Claude M. Fuess, 1933-1948 Collection Guide

Claude M. Fuess (Phillips Academy Headmaster, 1933-1948): List of correspondence (arranged alphabetically by correspondent) completed during the 1950s.

Box 1 Abbot Academy-Beaver Country Day School

Box 2 Beith-Choate, Hall & Stewart

Box 3 Cincinnati Country Day School-College Entrance Examination Board History Commission

Box 4 Collegiate School-Eaglebrook School

Box 5 Eastbourne College-Fenn School

Box 6 Fessenden School through Greene-Smith Collection of North American Birds

Box 7 Greenwich Country Day School through Miscellaneous G

Box 8 Hackley School-Hawken School

Box 9 Hay-Landon

Box 10 Lawrence Academy through Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Box 11 MIT-New Canaan Country School

Box 12 New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools through Preachers lists

Box 13 Princeton University through Rollins College

Box 14 Romford school through Schweppe

Box 15 Selective Service System through Taft School

Box 16 Tamblyn & Brown through U.S. Naval Academy

Box 17 University School through Yale Daily News

Box 18 Yale University through Fuess Memoranda, Agreements, Figures

5 boxes: Material for Independent Secondary Schools in the United States by Fuess.

3 boxes: Fuess Award, 1964-1980s

Box 1 Abbot Academy-Beaver Country Day School

Abbot Academy
Routine correspondence between C.M.F. Bertha Bailey and Marguerite Hearsey about school matters. Interesting as evidence of beginning of joint concerts and GandS and in 1936 PA’s invitation to Abbot students to attend P.A. Chapel two Sundays a month. List of preachers sent.

Bernard M. Allen, teacher at P.A. who, in 1919, aided strikers in Lawrence Mill of American Woolen Co.; his unasked-for resignation from PA in February of that year and his attempt in 1938 to get the P.A. B’d of Trustees to rescind their acceptance of his resignation. In 1938, Phillip Allen said Bernard was ahead of his time in saying that Wood “was the greatest menace to N.E. industrial life.” See particularly letter from Stimson of Jan. 17, 1938 and C.M.F’s reply Jan. 18.

Letters to Al Stearns from P.A. parents in early 1919 saying that our preparatory schools are hotbeds of Socialism, German agents, etc. B.M. Allen’s letter of resignation, Feb. 26, 1919.
Alumni Council Alumni Organization : The Society situation and the progress of the Inter-Society Committee. Every boy eligible for a Society — a suggestion.

Andover Alumni Association, Phillips Academy, Sept. 26, 1946. Constitution
Steering Committee readied Dec 8, 1945. Question of continuing a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees. See letter from Bishop Hobson, Oct. 1, 1944 Folder important for evidence of firm endeavors to strengthen Alumni organization and to have an Alumni Council. Should alumni elect trustees?

American Academy of Arts and Sciences
See letter from C.M.F. to Howard Mumford Jones re topic for a speaker. August 31, 1945. Dr. Fuess elected to Academy in June 1938.

American Council on Education P.A. invited to Institutional Membership in June, 1937.
Correspondence from both C.M.F. and Alan R. Blackmer (Summer Session) re student deferral from Selective Service, universal military training, and Veterans’ Bill.

American Field Service
In 1939 A.F.S. in process of reorganization from World War I. C.M.F. accepts membership of General Committee in charge. P.A. helps with purchase of ambulances. A special Lincoln, ambulance purchased with gift of P.A. lettered on side. Photo of same in Phillipian.

Ames, Allan W.
Correspondence with C.M.F. re Alumni Fund activities 1935. C.M.F. suggests men give “bonus” (W.W.I) to P.A. scholarship fund. Ames says n.g.

Ames, Herbert, Sir.
An epidemic of measles postpones Sir Herbert’s scheduled talk at the school. (Feb., 1941.) Finally comes in Dec. l94l. C.M.F. sends Sir Herbert two lists of detective stories.

Ames, Winslow to C.M.F.
congrats on his new office (Headmaster) July 31, 1933 and praises the “new Curriculum”. Ames sustains an art prize at P.A. Proposes Ames for Century Club. Ames Director of Lyman Allyn Museum in New London, Conn. In Jan. 1944 Ames to C.M.F. about more negro boys at Andover. C.M.F. replies (1/21/1944) that there are two now, and one is a member of a society. More might make for trouble.

Admissions Amherst College / Should colleges admit young men who have not academic qualifications? Fuess against it and is congratulated for his stand by German dept. of Amherst. See letter to C.M.F. of October 8, 1941 (Someone at Harvard doesn’t like us- (Private Prep Schools). C.M.F. to Amherst’s admissions man pleading for taking P.A. boys from bottom half of class. (1946) 1947 a tough year for getting into the “College of one’s choice.” Statement of Amherst’s criteria for admission.

Amherst College
President of Amherst King to CM.F. on his manuscript on history of the College.
Letters from Frederick S. Allis of Alumni Council of Amherst. Re. John Burgess’ book on Amherst. Andover – Amherst Scholarship. Did Union College certify Amherst grads Before Amherst had a charter? Re C.M.F’s Amherst fraternity Alpha Delta Phi and C.M.F’s suggestions for new members from P.A. group at Amherst. C.M.F’s concern for college acceptance and assistance for P.A. boys.

Andover Association of Class Secretaries
Organized in May, 1939. Establishment of an Alumni Day ran early autumn; first, October 21, 1939

Andover Newton Theological School
P.A. asks for and gets original portrait of Eliphalet Pearson from A.N.T.S. and gives in exchange its copy (1935) Also gets portrait of Samuel Farrar from A.N. T.S. Farrar only on permanent loan. P.A. gives A.N.T.S. the Samuel Abbot chest and contents. (1938) In 1946 still unfinished business re separation of P.A. and the Theological Seminary.

Andover Press
Corr. between C.M.F. and Philip Cole and printers. Ditto to Blackmer regarding Directory. Andover Press Co-operative PIan. Branch at Dining Hall basement. To go into effect Sept. 1933. Problems —— problems. Unpaid Society bills, slanderous; public statements by P.A. students.

Andover, Town of
Tax free situation of P.A. Corr. on subject with the Town. (1945)
P.A.’s assistance with problems of returning veterans (1945) re C.M.F’s public service to the Town. How about getting that history of the town done, Dr. Fuess? (1947) Still property tax problems in 1947
Andover, Town of
300th Anniversary 1944-1947
C.M.F. Chairman of the Anniversary Committee. Corr. as such and souvenir booklets, etc.
Invitations to special guests and for speakers.

Andrew, A. Piatt
C.M.F. invited to write his biography. Dr. Darling to do it. 1938

Anonymous Letters (3)
Atlantic Monthly Press 1933-1940 inc. C.M.F. to Ellery Sedgwick re Coolidge biography. Sedgwicks advice re finishing the Lodge first and then do Coolidge. To Weeks re his History of Amherst College. Re text books. Contract for CM.F’s The Creed of a Schoolmaster. C.M.F. receives his ten author’s copies of the Coolidge biography in Feb. 1940 It seems that he must have started on it in 1932 or 1933.

Department of Athletics
Schedules of athletic events with Yale; Hockey; Visit of the boys of Betteshanger School of Kent, England. This folder for attention of Mr. Harrison,

Avon Old Farms 1931-1944
C.M.F. corr. with Richard H. Sears, Dean of Avon Old Farms. and Percy Hammerer. Re. of a P.A. and Avon Polo match. Avon wants help with boys for 1938 academic year. Provost Kammerer has to retire and C.M.F. is asked for suggestions. 1940 Avon closes. 1944.

Miscellaneous 1937
Some Kemper correspondence here. (Jan. 24, 1951) Corr. to C.M.F. and J. Edson Andrews re Bill Bender’s discussion of the Wagner Labor Relations Act. (1939) Andrews very much upset. C.M.F. can see nothing wrong. Also Stearns corr. 1930 Anti-Defamation League writes critically of the fact that P.A. requests religion of the applicant on application form. C.M.F. says trustees see no objection to this.

C.M.F. to Andover Draft Board asking for deferment of some of the teachers. Statement that Collegiate School in N.T.C. oldest incorporated school (1696) Corr. over selection of new Treasurer; James Gould 1913 was selected.

Bailey, George R.
Of no interest that I can see. (C.R.M.)

Hollis R. Bailey
A member of the Class of 1873 Folder contains copy of paper on Franklin Academy, North Andover. Mr. Bailey donates books to the Library. 1933.

Abram Baldwin
Class of 1880. See his interesting letter of April 30, 1942 about not setting his discipline, very interesting.

Barrow, Wade, Guthrie and Co.
Covering letters of their xxxxx records as Accountants and Auditors of the accounts and records of P. A. 1943-1946

Baker, L.B.
Baker wishes to sell P.A. old student letters. No sale. Baldrige, H. Malcolm
Worked on Alumni Fund. 1935

Baldy, Fred C. one letter of no interest.

Bale, Frederick S. 1947. One exchange of letters.

Barbour, Clarence A. Two exchanges of letters 1932-1933. Of no interest.

Barbour, William T. A few letters of no interest.

Beach, David M. Rev. 1933 letter of congratulation and a few others of no interest.

Beaver Country Day School 1938-1949
Beaver needs advice. Evidently it was about 1940 at a meeting of the New England Assoc that the prep-private schools decided to call themselves “independent.” Contributions for a gift to the newly launched battleship Massachusetts. 1941. Exchanges of pleasantries.

Samples of Stationery used by Dr. Fuess and in his time. “Only that and nothing more.”‘

Box 2 Beith-Choate, Hall & Stewart

Beith, Gen. Ian Hay Oct 17, 1941-Dec 1941
Unsuccessful attempt to get Beith as a speaker; he does arrange a visit, “…as I am trying to convert a book of mine, ‘Housemaster’, into a film with an entirely American setting, and I wanted some first-hand information regarding the domestic and general routine of some such establishment as your own.”

Belmont Hill School March 1947
Fuess comments on Belmont’s curriculum revision. “It has been our experience at Andover that the study of American History should be reserved for our most mature boys.”

Bennett, Russell H. May 1933, March 1942, April 1946
an appreciation of ‘On Andover Hill’; Bennett nominated for Century Club of NYC; Fuess appreciates Bennett’s book “The complete Rancher”

Benton, Frank M. May 1933
Fuess as Clerk of Trustees informs Benton of possible reduction in salary if PA’s income drops.

Berkshire School Feb 1942 July 1945
Berkshire solicits and receives a letter of tribute from Fuess to retiring headmaster Seaver B. Buck.
(to Grenville Benedict) Berkshire declines to send students to PA’s summer program for fear of losing them.
(to G. Benedict) Two Andover transfers to Berkshire expelled in a liquor incident
Concerning the granting of credit for courses taken in armed services
(to G. Benedict) recommending modern language instructors (faculty is hard to find). More about the two expellees.

Bingham, Mrs. Millicent March 1935
Inquiry about History of Amherst College Bishop, Merrill Jan 1935 Dec 1947

Bishop is an Alpha Delta Phi fraternity brother who calls Fuess “Dutchman”. He lives in Texas and is very concerned with getting promising southwestern boys a good eastern education. He asks Fuess to take a protégé who is likely to fail at Williams (Fuess refuses). He asks for recognition of his relative, by A.D. “In late years I have noticed that Bob Maynard and Don Bartlett and a few others that used to twirl their hair have become prominent in the society’s welfare….George Bishop…wrote Xaire and did not twirl his hair.”
Somewhat outspoken, Bishop laments quality of current education in the southwest.

Black, George K. April 1946
Black, an alumnus, writes about secret societies. “Personally I think one of the most miserable days of my whole career was graduation from the Academy.” He feels that in prep schools, secret societies do much more harm than good. Fuess replies, “Since 1942 we have kept the secret societies very decidedly under faculty control, and they are less and less of a menace than they were three or four years ago. On the other hand, the pattern which they represent is in my judgment becoming more and more obsolete. It is my conviction that if the matter were brought to a vote, a powerful number of alumni would record themselves against the continuance of the societies.”

Blair Academy Nov 1941 Jan 1942
Discussion of methods of discipline at boys’ boarding schools.

Blake School Feb 1941 Dec 1946
References for two men seeking History positions
Recommends a candidate for headmaster, other routine correspondence

Blauvelt, Hiram PA816 1933 1940 11 letters
friendly correspondence and mutual congratulations

Blum, Robert, Maj. 1944-1945 7 letters
Most of the letters to James Gould; Blum is concerned with anti-Semitism at PA. Opinions of G. David Schine and other students discussed.

Booz, Allen, Hamilton 1949 3 letters, 2 prospectuses
B.A.H wants to do a job for PA, unsuccessful

Boston Herald Traveler 1935-1946 67 letters
Most of the letters to and from Frank W. Buxton, editor. Discuss whether PA graduates go on to become public leaders. They share a fondness for Dorothy Sayers. Buxton supplies Coolidge information especially the strike. Stuff about the Coolidge Homestead, incl copy of a letter from Mrs. Coolidge. Friendly correspondence

Boston & Maine RailRoad 1947-1948 4 lett.
Arranging special stops at Andover.

Boston Post 1940-1942 6 lett., 1 clipping
Routine. Interview with Fuess about private schools and the war.

Boston University 1934-1942 4 lett., mimeo info.

Bowdoin College 1939-1946 4 lett. reprint of article
Routine; interest in black students at Bowdoin

Boyden, Albert 1938 3 lett., copy of 1879 Webster info.
Supplies info for Webster book.

Brady, Hugh 1935-1946 6 lett.
Friendly corres. One 1. refers to 4 students who broke into Archaeology building without permission.

Boynton, Edward C 1933-1935 6 lett.
Friendly corres.

Bragdon, Henry W. 1939-1945 15 lett.
A teacher at Brooks and friend of Fuess ‘s son John, the letters mostly refer to Bragdon’s proposed biography of W. Wilson.

Brainard, Edwin I. 1935 5 lett.
Fuess helps a Harvard student do a thesis on H.C. Lodge.

Brand, Katharine E. 1939 15 lett.
Miss Brand was to help Fuess with the Coolidge Book but went instead to L.C, as Special Custodian of the Wilson papers.

Bridgton Academy 1936-1949 8 lett.

Brewster, Frederick F. 1933-1946 28 lett.,2 cards
Friendly and social corresp. concerning mutual friends, holidays in N.H. and South Carolina, and Brewster’s serious illness. CMF: “Nature really intended me to be a Tennyson or a Robert Frost, but I got side-tracked on the route to fame.”

British Information Services 1942-1951 12 lett., 1 pamphlet, I MS note
Mostly concerning Dr. Evan Davies visit and talk in 1942

Brooks, Agnes 1940 4 lett, x-ref, clipping
Miss Brooks sold Samuel Phillips, Jr.’s desk and some papers to PA for $150

Brooks-aten, Mrs. Florence 2 lett., 2 clippings 1933
Seeking funds for a now-impoverished woman who had once been generous to PA.

Brooks School 1942-1948 4 lett.
Routine school business. One suggests changing schedules to conserve heating fuel

Brown University 1945 4 lett., 1 telegram
Concerning credit to be given for Armed Forces courses: regatta invitation.

Bryan, Wilhemmus B. (PA 1916) 1933-1945 5 lett.
CMF suggests post of School Minister to Bryan.

Buckley Country Day School 1935-1938 4 lett., 1 announcement.
Routine. Will PA accept students with less Latin? (Yes!)

Buckley School 1948 2 lett., 1 announcement, 1 clipping

Bullard, F. L. 1935-1944 7 lett., 1 card, 1 x-ref
Bullard was a fellow member of the Lincoln Club. CMF speaks of the Henry Cabot Lodge papers in his trusteeship.

Bunting, James E. 1940-1948. 42 lett., several reprints, forms.
Bunting publishes a directory of private schools. He is a PA alumnus. He persuades CMF to include PA in his catalog. Includes a letter from CMF about secret societies—interesting. Bunting’s reply even more interesting. Other corres. about the rocky early days of “Private Independent Schools”

Bushnell, Robert T. (PA’15) 1940 1943 8 lett.
Bushnell is Massachusetts Attorney General; CMF campaigned for him. A request for CMF to use his influence with Secretary of War to have a friend transferred to combat duty.

Butler, Miff (PA 1912) 1940-1947 3 lett., reprint
Butler claims to have developed the first basic mathematical principle in the US. Also writes to Harry Truman about the rotten Smithsonian.

Butler-Thwing, Francis 1933 2 lett.
Re death of Forbes and changes at PA.

BA-BK Misc. 23 lett.
Corr. with Cortenay Barber, Jr. concerning faculty pensions. With Ralph Barton re psychological research on needs of PA students. With Arnold Berns on a $1000 check inadvertently left in a drawer for 2 years.

BL-BZ Misc. 27 lett.
Resolution on death of F.S. Boutwell, Corr. with Rev. Bradford about Webster. Relations with Bradford Jr. Coll., status of faculty children as students. Note from E.T. Brewster about his retirement and 80th birthday. Corr. with Brooks Bros, concerning school colors, insignia, etc. CMF in favor of peacetime draft. Corr. with Browning School re accelerated programs for older boys to complete education before being drafted, rather complete details

Caldwell, John M 1936-1939 6 lett., refs.
Concerning an old book apparently lost by PA librarian Heely. CMF tries to help Caldwell find work in California.

Cambridge School 1945 2 lett.
On the importance of social studies in the curriculum

Camerftn, James D. 1939 2 lett.
Testimonial on what PA (class of 1889) did for his life.

Campion, Edward W (PA 1861) 1940-1948 8 lett.
much concerning Alumni fund drives.

Canterbury, L.B. 1940-1942 9 lett.
CMF is asked to help in publishing a biography of Webster.

Carle, Robert W. 1936-1945 7 lett.
Social corr. with a fellow golfer.

Carnegie Corp. 1927-1948 thick file of letters
Includes Stearns correspondence about TIAA and retirement programs, proposal to increase science programs—asks for an endowment of 200,000. Long, detailed proposal asking for $200,000 to establish a model medical program. Proposal asking endowment for the library. Carnegie supplies art materials —prints, slides, etc. PA gets $50,000 for the medical program. Memorandum to trustees concerning use of said grant. Dr. Gallagher’s proposal to do a study on Indian boys similar to his study of PA students not warmly received. Brief report on the mental and physical hygiene program. CC supplies phonograph recordings of classical lit. 8 page report on first year of physical AND mental hygiene program. 1942: request for funds to continue this study. 4-page report on 3rd year of study. Letter from Dr. Gallagher concerning state of the study in 1942. Report on usefulness of Latin records supplied by CC. Report on body-building program developed as a result of Gallaghers study.

Carnegie Corp 1936-1938 12 lett., memo and bill of lading.
Concerning the gift of a phonograph and set of music records which was installed in George Washington Hall.

Case, Henry J. 1933-1939 14 lett.
An investigator of some sort, Case offers to assist in a Northfield murder investigation. Sends clippings from time to time.

Case,Robert D. (PA 1932) 1942-1943 5 lett.
Alumni fund drives. What appears to be an alumni committee to study fraternities.

Catlin, Herbert P 1942-1946 5 letters, wedding announcement
regarding CMF report on school credit for military education. A lukewarm recommendation of Catlin for Harvard Bureau of Appointments.

Chamberlain, Ernest B. 1943-1944 21 lett.
Chamberlain is author of a study on the Independent School, and CMF offers comments and assistance with the manuscript then helps get it published

Chapin, E. Barton, 1937-1947 15 lett.
Re fraternities. Suggests that alumni be allowed to elect a trustee; CMF brings it up at a meeting. CMF comments on a Saturday Evening Post article on PA.

Cheltenham College 1937-1939 6 lett.
regarding CMF’s assorted visits to Cheltenham.

Chen, David 1946-1947 6 lett.
Corr. with principal of a Chinese High School in Malaya.

Choate School 1937-1948 11 letters, announcements
Re taxes paid by PA to Andover. Mostly routine

Choate, Hail & Stewart 1937-1950 thick file.
Re legal work done for PA: several copies of a memo, on taxability of a non-profit institution. Several copies of opinion on whether trustees are bound to contracts made with masters. Question of how room and board should be related to salaries. Opinion of responsibilities of PA in relation to various enumerated to trustees. Opinion on the possibility of having a non-Protestant trustee or teacher. Re Owsley Fund. Bill for services in Braden vs Trustees. Opinions on obligations of PA to returning veterans and on teaching foundations

Box 3 Cincinnati Country Day School-College Entrance Examination Board History Commission

Cincinnati Country Day School 1939-1943 23 lett.
Interesting folder including corr. about CCDS student’s progress at PA, arrangements for special exams, several comments on individual students.

Citizens Committee for Military Training of Young Men Inc 1944-1945 8 letters, telegram. CMF takes strong stand in favor of the draft.

Citizen’s Service Unit 1947-1948 15 lett.
Vaguely conceived organization to promote UNESCO. CMF lends moral support.

Clemens, Cyril 1938-1945 16 cards and lett.
Strachey’s influence on American biography. Clemens is pres. of Mark Twain Society and corresponds chiefly about literary matters. CMF’s appreciation of William Lyon Phelps. A FDR anecdote.

Clift, George D (PA 1867) 1937 one letter
Reminiscences.” I was the 13 year old who first discovered the fire in the old stone Academy at 6 AM of an Andover Winter and got Dr. Taylor out of bed TOO LATE to salvage anything of value to the Incendiary-Pillsbury of the Class of 1865 and who the same Winter shot Mr. Draper in his own Bookstore one night.” a little more.

Cochran, Williams 1936-1939 11 lett.
Decision to name the Cochran Church after brother Tom’s death. Cochran wants a faculty member to accompany his family on a trip (as babysitter?). Prefers ‘Cochran Chapel’ to ‘Church’. Trustees concur.

Cole, Horace W. 1935-1942 3 letters
re Alumni fund raising.

College Entrance Examination Board 1937-1938 very thick file.
CMF elected to Board of Review in 1937. Procedures for administering tests at PA. notices of meetings and agendas. CMF on other committees as well. CMF recommends various people for positions with CEEB. minutes of meetings. Sample Latin Exam with critique by Q.(?) Demis Peterkin. Analysis in 1937 of PA students CEEB scores. Letter from G.A. Walton of the George School about the Fortune article. This is the year of change to a grading system of 200-800.
College Entrance Examination Board 1945-1948 very thick file
CMF appointed to committee on examination subjects and requirements. Suggestion to reinstate Greek exams. More minutes of meetings. Committee decides not to reinstate Greek. List of PA students attending different colleges. Proposed ‘Transatlantic Foundation’ exchange program for Britishers and Americans. Ref. to an ‘Unfortunate incident’ at the CEEB tests at PA in April 1946.
Feb. 1947: “We are having a very busy time here, with forty veterans on hand and a school full to overflowing. Furthermore, we are planning to raise $3,500,000, and I am supposed to do most of it solus et unus.” proposal for an honors program in connection with CEEB tests. CEEB considers joining other non-profit testing outfits. CMF says “…in general I rather like experimentation and a reasonable amount of change.” but doesn’t want the merger: CMF draft of ‘remarks’ opposing the merger.
Also in this file; a draft of book review (on American education by Mr. Fine) and minutes of the standing committee on reunions submitted by Frederick S. Allis, Jr.,’bludgeoned into being secretary.’

College Entrance Examination Board 1934-1936 thick file
results of tests taken by PA students by class and teacher, 1933 and 1934. Comparison of PA students with other freshmen at Yale 1933-1937. Interesting exchange about lack of examiners from PA, which has greatest number of candidates. Sample math exam. Explanation of 200-800 marking system. Head of Boston English High complains about new math tests (1936) and is answered by Harvard Grad School of Education professor

College Entrance Examination Board History Commission 1934-1935 very thick file
This and the following file concern a commission set up to define CEEB policies with respect to exams, especially a comprehensive social studies exam at the end of the secondary school period. Chairman is Conyers Bead, 11 others including W.L. Langer, CMF, J.P. Baxter et al. several drafts and memoranda on how and what history should be taught in secondary schools. The ‘ideal history course’ (as taught at PA) 1934. Comprehensive exams are cautiously recommended in a preliminary report. Prof. Darling’s 7-page critique of preliminary report. It seems difficult to work out an exam program to satisfy everyone.
College Entrance Examination Board History Commission 1936-1938 very thick file
Reluctance to publicize work of the commission. CMF stands alone in wishing to communicate with secondary school teachers. After 6 meetings, the commission produces a final report (1936). Comments from secondary school history departments are mixed, largely unfavorable. The Commission recommends a plan for two types of history exams. The report of Committee to consider ways and means of implementing the Commissions recommendations is a good summary of this whole mess. Comments from a group of Harvard professors.

Collegiate School 1941-1947 7 lett.
Mention of Saturday Evening Post article in 1947 which called PA America’s oldest private school; CMF apologizes to Collegiate (1638)

Colgate, Russell (PA 1892) 1928-1940 5 lett.
Contributes $1,000 toward a fund for faculty salaries, serves on alumni advisory comm. for N.J.

Colt, Samuel G. (PA ‘92) 1944-1947 25 lett.
Interesting corres. regarding the successful efforts of Arthur E. Foote to secure a PA diploma ‘honoris causa’ for Sam Colt, who spent his senior year at Sheffield Scientific School before going on to Yale. This was the custom apparently.

Columbus Academy 1939-1940 2 lett., mimeo info.
results of a survey of 30 schools showing faculty salaries.

Colver, Henry A 1941 3 lett.
Re Alumni funds and scholarships, ref to Henry Love, a PA student whose mother was ‘a little disconcerted’ over a letter CMF wrote her about Henry’s progress.

Connor, Samuel P 1941-1948 (PA 1924) 21 lett.
Re the efforts of a group of Rochester, NY alumni to establish a scholarship for a local boy. Much info on procedures and requirements. Rochester is unable to turn up a first-class candidate and is advised to wait for one rather than sponsor an inferior scholar. Two boys are sent in 1943: Bill Munroe and Douglas Wayman; CMF writes regarding their progress (good)

Consulat de France 1945-1947 8 lett. (un en francais)
CMF offers to take 2-3 French students as a good will gesture in 1945. In 1947, Consulate in Boston suggests a similar exchange, CMF replies that they already have programs with Sweden and England, and will consider it for next year.

Cooper, Maurice H (PA 1906) 1935-1947 9 lett.
Alumni fund raising matters in Pittsburgh. Cooper has reservations about CMF’s successor.

Cooperative Bureau for Teachers 1946-1948 10 lett., mimeo stuff
lists teachers who will be replaced by returning servicemen. In 1948, CMF asks if CBT can recommend a Physics teacher. “Quite frankly, I don’t mind taking a man from the public schools if such a man is available. What I need primarily is a bachelor about thirty years old, who would like to make teaching his life career at Andover.”

Cornell Univ. 1946-1948 5 lett. appl. forms
CMF supplies names of PA grads entering Cornell to AΔϕ. Turns down an invitation for PA seniors to visit Cornell during spring term.

Coy, Mary D. 1941 19 lett.
Re efforts to get a photograph of Prof. Edward G. Coy for Coy House. “Colonel Henry L. Stimson, when he was here two weeks ago, climbed to the third story of this house, and told me how he roomed in 1883 next to Prof¬essor Coy’s study, and how fond he was of his housemaster.” His daughter supplies a photo.

Crabtree, Granville 1935-1948 58 lett.
Dr. Crabtree is a close friend and apparently treated Mrs. Fuess in her final illness. They go fishing in Maine a lot. CMF helped the Crabtree children when he could, writes a nice recommendation for James. A rather personal corres.

Cranbrook School 1944 one lett.

Crosby, Albert H (PA 1913) 1933-1938 12 lett.
Crosby is concerned (1933) because PA students think Yale undergraduates are drunk most of the time and so go to Harvard instead. Actually “…not more than one-half of the students were customarily in that condition…” CMF comments on admissions policies. Crosby is concerned about PA getting too big. Personal reference for Crosby

Crosby, Franklin M. (PA 1893) 1935-1947 21 lett.
Personal, friendly corres. Alumni fundraising, good letter stating the role of Andover in war time, ref. to Atlantic article, “Andover at War”.

Culver Military Academy 1934-1948 23 lett.
An enrollment study for 1934-1935 for military and non-military schools (including PA) info on food service in 1935 and operations of the Phillips Inn; “I do not believe that Mr. Stewart has made any money during the last five years.” Entertaining account of the science dept. in 1942 by John Barss.

Cum Laude Society 1933-1948 35 lett. Routine. Some lists of members.

C Misc. 1934 – 1948 about 50 lett.
Inquiry as to whether PA boys would sign on as unpaid hands on various yachts. Offers free admission to athletic contests to WWI vets stationed at Andover CCC camp. Pension for George Carter. Ref to George B. Case. Recollections of an old grad on the diphtheria epidemic of 1900 and the 1902 Andover-Exeter game. Re a Danish—American (PA) exchange. Re Bishop Charles Asa Clough (PA ‘2?) CMF definitely not isolationist in 1941; he also has some UN proposals. Reassuring letter to an alumnus who has heard that PA is so liberal that a student got into trouble with too much freedom. (Chapin) Letter from Mr. Tower about grading Algebra exams. Permission for 8 seniors to attend a weekend at Cushing Academy.
Two boys who flunked the Gallagher spelling test. Pension awarded to Daniel Cragin. A disgruntled class secretary. Henry Cowles leaves hefty sum to PA. James Copley approves of student loan system. CMF orders a LL.D. gown for $63.50. Reprint: ‘Can the private Schools survive?’ by Russell Lynes, Harper’s, Jan 1948. Brochure: Conant School. Pension for Phillip Cox. Alumnus proposes to leave funds for a scholarship in international relations.
Dana Hall 1946-1947 3 reports
Report to the trustees, 1946. Plans for a major building campaign, 1946. CMF is on advisory committee for the Building Fund Campaign.

Dartmouth College 1931-1945 29 lett.
Very interesting letter from AES to President Hopkins of Dartmouth describing frankly his opinion of Abbott Academy and of Miss Bailey, does not recommend it highly for his daughter. An appreciation of Hopkins as Trustee of PA. Some comments on accelerated programs to aid war effort. Dartmouth opposes taking mid-year H.S. seniors or Jrs. CMF: “I… was astonished at the low motives quite evident in the declarations of some college deans and presidents. They were…quite willing even to rob the kindergarten in order to get full-paying students.” CMF wants to model a PA student union on Dartmouth’s. (1944)

Dartmouth College 1935-1940 19 lett.
Statistics on the numbers of PA grads attending Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and Dartmouth from 1924-1933. Hopkins feels that too many go to Yale. Re a proposed scholarship for a PA grad to Dartmouth. Discussion of athletic subsidies and scholarships. CMF tries to get more PA students to go to Dartmouth suggests that the Dean of Admissions make a trip to interview prospective students, complains that Dartmouth rejected George Heywood and refused to reconsider when PA asked it to. Hopkins replies that PA faculty are making nasty cracks about Dartmouth and George French refrains from pushing his alma mater. Also, Dartmouth feels that they dont get the top men from PA. CMF agrees, but still hopes for a better relationship.

Davis-Chase, Anita 1941-1942 6 lett.
Mrs. Davis-Chase takes umbrage at the way she has been treated by Mr. Allis.

Davis, Wayne 1933-1946 19 lett.
Davis, a private school educational advisor, sends newsletters on current events which effect private schools. School openings in 1935 were postponed by Polio. Davis sends a survey. More on the Fortune article, smoking rules at PA. Compilation of headmasters attitudes on military training (1940).

Dean, Charles J. 1937-1939 28 lett.
Dean did research for CMF on Coolidge in Northampton.

Deerfield Academy 1925-1947 thick file
corresp. between Al Stearns (AES) and Deerfield Headmaster Frank Boyden about drinking at Amherst. AES helps Deerfield fund raising efforts, much routine stuff. CMF denies that PA is a place where students sink or swim. Deerfield apologizes and is forgiven. List of hours English teachers teach. CMF states his aversion to public speaking. Letters would indicate a close relationship between the schools. Several references to athletic contests. Ref. to letting boys leave early to get into college before the draft (1942). Much friendly corres.

Detroit University School 1935-1943 4 let J..
Routine (PA 1921)

Dillaway, Newttfh 36-38 6 lett.
CMF contributes his ideas on where education should be going to a young author.

Dodge, John L. (PA 1887) 1932-1944 about 40 lett.
A Wyoming rancher who writes periodically to pass on a clipping or reminisce or complain about the hardships of ranch life. He is opposed to football, which ruined his health at Harvard, suggests boxing, wrestling or shooting with a six shooter instead. Also abolish chapel and teaching of religion. He remembers the cold social atmosphere at PA, almost as cold as the chapel listening to Dr. Bancrofts prayers; Most illegible script yet.

Doyle, Joseph 1947 5 lett.
CMF supplies recollections of Prof. Woodberry at Amherst for a biographer,

Drinkwater, Arthur 1942-1942 12 lett.
Alumni fund raising

Drummond, Howard, 1934-1940 8 lett.
some memories of the class of 1900

Dublin School 1947-1949 5 lett.

Duffield, Edward D. 1937-1939 13 lett.
Friendly corr. re CMF’s books. Duffield supplies info.

DuPont, Alfred I. (PA 1882) 1939 14 lett.
Interesting file, lists everything PA could find out about duPont’s days at PA.

Dyer, Walter 1933-1941 36 lett.
Mostly concerning Fuess’s books: History of Amherst and Coolidge and articles for the Amherst Graduates Quarterly

D Misc. about 30 lett.
Pension of $8/week to Albert N. Darling (1941): Ref. for Darling Jr. Success of 1947-1948 Swedish exchange student Jan Ehrnberg. Draft class for Norman Dawes. CMF to Charles Durfee who did well after a poor showing at PA. Acknowledging gift from parents of Jim Dicken (memorial). Pension of $360/year to Gustav Dimlich. Ref to a California trip by Bart Hayes. Pension of $360/year to Peter Dugan. Corr. with R.E.Digney about honoring Charlie Kimball.

Eaglebrook School. 1933-1948 about 80 lett.
Much information on individual students, with Eaglebrook writing assessments of each applicant and PA reporting on progress or lack of same. e.g. re Phillips Barnet: “You would be perfectly safe with him on the academic side, and the factors of race and the social side should, I feel, be the deciding elements about your accepting him at Andover.” and “Rappoport continues his poor record. The boy is content with pass marks and does not feel too badly when even they are not attained.” Eaglebrook is discouraged (1938) because its grads are not doing well at PA, particularly in French. Re the Andover Cup for the best all-round boy at Eaglebrook. Eaglebrook has “…a rery definite problem to meet in in maintaining our Jewish quota at a very low figure.” 4-5%. Ref. to W.R.Webbs: “personal appearance and habits are bad. Smokes when he can get away with it… Reading comic magazines and long walks by himself were greatest diversions. Needs plenty of pressure.” He finally went to public school in the midwest. Info on the Baltimore tuition payment plan.

Box 5 Eastbourne College-Fenn School

Eastbourne College 1939-1948 8 lett
William Binnian to be sent as exchange student to Eastbourne [Sept. 1939 did he go?] Another exchange: Eastbourne hopes “…he is not really a nigger!” CMF replies that Arthur P. G. Contas is indisputably white and supplies other info.

Eastman, Anthony D. (PA 1926) 1935-1943 – 29 lett.
Assisted by CMF to positions at Pomfret, Kenyon, War Production Board, and B.F.Goodrich. CMF admits in 1918 “I had a chance to go to Sears Roebuck as Personnel Officer at a salary of about three times what I was to get at Andover if I returned there.” Mrs. Fuess’ fondness for Andover made the choice, but he wonders what if he’d tried his luck in business in Chicago.
Edie, John (PA 1932) 1939-1941 6 lett.
Recommended by CMF for a job “…he is competent as a teacher of History, and while I know nothing of his ability as a coach, I am sure he knows enough about games so that he will not make many mistakes.” He got the job at Blake.

Educational Records Bureau 1933-1947 thick file
Almost all mimeo stuff. Many cheerful facts about standardized tests.

Edwards, Frank 1936-1945 52 lett.
A distant and slightly strange admirer of PA. Works at Wanamakers, writes frequently to CMF; letters are almost carbon copies of each other.

Edwards, Boyd (PA ??) 7 lett.
Friendly notes.

Elgin Academy 1945-1946 8 lett.
CMF supplies names of possible faculty members and other advice.

Emerson School for Boys 1933-1948 24 lett.
A short-lived scheme to turn the Forbes property into a school for small boys. J. Adriance tries to give some admittance criteria. Specific students mentioned.

Englewood School for Boys 1937-1945 20 lett.
Corr. re specific students “Teddy Taussig has again slipped back into his bad habits with the result that Dr. Fuess has to send another Christmas greeting to the family… that Teddy is once more on probation….”

Entrance Examinations 1935-1948 thick file
Annual lists of boys taking exams in N.Y.C. and Andover. Exams held at Columbia until 1948, when they shifted to Union Theological Seminary after a desperate search.

Episcopal Academy 1940-1946 2 lett,
Interesting CMF letter on the relations between PA and the town of Andover.

Evening Study Groups
Report of one year’s series of courses (year not mentioned)

Ex-Servicemen Phillips Academy
Lists names and addresses of PA ex-Servicemen, classes 1875 to 1920 by class 33p.

E Misc.
Nothing much.

Farrar, Edward R. (PA 1982) 1937-1948
Related to Samuel Farrar, treasurer of PA 1803-1840 (he says). Farrar has strong views and ghastly spelling, “…there has been no rascality public or private in Eastern Mass. that has not been organized or headed by Harvard men.” and “Rev. James Gordon Gilkey is worce [worse] than a Unitarian.” CMF writes re Farrar “The poor old bird is certainly on the ga-ga side, and I never answer what he writes to me.”

Fay School 1939-1948 thick file
Periodic reports and exchanges of info, on Fay students at PA. Some are outstanding, e.g. John Greenway and one, John Sweeney, is urged by the faculty to withdraw. CMF elected a trustee in 1943. In 1944, PA is reconsidering practice of sending reports to all schools like Fay on the performances of their graduates. Fay agrees that Freshman year reports only would be OK. PA boys serve as counselors for Camp DeWitt, affiliated with Fay. CMF prefers TIAA to Social Security. CMF not a good trustee—misses most of the meetings.

Federal Communications Commission 1947
Brief corr. re plans to close Western Union office in Andover.

Fessenden School 1933-1944 very thick file
Fessenden sends a large group of grads to PA; there were 42 at PA in 1933. There are reports on individual students, attempts to adjust curricula (esp. Latin and French) to better mesh with PA requirements. Ref to Bumsted Fund (a bequest for infirmaries?) Some comment about Julio Mario Santo Domingo at Fessenden, scheduled to come to PA later. Lots of frank comments and opinions on boys and their abilities. Friendly and occasionally funny corr. between J.Adriance and Hart Fessenden. In 1942 PA is not sure about what Fess. grads are coming “Would it be out of order for you to say that you have received the Andover list and that no mention of them is made, at the same time adding that Phillips Academy is packed to the rafters and they should send in their applications without delay? We would, of course, attempt to ‘squeeze them in somewhere’ purely out of respect for Mr. Fessenden, of the Fessenden School.'” Following two letters about how to woo prospective students are hilarious, involving toy cars, trained owls, and Dr. Eccles as a last resort. The possibilities of discreet advertising are discussed. G. David Schine is “…completely lacking in any sense of humor.” Complains about Eaglebrook and Fay.

Fenn School 1936-1946 15 lett.
Routine corr. about prospective students, about a proposed British-American teacher exchange.

Box 6 Fessenden School through Greene-Smith Collection of North American Birds

Fessenden School 1945-1948 over 50 lett.
Fessenden agrees that it doesn’t need such complete data on its old boys, on alumni policy: “We regard anyone who has been here for a month or so as an alumnus and favor them with the Alumni Bulletin, requests for contributions to the Alumni Fund, etc. In the latter instance, Humphrey Bogart contributed $1.00 last year and Jim Gould sent him a note of thanks and urged him to preserve it for income tax purposes.” Jan 28,1946 letter about liberalization of admission policies? F. says “I hate to think of the job the Catholics and the Jews could do on us if they got together.” Outline of salary policy in 1946. Friendly corr. with frequent references to individual students.

Flagg, Burton 1933-1946 4 lett.
Ref. to the reminiscences of John Lord Taylor which Flagg gave to PA archives.

Flagg, William F. (PA ’08) 33-45 64 lett.
Alumni affairs. CMF recommends Abbott for Flagg’s daughter. CMF tries to help Miss Roberts who is after Flagg for a $324 unpaid debt.

Flecker, H. L. 0. 1935-1948 over 50 lett.
Flecker is headmaster of Christ’s Hospital and exchanges thoughts & information on secondary education with Fuess. CMF visits C.H. in England, and Flecker comes to PA. Du Boulay an exchange student from C.H. to PA in 1938. CMF makes arrangements for Flecker’s visits in Oct-Nov 1938. CMF does a lot of touring: “Winter is the open season for public speaking in the United States, and I seem to do nothing but move from spot to spot and open my mouth with monotonous regularity.” Clipping from Daily Telegraph: Flecker’s report on his trip; also a draft of a report by Flecker “Impressions of the Private Schools of New England.” Anderson Flues is sent to C.H. Also an exchange of masters: Blackmer to C.H. , Malins to PA.(1947). Much info on the latter. CMF is a close friend of Flecker, and Godfather to his son James.

Flint Scholarship 1889-1939 5 lett.
Charles L. Flint left PA $5000 to be used for scholarships, preferably for boys from Middleton, in 1889. Some inquiries from Middleton.

The Flood of March, 1936 10 lett.
Letters of appreciation from the town, the Red Cross, & National Guard for the help given by PA during the emergency.

Forbes, Charles 1891-1933 thick file
A very mixed bag. (1902) letter to AES: “what can be done about this outrageous report from Princeton. Graves is not the one to manage that matter. Can’t you get at the facts from some boy? I can’t believe that 22 boys could have written from one paper, or would have desired to do so. Of course we know that fellows like the Evans boys will try to cheat, — but 22!…If any of those boys are innocent, they should publicly assail Princeton.” (1910) letter to AES about the bad influences of the town picture show. In 1906 he complains about Harvard’s Latin entrance exams.

AES has trouble with an instructor named Parmelee in 1909. Parmelee gets into more trouble when he is engaged to tutor and guide a young man to Europe and the boy becomes progressively unstable. He winds up in Paris dealing with doctors, the nurse, lawyers, the American consul, and the mother, who is none too stable herself. Forbes helps him out with scant thanks and Stearns is also involved long distance. Cecil Bancroft disagrees with Forbes’ choice of Latin texts “Well, we can’t have all the teachers as heads of the department, and some must learn that fact. While I am in the saddle I must hold the reins.” Complains to AES that a Bible class is scheduled to use the Phillips Club “I fear that it will be the, breaking up of the club if we cannot have it to ourselves and keep the boys out.” (ca.1913) Discussion of the role of Latin and methods of instruction in 1918. Letter to Mrs. Forbes thanking her for help in 1918 (flu) AES & Forbes exchange appreciations—Forbes “I have never coveted your post, nor longed for anything but that you should grow in it as you have.” Stearns writes to Forbes on sabbatical in Rome about the tower and other happenings at PA Forbes salary notices from 1914-1927. He declines to serve on the athletic advisory committee. Remarks on all the changes on campus in 1929, including moving Stearns house. Ref. to his collection of Vergiliana. Long clipping from Boston Post “Genial Professor Forbes…gaily defends modern youth.” CMF report to the trustees 1932 (June & Oct) Report in Jan., 1933, seems to indicate that AES is not expected back. Assorted tributes to Forbes, 3 bills for student teas.

Forman School. 1934-1942 21 lett.
PA will not generally accept students with low language ability. Will also not allow students to take Spanish only for lang. requirements. Other routine stuff.

Fortune 1932-1944 about 50 lett.
CMF cooperates in producing of articles on American schools, Dec, 1932, Jan 1936, Jan 1945. CMF answers a survey on anti-Semitism, finds little of it in “our little back-water” “Personally I should be sorry to have to many Jews in our undergraduate body, but we have some very strong alumni of that race, and their sons seem to be good citizens .” (Nov. 1935) CMF has a few corrections for the 1936 article, resume of remarks at a dinner for private educators in 1935 about the future of secondary education in the US. Some comments about scholarships , CMF is anxious to impart the full extent of financial aid. Article appears in May, 1944 issue and Blackmer is deputized to visit editor with PA comments. CMF is concerned about possibly invidious comparisons with his predecessor, but on the whole is pleased with the article.

Fountain Valley School 1939-1944 5 lett.
Routine. CMF recommends a fund-raiser.

Frank, Raymond C. 1938-1944 6 lett
Re scholarship students from Englewood, N.J. and Frank’s Camp for Boys in Maine. Fraternities 1940-1948 ’35 lett.
Ref. to a file compiled by Charles Stillman who writes “…I do not wish to make an issue of the society question with the administration although I am plenty willing to make an issue of it with the societies.” Ref. to an Alumni committee report and a Faculty Committee Report in 1943. The Faculty do not wish to submit a plan in opposition to the alumni. Stillman proposes an Inter-Society Alumni Committee in Oct. 1945. Trustees OK it. 1947 the Trustees have no intent to abolish societies now or in the near future. In 1948 the Faculty comm. on societies gets a representative on the Inter-Society Alumni Comm.

Friends of Refugee Teachers 1938-1941 12 lett.
A group attempting to find places in American schools for German and Austrian refugees, CMF regrets he has no positions several times. In 1939 he states that the constitution of PA prohibits him from hiring Jews and Catholics as teachers.
In strict confidence,” he is not as responsive as he might be to the suggestions of the committee.

Fletcher, Richmond K. (PA 1904) 1933-1947 about 30 lett.
An artist and architect who thinks up ways for PA to spend money which it usually doesn’t. Did produce a map of the sanctuary in 1935. Fletcher wrote “Royal Blue” and wants any royalties from its inclusion in a song book to go to PA. Words & music of Old PA. CMF shares Fletcher’s affinity for representational
art—C.H.Sawyer sends a memo to CMFs “We had deluded ourselves that after eight years of Addison Gallery exhibitions, your education in the visual arts was well advanced. After reading your complete agreement with Mr. Fletcher’s inanities…we shall have to sand you back to the kindergarten to begin all over again!” Fletcher also wrote “Old PA”

Freeman, Archibald 1892-1947 about 40 lett.
Freeman is asked to join faculty comm. on athletics in 1906? As Chairman of the library committee in 1910, he presents needs of the library to Trustees. Freeman gets a year’s paid leave in 1918 to go to France with the Red Cross. He writes at length about his job as official historian of the Balkan Commission of the Red Cross. South reading room in the library named Freeman in 1931. No more free lunch—Trustees decide to charge teachers for board unless it is in contract (1931). Salary notices from 1914-1927. Freeman marries in 1934: “…the culmination of an old, old, romance.” Retires in 1937— notice of retirement allowance.

F Misc about 25 lett.
Nothing much

Gardner, Henry A. (PA 1901) 1936-1947 13 lett
Garner sends ©166 for CMF to use at his discretion to help a worthy boy, each fall. His sons & nephews go to PA. Contributes to CMF’s appeal for refugee students accepted by PA in 1940. Gives 200 shares of Sears stock for Student Union Fund, asks that a room be named for his brother & himself.

Garver, John A 1933-1943 1 letter
Another benefactor. Gives $1,000/year to Alumni fund, $500/year to the library. On his death in 1943 he gives PA $25,000 and $500,000 in remote contingencies.

George School 1931-1947 16 lett.
Routine corresp. Outlines PA rules on radios and phonographs in 1940.

Gilman Country School 1937-1947 10 lett.
CMF outlines changes in PA overall program for 1942-1943 to support war effort. Other routine stuff.

Girard College 1925-1947 about 30 lett.
Mostly routine. CMF explains the absence of study halls at PA as developing self-control and initiative. “It is true that under our system some students may not for a period use their time to the best advantage. It is equally true, it seems to me, that boys in study hall may sit with their eyes on their books and their minds on some young lady in their own home town.” Also gives PA smoking regulations, discusses the teaching of “good manners”, answers inquiry on dormitory architects, recommending Perry, Shaw, and Hepburn, who did Rockwell house in 1937.

Governor Dummer Academy 1933- 1948 very thick file
CMF asks for info when he decides to use caps & gowns at graduation in 1933. PA signs Roosevelt’s re-employment agreement in 1933, fearing trouble with Andover if it is not cooperative. CMF elected a trustee of GDA, has to be reminded to say “Governor Dummer” instead of “Dummer”. CMF also a member of the “Trustee Advisory Committee. Almost entire folder is concerned with Gov. Dummer affairs..

Graham, Thomas (PA 1919) 1946-1948 10 lett.
A Kentucky alumnus.

Grant Foundation 1947-1948 one annual report
Grants included $50,000 for Gallagher’s adolescent study.

Greek War Relief Assoc., Inc. 1926-1947 11 lett.
CMF declines to serve as local chairman, gets Rev. Baldwin to help out. Finally agrees to be Honorary Chairman of the Greater Lawrence Committee, provided he doesn’t have to do any work.

Greene-Smith Collection of North American Birds 1933-1947 15 lett.
PA acquires 850 stuffed birds from Harvard in 1933, then tries to get rid of them in 1946 “…stuffed Birds are less desirable in the study hall than stuffed students (always excepting the Great Auk)….” but the trustees are reluctant to part with them.
Green Vale School 1946-1947 Routine.

Box 7 Greenwich Country Day School through Miscellaneous G

Greenwich Country Day School 1935-1948 about 30 lett.
Usual corresp. Greenwich grads seem to do very well at PA. CMF does not think spoken French should get more emphasis. CMF helps the Pres. of Greenwich Trustees choose Charles Buell as new headmaster. CMF outlines war activities at PA (October 1942) and refers to two articles on the subject: Atlantic Monthly, May 1942 and New York Times Nov. 1, 1942 Education section. Ref. to 2 boys who were tested by Gallagher & Cole as having some reading and speech defects.
Buell leaves after 2 years, to go back to teaching.

Grenfell Association 1925-1930 40 lett
PA students donate used clothing for St. Anthony’s hospital in Labrador. More about the four Chinese children of Mr. C.Y.Sun in Stearns’ charge (May 26) The boys of PA contribute $100 in 1926. PA was the first American institution to welcome Dr. Grenfell and feels a close tie to his work. Boys are also encouraged to donate time to the mission. PA makes annual donations of clothes and money.

Grenfell Association 1937-1939 15 lett.
CMF agrees to a benefit sale on campus in 1937, also sends $50 from th church collection,in addition to annual $100. Benefit sales continue at least til 39.

Groton School 1925-1948 about 40 lett.
Interesting corres. between Stearns & Endicott Peabody (1926) who are trying to stop the trustees of Lawrence Academy from firing the headmaster, Bridgman. AES welcomes the founding of Brooks. Groton gets a bequest of 1.1 million and doesn’t know what to do with it (1928) AES is in favor of higher salaries for exceptional masters for some interesting reasons, e.g., “Boys are apt to be natural hero worshippers,…but when a boy accustomed to the ordinary comforts of living steps for the first time into the home of a master…and finds it bereft of even the ordinary decencies of life,… his opinion of the man in question must unconsciously be altered a bit, and generally lowered.” AES agrees to support a campaign to support Prohibition (29) but efforts to take a forceful stand are resisted by other headmasters. CMF outlines PA policy on accepting boys from English schools (1940) He discusses PA policy on diploma requirements for drafted seniors(1943) PA has contributed 67000 in war relief funds and has held old clothes and canned goods drives.

Gunnery School 1931-1948 32 lett.
AES discusses percentage of boys who need summer tutoring. (3l) CMF half¬heartedly recommends Alan Blackmer as headmaster (45) Other routine corres.

Misc. G 1933-1947 about 30 lett.
CMF comments on the Atlas of Electroencephalography produced by Drs Gibbs and Gallagher after their PA studies: “I turned the pages with great interest…and while I did not understand everything that you said, I did receive some general impressions which I am not likely to forget.” A PA alumnus who teaches at West Point writes CMF to oppose compulsory military training legislation. (45) Retiring janitor gets $300/yr pension. CMF calls a talk by Joseph C. Grew “the most interesting address” PA has had since he became headmaster. (43) Alan Gregg offers thoughts on teaching of science.

Box 8 Hackley School-Hawken School

Hackley School 1934-1947 about 30 lett.
Headmaster is a PA grad, Mitchell Gratwick. He asks Adriance to send any excess applicants. Also inquires about girls who come to PA proms: how much is charged for room & board. Other routine corres.

Halle, Stanley J. 1934-1938 about 25 lett.
Halle gives a $1000 scholarship each year in memory of his son, Jacques, “the most important(scholarship on our list”. He gets periodic reports on the progress of the recipients. He is unable to continue it, however, in 1938.

Hamilton, Carl W. 1932-1945 about 30 lett.
Hamilton writes from Paris, is a collector of Andover memorabilia and wants to write a series of histories of the societies “from the most snap sympathetic point of view.” Requests a number of things from EMF. Apparently wants to start a new society. CMF gets a confidential report from W. Flagg on Hamilton’s finances (shaky). [M.L. note: is this the same Flagg who later disappeared leaving a wife and unpaid debts?] CMF has an open mind on the subject of a new fraternity, but believes its introduction whould be unfortunate. Also, the trustees probably wouldn’t approve. (1933) This in reply to a 4 page letter from Hamilton which recaps three conversations with CMF which led him to think CMF favored a new fraternity. Hamilton is also writing a history of PA and requests all kinds of material from CMF. He is not so much writing as producing books; the one on secret societies is to be in the style of American Indian Art. Hamilton contributed $26,500 toward church alterations in 1919 and 1920. File also contains teacher evaluations and other records of Carl W. Hamilton (evidently the grandson of the above) at PA 1944-1945.

Hamilton College 1930-1947 25 lett.
CMF estimates that for the years 1933-37, one fifth of the senior class graduated with grades of 80$ or better. CMF supplies a critique of Hamilton course requirements, with information supplied by Dr. Eccles.

Hammond, Luther S., Jr. 1935-1945 10 lett.
Alumni fund raising in Chicago; friendly corres.

Hampton Institute 1936-1943 14 lett.
PA provides a scholarship at Hampton, a school for blacks in Virginia. Two letters of thanks from recipients

Hansen, Lorentz I. 1934-1938 4 lett. Nothing.

Hardy, Audubon L 1934 7 lett
About Amherst and Coolidge.

Harkness, Edward S. 1936-1940 thick file
Memo prepared in 1935 outlines PA’s financial needs. Memo showing plans for increased faculty.(1936) CMF asks for $500,000 to endow 5 instructorships. CMF visits New York with Stimson and Sawyer to present their proposal. Much of the discussion is with Malcom Aldrich, Harkness’ representative. Trustees vote the addition of five instructors in advance of any decision from Harkness. (1936) He comes through anyway, CMF is overwhelmed with gratitude and discusses the details. Harkness also gives money for the renovation of Bulfinch Hall—$100,000. CMF makes a formal announcement of the gift 4t alumni luncheon, and “…the entire gathering gave a long cheer for ‘Harkness’.” The first 2 Harkness instructors hired are William Bender and Combrinck-Graham. Harkness doesn’t want his name on the instructorships, and also gives $36,000 for the construction of three faculty houses.(still 1936) Interesting letter (July 1936) outlines progress of the PA-Harkness plan to get smaller classes & more efficient teaching; lists new teachers & houses being added, need for better balance between single & married men. Another letter summarizes the significant changes in faculty and facilities in 1936-1937, and asks if Harkness would maybe like to renovate some other buildings. He declines (June 1937) Total of Harkness’ itemized gifts from 1924-1937 is $1,056,000. CMF tries again, in 1938 with a request to remodel Pearson Hall. Harkness is unable due to other commitments.

Harris, Dr. Erdman 1935-1940 4 lett.

Harris School 1934-1945 about 30 lett.
Mostly routine corres. with mention of individual boys. Harris administers PA entrance exams for the Chicago area.

Harrow School 1935-1948 20 lett.
CMF promotes a number of student exchanges and tries to arrange a visit of Harrow’s headmaster to the U.S.

Hartffi-, Francis, Jr. 1942-1944 6 lett.
Re a gift of $2000 in memory of Chester Hartley, PA 1869.

Harvard Clubs Boston, N.Y., Phila. 1932-1943 21 lett.
N.Y. club offers PA students and faculty the of pool and squash courts during school vacation, in 1932 and 1933 both letters arrive after students have left campus. Ref. to Harvard Prize Book awards. CMF recommends Marshall Katze for membership in Boston Harvard Club, although he is Jewish and CMF is not familiar with the clubs policy in these matters.

Harvard Medical School 27-35 10 lett.
Concerns the Infantile Paralysis Commission and particularly the services of Dr. Aycock during the polio epidemic at PA in 1927. PA and several parents contribute generously.

Harvard University 1940-1948 very thick file
Mixed corres. Reports of PA grads progress at Harvard. Lists of entering Freshmen. CMF is a member of visiting committee to depts of history and english. CMF complains to the Official Register that they have not listed all his degrees. (1941) Harvard is paying some attention to phys. ed. in 1942; PA is told how their entering freshmen stacked up against others in posture & balance. (Somewhat better, on average). Harvard’s plans for admissions, scholarships and acceleration in 1943. CMF rejects a plan to ‘advertise’ PA in the Harvard ‘;’ Alumni Bulletin.
Some Daniel Webster manuscript material offered as a prize in a war bond drive in Cambridge, CMF says PA can’t compete since it supports the town’s quota. Benedict sends an indignant letter (Feb. 1944) to Harvard admissions accusing them of discouraging a good PA applicant. Report on the plan to consolidate national testing agencies. Harvard inquires about a collection of antique optical apparatus bought before 1909 by Prof. Graves. List of PA grads recommended for scholarships in 1948.

Harvard University 1932-1939 thick file
Same kind of thing as above. More ref. to individual students. Ref to curriculum changes in 1933 in math. College choices of senior class in 1934: Yale, 70; Harvard, 54; Princeton, 19; Dartmouth, 13; rest scattered. CMF cites a “conspicuous case of poor administration of the Harvard entrance requirements” in that Harvard rejected John Sawyer in spite of a strong recommendation from CMF. Sawyer was 26 in his class, and Harvard accepted 9 boys with lower standing incl. #167. (March 34) CMF supplies a copy of joke(?) about Elizabeth and Raleigh from one of his speeches. CMF does not think that exams ought to count as heavily as the recommendations of a good prep school in deciding acceptance. Ref. to the private school prize scholarships.

Harvey School 1934-1946 about 50 lett.
Harvey feels that its grads are overly prepared in English, and PA’s junior
course is a repeat. Dean Lynde asks the racial descent of an applicant from
Harvey. (May 1935) Much corres. regarding the progress or lack of it of Harvey
boys at PA. Headmaster seems to visit PA regularly and take the Harvey boys to
lunch at the Phillips Inn

Haskell, Broderick 1938-1942 6 lett.
Routine. Apparently Haskell suggested a possible approach (requesting funds)
to two “ancient millionaires”, Briggs and Root.

Hatch, Mrs. Charles T. 1944-1946 7 lett.
Friendly, social corres.

Haverford School 1937-1947 10 lett
CMF writes specifically about PA’s war program (1942) New courses e.g. navigation, communications, pre-flight aeronautics; a body-building program and riflery; the boys are working in local apple orchards on Weds., Sat., and Sun. afternoons.

Hawken School 1934-1948 about 20 lett.
CMF discussesthe retirementfundcampaign (1939) Hawken proposes a system of regional scholarships sponsored by a group of participatingprep schools; a lengthy proposal summarized for CMF by G. Benedict.

Box 9 Hay-Landon

Hay, Southard (PA 1898) 1935-1951 about 30 lett. photos.
Hay is active in alumni affairs in Pittsburgh. CMF mentions a plan to get Yale to award Jim Sawyer an honorary degree (Oct. 37) Hay is involved in plans for a reunion in 1938, and sends EMF a copy of a letter from another ’98 alumnus who was very disappointed with the 1928 reunion: he thought the school was smug and not particularly interested if the alumnus wanted his sons to go to PA. “With all due regard to Mr. Stearns, I certainly got the impression that Andover slipped badly in the last years he was there,” Also, his room was dirty. Hay has engaged a maid for Rockwell house at his expense, later it is decided not to have women there—faculty will be asked to provide accommodations for alumni wives. PA arranges to pay transportation for one alumni who couldn’t afford to come. A member of the reunion committee was unable to get a room and was very upset, otherwise a successful event. CMF arranges to go on a 10-day, 6 city tour to explain PA’s war time program to alumni (Jan 1942) Plans for 50th reunion underway—photographs of the 40th at Dr. Stearns in Danvers.

Hayes, Bartlett H. 1939-1944 4 lett.
Letters addressed to Dr. Claude More Fuss and begin “Dear old Jocko”. Ref to Bart & Dorothy at PA [son and daughter-in-law?]

Hebron Academy 1933-1948 17 lett.
CMF outlines PA policy on smoking. He states “We have regularly been able to have a full school even during the time of depression from the applications
which are made in due course, and we have never lowered our tuition rate or solicited student registrations.” (1936) PA sends several boys to Hebron when
they can’t cut it in Andover.

Henning, George N. (PA 1890) 1940-1948 6 lett.

“Do you remember the old “Latin Commons’, where I roomed? They were practically free; I think my Father paid $9 a year for my suite of three rooms. These ugly shacks had no sanitary facilities, not even running water. If you wanted water, you carried your pitcher to the pump on Phillips Street.” an interesting letter. Henning also leaves PA $5,000.

Hill School 1933-1948 about 50 lett.
CMF appraises a speaker: XXXX “He is not poor, but on the other hand he is certainly not very good.” (33) Ref. to Plans A & B ; CMF replies to Hill’s headmaster’s criticism of CEEB changes: he likes the English exam, doesn’t like History & modern languages, doesn’t know anything about math. (1935) Ref. to plans for college acceptances for some boys at the end of their junior year. Discussion of war programs: CMF thinks PA’s policy of no military drill is supported by 3/4 of those he talks with, “like you and every other independent school headmaster whom I know, I have been doing nothing recently but consider plans for the war period.” (Dec. 12, 194l) Air raid plans, & 5 boys are learning to fly at No. Andover airport. W. Bender prepares a report on the 1942 summer session, analyzing what boys are attending and why. CMF supports a bill to allow 18 yr. olds to finish the school year/when drafted. Corres. about a projected Readers Digest article. PA votes to give up spring vacation in 1945 at request of Office of Defense Transportation. One of CMF’s lukewarm recommendations for Merrill Reed. A funny letter from JRA to Mr. Kendall, who addressed a request to ‘Andover Academy’. (Oct. 1946)

Hill, William C. 1935-1944 8 lett.
CMF discusses his emphasis on history, admitting that he is regarded as a fanatic on the subject. “My whole philosophy of education, imperfect though it may be, is built on the assumption that the average boy has been spending too much time in language study and that the amount of attention devoted to this particular field should be considerably reduced.”

Hinton, Alice M. 1928-1947 10 lett.
The daughter of an escaped slave who came to Andover in 1864 and a Punchard graduate, she reminisces about the old days of Hinton Farms Ice Cream place which was apparently well frequented by PA students.

Hollister, George B. 1940-1948 6 lett.
Modest alumni contributions.

Hopkinson, Charles 1935-1941 15 lett.
Portrait painter who did a likeness of Coolidge. Also did Prof. Ropes.

Horace Mann School for Boys 1939-1941 15 lett.
Mostly routine. PA headmastership was offered to W. J. Bender of Harvard in 1947?; he rejected it. CMF recommends Alan Blackmer highly and Stephen Stackpole of Carnegie Corp. less highly as headmaster for Horace Mann.

Horowitz, Louis J. H. 1944-1945 8 lett.
PA tries to get funds from philanthropist Horowitz for a student union; then tries to reassign funds already given—both without success. CMF hopefully sends Horowitz architects’ plans for a war memorial to Andover men.

Hotchkiss School 1934-1948 31 lett.
PA gives $100 for a memorial to Edward G. Coy, who taught for 22 years at PA before becoming headmaster at Hotchkiss. Copies of 3 Hotchkiss 1937 history exams. CMF stresses importance of having key staff men deferred in 1943. CMF asks twice what Hotchkiss pays their school physician.

Houghton Mifflin 1933-1947 about 25 lett.
Re literary matters. HM keeps asking CMF to write books on various topics, and he keeps saying that he is under contract to Little, Brown.

Housing Committee report n.d. 3p.
Interesting, Committee of French, Forbush, & Benedict inspected 410 rooms to see is they could be made more or less equal, as required by the new flat rate. List of 10 things every student is entitled to have in a room. There was also a detailed report of all the houses inspected, not in this folder.

Howard, James M. PA’05 1935-1938 5 lett.
Correspondence about his son, going to England on a fellowship.

Howes, E. G. 1938-1945 16 lett.
Social corres. with a Palm Beach friend.

Hoysradt, George F. 1935-1941 about 20 lett.
A man who taught briefly at PA, then became a private tutor; he writes periodically asking for referrals.

Huntington, James L. 1936 9 lett.
Re alumni affairs at Amherst College

Huntington, Thomas W. 1942-1945 about 40 lett.
CMF tries unsuccessfully to pull a number of Washington strings to get Huntington assigned to military government in occupied Italy.

H Misc. about 50 lett.
CMF says of Stearns: “…although he is in retirement, he still is perhaps the perfect representative of private school headmasters in the United States today.” (Dec. 1933) Request from N.Y. Probation office for information on former PA student Chester Hartley. (3B) AES supplies data and asks what trouble he is in, as he likes to keep in touch with boys who have attended PA and “…to help them in their difficulties if I can….”
Text of an article by Martin Hannon —a kind of rebuttal to the 1935 Fortune article.(1936, Spring), also the finished article as it appeared in Boston Herald 11/29/1936. Brief corr. with a German teacher in 1934 & 1947, who is a Hitler supporter in 1934 and not completely disillusioned in 1947. CMF blames the German people for letting him get out of hand. “Even here in Massachusetts we have had a Governor who, if he had the power, would have been almost as bad as Hitler.” (Sept. 47) $400 pension to Cornilius Howe
CMF comments on a novel about prep school life, saying it is inaccurate. In particular an anti-Semitic incident would not have happened at PA “…which has every year twenty-five or thirty boys of Jewish ancestry out of seven hundred and twenty-five undergraduates.”

Letter from Herbert Hoover with Coolidge info. (1938)

R.W.Howe, PA 1917 is looking for a new position in 1940 and asks for names and addresses of classmates in the financial business. Alumni office obliges, but asks that he not mention the source.
Ref to 1934 College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) English test which had some questions not even PA English teachers could answer.
Independent School Association of Boston 1945 PA declines to join.

Insurance (Various Forms Of) 1933-1941 about 40 items
Several firms offer PA group accident insurance; it rejects them all since injuries are treated free at infirmary.

Interscholastic Yacht Racing Assoc. 1933-1940 8 lett.
PA joins in 1934, drops out in 1940.

Irwin, Charles E. 1936-1941 5 lett.
Plans to leave a collection of Willard and Terry clocks to PA. Also enthusiastic support for the photography program at PA.

Jenkins, Alexandra Carlisle 1935 10 lett.
She seconded Coolidge’s nomination in 1920, and EMF wants her account for his book.

Jennings, Oliver G. 1933-1935 about 25 lett.
Routine alumni stuff except one exchange regarding a ‘manifesto’ signed by Mr. Baldwin in 1936 which upsets a Grosse Point alumnus; CMF defends Baldwin and says he is now sorry he signed.

John Burrough School 1939-1943 8 lett.
Routine periodic reports on the marks of John Burroughs grads at PA.

Johnson, Ward 1943-1948 5 lett.
Headmaster of Miss Porter’s School. CMF has a little trouble getting girls for the spring prom in 1946. CMF recommends Johnson for the Headmaster’s Association: “…it will certainly do us no harm to have the head of a girls’ school in our midst.”

Jones, Wilbur B. 1935-1945 7 lett.
Friendly cores, CMF brags about his golf game.

Misc. J 11 lett.
CMF supplies list of PA seniors to Boston debutante registration for the Official Boys’ List. Answers a new school in St. Louis looking for PA’s excess applicants in 1946.

Kamehameha Schools 1932-1943 6 lett.
CMF discusses how day students fit in at PA.
Kent School 1932-1943 11 lett.
An appreciation of Father Sill on his retirement. In answer to an inquiry, CMF describes the roles of trustees and headmaster at PA.

Kenyon College 1939-1944 18 lett.
CMF recommends the opthalmograph and metronoscope used by PA for remedial reading work with about 8% of the students in 1939.

Kidder, Alfred V. 1933-1946 about 30 lett.
Kidder advises CMF on problems of Archaeology Dept. in 1935. Asks to leave personal items in the house he has vacated at PA. Asks to send his son James to PA for senior year. CMF says he couldn’t refuse a member of the Kidder family even if every room were already taken. James’ admission forms and counselor’s report are also in this file, he was apparently not outstanding in his work. In fact he is put on smoking probation for 12 weeks. Dr. Kidder is deeply chagrined. One of CMF’s Christmas specials: “…unless he can form some kind of resolve that fie means to do a better job, he would be far better off at present working in a lumber camp or even in a woolen mill. ‘ (Dec. 1940) CMF writes to Harvard admissions suggesting that they notify James unless he shapes up Harvard will reconsider his admission. Harvard does so. Doug Byers also talks to him. He began to do better, then had emergency appendectomy in April.

Kilpatrick, John R. 1933-1946 about 30 lett.
Plans in 1938 to present a perpetual trophy to winner of Andover—Exeter track meet. CMF recalls Kilpatrick’s athletic career at PA, It is decided to offer a Revere bowl as the trophy, to be kept and used by the headmaster’s wife of the winning school. Smaller (replicas are to go to team captains, but, Andover always seems to have co-captains, and Kilpatrick has to provide extra bowls, He arranges the first Andover-St.Paul’s hockey game in 1946.

Kimball, Charles N. (PA 1899) 1944-50 about 20 lett. photographs
Mostly alumni affairs. Kimball has attended all five-year reunions since 1904 in 1944, and wants to have one that year. CMF reviews PA policy on reunions for the duration: help those who want to come, but don’t encourage them. Kimball has furnished the faculty room in G.W. hall and some chairs in Peabody House. CMF asks Kimball to furnish a faculty commons on the 2nd floor of Sam. Phillips hall. No reply in folder. Several alumni newsletters with old photographs of the class and baseball teams.

Kinkaid School 1940-1942 17 lett.
Routine corres. with a Texas Prep school

Kiskiminetas Springs School 1944-46 17 lett,
Asked to name most distinguished alumni, CMF comes up with O.W.Holmes, S.F.B. Morse, W. H. Moody, and Henry L. Stimson; he also throws in Humphrey Bogart although he is not the type of person one would want to use for promoting prep schools.

Knight, Richard 1939-50 13 lett.
About the hockey team, some on student insurance.

Knudson. Sven D. 1933-35 5 lett.
Dr. Knudson leads selected tours of Europe for American school boys.

Knox, Frank S. 1942 12 lett.
CMF is very upset about the recruiting tactics, of Lt. Durgin, who insists that Andover & Exeter be closed for the duration so the faculties can join the armed forces. CMF writes to Knox, the director of Selective Service, and Col. Stimson. He gets immediate action ; replies from Selective service, Stimson drops a note to Knox, an apology from James Forrestal, another apology from Durgin’s commanding officer.

K Misc.
Sumner Katze suggests alumni contributions be made as war bonds (44) Mr. Kiphuth of Yale discusses the body-building aspects of different sports. Western Conn, alumni affairs.

Lafayette College 1934-41
Reprint of article on library reading rooms

Lake Forest Academy 1943-47 about 20 lett.
CMF recommends Perry, Shaw and Hepburn as architects, although he “…must confess that they are not the cheapest firm that you…could do business with.”

Lamont, Thomas W. 1933-48 10 lett.
routine corres. with a trustee of Phillips Exeter.

Landon, Hugh M. 1937-45 6 lett.
Alumni affairs in Indiana.

Box 10 Lawrence Academy through Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Lawrence Academy 1937-1944 9 lett.
CMF recommends Lawrence for membership in Independent Schools Group of New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

Lawrence School 1933-1947 about 25 lett.
Mostly routine; mention of specific students and their grades.

Lawrenceville School 1934-1948 thick folder
Policy on ejecting non-PA grads as trustees: no restriction, but grads are favored on the theory that they have more interest in the school. CMF writes glowingly of Allan Heely on his new job as headmaster at Lawrenceville. The friendly corres. between CMF & Heely is full of ironic good humor. CMF misses Heely: “I have refrained from telling you how much…largely because I have not wished to soak my desk with tears….” CMF reluctantly agrees to a tennis match with Lawrenceville (he has heard they have the 4th ranked amateur in the US, Frank Parker, on their team). Mysterious communication from state Dept about possible sinister import of German exchange students at US schools (Feb. 1939) CMF considers Heely’s proposal for a kind of mutual scholarship program sponsored by Andover, Exeter, Lawrenceville & one or two other big Eastern Schools. (Feb 1941) 2 very cryptic letters referring to the Braden case (Oct 42) letter from CMF (Nov. 1942) indicates that Heely helped settle the matter. “As a matter of fact, Braden is, in my judgment slightly deranged, and for this reason I hope that he is now in the Army where he can let off his steam for legitimate purposes. The same energy directed at the Germans would almost decimate their ranks.”—CMF. [Ref to fraternities in May 1943??] CMF says the disturbance is dying down and that he is glad he stirred the mess. Heely is looking for a one-year English teacher. CMF recommends ‘Hook’ Stearns, now at Hill, saying that if it were not for a ‘peculiar personal situation’ at PA he would hire him himself. 2 inquiries from CMF about what salary Lawrenceville pays its medical director.

Leiscester Academy 1939-1943 about 25 lett.
CMF gives advice and encouragement to a business college established in 1939 which folds in 43 for lack of enrollment.

Leighton, E. Willard 1933-1945
An unsuccessful writer who keeps sending CMF useless Coolidge information.

Leonard, Paul (PA 1930) 1934-1945
Sends CMF an occasional copy of his newsletter on Ideo-Politics.
Life Magazine 1939-1947 19 lett.

PA students invite Life to attend Spring Prom using CMF’s name. (1937) CMF supplies occasional comments on articles. He denies heatedly that he claimed to have suppressed publication of photos taken at Exeter football game. Ref. to March 1942 article on Addison Gallery and art appreciation at PA. Indignant letter to gen. mgr. about editorial against Britain in Oct. 1942.

Litchfield School 1938-1946 about 30 lett.
Litchfield boys seem to do well at PA. Refers to specific students. Periodic grade reports.

Loan Plan 1941 thick file
CMF writes to alumni across the country, including S.F.B. Morse, to get their opinions on establishing a student loan plan. CMF apparently hopes to get a better cross-country selection of students with such a plan. Most of his correspondents approve. Interesting collection of alumni comments.

Long Lake Lodge 1943-1946 22 lett.
Reports on boys who will be coming to Andover in the fall and those being sent to Long Lake. One ardent alumnus “…who won’t listen to advice, and seems to regard Phillips Academy as something which his boy must have if he is ever to qualify for a place in Heaven” insists that PA take his 17-yr old as a lower middler; he is sent to Long Lake to try and get ready. (1945)

Loomis School 1930-1947 about 30 lett.
An undergrad, Frederick Griffin, goes to Wellington College on an exchange in 1935, and Fuess is pleased. CMF arranges a speaking tour for Mr. Turner, headmaster of Marlborough College. A teacher named Catlin at Loomis would like to come to PA. Further discussion of sending PA boys to English schools on exchange; plans to send Howard Reed, an outstanding grad, to Rugby. Various roles of the English Speaking Union and the International Schoolboy Fellowship Committee.

Lovering, Martin (PA 1878) 1937-40 5 lett.
He first came to Andover in 1862 and stayed with his Grandmother in a house on Lovejoy Rd. (still standing in 1940) which was a station on the underground RR.

Lowell, A. Laurence 1939 3 lett.
Comments & questions on CMF’s book Creed of a Schoolmaster.

Lower Canada College 1941 4 lett.

Lowrie, Donald C. 1936-1937 6 lett. brochure
Director of Foundation des Etats-Unis; he arranges tours & study programs in Paris. CMF is listed as member of advisory council in 1937.

Lumpkin, Richard 1945-1946 6 lett. .
An alumni gives $2,500, CMF asks if he can use it to tile the swimming pool floor. Lumpkin says OK. He also produces smaller amounts occasionally.

Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery 1939-41
3 covering letters for annual auditor’s report.

L Misc.
In answer to 2 questionnaires from Literary Digest, CMF discusses the student of 1936; and reports little trouble with drinking or drunkenness at PA (1936)
Very interesting copy of a letter written by Otis Bullard to his father in 1837 describing his first impressions of PA. 5 page sketch of the descendants of Howell Lewis Eli Lilly gives $900 for archaeological work.

McCallie School 1944-1948 16 lett.
CMF manages the election of a southern headmaster to the Headmasters Assn. He outlines his relationship to the trustees; “…my recommendations have, I think always been accepted. They are passed upon, however, by the Board as a group, and I find that this protects me to a considerable degree.” He has never had any serious disagreement with the Board. He also discusses the lack of private school regulation in Mass, which he likes. (47)

McCormick, W. L. 1944-1948 about 25 lett.
PA 1894, he sends a biography of Isaac Ingalls Stevens, first governor of Washington terr. and PA grad. Inquires about PA for his son. Some corres. and application forms of William, who decides not to go to PA.

McLanahan, Duer 19321948 about 25 lett.
CHF: “I think you will find Al a happier man with the worry off his shoulders.” (Feb 1933) Rest of corres. is annual reports on the (usually two) recipients of the McLanahan Memorial Scholarship for needy boys.

Macdonald, William A. 1937-1940 25 lett.
CMF recommends Macdonald for a post with NYT, which he gets. CMF submits an article on PA’s adult education program in 1940.

McDonogh School 1934-1940 10 lett.
Dr. Eccles writes a letter on scholarship selection.

McCurdy 1938-1940 about 30 lett.
In 1925, the Trustees of PA voted that Mrs. McCurdy be given free use of the Isham Infirmary during her convalescence. In a separate letter, Stearns was even more generous, writing that the trustees had taken the action soberly & in their right mind, that she was free of all obligations for as long as her convalescence should last. At the time she was expected to last only a few weeks, but she stayed in the infirmary until her death in 1937. The trustees figured their cost at about $12,000 and attempted to ask for this sum from her estate. There were three sons who were heirs: Sidney wanted to give PA the money, Allan felt absolutely no obligation, and Robert was in an asylum with Allan as his trustee. It is thus 2 against 1 and PA decided to sue the estate. There are letters to both sons; comments from Stearns. ‘Mrs. Mac’ apparently appealed continually to Stearns during her illness that she was approaching the end of her limited funds. When he learned that her estate was $60,000, he realized he was “…completely…duped by our old, and presumably pious friend”. Marvelously indignant letter from Stearns to Allan (October 19,1938.) After a letter from the lawyer saying that PA had a good moral case but not a good legal one, the trustees decide not to sue. Chandler, the lawyer, thinks he can get some money merely by threatening to sue. CMF says go ahead. Chandler finally settles for $3,000. Dr. Walker’s estate (he was Mrs. Mac’s physician) was also forced to sue to collect his bill.

McQuestin, Frank 1945-1947 6 lett.
Social corres.

McTernan School 1946-1947 4 lett.

Malvern College 1936-1941 7 lett.
Lincoln Clark, Jr. is to go to Malvern from PA for the year 1936-1937 on International Schoolboy fellowship. A little more on British-American exchanges.

Manlius School 1943-1945 5 lett. ‘
Marquis Company 1934-1947 thick file
CMF recommends Allen Benner and Carl Pfatteicher for inclusion in Who’s Who in America. (1934) In 1936, he recommends Allan Heely, Arthur Darling, & the above two men. PA declines to advertise in WWIA. He recommends them again in 1937 for inclusion in Who’s who in New England. PA takes an “announcement” when Exeter does. In 1939 he recommends Dr. Allen, Dr. Crabtree, and Dr. Pfatteicher.

Marsh, A. Fletcher 1934-1945 about 25 lett.
Chicago alumni affairs. A sad & interesting series of letters in 1945, when Mrs. Marsh tries to identify an Exeter boy whom her son, a PA grad killed in Germany, had met in Luxemburg shortly before his death. Copies of Shep Marsh’s letters to his family are good.

Marshall, Charles R. 1933-1942 6 lett.
Alumni affairs in N.Y.

Mason, Julian S. 1933-1940 about 25 lett.
Mason works for N.Y. Evening Post, is involved in class reunions (PA 1894) writes a long, adulatory letter to CMF after one of his speeches to NY alumni.

Mass., Commonwealth of 1935-1943 thick file
Half of the file is routine corres. with MIT. Copies of oaths of allegiance signed by every teacher in 1935 in a small envelope. Rest is pretty routine.
Mass., Commonwealth of 1946-1947 about 20 lett.
Most of letters relate to “good government day” in 1947.

Box 11 MIT-New Canaan Country School

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 1936-1946 thick fil
Records of PA grads at MIT, fresh, yr. 1936. Copy of admission requirements, 1936. MIT asks PA not fill out admissions applications for students; they are supposed to do it themselves. Reports on PA grads progress in freshman composition in 1942. MIT is concerned that too many students and parents think that English is not necessary for an engineering student. 16 copies of “Man and his machines”, a commencement address by CMF, as reprinted from The Technology Review.

Massachusetts State Guard 1942-1946 6 lett.
The Guard is allowed to use the Cage for drilling from 10-12am Sundays during the winter, and also the rifle range, which is the only one in town.

Masters School 1941-1946 9 lett.
Mr. Baldwin answers a number of questions about discrimination at PA and efforts to promote social change.

Mathematics institute 1949 6 lett.
Re: plans to hold the Institute at PA: not in 1949, in 1950?

Memorial Service June 7, 1946
two printed copies of the service, about 46 covering letters (identical) to be mailed with them.

Mercersburg Academy 1935-1948 thick file
Much routine corres. Stearns, a Mersersburg alumnus, is later made a trustee. Discussion of the old and new plans of college admissions. List of comparative fees charged by some Eastern schools 1944-1935. The headmaster at Mercersburg is unhinged by the possibility that the army might take over his school. (1943) CMF is able to send him a statement from Stimson (not in the folder) which reassures him.

Merrill, Charles E. 1942-1949 11 lett.
Gives $1000 in 1942, to be used for aid to deserving boys, Also gives stocks valued at more than $1000. In 1949 he gives $3000, for, scholarships, for southern boys. Note of J. Gould says that he has, given $2000 to $6000 each December for several years. He is the Merrill of Merrill Lynch etc.

Meryman, Richard S. 1944-1948 thick5file
Meryman paints pictures of CMF and Forbes in the 1930s , $500 each. He also does likenesses of Mr. Jennings and Judge Bishop. CMF does his best to find other commissions for his friend. He also does Lansing Reed. Much correspondence arranging golfing vacations.

Meserve, Frederick H. 1935 2 lett., one photo
He has a collection of original Brady negatives, and sends CMF a print from one of them, a portrait of Carl Schurz. Very nice.

Micigan Central RailRoad 1933-1938 15 lett.
At its request, PA provides lists of new students each fall for Michigan Central

Middlebury College 1934-1946 8 lett.
Mostly routine. CMF asks about the optimum size for foreign language classes.

Middlesex School 1935-1948 15 lett, 1 report

Mierow, Charles C. 1943-1947 7 lett.
Correspondence with a former PA teacher, now Prof, of Biography (?) at Carleton College

Military training 1942-1945 very thick file
8-page pamphlet; “War Service Opportunities for College…Students” CMF pleads with the Andover draft board to spare his remaining math teachers (1942) CMF states that scholarship help, all other things being equal, goes first to sons of officers in the service. CMF is upset when a senior in the Army Air Corps is not allowed to finish his spring term although he had been promised he would. All 16 boys who took the Naval Aviation mental test in Dec. 1943 passed, a record not achieved by any other school. When above info on scholarships for officer’s sons (supplied by CMF in 1942) is quoted back to him in 1944 for approval, he is “at a loss to know how the statement came into your hands, for it gives a completely inaccurate impression of a very snobbish school.” Much corres. is concerned with whether seniors will be allowed to graduate if drafted. Also much mimeographed governmentese.

Millbrook School 1936-1946 about 25 lett.

Mills, Frank S., Mrs. 1935 6 lett.
a biography of Frank Mills, PA 1883, who left a large collection of insects to PA.

Milton Academy 1925-1948 about 50 lett.
AES declines an invitation to speak at Milton: “My trustees came to feel that I had been doing a bit too much of this sort of thing, and I frankly had to agree with them, for a I must admit that the strain has been a bit heavy at times.” (Nov. 1925) He backs out of a chapel engagement in 1930; the trustees are sending him to England. “Highly Confidential Memorandum” concerning an incident in 1943 when 19 PA students, some invited to the girl’s school for a dance and some not, were somewhat drunk and disorderly in the boy’s dorm. They apologized to the housemaster before they left.

Missouri Pacific Lines 1933-1941 15 lett.
Annual request for names of students from out of state.

Moore, F. W. (PA 1873) 1933-1936 8 lett.
Another ’round-the-bend alumnus who thinks the place has literally gone to hell since his departure.

Moore, Kenneth L. 1927-1947 about 25 lett.
A director of the alumni fund.CMF explores a possible source for money to buy source books for American history. CMF discusses the results of PA’s efforts to reduce class size (Feb. 1945) Alumni affairs in Detroit.

Morison, Samuel E. 1935-1946 about 20 lett.
CMF sidesteps an invitation to join Morison’s Society for Freedom in Teaching in 1936, wants to consult with trustees first. The trustees feel it would be unwise for him to be involved in such a controversial matter.

Morris, Mrs. Ira Nelson 1940-1947 5 lett.
A widow presents two copies of her husband’s memoirs to PA.

Morris, Ray 1935-1941 10 lett.
Pretty routine alumni corres.

Morrow , Mrs. Dwight W. 1934 2 lett.
CMF recommends Mark Howe as a biographer for her late husband; she hopes for a younger man, since the material is controversial and may have to be held for several years before work statts.

Motion Picture Research Council 1936-1940 about 20 items
CMF writes Mass. congressmen in support of the Neely-Pettengill bill, which would prohibit block booking and blind selling of motion pictures, in 1936 and 1937. PA is forced to accept bad pictures to get good ones ? (Not clear if CMF is opposing the practices in general or whether they effect PA directly) The bill is referred to committee for further study in 1939.

Morse, Samuel F. B. Commemoration 1932-1947 13 lett.
A national day of commemoration of the first telegraph message is held in 1932. S.F.B.Morse (a descendant?) in Calif, apologizes to CMF for not seeing him on his last trip west; he was trying to do gymnastics on a beam full of termite holes and broke his back. Inquiry about Morse portraits at PA

Munro, Edward S. 1945 10 lett.
CMF explores the possibilities of scholarships in the White Mountains region (NH)

M Misc.
PA gives $100 to Mass General Hospital in 1947. CMF tries to help Father Milanese, A Lawrence priest who had to leave his congregation, find a job as an Italian instructor.
James McMeekin, a retired PA janitor, gives $350 in savings bonds to PA in 194?
Annual report of the H Markle Foundation, 1939.
CMF grants permission for use of photos of the Manship armillary sphere. Frank Miller asks advice on taking the headmastership of the Cambridge School. CMF sends $100 from the Sullivan fund to Mrs. Murphy in 1943.

National Association of Secondary School Principals 1943-1948 thick file
CMF is member of a national comm. on secondary school credit for war service in 1943; he also joins the NASSP. Draft of an outline program for granting credit for military experience. Mention of the Carnegie unit and-credit system. 37-page report produced by above-mentioned committee. CMF arranges for two British
secondary school inspectors to visit PA

National Council of Teachers of English 1934-1946 about 20 lett.
CMF misses most of the meetings, finally drops his membership.

National Prep. School Comm. 1944-1948 about 20 lett.
File mostly concerns AFS; particularly 2 French students, Jean Paly and Georges Sager, who came to PA in 1947.

National Recovery Admin. 1933 about 15 lett.
CMF agreed to serve on the Essex County Reemployment Comm., but missed most of the meetings.

New Canaan Country School 1945-1948 15 lett.
Routine School correspondence.

Box 13 Princeton University through Rollins College

Princeton University 1942-1948 very thick file
Dean Heenuance talks to PA’s Princeton candidates about accelerated program (Jan 1942) Corres. about scholarships. Princeton declines to accept several PA applicants in April 1943. CMF is a close friend of Pres. Dodds of Princeton, and they exchange friendly corres. and golf stories. CMF gives him a golden retriever puppy. In 1946 Dodds laments an expected deluge of returning GIs: “You are fortunate in being an educator and not the manager of a three-ring circus.” More scholarship recommendations.
Princeton University 1933-1941 thick file
Ref. to secret society proposed by Carl Hamilton- [which file see] CMF does not want to encourage it. CMF advises Princeton not to make 3 years of Latin a requirement for entrance.(Jan 35) Dean Eccles writes to protest silly rulings of P. that scholarship applicants take special exams together with College Boards. William Shand leads his freshman class at Princeton, and the alumni council awards PA $100 worth of books for the library. CMF resolves to honor Shand in a “forceful and dignified way.” (Oct. 1937) DeLong Scholarships for 2 PA freshmen at Princeton established in 1938. Davis Scholarships ($600/yr for one Andover grad) established 1939, Thorough analysis of ability and financial need of various candidates for scholarships at Princeton (May 1940) In Dec. 1940 CMF, although he doesn’t think anyone could call him a prude, sees a pattern of moral disintegration in the country.

Private Schools Association of the Central States 1942 10 lett.
CMF agrees to support a national ass’n of private schools to lobby against legislation which could hurt them.

Punahou School 1941 8 lett.
CMF is invited to a centennial celebration in summer 1941 but is unable to go.

Putney School 1942-1947 5 lett.
Routine. Ref. to Victory Corps

P Misc.
Phillipian stuff including constitution of the board. Bequest of Mr. Peaslee of $1000: handwritten codicil reduced the amount to $566, but it is not legally binding. PA graciously agrees to accept only the $500. (39) CMF recommends Roger Higgins for a job at Miss Porter’s School

Radio Program 1943-1948 7 items
Script of program Phillips Academy hour Nov. 11, 1943 (actually 1/2 hour) A letter of appreciation. Introduction to first broadcast, Nov. 1, 1943. List of faculty moderators and topics for 1945. Same for 1947 and 1948.

Ratcliffe, Harland R. 1933-1934 about 25 lett
File deals with Boston Evening Transcript corres. Press release on New Andover Plan (1933) eliminating Latin requirement. Ratcliffe does small PR jobs for PA and would like to do more. CMF says in 1933 that he hopes to be headmaster for only one year so he can get back to writing books.

Rectory School 1933-1941 9 lett
Routine stuff with ref. to individual students.

Reed, Kenneth S. 1940-1944 8 lett.
The Amherst Alumni Association of Oregon is asked to select scholarship students for PA.

Refugee Children 1940-1941 about 25 lett.
Corres. with Al Stearns, now heading the Educational section of the US Committee for the care of European Children and enjoying it very much. CMF: “Frankly we are all up here very much in the dark about the refugee children and function which we ought to play. If you do have two or three more who seem likely to fit in, we can take them, but the sooner the better. Just at present we have eight or ten boys reposing in the Infirmary awaiting assignment, and we engaged only two or three days ago the Bell house at the corner of Morton and Bartlet Streets to take care of the overflow.” (Sept. 1940) another letter, Sept. 1940, gives an even clearer picture of the situation at PA. Boston Herald article on 4 British guest students at PA (Oct. 1940) Draft of letter CMF sent to 17 wealthy PA supporters asking for funds to support refugee students.

Reilly, John S. 1944 one letter
Thanking CMF for his letter of sympathy in the death of his son Sheridan, killed in Holland.

Retirement Fund Campaign 1937 very thick file
List of New England Alumni in 1937. Ref to compiling, lists, of prospective
contributors. Plans to raise $750,000. Lansing Reed is Chairman of the Executive Comm. William Flagg is executive director. tentative budget for campaign, of 24 weeks totals, $25,339. Lists of members of various committees. Big dinner held in N.Y.C., March 12, 1937. Discussions of various approaches to wealthy prospects, CMF, moves around the country making speeches and attending dinners. List of non-alumni parents of PA students invited to March 12 dinner. (3½ single-spaced pages) Interim report in April by Lansing Reed says things aren’t going as well as expected, about $287,000 so far. Special radio broadcast, May 22, 1937 on NBC. Script included. CMF announced in June that $525,000 had been raised.

Reiss, John R. 1937-1942 4 lett.
Routine Alumni Fund matters

Rigby, Henry B 1948 one will
An inept bequest of little use to PA unless money can be used for more general purposes.

Ringer, Wilfred H. 1944-1947 7 lett.
Nothing much.

Rippowam School for boys 1940-1943 less than 10 lett.

Riverdale Country School 1933-1947 about 25 lett.

Rivers Counry Day School 1934-1944 10 lett.
Routine with ref. to individual students.

Roberts, Arthur S. 1939-1946 6 lett.
Gives an autographed copy of “America,” promises a Windsor chair once used by Squire Farrar, former PA treasurer

Robinson, Lucius W. 1940-1944
Ref. to a student from Penn. who left PA under less than amicable circumstances. Also an exchange with L.E.Robinson, unrelated, is in this file

Robinson, 0. P. 1946 6 lett.
Concerning the attempted attack on an Abbot student by the son of a PA employee named Flanagan.

Rochester, University of 1927-1939 8 lett.
AES gives some information on the new carillon and how it is received by students and nearby residents.

Rogers, Edith Nourse 1937-1946 about 15 lett.
CMF helps in her campaigns for Congress, and writes about various legislative matters.

Rollins College 1932-1946 about 40 lett.
Mostly routine, and mostly about the visits of Rollins’ president, H. Holt, to PA.

Box 14 Romford School through Schweppe

Romford School 1940-1942 11 lett.
Reports of the progress of Romford students at PA.

Roxbury Latin School 1933-1938 13 lett.
CMF gives Buel Trowbridge a glowing recommendation for the post of headmaster of Roxbury Latin,; he apparently didn’t get the job. CMF advises James Conant, a trustee, in another search for a headmaster in 46. A good ref. for G.G. Benedict.

Rugby School 1937-1948 about 50 lett.
Student exchange: A.M. Andrews to Rugby, Garnett & Viney to PA. “Garnett is about to start as a candidate for our American Football this afternoon, with the faint fear in his heart that he may by killed, but with the courage that distinguishes all the Anglo-Saxon race.” Garnett makes the first team, quite an achievement, and does well scholastically, too. Towy Myrddin-Evans is the Rugby student for 1938-39. CMF arranges for Hugh Lyon, headmaster, to come to the US in Oct. 39. extensive correspondence arranging details of trip which are all cancelled in Sept. Patrick Grove-White, a Rugby exchange student turns out to be a little eccentric. Lyon finally comes to the US in May, 48.

Rumsey Hall School 1934-1948 about 25 lett.
Routine school corres.

Russell, Samuel M 1935-1942 9 lett.
Alumni affairs, and the granting of a special certificate to Russell, who left school as an upper-middler to go to college and thus was not entitled to receive a PA diploma.
Ruston Academy 1946-1947 6 lett.
Requests for information from a school in Havana, Cuba.

Rye Country Day School 1933-1947 about 25 lett.
CMF lists Fessenden, Fay, and Eaglebrook as three schools which he would recommend as good sub-prep schools. Complaint about the administration of PA entrance exams at Columbia in 1945, somewhat justified. Routine reports of progress. Interesting letter (Dec. 1946) from CMF in reply to a very critical one from Rye Country Day’s headmaster (not in file, unfortunately) which apparently thoroughly denounced PA and all its policies.

R Misc about 20 lett.
Long letter from Henry Rankin 1870, describing PA in the days of Samuel Taylor, mostly the courses he took and the philosophy of education at the time. He suggests that CMF contact Charles F. Thwing ’70 for his recollections of PA. Ref. to students from the Riverside school. Alexander Royce gives a total of $1500 to PA.

Sagendorph, G. A. 1945-1948 8 lett.
Not much.

St. Bernard’s School 1940-1946 11 lett.
Routine, with some individual student reports.

St. George’s School 1936-1951 thick file
A friendly corres., especially after W. Eccles becomes headmaster in 1943. Interest in tax exemptions for tuition payments. Eccles’ $10 prize is won in 1944 by Frank Jones, a Negro from South Carolina, “…a very remarkable young fellow, rather better than any one of the Jackson trio….” About the problem of taking back instructors on leave of absence during the war; Eccles has a man who expects to come back in the middle of the year and find his place waiting; CMF is astonished. “If I were sitting with you in front of the fire, I would probably say, ‘If I do take the man back for a few months, I shall certainly find enough on him to drop him at the end of the year’.” (January ’45) Ref to PA’s mid-winter commencement. Scarborough, St. George, and PA all interested in the services of Fritz Allis, soon to be discharged from the Navy. Eccles is looking for staff in 1946 and asks for recommendations from CMF: “…I have not filled openings in English, Mathematics, French and/or Spanish, German and Latin (careful!!)” CMF replies “I am sorry you will not let me make recommendations of some teachers already on my staff, for I should like to find openings for two or three of my more mature masters. Unfortunately, you are too wise a bird to be taken in with rubbish.” CMF is pleased with two French AFS students in 1947.

St. James School 1939-1948 about 20 lett.

St. Louis Country Day School 1939-1946 about 50 lett.
Routine reports of individual students progress. CMF regrets that St. Louis cannot join the New England Association of Colleges etc.; it wants to be certified by that body in order to escape the tyranny of the Missouri State Board of Certification.

St. Mark’s School 1933-1948 about 50 lett.
Curricula are compared, ref. to CMF’s “new plan” in 1933. Ref. to PA’s haphazard sabbatical policies. (Sep 1939) questions and answers on faculty salaries at PA, Ref to summer program in 1942. St. Mark’s has the same problem as many other schools in 1946; it is forced to let go good teachers to make room for returning veterans. CMF, overloaded with staff himself, is unable to help out.

Salisbury School 1934-1946 10 lett.

St. Paul’s School 1933-1948 thick file
3 PA students occasionally go to St. Paul’s for the weekend and vice versa. Routine exchanges of information; PA does not force its boys to wear hats and overshoes in winter (Nov. 1939) the schools exchange CEEB code numbers. CMF recommends W. Clark for a music post at St. Paul’s. Ref to the problems of drafting 18-yr olds before they can graduate. PA does not plan to give credit for Marine basic training toward a diploma. Ref. to PA-St. Paul’s hockey game in Madison Square Garden.
Saltonstall, Leverett 1934-1947 about 30 lett.
CMF writes the Gov.’s Armistice Day proclamation in 1942. He actively supports Saltonstall’s various campaigns.

Saltus Grammar School 1939-1947 5 lett.
Discussion of the definition of “scholarship” and financial aid: some schools distort the meaning of the word “…by allowing parents who may not really need assistance, but who are in a dickering frame of mind, to practically ‘write their own ticket’ in order to get a boy from a remote area or one with desirable connections of one sort or another.” (J. Adriance, 1947) Needless to say, PA doesn’t operate that way.

Sanford, Charles H. 1934-1943 12 lett.
Alumni affairs in Syracuse

Santa Barbara School 1937-1948 7 lett.
Mostly looking for staff.

Sargent, Porter 1933-1948 thick file
Although PA does not advertise, it carries an announcement in Sargent’s Private Schools out of CMF’s high regard for his work. Corres. about systems of education in U.S. and England, comments on Sargent’s books on education.

Saturday Evening Post 1938-1947 about 25 items
Henry Pringle is slated to write an article for the SEP in 1947. CMF writes letters of appreciation on the publication to all concerned. The article brings in a number of inquiries and applications, and many favorable letters.
Save the Children Federation 1946-1948 about 15 lett.
CMF serves briefly in the N.E. board.

Scaife, J. Verner 1937-1942 4 lett.
CMF asks Scaife how best to approach the Mellon Foundation for money.

Scarborough School 1943-1945 15 lett.
CMF suggests candidates for vacant headmastership.

Schauffler, Harry 1943-1944 8 lett.
CMF edits a pamphlet on property insurance.

School for the Feeble-minded in Andover 1933-1935 10 items
PA and Abbott vigorously opposed the state’s plans to build a school for the mentally retarded in Ballardvale. When PA alumni put up $10,000 to reimburse the state for what it lost when it dropped its option, PA is accused of bribery. The Rennies, who lost several crops while the fate of their land was being decided, feel that PA owes them about $17,500. PA trustees feel they owe about nothing.

Schweppe, Mrs. Richard 1935-1940 6 lett.
Letters of condolence to wife of deceased PA alumnus.

Box 15 Selective Service System through Taft School

Selective Service system 1942-1951 6 items
CMF gets a clarification of the relative importance of various subjects in deciding the draft status of teachers.

Sewickley Academy 1937-1946 14 lett.
Routine with reports of individual student progress.

Shady Hill School 1940-1942 10 lett.
Routine, with reports of individual student progress.

Shady Side Academy 1935-1948 about 25 lett.
Corres. with ref. to specific students. Also, CMF helps the headmaster who is looking for staff. “When I want a man of rather unusual ability, I turn first of all to the agencies at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, and usually find somebody of experience and ability.”

Shattuck School 1934-1947 6 lett.
An Andover graduate is Principal.

Sherman, Kenneth 1936-1946 6 letters
CMF recommends Sherman, Andover Sup’t of Schools, for a job in Melrose.

Shore Country Day School 1943-1947 6 lett.
Routine, with reports of individual students.

Silver, Henry 1935-1942 8 lett.
PA 1868 exchanges occasional notes with CMF.

Singer, Dr. Isidor 1934 6 lett.
Originator of the Jewish Encyclopedia. CMF declines an offer to collaborate on an encyclopedic dictionary of the English language,

Slade School 1934-1948 about 20 let£.
Slade is interested in forming a non-profit counseling agency to help parents send their children to the right schools.

Slattery, Mrs. Charles 1943
One letter concerning moral rearmament

Smalley, Clarence 1945-1946 6 lett.
An employee is forced by ill health to leave PA, and receives a pension.

Smith, A. W. 1944-1945 about 20 lett.
Complete story of CMF’s Golden Ret

Smith, Mary Byers 1934-1945
CMF recommends fiction representing the American scene for “Books Across the Sea”

Smith, Samuel 1932-1943 8 items
Material relating to the composing of “America”

Smith, Wilbur John 1946-1948 about 30 lett.
Admission forms, teachers reports, references. Smith is accepted as a scholarship student in 1946 on the basis of glowing recommendations; he is not a scholar.

Snow, Franklin, 1945-46 8 lett.
A N.Y. alumnus whose ancestor was Samuel Turrell Armstrong , PA trustee.

Social Security Act 1939 about 30 lett.
OIF opposes a federal bill to extend Social Security to privately endowed institutions and to levy unemployment tax on them, and is ready to appear before Ways and Means committee, but the bill is pigeonholed.

Souther, Miss Marguerite 1943-1946 6 lett.
She requests names of PA grads going to Harvard and MIT, for the Eliot Hall dances.

Spaulding, Huntley 1934-1947 about 30 lett.
CMF tries to intfe’st Spaulding in funding various projects; the remodeling of Pearson Hall, and the building of a hobby shop. His excess funds are tied up elsewhere, unfortunately. friendly corres., CMF and the Spauldings play golf and vacation together. He does give $1000 for remodeling Peabody House. Spaulding is Governor of New Hampshire

Staunton Military Kft Academy 1936-1947 11 lett.
PA answers request for information on various subjects, particularly the number of students taking French.

Stearns, Arthur F. 1933-1937 11 lett.
Al Stearns’ brother. He has a school in Mt. Vernon, N.H. and gets referrals of PA dropouts.

Stearns, Claudia Hatch 1942-1945 5 lett.
CMF helps a young writer. File also contains unrelated letters from Thomas W. Streeter.

Stearns, Frank W. 1933-1939 about 30 lett.
Literary corres. Stearns helps CMF with suggestions and occasional sources of material for his biographies, esp. Coolidge. Stearns pledged $50,000 to a fund for PA raised by Mr. Cochran out of friendship for him “…more than I ought to have subscribed.” CMF sends his draft chapters to Stearns for comments. He smooths the way for a CMF interview with Henry Stoddard, who does not think a college type can write a good biography of Coolidge. CMF enjoys finding mistakes in W.A.White’s biography of Coolidge.

Stearns, Harold C. 1933-1946 about 40 lett.
A friendly corres. with “Hook” Stearns, who wants (1938) to come teach English at PA, but CMF hasn’t got a spot for him. He does keep hinting that as soon as a vacancy occurs, Stearns can have it. When it does, CMF says sorry, no. Stearns apparently feels doublecrossed, and threatens to air his grievances. CMF: “When I took my present job, I was well awae that it would cost me a great deal in human companionship, for I could foresee that my duty as an administrator was bound sooner or later to conflict with my personal predilections….and now it has apparently made you feel that I am an ungrateful friend. You are wrong, but I do not suppose that anything I can say or do will make you believe me.” (March 1941). Corres. resumes in 1943, CMF recommends Stearns highly for other positions. CMF admits: “The business of the societies got itself a good deal muddled up, probably through my bad handling of the matter.” (May 1943) Never really happy in his jobs, Stearns finally winds up at MIT

Steinbach, Milton 1944-1946 10 lett.
A friend and contributor to PA

Stevens, Horace N. 1935-1947 about 30 lett.
PA 1891; author of a class newsletter. He hesitates to ask Viscount Kuki, an important Japanese, to the 45th class reunion in 1936 fearing anti-Japanese sentiment. He organizes a cup to be awarded to the class who turns out the best percentage of attendance at reunions. He publishes a booklet on the class of 1891, and there is reference to a record of the class of 1890 written by Alfred Johnson. Works hard as a fund-raiser

Stevens, Nathaniel 1934-1946 about 25 lett.
PA 1876, a lifelong friend of the school. He gives $1000 for the tuition of an English ‘guest’ student in 1940. Gives a complete set of War of the Rebellion 149 vols, in 1940.

Stone, Chief Justice Harlan 1933-1944 8 lett.
Concerns CMF’s history of Amherst.

Stuart, Kimberly 1939-1941 6 lett.
An alumnus in Wisconsin.

Sturgis, S. Warren 1935-1947 9 lett.

Also R, Clipston Sturgis. Friendly corres.

Sullivan, M Cornelius J. 1933 7,lett.
Offers a portrait of Webster for $1500 (later $1000) which CMF is unable to purchase. Also in file: several letters to Charles Stearns.

Sullivan, James W. 1937 4 lett.
Concerns the suits brought against PA by William Rennie (see School for the Feeble-minded) which apparently lapsed.

Sundials 1933-1935
Corres. concerning the inclusion of PA’s armillary sphere in an article in Scientific American,

Swarthmore College. 1933-1941 9 lett.

Swedish exchanges 1946 about 20 lett.
A report by Leonard James on the possible schools in Sweden to exchange with. School brochure (in Swedish). Edward Yost goes to Sigtuna, Jan Ehrnberg comes to PA.

Swedish Exchange catalogs 1945-1946 two catalogs.

Swift. T. Dean 1929-1930 9 lett.
AES writes a long letter about the events of his headmastership to date in response to Swift’s inquiries about senior housing. He is writing a biography of Dr Mackenzie of Lawrenceville, and is interested in his co-founding of the Headmaster’s Association with Dr. Bancroft.

S Misc.
Letter from K. Schtt, PA 1930 inquiring about the circumstances of his father’s resignation from the Treasurer’s Office, after an argument with Mr. Braden. He was apparently foreman in charge of grounds. CMF declines offer of an additional set of carillonic bells. Resolutions of Trustees o£ the estate of Ellen S. Forbes. A Boston bank takes title to 26 Morton St. (1944) which has restrictions on it dating back to its sale by PA in 1894. An old alumnus named £. E. B. Stokes has a few vitriolic comments about his years at PA (1941) and about Latin in particular.

Tabor Academy 1933-1948 thick file
Information on international schoolboy exchange. CMF declines taking part in a German exchange in 1935., but apparently took a German student that year. A lot of routine stuff.

Taft School 1933-1948 about 40 lett.
Routine. Frederick Johnson outlines the course he teaches in map reading (July 1942) PA helps a Taft Trustee committee on curriculum reform.

Box 16 Tamblyn & Brown through U.S. Naval Academy

Tamblyn & Brown 1930-1934 8 lett.
Several offers of help from a professional fund-raising firm, all firmly declined by AES and CMF.

Taylor, Andrew S. 1934-1948 about 40 lett.
A PA alumnus who drops a line to CMF now and then about various matters including Latin, the Rosemary Hall choir (better than PA’s), the advantages of suburban Conn, over N.Y.C., curing the common cold, and other weighty matters.

Taylor, Dr. Warner 1943-1948 9 lett.
An apparent very close friend of CMF who is in English Dept. at U of Wise. Ref to CMF’s emotional problems in 1943-1944.

Texas Country Day School 1938-1946 7 lett.

Thacher School 1934-1944 25 lett.
Routine; inquiries and exchanges of visits. Thacher is advised not to hire Holmes Boynton, former PA instructor.

Thacher, Thomas D. 1938-1947 4 lett.

A generous contributor to PA Thayer Academy 1940-1945 ft lett.

Thomas, Arthur A. 1935-1947 about 20 lett.
A complaint about political content of a speech given to alumni dinner. Much concerning the 46th reunion of the class of 1897. Reports on the records of 1897 scholarship boys.

Thomas, Charles Swain 1933-1944 about 30 lett.
CMF declines to comment on an essay “Sex in Literature”, agrees to serve on a committee to establish a Charles Swain Thomas fund for the teaching of English at Harvard. CMF contributes an article to a festschrift in honor of CST. Other tributes.

Thomas, Harrison M. 1941-1942 5 lett.
A golfing friend.

Thompson, Beverley V. 1935-1940 3 items
An alumnus worries about a Supreme Court decision which might affect charitable contributions.

Thompson, Raymond 1941-1944 7 lett.
Amusing and literate letters from a non-diplomaed alumnus in Fall River. “I think I shall send you a check… to show my complete confidence in you, especially in your sense of humor, I shall make out the check to James Gould. Further, to show my absolute faith in him, I shall make it out to James Gould, Treas.”

Thorn Mountain School 1933-1941 about 25 lett.
A summer school anxious for PA referrals

Thwing, Charles F. 1933-1937 about 40 lett.
PA 1871. Occasional gracious notes about articles in the Bulletin or report of a speech by CMF. Discussion of an autobiography which CMF urges Thwing to publish. Ref. to a biography of Prof,. Park by Foster.

Tillinghast, Charles C 1937-1947 11 lett.
CMF is upset in 1942 at the possibility that Harvard, Yale, & Princeton may accept students in Feb. He and other headmasters oppose this and will do their utmost to “maintain the integrity of our Senior Year.” Not only would PA suffer financially (“This consideration, however, is sordid, and probably ought to be dismissed.”), but boys leaving in Feb. leave in the of a term. CMF suspects that the colleges are really trying to get students for their Freshman year, rather than furthering the war effort. In 1946, CMF admits that he is advising the lowest quarter of the graduating class to apply to less exacting colleges. He expects to accept between 25 and 30 returning servicemen, mostly former PA students. ‘Confidentially, the situation in which some of our boys of Jewish ancestry find themselves, is a real embarrassment to me.”

Tilton, William 1935-1940 5 lett.
Son of Frederick Tilton, after whom Tilton Hall is named.

Time Magazine 1933-1948 thick file
PA is the oldest incorporated academy; C.H.Forbes states “We know of no academy that was incorporated by a state legislature earlier than 1780…. Special attention is called to the claim to the title Academy as distinguished from school.” An article on PA (June 1933). Information about current affairs contest to be held on campus in 103$ CMF denies report that scholarships are going begging for lack of applications in 1946.

Todd, Ellen 1943 5 lett
Bess Fuess’s cousin, who writes concerning the disposition of Bess’s Colonial Dame pin.

Tome School 1933-1941 about 20 lett.
CMF’s nephew accepts a position at 1936. CMF in ref to PA Board of Trustees: “We try, not altogether successfully, to keep a balance between idealists and realists, and we also try to balance bankers and business men with professional men.” (A’p. 38) Headmaster resigns when Tome becomes a college and asks CMF for help in getting a new job.

Tomkins, Boylston 1935-1940 about 20 lett.
An alumnus fund raiser who is puzzled because so few scholarship students contribute anything. CMF doesn’t understand it either. Tompkins also analyzes the careers of his class members after 25 years and finds that men who paid nothing for their education have accomplished little. He wonders whether “…over the years, Andover has been spending substantial sums to graduate a lot of men who might better have stayed at home.” (Dec. 1940) He supports a loan plan.

Tower Hill School 1941-1948 3 items
Text of a symposium including CMF on the place of boarding schools in the U.S. (1948)

Tower, Walter L 1933-1935 about 20 lett.
Tower writes the chapter on athletics for CMF’s History of Amherst College

Townley, Donald C 1933-1944 8 lett.
Ref. to alumni matters and the scholarships of the class of 1917.

Townsend School 1941-1945 8 lett.
Routine, with individual student reports. Tuckerman, Bayard 1936-1940 7 lett.
CMF supports this Republican in his campaign for Governor’s Council.

Tufts College 1934-1947 15 lett.
Pretty routine.

Tuition Plan 1936 10 lett.
Unsuccessful attempts to sell PA on the Tuition Plan
Tuition rates of other Schools 1946-1948
Replies from 14 schools to CMF’s inquiry about their current rates.

Tutors and Tutoring schools 1935-1948 about 40 lett.
A collection of letters from schools & tutors’ looking for referrals.

Tuttle, Charles E. 1933-1935 5 lett
A Vt. publisher who supplies CMF with Coolidge info

Tuttle, Marguerite 1942-1943 about 20 lett.
PA declines to participate in a discreet advertising program.

Tyler, Morris 1933-1948 about 20 lett.
PA 1920. Suggest that CMF hire more and younger teachers. File includes a letter from Victor Morris Tyler vehemently opposing the end of Societies. Morris writes in 1948 suggesting that JMK. deal with the split in the faculty between those who want PA to have closer teacher-student relations and those who want to continue the tradition of self-reliance.

Tyrol, Gerald F. 1944 5 lett,
CMF arranges for the British Consul General in Boston to speak at PA

T Misc. thick file ^
Clipping about the death of Stuart Travis, artist. PA paid expenses of his final hospital stay. (Jan 1942) Letter from Treadway offering to take over management of the Phillips Inn in 1934. Lette 1871, who was 4th in his class. 1936) Ref to the Bobby Thompson Pond. Letters from C. Lloyd Thomas PA 1914?) about the Phillips desk and papers, sold to PA for $150.

Union College 1928-1948 about 25, lett.
Union would like to see more boys from PA. CMF suggests setting up a scholarship similar to the Amherst-Andover one.

U.S.Dept. o Interior 1933-1938 5 items.
List of foreign students

U. S. Government 1939-1948 thick file
Ref. to teaching of agriculture and the maintenance by PA of a forking farm in the 19th century PA cancels spring vacation in 1945 as a defense measure Assorted Govt forms and letters, House and Senate bills

U. S. Military Academy 1942-1944 2 lett
Re visits of Mr. Gould and Sides and the PA football team to West Point

U. S. Naval Academy 1945 2 lett.
Re visit of Gould and Sides to Annapolis.

Box 17 University School through Yale Daily News

University School 1934-1945 about 15 lett
A.B.Darling outlines PA’s blackout and air-raid procedures (He is Air Raid Warden of PA) in 42. CMF lists the salaries of teaching staff in 1945.

Valley Forge Military Academy 1938-1939 6 lett.
Routine. Information on history texts used at PA in 1939.

Vermont Academy 1938-1934 10 lett.
VA agrees to take students for prep for PA in 31. CMF recommends a couple of men for the vacant post of headmaster.

Vermont Life 1947-1948 8 lett.
Concerning a biographical sketch of Coolidge CMF wrote for V.L.

Vocational Research Bureau 1937-1947 thick file
PA is not interested in its aptitude testing procedures, although it takes some scholarship students recommended by the organization.

U-V Misc.
CMF writes to James R. Ullman, saying that he enjoyed “The White Tower”, and perhaps in retrospect he should have given him an A+ instead of B+ in English.

Warren, Dale. 1935-1936 6 lett.
CMF fears that Warren is no longer interested in what PA is trying to achieve

Washington & Franklin Award 1933-1949 about 25 lett.
Concerning the more or less annual presentation of a medal to the boy with the best average in American History by the Mass. Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.

Wassookeag Summer School 1934-1948 about 20 lett.
Routine, with references to individual students.

Waterbury Republican 1946 2 lett.
Routine, file also includes corres. with Watson, Seth W. whom CMF is unable to help advance in the army (43).

Webb School 1932-1944 10 lett.
In response to inquiry, CMF outlines PA’s psychological testing and guidance programs. (39) CMF is cautious about supporting legislation to make tuition paid to private schools tax-exempt.

Webster, Edward J. 1937-1943 5 lett.
PA 1909. CMF hopes he will follow through with a plan to endow a fund to be used for helping students in financial need, at the discretion of the headmaster. He plans to do this in his will.

Wellington College 1933-1946 about 40 lett.
CMF looks for suggestions as he prepares to revise the curriculum (33) PA has an English boy, Stoker, through the International Schoolboy Fellowship

Friendly corres., Fred Griffin goes to Wellington, from PA, other exchanges. Interesting letter on the question of Jews at PA; CMF wonders if British schools would accept a Jewish exchange student. PA has 30-35 Jewish boys out of 690. “We shall never, I think, have a larger percentage and I am trying to reduce it just a littie. On the other hand, some of them make first-class students and real leaders, although very few of them are permitted to hold important social positions.” (April 1936) Malim reports a few Jews in most British schools and less anti-Semitism than in the U.S. CMF replies that he will definitely not send a Jew as an exchange boy. “The pressure to get Jews into Andover is tremendously strong, especially from bankers among our alumni body, but so far we have been able tactfully to resist it.” (May 1936) More about exchanges, war conditions.

Wells, George B. 1943-1947 7 lett.
A contributor/an alumnus from Southbridge.

Wesleyan University 1935-1943 about 40 lett.
Ref. to the Olin Scholarships at Wesleyan. PA grads are better than the av. freshman at Wesleyan. Most of the corres. is with PA grad Win. Swett. Some refs. to the fraternity question

Western Reserve Academy 1931-1948 about 40 lett.
CMF does not see how any reputable school would tolerate the drinking of alcohol, even 3.2 beer. Dr. Eccles outlines means for enforcing standards of conduct in 1935. PA also supplies information on leaves of absence, faculty salaries, art appreciation programs, and the tax status of housing provided to staff by the school.

Westgate, R. I. 1944 one letter
A letter of resignation. “Faculty morale is low, and for the same causes, it is my belief, that have led me to look for another job, namely unreliable salary arrangements, little faculty government or consultation, and an unsatisfactory coordination of school studies and school discipline.”

Whicher, George 1935-1945 about 10 lett.
Friendly corres. with an Amherst prof.

Whitten, Charles 0. Estate one will
Establishes the Whitten Fund.

Who’s Who in America Material on PA men
Analyses of 300 men in the 1934-1935 (?) Who’s Who in America by occupation, class, residence, college. “A few interesting facts through the class of 1921” includes the fact that G.W. Dulany, Jr., 1895, organized the Society for the Prevention of Calling Pullman Porters “George”.

Wilttins, Col. Harold. 1939-1946 about 20 lett.
Misunderstanding cleared up; CMF was rude to Wilkins and hurt his feelings. CMF admits that during Bess’ illness he has neglected his headmaster’s duties. When Wilkins is forced to retire in 1943 (he is 60) CMF offers him a post teaching chemistry or physics. It doesn’t work out CMF mentions a special program PA has preparing boys for Annapolis (1943) He offers Wilkins a job again in 1944: “I have never yet failed to find some kind of a job for a competent man who really wanted it.” Ref. the corres. of William B. Lawrence, which Wilkins wants to sell to Library of Congress. Also refers to boys from Aiken School in Georgia. Wilkins was an instructor at PA (early 20th century)

William Penn Charter School 1941-1944 12 lett.
In answer to an inquiry, PA lists among its alumni in Feb 1944: 3 Brigadier Generals, 10 Colonels, 26 Lt. Col, 71 Majors; 4 Captains, 2 Commanders, one Lt. Col and 4 Maj. in the Marines.

Williams College 1934-1947 about 40 lett.
CMF gets an honorary degree in 1935. He feels that Williams should accept boys with PA diplomas “at least until our judgment has been demonstrated to be fallible.” CMF is upset that Williams rejected Harold Ward, who would have made a “first-class Williams undergraduate.” Pres. Dennett’s reply (Oct.8, 1935) shows CMF to have been on shaky ground. “I do not see how we can make a definite engagement that a boy who receives an Andover diploma can be sure of getting into Williams. He can’t get into Harvard, Yale, or Princeton that way.” He carefully explains why Ward was rejected as a poor bet to finish. CMF retires in disarray (Oct. 9, 1935) but plans to watch Ward’s career at college. (he went to Amherst) The 4 PA students at Williams that year all do poorly. Discussion of Williams grads. teaching at PA: Toots Tower, Blackmer, Gray Baldwin, & Barrows. Ref to 5 faculty houses built in 1936.

Williams Hall Statistics and Reports 1932-1948 about 50 lett.
One or two letters a year to the headmaster about the progress or lack of it of the boys in Williams Hall. Many of the individual reports are of boys with problems. Incident in 1942 when 3 boys tossed rocks at an engine in a Shawsheen quarry until they put it out of commission.—complete report.

Williston Academy 1926-1947 about 25 lett.
Routine. Eccles outlines PA exam procedures in 1937. Ref to Samuel Williston, who spent one term at PA.

Wise, Harold 1943-1944 6 lett.
Routine corres. with a teacher associated with Fessenden. File also includes a letter from Harry Wright asking about how to prepare for a secondary school teaching career. (1949)

Wood, Cornelius 1940-1947 3 lett.
CMF declines to be a member of American Bureau for Medical Aid to China. Lett, of intro. for a Mrs. Waddington who proposes to chaperone a group of boys to Bermuda during Easter vacation.

Woodberry Forest School 1941-1942 5 lett.
Outlines special war courses at PA (4l) AES is quoted as saying that he was very interested in whether a candidate had taken many education courses, since he wanted no such man at Andover. Ditto CMF: “It is my opinion that only one man on my present teaching staff of ninety—three has had training
in a school of education, and he is certainly not one of our best instructors.” (Feb. 42)

Wooster School 1937 8 lett.

Worcester Academy 1934-1944 about 25 lett.
PA smoking regulation? In1939. Discussion of extracurricular activities in 1941. CMF expresses full confidence in the Treadway’s management of Inn, School Commons, and North Andover Country Club. (41) Routine inquiries and replies.

Worcester Polytechnic Inst. 1933-1945 about 20 lett.

Wyzanski, Charles E. 1942-1943 10 lett.
Boston Federal judge who speaks at PA and gives books to the library.

W Misc.
Ref. to difficulties of Edward White in 1943, involving the Watts Detective Agency. Reminiscences of Roland B. Whitridge, PA 1878, with information on the first Draper Prize contest. Eulogy for Jasper Whiting of the Tavern Club. Letter from Theodore Whitesell, a stranger who visited PA and feels he ought to tell CMF that he is not popular with the student body, and does not take a personal interest in the boys, being only interested in money. (1940) Ref. to PA’s portrait of Howell Lewis, a copy of a miniature.(1938)

Yale Daily News 1933-1946 about- 5 lett.
Includes Torres, with. Yale Univ. Press and other Yale Publications.

Box 18 Yale University through Fuess Memoranda, Agreements, Figures

Yale University 1933-1934 about 40 lett.
CMF writes to Dean Walden about PA boys doing poorly at Yale in freshman year, e.g. “This boy has a record distinctly bad at Andover, and is the sort who is likely to cause trouble anywhere” (A. W. Bromfield) Complaint about a reference to Dr. Stearns in the Yale Record “in very bad taste” (1934) Yale apologizes. CMF receives an honorary degree from Yale in 1934.

Yale University 1935-1948 very thick file
Yale Andover scholarship awarded to Donald Henry in 1935. List of boys from PA going to Yale in Sept 1935. Details of the arrangement with Yale for PA to use the Chronicles of America Photoplays, distributed by Yale U. Press. Report of PA applicants for aid at Yale in 1939. A Chronicles of America Photoplays teachers manual. Report of Yale Health Dept of orthopedic condition of men from various prep schools in 1939. 50% of PA grads have poor posture. Also listed are skills in swimming, golf, and squash. More info, about scholarships. CMF writes letters for the World Student Service Fund.CMF agrees to take back 100 copies of Philips Academy, Andover and 200 copies of Men of Andover in 1944. Plans to store them in G.W. Hall. Copy of Yale annual report 1945-46.

Yale Univ. Appointment Bureau 1933-1944 about 50. lett.
Mostly concerned with admissions to Yale and scholarships. Stearns writes to Yale personnel bureau in 1931,discussing the possible replacement for Forbes when he retires (1931). He also suggests that Yale frosh have it too easy. AES is invited to discuss the quality of freshman teaching at Yale with the Dean

Yale University Board of Admissions 1933-1948 very thick file
Mostly routine. Yale reassures CMF that the admissions office is not letting parents see headmaster’s confidential reports of their sons. List of scholarship winners at Yale, 1935-1938, from PA. (1934) Detailed reports of individual students at Yale (l936)PA rates the new Yale Admissions form as OK. Various letters about scholarships. More about scholastic aptitude tests x-promoted by Yale, resisted by.PA. List of boys admitted, rejected, and granted financial aid at Yale in 1940.

Yale University Yale Club of Boston 1933-1948 about 30 lett.
Mostly concerning the more or less annual awarding of the Yale Club Cup with some letters on Yale Club scholarships.

YMCA International 1944 2 lett.
request for PA catalog.

YMCA — Student 1933-1947 thick file
What you might expect. Also Student Service Fund.

XYZ Misc. 4 lett.
Ref. to Sid York Pool. Yale-in-China.

Fuess Memoranda, Agreements, Figures 1936-1948 thick file
Exchanges of notes with H, Hopper about bills and services. Memo about illness and retirement of Guy Eaton (Oct-Nov. 1939). Memos about permanent names for PA houses, and various small financial matters. Secretaries’ salaries in 1940. Possible savings on expenses if school year is shortened one or two weeks (1940) Proposal to remodel 5 houses to accommodate married teachers. Information on proposals to purchase several houses in 1941. Grocery bills. Student waiters in Faculty dining room, since it is impossible to get waitresses (l94l) A report on the physical and financial expansion of the school under Jim Sawyer (1939). Unmarried teachers eating at the commons have not surrendered their ration books (1943) Memos on food service; buying and selling of various properties in and around PA. List of bills paid by the trustees for headmasters house, 1934-1947. 8-page memo prepared by H. Hopper on the contributions of Thomas Cochran to PA.

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