ‘s post—plans—Holy Land news—
1888. S. Merrill to Bancroft, 3/15/1894—thanking for letter—mentions sickness of Graves, the “Grammar school calamity” and Gulliver’s death—news of Cecil—Bible distributions in Italy—sight-seeing in Rome—
1889. A. H. Miller to Bancroft, 8/29/1883—now that son is 21 should he stay in school—have decided yes—
1890. E. A. Hilliken to Bancroft, 2/10/1890—asking about the clocks—great grandfather may have made one for PA—
1891. Same to same, 2/20/1890—thanking for help in matter of clocks—about great-grandfather’s clock-making—fragments of his manufacturing aids—think he did his own works—
1892. C. P. Mills to Bancroft, 2/14/1882—congratulates on new baby—feels Congregationalist is nearer right than the faculty—tells of his writings—
1893. Same to same, 9/14/1882—about vacation—personal news—theological matters—
1894. Same to same, 10/29/1883—personal news—pews of church—theological news—
1895. Same to same, 1/24/1884—thanking for letter —personal
1896. Same to same, 3/16/1885—news of Benjamin Hale—personal news—
1897. Same to same, 5/25/1885—about Conference—personal news—theological news
1898. Same tm same, 12/4/1886—about sermon—Newport news—anecdote—theological matters
1899. Same to same, 10/1/1880—about ordination—about exams etc—establishing churchwork
1900. Same to same, 12/24/1888—about last summers vacation—wishes well on voyage—sorry Bancroft must go alone
1901. R. D. Mills to Bancroft, 10/17/1894—asking about getting diploma—gives background since leaving PA
1902. J. R. Minor to Bancroft, 10/6/1894—son has failed preliminarys—not surprised—hopes will not discourage boy—asking if Bancroft would give him a personal talk—about placement—mentions that Merrill has nearly lost his sight—
1903. (F. A. Walker) to Bancroft, 1/22/1895—financial troubles at MIT due to large increase in enrollment—asking Mass Legislature for aid—asking for Bancroft to support them in request—
1904. Same to same, 1/25/1895—thanks for assistance—conditions look favorable—
1905. N. W. Tyler to Bancroft, 4/16/1901—about entrance requirements to MIT—
1906. J. Mitchell to Bancroft, 1/26/1895—son’s expenses twice what should be—is he in with bad company—
1907. J. S. Mitchell to Bancroft, 9/8/1894—about entering son—preparing for SSS—
1908. J. H. Barrows to Bancroft, 9/8/1894—letter of recommendation for L. Mitchell, above—
1908. J. S. Mitchell to Bancroft, 1/7/1895—disappointed at performance of son—
1909. Same to Pettee, no date—asking for financial aid—give his background
1910. D. L. Moody to Bancroft, 11/29/86—cannot go to Bancroft this week—must got to New York and Chicago
1911. L. Moody to Taylor, 7/26/1889—asking for financial aid—gives his background—
1912. Same to Bancroft, 6/21/1890—about brother—asks if can run a barber’s chair at PA next year—
1913. C. H. Moore to Bancroft, 6/15/1892—has accepted post—about getting a house etc—
1914. Same to same, 11/18/1894—glad school is doing so well—thought that stricter course would in time increase numbers—about housing and increased numbers—personal news—about life in Chicago—success Andover students in entrance exams—about lecture on Vergil—asking about Andover friends—
1915. G. F. Moore to Bancroft, 8/11/1885—glad to know has support of Trustees—feels should stay at Andover—news of trip
1916. W. E. Moore to Bancroft, 4/16/1885—son complains of poor stove in room—thinks causes colds—
1917. Same to Tucker, 7/11/1885—Prof Moore has not accepted Presidency of Marietta—about the election
1918. E. V. Morgan to Bancroft, 7/6/?—thanking for kindnesses—trip plans—
1919. Same to same, 8/10/1892—personal news—intrest in boys—tells of work in Oxford
1920. C. Morgan to Bancroft, 7/18/1890—asking for certificate of character—asks for catalogue for friend
1921. H. A. Morgan to Bancroft, 7/19/1882—about entering sons—thanking for Abbot catalogue—
1922. Same to same, 1/23/1883—thanking for report on sons—personal news—
1923. Same to same, 10/5/1886—about placing son
1924. Mrs. J. H. Morley to Bancroft, 7/3/1883—about entering son in PA—gives his background—
1925. F. A. Morrill to Bancroft, 8/12/1885—about rooms engaged and the boys in the house—news of the family—Mary Bancroft’s rabbit has strayed away
1926. A. Kirk to whom it may concern, 6/28/1889—letter of recommendation for Ira Morris—
1927. I. Morris to Pettee, 4/11/1893—is in Yale now because of Pettee’s encouragement—asking about getting PA diploma—explains situation—
1928. C. S. Morris to Bancroft, 4/1/1890—asking permission to say in order to give address which was postponed due to bad weather—will prove that has learned more at PA than is thought
1929. J. F. Morrison to Bancroft, 8/7/1893—asking about work for supporting self, scholarship aid, etc
1930. A. C. Morrison to Bancroft, 8/18/?—about sons not being allowed to return—her fault for not seeing that Andover was no place for a 13 year old—lack of restraint —feels very young children should be in a separate house under teacher restraint—letter is only fragment—
1931. Same to same, 11/3/?—about the prank of the lamplight—worried about some minor changes in character which she finds disturbing—about troublesome friendships—inability of Mrs. Blake to command him—
1932. Same to same, 1/10/1885—thanking for kindness to son—son is grateful although he does not show it—son determined to make new effort—
1933. N. J. Morrison to Bancroft, 12/30/1892—asking to see present PA curriculum to reform Marietta C, and academy’s curriculum—asking about new dorms—congratulating on PA’s splendid career—
1934. G. M. Morse to Bancroft, 9/5/1885—school is good but son needs background for business which PA doesn’t provide—cost mix-up—
1935. S. F. B. Horse to Bancroft, 12/23/1899—about taking entrance exams so can enter Jr class in January
1936. Same to same, 9/2/1900—Grant’s real name—was in class of ’02 Scientific—
1937. G. W. Morse (father) to Stearns—son can come home on holidays and Sundays when will not affect his work—have confidence in what he says—
1938. E. A. Moseley to Pettee, 2/28/1894—feels Mrs. Phelps isn’t providing adequate food and considering her price—boys are very dissatisfied—feels they should be moved
1939. Same to Bancroft, 3/8/1894—about causes for son’s suspension—not sure if boy should stay in school
1940. Same to same, 3/12/1894—thanking Bancroft for taking care of boy during spring vacation—about bills—
1941. F. C. Mosley to Pettee, 7/3/1899—news of son’s exams—about his furniture—about rooming if he returns next year
1942. Same to same, 10/2/1899—son very happy in Pettee’s house—glad boy has stopped smoking— about his exams—
1943. W. H. Mosley (husband) to Pettee, 10/2/1899—glad son so happy—has gone back and determined to do well and improve his time—dissapointed in not passing all his fall exams—but feels will do well anyway—
1944. O. Moses to Bancroft, 9/1/1885—asking for catalogue—wants one more year’s work before going to Yale or Harvard
1945. Same to same, 9/2/1885—further particulars of plans and goals—gives background—
1946. M. Muradhanian to Bancroft, 5/12/1883—thanking for kindness to son—he is a stranger in the country
1947. G. M. Mouradhanian (son) to Bancroft, 9/28/1883—telling of his summer work—has gotten in Jefferson Medical College—thanks for all his kindness—regards to old teachers etc—
1948. Same to same, 1/7/1885—business troubles—gives mother’s address—not at school for a number of reasons but still intends to get his M. D.—
1949. Same to same, 1/25/1886—has not yet gotten M. D. degree— monetary trouble made him leave early to get more money to pay expenses—tells of present business—had been shocked at death of Mr. Giragosian(q. v.)—congratulates on new Office—
1950. W. A. Mowry to Bancroft, 6/7/1878—congratulating on excellent centennial celebration—discusses various speeches—liked Parks ability to make dry Theological History funny—about Association and endowment committee—
1951. Same to same, 1/11/1881—not begging invitation hopes can attend an exam or competition soon
1952. Same to same, 6/11/1891—congratulates on success of fundraising of Andover Cottage—not useless pleased with desire for gym—wishes could contribute but has nothing to spare—
1953. N. W. Murch to Bancroft, 11/23/1884—telling of teaching job—news of friends—
1954. Same to Bancroft, 7/19/1886—telling of summer job—teaching offers—personal news—
1955. Same to same, 8/13/1888—telling how has studied Math since left PA—means to study until learn how to think—that was main cause of trouble at PA—presently tutoring Math even to College students—
1956. C. E. Murphy to Bancroft, 5/20/1892—did not want son to go into Commons—will support son as long as necessary—does not want son to go into business yet—
1957. T. C. Murray to Bancroft, no date—about Philologians in Baltimore—southern brethren and olive branch—trying to start University of the highest order, don’t want to be bothered with college boys—news of mutual friends—personal matters—
1958. J. B. Neale to Bancroft, 9/19/1888—about entering nephew—gives character and background
1959. Same to same, 9/14/89—has gotten letter from nephew—may not be able to continue with class—asking details—tells of deficient background—feels sure learning faculty will come—asking if Bancroft could work out some plan
1960. Same to same, 2/4/1891—agrees that boy should stay in present course and class—compliments on marked improvement in nephew’s scholarship—thanks for his patience—
1961. E. P. Nettleton to Bancroft, 10/27/1888—telling of illness—may cause great change in children’s education—had hoped to send son to Andover—now in Boston Latin school—hopes to send to Andover if can match up studies so won’t lose year—gives son’s (excellent) record in Boston Latin School—asks about text­books—
1962. A. G. Newcombe to Bancroft, 8/14/1898—asks for catalogue and if could come a week late so could see the Chicago fair—
1963. J. W. Newell to Bancroft, 9/24/1876—thanking for aid while at Andover—summer news—tells of studies
1964. F. M. Newton to Bancroft, 3/18/1894—thanking for kindness last winter—trying experience at Andover but worked hard with a tutor and will try to enter Lawerence Scientific School this year at Andover—personal news—
1965. Same to parents, 2/28/1893(copy)—feels glad came to And—about working during winter-came very close to being fired several times but always came through—about Bancroft’s careful supervision—concert
1966. R. H. Newton (pa) to Bancroft, 3/23/1893—encloses 1965 above—wants son to continue at Andover—son seems to be having a crisis—gets periods of intense depression—letter above gives hope—asks Bancroft for forbearande—asks if son can visit them when they return from Egypt—
1967. W. Newton to Bancroft, 4/3/1896—trying to decide if son should stay at PA—would stay if doing fairly well—about home life (charming—bad step-father and no real love)
1968. A. Comstock to Bancroft, 10/17/1882—about N.Y. Society for the Suppression of Vice—about book peddlars—refers to Agent for New England Society—
1969. Phillips Bancroft to Trustees, 4/ /1891—asking permission to hold meetings of the N. K. U. society in the little house once used by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward as a study—other members include two McCurdy’s, two Merrills, and two Churchills—A. Hardy on back sees no objection unless on the side of fire risk
1970. J. Noble to Bancroft, 6/29/1893—wants to enter PA—asking for catalogue and information
1971. Same to same, 7/3/1893—feels will do well in Jr. class—gives reference—
1972. L. B. Noble Sr. to Bancroft, 10/21/1894—asking how son, who just entered PA, is doing—wants to be informed of his scholastic and social achievements—gives his character—
1973. F. M. Noone to Bancroft, 11/7/1880—explaining why husband did not meet her brother at time expected
1974. M. W. Noon to Bancroft, 12/1/1892—telling of father’s career at Andover in 1830—sons speak of desirability of an Andover or Exeter education—about the Tiltons—personal news—
1975. G. J. Cummings to Bancroft, 9/24/1894—about J. R. Norris who wants to come to PA—can’t say much about him—
1976. S. J. Norris to Bancroft, 7/9/1895—wants to go to Andover for one year, then to Harvard—must work way through—asks about scholarship aid—
1977. Same to same, 7/20/1895—gives present attainments—not many because of work—has written for school paper—certificate of standing—about getting work and scholarship—
1978. Same to same, 8/12/1895—about room and board—
1979. Same to same, 8/23/1895—about arranging room and board—
1980. L. S. Northrup to Bancroft, 8/16/1885—about sending son to PA—asking about regulations of conduct—billiard saloons and bedtime hours—
1981. J. H. Northrup to Bancroft, 8/17/1893—about getting preparation for ministry—asking if needs a college course—about getting preparatory education—
1982. E. H. Norton to Bancroft, 3/4/1881—about entering PA—family background—about studies
1983. E. Norton to Pettee, 4/4/1894—telling of Andover alumni dinner—sends his copy of invitation circular—wishes could raise money for class of 1883 dorm—about contributing to funds
1984. 3/28/1894—Circular of invitation to the 1894 meeting of the New York Association of alumni & company—
1985. Same to same, 2/14/1899—bad weather in New York—family news—about PA fundraising—gym—advice on where to hold the June exams—
1986. A. Noyes to Bancroft, 3/26/1885—asking to use Bancroft as a reference for getting a teaching position—compliments on keeping up with PA graduates—feels will be a doctor—about getting through Med school—
1987. Same to same, 3/31/1883—asking for letter of recommendation—about college career—
1988. Same to same, 4/11/1885—thanking for letter of recommendation—asking if can tutor someone at PA—feels is his last hope—
1989. E. A. Noyes to Pettee, 12/23/1893—son remained at home at his order—will pay obligation in kind—
1990. E. P. Noyes to Bancroft, 12/4/1877—about brother at PA—(Atherton above)—feels he is fretting needlessly—asking about Centennial celebrations—hopes college exams wont prevent him from attending
1991. Same to same, 9/30/1885—does not feel should be instructor in mechanical sciences—has good job
1992. Same to same, 3/27/1892—thanking for letter—often wonders if should have been a professional rather than a business man—personal news and theories on subject—
1993. S. B. Noyes to Bancroft, 5/11/1878—about buying Pemberton portrait—
1994. Same to same, 5/31/1878—about meeting men of Class of 1820—reminisces of life under Adams—tuition for sons
1995. Same to same, 3/11/1879—about epitaph of Dr. Taylor—
1996. Same to same, ?/?/1880—about recent deaths of PA graduates—
1997. Same to same, 6/13/1881—about article in Gazette—will send to Andover review—hopes to make some thing good of Squire Farrar—reminiscences of PA in his time—
1998. Same to same, no date—recent death of more PA graduates—
1999. Same to same, 12/7/1882—remembers old PA—experience of son while hunting

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