Bancroft correspondence: SERIES 2: Abbot-Crosby, 1877-1904
1. L. Watson to Bancroft, 11/2/1894—complains that boys are shining mirrors into classes at Abbot
2. Mrs. Abbey to Bancroft, 6/9/1898—asks advice on where Freshmen should stay at New Haven—explains conduct of Stephen—Major Marland getting old and easily teased—house in poor condition so plaster falls when boys walk fast or run up stairs—”would like to know of some place in New Haven where they are particular as to the class of boys they take, yet where boys do not feel as if in the hands of an enemy.”
3. Same to same, 5/20/1898—tells of Stephen’s past schooling—mentions “your great sorrow”- “your boys all love you and feel great sympathy for you my son says”
4. Sarah Abbott to Bancroft 5/30/1874-“What shall I do with my boys who break into my house by smashing glass, after eleven o’clock at night?”—not the first offence of this kind
5. Alfred Abbott to Bancroft 6/1/1878—”must decline to serve upon the Com. of award, as I should probably be unable to be present & perform the duty required.” afraid must miss cent. celebrations—wishes well—
6. Mrs. S. Abbott to Mr. Pettee, 7/22/1898—rooming blanks unclear—explains prices
7. Alfred Abbott to Bancroft, 5/29/1898—asks if can write to anyone connected with Board of Trustees or board of Lunacy & Charity, if can talk with a minister at any time, if can write to his lawyer without having letters read by others, if can get mail as soon as it arrives, if can have four hours for private study, if can have access to his books and keep a regular diary, if can have own hat or· cap, etc.—worried about how patients are treated by attendants—
8. S. F. Abbott to Bancroft 8/13/1883—worried about Bancroft’s state of health—does not think he is getting enough rest—offers to nurse children and look after Mrs. Bancroft if he would go away for a few weeks of complete freedom before school starts—news about friends, professors, &C.
9. Same to same, 7/11/1882—news of Mrs. Richards, tells of their vacation together—invites for clam chowder, but explains that they are roughing it.
10. C. M. Abbott to Bancroft 1/8/1879—asks that Mr. Chandler can come early and miss morning devotions since his help is urgently needed with the cattle
11. M.F. Adams to Bancroft Philia, 5/21/1896—asks if can trace father of a Thomas Adams, b.1757-
12. W. Adams to Bancroft Orange, N.J. 7/10/1878—glad revisited Andover—tells about some friends in response to a letter of Mr. Herrick—wishes well
13. A.E. Addis to San, 6/4/1893—sending out another feeler for evidence—player for Exeter may have been paid more than expenses incurred in playing for another team & hence not eligible to play against Andover—glad that Andover will not play if Powers is not removed from Exeter team—encourages Bancroft to continue to push for evidence &c.—
14. R.D. Benedict to Bancroft 3/20/1883—inquires if Bancroft would consider a proposal to be headmaster of Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn
15. N. W. Aldee, 2/20/1890—asks about people he knew at Andover—news of some mutual friends
16. I. Adler to Bancroft 5/10/1896—brother Mortimer preparing for Harvard—a year at Andover would help greatly to understanding and enjoying Cam. And mean possibly only three years needed—tells of past work—
17. I. Adler to Bancroft 6/2/1896—has received no answer to his previous letters—worried because leaving for Europe in a week and wants to know about going to Andover before he goes—
18. Same to same, 6/4/1896—same thing
19. Same to same, 7/26/1896—tells what exams has passed—suggests mixed schedule for next year.
20. C. Aiken to Bancroft 4/17/1888—asks about “New Departure” at Theological Seminary—
21. Same to same, 5/11/1889—reminisces—
22. John Aiken to Bancroft 5/19/1898—tells of Andover’s importance to him—hopes to visit soon—
23. telegram from C.H. Aldrich to Bancroft—orders son to leave Andover at once—also “wired Keith Smith with reference to publication to paper…had not supposed bad as your letter states it” (date 6/25/1898)
24. Same to same, 6/20/1898—supports Bancroft in position towards son, but does not feel that should be barred from college, since not bad influence on others—son has indeed liked school, but has had bad health, has been indulged and is probably headstrong—
25. Same to same, 5/11/1896—supports son’s request for a dorm suite—thinks repentance for past sins sincere—hopes can come back for another year.
26. Same to same, 5/16/1896—astonished at the letters Bancroft has sent him—cites Dr. Holmes—does not want his son to develop wasteful habits of time or money—
27. Same to same, 7/20/1898—treatment of son by Mrs. Butterfield—feels system needs modification
28. Same to same, 6/30/1898—has ordered son not to publish anything in the paper reflecting on Andover or the boarding house system—still wants PA diploma as certificate of work done—feels that refusal of certificate of good character would be unjust—
29. Same to same, no date but undoubtedly before most of the preceding—”The last words that has college chances are implicated makes me fear that there is trouble beyond his health and absences.”—suggested go to Philadelphia to consult a doctor—
30. C. R. Aldrich (the son in question) to Bancroft 6/14/1898—has been requested to leave by Benner and Graves—will give moral fitness certificate if leaves, not if stays—feels unfair as morality unquestionable—”Merely staying here as long as I have is a recommendation of my morals. The fact that the Faculty has been lenient with my absences is another: – for had there been any immorality even suspected of me I could never have received such treatment.” feels a very unfair situation—will sacrifice own interests if leaves—rather unpleasant
31. “Same to same, 6/8/1898—resigns from school because of ill health, and cannot get diploma anyway.
32. Bancroft to C. Aldrich (elder)—letter which is answered by 29 above –statement of situation—son should leave or go to another place at once—
33. Same to same—6/7/1898—son has resigned—surprised and unhappy over it—”I cannot help feeling that some malign influence has come in, for we have given him our full confidence heretofore.”—feels a terrible mistake—graduation was assured—since college in doubt even more important to get a degree from a school like Phillips
34. Same to son, 6/14/1898—marked change in tone—since all have agreed that son should leave, Bancroft sees no reason “for any further courtesy in the matter on examination and recommendation…having put yourself out of court you have no further standing in it”. Obviously annoyed by 30 above. Response (by father) is 24 above.
[NB] letters should be read in following order: 25, 26, 32(?), 29, 31, 33, 30, 34, 24, 23, 28, 27
35. P.S. Aldrich, to La Roy F. Griffin, 1/7/1878—what he has done since leaving Phillips
36. Ida Allen to Bancroft 10/20/1897—permission for Mr. Skinner to visit again—school talk (Bradford)
37. Carroll Alden to Bancroft 7/21/1892—would like to go to Phillips since brother did and pa to Theological Seminary—has no money—how can earn money &c.
38. Emmonds Alden (brother) to Bancroft 7/21/1892—recommends Carroll as reliable and eager—
39. Carroll Alden to Bancroft 8/2/1892—tells of past work—does not think he is a “Rustler”—eager
40. E. K. Alden to Bancroft 6/22/76—apologizes for what was said at the Board meeting on Monday—”You ought to receive a most humble apology for what was said to wound your feelings; and yet I am afraid that you will not.” Hopes will continue to hold ground as Head, hopeful for next year “For one, I engage to use appropriate instrumental agencies, before your new term opens, to reach the source of your chief annoyance, and to make it sure that your official relation is treated with its due respect”—Board will back him up completely
41. E. R. Alderman to Graves, 7/22/1882—marks have been such a disappointment to Dean that he asks if there may have been some mistake—son was excited until grades came, now says he will not go back—father wants both his sons to return next year—
42. Same to Bancroft 8/12/1882—Earl will not return but Dean will—hopes to do well and feels that he can—discussion of boarding houses
43. Same to same, 5/19/1883—Dean will change boarding house if returns next year—
44. A. D. Alderman (Dean?) to Bancroft 7/11/1886—got catalogue—wishes had had more time there than did—also wishes did better than he did—family news.
45. Same to Stearns, 4/25/1904,—wants son to go to Andover for a year before Yale—has had correspondence with Graves but still has some questions—asks to see him at Pittsburg Alumni meeting
46. Same to same, 5/6/1904—regrets unable to make Pittsburg meeting—questions about entrance requirements—wants son to graduate regularly to go to Yale.
47. Same to same, no date—tells what son has covered
48. Same to same, 5/12/1904—entrance exams—boy might rattle and not do as well as he could-same objection to Yale preliminaries—wonders if could take at home where he would be at ease—
49. Same to same, 5/19/1894—only desire is that my son shall be recognized for his worth- would like to have tests taken at home, administered by Marrietta Professor. Then take Yale prelims in late June in Columbus—confusion about Yale exams.
50. Same to same, 6/27/1904—places son in Middle class—regrets not having done so last year— asks advice on rooming etc
51. Same to same, 7/11/1904—formal application—will board where father boarded—
52. Same to same, 9/19/1904—son has left—instructions on where he may go ie Bn etc.—will be homesick so cheer him up—
53. F. B. Aldrich-to Stearns, 4/5/1905—nephew wants to go to Phillips—reminisces
54. H. P. Allen to Bancroft 4/3/1885—wants to go to Yale in 1886, thinks a year at Phillips would help him greatly—offers credentials
55. Same to same, 4/10/1885—would rather not take Yale prelims since coincides with graduation and is in poor health, but will if necessary or better—agrees better to float than be in one particular class—
56. Same to same, 7/22/1885—asks in what subjects should be examined—
57. J. M. Allen to Bancroft 4/9/1877—wants a good teacher for grammar school in Marion at 50 dollars per month—
58. N. T. Allen to Bancroft 6/6/82—thanks for circulars which are very valuable—has also gotten circulars from Annapolis—all agree tobacco very injurious—feels parents must approve if all secondary and fitting schools ban use of tobacco—notes that his own Cuban and South American students over twenty who normally use the weed are allowed to do so in private, away from the other students and passersby.
59. Philip Allen to Bancroft 5/24/1898—wants to be put on the list to tutor boys
60. Same to Pettee, 11/1/1894—has boy who wants to go for a year to Andover and then to SSS—wants advice on math, what books to get for History, and so forth—wants to up to the game
61. B. Allen to Pettee, 8/15/1894—personal matters—furnishings, carpets &c—
62. Mrs. C.B. Alvord to Bancroft 9/17/1886—suggestions for making the Latin Commons more sanitary-
63. B. Amen to Bancroft 2/25/1892—(from Riverview)—asking about a Mr. Finch, who wants to leave his son with the school—son has had to leave PA—wants to know details of son’s overnight stay in Lawrence which he was expelled for—
64. H. P. Amen to Bancroft 10/8/1896—”I made the announcement in Chapel Tuesday morning as you suggested. It was received by our boys with much enthusiasm; I regret to learn that the Andover boys did not receive the announcement in the same spirit. Our boys surely do not wish to force or drag your school into a series of contests with them.”—Exeter not making any special efforts to obtain foot-ball material—Exeter students looking forward eagerly to a renewal of contests—will be sorry when they hear Andover is not so pleased—
65. Same to same, 10/12/1896—apologizes for not having met in New Haven as planned—“There is not a boy in school, as far as we can learn, who does not wish to see the games between the two schools renewed. We desire only honorable, gentlemanly contests. While we are ready to renew the games, we do not wish the Andover Boys to feel that the Exeter/ boys are forcing matter in the least, and therefore we have kept silent.” —technical matters on meetings on same sub.
66. Same to same, 10/13/1896—reply to letter of the 12 of Bancroft’s—will tell Mr. Roes when returns
67. Same to same, 11/11/1896—has told Mr. Reed that want no one connected with last game to have anything to do with this one—“We are doing our utmost to show you people at Andover that we are in earnest in our efforts to secure a clean, honorable, gentlemanly game. We feel that the coaching is in good hands under Newell’s direction and do not, in the delicate condition of affairs between the two schools, wish you to feel that we are willing to draw into the present contest any of the former set of men or influences.”
68. Same to same, 11/13/1896—arrangements for going to Andover for the game—”The special train which will take use to Andover will leave Exeter at 12-15pm. We hope not to be delayed by freight trains or other annoyances.”
69. E. P. Crowell to Bancroft 5/12/1883—”I can say now that the plan of admitting students on school certificates on Latin and Greek has not diminished the number of applicants or lowered the standards of admission. Some of the Fitting Schools do not like the discrimination we make in accepting certificates from certain ones and declining those from others, but that is no fault of ours. We must keep on the safe side of the line, of course.—have discussed admitting the best school’s students on certificate in all branches, but is opposition, especially among English and math teachers—Crowell himself is in favor of doing so—”Why not form an association of first class Fitting Schools, arrange uniform courses of study & then make overtures to the Coll. Association to accept certificates instead of examinations, presenting in full the reasons?”
70. Azel Ames to Bancroft 5/20/1881—thanks for circular on use of tobacco—thinks very harmful to boys since affects eyes—bad for adults in excess—but does not harm adult if in moderation—with exception of those whose throats or hearts are easily irritated (!)—cites Prof Parkes of British Army Medical School—
71. Same to same, 8/16/1888—has had boy’s rooms painted, papered, and given minor repairs—wants better buildings for the school—thinks trustees should pay part but will pay balance – has examined sanitary arrangements for the Commons – had thought that could build new—now sees that cannot have in separate buildings—feels extensive improvements of no use since new buildings will have interior sanitary conveniences—thinks might be good to have “boiler heaters” in new buildings—gives advice on how toilets should be built—”No man in his sense would ever have put recitation walls in the basement of the Academy, to begin with, with damp walls, as I see you have them, damp walls being unavoidable in underground apartments. Of course, the heating apparatus, being overhead in these basement rooms, is unavoidable, in view of the fact that the hot water apparatus was put in after the buildings were built, and it was great wisdom to put in hot water rather than steam.”—Old well impossible, new well essential—”Worse water does not exist in a civilized community. I wonder you have not had typhoid fever, diphtheria, and other things from it. It certainly is in a dangerous proximity and relationship, and the pump ought to be taken out and the well filled up.”
72. Same to same, 9/7/1888—glad Bancroft did not misinterpret his last letter—about boys moving in-wants to go to Europe with Bancroft in Oct not Dec, and will go anytime Bancroft finds convenient.
73. Same to same, 10/15/1888—sends bill for work on rooms—
74. Same to same, lm/31/1888—bad weather—knows boys like everything—wants boys to come and stay over long weekend, missing only one days work to be made up later—
75. Same to same, 11/8/1888—apologizes for mix up in asking boys home—thought they would have Tuesday off for election day—would not have asked otherwise—sent to PA from good public schools because PA unequalled at teaching scholarly habits of thought and at preserving religious, feelings—also builds self-reliance by pushing out of nest a little.—feels that there is less regard for property at Andover than when he was there—feels sets a bad example to boys—his sons have lost a fine lamp shade he brought by hand from Chicago when football was deliberately kicked through window—fears Bancroft too afraid of being a martinet—will always fully support—bill has been satisfactorily arranged.
76. Same to same, 11/15/1888—has gotten bill from Major Marland—seems to be error in catalogue-also letter from Bancroft about Thanksgiving recess—wants boys to stay over weekend—feels sooner is too tight a schedule—can make up work lost—
77. Same to same, 11/11/1889—wants boys home from Wed. night to when must return—suggests that holiday should be longer—”I wish there was not such a thing as a football game in the world, and I am fully persuaded that the day must come when true physical culture will as rigidly prohibit some of the now vaunted athletics as we are now ardent in our support of intercollegiate contests, et cetera.”
78. Same to same, 11/14/1889—thanks for what says of boys, also of opinion on an physical culture, says will support in any way possible—”While I know and value the moral effect of old Phillips repute for Spartan simplicity and brain stimulus rather than elegance of accommodations etc I do begin to feel that her reputation and numbers have sadly outgrown her housing” feels should do something about it at Alumni dinner—wants to attract as much money as possible —well wishes—
79. Same to same, 4/2/1890—happy over prospects of reunion on 10th—”You may not know it but it is a fact that your sanitary arrangements are under the inspection of the State police, who have the sole supervision outside the cities of school hygiene (instead of the State Board of Health) with mandatory power. I do not hesitate to say…that is once inspected by Mr. White who has this work in charge for the District Police, a competent man his report would be most damaging to the institution.”—wants sanitary arrangements improved before sports &c. “I ache to see the plans you have in mind- your Centenary plan – accomplished. The baths are a much needed – an indispensable sanitary requirement.”
80. S. D. Ames (wife) to Bancroft 8/24/1890—explains that husband has gone abroad—has acute kidney disease—no provision for living without earning—want boys to stay at school but at least possible expense—can tuition for Edward be remitted—Azel may get State Scholarship to MIT—could Bancroft write supporting letters to school or State Board Of Education—
81. Azel Ames to Bancroft 1/6/1891—back home but little better—had hoped for success in cattle in Montana but now must expect almost total loss—wants son to go back to Andover—needs another remission of tuition—
82. Same to same, 4/1/1891 –going abroad to avoid Mass Spring—feeling better, however, asks for another remission of tuition for Edward—intends to pay back eventually—
83. Same to same, 9/9/1891—thanks for all assistance during sickness—now almost well—now back at work—will be able to pay own way now—
84. Same to same, 6/12/1892—paying back for old loan —thinks secretary had included old remission in return for fixing up the rooms when boys first came—helping to raise half-million needed for school—supports low tuition—thinks has played major part in success of school-worried that new dorms will mean raising rent in Commons—fears will mean losing Poor-Boy class—Edward wants to invite some friends to his graduation—”Since the burning of the Mansion House, the hotel accommodations are quite cramped.”
85. Same to same, 2/23/1893, friend of cousin worried about son, who had to leave school because of outbreak of scarlet fever in his boarding house. Father concerned that house may not be free of infection—Father probably over nervous but feels unconvinced by all assurances- “if Bancroft permits will check house himself—important convince father because is wealthy and in a position to do much for Andover—condition may also influence other Western potential donor’
86. Same to same, 2/28/1893—agrees in difficulties of case—large school like PA must have clear and rigid policy—will gladly inspect during trip to Haverhill—”I have the impression that the somewhat exalted character as a Sanitary Expert which my cousin has given me, may, perhaps, prove quiescent to his troubled fears.”
87. Azel Ames 3rd (son) to Bancroft 10/1/1894—father having business trouble—Azel is 21 and doesn’t want to be a burden to family any more—borrowing money for last year at MIT—would like a reference from Bancroft—
88. Adelbert Ames to Bancroft, 5/8/1898—asks to excuse son from class on Physics on 14th—We are rejoicing over Dewey’s victory…Spain will go to pieces, most likely, after another navel conflict which must be a victory for us.”
89. L. B. R. Briggs to Adelbert Ames (son)—8/18/1898—reply to letter asking to be certified in the preliminaries he passed, since he has malaria caught in Cuba and cannot take the whole examination for Harvard again in Sept. Requests letter from headmaster supporting him.
90. Adel Ames (son) to Bancroft 8/11/1898—explains situation—encloses 89above, report from Harvard.
91. L. B. R. Briggs to Pettee, 8/27/1898—“I should not think of piecing out the old preliminary certificate with new subjects.”
92. Same to Adel Ames, 8/27/1898—Bancroft is away, better to wait until he returns—cannot piece out preliminary certificate—Petee seems confused—
93. Adle Ames (father) to Bancroft 9/29/1898—encloses 92 above—son has no prelim—took with him to Santiago, sent home with fever—wants to tutor for Harvard next year—
94. L. B. R. Briggs to Pettee, 10/3/1898—thanks for letter—thinks matter settled—
95. Same to same, 10/4/1898—since Ames was prelim candidate no way to give him a certificate now- sorry Bancroft is not well—
96. D. A. Anderson to Bancroft 8/10/1878—son of missionary in Turkey wants to take a year at Phillips before going to college—wants to take branches in which he is deficient and not the regular senior—Andover wants to know if possible—personal news about his attempts to find a position for the next year—
97. Andover Electric Company to Bancroft 12/23/1890—information and prices for relighting unnamed building
98. A. H. Andrews to Bancroft 10/22/1891—son unable to return to Andover at start of term—feeling badly and doctor advised rest or he might have Malaria of typhoid—did not have severe illness but it was thought better to put him in a smaller school—thanks for interest shown in boy—
99. Anonymous to Mr. Copper, no date—very spiteful letter asking why PA employs Lawrence immigrants while Andover people starve—also hiring wives while single girls can’t find jobs-complains of Superintendent telling “young men, when they apply for work, ‘to get to Hell out of here and keep off this Hill’- Just what right has he to talk that way to any Andover boy or Man – Classic Phillips Academy”—”You feed a lot of useless birds while men are starving”- “Stearns goes around speaking of the youth. And when Andover youth or age ask PA for work that is the answer
100. O. Arey to. Bancroft, 6/11/1898—thanks for invitation to Alumni Dinner—tells of similar affair in Buffalo—asks to be told how much he owes the school from when he was a student—
101. B. O. Armour to Bancroft, 6/12/1886—wants son to leave early so he can go to New York and have his throat treated—would like him examined in Chicago as before—hopes he will pass well, but feels another year in school before college would not hurt him, especially since he missed a lot through being sick—
102. B. O. Armour to Bancroft 3/17/?—would like son to leave early for spring vacation since it takes a long time to get home and he needs to have his health (?) attended to
103. L. H. Arnold to Bancroft 12/27/1897—thanks for letter about son—family tends to be indolent—feels his boy will overcome his faults—pleased with what written in his favor—sends “one of our hospital papers, in order that you may see what we are trying to do here in advancing the cause of education of trained nurses.” (NB—Arnold is a counselor at law- not in medicine)
104. Fred Atherson(?) to Bancroft 7/14/1882—had been admitted without conditions, thinks Carpenter has been too—will try to keep up reputation of PA 1882 in college—sends subscription for Mr. Merrell’s portrait
105. G. H. Atkinson to Bancroft—4/2/1881—thanks for helping to arrange ball for Alden Academy—tells of Rev. Lade, who greatly desired the ball—personal news—
106. L. A. Austin to Bancroft 7/23/1888—wants addresses of students at College or the Academy who need a mild climate for reasons of health
107. B. C. Auten to Bancroft 2/5/1896—asking Bancroft to announce meeting to organize Prohibition Club, and invite all interested in Temperance reform, honest government, and spreading these principles among the students to attend
108. Same to same, 8/1/1892—telling Bancroft of his performance on Harvard prelims, asking advice on schedule for next year—
109. B. Avery to Bancroft 10/27/1890—would like to go to Phillips but has had to leave school to earn money to go East—would have to be a Jr. Middler—would be worth it to go East—could have tuition remitted—also have trial instead of examination, in view of rustyness—
110. Same to same, 3/10/1891—has waited to test resolution—still wants badly to come—will try to enter Jr. Middler class—applying for room in Commons needs an exact estimate of cost so can plan
111. D. Avery to Bancroft 2/20/1883—sends balance of payment for sons expenses—distresses with sons poor work—Comstock has advised keeping him in for the rest of the term—thinks it might be best to put son in small school where he will be forced to learn habits of study—wants advice
112. N. C. Ayer to Bancroft, 12/28/1888(?)—decided to give up classical education—wants business education,-asks if can enter Middle class, English Dept—willing to be tutored in whatever needs it-thanks for kind letter to father, who was sick—father glad to know worked hard—
113. Ayers to Bancroft 2/15/1883—wants son in a manufactory where he can be improved—sorry about dismissal of son
114. Same to same, 8/19/1882—arrival of Walter—wants to be Engineer or Merchant—lots of advice &c. and many instructions
115. N. C. Ayre, 12/23/1882—thanks for letter—is pleased that son is working so hard—has not seemed well since his return—
116. T. Bacon to Bancroft, 11/14/1891—replying to circular about Thanksgiving—son may go to Norwich to uncle—tells of older son who has profited greatly by his two years at Andover
117. W. C. Merritt to Bancroft 8/27/1888—recommendation of W. A. Baldwin, telling of character and past studies—
118. C. H. Babcock to Bancroft 8/19/1885—asking information on how to enroll his son
119. C. G. Baldwin to Bancroft 12/28/76—personal information on how spent Christmas etc—news of mutual friends—
120. Same to same, 6/19/1877—tells of what appears to be his engagement—personal news, jokes, etc.—asks about a rumor that Bancroft might leave Andover—
121. J.Ballentine to Bancroft, 7/18/1890—application for son to enter PA—
122. E. A. Baldwin to Bancroft, 7/27/1885—letter telling what he has studied, asks if can get into Se. class if substitute German for Senior Geometry—
123. T. B. Dexter to Bancroft, 7/30/1885—cover to letter of recommendation, stating what he has already been given credit for at Yale and that with a year at Andover he should be very well prepared.
124. Emily A. Baldwin to Bancroft, 5/3/1888—sending son to England department next summer—tells of Mr. Bissell (about whom Bancroft has asked)—tells about son—also sending nephew—
125. H.P. Baldwin (Husband), 1/10/1889—sorry that son has not done well—glad nephew is doing well
126. Same to Petree, 4/9/1889—sorry that Harry is still not doing better—
127. Petition, undated, to Bancroft, asking him to speak on higher educational institutions in Great Britain—there are 40 classical department signatures and 14 scientific department signatures—after Bancroft’s trip to G. B.
128. M. H. Aunth(??) to Bancroft 8/12/1882—very personal letter about accident to her father, personal family affairs—
129. Bancroft to Mr. Hardy, 7/8/1890—discusses problems with bathrooms—Prof. Graves and his laboratory— faculty water fixtures—printing bills for the catalogue—&c, &c, &c—
130. same to same, 7/10/1890—boarding house problems—
131. Same to same, 7/16/1890—faculty housing troubles—also heating in the classrooms—comments of teachers are interesting—also Bancroft’s description of what the buildings were like before the present system was put in—
132. Cecil K. Bancroft to Bancroft l/23/1891—te1ls of his recovery from an accident—”I must confess that was quite a sight at the concert with my head bound up in a black silk handkerchief.”- news of social and scholastic events at Yale—
133. Sister Minnie to Bancroft 10/31/1891—asking about entering a boy in the middle of the year-personal news—congratulates on outcome of heresy trial—
134. C. D. Platt to Bancroft 4/6/1892—making arrangements for next year—pleased with Cecil Jr.’s work— C. himself is dissatisfied but that is normal for a beginning teacher—wants him to stay next year at a salary of $900—teaching Physics, Chemistry, Algebra, Geography, History, Botany, and English—also tutoring on side—had trouble controlling boys at first but has won their respect and love—
135. T. Dwight to Bancroft, announcing that Yale is conferring a LLD on him at commencement—”This degree was conferred with the most kindly feeling and with a full appreciation of your work as an educator and a scholar.” Dated 7/1/1892
136. A. Little to Bancroft, 7/9/1892—”Good for you. Accept my heartfelt congratulations on the LLD. There is nothing higher. It could come from no higher source in this country. You deserve it.”
137. E. H. Norton to Bancroft, 6/30/1892—congratulations on LLD—is glad it came from Yale—
138. R. A. McFadden to Bancroft, 7/4/1892—congratulations on LLD
139. Telegram, I. W. Smith to Bancroft, 6/28/1897—Bancroft has been elected to Trustee of Dartmouth College,—asked to take seat tomorrow—
140. Alumni of K.O A. then at Yale to PA faculty, 10/6/1901—letter of sympathy for death of Bancroft—10 signatures as committee for the society
141. T. M. Bosson to Bancroft, 8/24/1891—describing Lookout Mountain—personal news—
142. C. F. Emerson to Bancroft, 12/30/1886—announcing Bancroft’s election as Pres. of assoc. of Alumni of Dartmouth college.
143. F. B. Dexter to Bancroft 7/19/1892—sending Andover results for entrance exams—does not have SSS ones— will send diploma conferring LLD soon—congratulations and sorry was not present for announcement
144. A. S. Banfield to Bancroft, 10/1/1877—son has come home thinking cannot study—had bad indigestion—wants advice on what to do next—do his teachers think cannot study—
145. T. M. Banks to Bancroft, 4/6/1901—would like a complete list of those connected with class of 1886-
146. G. H. Barbour to Pettee, 4/12/1900—thanks for reply to letter explaining why son will return late—would like to have son moved from old boarding house—probably safe but would rather not have son in house where diphtheria has been—
147. T. H. Pitkin to Bancroft, 10/11/1893—recommendation for young Barbour to go to Andover—
148. G. H. Barbour to Pettee, 9/12/1899—son undergoing treatment for very bad cold—worried because near beginning of school—also has interfered with his tutoring—
149. Same to same, 9/22/1899—son still not well—cough still hanging on—hopes will be able to return to studies shortly—
150. Same to same, 10/5/1899—very sorry that son has missed two weeks of work—writing simply to keep Pettee advised of condition—wants son to do all that is possible but not to break down.
151. Same to Bancroft, 4/1/1900—thanks for letter—keeping son until after Easter recess—
152. W. T. Barbour to Pettee, 4/3/1895—brother has had relapse—will have to travel with him when he is better—will not be back in school for at least a month and probably not until next fall—will try to keep up George, will arrange to go to Yale in 1896 when returns—
153. C. F. Baldwin to Bancroft, 12/30/1885—about brother—change of schools would be very dangerous and expensive—should be allowed to stay at Andover—money tight and brother would like boy to go to college —feels would be best if bro stayed with Mr. Pennock—mother very unwell—
154. H. D. Bard to Trustees, 3/22/1890—students have voted to use the extra Football assoc. money to build a running track—campus not a good place for one because of drainage, soil, &c-upper campus, lot west of Mansion House lot, better for purpose—
155. W. Barnard to Bancroft, 6/5/1895—letter concerning boys who rented rooms in Andover without permission—were not noisy, behaved well, have not bothered the others in the house—
156. G. W. Barnes to Bancroft 9/22/1900—feels son should be given another chance—feels Pettee has a prejudice against him—convinced there is malice behind accusations—
157. G. W. Barnes to Bancroft, 5/12/1885—thanks for datalogue—gives info on past studies—would have liked to go to college this year but feels not ready—can have year at PA—if not advise-
158. Same to same, 6/14/1885—has received no answer—worried, especially over important papers enclosed-
159. Mrs. P. H. Barnes to Bancroft, 11/5/1886—asking interest in son’s religious welfare—son honorable but not as yet a Christian—
160. H. E. Barnes-Bancroft 4/17/1880—funny letter, mainly concerned that son is falling off in his work because he is not applying himself faithfully to his studies—
161. A. W. Barnum to Bancroft no date, explaining his reasons for a request to change boarding houses
162. Same to same, 7/9/1883—tells of his exams for Yale—has gotten in with some conditions—feels would have not had any if he had had the full course—will send brother to PA and hopes he will do better than he did—apologizes for not having time to say goodbye to his teachers—
163. K. Conyngton to Pettee, 7/5/1899—letter verifying references of Samuel Barrett, black boy at school who is looking for work to earn tuition
164. S. Barrett to Pettee, 7/9/1899—-telling of his search for work, the job he has found, asks for his report for the year—
165. S. Barrett to Miss Abbott, 7/16(?)/1899—thanking for report and letter from Pettee—feels doubt about standing in Alg. and Geo.
166. J. Barrett to Bancroft(Pettee?), 12/?/1899—thanking for letter—hard to read but does not seem to say very much—
167. Same to same(?), 2/13/1900—thanking for letter—Sam doing as well as he possibly could-
168. J. T. Barrow-Bancroft 9/5/1889—letter telling that he has been out of school working for his father four years—has taken and passed Regents in Spelling, Geography, Physiology, Civil Gov’t but has forgotten most of what he learned—family very poor—
169. J. B. Barsomian to Bancroft 10/1/1900—paying off old debt—very thankful for all Bancroft has done—Bancroft has lent him money out of his own pocket, not out of school funds—doing well at college—
170. Emily Bartlett to Bancroft 11/19/1889—reply to Thanksgiving circular—son cannot go home & will stay at school—might like to go see Boston—worried about roommate, who is extremely unpopular—”Ducking & window smashing, constantly repeated, is not conducive either to comfort or studious habits—feels son is suffering because of it—not sure son would tell, so takes it on herself to tell—
171. L. C. Bartlett to Bancroft 10/22/1878—complains of competition from Yale, which is “using extraordinary measures” “to induce young men to go there.” Mentions specific cases—Coy is mentioned as having advised, either then or earlier, several boys to go to Yale —”Putting these things together, I find it difficult to avoid the impression that we are contending with a systematic and organized effort to draw from us our men, especially these who come from your school.”
172. Same to same, 3(?)/9/1882—inquiring about powers of Visitors at Andover—
173. Same to same, 4/14/1882—in fighting at Dartmouth—attempting to force Bartletts resignation-scholar graduates and student body are standing by him—asking Bancroft to speak frankly to Dr. Tucker in order to avert what Bartlett thinks would be a great mistake of the school’s—
174. P.M. Bartlett to Bancroft, 7/23/1885—reaction to conference of DD on Prof T. G. Laman
175. J.H. Berwick to Bancroft, 5/13/1891—has left the Academy since sure will be fired at end of term- “I know… that I lost a great deal of time when I was a day scholar….”—will work until fall, then go to Exeter and repeat the year—boy has punched him who has always tried to baffle him—
176. Wm. W. Bartlet to Bancroft, 7/23/1896—family history—
177. E. Bartlett to Bancroft, 10/14/1890—gives permission for son to go to Christ Church twice a month-son not brought up in church meeting atmosphere—quotes from son’s letter about Society of Inquiry meetings—also an amusing description of Sunday chapel services—pleased with what is doing for son—
178. E. W. Barnard to Mr.Hardy—prices for painting various school-connected buildings—5/29/1891
179. H.D. Bateman to Bancroft, 2/15/1892—asking for help in getting a job in business, in a city, with a chance to rise—tells of work since left school—would like a prospect of ease in old age—
180. H. P. Beach to Bancroft, 8/23/1882—personal news—asks for a testimonial to A. B. C. Toll so can be missionary—
181. H. W. Beal to Bancroft, 8/11/1892—summer job news—has had offer to go to Belmont school with substantial tuition reduction but has become very attached to Andover—
182. S.G. Bean to Bancroft, 12/19/1889—trouble about water—enigmatic to say the least—
183. J. W. Beard to Bancroft, 10/27/1869—humorous letter exculpating his son from the awful crime of smoking in commons—father was smoking, not the son—
184. J. H. Woodruff to Bancroft, 9/14/1879—tells of experience under Uncle Sam—friend of his at Andover having similar trouble—boy is something special and has been studying to be a lawyer- boy having major trouble with Greek—needs to be shown that he will like it when he gets further into it and that he should not have a special course of study—
185. Porter Beardsley (the friend in question) to Ropes, 6/10/1896—thanking for letter explaining re-endowment fund—correction of error in billing—
186. H. J. Beardsley to Prof Newton, 6/19/05—thanking for invitation—amusing reminisces—news of what he did after leaving PA—
187. H. F. Beardsley to Pettee, 8/30/1893—asking for information on technicalities of sending son
188. Same to Bancroft, 8/21/1893—formal application for entrance to PA
189. Same to Pettee, 9/4/1893—further arrangements for settling son in at Andover
190. T. A. Beaton to Bancroft, 1/1/1877—boy being withdrawn from school—will pay indebtedness—despairs of ever educating son—letter is incomplete—
191. Wm. Beebe to Pettee, 6/19/1900—boy at Yale possibly not honest about supporting himself at the school—says supported self at Andover—any suspicion on methods there—personal matters—
192. J. K. Beeson to Pettee, 12/31/1888—very disappointed at son’s performance—no confidence in tutoring—has given up thought of college for son—asks to let him stay out the year while finds job for him—
193. A. R. Benner to Songren, 12/12/1885—wants to follow PA course—inquiries about textbooks-
194. A. R. Benner to Bancroft, 7/18/1888—has been admitted to Harvard clear of conditions and with credit in 6 fields. Has gotten course of study—asks advice on electives
195. A. R. Benner to Bancroft, 8/28/1889—asking about boarding houses etc. in regard to a friend of his entering the English dept—
196. A. R. Benner to Bancroft, 4/17/1892—accepting offer to teach at PA, principally Latin but also some other subjects—salary $1000 plus room—
197. Same to same, 9/1/1893—enclosing letter from Mr. Harris—bringing younger brother to be middler
198. Same to Pettee, 8/29/1894—mixup about exam papers—ARB had made out Greek papers and Sr. Eng. Latin as well—tells of summer vacation—
199. D. H. Bent to Bancroft, 1/23/1880—son in trouble—boy seems to have been spending all the money he could borrow—”We found he cared nothing for Billiards and smoked very little while he was home but exceedingly fond of Cards, I am afraid the boys gamble in their rooms….”
200. W. H. Bentley to Bancroft, 5/31/1882—son wants desperately to go to college—no good on the farm—wants advice on how he should study to go to PA as a Junior in the fall—
201. Same to same, 6/7/1882—worried about boarding son—cannot afford much but feel he needs a good influence as he is only a country boy—
202. Mrs. N. M. Berry to Bancroft, 3/1886—complaining of disorderly conduct at her boarding house-
203. J. C. Berry to Bancroft, 8/12/1896—about settlement of account Gordon has infection of middle ear will need careful attention –wishes to be eye and ear specialist—practice slow—worried about educating sons—wants advice on what to do with Gordon if he cannot return to Andover-
204. F. M. Besson to Bancroft, 4/11/1879—tells local news—personal news—political news of Indiana—
205. A. S. Bickman to Bancroft, 4/10/1888—thanks for Biennial Address—tells of his work in Natural History—
206. F. L. Bidwell to La Roy F Griffin, 1/16/1877(? does not fit with contents of letter?)—tells of what he has done since leaving PA
207. Same to Bancroft, 4/3/1883—asking for details of a fire caused by a little one he set in order to make restitution to owner when able to pay
208. Same to Same, 4/13/1883—asking about other similar incidents
209. Same to same, 3/13/1900(? unclear)—telling of career after leaving PA—on railroads, now musician—sorry learned engineering—”I see you are giving attention to athletics now. It’s a bad sign and has made many colleges only sporting clubs.”—likes attention to music—
210. H. C. Bierworth to Bancroft, 8/11/1879 (from Hanover)—tells of vacation—misses PA—plans for return
211. Same to same, 2/19/1888—having trouble re-germanizing—not fond of Prussia—Univ. life rather depressing—talks about probable time to get degree—may not be able to return to America till 1980—feels Bancroft may not want to hold his teaching job that long—wants to study Philosophy, not lit—very interesting comments on conditions in Germany—misses PA—
212. Same to same, 3/2/1890—plans after publishing thesis—will go to Paris—personal news—
213. Same to same, 5/1/1890—sorry no work at PA—misses PA like mad—talks about futility of learning for learning’s sake—personal news—
214. Same to same, 5/23/1890—thanks for letter enclosing note from Prof. Hewett—tells of his dream position—but makes clear that would prefer almost any position at PA to perfection almost anywhere else—wants to know opinion of Cornell and Ann Arbor—not fond of coeducation—asks for personal news about friends—assures Bancroft would not mind elementary work—feels better than the intensely specialized work in higher learning—wishes PA would create real German and French departments—feels that both languages would be more popular with better teachers—not hurt to cut down a little on the classics—not underrating enormous progress since 76-77—”I do not expect Mr.Coy to change his mind very easily, but I am sure both you and Comstock see the desirableness of such a move.” –feels boys could do more in class work—“The Germans have too much, we have not enough of class-room work.”
215. Same to same, 5/27/1890—asking about classroom hours, subjects, textbooks, needs to know what has been done in French—wants to be paid according to services, not need—personal news—
216. Same to same, 5/27/1890—apologizes for moroseness in earlier letter—”I still think that it argues a state of semi-barbarism when one sees how little Americans still care for brainwork. A man may prepare himself 4 years in an Academy, 4 years in a college, teach 3 years in order to lay up a little money with which to go abroad to study another 3 years, and finally he may return and have the satisfaction of being offered – mirable dictu!- $1000 a year!”—feels strongly about creation of French and German depts at PA—feels that tendency towards literature will encourage more secondary school study of MFL—would like to see PA have lead in preparing boys in MFL for college—family news—
217. Same to same, 6/17/1890—puzzled by letter—wants to know if really wanted and if so if will room in commons—wants to know how German dept arranged—
218. Same to same, 6/21/1890—has accepted post—likes schedule as arranged—glad not to have French comments on French people are interesting—(NB—HCB writes beautiful English but makes very rarely mistakes in word order—which he always corrects—which indicate that he is German)
219. R. Bingham to Bancroft, 10/30/1884—re paper on the “New South.”
220. H. Bingham to Bancroft, 5/21/1892—would like Bancroft to meet his son and advise him on future—
221. H. T. Birch to Bancroft, 1/1/1895—son coming to Andover—feels lassitude due to growth mental & physical [word cut out-Dorothy] if can get through next two terms problems with studies over—
222. Same to same, 6/5/1895—hears son doing better—will have tutor over summer—son anxious to graduate
223. Same to same, 7/1/1895—thanks for all trouble taken over son—hopes son will pass most of his courses—will try to make him more enthusiastic over studies—
224. Same to Pettee, 7/27/1895—encouraged by reports of summer tutor—son passed 7 prelims for Yalefeels will do all expected of him next year—
225. H. T. Birch Jr. to Pettee, 10/13/1898—would like to take exams—rusty in Vergil but will try as soon as feels prepared—
226. Same to Bancroft, 10/6/1898—would like diploma from PA—conditions at college cancelled—
227. Same to Pettee, 10/11/1898—very anxious to have PA diploma—nat. cannot have one because of success at Yale—any other way of filling up gaps in work done—
228. R. R. Bishop to Bancroft, 4/13/1866—discussion of a committee to increase Academy ways and means—financial and fund-raising business
229. Same to same, 4/5/1890 -wants to know more about dinner speakers so can introduce them properly reminds to send Phillips Brooks a note reminding him of dinner—arrangements about new officers
230. Same to same, 10/16/1890—case well presented, feels reasonable confidence about it—
231. Same to same, 2/5/1892—Mr. Russell has called meeting—gave Hardy copy of charges as appear in book
232. Same to same, 3(?)/5/1892—will take DC(B?)Longfellow to examine Hayward house—mentions McCurdy matter—committee meeting over plans—
233. Same to same, 3/7/1892—discusses plans—do not avail of western view—plans are for the cottages
234. Same to same, 3/10/1892—site settled—called in another contractor to estimate—
235. Same to same, 3/19/1892—wants rough sketches, specifications &c to show to Newton contractor—
236. Same to same, 3/20/1892—asks if there is a suitable boy to go to NY with son—
237. Same to same, 3/24/1892—eldest son can go after all—contractor estimating for Bancroft cottage-cottage and financial matters—
238. Same to same, 3/26/1892—cottage views—financing, cost, &c for cottages—fears not doing right because afraid cannot afford to do right
239. Same to same, 4/23/1892—interview with Tucker—cottage sites again—
240. Same to same, 10/12/1899—apologizes for inconvenient meeting—
241. Same to same, 10/12/1899—plans for “the endowment matter”—suggests preliminary meeting-
242. Same to same, 12/3/1900—more plans etc—time seems important—calling together committee on removal of Theological Seminary to Cambridge—
243. Same to same, 8/6/1883—rooming problems—
244. Same to same, 8/8/1885—have submitted plans to several bidders—suggestions for reducing cost—catalogue of use in encouraging interest among alumni—want to know who alumni are—
245. Same to same, 12/22/1886—complements on last night’s speech—
246. Same to same, 4/4/1888—thanks for letter about Elly—
247. Same to same, no date—in re Gulliver, hopes will not give package of letters to committee—
248. J. W. Bixler to Bancroft 2/22/1892—wants advice on whether Harry should enter college that fall—
249. Bancroft to R. R. Bishop, 8/11/1884—electing new Trustees—
250. Same to same, 9/30/1884—electing new Trustees—news of school and seminary, personal matters
251. Same to same, no date (incomplete letter)—Mansion House scene—Gymnasium—housing professors- having trouble achieving the “happy reconciliation of the two boards—
252. Same to same, no date—mentions Draper speaking tomorrow evening—times when Bancroft will be at home—
253. Same to same, 6/29/1887—regrets not being able to send letters to English schools –recommendations on what to see—tells of his trip to London—
254. Smyth to same, no date—theological matters—interpretations of Daniel XII. 2—
255. Tucker to same, 12/6/1887—Theological Seminary Heresy Trial—letter does not make sense other—worry about loss of students if case is deferred—prejudice of public mind—
256. Bancroft to same, 3/5/1888—Taylor’s financial problems—Ryder alarmed by account in Congregationalists—young Graves is sick—
257. Bancroft to same, 5/19/1888—encloses Gulliver memorandum—news of Elly—
258. Same to same, 5/26/1888—Walker victor—Churchill happy, Bancroft less sure—
259. Same to same, 5/31/1888—school news—Seminary news
260. Same to same, 6/15/1888—more Seminary news—worried that he is too timid and that the Tucker-Smyth risk all policy will win—fears Fowler a mischievous ally—cannot trust himself to read, and comment offhand on the vote for his leave of absence—always stunned by such things—thanks—
261. Same to same, 8/25/1888—sorry not taking full vacation—sends Marshall’s protest—Mansion House scheme problems—problems with town implied in buying property—school gobbling up taxable land
262. Same to same, 9/10/1888—appointment related to heresy trial—Smith guarantee Tucker, school guarantee Smyth
263. Same to same, 10/11/1888—abandoned conference at Hardy’s on 12th
264. Same to same, 10/15/1888—put papers on Record—predecessors put on file—doesn’t want long reply cleared by putting on Record, record cleared the Trustees—
265. Same to same, 2/20/1889—looking forward to getting home and the “case”—travel plans—news—
266. Smyth to same, 6/14/1909—feels plans to tear down dorms on Phillips and rent Bartlett will give impression of ousting Seminary—fears will complicate relationship with Visitors—
267. Minutes of Trustee meeting, 6/17/1902—no feasible plan for removal now exists—put on record-
268. W. Blaikie to Bancroft, 9/19/1893—son’s travel plans—
269. Same to same, 9/16/1893—son’s background—wants to finish fitting for Harvard-
270. Same to same, 1/3/1895—requests delay in cashing check—will matters etc.
271. S. Blaikie (son) to Bancroft, 7/21/1898—wants to come to and but must help support self—asks for tutoring work—also info on rooms—
272. Same to same, 7/27/1898—would like to room with a friend coming to Andover—asks for info on rooms on Salem St. under $200 a week—
273. J.E. Blake to LRF Griffin—3/5/1878—what has happened since left Andover—
274. J.T. Blakemore to Bancroft 10/19/1883—invites Bancroft out to work on frontier
275. Same to same, 10/30/1883—news of mutual friends—personal news—
276. E. Blakeslee to Bancroft, 5/2/1882—amusing letter with gardening advice for Mrs. Bancroft—feels Cong. should reendow chair to help put Andover, Harvard, and Tufts Divinity schools on non-sectarian basis—
277. Same to same, 5(?)/22/1882—”The more I think about it the more I think I could do that work.” Talks about Massachusetts Home missions
278. Same to same, 10/31/1882—sorry did not visit as planned—mentions paper of Tucker—does not want
his name bandied about in that connection—paper mill—
279. Same to same, 12/27/1882—something about apparent position at a church—
280. Mary Blakeslee (wife) to Bancroft 5/3/1883—results of meeting—resignation not accepted—church feels reputation is at stake—not willing to rest under the imputation that Blakeslee’s temperance principles are at fault—
281. E. Blakeslee to Bancroft 5/9/1883—position in town improving-
282. Same to same, 11/26/1885—personal news
283. Same to same, 10/27/1885—supports unifying college entrance requirements—personal matters-
284. Same to same, 5/11/1886—personal news
285. E. Whipple to Bancroft 6/7/1881—recommendation for Edwin and Edward Blanchard-
286. S. M. Blanchard to Bancroft 5/24/1882—supporting ban on tobacco use by students
287. D. J. Bliss to Bancroft 1/20/1892—discusses “Prayer for Colleges”
288. G. T. Bliven to Bancroft, 8/8/1882—asks advice about profession—does not want to be a doctor as father desires—tells of past career
289. G. R. Blogett to Tobey, 9/28/1891—sends subscription to Academy and encourages attempt to increase working funds of Academy
290. L. Bourgeois to Bancroft 7/19/1883—personal news—would like son to return to Andover—feels tribulation has improved his spirit
291. E. Boynton to Porter—4/15/1878–wants to know if centennial catalog will include English Department—family information connected with English Dept—
292. C. A. Bovey to Bancroft 9/2/1886—letter of introduction of son, coming to PA—
293. R. Bliss to Bancroft 11/19/1888—son good football player but failed Greek History—wants son to go to Yale
294. Same to same, 8/7/1889—son admitted to Yale on conditions—son tried to go into business but Coy would not issue a certificate without referring to the “escapade of last November”—so got tutor instead with afforested result—sending younger sons, hoping they will do better—
295. Annie Johnson to Bancroft, 2/17/1882—will receive a winnowed few— but must receive them as a class this because one of the boys who came last year later invited several Bradford girls to Boston
296. Same to same, 6/7/1882—informing that two boys have been calling at least twice—
297. Same to same, 6/14/1882—further information on the subject—wants better relations between the schools—parents’ lax attitude makes this more difficult—
298. Same to same, 1/28/1885—wished to forestall any action of the Senior Classical class—could not disregard opinion of Bradford Trustees
299. Same to same, 1/23/1888—request of seranaders to sing indoors due to weather—asking Bancroft’s opinon
300. Same to same, 12/6/?—complaining of frequent Andover Boys’ visits
301. Same to same, 12/18/?—names etc. on same matter—
302. Same to same, 10/9/1890—more visits from Andover boys—“We seem to alternate between the disturbance of the Andover and Haverhill boys…it was the turn of the Phillips boys and I suppose we must expect something among four hundred boys. Nevertheless I want to stop their antics on our grounds.”
303. C. C. Bovey to Bancroft 6/2/1883—application to senior class, to fit for SSS—have passed exams of high school equivalent to admission requirements except in Constitution and US history—
304. J. T. Bradford to Bancroft 7/22/1885—personal news—somewhat disappointed with sons work but feels they will do better, and conduct themselves well—wants them to stay in Englsih Department—wants them grounded in good solid English—best foundation for business—would like them to have Latin next year, French or German the next—
305. E. Bradford, 5/19/1896—arrangements for removing boy from school
306. A. H. Bradley to LRF Griffin, 1/16/1878—information on activities after leaving PA
307. C. Brady, 10/3/1894—feels not wanted back at Andover—feels would do better at a different Boarding House—loves PA and wants to graduate—no Arthur Ryder but could do better
308. W. H. Brainard, 7/28/1885—would like nephew to go to Andover—father would prefer English course—boy is athlete, does not like study overmuch—wants thorough exam, to place in proper class—
309. H. J. Brandon to Bancroft, 12/12/1892—complications over a laundry bill—
310. W. J. Breed to Bancroft, 9/6/1882—arrival of son at Andover—usual requests—
311. Same to same, 9/22/1882—pocket money for son
312. Same to same, 1/19/1883—does not know how best to regulate spending money for son—
313. Same to same, 12/3/1883—”It seems as if the time had come to consider with some seriousness whether there is to be application to studies or application to sport.”—son neglecting home ties—not giving full obedience
314. H. Brewster to Bancroft 4/9/?—cannot return to school until fall, father wants him to work in store
315. I. Bridgeman to Bancroft, 5/29/1886—re proposed title of Ph.D. for IB from Dartmouth
316. W.G. Brooks to Bancroft 6/1/1878—cannot attend centennial celebration—neither can the ladies
317. C. A. Brown to Bancroft, 10/4/1891—is son doing better—do sports tend to lower school record—how is Christian education coming
318. C. Brown to Stearns, 7/15/1904—replanning next year’s course after failing all Junior entrance exams
319. Same to same, 4/7/1904—omitting Geography—last chance to come
320. M. Brown to Bancroft, 12/19/1885—wants honorary diploma—regrets lost opportunities—family news
321. H. J. Brown to Bancroft 10/1/1890—son being returned at once—will take full course—
322. H. G. Brown to Bancroft 8/31/1890—wants college testimonial—has studied all summer—intends to try for admission—personal matters
323. Mrs. W. E. Brown to Pettee, 10/27/1898—could son have tutor in Latin so as to keep up with his class—
324. Same to same, 11/?/1898—son has not done well in exams —hopes will do better in new classes—but sure sending to And was the right thing—
325. W. W. Brown to Bancroft,12/12(?)/1892—concerning change of boarding houses—
326. T. H. Brown to Bancroft, 10/12/1891—unreasonable cost of room and board at Andover—may have to send other son somewhere else—feels parents should make united effort to refuse to pay those prices school best in country but prices little less than an extortion—
327. Same to Bancroft enclosing letters to Mrs. Butterfield and his son, 2/19/1892—protest over very high rates—“I can boom and board at the Grand Pacific, Chicago, for less than you are paying Mrs. Butterfield.”
328. W. McC. Brown to LRF Griffin, 11/30/1877—the course (in English Department) does not come up to the standard requirements (for Scientific Schools)—information on activities after leaving PA
329. H. V. Bruce to Bancroft 5/27/1882—mixup in payment of tuition—glad son is enjoying PA—feels still needs to learn to distinguish true from false in Literature—this re Oscar Wilde affair—personal news
330. J. E. Bruce to Bancroft 2/13/1899—son who might have gone to Middlebury or Collgate {?) wanted to go to Harvard so had successful year at PA, passed Harvard exams but was offered insufficient scholarship and is now working for Jordan Marsh–
331. P. B. Bruce (son?) to Pettee, 4/21/1899—asking for recommendation for Price Greenleaf aid at Harvard—card with grades attached shows that boy did well at PA—
332. N. C. Bryant to Bancroft 11/21/1893—sorry to see son drop a class back in work—will accept judgment
333. Mrs. J.P. Bryant to Bancroft 12/29/1892—does not know how they will get along without the boys—no place to board roomers—willing to go back to Andover, also to make better arrangements to control them—
334. J .P. Bryant (husband) to Faculty of PA, 1/9/1893–thanks for rich benefits school has given family apologizes for leaving boarding house unsupervised—what shall do with house now no boys can stay there—will not bring half its value at present—wants to be given another chance next fall—will see if preaching will not damage health, but wants to be allowed to board boys next year in case it does—
335. K .M. Buckingham to Bancroft, 1/4/1885—does not fully understand report—tells about son’s behavior vacation, &c.
336. Same to same, 1/11/1885—son being doleful again—inquiring about food at Mrs. Blake’s—personal news—
337. Same to same, 10/3/1884—thanks for being told of unpaid bill—son has been howling for money but ignored it until now—will consult Bancroft at all times—son wants to learn to dance—
338. Same to same, 6/21/1885—about son—
339. E. W. Bucknell to Bancroft (act. to Rev. C. F. P. Churchill)—2/19/1892—boy who sat next to son at Mansion House is dead of scarlet fever—very worried about sort—asks to have him sent home if there is any danger, as she could not reach him quickly if he got sick at the school—
340. Same to Pettee, 3/2/1893—very sorry son cannot be made to work—will get large income without having earned it—son ruined by fathers
341. S. Bristol to Bancroft, 12/6/1892—praise for growth and prosperity of PA—also for position of leadership among American schools—ideas for instilling in boys a sense of the possible ways of serving God and Man—glad there are so many colored boys and they are treated equally—tells of experience had while preaching against slavery–
342. G. A. Buffum to Bancroft, 10/22/1883—approves Bancroft’s conduct about son—son was homesick and would like to return but does not want to face the other boys after once leaving—
343. Mrs. J. W. Bullard to Bancroft, 8/30/1878—about son entering PA—son is homesick and might leave Andover-
344. H. Bumstead to Bancroft, 1/27/1891—son joining Christian Church—could have opportunity to join at Andover?—personal news
345. Same to same, 11/15/1894—personal affairs—
346. E. G. Burgess to Bancroft 4/11/1901—protesting Negro being captain of Blue team (or is it Ball team?)
347. W. G. Bumstead to Bancroft 10/3/1877—asking for certificate of graduation to enter Colombia Law School-
348. Schimick (??)to Stearns(?), l0/4/o4—about boy whose home influences are no good who might appreciate kind advice from Stearns.
349. C. E. Burgess (Bro of 346) to Bancroft, 8/29/1893—asking about entrance requirements—
350. Same to same, 8/31/1893—information on brother—wants to enter LSSat Cam next year
351. Same to same, 9/7/1893—final arrangements for brother-
352. W. F. Burris to Bancroft, 9/13/1886—personal news—recommendation of Mr. Bird—
353. B. H. Burt to Bancroft 9/11/1879—pleased with all he has seen of Andover—son “came home to me from Exeter with the habit of smoking and a terrible passion for Billiard playing, this I find the case with all the Exeter boys from this place. “—tobacco worse for country than liquors—“
354. G. F. Burt to Bancroft, 5/13/?—personal news, asks for name of text used by Comstock for rhetoric for Middle Class, 1890—
355. N. M. Butler to Bancroft, 1/24/1894—acknowledging arrival of Mss.
356. A. E. Butler to Bancroft, 4/13/1888—wants to find out owner of rowing shells placed in clubhouse of Lawrence Canoe Club by PA “eight” in spring of ’86—
357. Same to same, 5/10/1888—were willing to accommodate shells when venture seemed permanent, but now that there is no “eight” needs room for other boats—cannot keep shells
358. notes of land belonging to widow of John Wade, undated, referring to agreement of 8/14/1822
359. Valuation by select men of Medford, 8/14/1846, of land belonging to Jacob Butler, not including the so-called Wade estate, for purposes of mortgaging it
360. Abner Bartlett to S. Fletcher, 8/20/1846—business about mortgages—discusses store on land leased from Jacob Butler—
361. Valuation of Butler’s property by Assessors of Medford, Wade estate held separately, 12/46—
362. Abner Bartlett to S. Fletcher, 12/28/1846—time for loan to Butler—
363. Registry of Deeds Office, 1/5/1847—extracts of recordings of Butler conveyances from ’27 to now
364. notes on Wade will, 5/2 /1821, partition of Wade estate, 8/19/23
365. notes on Wade property, explaining how Butler received his portion of the Wade estate
366. E. Bayunton to Bancroft 6/17/1878—letter about Butler donations to PA- NOTE—358 to 365 are contained in small packet—366 is with packet
367. J.P. Butler to Bancroft, 12/2/1892—son terribly homesick—very unhappy and wants to come home-can Bancroft help him-
368. W. H. Butterworth to Pettee, 3/27/1893—about getting a room—
369. Same to Bancroft(?)- 11/20/1894—news of Princeton University—tells of meeting Andover men–
370. John Byers to Bancroft, 4/9/1880—father dying and wanted to see Bancroft—complains that Comstock not calling enough on son–is boy over his head in the class—
371. Joseph Byers to Bancroft, 9/3/1888—brother dead—would like brief obituary in papers—
372. Exther Byers (wife of dead brother) to Bancroft, 9/13/1888—reiterates wish that Bancroft write obituary- wants in Churchman and in Congregationalist—
373. Same to same, 9/29/1888 –obituary will be in next weeks Churchman—thanks for article—knew Bancroft loved her husband that it was returned—
374. Same to same, 3/7/1890—cannot find what Bancroft wanted but “have several new white and colored shirts if you can make use of them for the boys’ shell shall be glad to send to you—travel plans–family news—
375. Same to same, 12/2/1890—glad Peter is doing so well—feels last summer’s trip opened his eyes- contributes to help some needy deserving boy—family and personal news—
376. Same to same, 6/13/1891—about a pane of glass with Sam. Phil. signature—congratulates on his contribution to the school—
377. T. L. Byington to Bancroft, 10/22/78–sons of missionaries admitted free of tuition unless have private income and therefore can afford to send sons to be educated -explains
378. Same to same, 7/12/1879—pleased with what says about missionary sons and especially about own son- had not replied about possible financial aid because did not know what to say—thanks very much for the scholarship for son—son very happy at PA and appreciates all its advantages—most appreciative of all the favors he has received–
379. S. Byington to Bancroft, 7/9/1891—asking if there is a teaching position open at the school- gives credentials—wants to get money to continue education—
380. Same to same, 7/16/1891—further information about self—gives names for references—
381. C. L. Carpenter to Faculty, 2/7/1895—complaining of damage done by boys to property—
382-542. C. C. Carpenter to Bancroft(with a few from other members of the family), in the mid-‘1880’s, almost exclusively concerned with the compilation of the Centennial Catalogue
543. D. Y. Comstock to Bancroft, 7/14/1886—vacation plans, winding down the school year etc.
544. V. B. Caldwell to Pettee, 4/3/1895—distressed over brother’s poor report—asks Bancroft to try and put some mettle in the old fellow—personal news—reminisces
545. Same to same, 6/4/1895—thanks for invitation to brother’s graduation—personal news—”When you run across a composite Andover-Yale man you feel differently toward him than simply a Yale man and an Andover-Harvard man isn’t in it.”—”Andover seems queer without Coy and Corny to me and I would see a great many changes. I wonder if Bancroft keeps up his old time energy. He is a wonderful man. If we could knock out the congregational Connecticut trustees and place a handful of live active men on the board under Dr. Bancroft what a rustler he would be and what strides Yale would make”—continues to praise Bancroft—wish the old days were back again—
546. L. J. Calef to Bancroft 2/16/1892—telling about Mr. Seki’s visit to her—did not know about his plan to change—mentions a friend who might be of more use in persuading him to stay—
547. W. Camp to Bancroft 3/1/1894—asking views on effect of sports on boys, also sending form for team captain to fill out—
548. C. S. Campbell to Bancroft 3/5/1894—apparently about boys Bancroft is sending up to be tutored—
549. J. N. Campbell to Bancroft 9/21/1892—rejoicing that boy is doing so much better than expected—does not favor son’s proposal of substituting Johns Hopkins for Harvard
550. F. Carter to Bancroft 5/17/1890—wife not well and must go South with her—recommending Hagar to him
551. M. B. Hagar to Bancroft 5/17/1890—telling of other offers, of his willingness to teach at PA—gives references, especially to Tucker, who was present when the joined the church and knows him well—
552. F. Carter to Bancroft 5/27/1890—letter of introduction to Bancroft for Hagar, who wants to conclude some arrangement for next year
553. H. Campbell to Bancroft 10/2/1882—sending money to son—asks Bancroft to supervise son’s expenditures-
554. Same to same, no date—same substance as letter above
555. C. S. Campbell (as 548 above) to Bancroft 11/9/1898—about boys he has tutored—
556. W. Campfield to Bancroft 8/6/1891—thanking for letter and catalogues—personal news
557. J. D. Cameron to Bancroft 1/10/1892—about boy applying to PA —personal matters—news of PA boys at Princeton—
558. J. N. Carleton to Bancroft 4/8/1891—asking for remission of son’s tuition—
559. Same to same, 7/9/1884—joking references to possible LL. D. for Bancroft—discussion of “Thomas”-
560. Same to same, 8/15/1885—asking for commendation for his school for acquaintance who might send her son there—personal matters
561. Same to same, 9/19/1888—about students from PA at the school—asks that Bancroft turn over any who might be better off at a smaller school such as his
562. Same to same, 10/1/1894—same request—news of admissions to colleges and med schools from his school
563. O.Carlton to Bancroft 5/31/1877—reminiscences about Adams—
564. W. B. Candee to Bancroft 2/26/1892—asking for credentials for admission and advanced standing at Cornell—
565. L. W. Carnegie to Bancroft 10/19/1894—thanking for interest in brother’s education—brother wants to go to Harvard rather than to Cornell—feels Bancroft’s interest and guidance have been of crucial importance to brother—personal mews—
566. Same to same, 8/25/1890—about brother—explaining background etc—want scientific education—personal matters—
567. Same to same, 2/4/1892—personal news—asking if brother and friend can come to NY over Washington’s Birthday if school has the day off as the house will be closed during all the other vacations—
568. C. L. Carter to Hardy, 2/27/1890—had left Andover had not intended to cause closing of “Mansion House”—had hoped to make up loss on “Mansion House” with hotel in Florida but that is not working out as he had expected—cannot run MH at loss during winter—
569. Same to same, 9/23/1890—cannot stay because cannot afford to stay—would be glad to return if trustees should build a hotel
570. Same to same, 11/9/1891—fells sure that if builds hotel on his hill would be a success as more ample accommodation urgently needed—wants loan to use to build such a hotel—
571. Anon to Bancroft 2/7/1885—warning that five boys are going to Lawrence and Ballardvale that night—
572. S. R. Carter to Bancroft 9/11/1894—angry that Bancroft did not tell son earlier that he did not want him to return—uses most unpleasant language—accuses Bancroft of moral cowardice and utter discourtesy
573. Same to same, 10/5/1894—semi-apologetic and considerably calmer in language but still very upset at school’s treatment of son—feels there has been considerable negligence somewhere—was notified of her son’s dismissal by boarding-house land lady so has some justification in that
574. W. S. Carter to Bancroft, 2/27/1894—defends dog Leo as the sweetest tempered creature in Andover and recommends Bancroft to meet him—son loves both Bancroft and Benner—pleased with school’s effect on son
575. S. A. Carter to Bancroft, 9/7/1883—son left in Andover—family history
576. W. O. Cartwright to Bancroft 10/22/1877—asking about degrees to publish in Brown Catalogue—wants Bancroft to encourage Gile (of the middle class, he thinks)to go out for the Brown prize exams—
577. B. Cartwright to Stearns, 8/23/02—confessing to cribbing in French Princeton examination
578. O. D. Case to Taylor, 6/25/1884—supplying school furniture—notes of Taylor presumably for Bancroft-
579. J. Cashman to Bancroft 4/1/1881—asking for further help from the beneficiary fund—wants to finish Academy course if possible but cannot without aid—not doing well in Classical Department
580. G. A. Case to LRF Griffin—5/25/1878—telling of activities since leaving PA—
581. J. T. Buchanan to whom it may concern, 9/4/1889—letter of recommendation and certificate of courses completed for G. B. Case
582. Z. T. Cason to Bancroft 8/12/1877—reminiscences—tells of his movements since last writing Bancroft—personal news—etc (Kansas)
583. Same to same, 9/28/1877—more incidents in the life of a lawyer—(same)
584. Same to same, 2/12/1884—yet more reminiscences and incidents in the life of a lawyer—(Montana)
585. Same to same, 12/23/1884—account of movements since last letter—(Los Angeles, California)
586. Same to same, 1/20/1890—asking for letter of introduction to State Superintendent of Public. Instr. optimistic about doing well— (Sam Francisco, California)
587. Same to same, 7/1/1893—losing job because of change in government—opinions of new government and on Democratic Party interesting—personal matters—(Washington, D. C.)
588. F. A. Castle to Bancroft 8/10/1885—wants to graduate from PA but has only $150—willing to work—
589. T. E. Woodruff to Bancroft 8/11/1885—letter of recommendation for Castle—if can’t go to PA wants to know of any other place he can go—
590. Bancroft to Castle, 8/12/1885—boys have gone through PA on less—depends on boy—must demonstrate willingness, ability, good conduct etc that merit the favor—asks about background, home life, etc
591. Castle to Bancroft 8/13/1885—answers Bancroft’s questions, gives previous studies, etc
592. Bancroft to Castle, 8/15/1885—will remit tuition if reference satisfactory— ,
593. Castle to Bancroft 8/17/1885—has asked reference to write—has asked for plan of Commons room, asks if exam is needed to enter Junior Class-asks when should come—
594. Abbe to Bancroft 8/18/1885—reference for Castle—talks about the Old and New Testament revisions—
595. Ban to Castle, 8/19/1885, reply to 593—no exam needed—come 9/8—bring letters—
596. J. M. Cates to Bancroft 8/3/1900—asking for change in curriculum in order to prepare better for BU law school—will not be able to continue at PA after 1901—
597. Same to same, 8/15/1900—convinced better to stay on—was worried about mother, wanted to get out as soon as possible—will try to arrange so can stay—explains earlier background—
598. L. A. Milman to Bancroft 3/1/1901—wants to know if Cates is an above-ordinary student with good motivation—has promised to help him while at BU—does not like behavior but will carry it out provided he is worthy of the sacrifice—
599. T. B. Catron to Bancroft 11/26/1893—feels son well placed—physical growth left mental growth behind which accounts for his slowness—will do better if encouraged and not scolded—feels a tutor in Latin grammar might be helpful, but wants Bancroft’s opinion—
600. A. A. Carter to Bancroft 9/18/1879—defends herself—did not solicit boys—only wants to take boys for a short time to help pay for the new house—did not realize was supposed to ask any earlier than did—admits is inexperienced but is willing to try—feels impossible to find a boarding house in Andover where smoking is forbidden—impossible, o forbid it while it is allowed at the school—says Burt is a new boy at the school and did not know all the rules when he transgresses boys have behaved well thus far—
601. Same to same, 6/14/1886—cannot give table board next year, on account of health—would like to have six students room if the can get board at Mrs. Perry’s.
602. Same to same, 11/1/1894—explaining reasons for low board at the rooms that year—complaining of very noisy and unpleasant behavior—windows broken, etc
603. E. M. Chadbourne to Bancroft, no date, asking for information on PA for an article for the Wheelman
604. Same to same, no date—thanking for material, giving information on the article, sending a copy—
605. J. L. Chamberlain to Bancroft 4/2/1878—feels would be good to address on 4/9/ since it is the anniversary of Lee’s surrender—can say almost as much on Army of Potomac that way as in any other—cannot prepare formal lecture until 4/15—which would Bancroft prefer?
606. C. X. Chamberlan to Bancroft 8/27/1891—wants sons to return—pleased with son’s performances since preparatory work was poor—feels can do better next year—wants them to room in Commons
607. W.L. Chamberlain to Bancroft 5/31/1898—dedicating volume of verse to Bancroft
608. H. E. Chadwick to Bancroft 9/11/1879—wants to know if there will be a change of treasurers—wants to see Bancroft if there is
609. H. Chandler to Bancroft7/23/1879—Den better although still very sick—asking advice on what to do about a man who wants a mortgage—personal matters—
610. Same to same, 7/25/1879—boarding house matters—making arrangements for next year
611. Same to same, 8/4/1879—boarding house matters—
612. Same to same, 8/13/1879—personal news and boarding house matters—new clock—
613. Same to same, 8/16/1879—school maintenance business—boarding house matters—personal news—
614. G. H. Chandler to Bancroft, 2/26/1879—explaining Dartmouth’s financial trouble—asking to help in raising large amount of money for the school from the class of 1860—
615. C. H. Chandler to Bancroft, 8/23/1892—cannot see again before leaving for West—hopes to see again some time soon, perhaps at the Colombian Exhibition
616. H. Y. Chang to Bancroft, 6/8/1885—answering letter to Chinese Vice Consul—“If the boys could only know of the deep interest in their welfare still entertained by their former instructors, I have not the slightest doubt of their readiness to send information of their movements and progress and in other ways show their appreciation and gratitude”—gives information on other Chinese boys from PA—personal news—
617. C. Chapin to Bancroft, 3/14(?)/1894—desolated that son cannot return to Andover—had wanted son to graduate from And very badly—asks advice on what to do for him now—
618. O. Chanute to Bancroft, 9/8/1886—sending son who wants to get an education despite earlier illness–to go to SSS—advice on money etc.—
619. Bela Chapin to Bancroft, 9/25/1889—about book collecting, translators, et al—
620. O. Chapman to Bancroft, 3/6/1891—offering to board students—
621. J. L. Chapman to Bancroft 5/19/1892—telling about school career after being forced to leave Andover because of poor health.
622. Mrs. F. H. Chapman to Pettee—son wants to come to PA—very good student but has been sick cannot study over the summer, so will be rusty in same subjects when comes—could he enter conditionally—food must be good and plain
623. T. N. Chase to Bancroft 10/17/1885—feeler for Bant to be president of Atlanta U.—not much hope—
624. Chentung Liang Cheng to Newton, 6/17/1905—will not be able to attend Alumni Dinner—
625. S. Z. Chesebro to Stearns, 9/16/o4—sending up son—usual request for personal advice—&ccc
626. M. Chidsey to Bancroft, 1/14/19—wants report of son’s standing during fall term—wants to know son go to Law when he shouldn’t, does not know where son is now—
627. G. H. Christian to Bancroft, 6/9/1891—feels affront to son requires action on part of Bancroft–encloses letter of son—school historic, has fine reputation, &ccc—feels Bierworth’s conduct improper in attempting to catch son in a lie—boy scrupulously honest—
628. Son to parents, 5/27/1891—lost German reader—looked on with another on Tuesday—would not have German again until next Monday so put off getting new one until Saturday. Since the old one might turn up and local bookstore was out of stock—Friend did not go to Bn as planned—ordered new book on Monday before German class—Tuesday was interrogated for ten minutes by Bier—after class Bier said woman at bookstore had said ordered book after German class—boy was furious—felt insulted that word should be doubted—Bier took as insult to him—boy feels acted without impropriety—
629. McCurdy to Bancroft, 8/24/1892—description of character of Emerson McCurdy as given by mother—she is afraid he will not know enough about earning his way, feels he needs home care, he is absent-minded, &ccc—McCurdy feels not at all the place for a boy like this—begs Bancroft to head him off if at all possible
630. Patt of letter of Mrs. Christie, date and recipient unknown—fears for her son—absent minded–has been teased by his schoolmates at home and probably will be at Andover—good Christian—
631. T. D. Christie to Bancroft, 2/3/1892—asks that Bierworth reply—thinking of sending son to PA—wants thorough education—wants advice on best arrangement for boarding—also money problems—
632. G. F. Churchill to Bancroft, 3/31/1882—encloses patterns such as Bancroft asked for—would like to supply boys of good credit to make a reputation among them—
633. J. W. Churchill need of legal counsel to start right—fairly sure will come before Supreme Court—feels Trustees should act before Visitors—quotes others—trustees more sympathetic and understanding than Visitors—worried about how all the people mixed up in the affair can teach next fall— since there can be no rest over the summer—
634. Same to same, 8/30/1886—don’t let on that you know anything of the legal proceedings—needn’t know anything more than what the culprits tell you and what can find out by asking—
635. E. T. Eastman to Bancroft, 12/12/1886—thanks for catalogue—heard successful speech—waiting for the decision in the cases of the Good Professors with interest—
636. J. W. Churchill to Bancroft, 7/31/1879—tells about trip to Rye—recommends Gulliver as assistant to Edward Taylor—about Bartlett professorship and its late incumbent—personal news—
637. M. M. Clark to Bancroft 1/20/1890—Mr. Eaton has agreed to take over son’s affairs—wants son to join in games and other boy’s activities, but not to be extravagant—how much would be a good allowance, outside of food, tuition, clothes—hard to bring up son as parents have not been living together for some time—father has done nothing for children but objected to sending son to PA since father does not spend anything on son can send generous presents which the boy appreciates knows father is sending money but cannot prevent it—long, somewhat incoherent letter confess all her troubles, worries, etc to Bancroft—
638. Mrs. J. M. Clark to Bancroft 1/4/1881—paying tuition and landlady
639. Same to Same, 5/3/1881—same business
640. J. W. Clark (daughter) to Bancroft, 8/30/1881—asking if son will be allowed to return since he is accused of complicity in the matter of painting a house during the last session
641. A. E. Clark to Bancroft, 1/4/1892—son enjoying school—complains about boarding house—no WC in house only inferior outside ones—cooking poor and not much food—rooms and bedding dirty—landlady very nice and king when sick but thinks matters could be improved, especially when considering the price
642. Same to Petee, 2/1/1894—disturbed with son’s poor work—had talked with him before he left—seems to have done no good—hopes will brace up so can graduate with his class—
643. Same to same, 2/5/1894—son writes will catch up and grad with flying colors—A.E. seems unsure worried about the Banjo Mandolin and Glee club trip—knows son is very interested in clubs and his society, but feels can do work anyway if concentrated
644. Same to Bancroft, 1/2/1894—glad son permitted to stay longer so can hear Yale Concert and perhaps pick up a few pointers for his own club—
645. C. W. Scott, 1/17/?—certification that K.D. Clark should have reduction in hours—
646. C. V. Slocum(uncle of K. D. Clark) to Graves, 2/10/1899—knows appearances are bad but boy did not “skip”, much of money used to help brother get education—thinks should be given another chance with an auditor—
647. 7/27/1899—K. D. Clark to Pettee, has been admitted to Yale with conditions but has not yet had a certificate of character, so not formal—has paid off almost all debts—
648. A. E. Clark to Bancroft 2/27/1882—accepting offer of judging the Draper Prize—
649. S. W. Clary to Bancroft 3/11/1880—applying for Mr. Beach’s old position at the Academy—gives reference
650. Same to same, 5/13/1880—salary low—wants to know more about position—
651. Same to same, 5/18/1880—has no more questions—would like to know exactly what will teach—
652. Same to same, 8/3/1881—vacation news—pleased at appointment of Graves to Peabody professorship preparations for next year’s work—about grades of the previous year
653. Same to same, 6/28/1882—summer news—agrees with Bancroft that it would be better not to stay at PA if he can’t do better
654. Same to same, 7/21/1883—announcing engagement—summer work and vacation news
655. Same to same, no date but at this time—sick—doctor advised no work—thinks will be all right if takes care of self—will keep up the French & German and pay for a man to supervise the Juniors
656. Same to same, 10/5/1883—comfortably sick—regrets waste of time—instructions for replacement
657. Same to same, 10/18/1883—better—must take great care of self and travel next summer
658. Same to same, 1/6/1884—from Geneva in French—thanks for letter—pleased with its news—describes his present surroundings, activities, etc—plans for his stay in Paris—observations on his surroundings—
659. Same to same, 8/25/1884—wishes could be back at Andover next year—interesting comments personal habits—feels was unfitted to teach at Andover—too sensitive, did not know enough—tells of his trip—
660. Same to same, 7/3/1885—account of trip after leaving Paris—describes the place he is now—tells about the people he has met—
661. Same to same, 3/31/1888—very happy that Bancroft will go abroad—tells of work of Andover boys at Ann Arbor—tells about their German department—tells about his work—personal news—supports “the oppressed and persecuted Professors of Common Sense Christianity”
662. C. H. Choate to Bancroft, 2/8/1891—announcing decision to resign from school
663. F. B. Cleaves to Bancroft, 8/25/1882—will work for board for Mrs. Abbott—gives reasons why—
664. J. Clements to Bancroft 5/21/1878—thanking for invitation to centennial celebration—reminiscences
665. J.H. Clouse to Bancroft 8/23/1891—thanking for position with work so can get a full year’s studies—asks what is expected to bring, when should come, etc. Notes by Bancroft to Mrs. Abbott show his concern that the boy be as much at ease as possible when he comes—
666. Same to same, 7/31/1894—report on his preliminary exams—will try to work off a few of his conditions and enter college next year—gives figures of his earnings while at PA so Bancroft can use them to encourage some other boy in his position later—tells of his summer job—
667. H. A. Clover to Bancroft 8/11/1882—has decided to send son to PA—gives background—
668. H. A. Clover (son) to the Faculty, 1/1883—promise to stop smoking and improve in studies
669. R. C. Cluett to Bancroft, 1/1/1894—letter of introduction of nephew who is coming to school
670. Anonymous to Bancroft 8/22/1888—warning of liberties given to boys rooming with Mrs. Odlin last term
671. E. G. Coy to Bancroft, 7/15/1877—accepting reappointment as teacher, enclosing Middle Class report—
672. Same to same, fragment, no date—telling of what he has seen in Germany on trip—please with the way Giles has done his work—would like more complete information on college exams—feels that more emphasis could be placed on the teaching of English—feels that lack of ability in English is the major cause of plagiarism
673. Same to same, 6/24/1879—has reexamined some faulty students and feels they can be certified for Yale—
674. Same to same, 7/8/1879—school matters—worried about boy who is ashamed of his poor performance although his effort was remarkable—naming Greek chair, possibility of hiring new Math teacher
675. Same to same, 8/12/1879—misunderstanding over board for five boys—arrangements for students and teachers for the coming year—
678. Same to same, 8/23/1879—more problems in arranging board for Commons boys—also trouble with the boarding houses—Mrs. Davis who dumps slops on the back of the house should be given legal warning and the house turned into a dining-hall—has found out that one boy was dismissed from former school
677. Same to same, 4/21/1884—telling about his trip in Europe—glad Gile and Bierworth are coming back—moneyraising possibilities—announces Cook prize of 1885
678. Same to same, 8/9/1886—sees no reason to alter faculty vote on Phelps—Albany proposals
679. Same to same, 8/16/1886—will turn down Albany offer—still thinks same about Phelps—
680. Same to same, 8/10/1889—glad Bancroft had good trip—matter of hiring substitute for Kimball—has received overtures from Exeter—very unsure about what to do—
681. Same to same, 8/12/1889—still unsure about Exeter—wants to acknowledge rejected applications—
682. Same to same, 8/20/1889—will stay at Andover—
683. Same to same, 8/19/1890—matter of Mrs. Farnham—letter explaining position of Com and Coy in it
684. Same to same, 5/4/1898—asking what ration of written to oral exams should be set—notes in Bancroft’s handwriting
685. J. J. Coale to Bancroft, 8/21/1890—asking about tuition and scholarships at PA—thinking of sending son to PA—gives background—
686. Same to same, no date but follows 685—thanks for information—asks for room in commons, etc—
687. K. Coates to Bancroft, 2/25/1882—telling of instructions on paying son’s debts
688. A. C. Coates (son) to Bancroft, 1/15/1889—telling of marriage—also of honeymoon—tells of PA men in area
689. Mrs. H. Coburn to Bancroft, 7/22/1892—thanking for very profitable year for son—
690. T. Cochran Jr. to Bancroft, 9/1/1888—have decided to send son to Andover—also his friend—gives background
691. T. Cochran Jr. (not same man) to Pettee, 8/9/1894—misunderstanding over form for brother’s room—brother wants to room with friend—
692. Same to same, 8/19/1894—thanks for a application for room in Draper
693. T. Cochran to Bancroft, 1/2/1897—telling of a letter of introduction for B. H. Evans who wants son taken back into school
694. Same to same, 1/2/1897—letter of introduction for B.H. Evans—
695. Same to same, 1/13/1897—telling of progress of sons since they left Andover—
696. Same to Pettee, 11/20/1898—wants son to decide what he wants to do over Thanksgiving recess
697. C. R. Cochrane to Bancroft, 8/5/1890—mourning death of son a year ago—
698. A. Cochrane to PA, 9/12/1881 (the son of above)—explaining business affairs of family—asking for such financial assistance as could be properly given him
699. J. Codman to Bancroft, 3/27/1886—thanking for letter and book—glad students are happier now than under Taylor
700. Same to same, 3/30/1886—thanking for documents— •
701. J. B. Coghlan to Bancroft 2/9/1909 l have decided to have boy stay at home—chagrined that laundry bill had not been paid—discussions of money matters and unpaid bills—&cccc
702 D.P. Colburn to Bancroft 4/24/1878—family information, probably for use in the Cent. Catalogue-
703 D. H. Cohen to Bancroft 11/16/1893—asking for certificate of work done at Andover, as is changing college
704 J. H. Colby to Bancroft 5/6/1896—asking about action on window for the church— ..
705 S. J. Marland to Hardy, 3/18/1899—seeking funds for W. J. Colby who wants to be a minister although his parents disapprove—
706. G. W. Cole to Bancroft 12/21/1891—submitting redesigned plans for Andover cottage—
707. Same to same, 12/31/1891—domestic arrangements in cottage—other info—helping to raise funds-
708. W. N. Colerto Bancroft, 8/16/1886—has had son examined—heart trouble—feels school has been fair to son and that though the attack on him was cowardly, he probably deserved it—
709. Bancroft to F. H. Collins, 8/15/1890—about entering school—questions about background, giving info—
710. Same to same, 8/19/1890—thinks JM year would be best—cannot promise that can do well in it but can encourage him to try—information on when to arrive—
711. Report of Peetskill Military Academy to same, for spring term, 1890—
712. M. Collins to Pettee, 10/24/1898—asking for particulars of son’s work—feels that last year’s poor work excusable, but feels could do much better if he concentrated mentions other boys whose behavior has been bad feels son should stick to German &c as will derive benefit even if his scores are poor—would like him to stay in back as he needs the fresh air—
713. W. H. Coleman to Bancroft 1/11/1893—asking Bancroft to let up on son as boy is sincerely unable to keep up with the class and is saying only to keep in touch with work and to keep from losing all contact with school—just because looks well doesn’t mean that he is well—Bancroft cannot really understand because has never had nervous prostration himself—boy of excellent integrity and he should be trusted—
714. Same to same, 2/15/1893—withdrawing son from school—complete nervous shock—feels whole business was mismanaged, probably because the doctors instructions were not clear enough—glad boy did not commit suicide before the telegram arrived—illness brought on by boys attendance on father when father was too sick to realize the results of it—”I doubt not that your intentions were all right, but my observation is that teachers need just as much looking after as pupils.”- feels that sanitary arrangements should be improved—feels that payment in advance hurts work—feels that the overconcern with exact rooming arrangements wastes time needed for more important things– feels town takes advantage of students and overcharges them right and left—
715. Same to same, 3/16/1893—sending $100 with long protestations & jokes-still feels strongly about matters listed above—especially that Bancroft is trying to control too much of the minor details of the school—gives advice on rearranging the administration of the school—strange proposal to build hotel to accommodate the boys and run it as a hotel, not as a dormitory—feels increased work is driving students and everyone else to the breaking point—that schools are trying to cram too much in and that the whole increase of pressure in life will destroy the population—
716. Same to same, 11/8/1893—boys now being taken care of by an old family friend—hope to return to Andover later when they are recovered and in a condition to keep up—
717. E. G. Colt to Bancroft, 2/25/1890—thanks for letting son come home—feels boy shy and nervous and will improve considerably if can stick out the year—bad enunciation—wants to work with Churchill—
718. O. C. Colton to Bancroft 2/3/1891—inviting Society of Inquiry to conduct another YMCA service—
719. B. L. Colwell to Bettee, 12/26/1894—regrets that sons time must be broken—son has been seriously ill and still has not fully recovered—feels suspension must be unwarranted as son has always been soul of honor—&ccc
720. Same to same, 1/10/1895—boy is broken up over suspension—feels that since at least in part is fault of teacher’s punishment extremely severe—boy not casehardened
721. J. D. Colt (husband of 717 above) to Bancroft, 11/21/1890—wife will see to it that son will not overstay his leave of absence again—
722. card with plan of suite of rooms in Commons—
723. D. Y. Comstock to Bancroft 7/22/1879—acceptance of reappointment to faculty—(? It might be otherwise)
724. Same to same, 9/1/1880—starting the school up again—anecdote re boys and photographs of Bancroft &c.
725. Same to same, 7/14/1882—comments of various cases—disciplinary and otherwise—vacation news—
726. Same to same, 7/18/1882(?)—same sort of letter as 725 above—
727. Same to same, no date, 1882(?)—same sort of letter as ’25and 726 above—
728. Same to same, 7/29/1883—same sort of vacation news—what appear to be the results of the preliminary college exams, as well as the question of placing certain students who are borderline—
729. Same to same, 6/26/1884—has given preliminary exams thinks all did ok—has given all character certificates except one, which he feels not merited—administration matters—
730. Same to same, 7/4/1884—vacation news—discipline, admission to college, and administrative matt1
731. Same to same, 6/29/1885—vacation news—
732. Same to same, 7/20/1885—vacation news—about boys whose status is questionable—
733. Same to smme,8/22/1885—same sort of letter as above-
-734. Same to same, 7/26/1886—same sort of letter as above—
735. Same to same, 1/5/1888—telling about his sabbatical in Europe—
736. Same to same, 4/19/1888—short note about school matters—humorous description of Rome—
737. same to same, 12/2/1891—asking whether the A.U.V: society might buy land on Bartlett street or elsewhere to build a society house—remains noncommittal about private views on matter—
738. Same to Fiske, 8/13/1892—desires official notice of resignation—Coy also wants such notice-
739. Same to Bancroft 4/9/1897—describing what he must do at his new position—asking if can borrow the slides in the PA safe for use in illustrating some historical lectures—
740. A. C. Clagstone to Bancroft 10/9/?—son neglecting studies for outside activities—feels son must learn to rely on self to get his work done—
741. M. L. Conant to Bancroft 11/2/1890—very unhappy over her son’s troubles at school—
742. B. H. Conant to Bancroft 5/22/1880—asking if Reverend Carpenter is the right man for the job—asks several questions on his abilities to preach, teach SS, &c—
743. R. L. Conrad to Bancroft 8/18/1891—sorry about trouble caused by non-return of library book—
744. E. B. Convers to Bancroft 12/4/1884—answering letter about needs of Academy—will help fund-raise-
745. Same to same, 3/7/1891—design and motto for proposed new clock for Academy—
746. Same to same, 3/18/1892—sorry about departure of Coy and Com—well-wishes
747. Same to same, 7/12/1892—congrats for LLD—glad son is doing well—will encourage him strongly-
748. Same to same, 3/5/1895—sending British ensign as reminder of what country owes to Britain—
749. R. H. Conwell to Bancroft 12/13/1877—inquiring about former charity student who seems untrustworthy
750. J. Cook to Bancroft 11/11/1878—wants to know what would be best to say about new chair of relations of Christianity and Science—
751. Same to same, 5/30/1891—pleased with plans to replace commons—would like to contribute
752. Same to same, 8/4/1881—describes what he has heard—wanes to found an American assistance fund to support the Tholuch foundation—leaves case with Bancroft who knows all the learned world in America—
753. L. Pi Cook to Bancroft, 6/4/1886—tells of his movements since leaving PA, also tells of other Chinese students of PA—
754. F. Coonley to Bancroft 9/10/1892—asking if Bancroft knows of anyone with whom he could room at Yale—
755. Same to same, 5/28/1893—has passed off all conditions—asking if can get certificate—
756. A. W. Cooper to Bancroft 7/23/1893—thanking for report and letter—
757. E. D. Cooper (parent) to Bancroft, 7/24/1893—thanking for report and for his kind comments on son’s work
758. H. Cooper to Bancroft 12/27/1893—very sad that failed after working so hard—will try to be able to return next year with better finances so can study more—
759. M. F. Coon to L. R. F. Griffin, 1/20/1878—giving account of movements after leaving PA—
760. R. H. Cornish to Bancroft, 8/22/1890—giving background of brother and explaining why he wants to go to H[arvard?]
761. Same to same, 8/13/1890—refusing offer of teaching at PA—family news
762. Same to same, 8/18/1890—application of brother, background, plans—
763. M.J. Paradise to Bancroft no date—complaining of disorderly conduct of F. S. Cate (Cote?)
764. R. A. Carter to Bancroft, 7/27/1883—personal news—Coulter owes her over $200—copy of rude letter Coulter sent her after she sent bill to his father—asks for advice—
765. Mrs. J. C. Coulter to Bancroft no date—supporting stand on outlawing use of tobacco
766. M. Cowdery to Pettee, 8/30/1892—vacation news—asks permission to stay at home for a few days after vacation to enter the Atlantic division Championship games—
767. J. S. Cox to Bancroft 2/22/1890—leaving for Europe soon—haw they can be reached—advice on future school plans for son—is he prepared for Scientific School—
768. Mrs. H. R. Craig to Bancroft, 2/20/1890—explaining troubles at home—son not fitted for Commons life—gives some examples of tricks played on him—other son wants to go to Andover too—pleased with preparation son is getting—how can get in Amherst
769. Same to same, 2/26/1890—thanking for letter and intro to Amherst—graphic account of the shocks to son while at Andover—death of father, of mate who was shot, drowning of Phelps, Mansion House fire, fire in own dorm, robbery of room, pranks of fellow boarders, etc.
770. Same to same, 8/9/1890—other son not going to Andover after all—
771. H.K. Craig (husband of above)—3/29/1886—sending eldest boy to Andover, asks advice on boarding etc.
772. C. S. Craik to Bancroft, 10/14/1886—feels cannot graduate from PA—will not return this year—
773. F. W. Cram to Bancroft, 9/10/1894—background of son—
774. F. W. Cram to Bancroft, 11/25/1894—about son’s religious education—does not want boy coerced—
775. F. G. Crane to Bancroft, 10/2/1890—in response to a letter of Bancroft—would like to be “one of the 100”
776. C. A. Crawford to Bancroft, 8/18/1890—would like to go to Andover—gives background, asks for advice in placement—
777. C. Crocker to Bancroft, 4/1/1879—puzzled by son’s report—grades in only two subjects—poor showing in those—asks foo explanation—
778. W. H. Crocker (son of above) to Bancroft, 11/14/1889—thanking for letter and visit of J. H. Ropes
779. Same to same, 12/19/1889—would like to join Century Club, also do something handsome to help school financially—must wait for some business to mature before can do so
780. W. G. Crosby to Bancroft, 4/28/1879—fire has destroyed all his college and school mementoes—cannot help in search (search for what? letter does not say)