Bancroft correspondence: Sayres to Zeal, 1877-1904

Bancroft correspondence: Sayres to Zeal, 1877-1904

2390. A. B. Sayres to Bancroft, 5/23/1887—asks to let son (who smoked in Commons) off this time and talk to him rather than expelling him from Commons—
2391. G. H. Sayward to Bancroft, 7/13/1899—son and cousin got diploma at same time though cousin entered one year later and skipped most middle year courses—asks for investigation as feels son and he were done an injustice—note by Bancroft gives first explanation—note to Pettee asks for further explanation—note by Pettee shows cousin came in with 8 hours up and finished with minimum diploma requirements
2392. J. H. Sawyer to Bancroft, 1/15/1885—asking if he has taken any action about secret societies at PA-has asked how PA treats them and asks for advice—
2393. Same to same, 1/19/1885—thanking for letter—thanking for clear presentation of experiences-­ asking if debating society has been hurt by growth of fraternities—should ignore societies completely?—or do as doing now—
2394. Same to same, 11/25/1899—asking what to do about day of Prayer for Schools and Colleges-­ should stay with old time or change, as colleges are, to later time—
2395. C. H. Sawyer to Bancroft, 9/5/1881—explanation of sons absence —would like him to come home Sat. afternoons and return Mon. mornings-for a few weeks to help him cure his homesickness—
2396. Same to same, 1/2/1883—thanking for letter—”You evidently understand the young man thoroughly hopes to arrange things so studies will not be affected by homesickness –
2397. W. D. Sawyer(son) to Bancroft, 7/6/1885—why full bill for football shoes has not been paid—mix-up over subscriptions—doesn’t want to leave with money not his own—
2398. C. F. Sawyer(son) to Bancroft, 9/2/1886—sending season ticket blanks for signature—bringing younger brother with him this fall
2399. S. E. Sawyer (wife) to Bancroft, 2/17/1890- grateful for interest in son – think his plan best –
2400. Same to same, 9/9/1891—about sons return to Andover—allowance etc—about kindness of Mrs. Butterfield—thanks for interest in son—
2401. Same to same, 1/13/1893—thanking for what has done for all boys, especially last—son has stayed at PA only through Bancroft’s forbearance—son means to try to do better—has been spoiled at home by former teachers and servants—son means to persevere—would be great misfortune to suspend him and scare him well (all as has done) and let him stay—
2402. Same to same, 1/25/1895—very happy with approaching marriage—hopes to have the Bancroft’s visit-­news of the boys—
2403. Same to same, 6/9/1898—asks if can come to meet Mrs. Severance—thankful for short visit with Mrs. Bancroft—sympathy over her death
2404. J.C. Sawyer (son) to Bancroft, 8/29/89—about rooming with Stearns in Bancroft’s house- about getting roommate for brother so he can make all right with McCurdy- most people could get along well with brother-
2405. Y. Sawayama to Bancroft, 9/1/1888- fellow Japanese wants to come to PA- encloses letter of introduction for him about rooming him with Bancroft or Graves — arrangements for him to come – encloses $240
2406. J. H. Seelye to Bancroft, 9/1/1888—letter of introduction for Y. Takasaki—recommendation—
2407. A. Schaff to Bancroft, 2/13/1892—sending contribution—was under Uncle Sam three months—
2408. W. G. Schauffler to Bancroft, 7/10/1881—thanking for sending box—about exams—about societies at Amherst—vacation news—gratitude—
2409. Same to same, 9/21/1882- congratulating on size of school- Amherst easy after PA- news of PA at Amherst—asking for letter of dismissing from Seminary Church—news of friends—
2410. Same to same, 3/7/1883—about PA boys at Amherst and their discussions of PA—had hoped to get Mirror—about revival at Amherst—hope to visit PA soon—
2411. H. A. Schauffler to Bancroft, 5/21/1889—about entering third son—news of others—
2412. W.G. Schauffler to Bancroft, 9/23/1891—glad took extra year at PA—views on age of boys entering college—personal news—teaching at Medical school—trying to learn Arabic—
2413. Same to same, 4/3/1892—thanking for letter—personal news—asking about younger Bancrofts—about cousin who wants to enter PA—
2414. E. W. Schauffler (brother) to Bancroft, 6/21/1892- about son’s tutoring- asks Bancroft’s advice
2415. L. Schlesinger to Bancroft, 3/8/1890—sons health poor—will take him out to go to Europe with uncle, thinks ought to take modern course anyway—cannot get hold of the Latin—
2416. G. Schreiber to Pettee, 7/27/1896 –about entering brother in Middle class, English Department—about entrance exams—
2417. 0. A. Schreiber to Bancroft, 5/24/1899—about suspension of brother—fears effect on father—asks if boy could be put on probation instead—on threat of expulsion—
2418. E. J. Schweppe to Faculty—8/21/1894—asking for catalogue and information on houses —
2419. Same to Pettee, 8/30/1894—about getting rooms –finances poor since Pains—want to keep expenses down —board at Commons—wants right to change if feels room or board not adequate—gives testimonials but dislikes previous teacher—handicapped in work for Harvard—previous teacher very High Church—wants influence counteracted—
2420. F.Gardiner to E. J.Schweppe, 6/18/1894—letter of recommendation and advice for son—plans-­
2421. Same to Mr. Peck, 6/18/1894—certificate of good character for R. Schweppe—
2422. E. J. Schweppe to Bancroft, 9/4/1894—thanking for information on cottages—iniquities of Gardiner family—about room for son in Commons—
2423. Same to Pettee, 9/11/1894—paying for room and board—hopes son will do well in Pettee’s house—instructions about illness, church, etc. —doesn’t want him to go to Boston more than once a month
2424. Same to Bancroft, 9/16/1894—thanking for suggesting Pettee’s house for son—exactly what had wished­ sorry Boynton could not be roommate—about Virginians—about exams—
2425. Same to Pettee, 10/4/1894—about sons bills—about him visiting family before they go West-­ wants Pettee to supervise sons allowance and laundry money—son has improved already
2426. Same to Bancroft, 10/7/1894—son missed train—asks Bancroft to excuse tardiness—son’s improvement—
2427. Same to Pettee, 11/19/1894—epidemic in St. Louis—about entering another son—made mistake in sending him to St. Marks—describes St. Marks—unclean and unsupervised—sons allowance—everything must come out of $1.00 a week—except fees for P. A. E.—feels boys should not have very much money—southerners less able to handle it than N. E. boys—pleased with sons improvement-
2428. Same to Bancroft, 12/13/1894—about son’s injury (Charles)—pleased he could be in Bancroft’s house—not sure if he will send him to Andover- son gets mischievous when with other boys- eldest son smoking tobacco so does not want other son in Cambridge- feels sure can break boy of habit- about her methods of controlling sons- hopes son won’t go to Harvard next year—wild oats detrimental to boys character—has no patience with boys who cannot behave as well as girls
2429. W. E. Schweppe (husband) to Pettee, 12/14/1894—paying bills
2430. E. J. Schweppe to Bancroft—going against doctor’s advice and sending Charles to PA—son is smoking after all—hopes will be obedient to rules of school—character of Charles—Boston not good—
2431. W. E. Schweppe to Pettee, 2/23/1895—about fraternity rooms—fears alcohol and smoking—only deductions, not facts—would like investigation before son joins—about Charles—
2432. E. J. Schweppe to same, 5/20/1895—wants to inspect rooms at Andover before boys choose them—about son staying after close of school for exams—about money spent on roommate—glasses—
2433. Same to Bancroft, 6/21/1895—son wanted to go to Cambridge—eldest son expelled after suspended from Harvard– fears moral contagion—
2434. Same to Pettee, 9/5/1895—arrangements for room and board—sons machinations—about societies—other son forbidden to join societies—summer conduct of both
2435. Same to same, 9/8/1895—selfishness and conceit of Richard—wishes he could get punishment he deserves—tells of trouble he has caused to brothers—about rooms and cars
2436. W. E. Schweppe to Pettee, 7/13/1896—surprised that Richard should have thought of returning to and—hopes will be able to graduate with 96—thanks Bancroft and Pettee for interest in boys—
2437. C. Schweppe (son)to Pettee, 8/19/1896—hoping will be able to get room in cottage—
2438. E. J. Schweppe to Bancroft, 11/22/1896—about Thanksgiving plans—about football—Christmas plans-­
2439. Same to same, 1/25/1897—wants Charles to fit for Harvard—reasons why Richard went to Yale-asks if Charles can get a diploma this year—
2440. Same to Pettee (no date)—about proposed change of board—does not approve—hopes allowance is being kept at a dollar a week—
2441. C. Schweppe to Bancroft, no date—asking into what class could get in on past studies—about exams
2442. E. J. Schweppe to Bancroft, no date—about son staying in Harvard Division—
2443. C. Scranton to Bancroft, 11/15/1884—pained at sons suspension—hopes will reconsider judgment—doesn’t smoke to their knowledge—temperance family sent up non alcoholic beverage in wine-shaped bottles—boy honest and told family at once—about Thanksgiving circular—
2444. H. E. Schudder to Bancroft, 5/20/1879—asking for interpretations of lines in The School Boy—notes in margin by Bancroft tentative identifications of persona mentioned—
2445. D. Schdder to Bancroft, 1/10/1894—about sons work since leaving PA—now sees value of good education· wants to return and finish course at PA—asking about dormitories—has matured greatly
2446. J. H. Seelye to Bancroft, 5/28/1878, regrets not being able to attend Centennial exercises–
2447. H. S. Seki to Bancroft, 6/13/1890—wants to get classical education and go to an American college—has no means for education—can attend PA if gets tuition remission—
2448. Same to same, 6/24/1890—thanking for advice—would like to see at Andover—
2450. H.S. Seki to Bancroft, 8/15/1892—cannot return to PA because of weak eyes—plans for future study-·will not continue with the ancient languages—
2451. J. M. Selfridge to Bancroft, 9/30/1878—explains late return of son to PA—arrangement for board-­health troubles–
2452. A. J. Selfridge (son) to Bancroft, 6/30/1879—will send remainder of bill when gets check from PA—asks about condition in Greek—
2453. J. M. Selfridge to Bancroft, 8/14/1880—thanking for care of son—has improved him greatly—thanking for advice on sending him to Hamilton College—
2454. C. T. Semper to Bancroft, 7/29/1884—sending money to pay overlooked bill—news of friends—news of own college exams—sorry Bancroft thought was criticizing—
2455. Same to same, 2/4/1885—personal news—about mid-years exams—about lecture of Joseph Cook-­
2456. Same to same, 5/26/1885—sorry did not call on Bancroft when in Andover—about Harvard vs Amherst-­ pressure from high places to return to Harvard—
2457. S. H. Seymore to Bancroft, 1/11/1877—worried about son who was assaulted by rowdies—boarding in a club to save money—asking about his studies and conduct–
2458. J. H. Seymore to Bancroft, 2/27/1891—organization of N.Y. Alumni Association—dinner plans—asking for advice on organizing and speakers—
2459. Same to same, 3/6/1891—organizing dinner—complimentary invitations—toast givers-­
2460. J. Sharp to Bancroft, 6/24/1878—does not want religious exercises required of son—
2461. E. C. Shattuck to Bancroft, 1/10/1892—about Uncle Sam’s memory—mentions how called on students-­
2462. A. F. Shaw to Bancroft, 5/1890—asking for catalogue for acquaintance—personal news—about reunion-­
2463. J. T. Shaw to Bancroft, 12/9/1889—illness of President of Ward—had had not hope but now may recover–
2464. Same to same, 12/16/1889—death of Pres. Ward—asking for help in continuing his work—planned for continuing school—asks if should help with fundraising in N. E. or continue teaching at the school—possible new trustees—asks for advice—funeral of President Ward—
2465. Same to same, 6/27/91—thanking for appointment to Oberlin—plans for going there-­
2466. Same to same, 10/31/1891—personal news—news of Oberlin—
2467. Same to same, 3/9/1892—sorry and will lose Professor Tucker—glad Dartmouth chose him as President about peculiarities at Oberlin—news of old school—
2468. A. M. Shaw to Bancroft, 11/17/1891—thanking for letter—about PA’s growth and prosperity—congratulations—news of her own work –
2469. W. W. Shaw to Bancroft—11/14/1898—about Thanksgiving circular—son too far away to come home-­have Thanksgiving dinner and go to Bn. theater if desires with faculty member—
2470. Same to same, 11/19/1898—son feels useless to pay companion to go to Bn—can go alone—or with other boys—
2471. Same to same, 12/3/1898—irritated by circulars—cannot exercise control over son so far away-about old injury to eyes—will write asking son to brace up—
2472. W. G. T. Shedd to Bancroft, 12/2/1877—brother has miniature of Pemberton—would be glad to lend it-­
2473. M. Shedd (brother) to Bancroft, 12/13/1877—glad to do as Bancroft asks—will preserve memory in fitting place of character of Pemberton—tells of fathers benefit from PA—tells of miniature itself
2474. W. M. Bristol to Bancroft, 8/18/1887 —letter of recommendation for C.M. Sheldon—gives past studies
2475. C. M. Sheldon to Bancroft, 7/29/1879—about repaying something—news of friends exams—personal news­
2476. Same to same, 7/17/1881—asking for catalogue—recommending PA to friends-personal news—news of Dakota territory—
2477. Same to same, 4/24/1882—about Will Campbell—advises against student waiting for him—doesn’t understand fathers treatment of boy—plenty of money but boy always short—
2478. Same to same, 9/30/1882—thanking for praise—telling of PA boys at Brown—
2479. Same to same, 2/24/1883—very distressed over Will—cannot have him live with him—does not know what he could do for so long a time—father should have him come home but has never understood father—
2480. S. Sheldon (brother) to Bancroft, 3/27/1890—sending copy of book—family news—Charles doing well
2481. C. M. Sheldon to Bancroft, 5/12/1891—thanking for letter—telling of fiancée—news of church-­
2482. Same to same, 10/9/1900—wants to come to and will speak before Society of Inquiry—
2483. J. L. Sheldon to Bancroft, 7/24/1890—wants to come to PA—gives past education–
2484. Same to same, 7/31/1890—reasons for wanting education—willing to work—
2485. F. L. Sheldon to Pettee, 12/30/1899—son continually sick—must change garments for church-­ asking that he be let off chapel so will not have to change and risk sickness–
2486. G. B. Shepard to Bancroft, 4/3/1890—asking for details of charge against brother—does not think him guilty of wrongdoing or of being bad influence—fears injustice—sends extracts from boys letters and from letter of mother—
2487. C. U. Shepard to Merrill, 8/23/1891—cannot give anything to PA—building schoolhouse for black children on plantation—personal news—
2488. W. Shields Jr. to Bancroft, 10/28/1888—asking for catalogue—
2489. A. Shirley to Bancroft, 5/3/1883—news of pupils —especially Day–
2490. P. Shivell to Bancroft, 7/29/1894—wants to enter PA—gives past studies—asking about rooms—cannot give details of character but will not cause any trouble—note in margin by Bancroft discouraging–
2491. Same to same, 7/31/1894—goals for education—more complete statement of consideration—
2492. C. Short to Bancroft, 6/1/1878—thanking for note—had been hurt at being left out—cannot attend Centennial because of exams—
2493. A. M. Short to Bancroft, 8/24/1895—letter of application for son—sending recommendation—cannot send past work as family is away from home—son has had poor health—
2494. Same to Pettee, 9/6/1895—asking about board—boy nervous about exams—
2495. Shreve, Crump & Low to Bancroft, 6/7/1879—bill for $165.00 Bronze Vase and Pedestal—paid 7/9/1879-­
2496. Same to same, 6/2/1883—asking about W. D. Washburn’s order of cups as prizes for Athletic Association at PA—asking about credit or authorization—if no good will send stuff C. O. D.—
2497. J. Simmons to Bancroft, 9/19/1892—asking about son’s prospects of entering college next year—
2498. T. H. Simmons to Bancroft, 7/6/1895—talking about entering brother in PA—gives past work—gives plans-­asking about rooms and board—
2499. Pettee to T. H. Simmons, 7/9/1895—giving entrance requirements—explains entrance exams, tells of boarding houses etc—
2500. W. F. Skerrye to Bancroft, 8/13/1893—boy bright but gets nervous under pressure—agrees with Forbes’ estimation catches on—pleasant to work with—personal news—
2501. Same to same, 7/9/1895—personal news—asks for catalogue
2502. H. E. Slaught to Bancroft, 2/21/1891—will probably drop out of PA—asking about his record at PA-­
2503. O. G. Cartwright to Bancroft, 1/27/1893—recommending Alvin Smith, who wants to work his way through PA—financial need—character—recommendations—asks for catalogue—
2504. A. H. Smith to Bancroft, 2/4/1893—wants High school education—PA best place for poor boy—
2505. Same to same, no date(frag)—financial conditions—goals—asks where can earn board– recommendations—etc—
2506. Same to same, 3/20/1893—needs tuition remission—mother dead, father farmer and unable to help
2507. Same to same, 2/14/1894—sorry did not come to PA last fall—delay in selling hay crop—hopes do not cause trouble by engaging room in Commons—financial situation— may be able to come next year– asks if will have same chance of entering—
2508. A. A. Smith to Bancroft, 7/17/1893—about preparing for middle class—about getting self-help—
2509. C. J. Smith to Bancroft, 12/15/1893—delay in getting sick son home—hopes will not be as sick as was last winter—
2510. Same to same, 12/30/1893—son unable to pay back bills—thanks for kindness to son—son will pay as soon as possible—had advised son to wait and go with money—asks for advice on what to do­-
2511. I. P. Smith to Bancroft, 4/6/1899—entering son—asking about room and board—would like to come home for lunch if studies allow it—
2512. C. S. Smith to Bancroft, 10/27/1891—tells of new line of work—would like to give illustrated lecture on Iceland to public—tells of lecture plans—family news–
2513. A. C. Smith to Bancroft, 7/12/1893—pleased with one sons work hut disappointed with others—tells of son’s character and habits—son in love with PA—would do anything to stay—asking for advice–
2514. G. Smith to Bancroft, 3/4/1881—gives past studies—has not thought could continue in school—hopeful of scholarship etc—gives references—
2515. H. K. Smith to Bancroft, 8/12/1889—tells of family background of son—reasons could send son to PA at all—about attempts to send him back this year—thinks can return him after all—
2516. Same to same, 5/11/1891—has had no report for winter term due to sons sickness—worried about making up lost work—son has developed much since came to PA—
2517. Same to same, 11/20/1891—Thanksgiving plans—boy doing well in commons–
2518. Same to same, 3/15/1893—very distraught over sons wrongdoing—asks if boy can be restored to favor—worried about affect on boys uncle who is very sick—has no money for return trip-­
2519. Same to same, no date—about sending son to tutor—
2520. L. Smith to Bancroft, 6/17/1889—giving past studies—wants to go to Yale in fall of ’90—wants to go to PA for a year—hopes to overcome obstacles by hard work—notes by Pettee gives his suggestion for course of study at PA—should not try to enter senior class at first—advises take preliminaries
2521. C. D. Platt to Bancroft, 8/31/1889—recommending Lloyd W. Smith—gives past work and character
2522. L. W. Smith to Bancroft, 8/9/1891—eager to return—about entering brother—
2523. N. W. Harris & Co to Pettee, 1/30/1899—thinking of hiring L. W. Smith for position of trust– asking for estimation of strengths and weaknesses of character
2524. H. R. Carrington to Bancroft, 2/22/1895—about Dr. Samuel Smith’s poetry—invitations to Seminary and Academy—asking for photo of house where wrote poem Bancroft refers to—
2525. J. W. Smith to Bancroft, 12/23/1881—money for bust of Professor Park—
2526. Same to same, 5/8/1886—will read poem at Means Prize judging if is well enough to attend-­
2527. Same to same, 5/26/1895—telling of tour in Shakespeare country—remembering visit there with Bancroft in 78—
2528. Mrs. John Smith to Bancroft, 5/1883—telling of late night behavior of boys rooming with her—about colored ball in Lawrence to which some other boys might sneak off—packet of newspaper clippings, some with notes by Bancroft, attacking smoking as a health hazard, an expensive and debilitating habit, and a public nuisance when indulged in public—
2529. E. C. Smyth to Bancroft, 7/25/1883—about Moore’s salary—
2530. Same to same, 8/19/1885—about post-grad admissions to Theological Seminary—about general qualifications for admission—causes of Seminary troubles—
2531. Same to same, 8/26/1885—about admission to Advanced Class at Seminary—
2532. J. L. Snook to Bancroft, 8/22/1879—coming to PA—asks for room and roommate in Commons—asking about working way through—
2533. B. S. Snow to Bancroft, 3/5/1878—about son—ideas for Centennial celebration—
2534. E. C. Snow to Hardy, 4/7/1890—asking about buying strip of pastures and fields—reasons for wanting land—
2535. F. W. Snyder to Pettee, 1/3/1895—sending photos of goings on in cottages—distressed at son’s behavior—feels owes it to other parents to tell authorities—reasons for sending son—tells of degeneration of boys character while at PA—
2536. undated Memorandum in reply to Petition of Hanna, Shepherd, Sheldon, et al.—faculty not convinced of necessity of weekly society meetings—fears societies will become attractive as places of idleness and recreation—more interested in purpose of meetings and manner of their conduct than frequency or regularity—Faculty does not want to know specifics of meetings-­”The endorsement by the guardian of a request for a meeting will ordinarily be all that is required.”—not going to restrict number of meetings provided that serious business is done— not going to be guided blindly by precedent—societies are an experiment—want to make it a success– “It was expected that the societies should be something more than social, convivial, or political clubs, (but)should work along the same lines as the school itself to (create) a society spirit which should be vigorous, intellectual, and manly and gather the very best element in the school.” –urges societies to hold to original intentions—defends positions of faculty in banning useless weekly meetings—
2537. H. E. Spaulding to Bancroft, 10/2/1889 —entrusting son’s care to Bancroft—feels should go to college next year or not go at all– remembering his own schooldays—
2538. S. F. Speer to Bancroft, 3/31/1882—letter of introduction for son—instructions about room and board finances, etc.—asks for help in getting tutor so can enter junior class—
2539. Same to same, 2/25/1882—asking about costs etc.—gives son’s past work—
2540. Same to same, 8/24/1882—about financial arrangements —asking to use influence over religious— {boy of Protestant family but has joined Catholic Church—permitted to forbid it—goal to be lawyer—asks best way of getting law education—asking for opinions
2541. Same to same, 4/l/1883—asking Bancroft to break news of younger son’s death to George—very close-­
2542. G. L. Speer(son) to Bancroft, 2/2/1885—asking for catalogue as may want to return next year—tells of present work—personal news—
2543. R. E. Speer to Bancroft, 7/23/1883—asking about expenses and boarding house—about entering Princeton–
2544. G. W. Hull to Bancroft, 7/25/1883—letter of recommendation for R. E. Speer—
2545. D. K. Freeman to Bancroft, 8/1/1883—letter of recommendation for R. E. Speer—
2546. R. E. Speer to Bancroft, 8/14/1885—has persuaded friend to go to PA instead of Lawrenceville—tells of boys character—personal news—
2547. A. P. Spencer to Bancroft, 9/5/1898—asking that Bancroft not admit son to PA—son has sneaked off again to try and enter—had tried it last year also—
2548. M. K. Spencer(wife) to Bancroft, 9/8/1898—son cannot return this year but will class and return next year to graduate—about furniture—very disappointed but hopes to get diploma—asks Bancroft to keep up interest in son as they need him—
2549. Kemper to P. Koines, 2/27/53(copy)—son has no chance of being admitted to Upper Middle class
2550. J. H. Stannard to Hardy, 1/9/1890—about paying interest due and interest on that—
2551. Same to same, 2/27/1890—will seminsunance policy and pay back debt—asks for details of debt—does not want to do this but must unless can get another loan or deferral—
2552. Same to same, 3/5/1890—about calculating interest and interest on interest—
2553. Same to same, 3/22/1890—about selling insurance policy—wishes would increase loan—
2554. E. L. Stack to Bancroft, 10/6/1889—wants to get College education—now thinks can get one—gives past work—cant he do course in three years if works hard—asks about pronunciation of Latin-·
2555. Same to same, 4/10/1890—asks what should study over the summer—
2556. Same to same, 4/18/1890—cannot go to And but can come next week—gives past history—reasons for not being able to get a Classical
2557. Same to same, 5/27/1890—has been following advice on studies of Jr. year—about brother—asks about room etc—
2558. Same to same, 10/10/1890—reasons for dropping some courses—brother has died—hopes to enter PA in January—
2559. A. A. Starr to Bancroft, 9/2o/1882—asks if can give lecture on microscope and its revelations—
2560. E. W. Starr to Newton, 6/15/1905—must deadline Alumni dinner invitation—asking about old friend
2561. W.J. Stedman to Bancroft, 7/30/1885—asking if can come to PA—left school when 15—now 23
2562. Same to same, 8/6/1885—gives synopsis of life—fears giving up present job as business poor and could not get job over summer—as if school has work—
2563. Hal Stearns to Bancroft, 2/26/1882—eye trouble—reason for not writing before—tells of PA boys at Amherst–athletic news—tells of societies—news of the “Convent” —
2564. Same to Mrs. Bancroft, 9/28/1882—telling of voyage on the Vigilant—actually nonvoyage due to non­ appearance of pilot—plans—
2565. M.E. Stearns to Bancroft, 10/16/82 (telegram)—about funeral of Ethel Stearns
2566. Same to same, 5/6/1884—sending list of parents and guardians of pupils—asking about circular-· about school—
2567. Same to same, 3/4/1885—death of Annie—funeral arrangements—
2568. Hal Stearns to Bancroft, 6/14/1885—thanking for wedding present—news of wedding—news of area—hope to visit And in near future—
2569. M. E. Stearns to Bancroft, 1/13/1888—sending copy of “O Little Town of Bethlehem”—thanking for deduction Cecil is now in college—
2570. Arthur Stearns to Bancroft, 1/29/1898—congratulates on fund for foreign trip—thanking for kindness while was in Andover—hopes to see Andover soon—weather—glad did not leave college early—news of studies—
2571. A. E. Stearns to Bancroft, 8/27/1888—about friend of Japanese boy at Amherst who wants an education· asking if could board with a professor—
2572. Hal Stearns to Bancroft, 8/29/1889—plans for invalids rest home—asking if Bancroft would serve as reference—personal news
2573. A. E. Stearns to Bancroft, 2/28/1894—about unsettled condition of English Dept due to Graves illness-recommending Dr. Harris Jr. for Chemistry if he has not been able to find replacement
2574. Same to same, 7/24/1894—about Jane and Woodward—appointment to Deerfield—thanking for letter·
2575. Same to same, 5/11/1897—had been sick—cannot stay healthy without outdoor exercise—will come to And instead of Yale—would be able to help PA athletics—joke about being able to visit Abbot—hopes to visit soon—
2576. Same to same, 5/18/1897?—feels Andover best place for him next year—wants to talk it over with mother—sure she will agree after hearing everything—“My idea is to be able to devote at leave two hours daily to the athletic interests of the school”—financial situation—
2577. G. W. Stearns to Bancroft, no date (fragment —asking if might teach at PA—asking advice on best Theological Seminary to attend—thinks go to Andover or to Hartford—news of friends—
2578. A. C. Stevens to Bancroft, 11/20/1889—sending catalogue of Vt. Thealogical Seminary—asking about plan of preparation for entering PA—
2579. Mrs. W. W. Stevenson to Bancroft, 8/31/1893—thanking for letter—about entering son—rooms and board
2580. D. N. Beach to Bancroft, 6/20/1894—letter of introduction for F. Stedman—recommendation—sons past record in school and out—plans for future—asking for Bancroft’s interest and help—
2581. F. H. Stedman to Bancroft, 6/26/1894—thanking for help—will need a day to look up information-­
2582. Same to same, 6/30/1894—sending transcripts of past record—explains their set-up—not sure could pass entrance exams since is very rusty—sure could do well if allowed in Middle class-­
2583. Transcript of Cambridge English High School, with explanatory notes by F. H. Stedman—
2584. Transcript of Cambridge Latin High School, with “ “ “ “ “ “ (both dated 6/27/1894)—
2585. Order of Exercises for Cambridge Latin High School, marked by F. H. Stedman—
2586. E. H. Stedman to Hill, 7/1/1894—applying for rooms in Commons—asking about furniture, cost of heating, etc—
2587. Same to Bancroft, 7/18/1894—asking to be let off early Sept. entrance exams since, past work so irregular—has no time to study during the summer—if must take exams can’t come— Bancroft said No
2588. S. B. Steers to Bancroft, 9/27/1879—thanking for interest in son—about sons conduct at Willaston-affair of boys selling copy of Decameron which was considered immoral—also of being seen with young ladies on the street—felt offences not as grave as had been implied—past schooling-­ also gives faults—easily influenced—influence and scholarship of PA what needs—
2589. Same to same. 9/29/1879—correcting error in past letter—details of last school year—three schools in three terms—
2590. Same to same, 4/23/1880—pleased with new arrangements—hopes will be more satisfactory—
2591. S. E. Stetson to L. R. F. Griffin, 12/8/1877—work since leaving PA—can at present do nothing for PA
2592. M. T. Stevens to Bancroft, 3/27/93—needs exam to choose cadet for West Point—asks Bancroft to be president of Board to administer exam and choose candidate—
2593. Same to same, 4/15/1893—no objection to having exams at PA—thanks for offer of room—date and time—
2594. Same to same, 4/24/1893—date and time—22 applicants—
2595. Same to same, 4/25/1893—qualifications for room—encloses 2596 below-­
2596. C. G. Carleton to N. T. Stevens—about room for physical exam—
2597. F. W. Stewart to Bancroft, 12/9/1891—thanking for card and coat—tells of work—sorry has not written sooner—hopes to see some time—
2598. Same to same, 8/19/1896—sorry could not take job in Andover—tells of reasons why didn’t—
2599. R. J. Stewart to Stearns, 3/16/1904—asking about entering PA—gives past work, present job—had obligations now ended—wants good education so can better position—
2600. Same to same, 4/3/1904—difficult to fill out application form—asks about entrance requirements references—financial statements—plans and goal—
2601. M. de F. B. Stoddard to Stearns, 2/26/0?—cover letter for 2602 below—tells condition of sons eyes—feels should see it as was only person at PA who was fair to son—not official letter—

2602. H. D. Noyes to M. de F. B. Stoddard, 9/22/1899—cannot state amount safe for boys eyes—bad astigmatism and weak muscles—should not be forced into over work by teachers—use them as little as possible—
2603. H. W. Stokes to Seearns;10/4/1903—asking about courses required for admission to Yale with two Mod For language and no Greek—
2604. F. A. Stokes (pa) to Stearns, 1/26/1904—asking for catalogue—
2605. Same to same, 3/15/1904—Stearns had said early application gave better chance for dorm—
2606. Same to same, 3/19/04—thanking for entering application of son—gives sons full name—
2607. Same to same, 7/5/1904—asking about sons room and roommates name—gives sons prelims tried-­
2608. Same to same, 7/6/1904—has received prelim results—gives ones passed—asks about sons status—
2609. Same to same, 7/8/1904—mistake in previous letter—subjects failed—thanks for room in Bancroft—
2610. Same to same, 7/11/1904—sending testimonial—son sure has passed French B and has written to see if there is a mistake—
2611. Same to same, 7/13/1904—thanking for letter with good news—
2612. Same to same, 7/14/1904—about exams in fall—
2613. Same to same, 8/4/1904—final details of application—rooms in Bancroft—
2614. H. W. Stokes to Stearns, 8/20/1904—asking for name and address of roommate so can correspond-­
2615. Stolze to Bancroft, 5/24/1884—thanking for letter—telling of efforts to get educated—money trouble—sickness—
2616. E. M. Stone to Bancroft, 9/28/1885—thanking for letter and catalogue—news of boys from area now at PA—conditions in Bulgaria after uprising—hoping independence will be granted peacefully—
2617. C. E. Stowe to Bancroft, 4/17/1890—about daguerreotypes—glad enjoyed “Life”—oil painting of father
2618. W. A. Story to Newton, 5/19/1904—son wants to enter PA next fall—asking for help in getting room—
2619. Same to Stearns, 6/12/1904—glad son stands well with teachers—hopes will do well at exams-­
2620. Same to same, 7/9/1904—results fromm Yale—passed 8 of 9 attempted preliminaries—gives details—
2621. W. F. Story (son) to Newton, 7/31/1904—asking for catalogue and when should come to PA—
2622. O. F. Stowell to Taylor, 6/24/1880—asking if would help get through PA—needs assistance—references—
2623. Pamphlet advertising Sunset Pavilion—
2624. Mrs. R. A. Carter to Sutton, 3/16/1885—complaining of sons noise—affecting health—feels something ought to be done—speaking to Bancroft today—son very nice except for this—
2625. R. S. Sutton to Bancroft, 3/18/1885—cover note for letter above—very distressed by sons inconsideration for Mrs. Carter’s comfort—
2626. W. M. Swallow to Bancroft, 2/19/1885—thanking for being allowed to teach at Andover—
2627. Mrs. 1. B. Sweet to Bancroft, 2/28/1878—unexpected return of son—son feverish—asks for explanation—
2628. S. Sweetser to Bancroft, 6/24/1876—distressed over last weeks meeting of Board of Trustees—hoping to amend fault and restore harmony—(between you and the Greek instructor)—should not resign—”You have, I may not doubt, sufficient confidence in your own integrity, not to be moved by groundless assertions.”—would injure Bancroft and school if he resigned now—support and wellwish—
2629. Same to same, 6/14/1877—suggestions on Centennial—proposes schedule of events—financial troubles—tying Centennial celebration
2630. F. W. Sweetser to Bancroft, 5/12/1892—pamphlets etc found with fathers books—about sending them to Andover—gives list—asking about other hooks in fathers collection—
2631. W. I. Swoope to Bancroft, 12/9/1882—subscription payment—hopes to see Bancroft soon—
2632. D. T. Fiske to Taylor, 8/14/1880—hopes Bancroft will increase his vacation—about Trustee committee
2633. J. ‘II. Williams to Taylor, 8/14/1880—glad Bancroft will have longer vacation which he needs badly—
2634. A. Hardy to Taylor, 8/17/1880—has written Bancroft urging him to take longer vacation, taking as “much responsibility as possible—and to take all measures of relief possible—(almost a conspiratorial air about whole business)
2635. Bancroft to Taylor, 18/8/1880—thanks for longer vacation—plans—thanks for kind sympathy—
2636. Same to same, 8/19/1880—plans for taking care of school while away—vacation news—
2637. Same to same, 9/l/1880—about repairs on Academy building—hopes will not disturb school too 1 much—details of running school—”Everybody either thinks other people write me the news, or ” all think it best not to call my mind back to them.”—about health &c—sorry T. has not had a complete rest—worried about lack of course of study at Seminary—personal news—
2638. Same to same, 9/14/1880—about Trustee meetings—about repairs and improvements on the physical plan—health—
2639. Same to same, 9/16/1880—about Trustee meeting—”I suppose it would be ‘strategic’ not to go, but I am not much of a parliamentarian.”—about house—possible attempt to get it repaired—
2640. Same to same, 9/22/1880—about alterations to house—
2641. Same to same, 9/9/?—about sanitary problems etc—
2642. Memorandum in Bancrofts handwriting about PA land, its distribution, use, taxes, &E—
2643. E. Alden/ to Bancroft, 2/17/1882—about young man who wants to come to PA—about father’s bequest—
2644. Bancroft to Taylor, 7/18/1884—tuition of W. P. Hammond—vacation news—asks about furnaces—
2645. Same to same, 7/23/1884—asking for two checks and money order—vacation news—furnaces—
2646. Same to same, 7/25/1884—about settees for classrooms—troubles in fitting up lab—cites Graves vacation plans—Graves plans to use lab for recitation as well as laboratory work—
2647. Same to same, 7/28/1884—about furnace troubles—about Crockett’s tuition—vacation news-­
2648. Same to same, 7/31/1884—invitation to visit—about Crockett, furnaces, and chairs—
2649. Same to same, 8/9/$6—about Phillips clock—about steam business, Major Marland’s engagement, etc—Graves wants more money for apparatus—Graves wants lab heated as well as academy building-­ upkeep problems—etc—
2650. Same to same, 8/19/1886—about clock—Graves skeptical about heating but Bancroft hopes to convince him—about discussion with Major—new arrangement with the Major—
2651. 8/24/1886—thanking for contribution to building—makes position easier –details of upkeep etc—vacation news and plans to return home—
2652. Bancroft to G. R. Moody, 9/18/1886—advice on teaching self advice on conduct—on getting new job—
2653. A. H. Hardy to Bancroft, no dates—sending copy of letter to Taylor—note by Bancroft approves whatever Taylor and Hardy decide is best—(not a hint as to what the matter is)
2654. Bancroft to Taylor, 7/22/1887—asking about details of upkeep and gas machine—asking about teachers and friends—
2655. Same to same, 7/25/1887—sending invoice of Gas Fixtures—asking for catalogue—vacation news-news of Graves—
2656. Same to same, 7/26/1887—sympathy for Hardys—upkeep—analysis of Drapers business methods—
2657. Same to same, 7/28/1887—short and completely incomprehensible note
2658. M. B. Smith to Bancroft, 7/25/1887—about grading campus—
2659. Taylor to Bancroft, 8/3/1887—asking about gas machine—about trouble with Draper printers—Draper sold out to Cole—news of Hardy and other Andover people—
2660. D. Snow to Bancroft, 12/29/1887—proposition to erect hotel and barn on Mansion House site—gives details—note from Bancroft to Taylor says has referred matter to Taylor or Hardy—
2661. R. R. Bishop to Bancroft, 5/23/1887—apparently about plans for new building—not sure when will be built so don’t need all plans at once—
2662. L. H. Hallock to Bancroft, 10/29/1887—about organ for chapel—
2663. F. D. Warren to Bancroft, 3/ 23/1895—business of Alumni association—circular and plans—
2664. Bancroft to Hardy, 9/5/1895—had interview with Wiggen—gives Wiggen’s point of view—decisions—
2665. O. H. Lang to Bancroft, 7/26/1898—asking for candid appraisal of L. R. F. Griffin—may become school examiner of N. Y. city—
2666. L. T. Chamberlain to Bancroft, 4/6/1899—about Alumni Dinner—raised $1000 for gym—about Graves and Y Comstock—
2667. Bancroft to Tirrell, 8/16/1899—vacation news- T. has been reelected but at same salary—will probably not be reelected next year—reasons—possible rusty scholarship, poor control of boys, etc—assures of strong personal regard—hopes will turn out well—
2668. Record of Faculty vote authorizing Bancroft to act as Attorney for Hardy during H’s absence-­
2669. E. M. Convers to Bancroft2/21/1900—agrees with Bancrofts suggestion—
2670. Same to same, 2/20/1900—had arranged for prizes of $20, $15, & $10—leaving $3 to accumulate—feels $3 enough to accumulate—wanted prizes to al least equal Dove Latin prizes—
2671. R. B. Tobey to Trustees, 6/9/1903—feels Bancroft Memorial Fund should be used for Infirmary-­both Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft should appear in name of Infirmary;-
2672. J. W. Tabor to Bancroft, 8/26/1885—son very ashamed of misconduct—wants to return—
2673. E. O. Tade to Bancroft, 7/7/1879—about Pacific University foundation—Bancroft would be right man to be President—points in favor of scheme—
2674. Same to same, frag, no date—about school and sunday school in area—needs to find right-spirited women—
2675. Same to same, 12/12/1882—thanking for notice that piano is on its way—personal news— worried about Theo. Sems slide in theological conservatism—
2676. Same to Same, 1/30/1883—thanking for piano—telling of getting it home—news of Washington Terr asking for copy of Langes Commentary—
2677. H.D. Taft, to Bancroft, 7/5/1894—asking for opinion of ex-PA boy applying to his school—
2678. Same to same, 9/10/1895—testimonial for L. Perrin—about W. Townsend whose character is sweet—
2679. C. M. Tarbox to Hardy, 6/1/1900—protesting reduction in room rates—tells of expenses of running boarding house—
2680. A. L. Taylor to Bancroft, 8/8/1894—about past studies—asking if could enter third class—financial problems—
2681. Same to same, 8/16/1894—returning application—not sure could stay four years—wants to enter 3rd class—trouble getting testimonials—
2682. Same to Pettee, 8/17/1894—enclosing testimonial from former school-­
2683. Same to same, 8/21/1894—about getting rooms etc.—
2684. F. L. Taylor to Pettee, 10/23/1894—worried about health of son—wrote to friend secretly for medicine—having trouble with Major Marland—
2685. Same to same, 6/30/1895—afraid son is overworking for Mrs. Tilton-­
2686. E. Taylor to Bab, 8/6/1879—draft for $200—health news—
2687. Same to same, 8/9/1879—announcing gift of $25,000—news of friends—
2688. Same to same, 8/9/1879—thanking for invitation—declines—enjoys job—personal news—
2689. Same to same, 8/14/1879—vacation news—advice wanted about Theological Seminary student room carpets—
2690. Same to same, 8/26/1879—vacation news—about repairing Bartlett Chapel—
2691. Same to same, 8/18/1880—glad Bancroft has gone—would have said goodbye if had known were leaving—
2692. Same to same, 9/1/1880—repairs not done—news of family—news of friends at Andover—janitor problems
2693. Same to same, 9/2/1880—had purposely refrained from telling Bancroft all the details—about people in Andover—about meeting with Smyth—Smyth not pleased with actions taken—about janitors—
2694. Same to same, 9/10/1880—about proposed repairs on house—about cesspool at Seminary—improving sanitation—about repairs on Academy Building—
2695. Same to same, 9/25/1880—about alterations for various buildings, especially Bancroft’s house and proposed new sanitary building—about housing arrangements—Academy building repairs done—about gymnasium & proposed instructor—financial arrangements—janitor—plumbing in Bancroft’s house—
2696. Same to same, 9/29/1880—plumbing and carpentry in Bancroft’s house—news of Morrell—
2697. Same to same, 6/3/1882—cannot attend trustee meeting—feels should heal the breach as quickly as possible—vacation news—extracts from Hartford paper about Theological Seminary problems—
2698. Same to same, 7/14/1883—about school desks—Andover news—
2699. Same to same, 7/15/1884—about burning of Blunts house—
2700. Same to same, 7/19/ 3—about Moore’s salary–
2701. Same to same, 7/19/1883—about boarding house lady—asking about desks, furnace, repairs—
2702. Same to same, 7/23/1883—about housing—about arrangement of desks—news of Andover men—
2703. Same to same, 7/26/1883—mixup over Moore’s salary—circular of desks—
2704. Same to same, 8/8/1883—Woodruff will take Coy house—changes in laboratory—news of Andover men-­
2705. Same to same, 8/13/1883—sending draft as requested—vacation news—Gulliver’s troubles—water problems—personal news—
2706. Same to same, 7/3/1884—draft—news of Andover men—desks at Amherst—
2707. Same to same, 7/7/1884—about renting Farrar House—heating it etc.—
2708. Same to same, 7/9/1884—request for young ladies to play tennis in the Academy Hall—referring it to Bancroft—plans for Laboratory—
2709. Same to same, 7/10/1884—locating extension of Lab—
2710. Same to same, 7/14/1884—delay in preparing altered plan—news of Andover people–minor matters—burning of Blunts house—
2711. Same to same, 7/19/1884—about chairs for office—minor building matters—about furnaces—
2712. Same to same, 7/22/1884—declining invitation—office matters—weather—
2713. Same to same, 7/25/1884—forwarded draft—furnace troubles—health etc.—
2714. Same to same, 7/28/1884—personal mews—pond matter—trouble getting out all the muck—dam work
2715. Same to same, 7/30/1884—arrangement of furnace—weather—
2716. Same 8/2/1884—Crockett paid last year—office plans—finish in Bancroft’s office—about Farrar House refinishing—Graves views on chairs—about dam and cleaning pond—
2717. Graves to Bancroft (inc), 7/28/1884—views on laboratory chaffs—estimation of size of English Department-­immoral tendencies last year—ideas on discipline—news of former students results at college entrance exams—personal news and news of wife—about sending sick wife to Colorado—arranging, English Department work if must go away next term—
2718. E. Taylor to Bancroft, 7/11/1885—vacation news—about office building and Graves house request for loan from Griffin—intends to refuse—
2719. Same to same, 7/18/65— has oiling
2720. Same to same, 7/27/1885—in new office building—personal news—weather-­
2721. Same to same, 7/29/1885— bout
2722. Same to same, 8/3/1885—weather—personal news—about Graves’ bill—supposes must pay it—
2723. Same to same, 8/7/1885—about removing old office building—about location and fitting up—need: Bancroft’s approval—personal news—apparatus bill from Graves—
2724. Same to same, 8/19/1885—arranging vacation plans—about moving old office—news of increase in school numbers—treasurer matters—
2725. Same to same, no date—has been authorized to call meeting of trustees in Bancroft’s behalf—date and time—start of Academy Building repairs—size of school—news of Andover men—house matters—(in 1888):
2726. E. L. Taylor to Bancroft, 9 29/1881—thanking
2727. Same to same, 7/12/1882 – about relations of PA to Seminary—Seminary infighting—attempts to fundraise–personal news—
2728. Same to same, 9/21/1882—sorry to leave without saying goodbye—family sickness—
2729. Same to same, 7/23/1883—about bereavement—family news—
2730. Same to same, 1/26/1883—about death of sister—
2731. Same to same, 12/12/1884—about bust of S. HI, Taylor? —some sort of bust or picture now in Bancroft’s parlor—wants Park to speak of her – thinks should be displayed with his books – family news —
2732. Same to same, 6/27/1885—about presentation of the bust—very happy with it all—feels speeches should be published— plans for family news
2733. G. H. Taylor, 12/9/1875 – releasing all interest in father’s library for $700–
2734. Same to same, 11/13/1876—about paper—”I hope that you may get the money, but not on your knees — family news—asks for catalogue for the acquaintance – asking if can write announcements or something – needs to find something to do
2735. Same to same, 8/21/1877—asking if any extra duplicate apparatus that can have—needs physical apparatus badly—
2736. Same to same, 1/5/1878—about And boys in area—also those in newspaper business—centennial matters—ideas for people to invite—
2737. Same to same, 7/28/1880—personal news – has moved again —
2738. J. E. Taylor (Widow) to Ban, 4/19/1882 – valuation of books very fair – maps—had been made for S. H. Taylor specially in Rome – family news – map very popular with husband’s student — asset
2739. Same to same, 7/5/1882—about entering son at PA—arrangements for fitting up room etc. – asks about assistance from C. P. Taylor fund—son wants to start at the beginning and go right through
2740. Same to same, 5/22/1883—delighted with improvement and increased maturity of son —
2741. C. P. Taylor to Ban, 6/7/1877—had been worried over sons going so far away for so long—sons plans—hopes to visit And for a short time before starting—
2742. Same to same, 3/23/1878—the Halsteads very pleased with PA’s effect on sons—news of W. H. H. who became a famous surgeon)—interest of John Byers in PA— other possible benefactors – news of brother and son—
2743. A. F. Taylor(son)to Bancroft, 4/1/1878—present position folded—asks for stay with Bancroft till finds new work—
2744. Same to same, 10/18/1878—news of new work in Philia—duties, fellow professors etc.—
2745. Same to same, 12/4/1878—trying to get news of Mr. Davis—asking about news at And—about former position—tells of present position—
2746. J. H. Taylor to Bancroft, 9/25/1885—asking to keep eye on son—good boy but may slip—does not want him to go to Boston except on business or necessity or on invitation of cousin—
2747. Same to same, 4/10/1886—disappointed in sons low marks—asks why did not receive fall term report, whether are any extenuating circumstances — and if he seems to be trying to do well-­
2748. J. P. Taylor to Bancroft, 4/29/1881—feels should endow chair of instruction—asks who should be for and how much money would be needed—Professor Harper after Gile – might make Gile professor at once to keep him at And—
2749. Same to same, 7/27/1883—about inauguration exercises of 6/12/1883—
2750. Same to same, 1/30/1888—family news—personal news—wants to be chaplain for Yale University
2751. Same to same, 7/15/1890—about Henry P. Haven scholarship—
2752. Same to same, 1/2/1892—asking for pictures of new Science building -fundraising—about cottages–
2753. N. H. Taylor to Bancroft, 2/23/1891—reasons for protecting two fine chestnut trees on School Street — withdrawing petition to cut down two small trees since sets dangerous precedent—
2754. (Possibly Missing) T.Taylor to Bancroft, 2/23/1891– asking terms of Bancroft’s lecture on Evils of Tobacco – setting time
2755. W. W. Taylor to Bancroft, 8/21/1879—has no catalogues or ther at PA—current jokes, Moral Society, Christian Union, topics of debate of Debating Society—
2756. N. H. Taylor to Bancroft, 5/11/1892—being bothered by PA students spying on them from Butterfield’s house next door—
2757. M. C. Gile to Bancroft, 6/8/1894—health—would love to return and teach at PA—not sure if will be allowed to by doctors—will be able to see Bancroft on 6/16 or 19—
2758. G. B. Knapp to Bishop, 8/4/1899—gives reference for H. C. Walcott for position of Treasurer—
2759. E. T. Fairbanks to G. B. Knapp, 7/17/1899—recommendation of H. C. Walcott as honest and manly­ cannot speak to his business capabilities but splendid character—
2760. Memo, unsigned, giving Walcott’s background, circumstances, etc—
2761. A. H. Evans to Bancroft, 6/18/1894—applying for Moore’s Greek chair—gives qualifications—encloses
2762. G. Yager to Evans, 6/16/1894— recommending Evans to try hard for position at PA—
2763. A. H. Evans to Bancroft, 6/18/1894—refers record to others who knew his work at present place—gives record of students at college in Greek—
2764. Same to same, 6/22/1894—movements for coming week—
2765. C. A. Scott & Co to Bancroft, 6/21/1894—recommends A. H. Evans strongly as successor to Moore-­
2766. J. D. Bartley to Bancroft, 6/11/1894—recommendation of son as teacher—gives his credentials-­
2767. W. A. Towne to Bancroft, 7/11/1894—Bartley has splendid character but is not a good teacher—
2768. H. H. Kellogg to Bancroft, 7/11/1894—applying for Moore’s Greek chair—gives credentials and references
2769. F. E. McDuffee to Bancroft, 6/25/1894—applying for Greek chair—gives record in Greek—
2770. F. W. Ellis to Bancroft, 6/25/1894—applying for Greek chair—asks for details of position—
2771. G. W. Botsford to Bancroft, 6/25/1894—applying for Greek chair—gives references and credentials-­
2772. (Possibly Missing) Reviews of Botsford’s work oon Athenian Constitution – all very good —
2773. Letters of recommendation for Botsford as teacher and scholar—
2774. Same type of letters—somewhat older—
2775. G. B. Hussey to Bancroft, 6/18/1894—applying for position of Greek prof—gives past work—
2776. J. M. Hill to Bancroft, 6/26/1894—applying for Greek chair—gives past work and testimonials-­
2777. A. E. Chase to Bancroft, 5/15/1894—applying for any vacancy at PA—gives work and references-
2778. W. Gallagher to Bancroft, 5/22/1894—cannot afford to lose Morse—about loss of Morse—
2779. R. P. Keep to Bancroft, 4/16/1894—recommending Roberts—feels will do very well—points in his favor
2780. Memo by Bancroft on qualifications of J. E. Banta—
2781. A. G. Cummings to Bancroft, 6/25/1894—applying for Greek chair—or another position in Greek or Latin­
2782. R. S. Radford to Bancroft, 6/29/1894—applying for Greek chair—gives past woek—
2783. W. M. Aber to Bancroft, 6/25/1895—encloses circular of testimonial—applying for Greek chair-
2784. H. T. Hildrith to Bancroft, 6/25/1894—applying for Greek chair—past work—references—
2785. R. A. Woods to Bancroft, testimonial for Gibbons, who is applying for Greek chair
2786. F. J. Allen to Bancroft, 6/17/1894—applying for position in English, History, or Greek.
2787. C. W. Ricketts to Bancroft, 6/21/1894—applying for Greek chair—gives credentials—references-
2788. E. O. Fisk to Bancroft, 6/23/1894•-recommending R. C. Manning to fill Greek chair—
2789. A. Von W. Leslie to Bancroft, 6/19/1894—applying for Greek chair—gives preparation and past work-­
2790. Same to same, 7/7/1894—asks if could fill any vacancy in Latin, Greek, German, or English –
2791. J. H. Wright to Bancroft, 6/6/1894—recommending E. C. Morey, Moore’s successor at Belmont school–
2792. T. D. Seymour to Bancroft, 4/11/1894—recommending H. F. Roberts to succeed Moore—points in favor-­ asks for PA record of Carroll Cutler—compliments on Cecil K. Bancroft’s success at Yale—
2793. Same to same, 4/13/1894—thanks for info on Cutler—details of Roberts—
2794. Same to Same, 4/14/1894—further info as to qualities of Roberts
2795. H. P. Wright to Bancroft, 4/13/94—feels Cecil K. Bancroft the best man to replace Moore
2796. J. F. Soule to Bancroft, 5/6/1894 — applying for Greek chair—or any other vacancy in classics—refs­
2797. H. M. Tenney to Bancroft, 2/15/1884—personal news—feels Bancroft should not do so much of the work-­ asking about friends—distressed at Seminary infighting—personal views—
2798. Same to same, 12/13/1877—thanking for compliment of sermon—needs new position—asks for help
2799. W. H. Terrill to Pettee, 7/20/1895—cannot comment on Labdell’s Latin—about two boys to room-
2800. Same to same, 6/29/1895—final marks—vacation news-
2801. K. E. Terry to Petee, 6/13/1889—cannot pay sons debts at present – will pay as soon as can–
2802. S. G. Terry to Bancroft, 4/5/1895—son wants to be lawyer—wants good education—wants to come to PA — asking how much it would cost—sons plans—
2803. Same to same, 3/24/1895—son not stupid but has not had as much education as others of his age– wants him to come to PA if possible—worried about expense—
2804. J. Tetlow to Bancroft, 2/20/1886—asking Bancroft to assist in discussing Merrill’s paper on effect of options in entrance Exams on the Prep. schools—
2805. A. S. Thayer to Bancroft, 7/10/1877—gives conditions of admission to Harvard—math weak—”It strikes me that Exeter is conducted too much on the Doctor Blimber plan, and that, while Andover doesn’t stuff her sons with Mathematics, Latin, and Greek quite so successfully, she gives them a more varied culture.”—
2806. L. S. Thayer(mother)to Bancroft, 9/28/1877—worried about son’s religious pressure when goes to Harvard – asks Bancroft to write to Mr. McKenzie who might prevent son from going Unitarian–
2807. D. Thayer to Bancroft, 11/26/1892—thanking for Anti-Slavery Rebellion paper, which returns—personal news—
2808. J. M. Thayer to Bancroft, 6/4/1890—about heating repairs- proposed alternations in system–
2809. Same to Hardy, 9/24/1890—about heating Laboratory—proposed system—
2810. D. K. Thomas to Bancroft, 4/14/1891—about increasing PA’s herbarium—offering good specimens—
2811. E. S. Thomas to Bancroft, recommending speaker from Africa as interesting and instructive— spoken at Cambridge Seminary and around Bn—would like to speak at PA
2812. F. S. Thomas to Bancroft, 10/28/1891- hunting up new titles of degrees—gives some samples—
2813. Same to same, 11/2/91- Recommends making Andover into University—help with fundraising- recommends joining PA, the Seminary, and Abbot to make top-notch university at once—
2814. A. F. Thomas to Bancroft, asking if PA is co-ed—lady with two small children—arrangements for their education—8/6/1892—
2815. F. S. Thomas to Bancroft, 2/3/1891—about Wards The New Senior at Andover –asks about new chapel– asking for catalogue—sorry Ward did not put in Uncle Sam=-esp. did not describe death scene just as it was—Thomas was present at death -feels was too hard on Gym and Commons—
2816. Same to same, 2/5/1891—has neglected PA for other institutions—now feels stronger for PA than other schools—asks Bancroft’s opinion of LL.D.—feels degrees will not be valuable while son numerous—wants to make list of all degrees to shame colleges into reducing multiplicity—
2817. Same to same, 2I9I91—feels Theological Seminary should give B. D. Or DD—or that universities should award them on examination—feels Bancroft should have a L. L. D.—about old friends-­
2818. A. P. Thompson to Bancroft, 8/15/1891—wants to enter PA—about entering Middle Class
2819. Same to same, 8/20/1891—gives past schoolwork—asking about entrance requirements and rooms-­
2820. Same to C. C. Stearns, 8/24/1891—about final entrance exams—was rattled—asks for certificate of good character—personal news—note on bottom telling about boy and character—
2821. C. C. Stearns to Bancroft, 9/1/1891—letter of recommendation for A. P. Thompson—good character—good character and intellect – gives past work
2822. N. W. Grover to Bancroft, letter of recommendation for C. S. Thompson- certificate of character
2823. H. S. Thompson to Bancroft, 5/19/1883—about entering son—entering daughter and niece at Abbot-­
2824. Same to same, 3/4/1885—glad son not in bad health—pleased son doing well in other ways –glad son fought out of bad company—sorry placed in dangerous position last year—
2825. D. V. Thompson to Bancroft, 1/14/1892—gives personal information—gives past work as teacher-­
2826. L. Thompson to Bancroft. 12/26/1881—about getting copy of bust—or statue—of Morse—
2827. W. P. Thompson to Bancroft, 12/16/1885—about plan for teaching at PA—
2828. Same to same, 12/28/1885—terms for teaching at PA—courses would like—
2829. Johnson & Thompson to Bancroft, 7/17/1882—about electro of seal and woodcut—damaged in transit-­ Bancroft has returned bill—should return copied electros–
2830. W. L. Thompson to Bancroft, 5/27/1892—asking for certificate of sons qualification to teach English Lit—won first Means Prize—gives sons record in English at Dartmouth—
2831. E. Thomson to Bancroft, 10/5/1886—telling why wants to take Latin and Greek so late in life—past schooling—had always wanted to know Latin—
2832. F. Thorpe to Bancroft, 7/8/?—wants to attend school—cannot afford tuition—wants to learn profession—if not allowed to return to school by uncle- must get other help—asking for advice—
2833. Same to same, 8/21/?—had thought uncle would help—has support from others in area—uncle now refusing support—personal information
2834. J. R. Thorpe to Bancroft, 7/31/1883—feels PA not right for him as wants special course—
2835. C. H. Thurber to Bancroft, 8/17/1893—wants Bancroft’s paper for Int. Cong. of Sec. education at Chicago for School Review — Dr. MacKenzie regards it as one of the two most significant contributions —
2836. G. Thying to Bancroft, 8/7/1891—doing well in B. U. Law school—personal news—forming Phillips Club in Minneapolis and St. Paul—would be glad to assist–
2837. D. Thayer (see above, 2807)to Bancroft, 11/12/1892—asking for copy of Remonstrance of Anti-Slavery rebellion students – has sent his copy to W. Park – wants to get another copy for himself
2838. J. P. Taylor to Bancroft, 12/26/1891—about Day’s offer to build a new cottage—doesn’t want it to be duplicate of Taylor Cottage—wants plans to suit Bancroft—
2839. Tiffany & Co to Bancroft, 1/4/1890—about getting new Communion Plate—about old silver, etc.—
2840. Same to same, 10/25/1890—acknowledging receipt of old silver—value—waiting for instructions-­
2841. Same to Erring, 10/7/1890—received new instructions- starting to make new plate—ready in three weeks–
2842. Same to same, 10/25/1890—sending new and old Communion Plate—about copying of patterns—price
2843. F. W. Tilton to Bancroft, 5/22/1882—favors banning tobacco from school – gives example of similar occurrence while was at PA to illustrate opinion on dealing with older student smokers—
2844. Mrs. R. A. Tilton to Bancroft, 2/1/1982—loss of support from Mrs. Lonepry for son—worried about effect on son—needs to take two or three boys more—reports were sent on time—arrangements for rooming—
2845. Same to same, no date—about rooming arrangements- about son rooming at Harvard—gives his expenses while there –about getting money for next year – scholarship hopes – about renting room
2846. Same to same, 1/6/1883—about Taylor’s and Kimball’s room bills—not sure which was responsible for split and room change—Kimball has not yet paid bill—asking if family able to do so—
2847. Same to same, 7/3/1883—about roomers—Speer not coming back to same room—doesn’t want Roman \Catholics again—has had little trouble but wishes could abolish card playing—next years prices and arrangements—
2848. Same to same, no date—about when bills boarders—about her own expenses—feels right to bill in advance—
2849. Same to same, 5/25/1885—misbehavior of Gorham, Who breaks into kitchen and demands cake etc-­ also about boarders who were playing ball when Bancroft saw them—feels need scare—
2850. Memo of expenses and income of English Dept, 1874—
2851. R. B. Tobey to Bancroft, 6/4/1877—feels something should be done for C. Ladd—ought to graduate this year—cannot have recommendation of scholarship but still might be graduated—wants him to get to Alpha Delta Phi which could reform him—if expelled could not enter it—news of others
2852. Same to same, 5/13/1881—explanation of letter about Treasurer of PA—Tobey has developed unexpected talent for business—kind of job would like
2853. Same to same, 5/14/8 —explanation of position from the point of view of treasurer and trustee — feels treasurer should consult with committee of board of trustees—advises auditor—need affable treasurer to get money from trustees—other qualities of good treasurer – bribery of treasurers clerk under E. Taylor–
2854. Same to same, 5/20/1881—wants to stay where is for present—would like job later if offered-­
2855. Same to same, 9/5/1881—still yearning for work at PA—feels could do good job—
2856. Same to same, 6/10/1882—asking if could do Cent. Catalogue – reasons for wanting to—about present job—very difficult and tiring work–
2857. Same to same, 6/15/1882—accepting that will not do Cent Catalogue—has always wanted to do something for PA—about boy at PA
2859. Same to same, 10/13/1883—reasons for going west—news of work in Montana—
2860. Same to same, 12/20/1884—thanking for Soc. of Ingquiry contribution of $10—telling of work-­
2861. Same to same, 7/10/1886—about the Remele family — about the Craiks—
2862. Same to same, 7/10/1886—personal news—plans for returning west—
2863. Same to same 4/16/1888—biography of Addison G. Smith—personal news
2864. Same to same, 10/24/1890—paying back debt to PA and Seminary—feels cannot pay in full—reasons why
2865. Same to same, 10/28/1890—feels might have been warned of accumulating debt earlier—personal
2866. Same to same, 10/1/1891—asking for PA stationary for acknowledging receipts—personal news-­
2867. S. E. Todd to Bancroft, 4/13/1885—disappointed and puzzled at S. Evans report—worried about other interests too much—explains family background—asks to take interest in him—
2868. J. T.Tomkins to Bancroft, 5/28/1878-reasons for withdrawing son—son has now died—details of his death—from typhoid fever—about his character—asks to give best wishes to sons teachers & friends—
2869. D. T. Torrey to Bancroft, 8/13/1883—cannot enter Seminary at present—lack of funds—family sickness-­asking about financial aid and about advice—
2870. J. P. Torrey to Ban, 8/19/1891—would like to sell ties if would not interfere with studies– relatives in tie manufacturing business—asking for Bancroft’s approval first—
2871. J. S. Tough to Pettee, 9/7/1893—entering brother in PA—past work mostly outdoors—wants him in English Dept—feels would be more interested in study in environment at PA—
2872. Same to same, 9/8/1893—boy does all right in school—merely fond of ranch work—sends report.
2873. D. F. Towne to Bancroft, 10/29/1888—sorry son has broken school rules—son admits having smoked on campus and in his room—says will not do again—students intrude in his room during study hrs·
2873. Same to same, 11/19/1888—asking if any mitigating circumstances which might permit son to be reinstated—son has never lied to get out of trouble—worried that son may get too discouraged and never succeed at his work–
2874. T. G. Towns to Bancroft, 8/16/1894—asking about aid—wants to enter PA and become a doctor but has “very limited means—(colored)—asking for advice—refers to Prof. Taylor for recommendation—
2875. Mrs. E. Townsend to Bancroft, 8/28/?—about possibly entering son in PA – asking for recommendation of a good boarding house—asking for advice–
2876. G. Travis to Bancroft, 11/23/1893—personal news—about paying sons bills—pleased with sons progress
2877. FS S. Thomas to Ban, 3/9/1891—thanking for article—complaining of overuse of degrees—feels BA doomed to die out or be conferred on graduates of Academies—feels present college course doom
2878. Same to same, 3/10/1891—about Harvard’s move to replace Latin and Greek with Chinese and Japanese for Japanese students—about meaninglessness of college degree—
2879. C. T. Treadway to Bancroft, 7/2/1896—results of entrance exams—has no conditions—gratitude—
2880. G. H. Treadwell to Bancroft, 7/6/18788-results of exams for Harvard—three conditions but passed Gk-·
2881. E. E. Truette-to Bancroft, 7/12/1883—personal news—wishes could see And before going abroad—plans
2882. H. B. Trussell to Bancroft, 1/17/1890—past record—asking advice on getting good education—
2883. W. J. Tucker to Bancroft, 4/13/1898—consolation for death of wife—about Dartmouth instructors and trustee meeting—
2884. Same to same, 10/22/00—asking whether would prefer having students enter by exam or certificate—which had better educational value—personal note at bottom reinforces request—
2885. F. D. Tucker to Bancroft, 2/1892—now head of religious work at Yale—about having two men visit Soc of Inquiry sometime next month—not like Y. M. C. A. meeting but for mutual help of Yale and PA—similar to Yale coaching of Andover teams in order to beat Exe—proposed date—
2886. J. Tufts to Bancroft, 9/11/1898—sending copy of old address—about career as a teacher—about son-­.about former students—wellwishes—
2887. H. K. Turner to Bancroft, 8/2/1898—personal news—about finding new partner and raising capital-asking Bancroft for recommendation for anyone he might feel worthy—
2888. W. G. Tuttle to Bancroft, 7/27/1879—biographical info on G. H. Ordway—personal news—
2889. A. C. Tuttle to Bancroft, 2/13/1896—surprised that PA opening on Good Friday—wants son to stay home over Easter—
2890. S. A. Tweedy to Bancroft, 7/24/?—asking Bancroft to recommend suitable boarding place—sons character-·
2891. H. H. Tyer to Bancroft, 11/27/1894—has P.O. box formerly used by academy boy gets much junk mail as result—annoyed—sends Bancroft unopened circular which might help him find out whose the box was
2892. J. H. Tyler to Bancroft, 4/16/1880 – son warned by theologue and one Academy boy as to school society—not happy with experience there—boy wishes to withdraw and father consenting—had bad room–
2893. W. S. Tyler to Bancroft, 3/19/1878—sending action of Yale Faculty—asking for Bancroft’s views on entrance exams—Amherst had thought Ban was for entrance on certificate and acted accordingly—Yale plan quite different—asking if PA preparation in Math and English branches strong enough to admit without certificate—
2894. W.D Tyndall to Bancroft, 4/6/1888—trying to enter college course—gives past work and asks for advice—asking how could enter Sophomore class of Harvard or Amherst—
2895. Same to same, 4/21/1888—thanking for advice—past work—did not intend to take Greek—asks about financial aid etc—
2896. Same to same; 5/l0/1888—thanking for answers to questions—intends to come to PA—places course in Bancroft’s hands—gives situation—has trouble learning—not sure Greek a good idea—
2897. J. Turner to Bancroft, 10/17/1899—son not happy with room or roommates—would like to change rooms-­ asks that son be allowed to do this—sons character–
2898. J. Ullman to Bancroft, 11/7/1884—has been told son is being annoyed about changing sons rooms–
2899. Same to same, 11/24/1884—surprised son is annoying to anyone— about changing rooms — sorry giving up Latin plans—hopes—
2900. Same to same, 1/8/1885(telegram)—asking Bancroft to reinstate son-­
2901. Same to same, 1/9/1885—about paying landlady’s damages—
2902. Same to same, 1/28/1885—about son’s sickness—plans criticism of schools handling of case–
2903. Same to same, 2/20/1885—about paying landlady—articles left by son at his room—
2904. H.P. Upham to Bancroft, 12/14/1895—sons health—thanking for advising to go home—plans—
2905. E. T. Vail to Stearns—2/17/04—asking about character of proposed tutor of son—sons plans-­
2906. E. R. Vail(son)to Stearns, 9/6/04—giving recommendations and past work—.
2907. Same to same, 8/16/04—letter of application—gives past work—
2908. A. D. Vaill to Bancroft, 6/4/1891—glad son doing well- asking if son could stay two or three weeks in Europe after start of term—or would he be overhampered in his work—
2909. W. Valentine to Bancroft, 3/23/1885—sending Means essay—has had no help from home—not finished earlier because of sickness—reasons typewritten—
2910. A. B. Valentine(father) to Bancroft, 4/23/1885—sorry son had to come home—feels tuition should be returned as was in school only one week and left through no fault of his own—
2911. Same to same, 4/27/1885—son’s health—about getting instruction for Means oration—
2912. M, H. Vanderbilt to Bancroft, 11/6/1894—asking if would have to have Latin if came to PA—not good in Latin and leaving Lawrenceville because of this-
2913. H, N. Van Dyke to Bancroft, 6/27/1885—about results of entrance exams for College of New Jersey-­ suspected cribbing—
2914. Same to same, 6/6/1891—about sophomore entrance papers—arrangement for exams—
2915. B. Veeder to Bancroft, 12/15/1893—about son’s friends at PA—worried about violation of study hours-­
2916. L. D. Welmom to Bancroft, 9/2/1878-recommendation for C. E. Vosburg—
2917. W. A. Rankin to Bancroft, 9/2/1878—recommendation for C. E. Vosburg—
2918. J. D. Lowe to Bancroft, 8/31/1891—recommendation for E. Votaw—
2919. H. V. Dickenson to whom it may concern, 9/5/1891—transcript of record of E. Vot.,..w-­
2920. F. A. Dauer to whom it may concern, 9/4/1891—recommendation of E. Votaw—
2921. C. W. Votaw to Bancroft, 10/5/1891—thanking for interest in brother E. Votaw—brother very happy at PA—
2922. L. W. Smith to Bancroft, 7/22/1894—about sending cousin to And—gives character and past work – must have financial aid—family’s financial status—
2923. C. F. Wadhams to Bancroft, 5/14/1888—about entering sons—gives past – asks for entrance requirements-·
2924. W. H. Wadhams to Bancroft, 1/21/1899—prospective job with banking firm—asks for reference—
2925. Same to Pettee, 1/24/1899—thanking for answering letter to Bancroft and for recommendation–
2926. A. H. Wadsworth to Bancroft, 7/11/1897—tells of results of entrance exams for Harvard—asks about requirements for getting diploma—note by Bancroft says can get diploma when sends copy of certificate showing that passed Elementary and Advanced Latin and Latin Composition—
2927. A. Wagar to Pettee, 12/27/1898—about stolen money—his suspicions—
2928. H. Wagar (father) to Pettee, 1/29/1899—asking about sons character and habits at PA—
2929. A. Wagar to Pettee, 7/18/1899—Yale entrance exams—news of moneymaking and of friends—
2930. E. W. Walcott to Bancroft, 4/11/1888—about entering second son—about standards at Lawrenceville-­asks for advice on what to do with son—
2931. Same to same, 11/16/1889—sons plans for Thanksgiving holiday—news on both boys-­
2932. Walker and Pratt Manufacturing Co to Hardy, 10/7/1898—about heating changes in Andover Cottage –
2933. F. A. Walker to Bancroft, no date— testimonial to school – support of reendowment campaign–
2934. E. C. Walker to Bancroft, 1/14/1885—son sick through overwork—has had no exercise of social relief — son feels should prepare for special Harvard course instead of regular—asks for advice—
2935. I. B. Walker to Bancroft, 5/13/1886—interest in PA and in Abbot—thanks for catalogue—
2936. J. R. Walker to Bancroft, 1/11/1888—feels son homesick—could not induce him to return to PA-­
2937. W. V. Wallace to Bancroft, 5/25/1886—about entering PA—about rooms etc.—
2938. J. T. Walsh to Bancroft, 4/23/1888—wants to be minister—wants to get educanion but poor and has to support sisters—asks if could work way through PA—asks for advice—
2939. C. J. Wallie to Bancroft, 8/14/1881—gives past studies—knows is older than most but willing to work
2940. J. E. Ward to Bancroft, 6/13/1881—about best time for the young lady in question to leave—
2941. S. E. Warden to Stearns, 2/11/1904—sorry son has failed—former plans—son trying his best-­ asking for help in advising son—
2942. Same to same, 4/6/1904—asking if son doing better in his work—
2943. Same to same, 7/20/1904—hope to send two boys back next term—can brother work for board too-­
2944. Same to same, 8/16/1904—about entering sons—board and room etc.—feels elder brother will help other
2945. G. W. Warden (husband) to Stearns, 9/15/o4—about possibility of entering third son—
2946. Same to same, 9/16/1904—answer to above to above too late to enter thirrd son—sending others today-
2947. J. H. Warner to Bancroft, 5/15/1885—about entering son—gives past work—weak in Latin—
2948. J. A. Warner to Bancroft, 7/14/1885—results of prelims at Yale—asks for advice on studying—
2949. F. B. Dexter to Bancroft, 7/16/1885—about Warner’s preliminary exams—almost got certificate—tells what passed—almost passed Arithmetic and Greek Composition as well—
2950. J. A. Warner to Bancroft, 8/2/1885—asking what studies must cover during summer work—thanking for finding out preliminary exam results—note by Bancroft that must cover Algebra and Cicero as called for
2951. Same to same, 7/17/1885—feels only needs one year of preparation for college—feels did not do himself justice in Prelims—study plans for summer—asking about Andover entrance exams—
2952. F. D. Warren to Bancroft, 1/6/1888—personal news—
2953. M. A. Warren to Bancroft, 11/6/1888—about paying sons debts—about payment of board at Tufts–
2954. Same to same, 10/19/1889—has heard nothing from daguerreotypes so will use old debts to pay sons board at PA—gives proposed method–
2955. Same to same, 10/31/1889—about sons board at Marlands—feels Marlands running house to make money not to make home—son may not be worth it but feels should do her best anyway—
2956. Same to same, 1/7/1890—about selling daguerreotypes to pay sons board—about portraits—
2957. (Possibly missing) same to same, 2/21/1890—about selling daguerreotypes—sorry son has not seemed to improve–
2958. (Possibly missing) Same to same, 3/15/1890—ashamed at son’s conduct—about selling portraits of Gen. Butler—
2959. Same to same, 3/28/1890—very surprised and shocked at Bancroft’s letter—son had come home with flying colors and good exams etc.—cannot think what would cause such a punishment—
2960. Same to same, 4/21/1890–asking if debts have been properly paid—news of son—Andover has paid off–
2961. (Possibly missing) G. M. Washington to Stearns, 3/29/1904—wants to enter PA—is black—wants to prepare for Harvard gives past work etc.—
2962. F. E. L. Watson to Bancroft, 6/9/1886—about paying debts—
2963. Same to same, 12/2/1886—about paying back loans–sorry had to leave PA—
2964. Same to same, 12/13/1886—about earning outside money to pay off debts—personal news—
2965. Same to same, 1/9/1888—about endorsers of his note—asking for suggestions for cashing note- news of friends—personal and business news—
2966. J. W. Watzek to Stearns, 7/18/1904—about entering son in Andover—gives past work and qualification–
2967. H. N. Weaver to Pettee, 6/8/1893—wants to enter son in SSS next year—lodging house etc.—
2968. Same to Bancroft, 8/12/1893—wants son to go to Yale next year—details of past work—has no Greek-,·
2969. Pettee to H. M. Weaver, 8/15/1893—depends on sons work this year if can go to college—boy last year went to Harvard with no conditions with similar background on arrival at PA—ought to pass off as many entrance exams as possible so can concentrate on Greek—
2970. H. M. Weaver to Pettee, 9/12/1893—letter of introduction for son—plans—
2971. Same to Bancroft, 9/19/1893—since son cannot enter Yale next year will go for SSS instead—goals-
2972. W. R. Webb to Bancroft, 4/7/1891—wants to send son to PA—character and scholarship of son—reasons for wanting son to leave home—
2973. Same to same, 8/4/1891—about boarding place for son—son has good character—college plans-­ goals—
2974. J. M. Webb to Bancroft, 9/3/1891—letter of recommendation for W. R. Webb
2975. W. R. Webb to Bancroft, 9/3/1891—letter of introduction for son – hopes and ambitions- character–
2976. Same to same, 5/4/1898—glad son came to PA—reasons for sons fears—hopes to have son return next year and to send other sons there for some time to come—family news—
2977. Mrs. J. A. Webber to Bancroft, 10/14/1889—son badly injured when 7 years old—has not had regular schooling before as a result—is being hazed and troubled by other boys which is affecting hi1 work—worried about this—may have to leave school if it keeps up—about possibly dropping Latin
2978. Mrs. M. A. Weber to Bancroft, 9/19/1877—asking about sons work—asking for leniency as has been sick
2979. W. H. Weber to Bancroft, 3/3/1883—wants to come back to PA—asks if expulsion could be changed to suspension—promises of future good behavior—
2980. M. Weber (aunt) to Bancroft, 3/6/1883—very distressed by sons behavior—has been wandering alone in New York—surprised was not informed of sons absence from school—
2981. A. D. Weed to Bancroft, 10/13/1883—wants son to go to Harvard—past study—gives background etc. of son
2982. (Possibly Missing) R. L. Weeks to Bancroft, 7/16/1890—about entering nephew at PA—must make own way—asks about work — tells of Harvard men from Andover—have won more honors collectively than all the men Exeter sends—his own situation and plans—
2983. Same to same, 12/29/1895—tells mf present teaching position and of school—
2984. Same to same, 6/8/1898—cannot take offered position—present school has offered funds for a phonetics laboratory—reasons for declining position—personal news
2985. (Possibly Missing) G. L. Weil to Bancroft, 10/13/1891—about paying brothers tuition—about proposed K. 0. H. Society house—suggestions—
2986. E. Weissbrod to Stearns, 8/12/1904—about entering son in PA—daughter going to Abbot—asking if room for son—
2987. Same to same, 9/14/1904-giving information on son—hopes will do well at PA-­
2988. Same to same, 9/25/04—asking opinion about pocket money for son—
2989. J. C. Weissner to Bancroft, 8/27/1895—wants to go to school in the East—little formal schooling-­
2990. J. B. Welch to Bancroft, 11/17/1894—telling of progress of boys Bancroft recommended for his school-­
2991. H. Wells to Bancroft, 3/21/1890—very disappointed that son cannot keep up in Latin—also weak in other courses—wants boy to stay another term—
2992. D. C. Wells to Bancroft, 2/1/? —Plans to go to seminary next year—asking about financial situation personal news—
2993. Same to same, 10/9/1890—about map of England—about typhoid fever—connection with cesspool-­ sorry to have to leave Andover—
2994. Same to same, 10/27/1890—personal news of pupils—family news—
2995. (Possibly Missing) Same to same, 4/15/1893—feels cottages will simply provide new rooms for those who went to rooming ladies in the town—will depress the Commons boys further—hopes can multiply cottage until whole school can be in one—personal news—
2996. J. H. Welch to Bancroft, 1/12/1895—upset over sons wrongdoing—reasons for sons return home—plans­
2997. Same to same, 1/18/1895—about paying for other damage done by son—
2998. Mrs. E. P. Welty to Taylor, 9/1/1883—son starting for PA—about financial arrangements—plans-
2999. Same to same, 9/10/1883—finances – wants son under faculty guidance at all times–
3000. Same to Bancroft, 9/12/1883—glad pleased with son—gives son character—will not interfere with Bancroft’s judgment
3001. J. S. Wentz to Bancroft, 7/21/1894—about sons trouble in concentrating—son reviewing arithmetic-­
3002. Mrs. W. W. Weston to Bancroft, 3/19/1890—agrees with Bancroft’s feeling —does not want son to fall out– gives past work—feels will do better when he returns—
3003. E. G. Wetherbee to Bancroft, 9/l0/1888—certificate of work of F. Howard in Lawrence High School-­ gives work accomplished—
3004. Same to same, 10/6/1889—asking if knows of an analysis of Cicero’s Orations—
3005. Same to same, 9/6/1890—letter of introduction of Mrs. Mattie R. Owler of the Bn. Herald –taken interest in A. Leal, new student at PA—has been instrumental in getting him to Andover—
3006. Mrs. F. Weyerhaeuser to Bancroft, 11/10/1886—permission for son to go to Boston on Saturdays or spend the Sabbath there with friends—
3007. A. H. Wheelock to Bancroft, 8/9/1882—wants to prepare for college—gives past studies—has not been to school for some time—asking for advice on best way to get to college—
3008. E. Whipple to Bancroft, 6/26/1883- about sons past work—possible financial aid—about exams–
3009. (Possibly missing) J. T. White & Co to Bancroft, 7/14/1900—about sketch for American Cyclopedia of American Biography—asking for pictures of Theological Seminary and for list of men involved in it–
3010. (Possibly Missing) Same to same, 7/17/1900—about sketch of Bancroft’s biography—about list of professors at PA—about Theological Seminary men etc.—
3011. Same to same, 7/23/1900—remembering old times—sketches of the Phillips family and others— about sketches of Theo. Seminary heads and instructors—
3012. N. G. White to Bancroft, 4/17/1878—free pass between Exeter and Boston to aid in Centennial Celebration
3013. S. P. White to Bancroft, 8/13/1888—not sure if can go to PA—financial trouble—
3014. Same to same, 11/28/1888—may be able to enter in January—asks about financial aid—about work-
3015. J. Whitehall to Bancroft, 5/16/1882—feels tobacco injures boys physically and morally—should be baned
3016. Same to same, 8/24/1882—about conversion and studies of Pettee of Sharon — about sons work–
3017. (Possibly Missing) M. M. Whitney to Bancroft, 8/15/1898—family news—telling of South Dakota—continued 9/20—about areas past dependence on wheat crop—recent crashing failure—current Populists—visit of hunting party from Worcester—about troubles of son at Harvard—asking Bancroft to write statement of sons preparatory work for state university nearby—
3018. A. S. Wicks to Bancroft, 7/8/1885 –accepting job of janitor—other methods of earning mony to support expenses—rooming plans—
3019. W. A. Cornish to Pettee, 6/29/1895—sending T. H. Wickwire to PA and hopefully to Yale—gives boys character and family—about placement at PA—
3020. Same to same, 8/27/1895—asking about rooming—about classification—about Wickwires studies-
3021. Same to same, 9/3/1895—sending Wickwires exams with questions—feels better than exams show-­
3022. W. Widdicomb to Bancroft, 1/21/1895—disappointed at sons failure in Latin and Trig—feels his fault because allowed boy to do football work—feels will do better now—
3023. D. Wight to Bancroft, 4/22/1880—programs for 1832—news of former classmates—family news-­
3024. Same to same, 1/15/1891—about PA in 1831—very pleased with change in curriculum—
3025. E. G. Wiley to Bancroft, 6/15/1891—family news—encloses 3026 below—
3026. J. E. Rankin to Bancroft, 6/15/1891—son of E. G. above wants to finish preparing for Yale at Andover-­ about boarding etc.—about Mrs. Wiley—
3027. H. B. Wilkins to Bancroft, no date, 94—son not happy with exams—disturbed by fear of having to leave due to financial troubles—will be able to return after all–
3028. Same to Pettee, 1/1/1894—asking about grading of son’s work—no letters, just lines—
3029. Same to same, 1/8/1894—does not want son to study Latin—feels boy cannot do it and should not be made to—wants boy to work hard but feels would be wasted time for him to try Latin—
3030. Same to same, no date—agrees with analysis of son’s character—try to get him out of inertia
3031. A. M. Wilkins to Bancroft, 4/30/1891—distressed by sons deception—
3032. R. F. Wilkenson to Bancroft, 4/3/1890—son wants to stay over Easter—thanking for kindness to boy-­
3033. W. H. Willcox to Bancroft, 8/5/1879—about interest on $100,000—about Stone bequest—
3034. Same to same, 5/24/1880—about moving farm buildings –fears damage to some of the elms-­
3035. Same to same, 7/10/1883—about Thayer’s article on And. Trustees, about creed—
3036. Same to same, 5/16/1891—news of sons success at Columbia—about thesis—sons success as teacher
3037. Same to same, 5/20/1891—thanking for answer to above—value of Magna cum Laude at Columbia-­
3038. Same to same, 1/18/1894—about Stone professorship—sons success as professor at Cornell—
3039. E. H. Williams to Bancroft, 4/1/1886—personal news—career at Lehigh—compliments to PA–
3040. Same to same, 5/23/1888—reminiscences of career at PA—fundraising from class—asking about accommodations
3041. (Possibly missing) Same to same, 6/21/1888—cannot come to reunion since mother very sick—thanking for collection of statistics—compliments on importance on N. E. training—”Dear Old Uncle Sam, with his mistaken ideas of boys and training, was a scholar that did and does still command my respect and admiration”—further summary of life under Taylor—
3042. Same to same, 7/15/1892—thanking for catalogue—compliments on sensible rules—about fourteen year struggle of classmate to get medical education—congratulates on LL. D—
2043. Same to same, 12/16/1893—compliments on school—value of old traditions—
2044. (Possibly Missing) J. B. Williams to Bancroft, 5/22/1892—sorry about departure of Coy, Comstock and Gile—personal-­efforts in getting education—asks for help—
3045. (Possible Missing) M. H. Williams to Bancroft, 1/17/1880—asking for articles for The Childs World—gives terms—
3046. Same to same, 10/5/1880—asking for account of teaching Bible Class— want account of life at PA–
3047. Same to same, 3/18/1882—about refuting allegation that Gulliver, Tucker and Smyth are Presby- about PA in area—
3048. Same to same, 6/6/1882—about article on teaching Bible—personal news—
3049. Same to same, 10/10/1882—would like article on Bible study at Andover—terms–
3050. Same to same, 11/15/1882—about Girard College—will find out information on it—personal news-
3051. Same to same, 11/17/1882—about Presidency of Girard College—about opening education to women-·
3052. Same to same, 5/1/1883—about articles for magazines—about family—sons poor eyes—asks for account of schoolboy life at Andover—
3053. Same to same, 8/29/1883—sending proofs of article on Bible study at PA—very pleased with it-­ personal news—
3054. Same to same, 10/27/1883—sending copies of article on Bible study at PA—personal news-­
3055. Same to same, 12/6/1883—sending payment for articles—mentions Andover Review—asks about best method of pronouncing Latin—
3056. Same to same, 1/7/1885—personal news—about church work–
3057. Same to same, 2/25/1885—consolation for death of sister—personal news and opinions—
3058. Same to same, 2/26/1886—personal news—family news—news of friends—
3059. Same to same, 10/16/1888—family and personal news—about old PA men—
3060. (Possibly Missing) Same to same, 10/15/1889—about articles for Sunday School worked—about Catholics—family news-·
3061. T. Williams to Bancroft, 2/9/1878—would be happy to give publicity for Centennial Celebration—
3062. W. T. B. Williams to Bancroft, 7/8/1893—asking for reference to aid in book-selling expansion—asking adtas surety for venture–
3063. Same to same, 7/16/1893—thanking for letter of reference—also for security—results of Harvard entrance exams—two conditions—mixup over acceptance of Roman History Preliminary for Yale—
3064. W. H. Wilson to Stearns, 7/21/1904—about tutor for younger son—information he has heard-­
3065. Same to Miss Jones, 7/25/1904—does not want to disturb Stearns vacation—will write later-­
3066. Son to Newton, 8/3/04—information on Board Exams—has not heard from Princeton—
3067. Same to same, 8/16/1904—sending certificate from Princeton—
3068. W H to Stearns, 8/22/1904—will send younger son to PA—plans to see school-­
3069. Same to same, 8/29/1904—thanking for information—sending room application-­
3070. Same to same; 9/7/1904—about rooming arrangements for son—
3071. Same to Newton, 9/17/1904—asking if bedding etc. provided with room—
3072. Son to Newton, 8/17/1904—about taking preliminary exams if in class three for any subjects-­
3073. Same to same, 9/1/1904—about exams—wants to be in class III for German—
3074. D. H. Wilson to Bancroft, 6/10/1897—about applying for PA—
3075. H. H. Pigott to Taylor, 7/10/1889—about estate add legacy of H. Winkley—sending check-­
3076. W. D. Wilson to Bancroft, 1/5/1885—F.N. Lewis has entered Cornell under conditions—
3077. Same to same, 1/15/1985—fears Lewis will never amount to much but will support Bancroft in his plan·
3078. E. A. Winslow to Bancroft, 5/30/?—about map or Rome—
3079. Same to same, 8/16/1877—about sons arriving at PA—very eager and excited—although in English course would like to take Latin too—telling of boys vacation—
3080. W. C. Winslow to Bancroft, 1/22/1878—about Winslow family—
3081. C. R. Winslow to Bancroft, 6/16/1880—would like to be enrolled in Alumni Association—
3082. B. L. Winters to Bancroft, 8/13/1883—about financial situation—past studies—reason for wanting to come–
3083. Same to same, 7/21/1884—did not have enough money to come to PA last year—gives present state of finances and asks about boarding place etc.—gives past studies—plans and hopes—
3084. Same to same, 7/15/1885—asking about job to help with finances—
3085. Same to same, 5/6/1888—thanking for certificate—about law and plans for future—news of friend
3086. Same to same, 5/18/1888—has been admitted to the bar—did very well on exam—
3087. Same to same, 11/30/1889—reasons for late return of brother—about football game—about law career—doing very well—asks about brother’s conduct etc. at PA—
3088. H. B. Winters (brother) to Bancroft, 3/28/1890—cannot pay tuition—states circumstances—
3089. B. L. Winters to Bancroft, 4/4/1890—worried about brother—very sorry for his mistakes—explains past circumstances—
3090. L. Withington to Bancroft, 5/23/1878— cannot attend Centennial Celebrations—remembering when went to PA—reminiscences—
3091. (Possibly Missing) W. E. Wolcott to Bancroft, 7/26/1899—about behavior of some Lawrence students at PA—recommendations for controlling them—feels undermine tone of school- not by Bancroft to Pettee gives reply–
3092. A. J. Womelsdorf to Pettee, 12/7/1893—worried about sons despondency—asks Pettee to cheer him up
3093. E. A. Slater to Bancroft, 5/13/1880—asking about uncle Leonard Woods loads class at Andover—about his portrait.
3094. (Possibly Missing) E. L. Wood to Ban, 1/25/1880—worried because son becoming regular smoker—asks Ban for advice–
3095. F. P. Wood to Bancroft, 2/10/1891—surprised and regretful at sons bad conduct—asks that son be allowed to stay at PA for rest of term—asking for specific charges—
3096. Same to same, 2/15/1891—asking again for specific charges—very annoyed—nasty towards end-­
3097. Same to same, 2/22/1891—wants to know reasons for expulsion of son—if is not told will assume that school is in the wrong and not son—needs to know sons weaknesses so can correct them—
3098. E. H. Whitehill to Pettee, 8/6/1893—about entering former pupil in school—gives his family background—very bright but will get no help from family—about placement—about rooms–
3099. Same to same, 8/16/1893—about job for Woodbine—pleased with suggestion of janitor job-­ about rooms for another pupil coming to PA—
3100. N. T. Dyer to Bancroft, 12/4/1893—worried about Woodbine—asking if is overworking—complains of headaches and other problems—asking for Bancroft’s advice—note by Bancroft says is overworking
3101. C. H. Woodman to Bancroft, 10/7/1889—earlier plans for son—son very sick last spring—wants him in some plane this winter where he can recover his vigor and keep fresh in has studies—asking for recommendation of some such place from Bancroft—gives boys character—
3102. Same to same, 10/22/1889—thanking for interest—remembering times at PA—arrangements—
3103. Same to same, 12/15/1891—pleased with Columbia course—sons strong interest in Natural History and Ornithology in particular—parent always more interested in literature, classics etc.— son never much interested in Latin and Greek—has always intended for son to go into a profession, preferably Law—has given up on that but asked son how he could support himself in intended field—son has decided to go into geology—Columbia School of Mines—had worried about changes in course of study—son had said could handle matters himself— “I am surprised that obstacles – which I judge come chiefly from Prof. Comstock – should have been offered him.”-­ surprised that teachers thought son would make so important a change without parents consent-­ extracts from depressed letter of sons telling of attempts by Comstock to frustrate aims-­ especially defeat of petition to substitute Ancient History for Latin Prose—”Prof. Comstock went so far as to say that I couldn’t take Physics as an elective, next term. This was too much, and Prof. Coy says I can.”—worried that will have to give up graduating to get in required studies for Columbia—son has enough trouble as it is without this opposition—wants son to graduate from PA before going to Columbia—
3104. A. Woods to Bancroft, 4/5/1878—asking about Centennial Catalogue—family ties with PA—hopes to attend celebration— ,
3105. S. Woods to Bancroft, 6/10/1878—remembering young Bancroft and other neighbors—wellwishes—about attending Centennial Celebration—
3106. Same to same, 7/2/1878—sorry did not come to Andover—very glad to have seen him–personal news—
3107. Bancroft to Mr. Wood, 5/2/1892—about unveiling tablet in memory of Grandfather—cannot do it in June—feels should be done while Sem. is in session—about postponing it until Fall—about sermon
3108. W. B. Woodward to Bancroft, 8/5/1888—asking about finishing preparing for SSS—past work—plans-­
3109. Same to same, 8/7/1888—thinks can do Latin—will have to be special student – asking about exams
3110. Same to same, 8/11/1888—not afraid of hard work—feels time well spent—arrangements—
3111. E. B. Convers to Pettee, 1/28/1891—calling nephew home for discipline—repeatedly broken rules- not sure if will come back—
3112. Same to Bancroft, 1/30/1891—very disappointed at poor behavior of nephew—glad Bancroft thinks is doing the right thing—may send boy back soon—will not until boy promises to work hard—
3113. Same to same, 2/19/1894—supporting Bancroft in discipline—if breaks rules must punished—
3114. Same to same, 6/8/1895—about nephew’s room—arrangements if should have to change rooms—
3115. J. H. Wright to Bancroft, 1/16/1886—about loan by Ropes for Dartmouth Greek Archeologists—about adding some other books to the parcel—will insure all borrowed books—
3116. Same to same, 1/30/1886—parcel has arrived safely—about the Penrose book on architecture news of Dartmouth—societies—about Alumni Association day during commencement—asks for advice
3117. Same to same, 6/2/1890—wife’s impression of Mrs. Chase—reputation in Hanover as landlady—
3118. R. Wynkoop to Bancroft, 12/2/1886—sending copy of revised numerous verses asking for Latin of Andover personal news—
3119. Same to same, 12/13/1886—about textbook on ethics—about administration of oaths—about Latin for Andover—political views—
3120. Same to same, 12/22/1886—about Latin for Andover—about Cleveland policies—esp. merit system of public servants—
3121. (Possibly Missing) Same to same, 9/8/1876—copy of humorous verses about Andover—
3122. J. Ward to Bancroft, 3/15/1877—about entering former pupil at PA—gives background—asks for costs–
3123. Same to same, 8/2/1877—about sending Sheldon to PA—asking about awarding scholarships—has not covered all the ground required but will do well if allowed into Senior Class—
3124. Same to same, 11/6/1877—asking about funds for Sheldon—well wishes—
3125. (Possibly Missing) Same to same, 7/23/1883—Campbell wants to return badly—acting badly at Yankton—
3126. J. T. Shaw to Bancroft, 12/20/1883—thanks for reference books—
3127. (Possibly Missing) J. Ward to Bancroft, 9/27/1884—opinion of Andover’s new departure in S. D. —about coming visit—
3128. Same to same, 12/6/1884—thanking for donation to help establish Yankton College—about adding his own money in memory of own son to fund in memory of Arthur Bancroft—
3129. Same to same, 1/1/1885—hoping to get additional funds for Yankton—about activities there-­
3130. Same to same, 7/15/1885—congratulating on birth of Mary—personal news—news of Yankton—
3131. (Possibly Missing) Same to same, 7/23/86—distressed at closing dates of PA and Yankton as had wanted Bancroft to give first real commencement address—personal news—
3132. Same to same, 11/23/1886—thanking for lecture—news of big storm—Congregational infighting-­
3133. Same to same, 12/30/1886—battle in Yankton over Andover Question—fight being carried into the College—fear death of college because of alliance with Andover—asking if could biget Gile for his college—rearranging teachers and trustees at Yankton—
3134. Same to same, 1/4/1888—glad about Bancroft’s coming trip—personal news—financing Yankton-­
3135. Same to same, 9/10/1888—about boy going to Andover—news of Yankton—personal—
3136. Same to same, 10/27/1888—cannot go to Europe with Bancroft after all—cannot get loan—news of Yank.
3137. Same to same, 11/22/1888—about getting loan—loan needed for school so no trip—secretive-­
3138. Same to same, 11/15/1888—really cannot come with Bancroft to Europe -personal
3139. Same to same, 11/28/1888—loan has not come through—about firmly establishing Yankton—personal
3140. S. F. Ward(wife)-to Bancroft, l2/l7/1888 very sorry husband cannot go with Bancroft—hoping for building up of Yankton—wishes have good trip—
3141. J. Ward to Bancroft, 6/26/1889—news of Yankton—family news—personal news—
3142. Same to same, 11/14/1889—sure Yankton is established but will not see it with own eyes—Yankton news—personal news—
3143. Same to same, no date(frag)—about fundraising for Yankton—
3144. S. F. Ward to Bancroft, 12/26/1889—thanking for comforting letter—had been sorry could not go to Holy Land with Bancroft—but he might have died far from home—had not realized how near he was to dying—about depth of his friendship for Bancroft—sending memorials–
3145. B. P. Gray to Bancroft, 1/6/1890 putting out memorial number of magazine—asking for contribution covering his theological course—gives outline of proposed issue—
3146. S. F. Ward to Bancroft, 4/4/1890—about financial state of Yankton—about new president—thanking for letters—
3147. Same to same, 7/28/1892—thanking for advice—about finding list of Eastern givers—sorry about loss of so many teachers—
3148. Copy of commencement letter from Yankton, 6/1895—Yankton finances—function of Yankton in the Dakotas—news of Yankton—
3149. S. F. Ward to Bancroft, 9/3/1898—about getting oil portrait of Ward—asks for help in getting it done—sorry about death of Mrs. Bancroft—
3150. S. N. Yang Bancroft, 7/18/1879—realizes how serious a thing changing schools is—not changing because of scholarship and conduct—about taking exams—
3151. Same to same, 7/11/79—letter asking about entrance exams to change from Williston to PA–
3152. G. W. Young to Bancroft, 1/5/1895—sending money asked for by son—has not had bill for tuition-­ guessing at proper amount—wishes son were as interested in schoolwork as he is in sports-­ feels sports may distract him from his work—sons good character—
3153. A. Zeal to Bancroft, 8/6/1890—wants to study—has been given letter of introduction to Mr. J Ogilvie asking him to show Zeal around PA—wants to come to PA—gives past studies—must work way through–
3154. Letter of introduction from Miss. Emerson to Mr. James Ogilvie, no date, asking Ogilvie show Zeal around PA—
3155. A. Zeal to Bancroft, 8/9/1890—thanking for kindness—will be with the Pettees—
3156. Same to same, 8/30/1893—thankful for year at Andover—feels PA is perfection—talks about Pettees genuineness—very glad to have been at PA—has married—is very happy—personal news and well wishes for success of PA.