Bancroft correspondence: Hall-Hindley, 1877-1904

Bancroft correspondence, Series 2: Hall-Hindley, 1877-1904

1357. H. L. Hall to Bancroft, 8/19/95—explanation of behavior last winter—asking to be taken back—
1358. Same to same, 8/23/1895—asking to go back that fall if possible—if not where could he go— defending behavior — seems to have been gambling—rooming arrangements—
1359. L. H. Hallock to Bancroft, 5/28/1886—about entering son—about entrance exams—about rooming
1360. Same to same, 9/10/86—does not want tuition remission if will deprive more needy case— about paying bills—
1361. G. E. Hallock to Bancroft, 11/14/1893—son good but does not know value of money—gives past examples son spoiled and has expectations—
1362. A. L. Hall to Stearns, no date—condolences for death of child—sympathy—has had same experience
1363. J. B. Hamlin to Bancroft, 10/6/1890 thanks for catalogue and advice—moralizing & philosophy—Yuck!
1364. Mrs. L. B. Hamlin to Bancroft, 7/10/1893—had hoped that son could enter Yale after one year—Latin trouble meant he could not—had intended to study over the summer and make it up—had not intended to crib—thinks was unkind to destroy his chance—implies that private dislike or personal prejudice had a lot to do with it—had been told that And was 50 years behind the times and no place for a boy with spirit—wishes had not disregarded that advice—
13651 Cyrus Hamlin to Bancroft (printed circular), no date—letter of resignation at Middlebury—resolu¬tion of acceptance by Middlebury Board of Trustees—
1366. M. L. Hammond to Bancroft, 2/13/1883—$20 towards brothers tuition—personal news—about sending other brother—asks for fatherly advice for the boys-
1367. Hammond typewriter co to Pettee, 1/26/1899—acknowledging letter of 1/21
1368. Same to same, 1/28/1899—has agreed to change keyboards without any charge—discusses Ideal keyboard—instructions for shipping—
1369- Same to same, 2/16/1899—acknowledging letter of 2/13/
1370. Same to same, 3/9/99—will renickle and return erasing plate on old machine—thanks for comps’
1371. C. W. Hand to LRF Griffin, 12/21/77—movements after leaving PA—hopes Griffin will return to Academy
1372. C. A. Hanna to Bancroft, 9/6/1886—explanation of why son has not fully made up History—
1373. Hardy to Bancroft, 11/10/1877 news, mostly connected with the Centennial and academy finances—
1374. 1374 Same to same, 6/5/1879—about fund-raising—
1375. Same to same, 7/24/1879—about Taylor’s illness—not trying to obtain new treasurer—
1376. Same to same, 8/28/1879—about depositing money for interest—instructions if Taylor is not there
1377. 1377.«/Same to same, 9/16/79—condition of drinking water at Brick house near Mansion House—about
black boy wanting to come to PA—advises engaging Tucker—possible validation for Comstock—
1378. Same to same, 12/2/1879—fund raising—
1379. Same to same, 6/l3/1879~fundraising—
1380. Same to same, 1/6/1882—about Professor Phelps house—
1381. Same to same, 8/7/1882—vacation and personal news—Phelps complaining that Trustees have used him hardly about his house etc—asks if can go to another Seminary—
1382. Same to same, 8/18/1882—”You must not think of leaving Andover, such a move would be bad for you and worse for Andover. You are among your friends and now that the Academy is freeing itself from debt, you will soon be fully paid…if the question with you is purely one of compensation, so far as I can lead our board, I pledge it, to make you as fully compensated in Andover as you could be in Albany. Trust me and I will see that ample justice is done you
1383. Same to same, 10/16/1882—about Portland meeting of the Board—does not think it was shaped—
1384. Same to same, 12/29/82—expenditures—house repairs// for teachers—school finances—
1385. Same to same, 4/12/83—about raising Bancroft’s salary—also Smyth’s and Churchill’s—
1386. Same to same, 4/28/83—wants another trustee meeting before annual June one to clear docket— about salary—personal matters—
1387. Same to same, 5/19/1883—housing Mr. Harris—
1388. Same to same, cover note for letter—also asking-about portrait hanging and thanks to Miss. Jew
1389. Same to same, 10/4/1884—also mentions Miss Hewett—about meeting trustees—
1390. Same to same, 3/22/1886—arrangements for dinner—shouldn’t Phillips Brooks be invited—
1391. Same to same-, 10/16/1886—Theological Seminary matters—professors should keep silent—heresy trial?—
1392. Same to same, 2/1/90—wants special meeting of trustees to empower him to act in various matters-various financial arrangements—
1393. Bancroft to Hardy, 7/18/90—maintenance of furnace—telephone—McCurdy house rent, about evening up
professors Graves, Comstock and Coy in money matters—rent for the teachers—needs urinal in
Academy building—about WCs at E. C.—about heating etc—
1394. Hardy to Bancroft, 8/5/92—heating in Moore’s house—Smyth’s affairs—Trustee infighting—vacation
1395- Same to same, 8/9/1892—Smyth’s affairs—personal and vacation news—
1396. G. Hardy to Bancroft, 10/28/1886—about friend’s son whom she wants to become a Christian—
1397. A. E. Harlow to Bancroft, no date—cannot go back unless can earn board—can Bancroft get some work for him
him? forA

1398. H’. S. Hart to Bancroft (?Pet)—8/29/93—asking about wheeling trip to Chicago—personal news and
1399. Same to same, 3/27/1894—personal news—working in Bellevue—bicyclist experiences—
1400. S. Hatt, 4/29/1878 –telling of death of brother—worried about other brother’s health—
1401 A. L. Hartridge to Bancroft, 8/5/85—wants to enter son—gives his background—gives references—
1402. J. Hartridge (son) to Bancroft, 8/19/85—about boarding house—gives conditioned subjects at Yale–
1403. A. L. Hartridge to Bancroft, 9/17/85—asking that Julian be allowed to go to Episcopal Church—
1404. J. Hartridge to Bancroft, 6/14/92—asking for letter of recommendation to help get position as a teacher—remembers time at Andover—
1405. C. S. Harrison to Bancroft, 11/1/84—thanking for article of support—about problems of Franklin Acad—
1406. W. N. Hartshorn to Bancroft, 12/7/78 –would like to see Bancroft again—personal news—
1407. Same to same, 12/5/90—inviting to the Social Union to which Bancroft referred—philosophy—
1408 F. Harvey to Bancroft, 11/14/1894—asking about progress of son—if not doing better should he take
son out of school?—asks for advice—
1409. Same to same, 6/8/95—son still wants to go to Williams—asks Bancroft to advise him—
1410. Same to same, 7/1/1895—son has not done well in exams for SSS—about testimonial and recommen¬dation for entrance—
1411. L. B. Hasbrouck to Bancroft, 7/3/77entered college without conditions—about exams—
1412. W. H. Haskell to Ban, 11/15/83—about entering second son—gives background—has trouble keep¬ing boys in school—hopes can continue with scholarship—
1413. Same to same, 12/17/84—about vacation plans for boys eldest son doing well at Amherst—
1414. Same to same, 6/18/86—about lazy son—wants to spur him—younger sons promise better—asks for advice—about younger sons—
1415. Same to same, 9/l8/1887(?)—summer work—returning on trial to PA—about study hours, breakfast
1416. Same to same, 4/7/88—about possible career in civil engineering—about second sons study
abilities—about eldest son and personal news—
1417. Same to same, 6/25/88—graduation of boys—not sure can go—their future plans—about next son
1418. Same to same, 3/10/90—son’s room had been stacked—worried—had son been obnoxious—
1419. Same to same, 3/24/90—would not have written had known stacking was general—glad son coming home so soon—about folly and wrong of transaction—
1420. Same to same, 12/23/1890—wants younger son to enter PA—can he come in next term—roommate— news of the other boys—
1421. Same to same, 1/4/92—about younger son—roommate etc—well-wishes—
1422. C. Haskill to Bancroft (eldest son), 7/25/84—college exams at Amherst and Harvard— may not be able to come back next year—might if can get work—
1423. Same to same, 8/13/84—has decided to leave PA and go to college a year early—
1424. F. C. Hatch to Bancroft, 1/25/78—about press coverage of centennial—well-wishes and supports—

1424. Same to same, 6/18/78—congratulating on centennial celebration—comments on newspaper accts-
1425. F. T. Hatch to LRF Griffin, 3/18/78—movements since leaving PA—
1426. G. Hausser to Bancroft, 6/20/83—wants to enter son—gives background—would need scholarship—
1427. E. F. Hawking to Ban, 4/4/85—glad to enter son—he is anxious to make up lost work—about boarding house, setting allowance—
1428. Same to same, 4/18/85—about allowance—reasons for sending—
1429. Same to same, 4/28/85—about money and allowance—with sheet in Bans handwriting calculating expenses
1430. Same to same, 6/7/85—had been anxious ever since knew son was smoking—not sure if allowed to return—worried because always writing about games—
1431. D. S. Hawkins(son) to Bancroft, 7/26/85—hopes to return (has been dismissed by faculty vote) –wants chance to try again—
1432. S. Hay to Bancroft, 9/5/98—thanking for note—sorry did not do better in studies but had no con¬ditions at Yale—efforts to work in Alumni society—
1433. W. E. Hayes to Bancroft, 9/6/1894—”Robert will take the front room and the incandescent lamp”—
1434. Mrs. L. L. Haworth to Bancroft—glad son is doing well—can he go to his own church—getting clothes
1435. Same to same, 12/16/1882—Christmas vacation plans—wants him wakened in time for breakfast—
money matters— .
1436. W. M. Haworth (son) to Bancroft, 9/4/86 –wants to enter medical school—wants letter giving schooling
1437. W. B. and S. W. Hayden to Bancroft, 12/27/1889—thinks might be best to tear down Phillips house— asks for some old pieces of carving- in the parlor—
1438. P. Hayden to Bancroft, 2/16/83—thoroughly ashamed of neglect of school duties—asks for reconsid¬eration of case as is only chance of getting education—
1439. B. F. Hayward to Ban, 12/30/82—campus fund—college news about studying medicine—
1440. Same to same, 3/23/1893—hoping to see while in NY—news of experiences since graduating—

1441. C. W. Hayward to Bancroft, 1/1885—Shawsheen Club has turned over a new leaf—will not need faculty supervision—do not want to risk another disgrace—
1442. Same to same, 6/20/1885?—about Haskell’s board—other member’s board—wants board to be paid according to catalogue—
1443. Same to same, 7/16/85?—Phelan’s board—fire at Blunt’s—
1444. Same to same, H/6/85—report on behavior at Shawsheen Club—marked change since Monday— about inducts of Leaurence—
1445. S. Hayward to Bancroft, 8/29/90—thanks for letter- “Would to Heaven one…clear, purifying breeze if could sweep through the old Theological Seminary at Andover and drive out the malasial mists and mephitic fogs of mollusean theorizing that have settled there.”—about plans for son’s future— views on colleges amusing—
1446. Mrs. H. B. Hazard to Bancroft, 5/13/90—about son Lawrence whose behavior has been very bad—asks advice on what to do with him—
1447. Sane to same, 5/19/90—grieved at trouble Lawrence is giving Ban and Mrs. Tilton—about engag¬ing Mr. Perking—at least is Seems to be about that—
1448. Same to„same. 5/26/90—about having Perkins tutor Lawrence—still some hope for Lawrence—
1449. Same to Tilton, 5/26/90—thanking for attention to Lawrence—about billing—letter from Tilton to Bancroft on same paper—taken Lawrence to Lawrence—has sympathy for the boy and thinks might turn out a good man—
1450. Perkins to Tilton, 5/26/90—Sanford has returned—about his problems—on same paper Tilton to Bancroft, talking about du Pont’s refusal to pay his bill
1451. H. A. Hazen to Bancroft, 1/1/1878—congratulating on finding Pemberton portrait—history of Billerica might benefit if it was engraved for centennial catalogue—asking for information on his academy in Billerica—declining to do article on PA students before 1800—thinks Ban should dc it—or else a DA man—thinks centennial catalogue most important—
1452. E. G. Heath to Bancroft, 7/30/1881—feels it his duty to give up education so can help uncle—about his and Livingston’s demerits—
1453- Hedge to Bancroft, 3/3/1892—strongly objects to a Spring vacation—feels shortens summer vacation but gains no other time
1454. T. Gibson to Bancroft, 10/7/1891—does not approve of Mrs. Hedrick as a teacher—
1455. M. L. Hedrick to Ban, 10/9/91—Mr. Gibson has decided to teach daughter himself—gives circum¬stances—tells of family—wishes had stayed in and waited for French pupils—
1456. W. M. Heilman to Bancroft, no date,—asking about son’s progress—
1457. H. A. Heilman(son) to Bancroft—2/3/96—having same trouble at Princeton as at Harvard—been doctoring for it—wants to leave Princeton and Go to Harvard—asks for recommendation—
1458. Same to same, 4/19/1900—asking to fill out blank so can become member of supreme court of Penn-
1459. W. B. Heiskell to Pettee, 7/24/?—worried about son’s health—offer of uncle to take care of him in Montana—might help break off careless extravagant habits—not aware of son’s move—
1460. Same to same, 9/10/91—will make trial—moral suasion very effective on son—feels decline partly due to removal of Zeal’s influence—sketch of son’s weaknesses—
1461. K. Heiskell (wife) to Bancroft, 9/13/1892—son very proud and does not confess unhappiness- feels physical troubles may have a lot to do with indolence &c—
1462. C. Helliwell to Bancroft, no date—wants to go to good college but needs good preparation—sorry Teachers are so suspicious of him—surprise at Comstock’s handling of matter—about keeping up the building—if cannot pay bills will not be able to continue studying-
1463. Same to same, 6/27/?—Interview with Comstock—seemed to be questioning motives—describes his motives—has not worked for himself -plans for next year—
1464. Same to same, 8/15/82—summer work has been successful—asks if should go to Exeter—about janitorial matters—
1465. Same to same,12/9/89—about applying for post at Williams College—gives points worthy of men¬tion—
1466. Same to same, 12/26/89—feels much of increasing requirements for professorship is nonsense— especially authorship—opinions on several subjects—personal news—
1467. J. M. Buckley to Bancroft, 9/6/94—letter of introduction for nephew, Burns Henry—
1468. A. M. Henry (father-of Burns) to Bancroft, 5/12/96—about son’s suspension—does it affect graduation
1469. H. S. Hetrick to Bancroft 7/27/95—asking about scholarship aid if comes to PA—
1470. Mrs. ML J. Hicks to Bancroft, 10/16/84—feels son may be growing sick under excitement of past week was well prepared for Junior class—mistake to put in Prep—states why in Fred’s view, was not allowed to be promoted—disappointment probably affected digestion which would make him dull.
1471. Same to same—10/22/84—thanks for letter—sorry did not understand matter better at first— gives quote from son;s letter about roommates unsavory habits—
1472. Same to same, 10/30/84—son only mentioned roommate in letter—account of another unsavory incident—NB—son seems able to cope for self—thanks that shall not appear in affair—

l473. Same to same, 2/5/1885—worried about friend of son’s—son went to Bancroft for advice—wants son to have some peace so can concentrate on studies—is her experience common—
1474. Same to same, 2/9/85—thoughts on son’s present trouble with his roommate—
1475. Same to same, 8/23/85—will send son for as much of the year as possible—thanks for assistance—about son’s inability to recite when nervous—hopes Com. finds his Latin satisfactory—
1476. T. Hicks to Ban, 3/20/86—about Morse portrait—
1477. R. M. Higgens to Bancroft, 10/29/?—very sorry about Phillip’s death—sympathy—thanks for advice on public prayer—personal news—news of coming ordination—
1478. Same to same, 9/14/1880—personal news—news of his work—”feel as if I were born again under Park”—
1479. Same to same, 5/31/81—telling about his work in Calumet—interesting description of country minister
1480. Same to same, 2/23/82—same sort of letter as above—request for Mirror and Phillipians—
1481. Same to same, 5/15/1882—compliments on progress of Mirror—donating $15,000 to Academy—mentions Seminary trouble—about friends daughter who wants to go to Wellsley—does Abbot fit for it—
1482. Same to same, 8/30/82—son of friend coming to Andover—
1483. Same to same, frag, no date—theological matters—justice of God—
1484. Same to same, 4/2/1884—about Michigan boys at PA—church news—
1486. Same to same, 2/1/86—personal news—asks about changes at PA—news of ex-PA boy—church news< theology— 1487. Same to same, 6/4/86—coming East and would like to see Ban—PA prospect—personal news— 1488. Same to same, 9/13/86—about son of friend's change of prospect—asks to be told the plain truth about nephew—theology and church matters— 1489. Same to same, 12/13/89—glad feeling well after trip—Phillips news—discusses teachers — church and theological matters—personal news— 1490. Same to same, 5/20/1890—same sort of letter as above— 1491. Same to same, 11/14/93—about giving policy to PA—personal and church news— 1492. Same to same, 8/13/1894—about insurance transferal—personal news—comments on troubles in Chicago and the West—"The Pullman system is an illustration of all that is detestable to a free American citizen."—supports unions and arbitration— 1493. Same to same, 6/16/98—thanking for helpful letter—personal news—congratulates on 25 years— 1494. Same to same, 9/27/98—thanking for book—telling of revisit to old parish— 1495. W. W. Higley to Bancroft, 7/31/93—about entering son—boarding house etc— 1496. Same to same, 7/22/95—asking to give son one more chance to retrieve his character— 1497. Same to McFadden, 7/31/95—again asking for another chance for son—about record-- 1498. Same to Pettee, 8/2/95—wants to know details of son's standing—wants son to return on any standing-- 1499. Same to same, 7/22/1895—shocked at letter—begging that his son be allowed to try again— 1500. Same to same, 7/31/95—same type letter as all the rest— 1501. Same to Ban, 8/26/95—asking for letter of recommendation for entering another school— 1502. Same to same, 8/22/1895—great disappointment that son did not do well—gives several reasons for his poor work—roommate—lost first two weeks for school—would send boy down early so could tutor—asks for benefit of the doubt— 1503. F. M. Hill to Hardy, 7/9/89—about pipe for Chapel Tower—floor in Seminary Library— 1504. F. Hill to Bancroft, 12/30/92—pleased with report of son, considering past work etc— 1505. E. C. Hill (wife) to Bancroft, 6/8/95—asking Faculty to reconsider decision to deny son diploma— 1506. F. Hill to Ban, 6/11/95—sending letters of wife—about honesty and past good record of son-asking these to weigh against possible mistaken conduct—sorry sent so far from home— 1507. Same to same, 6/22/1895—action will probably be good for son in long run—has caused very great distress to mother—feels parents should be advised in even minor matters on" discipline— . still hopes that son can get diploma-- 1508. E. C. Hill to Bancroft, 6/24/95—trying to feel punishment not too severe—about getting diploma later 1509. M. Hilliard to Bancroft, 4/15/1891—has become head of St. Margaret's—asking for references— 1510. Same to same, 10/5/?—news of brother since left Andover—entering Yale law—asking for statement of studies passed in exams and schoolwork— 1511. C. F. Hillman to Ban, 2/4/1893—son's past education spotty—asks for. special consideration in view of this— 1512. II. K. MacDermott to Ban, 2/6/93—reinforcing letter of Hillman—character of son— 1513. W. H. Hilton to Ban, 6/11/96—distressed at son's failure—had hoped much for son but now is very disappointed—asks Ban to find out if he is capable and if he has any more unpaid bills- 1514. E. Y. Hincks to Ban, 6/21/85—if trustees print inaugural address, hopes will allow him to furnish correct copy—Congregationalist version not what had intended— 1515. G.- Hindley to Bancroft, 9/10/1891—asking for information(specific) for paper on secondary schools for State Association— Oliver Wendell Holmes Library || Phillips Academy