1073. D. T. Fiske to Bancroft, 11/2/82–asking for information on incidents in Theological Seminary history—
1074. Same to same, 11/6/82—cannot come to Andover this week—repeats questions—
1075. Same to same, 1/5/83—has had letter from Professor Jewett of Salem in connection with Andover Cree
giving extracts from an important historical document—wants to know if a copy of the document exists in Theological Seminary files of 1815—
1076. Same to same, 4/16/88—Theological Seminary in-fighting—naming of replacement for Gov. Fairbanks’s place-
1077. Same to same, 11/21/93—very saddened at death of Professor Pease—
1078. Same to same, 6/4/98—may not be in Andover next week—
1679. Same to same(telegram) 6/9/98—regrets not present—well-wishes—
1080. Same to same, no date but between 1079 and 108l—well wishes on meeting—
1081. Same to same, 6/18/98—hoping to be with you next Wed. but may not—gives reasons—
1082. H. F. Fisk to Bancroft, 10/28/85—gives news of NW Univ’s Prep school—asks about conditions at PA
1083. same to same, 9/27/90—about possible teacher overwork in his school—wants Bans opinion—
1084. Alonzo Flack to Bancroft, 5/24/78—congratulations on centennial—information on Wash Seminary-
1085. K. H. Flanders to Ban, 8/3/94—asking to be taken back on probation for fall term—wants to redeem himself-has stopped using tobacco—
1086. E. C. Fletcher to LRF Griffin, 12/10/77—information on movements since leaving Andover—
1087. A. H. Folsem to Bancroft, 4/17/86—wants to take picture of academy building with students this
year—information on length of time needed—would also like to take class and room photos—
1088. G. M. Folsem to Bancroft 4/2/96—son delighted at news—would be glad to do all possible if other
help is available—son complicates matters by not wanting Indian education money—
1089. J. Forfar to Bancroft 3/28/77—satisfied with report of younger son—asks for report of elder one-
1090. G.P. Fortesque to Pettee, 7/19/95—wants to complete senior year at Andover—does not see fairness
of being expelled for using outside help at one exam, which he denies anyway—
1091. Same to same, 7/26/95—had tried his best—always some subjects has never done well in—does not like to change all his plans—
1092. L. Foster to Bancroft 12/26/89—sending $12 against son’s tuition—cannot pay more just then— will pay all his bills by weekly remittances—sick—sons had lovely Christmas—
1093. A. M. Foster to Bancroft 10/24/94—inquiring about possible demotion of son—feels sure is trying to do well—asks Bancroft to be patient with him and also give him some personal advice–
1094. Same(?) to same, 1/22/95—son very discouraged—would rather come home a failure than struggle on with the courses—willing for him to go into lower class—wants him to stay—
1095- Same to Pettee, 7/24/95—very discouraged at letter—had hoped would not be lazy at school— not sure if he is not to come back, or merely not to be promoted—gives his future plans—
1096. G. E. Foster to Bancroft, 2/20/92—wants advice on son’s future—wants him to go to Harvard Law— regular college courses require too much Greek and Scientific ones too Much Math—
1097 G. B. Foster to Bancroft, 7/2/79—results of Amherst exams—one condition—Arithmetic—news—
1098. G, Foster to Bancroft, 7/9/85—asking for a pithy, newsy letter to be published in the Lawrence and Andover papers—gives suggestions as to information suitable to be included—
1099. S. J. Foster to LRF Griffin, 12/10/77—news of actions since leaving Andover—
1100. E. L. Foster to Bancroft, 1/4/93—asking to be reinstated at the schools-wants to know fuller details of reasons for dismissal—
1101. G. H. Eaton (uncle) to Bancroft, 1/4/93—wants nephew given another trial—gives family background—
1102. G. L. Fox to Bancroft, 11/5/89~probable Yale entrance requirement in English after I890—asks for information on course at Andover—
1103. C. H. Forbes to Bancroft, 8/24/91—-accepting position if salary is raised to $900—explains why—
1104. Same to same, 9/4/93~asking what salary will have in coming year—explaining why needs raise and states goals in teaching—wants to stay and feels he has something to give the school—
1105. Same to Trustees, 4/29/97—requesting year’s leave of absence to go to Germany and Italy—
1106. Same to Bancroft, 8/3l/97~gossipy letter about his trip, very amusing—
1107. Same to Stearns, 4/25/04—requesting salary raise—explains why it is needed—
1108. A. B. Franklin to Bancroft, 4/2/95—restoration of son act of simple justice—very disappointed in
treatment of his boys—very nasty letter—
1109. C. M. Folsom to Bancroft, 3/12/95—about two full blooded Sioux—George Frazier at time intends to go into the ministry—can he go straight from PA to the Theological Seminary—Chauncy Yellow Robe wants to improve his English by taking the English course—is 26—
1110. J. French to Bancroft, no date, description of funeral (of W.A. Stearns? very unclear—)—description of Rev. Jonathan French of Andover—have no portrait but two profiles of him—
1111. Bancroft to J. French, with reply on same paper, no date—Bancroft requests to see portrait of Rev. French; J. French replies that there is no portrait—clarifies some inaccurate points in South Church history—
1112. G. W. French to Bancroft, no date—feels PA laws just and mild—glad his suspension not being
attributed to negligence in schoolwork or vicious habits or to repeated disobedience after warning—but feels that length of suspension may exceed gravity of his offense—asks for a second judgment in the case—
1113- Same to same, 1/18/77—asking permission for one of his friends to visit him—asks how well can stand in class on return if works very hard—wants to show father that was not negligent in work—wants to see him—
1114. Same to same, 1/22/77—sorry that friend could not visit—tells of work has been doing—wants to have some phrases in Bancroft’s letter explained—would like to know where he stands—
1115. Same to Faculty, 2/1/77—requesting restoration not as his due but as a favor he will try to merit–
1116. Same to Bancroft, 2/5/77—sorry did not see on Sat—asks when will be allowed to return—
1117. Same to Same, 2/1/77—sending in request to Faculty—tells of work done—hopes to see Saturday explains that father is not angry with Bancroft but mortified over son—
1118. D. E. French to Ban, 4/4/96—feels must be a misunderstanding—has confidence in son, feels that punishment is poorly timed—
1119. Unsigned account of absences and conduct of French during month of March—
1120. G. H. French to Ban, 4/1/95—asking rates of school—two sons want to learn more—
1121. Same to same, 4/5/95—asking if can have tuition remitted—
1122. Same to same, 4/10/95—gives background of sons—
1123. Same to same, 6/10/95—requesting early notification on admission as must make plans—
1124. Same to Pettee, 7/4/95—about getting rooms for sons in Commons—
1125. Same to Mcfaddens, 7/24/95—asking about condition of rooms and whether he must help keep them up
1126. L. W. Emerson to Bancroft, 9/13/94—letter of introduction for S. H. Freund—gives background— asks about scholarship as Fish has promised one if he went to Exeter—
1127. M. J. EIgas to whom it may concern, 9/13/94—letter of testimony of good conduct of S. H. Freund—
1128. L. W. Emerson to Bancroft, 9/22/94—mix-up about boy’s originally going to Exeter—feels large funds
for scholarships could do a great deal of good—trend now is towards Andover—
1129. E. R. Darling to Bancroft, 9/22/94—explains family situation — reasons Freund needs scholarship—
1130. H. Fretts to Bancroft, 7/12/86—college plans—why has so little money—cannot spend three years preparing for college—
1131. E. Frohock to Bancroft, 10/16/80—wants to enter PA—wants to be a minister—26, married with children—gives background—
1132. G. B. Frost to Bancroft, 11/16/83—letter of introduction for Chas Eddie, who wants to be a minister asks Ban to assist him as best he can— . .
1133. G. P. Frost to Bancroft, 10/24/94-cannot return to Andover because of family needs—hopes to return in a year or two–
1134. J. H. Fry to Pettee, 10/9/98—glad son can go to Boston—glad son doing well so far—
1135. Same to same, 3/18/99–asking that son be allowed to study on Sunday mornings instead of going to church-eyes weak and night study puts strain on them—
1136. Same to same, 1/3/99—asking that son be allowed to stay a short while longer to remain under personal doctor’s care since was quite sick when he came home—
1137. Same to same, 3/22/99—thanking for interest in request—wants particulars of son’s troubles in the boarding house—
11381 Same to same, 3/29/99—faculty action wise—sorry son gave such anxiety–glad is conducting himself well in the school proper—has often felt son to be a complainer—
1139. SL W. Fuller to Hardy, 1/12/90—about electrifying the Stone Chapel—
1140. B. M. Fullerton to Bancroft, 2/9/92—son in a bad way religiously—feels advice should come from PA
1141. Same to same, 2/13/92—feels son’s conscience needs trimming up—family news—
1142. Same to same, 10/10/82—”If I were the principal of Andover Academy I would root out K.0.A. and A.U.V. if I didn’t have any graduating class for two years.”—sorry son wore badge—son had always stood up for Andover through think and thin—son lost head in K0A business—
1143. W. H. Fulton to Pettee, 7/6/95—wants to take senior year—cannot without some job—asking if any suitable work available—friend Harold Davis wants to go to Scientific Department—needs to earn his board—any work about for him—
1144. Same to same, 7/10/95—sorry to hear not sure of job—about trouble in going back without job-will do job well—note in pencil in another hand says “I will be responsible for his job or enough tutoring to make an equivalent”-
1145. I. K. Funk to Bancroft(Dear Madam!), 12/13/95—asking opinion on propriety of including certain indelicate words in their unabridged dictionary—unprincipled attack being made on diet, as a result of their inclusion—asks advice on an open letter to editors—
1146. Same to Editor, no date, open letter defending inclusion of indelicate words in unabridged dictionary–
1147. Funk & Wagnalls to Pettee, 11/26/98—asking for payment on a very delinquent bill—
1148. Same to same, 11/30/98—6th bill for the Missionary Review—
1149. Same to same, 12/31/98—cancelling bill—feels loss will be offset by any favors that you may be able to render us in the future.—will not continue the periodical without definite arrangement—
1150. A. B. Funk to Bancroft, 6/8/95—had already been told of sons misdemeanor—very distressed—
1151. F. J. Funk (wife) to Bancroft, 6/7/95—has had letter from son—stunned at suspension—first time son has done anything like this—very disappointed—is there any way son can keep up with class—private lessons or something so will not lose the time—sending part of son’s letter so Bancroft can see the distress of the boy—
1152. C. G. Garrison to Bancroft, 3/29/98—son may be able to return to school after Easter holiday or may have to be withdrawn from the school—if eyes still weak but otherwise healthy, should boy sit in on classes and not have a complete alteration in his life—asks advice—
1153. C. Garrison(son)to Bancroft, 6/6/98—discretion of Colorado ranch—arrangements for taking the Princeton preliminaries—sending Bancroft recommendation certificates—does not know if will be able to return to school in the fall—eyes still weak—
1154. Same to same, 6/23/98—thanks for the recommendations and glad PA beat Exeter and Lville comments on attitude towards war—
1155. J. H. Garth to Bancroft, 12/6/92—explanation of son’s not returning before Thanksgiving vacation-detailed account of his actions and attempts to find out if he should have returned—honest
1156. Same to same, 12/14/92—son has returned home—pays Bancroft back for loan—hopes to establish facts to show innocence of son as well as his general good character—
1157. Same to Bancroft and Pettee, 12/19/92—shows, by references to evidence already given, that son never received telegram calling him back to Andover—tells of upheaval in family due to aunt’s death—boy not to be blamed if did not fully understand complicated details of matter—
1158. Same to Bancroft, 12/20/92—further reasonable explanations for why son did not return as was expected to—not possible for him to keep up with his studies if he is suspended
1159. M. E. Gates to Bancroft, 5/31/82—had been impressed with work of Coy—could Coy become headmaster of Albany Academy—asks Bancroft’s opinion of Coy’s possibilities as an administrator
1160. Same to same, 7/17/82— asking if any possibility Bancroft might accept becoming headmaster of Albany Academy—gives advantages but obviously does not feel very hopeful in getting Bancroft—
1161. Same to same, 4/9/83—asking if Bancroft might accept offer of being head of Rutgers Grammar School tells about the grammar school and about Rutgers itself—
1162. Same to same, 4/25/93—asking about particulars of an engagement to speak on Amherst College—
1163. W. S. Gavitt to Bancroft, 1/19/83—asking for catalogue—telling of movements since leaving PA
1164. L. V. Garis to Bancroft, I/6/85—settling son’s bills etc.—about brother’s troubles in learning to han¬dle money—
1165. Same to same, 2/12/85—asking about Dupont and Crane—dark insinuations from landlady in re Dupont (brother) proposing to room with them—is quite sure the boys play for money—”I cannot help being amused when I think that last year I decided against Exeter because of the much drinking there- and am wrecked upon this Charybdis of play in Andover.—wants boy to do good work
1166. Same to same, 2/21/85—glad Bancroft can speak so well of Dupont and Crane—understands how helpless Bancroft feels about gambling—can’t raise any public sentiment when so many men dealt in specula¬tions, sticks, etc.—hopes brother will come around and not pay too high a price for experience-boy thinks very highly of Bancroft—
1167. D. Geer to Bancroft, 5/27/90—pleased that son is doing so well—at moment thinks better for him if he had a scientific education in college—if son should change mind would support in any career—
1168. H. G. Gerrodette Jr. to Bancroft, 7/20/83—gives family history, tells of past schooling—gives goals and testimonials—wants to enter classical department, Jr. class—
1169. H. A. Powell to Bancroft, 7/20/83—letter of recommendation for H. G. Gerrodette Jr.—
1170. H. G. Gerodette Jr to Ban, 7/30/83—explains why cannot continue at Polytechnic—needs financial assistance—does not think can read all the Caesar but will try to when gets to Andover-
1171. Mrs. H. G. Gerrodette (mother) to Bancroft, 7/31/83—needs financial aid to send son—gives referen¬ces—sending recommendation of Powell (1169 above)—
1172. Same to same, 8/28/83- thanks for offer of scholarship—about furnishing room &c—
1173. Same to same, 9/H/83~about Miss Macdonald’s adopted son—about deposit &c—
1174. H. G. Gerrodette Jr to Ban, 7/20/86—had gotten scholarship to Cornell—details of admission-General’s letter of introduction &c—family news—
1175. Same to same, 4/11/87—feels punctuality a virtue but could not start to school at once—had not enough money for the term—has now collected some long-standing debts and probably can return-not expecting school to turn out for him but felt case was somewhat different—
1176. Same to same, 4/2/88—filling out form for scholarship aid from Harvard—asking details of standing at PA in order to answer one of the questions—wishes had stayed at school and not taken the year off—father trying to sue him for $110 asks for a letter of recommendation similar to one already used—needs more support for his college career—family news—
1177. Same to same, 4/13/88—asking to send to different address—news of other boys—
1178. F. H. Gerrodette (brother) to Bancroft, 6/12/90—has decided to teach—has used Bancroft as a reference—
1179. Same to same, 6/4/98—reasons why is changing from the lay to teaching—has always wanted to teach but could never get a good post—asking if there is any vacancy at PA—
1180. Same to same, 5/29/98-—asking that if are any changes in teaching staff, will give a trial—
1181. G. Gessiner to Ban, 1/14/79—no plague in immediate neighborhood when arrived in New Orleans— shortly after arrived broke out—one child dead—hopes Bancroft never has similar experience—
1182. M. C. Gile to Bancroft, 8/I7/86—tells about trip with Kittredge and wife—trip over to Europe-details of trip in Ireland—then about sights in England—thanks for wedding present—asks to have the Phillipian sent to him–
1183. Same to same, 12/1/86—about what he will teach when he returns—would like Mr. Comstock’s work—but leaves it up to Bancroft—further description of his trip—“Of course the Seminary would get every cent that it can. Why can’t we have some dying rich friends?”—thin “smiles to think of Professor Churchill—or any of the Professors—as a heretic—
1184. W. F. Slocum to Bancroft, 3/27/92—glad to learn that Gile is coming to Colorado—sorry is ill-arrangements for Gile to teach at Colorado College—
1185. M. C. Gile to Bancroft, 12/25/92—feels that coming to Colorado was wise—but misses PA sometimes— tells about his society &c—news of mutual acquaintances—
1186. Same to same, 4/23/93—telling of new position with Cutler Academy—also of poor health—
1187. Same to same, 11/26/94—about meeting with Sheldon—personal news—
1188. Same to same, 1/23/95—letter of recommendation for son of close friend of his—personal news-
1189. Same to same, 5/15/96—personal tragedy of his cousins—personal news—
1190. W. A. Gillatty to Bancroft, 4/5.85th-son standing 60+ in latin and 24th in class of 43 but conditioned by Comstock—feels Comstock may not be as patient with son as should be—
1191. W. N. Giles to Bancroft, 11/19/90—thanking for catalogue—news of classmates—political and agric¬ultural news from Neb,—personal news—
1192. J. H. Gilmore, 11/10/79–about PA history from 1849-1852–has documents which will give to Bancroft if desired—about his new Logic textbook—
1193. Ginn, Heath, & Co to Bancroft, 7/27/83—sending a copy of Flaggs Versicles—”We have heard of this same Phillips Academy but understand that it is likely to be soon thrown into the shade by the Lawrenceville Academy, N. J., a catalogue of which we take pleasure in sending….”—
1194. E. Ginn to Ban, 6/22/86—doing all possible to have every like from the book to which Comstock objects—very annoyed over matter—
1195. Same to same, 1/22/88—suggests that son omit arithmetic as is very overworked—
1196. Same to same, 1/31/88—son having trouble with his throat again—again asks that son omit either his extra latin or his arithmetic—
1197. Same to same, 12/27/88—thanks for commendation of Myers’s History—hopes trip will do him good.
1198. Same to same, 11/15/92—about book-business troubles—has been overworking—will send son to Andover again while on trip for health—
1199. A. M. Giragosian to Bancroft, 9/7/82—asking if Bancroft can help a friend of his coming from Turkey by giving him work to do at PA while he is learning English—
1200. Same to same, 10/13/82—has looked for another school for his friend but has not found one— friend hopes to sell Turkish goods in Andover—can he get his tuition remitted at PA so can learn English—asks for letters of introduction—has found a place for him in Med School—
1201. Same to same, 11/14/82—thanking for help for friend—should he take Latin—personal news—
1202. M. L. Gordon to Bancroft, 12/20/95—thanks for kindness to son—son now in college—about mission¬aries in Japan—
1203. 8/7/99— I. Goddard to Pettee—despite ill health enjoyed senior year—telling about sickness— present situation—would like to go to Yale—not sure if tuition will be waivered—
1204. Same to same, no date—will come to Andover in September to find out what to do at Yale—telling about activities—
1205. Same to same, no date—about getting settled in at Yale—many thanks for all Pettee’s help—
1206. Same to Bancroft, no date—asking for a letter of reference for position as assistant librarian—
1207. W. L. Robbins to Bancroft, 5/14/01-asking for an estimate of Goddard’s character—
1208. E. S. Gould to Bancroft, 7/24/84—cannot come up as had hoped—news of summer on the hill—account of fourth of July game against North Andover—North Andover won—
1209. W. B. Graves to Bancroft, 6/10/79–congratulating on completing re-endowment—well wishes—
1210. W. B. Graves to Bancroft, 7/5/81—”Merrill must be drunk of crazy” -discussion of ways of re-designing building so as to make cost more reasonable-“Eaton will be content if the room is habitable. I suppose – just now – he will be content with anything.”—”I know you are never so happy as when building an air castle something – even if it be an air castle.”—vacation new
1211. Graves to same, 8/10/81—about arranging courses for the Aldermans(see 41-43 above)—school
and laboratory matters—will fill up gaps in apparatus—about the Physics course—sorry to
hear people speak of the Theological Seminary as past—jokes about other teachers, esp Coy and Comstock—
1212. Graves to same, 7/10/83—vacation news—news of Carpenter—about distribution of work next year-
textbooks for future—Amherst man probably to give entrance exams next year—
1213. Graves to same, 7/21/83—comments on result of college exams—”The Latin report justifies the
new departure in that like – about gas in lab—also other equipment—”The department of Physics
will be shaken up next year – if my health don’t give out.”—
1214. Graves to same, 8/10/83—about dynamoes—will fill up gaps in equipment this year but hopes for large purchases next—laboratory inspected by various professors—textbook changes—advises Bancroft to pay close attention to Harvard requirements—vacation news—about his horse—
1215. Graves to same, 8/22/83-does not expect year in Europe—about clearing out the worthless apparatus—about arrangement of tables in lab—about new arrangement of English Latin—
1216. Graves to same, 7/8/84—about chairs—about lab work in general chemistry—apparatus—about Coy and Easthampton appointment—gossip about Amherst—
1217. Graves to same, 7/10/85—accepting chair—vacation news—news of wife—
1218. Graves to same, 7/24/85—vacation news—arrangements for wife for winter—
1219. Graves to same, no date (frag)—plans for leaving wife for winter—having money problems—complains of PA’s poverty stricken air which affects the teachers “Its close connection with a wealthy institution with a better paid Faculty doesn’t help matters. There is an incongruity that ought not to exist – and it need not—about Bancroft making a trip to make a speech—arrangements for dividing up his work—personal news—
1220. 7/12/86—Graves to same—asking for Bierworth (address—news of Coy, vacation, buying apparatus-
1221. Graves to same, 7/15/86—about getting apparatus—about new teachers—uncertain about new 4th class—about putting in steam heat—personal news—possible students—
1222. Graves to same, 8/20/86—worried about Physics satisfying new Harvard requirements—gossip about Coy—about boarding new students—
1223. Graves to same, 8/19/88—description of trip through England, Scotland, Germany, &c—joke about faculty
1224. Graves to same, 11/13/88—in Paris—has overspent allowance for Apparatus—plans for return home description of Paris and of Italy—glad about outcome of elections—English opinion on current American affairs—his own views on Irish question—care of the lab—
1225. Graves to same, 7/18/92—”We shall be obliged to insist either on Latin or Modern Languages for the Senior Class. I think it wise to accept substitutes for certain things…but…all candidates for graduation shall take their studies with the Senior Class.”–insists on exams— making out exams—trouble finding German teacher—mention of heresy trial(?)
1226. Graves to same, 7/29/92—adjusting examinational—register of entering Englishmen—lab upkeep— vacation news—
1227. Graves to same, 8/17/92—case of Jennings—sink business—personal news—getting Physics in line with Harvard requirement—adjusting courses in Physics and Chemistry—
1228. Graves to same, 8/27/92—about chemistry assistant—new system in Chemistry work makes work easier—plans for reorganizing lab building—
1229. Graves to same, 8/3/93—irritated with conditioned boys—reason for the many failures in Math and Latin—arranging work distribution—vacation news—
1230. Graves to Pettee, 8/6/93—asking to send catalogues to interested friends—work distribution– ashamed of showing of English Department boys in exams—mustn’t happen again—vacation news—
1231. Graves to Bancroft, 3/1/94—glad those Harvard fellows are to be provided for—tells of sickness— advice on arranging Chemistry and Physics labs—
1232. Graves to same, 3/26/94—thanks for plans—trying to interest a man once in Eng. commons to help replace them—”I have had every complication possible to the Grip — except to die.”—
1233. Graves to Pettee, 8/11/94—apparatus mixup—new teachers—mixup about Senior Chemistry—
1234. Graves to same, 8/17/94—distribution of work—wants to make some innovations in his teaching of Physics—about boys rooming in Graves house—
1235. Graves to Bancroft, 3/17/95—description of trip in Italy—news of Cecil—arrangements in English Department for next year—wishes Seminary would go to Cambridge and leave buildings and grounds to PA—
1246. Graves to Pettee, 7/10/99—vacation news—news of wife—asks about Bancroft’s condition—
1247. L. M. Peck to Ban, 3/22/86—asking for information on Gen. W. N. Green Jr.—
1248. Same to same, 5/7/86—thanking for information on the General—
1249. F. E. Greene to Bancroft, 2/9/86—asking for recommendation for teaching job—personal news—
1250. H. A. Greene to Bancroft, 12/31/84—some very second-hand gossip about Andover boy’s behavior in Spfld (Springfield?)
1251. R. T. Greener to Bancroft, 3/25/86—sending engraving of General Grant—rambling
1252. Same to same, 4/10/91—glad of safe arrival of paintings—sorry could not present them in per¬son—rambling reminiscences of career at Harvard and PA—
1253. J. C. Greenough to Bancroft, 10/6/86—daughter getting married—asks that son be excused from school to attend—
1254. A. H. Greenway to Ban, 11/13/98—husband visiting New York—will want son to see him there— asks that boy be permitted to go—
1255. G. C. Greenway(husband) to Bancroft, 11/16/98—asking shat son be allowed to come down so can have bony humor over brow checked by father’s medical friends—
1256. Same to Pettee-(Wire), 11/17/98—details about son’s proposed visit to NY—
1257. Same to same, 11/22/98—feels strange that boy not allowed to see Yale game but he did not go-detail of arrangements for operation on boy’s brow—
1258. Same to same, 12/12/98—asking that boy leave school as soon as vacation starts to go to NY for operation—not sure when boy will be able to return—
1259. Same to same, 4/5/99—thinks very fair to son—sorry son is not studious—operation may have a great deal to do with it—willing to overlook lack of energy under the circumstances and keep the boy in school—
1260. A. H. Greenway to Pettee, 5/7/99—anxious since son has said nothing about studies in letters-asks if Pettee could tell them how he stands—
1261. G. C. Greenway to Pettee, 7/1/99—about getting recommendation for prelims—asking if could look up record in certain subjects—
1262. L. R. F. Griffin to Bancroft, no date—about position at PA—salary, hours, &c—frequent mention of Mr. Graves—
1263. Same to same, 4/12/77—Telling about school, in West Medford—asking advice on what to do now—
1264 Same to same, 6/2/77—no more settled—description of present situation—not sure if will be wanted another year there—trying to get a good place somewhere else—would prefer to teach at college level—personal news
1265. Same to same, 6/8/78—asking for recommendation for city superintendancy—personal news—
1266. Same to same, 10/6/77—asking if demonstration cone for conic sections is patented—has devised
similar thing of own—personal news—
1267. Same to same, 6/28/78—asking for advice in choosing between two new job offers
1268. Same to same, 10/17/78—asking if can find man suitable for public relations and admissions and to help increase endowment—
1269. Same to same, 8/9/79—news of Lake Forest and personal news -congratulates on re-endowment—
1270. Same to same, 3/11/80—thanks for recommendation—talks about various inventions of his— news of Lake Forest—
1271. Same to same, 4/28/80—asking current tutoring charges—asks news of New England colleges —
1272. Same to same, 9/25/80—personal news—news of Lake Forest—asks about teachers at Andover
1273. Same to same, 2/26/81—about Rochester movement—personal news—asks about teachers at Andover
1274. Same to same, 4/30/81—asks advice on action about slight—personal news—
1275. Same to same, 5/4/81—asking Ban to support Heewitt at Dartmouth—Lake Forest and personal news
1276. Same to same, 11/16/81—Asking if can suggest a good man for principal of Lake Forest Academy—details of position—has new position at Newburyport—
1277. Same to same, 12/14/81—trouble over having left position at Lake Forest—
1278. Same to same, 13/13/81—Lake Forest trustees do not accept Griffin’s resignation—may hold him there— asks if can find another suitable man to replace him—
1279. Same to same, 7/24/82—asking about smoking question—will stay at Lake Forest for the time being— Lake Forest news—remarks on troubles in all the colleges—”What is the matter with young America?”
1280. Same to same, 8/9/82 thanks for information on smoking—asks if Bancroft can find a place teaching Mod For Lang for a friend—college gossip—
1281. Same to same, 11/9/82—suggestions on grubs eating up the chapel—Lake Forest news—present plans–
1282. Same to same, 11/16/82—thanks for eaten wood—will try to find remedy—application for new post
1283. Same to same, 2/19/83—about the wood eaters—asks about the “mad stone” for treating rabies hoping to get post at Brown—
1284. Same to same, 2/27/83—talks about position at Brown—Lake Forest news—
1285. Same to same, 6/11/83—congratulates on PA’s progress—Lake Forest news—intends to stay for time being-cannot take position at Brown since needs Astronomer and Griffin’s eyes are too weak–
1286. Same to same, 1/26/85-explaining request for testimonial in Mental and Moral Philosophy–news
1287. Same to same, 2/12/85—about applications for two positions—
1288. Same to same, 6/13/85—will stay at Lake Forest for present—asks for loan from Taylor to build house—
1289. Same to same, 3/23/86—about new position—Lake Forest news—asks about Andover teachers—
1290. Same to same, 6/26/86—Lake Forest looking for new president—will get new position somewhere for next year as work at Lake Forest getting too much for him—news—
1291. Same to same, 7/20/86—not as urgent to move—but will if right position offers—asking advice on new president of Lake Forest—
1292. Same to same, 10/20/86—Lake Forest news—asks advice on offer made from Wolfboro New Hampshire—family news—
1293. Same to same, 8/13/89—Lake Forest news—congratulates on trip—may look for another position—news—
1294. Same to same, 10/12/91—thanks for new position—may go into research soon—
1295. Same to same, 8/5/92—surprised at Gile going to Colorado—discusses new possible position— working on his inventions—family news—
1296. Same to same, 5/6/93—describes new position—tells of death of brother—asks about Andover news—
1297. Same to same, 10/4/98—was shot down applying for position in NY—afraid present school will close next year—asking for help in finding new job—
1298. Same to same, 2/11/99—has been made headmaster of school—still afraid school may fail—asks about position at Vassar—family news—
1299. Same to same, 9/18/00—lost position—attendance drop—thinking of starting own private school
1300. Same to same, 10/29/00—starting own school—would be grateful if Bancroft sent anyone to it
1301. J. M. Griffing to Abbott—sending $5 for dormitory fund—2/22/92—
1302. Same to Newton, 6/16/05—declining to attend Alumni dinner next week—
1303. C. Grilk to Bancroft, 3/31/94—had to sell everything to stay at Exeter after leaving Andover—has no extra money and cannot pay debt—will pay as soon as possible—has summer job arranged—
1304. G. C. Greenway to Ban, 11/6/93—shocked at son’s suspension—son says is victim of circumstances—takes it for granted that faculty has examined it thoroughly—arrangementa for tutoring—
1305. G. C. Greenway Jr. to Pettee, 11/20/93—asking when suspension ends—doing good work—glad the truth about the Exeter, players has come out—asking details of work—
1306. C. Grilk to Faculty, no date—explaining trip to Lawrence—photographing foot-ball team—
1307. Same to same, no date—resigning if no longer wanted at school—wants to be able to go to an¬other school—asks that parents not be told—asks that can stay until Monday and return in early December to attend to some Mirror business—
1308. Same to Ban, 12/4/93—asking to return at beginning of winter term—explains penitence—cannot stay long at Exeter since many poor boys there and cannot get any work—
1309. C. W. Grupe to Stearns, 5/23/04—asking about entering son—cost, scholarships, &c—reference’
1310. Same to same, 7/19/04—asking about cash needed at start of year—also about placements, room:
1311. Same to same, 8/2/04—applying for admission—not sure can make out with cost, but hopeful— room application—asking about work for son—
1312. Same to same, 9/9/04—about room assignment—about cost of first term—
1313. J. M. Magee to Stearns, 6/25/04—about Hubert Groves who wants a college education but has no money—has been working in afternoons and going to school in the morning—worn himself down— Magee wants boy to get good start by going to Andover—could earn something during trial term?—
1314. Same to same, 7/7/04—about money raising—Groves wants to go to Andover—
1315. Same to same, 9/17/04—letter of introduction for Groves—money matters—”It speaks well for Andover that even the boys who had to leave somewhat summarily still retain an interest”-
1316. E. E. Guernsey to Bancroft, 1/16/84—son has mumps—had hoped to send back soon but cannot—needs scholarship—family history—no help at present can be given by older children—gives back¬ground of son—
1317. Same to same, 8/18/85—about school career of son—cannot pay his bills—wants work to be able to stay at PA—wants very much to go to Yale—
1318. C. Guild to Bancroft, 12/22/78—would like a Centennial catalogue if one exists—
1319. J. P. Gulliver to Bancroft 10/2/78—if gets position at Andover wants to know if friend of his can also be employed—made strong effort to get endowment for Academy—wishes could do as will for Abbot—
1320. Same to same, 10/7/78—thanks for information on possible position for friend—involved ex¬planations of honorable conduct—about his part in the re-endowment drive—
1321. Same to same, 11/8/78—accepted post at Andover—quote (a flattering one) from Pil Progress—
feels unfitted for post but hopes to do well—comment on folly of underpaying and underhousing teachers at Seminary for pious reasons —
1322. J. F. Gulliver (son) Bancroft, 11/25/78–arrangements for house for Gulliver—
1323. J. P. Gulliver to Bancroft, 3/14/79—about getting house—
1324. Same to same, 3/17/79—about mixup over house—
1325. Same to same, 3/5/82—about stormy Sunday when missed some appointments—humorous ending—
1326. Same to same, 7/6/82—thoughts on defeat of Seminary—ideas on reorganizing Seminary administration—
1327. Same to Trustees, no date—facts about drainage at house and location of well—
1328. W. H. Willcox to Hardy, 11/17/90—cover note to 1329—notes by Hardy(?) at bottom—
1329. J. P. Gulliver to Willcox, 11/8/90—explanation of conduct and of doubts on Hill and Mason—
1330. Same to Hardy, 4/2/91—needs a hired man to keep up house—also need of a new water closet— heating and plumbing are radically deficient—
1331. Mary Gulliver (daughter) to Bancroft, 1/25/94—asking Ban to write paragraphs on father for Townsman and Boston Transcript gives main dates of his life—
13325 D. E. Gwynne to Bancroft, 4/20/88—asking for letter assenting son’s moral standing—needs to get in to another school—sorry son could not stay at Andover—bill paying—
1332. Same to same, 4/25/88—thanking for letter—thanking for kindness of faculty—french tutor bil (bill?)
1333. E. E. Gwynne (son) to Bancroft, 12/8/88—needs another letter in order to change schools—trying to improve—
1335. M. D. Derr to Pettee, 3/29/99—news of sons—references to Benegre’s expulsion(see 863-868)
1336. M. C. Gile to Bancroft, 6/22/98—cannot go to Andover tomorrow—seems to be sick—will celebrate privately in honor of McCurdy and Bancroft—will see Ban when quarantine over—(comes after 1189 above)
1337. Report of Committee on petition for Gymnasium, no date—recommends deferring building of a gymnasium given present financial situation—opening four acres for playing-fields—students can build temporary structures for present until permanent arrangements can be made— Committee is Sweetser and R. Alehupman(???)
1338. Graves and Thayer to Gymnasium Committee, 1/3/67—about altering Brick Academy to a gym—
‘purchase of apparatus for gym, arrangement of facilities, &c—
1339. J. L. and S. H. Taylor to Trustees(final report of Gym. Com), 5/20/67—reconstructing interior
of Brick academy and getting lighting cheaper than had been estimated—details of alterations- employment of Gymnast to direct exercise—setting up of hours—charges for use of gym—teachers have private keys to the Gym—do not want Gym to be open at all hours to all comers—about payment for alterations and outfittings—will be for both institutions—
1340. Pettee to Trustees (speaking for Faculty)—6/89—Faculty supports raising money for new Gym—
will increase student interest in school—this will stimulate parent financial aid not now present—need for gym great and alumni can be easily interested in it—will not interfere with other projects—will publicly advertise needs of school—prevent confusion with Theological Seminary—
1341. J. M. Trustan (?) to Ban, 2/27/91—putting sons down for $100 each with a little more if fund ends short—NB—this man has been identified as McMillan but the signature does not resemble that in the least—My reading is Trustan of Frustan—
1342. J. H. Seymour to Bancroft, 3/30/93~check for $100 for Gymnasium Building Fund—
1343. G. Lauder to Ban, 6/29/97—sending check for $1000.00 for gym fund in gratitude for sons graduation after four years and in acknowledgement of school’s excellence—
1344. H. H. Stebbins to Bancroft, 4/23/01—sending $1,150.00 for Gym fund (the 150 as interest)—wellwishes
1345. A. A. Thomas to Stearns, 9/15/04—cousin Laurence Eames applying to school—gives his background—asking about rooms—glad school has made improvements as has dissuaded others from going there
1346. Same to same, 9/18/04—hopes cousin will get in—further background on him—
1347. Same to same, 9/21/04—thanks for interest in cousin—glad of renewed faith in Andover—thankful for the present conditions at Andover—
1348. H. P. Haines to Ban, 6/27/82—thanking for catalogue—personal news and news of other And-Har (Andover-Harvard?) men—asks for Alumni Association By-laws—
1349. Same to same, 1/23/85—asking about possible opening in mills—personal news—political news—
1350. Same to same, 1/28/85—thanking for information—telling of experience in cotton mills— pleased about new building—wishes could get dorms to replace Commons—
1351. J. W. Haley to Ban, 10/2/82—thinks W. E. Park should succeed his father—personal news—
1352. Same to same, 6/18/90—asking about possible class reunion at Dartmouth—personal news—
1353. Hall and co to Bancroft, 12/18/?—about treatise on Evolution of Sound—offer to send it—
1354. Bancroft to G.L. Hale, 2/9/85—about tuition increase—majority of trustees not in favor at present— too great a burden on too many—loss of middle students—unable to pay increased costs but unwilling to get scholarships—wish to concur with the Exeter School so far as possible in this and every other question of the sound administration of an important trust—wish could be given enough money to solve question of ways and means—
1355. E. H. Hall to Bancroft, 8/20/85—not coming back—hopes that rest of Phillipian board will continue to try to make the Phillipian a weekly—feels school can support it- sorry to have to leave—
1356. H. T. Hall to Bancroft, 1/12/83—surprised at son’s report and at teachers failure to notify him earlier that son was wasting time—Bancroft notes points well taken and asks Eaton and Com for ad¬vice on what to reply—