Bancroft Correspondence, 1877-1898 (Bulk 1893)
1. E. S. Barbour to Bancroft, 8/7/1893–asking for catalogue–son wants to enter–
2. E. S. Barbour to Bancroft, 8/15/1893–asking for books of junior middle class–thinks son will enter that class–
3. M. A. Barker to Bancroft, 4/7/1893–wants to send son to PA next year–Coy will not mind PA getting a student from Hotchkiss–no complaints about Hotchkiss–sons health poor–if came to Andover could care for him personally–asking about English required for junior middle classical year–asking about boarding for son and self–
4. M. A. Barker to Bancroft, 5/6/1893–thanking for arranging special exam–encloses recommendation from Coy which son would like to have returned–
5. M. A. Barker to Bancroft, 5/22/1893–asking for answer to earlier letter–
6. H. S. Bennett to Bancroft, 9/5/1893–asking about son’s entering PA—about his son
7. M. Bennett to Bancroft, 6/16/1893–wants son to have one year at PA before going to Yale-about his son–asking if can have entrance exams waived–
8. M. Bennett to Bancroft, 7/8/1893- gives sons performance in exams for Yale—troubled by hay fever and has missed reviews two years running–reasons for not wanting him to have to take any more exams–subjects that need work–
9. A. K. Merritt to Bancroft, 7/12/1893 –about Bennett’s scores on Yale exams–
10. M. Bennett to Bancroft, 7/17/1893–board arrangements–about college athletics–son is something of an athlete–
11. J. Hall to Bancroft, 7/20/1893–letter of recommendation for Bennett–
12. W. W. Smith to Bancroft, 9/20/1893–letter of recommendation for Caneron Blaikie–past studies
13. R. M. Webster to Bancroft, 3/14/1893–letter of recommendation for Howard Bodwell–
14. J. Le Boutiller to Bancroft, 9/18/1893–cover note for 15 below–news of sons health
15. W. D. Kaksey to Bancroft, 9/8/1893–letter of recommendation
16. H. F. Vallette to Bancroft, 1/22/1894–asking why Ward has been expelled–
17. S. P. R. Chadwick to Bancroft, 7/13/1893–about pupil–plans, past work, character–
18. Franklin Carter to Bancroft, 1/13/1894–thinking of taking son out of Lawrenceville–
19. Mrs. P. A. Carter to Bancroft, 6/2/1897–prices of rooms–
20. Mrs. P. A. Carter to Bancroft, 7/27/1897–has lowered, not raised prices of rooms–encloses balance sheet to prove it–
21. Mrs. P. A. Carter to Bancroft, 10/21/1897–enclosing letter from boarder–gives own side of story-asks for Bancroft’s opinion on boarders charges–
22. C. B. Clark to Bancroft, 7/12/?–opinions of Coy and Comstock–reasons of schools–Coy a good teacher but not a good headmaster–
23. E. S. Clark (son of above) to Bancroft, 7/14/1893–gives list of studies passed–
24. C. J. Clark (Ma) to Bancroft, 7/15/1893—explains mix-up about Roman History—about reentering PA
25. L. A. Rogers to Bancroft, 9/12/1893–letter of introduction for H. B. Crosby–
26. H. Cooper to Bancroft, 6/23/1893–wants to come to PA an classical junior–money trouble–(has notes in Bancroft’s writing on past studies etc.)–plans and reasons for
27. C. A. Peabody to Bancroft, 7/5/1893–letter of recommendation for H. Cooper–
28. H. C. Crane to Bancroft, 6/10/1893–about sending son–financial trouble–character of son–
29. H. C. Crane to Bancroft, 6/23/1893–plans for entering son—financial arrangements
30. S. H. Cheney to Bancroft, 12/18/?–son has been very sick–hopes can come to PA someday–
31. H. McK. Landon to Bancroft, 7/13/1893—letter about W. Taylor and D. Day—about getting rooms –compliments on stand taken about eligibility of athletes–
32. W. E. Huntington to Bancroft, 9/13/1893–glad nephew (D. Day above) coming to PA–about his family–
33. Mrs L. Du Pont to Bancroft, 8/26/1892–wants son to finish preparation for MIT in PA English dept–asking about need for entrance exams–
34. M. L. Eddy to Bancroft, 10/12/1891–about entering sons–asking about equivalence of studies and work needed to make up–about career of eldest son who went to FA–has notes by Comstock and Coy answering her questions–
35. T. M. Boss, 4/15/1892–certificate of good character for the Eddy boys–
36. W. A. Evans to Bancroft, 4/26/1892—scholarship records for the Eddy boys–
37. [n/a]
38. Same and M. E. Dolphin to Bancroft, 4/28/1892–record of Eddy boys in Algebra–
39. F. Reasoner to Bancroft, 4/24/1892–record of Eddy boys in Greek–recommendation–
40. M.S. Barry to Bancroft, 4/27/1892—recommendation of Eddy boys in Latin–
41. H. F. Field to Bancroft, 7/20/1893–wants to send another son since pleased with progress of first one—gives sons record–
42. H. F. Field to Bancroft, 9/12/1893–letter of introduction for son–
43. F. M. Wilson to Bancroft, 9/9/1893–letter of recommendation for 3enas French–financial problems–
44. Mrs. J.R. Flenner to Bancroft, 7/9/1893–son was very sick and lost some time–can here return to old class–with notes by Bancroft giving what boy has done and what he needs–
45. R. Cobb to Bancroft, 9/19/1892–giving exams passed and failed at Harvard for M. E. Ginn–
46. E. Ginn (pa) to Bancroft, 9/15/1892–plans for son–
47. E. Ginn (pa) to Bancroft, 10/8/1892–asking Bancroft to invest in Housing the Poor scheme—about printing textbooks and exams–progress of son–
48. E. Ginn (pa) to Bancroft, 11/10/1892–sons progress–plans for entering PA—sons exam record–
49. E. L. Hamlin to Bancroft, 8/11/1892–sons starting for PA–requests for courses to take-sends references and encloses letters below–(50, 51)
50. A. G. Welch to E. L. Hamlin, 8/8/1892–reasons why boys should go to Elgin rather than PA–Elgin Academy will prepare for Sheffield just as well as Andover–
51. A. G. Welch to E. L. Hamlin, 8/19/1892–thanking for letter–under circumstances probably best that are sending boys away to school–
52. G. C. Greenaway to Bancroft, 9/14/1892–sending another son to PA since son pleased with progress of last son–plans for boy–
53. G. A. Cowen to Bancroft, no date–asking to send catalogue to black boy thinking of going to Exeter–personal– ·
54. Graves to Bancroft, 7/8/1892–arranging course of study for Hibbard–worried about sinks-personal “I am afraid you will get sick. I hope you wont try to teach any next year. I don’t believe in suicide.”–
55. J. E. Pearson to Bancroft?, no date, frag–past studies and plans for Hibbard–notes by Bancroft–
56. C. L. Hibbard (bro) to Bancroft, 7/15/1892–about entering brother in English department–problems
57. C. L. Hibbard to Bancroft, 8/8/1892–asking about exams, rooms and so forth–
58. S. E. Hibbard to Bancroft (father)8/18/1892–about entering son–character, plans, etc–
59. C.E. Steete to Bancroft, 9/5/1892–asking for catalogue to be sent to Miss Blue–asking about regulations of study hours–
60. H. C. Blue to Bancroft, 9/10/1892–wants to enter Eduardo Hillman–gives boys character and plans–asks about study hours–asking about boarding–
61. H. C. Blue to Bancroft, 9/17/1892–sending boy now to avoid losing more time–lists testimonials-boys past history–
62. C. E. Steete to Bancroft, 9/17/1892–gives Hillmans family history, his character, and plans
63. E. P. Powell to Bancroft, 9/16/1892–sort of letter of recommendation for Hillman–
64. 9/17/1892–letter of recommendation for Eduardo Hillman–
65. A. M. Hobbs to Bancroft, 7/19/?–mixup about son entering school–
66. W. D. Tillson to Bancroft, 4/28/1892–tutoring boy who wants to enter PA as junior middler-asking about textbooks to use–
67. W. D. Tillson to Bancroft, 5/20/1892 –boys parents want him to enter as classical junior—asks if Bancroft can find him (Tillman) a good teaching position–tells about Phillip Hobbs–
68. J. M. Towne to Bancroft, 7/21/1892–about Hobbs, his grandson–about boys family–father was helped through PA by Squire Farrar–asking if Philip can get aid from Farrar fund–
69. J. F.Hobbs to Bancroft, 8/1/1892–plans for son–personal history–
76. L. T. Phipps and F. Hazeltine to Bancroft, 6/12/1893–recommendation for H. F. Hurlbut-
71. J. Sach to Bancroft, 9/12/1893–certificate of standing and character for L. Hochstadter–
72. M. J. Judah to Bancroft, 10/6/1892–thanking for what has done for son–letter of introduction for Clarence Winter–
73. Mrs. E. W. Klots to Bancroft, 9/14/1893–wants to send son to PA–
74. Mrs. E. W. Klots to Bancroft, 6/22/1893–wants son to continue Latin–no other curricular requests-boys character etc–references–rooming arrangements–
75. Mrs. E. W. Klots to Bancroft, 7/13/1893–references–rooming arrangements–
76. J. W. Laing to Bancroft, 3/30/94–explaining how he paid for sons room and board—son apparently constantly in debt–enclosing 77 below–son is twenty two and ought to be able to earn his own living–cannot afford to keep him in school much longer- worried since son doesn’t know the value of money—asks for advice
77. W. T. Laing (son) to J. W. Laing, 2/14/1894—about starting athletic store—needs a bond of $100–asking him to sign it–(the boy certainly appears to be the strike-it rich type)
78. Z. B. Makepeace to Bancroft, 9/11/1893–letter of introduction for Mr. G. S. Lewis, who wants to put his son in PA-
79. E. G. Mason to Bancroft, 12/17/1892–glad son is doing so well–thinking of sending other
80. M. E. L. Melice? to Bancroft, 9/19/1893–sons past background–about his lack of scholarship and application to work–
81. M. E. L. Melice? to Bancroft, 9/22/1893–about sons room–had sent son $60 to open account with but needed $160 to open account so son must have the money on him–about paying bills–
82. N. R. Mason to Bancroft, 7/31/1892–gives his past studies–wants to prepare for Harvard in one year–has passed preliminaries for Bowdoin–
83. N. R. Mason to Bancroft, 7/27/1892–gives past work–passed Bowdoin prelims but parents want him to go to Harvard–asking about room & board–notes by Bancroft in margin–
84. N. R. Mason to Bancroft, 8/8/1892(established by Bancroft)–surprised at what is needed for Harvard but still thinks can finish preparation in one year–will be rusty to take Harvard exams since is working during the summer–
85. N. R. Mason to Bancroft, 8/22/1892–about getting board–getting character certificate–
86. E. L. Millard to Bancroft, 7/24/1893–wants to enter PA for senior year–has passed prelims for Harvard–
87. H. Neill to Bancroft, 9/20/1893–certificate of character for E. L. Millard–
88. D. C. Moon to Bancroft, 3/13/1893–wants to enter PA–means very limited–
89. C. H. Oliphant to Bancroft, 7/19/1893–about financing sons education–about boys progress–
90. J. H. Perry to Bancroft–7/13/1893–son has graduated from Lawrenceville but wants to keep boy out of college for a year–MacKensie concurs–has nothing but praise for Lawrenceville but wants boy to be a little better adjusted before going to Yale—can be admitted on grounds of Lawrenceville diploma and Yale acceptance or will he need further–
91. W. Freeland to Bancroft, 9/11/?–certificate of character for J. R. Paxton–
92. E. C. Randall to Bancroft, 9/11/1893–letter of presentation for nephew, F. S. Porter–
93. E. C. Randall to Pettee, 9/11/1893–letter of presentation for nephew, F. S. Porter–
94. H. S. Emerson to Bancroft, 6/30/1893–about W. S. Ray, whom he is tutoring–boy wants to enter Yale next year and wants to go to PA to finish preparing–boys past work
95. H. S. Emerson to Bancroft, 7/11/1893–boy did not do particularly well in prelims–thinks boy has work cut out for him–
96. H. S. Emerson to Bancroft, 7/18/1893–agrees with Bancroft’s diagnosis–plans for his work at PA–
97. E. C. Seymour to Bancroft, 9/29/1893—certificate of character and study for W. S. Ray
98. Hiram Fobes to Bancroft, 9/17/1893–certificate of character and study for D. K. Richardson–
99. J. H. Jackson to Bancroft, 7/13/1893–letter of recommendation for L. H. Rogers–
100. L. H. Rogers to Bancroft, 7/9/1893(established by Bancroft)–gives past work–wants to go to PA and to be ready to go to Yale in two years–questions about rooms, dining–
101. C. Roosevelt to Bancroft, 9/19/1892- wants to send son to PA—son currently studying in England–
102. Mrs. J. H. Sanders to Bancroft, 7/6/1893—about sons failure–can he take make-up exam in fall–father quite sick and very disappointed–
103. M? B. Sargent to Bancroft, ?–about sons certificate of good character–encloses 104=below
104. B. F. Dame to Bancroft, 9/10/1892–certificate of good standing for I. W. Sargent–
105. E F. Smith to Bancroft, 10/24/1893–about pupil, A. D. Smith, who wants to enter PA- gives his performance on Yale prelims–weak in Greek but she feels he will be able to make up–asks about entrance exams–
106. E. F. Smith to Bancroft, 11/1/1893–about current method of studying Greek–performance in other studies–asks about entrance exams–
107. Yale Preliminary Examination Certificate of grades of A. D. Smith–
108. E. F. Smith to Bancroft, 12/22/1893–giving details of what Smith will have covered when he enters PA–boy has been held up in work by a bad cold–
109. E. F. Smith to Bancroft, 12/31/1893–boy will not be able to go to PA before 1/8 because of recovery from illness–
110. A. A. Smith to Bancroft, 6/5/1893–wants to come to PA–gives past work–needs financial aid·
111. A. A. Smith to Bancroft, 7/10/1893–explains why leaving current school–encloses recommendations-·
112. H. S. Cowe11 to Bancroft, 7/19/1893–frank letter about A. A. Smith–news of the school–
113. S. Crawford to Bancroft, 6/19/1893–letter of recommendation for A. A. Smith—remembers days together at Andover Thee. Sem–
114. F. S. Fales to Bancroft, 7/14/1893 (established by Bancroft)–wants catalogue to send to pupil, W. W. Spear–gives boys past work–
115. Mrs. A. Stewart to Bancroft, 9/9/?- son cannot come yet as is sick—asks about rooms and what boy should do when he gets to Andover–
116. C. T. C. Whitcomb to Bancroft, 6/24/1893–letter of recommendation for W. V. Taylor-
117. L. L. Greene to Bancroft, 6/24/1893–letter of recommendation for W.V. Taylor–
118. C. N. Thayer to Bancroft, 8/19/1892–about sending son to PA–needs financial aid-
119. C. N. Thayer(?) to son, 2/7/1893–agrees with son that should become Middler in English Department, especially since cannot go on through college–
120. J. Tweedy to Bancroft, 2/13/94–wants to enter son at start of next term—son’s plans–
121. S. A. Tweedy (wife) to Bancroft, 2/14/1894—about entering son—relatives who were at PA–
122. J. Tweedy to Bancroft, 2/17/94–about older sons progress–regretted having to leave PA due to ill health–this sons health, past record–about prelims–encloses 123-124–
123. Application form for entrance into PA, filled out by J. Tweedy–
124. Form for past studies, filled out by L. Tweedy—dated 2/16/1994–
125. J. Tweedy to Bancroft, 3/23/1994—final details about entering son–
126. Newspaper clippings about Harvard College scholarships and about dedication of tablet in Leyden commemorating John Robinson–
127. W. Kershaw to Bancroft, 1/29/94–about B. Van Shaick, who ought to go to PA—about Germantown academy and the Headmasters assoc. meeting–
128. G. Veeder to Hill, no date–about entering brother in English Department–boys past work–
129. B. M. Allen to Bancroft, 7/2 /1893–gives with precious
130. E.C. Walker to Bancroft, 7/20/1893–about entering son–about getting rooms–
131. P. Wentworth to Bancroft, 8/7/1893–wants to enter son–
132. F. Werner to Bancroft, 7/6/1893—about entering ward in PA–
134. H. Widdicomb to Bancroft, 11/2/1891–about entering PA–son in PA–
135. H. Widdicomb to Bancroft, 6/27/1892–about rooming preferences for son –
136. J. L. Wilkes to Bancroft, 6/21/1893–about entering son in PA–
137. L. P. Powell to J.P. Wilkes (son of above), 9/7/1893—certificate of good character–
138. B. L. Winters to Bancroft, 7/30/1892–about entering son–asking about expenses–
139. B. L. Winters to Bancroft, 8/2/1892–about entering son—son’s plans and past work –asking about expense
140. J. E. Wooster to Bancroft, 6/12/1893–about entering son–