Notable Alumni: Long List (1900s)

Name Class Areas of Note
Winona Keith Algie 1900 Headmistress, Charles River School, 1917-1947
James R. Bloomer 1900 Yale All-American football tackle, 1900
Frederick L. Collins 1900 Publisher and editor, McClure’s Magazine, 1911-1929
Dwight T. Farnham 1900 Economist; specialist in applications of technology to industry and labor efficiency; author, Scientific Industrial Efficiency (1917), Executive Statistical Control (1920)
Frances Howard Fobes 1900 Rhodes Scholar (1904); professor of classics, Union College, 1920-1948; author, Aristotle’s Meteorology (1919), Theophrastus’ Metaphysics (1929)
Joseph W. Holley 1900 Founder and president, 1903-1943, Albany (Georgia) Bible and Manual Training Institute, developed by Holley into a four-year college; now Albany State University; first African American elected to the Presbyterian Church National Board
Rose Anne Day Keep 1900 Co-principal, with her husband, Robert Porter Keep Jr., of Miss Porter’s School, 1917-1943
Charles D. Rafferty 1900 Yale football captain and All-American end, 1903
Thomas D. Thatcher 1900 Federal district judge, 1925-1930; US solicitor general, 1930-1933; backer of New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia; lead commission that drafted a new New York city charter (1938); NY Corporation Council (1943-)
Alden Brooks 1901 Author, World War I short stories and memoirs: The Fighting Men (1917), As I Saw It (1929)
William Clarence Matthews 1901 Outstanding baseball shortstop for Andover and Harvard, barred from Major League baseball because he was black; as an attorney, associated with Booker T. Washington and later Marcus Garvey; a Republican, Matthews served as a US Attorney (1913-) and was appointed to the Justice Department by Calvin Coolidge (1925); presented a list of demands for the “recognition of colored Republicans”; namesake, Ivy League Baseball Championship Trophy (2006)
Carl Rust Parker 1901 Landscape architect; with Olmsted Brothers [1901-1910, 1919-1961; partner 1950-1961]; in independent practice [1911-1917]; major projects include Boca Grande Land Company, FL [1910-1915]; Maine Statehouse grounds [ca.1915]; George Washington Masonic Memorial, Alexandria, VA [1931]; Kohler Village, Wisconsin, 1940s-1950s
William Anthony “Bill” Schick Jr. 1901 Sprinter at PA, Harvard; winner, four intercollegiate titles; US Olympic Team, 1906
Claude C. Washburn 1901 Writer; author, Pages from the Book of Paris (1910), The Lonely Warrior (1922]
Alexander Bannwart, aka Al Winn 1902 Swiss-born baseball player/owner/manager Lowell Tigers, New England League [1906-1909]; played under the name Al Winn; secretary and prime mover behind the short-lived Federal League [1912-1915]
Miriam Carpenter 1902 Dean of Wheaton College, -1944
F. Abbot Goodhue 1902 President, International Acceptance Bank, New York, 1921-1931; president, Bank of Manhattan, 1931-1948; chairman, board of trustees, NYU-Bellevue Medical Center
John Nesmith Greely 1902 Brigadier General; member, Pershing general staff and commander, 1st Division, WWI; chief, military mission to Iran, World War II; attache and diplomat, Geneva, Brazil; military analyst, author and journalist; editor, Artillery Journal
Rose Greely 1902 Landscape architect, ca.1920-; member, Colonial Williamsburg Advisory Committee; Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects, 1936
Edward W. Kellogg 1902 Acoustical engineer aand inventor; joint inventor, dynamic cone loudspeaker (1925) and the magnetic pick-up for phonographs; first director, GE Advanced Technology Laboratory
C. Ward McLanahan 1902 US Olympic Team, 1904, pole vault; coal mine owner and civic leader, Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania
Wilder P. “Monty” Montgomery 1902 Educator; biology instructor, Dunbar High School, Washington, DC, 1906-1931; chairman, Board of Admissions, Washington, DC African American schools
Frank O’Brien 1902 4-year All-American baseball shortstop, Yale, 1903-1907
Howard Phipps 1902 Philanthropist and horticulturalist; president, Phipps Houses, 1919-1959, non-profit builder of model, middle-income housing and garden apartments in New York; hybridizer of rhododendrons
J. Frank Stimson 1902 Anthropologist and ethnographer, specialist in Polynesian cultures; author, Songs and Tales of the Sea Kings: Interpretations of the Oral Literature of Polynesia (1957), A Dictionary of Tuamotuan Dialects (1966)
William W. Thayer 1902 Rhodes Scholar, 1905-1907; attorney and banker; member, US Trade Board and Paris Peace Conference staff, 1918-1919
Edwin J. Beinecke 1903 Chairman, Sperry & Hutchinson [1923-1967]; German glass collection donated to Corning Museum of Glass [1958-]; with brothers Frederick and Walter, donor of Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale [1960] and Beinecke Foundation [1966]; bibliophile, creator of Robert Louis Stevenson collection donated to Yale [1963]
John M. Cates 1903 Coach, US Naval Academy football team, 1905-1907; Yale athletic director, 1927-1932
William H.H. Cranmer 1903 Prospector and geologist (“the grand old man of uranium”) pioneer of uranium mining industry; president, New Park Mining Company, 1935-1962
Edward T. Hall 1903 Founder and director, Universal School of Handicrafts, New York City, 1936-1953
Harold Orville Mackenzie 1903 US ambassador to Thailand, 1927-1930
Samuel F.B. Morse 1903 Grandnephew of namesake, the telegraph inventor; real estate developer; founder, Del Monte Properties Company, developer of Pebble Beach, CA [1919-ca.1950]; owner, Hotel Del Monte, Monterey; “the Duke of Monterey”
Waldo Peirce 1903 Painter and illustrator; friend of Ernest Hemingway, George Bellows et al
John Gould Fletcher 1904 Poet, author; twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry [1939, 1946]
Franklin Mott Gunther 1904 Diplomat; US ambassador to Egypt [1928-1930] and Romania [1937-1941]; president, American Institute for Iranian Art and Archaeology, 1930-1937
Julio Madero 1904 Mexican diplomat, served as Mexico’s ambassador to Sweden, Italy, San Salvador and Columbia; director, State Lottery of Mexico, 1938-
Franz Schneider 1904 President/CEO/chairman, Newmont Mining [1930-53]; developer of the natural gas industry following WWII; director, Federal Reserve Bank of New York [1952-58]
George H. Townsend 1904 Powerboat racer; winner, American Power Boat Association Gold Cup in “Greenwich Folly” 1926, 1927; president, APBA , 932-1934
Paul Veeder 1904 Yale football: quarterback and punter [1904-1906], All-American [1906]; in 1906 Veeder threw the first forward pass in a major football game, to beat Harvard 6-0
William Kay Wallace 1904 Member, US Peace Commission, 1918; political theorist and author; proponent of radically revising the US Constitution, 1932
Harold E. Webster 1904 President, Pratt & Lambert [1930-], chairman [1952-]
Frederick W. Beinecke 1905 Chair, Executive Committee, Sperry & Hutchinson [1953-1966]; bibliophile specializing in Western Americana, specialist in Lewis and Clark material, collection donated to Yale; with brothers Frederick and Walter, donor, Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library [1960] and Beinecke Foundation [1966]; donor of teaching foundations, Phillips Academy
Francis Hardon Burr 1905 Football All-American at Harvard [1905], captain, Harvard team [1909]; Francis Hardon Burr Award [1913] goes to an outstanding Harvard scholar-athlete
Edward Dillon 1905 Princeton football player, All-American back, 1906
James M. Howard 1905 One of five founding members of Yale singing group, The Whiffenpoofs, 1909
Alfred Lee Loomis 1905 Physicist, investment banker, and philanthropist; financier of electric utilities; inventor, Aberdeen Chronograph [1918]; founder and funder, Loomis Laboratory, Tuxedo Park [1926-1940]; director of World War II radar development; “father” of ultrasonics; inventor of the LORAN navigation system; developer, ground-controlled approach technology for aircraft; Franklin Roosevelt described Loomis as second only to Churchill as the civilian most responsible for Allied victory in World War II; recipient, Presidential Medal of Merit, 1946
Elmer Thompson 1905 Cornell All-American, 1906; captain, Cornell football team
Katherine Woods 1905 Translator of “The Little Prince,” author of mystery novels, travel articles and books, The Other Chateau Country (1935)
Hamlin Andrus 1906 Yale All-American in football [1908, 1909]
Walter Beinecke 1906 With brothers Frederick and Walter, donor, Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library [1960] and Beinecke Foundation [1966]; world-ranked contract bridge player
Elizabeth Deeble 1906 Relief work volunteer and correspondent, Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Arthur Benson Gilbert 1906 Minnesota political activist [1917-1948] in support of farmers; advocate for protective tariffs on agricultural imports
Robert Hallowell 1906 Editor and publisher, The New Republic (1914-1925); artist/watercolorist [ca.1925-1939]
Sarah Hinks 1906 Head, The Gordon School, Providence [ca.1937-]
Frank T. Leighton 1906 Rear Admiral; commander of Navy ships during World War I, served in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, World War II
Robert C. McKay 1906 Harvard football: All-American tackle, 1907
Robert B. Stearns 1906 Founder, Bear, Stearns & Company, investment bank and brokerage house, 1923-
Edward L. “Eddie” Farrell 1907 Member, US Olympic Track Team [1912]; coach, US Olympic Track Team [1924, 1928, 1932]
Meigs Frost 1907 Crusading New Orleans investigative reporter, helped bring down Huey Long and his machine, 1930s
John Reed Kilpatrick 1907 Yale football All-American [1909, 1910] and captain, Yale track team; brigadier general, [1942-1949] in charge of ports of embarkation; president, Madison Square Garden [1933-1960]; president, NY Rangers hockey team [1933-1959]; member, Hockey Hall of Honor [1960]
Paul Piel 1907 New York sculptor and designer; graphic artist for Piel Brothers Brewery
Bernard Reilly 1907 Chicago White Sox 2nd baseman, 1909
Ethel Arens Tyng 1907 Missionary, Changsha, China [1913-1949]; operator of sandal, soap, and clothing factories to boost employment opportunities [1937-]; author, “Letters to My Grandchildren” [1963], “Gate of the Moon” [1967]
Robert Fisher 1908 All-American football player, Harvard [1910, 1911]; coach, national championship Harvard football team [1919], Rose Bowl winner [1920]; Harvard football head coach [1919-1925]; member, NCAA Football Hall of Fame
Robert A. Gardner 1908 US Amateur Golf Champion [1909, 1915]; member, US Walker Cup team [1922, 1923, 1924, 1926] and captain [1923, 1924, 1926]; national doubles champion in racquets [1926, 1929]; pole vaulter at Andover and Yale, briefly held world pole vault record at 13’ 1” set June 1, 1912
Katherine Butler Hathaway 1908 Author of children’s books, “Mr. Muffet’s Cat…” [1934], “The Little Locksmith” [1943]
Vincent Lawrence 1908 Playwright and r, -1940s, primarily of comedies
Washington Platt 1908 Intelligence officer and secret agent; 2nd in command, G-2 spy network in France and Germany; later with CIA; author of treatises on military intelligence
Frederick Louis Riefkohl 1908 Rear Admiral, recognized for distinguished service, World War I and World War II
Elizabeth Watts 1908 Teacher, director, trustee, Hindman Settlement School, Kentucky, 1909-1993; “Kentucky Colonel” by vote of state legislature; recipient, Fuess Award, 1982
Bartlett Beaman 1909 Air Force brigadier general, World War II; chief of intelligence division; chief of staff, 1st Air Division, European theater
Madeleine Burrage 1909 Modernist jewelry designer, 1930s-1940s
Alonzo “Zo” Elliott 1909 Songwriter; ’There’s a Long, Long Trail” [1914] an international hit during World War I
Edward Woolsey Freeman 1909 Donor of the historic Wave Hill estate overlooking the Hudson to the New York City to become a park, 1960
Carl W. Hamilton 1909 A laborer’s son from Hollidaysburg, PA; organizer of Philippine Refining Company [copra]; collector of early Renaissance paintings and
Daniel Needham 1909 Brigadier general, commander, Massachusetts National Guard [1934-1939]; Massachusetts director, civilian defense, World War II; head Massachusetts State Police
A. Wells Peck 1909 Retailing innovator; as president and later chairman of Peck & Peck stores [ca.1930-1970], pioneered marketing of women’s sportswear & creation of upscale New York-based, nation-wide retailing in suburban locations, 1930s-1960s
Walter “Wally” Snell 1909 All-American baseball player at Brown University; Boston Red Sox catcher [1913]; botany professor and coach, Brown [1920-1959]; authority on forest plants and diseases; author and illustrator, The Boleti of Northeastern North America (1970)
Herbert H. Vreeland Jr. 1909 Brigadier general; chief, US military intelligence, China, 1944-1945


Name Class Areas of Note
Benjamin F. Avery 1910 General manager and later president, KVP forest products company, 1948-1958; president, Canadian Forestry Association, 1958-1959; recipient, CFA Forest Conservation Award [1964]
James Phinney Baxter III 1910 Educator, historian, author; President, Williams College, 1937-1961; deputy director, OSS, World War II; winner, Pulitzer Prize in history, Scientists Against Time (1947), an account of the War Department’s Office of Scientific Research and Development
Lindsay Bradford 1910 President, City Bank Farmers Trust Company, 1936-1951, now Citibank; president, New York War Relief Fund during World War II
Charles T. Donworth 1910 Jurist; Washington State Supreme Court, 1949-1969, chief justice, 1956-1957
Negley Farson 1910 Foreign correspondent in early Soviet Russia, pre-independence India, Nazi Germany, London during World War II; adventurer and fisherman; author, “Sailing Across Europe” (1926), “The Way of a Transgressor” [1936], “Bomber’s Moon” [1941], “Going Fishing” [1946], “The Lost World of the Caucasus” [1958]
Henry Wise Hobson 1910 Episcopal bishop, Southern Ohio, 1930-1959; dubbed “the fighting bishop,” Hobson was a decorated veteran of World War I and the leader and spokesman for Fight for Freedom, Inc., 1939-1941, a national organization advocating US entry into World War II; president, Phillips Academy Board of Trustees, 1947-1966
Alexander Lewis Jackson 1910 General manager, The Chicago Defender [1925-], the nation’s most influential black weekly; president, board of trustees, Provident Hospital, Chicago’s first hospital run by and for African Americans
Robert N. Kastor 1910 Stockbroker and civil libertarian; Instrumental in publication of James Joyce’s Ulysses in the United States
Scott H. Paradise 1910 Rhodes Scholar (1914); war relief volunteer in Belgium, 1915-1916; Phillips Academy English instructor [1924-1956
Lucy Porter Sutton 1910 Pediatrician and medical researcher; professor of pediatrics, NYU Medical School; specialist in heart disease & rheumatism; author, Heart Disease in Infancy (1930)
Mira Bigelow Wilson 1910 Professor, religious work and social service, Smith College [1920-]; head, Northfield School for Girls, 1928-1952
Edwin Cohn 1911 Biochemist and medical researcher, specialist in chemistry of proteins and human blood fractionation; developer of practical cure for pernicious anemia [1928] based on research begun by George Whipple [PA 1896]; developer of systems for the utilization of all components of blood for medical transfusions, work of critical importance during World War II; coauthor: Proteins, Amino Acids and Peptides (1943)
Charlotte Gowing Cooper 1911 WPA Art Ohio program [1930s]; chief, GI recreation facilities, Southwest Pacific, crafts section, ca.1945
Norman Donaldson 1911 Managing director, treasurer, president, chairman, Yale University Press, 1950-1964; first president, American University Presses Association, 1939-
Joseph Garland 1911 Pediatrician; editor, New England Journal of Medicine, 1947-1967, transforming it into an international leader in medical journalism
Elizabeth Hinks 1911 Psychologist; director, children’s study clinic, Detroit Juvenile Court
Alexander Royce 1911 Director, United States Commercial Co., London, 1943-1945, an economic warfare agency; co-chair, with Harold MacMillan, North African Economics Board, Algiers; attorney for US airlines seeking international routes and chairman, Airlines Committee on United States Air Policy, 1945-
Alfred Hugo Schoellkopf 1911 Utilities owner/executive and public welfare leader during the Depression; President, Buffalo, Niagara & Eastern Power, 1929-1933, and Niagara Hudson Power, 1933-1942; Chair, NY State Board of Social Welfare, 1933-1935
Harold Crawford Stearns 1911 Poet
Richard Kerens Sutherland 1911 Lt General, World War II, Chief of Staff to General MacArthur; oversaw Japanese surrender, 1945
Norman L. Torrey 1911 Voltaire scholar, professor of French literature, Columbia University
Daniel C. Elkin 1912 Pioneering cardiologist; Chief of Surgery, Emory School of Medicine; president, American College of Surgeons [1957]; recipient, Rudolph Matas Award in Vascular Surgery
Adam Gimbel 1912 Retailer; as president of Saks Fifth Avenue, 1926-1969, created the nation’s largest specialty chain
Edward Mahan 1912 All-American half-back (football) at Harvard [1913, 1914, 1915] and captain, Harvard football team
Frances Sheldon 1912 Art collector, donor of the Mary Frances Sheldon Museum, University of Nebraska, 1950/1963
Winthrop H. Smith 1912 Stockbroker; managing director, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, 1940-1961
Henry W. Clune 1913 Columnist, 1914-1969, Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, chronicler of Rochester life
Edgar G. Crossman 1913 Attorney; legal aide to Henry Stimson, governor general of the Philippines (1928-1929) and to General McArthur [1944-1945], presidential envoy to the Philippines and co-chairman, Joint American-Philippine Finance Commission (1947)
Donald H. Dickerman 1913 Nightclub entrepreneur; creator of “atmospheric” nightspots in New York, Miami Beach, Washington, DC, and Los Angeles[ca.1918-1948 including Hollywood’s “Pirate’s Den”
John D. Hamilton 1913 Speaker, Kansas House of Representatives, 1927-1929; chairman, Republican National Committee, 1936-1940
Frank “Kooch” Hogg 1913 Football All-American and captain, Princeton University football team (1916)
Dorothy Perkins Estabrook 1913 Namesake, the Dorothy Perkins rose (1901)
Helen Danforth Prudden 1913 Organizer of relief work in Illinois during Great Depression
Archibald Roosevelt 1913 Third son of Theodore Roosevelt; decorated officer in World War I and World War II, only serviceman classified as 100% disabled in both wars; founder, Roosevelt & Cross (1946), New York brokerage house specializing in municipal bonds
William A. Sullivan 1913 US Navy Commodore, World War II; the Navy’s salvage and port restoration expert, “the Commodore of Sunken Ships”
Philip D. Woodbridge 1913 Anesthesiologist & inventor of medical instruments; president, American Board of Anesthesiology, 1945-1946
Knight Woolley 1913 Banker; authority on bankers’ acceptances; managing partner, Harriman Brothers at time of merger, creating Brown Brothers Harriman; general partner, Brown Brothers Harriman, 1931-1982
Howard Malcolm Baldridge 1914 Intercollegiate heavyweight wrestling champion at Yale, ca.1918; Nebraska Republican congressman, 1931-1933
Harvey P. Hood 1914 Donor, Hood Museum, Dartmouth (1978; opened 1985)
Woodland Kahler 1914 International Vegetarian Union leader, president, 1960-1971, and Marquis de St Innocent
James Knowles Jr. 1914 World War I ace, US Army 95th Aero Squadron; recipient, Distinguished Service Cross
Leo T. McMahon 1914 Brigadier general, World War II; North Africa campaign [1941-1942]; commander, 65th “Battle Axe” Division Artillery [1943]; Battle of the Bulge [1944-1945]
Dudley Poore 1914 Poet; translator, interpreter, and anthologist of Latin American literature
Winnifred Warren Porteus 1914 Fruit farmer, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, 1930s-
Kenneth A. Reid 1914 Conservationist; executive director, Izaak Walton League; crusader for federal water pollution controls
Jerry R. Beach 1915 Veterinarian, medical researcher at UC Davis, 1915-1951, pioneered study of poultry pathology
Russell H. Bennett 1915 Mining engineer, minerals prospector, and rancher; author, Quest for Ore (1963); recipient, William Lawrence Saunders Gold Medal, 1978
Bessie Gleason Bowen 1915 Owner, Comacrib Press, Shanghai, ca.1925-
Robert T. Bushnell 1915 Attorney; crusader against censorship; attorney general of Massachusetts, 1941-1945
Frederick G. Crane II 1915 Conservationist, livestock, and tree farmer, 1925-1978; put 1900 acres of family land under conservation easement, the largest single tract of land protected in perpetuity in Massachusetts [1972]; Massachusetts “Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year” [1976]
Allan Vanderhoef Heely 1915 Headmaster, Lawrenceville School, 1934-1958
Esther “Ted” Kilton 1915 Architect; editor and director, “Home Builders Service Bureau,” House Beautiful Magazine, 1932-
William Alexander Kirkland 1915 Houston banker and civic leader; First National Bank of Houston [1920-1963], as president and chairman; president, Texas Bankers Association [1947-1948]; chair, Harris County Board of Park Commissioners, credited with envisioning and implementing construction of the Astrodome [1965]
Alice Frye Leach 1915 Painter
George Peter Murdock 1915 Anthropologist and innovator in cross-cultural research; chair, Yale Anthropology Dept; chair, National Academy of Sciences, Behavioral Sciences National Research Council [1964-]; founder, Ethnology Journal; author, “Social Structure” [1949], “Ethnographic Atlas” [1967], “Atlas of World Cultures” [1981]; recipient, Viking Medal [1949], Huxley Medal [1971]
J.P. Stevens Jr. 1915 President, J.P. Stevens Company [1942-]; President, Edison, NJ Board of Education, 1942-1959; leader in effort to make New Jersey’s Great Swamp a National Wildlife Refuge [1959-1960; a founder, Outward Bound USA (1961); president, Phillips Academy Board of Trustees, 1966-1968
Royal V. Thomas 1915 Aviator; set world solo endurance record,1928]; killed during test flight for Atlantic crossing
Elliott Thorpe 1915 Brigadier general; attended signings of the treaties ending both World War I and World War II; chief of counterintelligence under Douglas MacArthur, WWII; December 1941, as military attache in Java, sent word of impending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; founder, Army Language School after World War II; author
Muriel Baker Wood 1915 Corporal, Women’s Army Corps (WAC), 1944-
Philip K. Wrigley 1915 President, Wrigley’s Chewing Gum, 1932-1961; owner, Chicago Cubs, 1932-1977; founder, All American Girls Softball League, 1943-
Laurence Wellman Beilenson 1916 Attorney, Screen Actors Guild [1933-1960]; chief US liaison officer to Chinese Army, World War II; author of neo-conservative tracts including The Treaty Trap (1969), which substantially influenced the views of his friend Ronald Reagan
John T. “Tim” Callahan 1916 Yale football captain and All-American guard, 1920
Ralph Hanes 1916 Historic preservationist; founder, Old Salem, Winston-Salem, NC [1940]; trustee, National Trust for Historic Preservation [1961-1971], vice chair [1962-1965]
Walter Hochschild 1916 President and chairman AMAX (American Metals Climax), 1950-1980; active in Council on Foreign Relations & an advocate for understanding and analysis of international business issues
Robert B. Williamson 1916 Jurist; justice, Maine Supreme Court [1949-1970], chief justice [1956-1970]
C. Harvey Bradley 1917 Chairman, P.R. Mallory & Company [1964-1972]
Harold R. Buckley 1917 World War I ace; captain, 95th Aero Squadron; recipient, Distinguished Service Cross; screenwriter, 1930s, including “Air Devils” [1938]
Donald F. Carpenter 1917 DuPont engineer and executive; chairman, US Munitions Board, 1948-1949, championed stockpiling of strategic materials
Frances Gere 1917 Author and illustrator, children’s books; Once Upon a Time in Egypt (1937)
Powers Hapgood 1917 Labor organizer, United Mine Workers, CIO, etc., 1922-1935; socialist candidate for governor, Ohio, 1932
Tsing Lien Li 1917 Physician, Beijing, Shanghai, ca.1925-
James Pickering 1917 Popularizer of astronomy as lecturer, author, and TV host; assistant astronomer, American Museum of Natural History, New York, ca.1951-1965
Raymond T. Rich 1917 General Secretary, World Peace Foundation, 1927-
Reginald Smithwick 1917 Surgeon; pioneered treatments for vascular disease and hypertension; Harvard Medical School faculty [1928-1946]; chair, department of surgery, Boston University School of Medicine [1946-1965]
Robert T Stevens 1917 Secretary of the Army (1953-1955), period of the Army-McCarthy Hearings; president and later chairman, JP Stevens & Company, 1929-1969
Jack Morris Wright 1917 World War I pilot and author, A Poet of the Air, a compelling portrayal of life in French and US Army, published posthumously in 1918
Lawrence Allen Abercrombie 1918 Much-decorated World War II Navy captain; commander, US Pacific Fleet destroyer Drayton, 1940-1943
Ned Bliss Allen 1918 Rhodes Scholar [-1923]; English professor and department chair, University of Delaware; author, The Sources of John Dryden’s Comedies [1935, 1967, 1973]
Bromwell Ault 1918 President, Episcopal Church Foundation, 1961-1969; president, Board of Governors, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1968-1970
John Porter Carleton 1918 Rhodes Scholar [1922-1923]; US ski jumping record holder [1922]; captain, first US Olympic Ski Team [1924]
Norman Dodd 1918 Leading McCarthy-Era conspiracy theorist; as research direct, US House of Representatives Reece Committee (1953-1954), wrote and testified about “un-American activities” of major tax-exempt foundations and their alleged efforts to shape thought in America in favor of socialism, collectivization, internationalism
Mitchell Gratwick 1918 Head, Horace Mann School, 1950-1968
Van Campen Heilner 1918 Sportsman, author, and filmmaker; authority on hunting and fishing; field representative, American Museum of Natural History; Salt Water Fishing (1937) a classic in its field
Walter Higley 1918 Episcopal Bishop, Central New York [1960-19,
Cargill MacMillan Sr. 1918 President, Cargill, Inc., 1957-1960
Singleton Moorehead 1918 Architect and architectural historian; researcher and designer for Colonial Williamsburg, 1928-1963; author, treatises on Virginia architecture; Fellow, American Institute of Architects
Robert G. Page 1918 Attorney; first new York Regional Director, Securities and Exchange Commission, 1935-; president and later chairman, Phelps Dodge, 1947-1969; recipient, Charles F. Rand Gold Medal [1967]
J. Hall Paxton 1918 Diplomat, representing the US in China, Iran, 1925-1952; evacuated from Nanking and survivor, the Panay Incident [1937]; recipient, State Department Superior Service Award for leading refugees on 2000-mile journey over Himalayas from China into India (1946)
Emanuel J. Rosenberg 1918 Creator, producer of radio soap operas and serials, including “Sam Spade” and “The Fat Man” (1946-1951), and television series including “Texaco Playhouse” and “The People’s Choice” (1955-1958)
Margaret Bailey Speer 1918 Dean of Women’s College, Yenching University, Beijing, 1925-1942; head, Shipley School, 1944-1965; early advocate for the A Better Chance (ABC) scholarship program, 1960s
William Edwards Stevenson 1918 Rhodes Scholar [1922-]; Olympic Gold Medal, 1600 meter relay, setting world record [1924]; organizer, American Red Cross operations in the UK and North Africa durign World War ng; president, Oberlin College, 1946-1959; chair, National Fulbright Selection Committee; ambassador to the Philippines, 1962-1964; head, Aspen Institute, 1967-1970
George Clapp Vaillant 1918 Archeologist, museum administrator, teacher; specialist in Mexican archeology and pre-Columbian cultures; director, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, 1941-1945
Franklin G. “Fritz” Clement 1919 Chicago investment banker; Senior Amateur Golf Championship winner [1957], member, US Senior Golf championship team [1964]
Minot “Minnie” Dole 1919 Founder and first chairman, National Ski Patrol [1938-]; instigator of special training for mountain forces during World War II, later the 10th Mountain Division [1939-]; namesake, Minnie’s Mile ski run, Vail, Colorado
Thomas W. “Tim” Durant 1919 Screen actor including in “Red Badge of Courage” [1951]; steeplechase champion, Del Monte Cup Race, Grand National (1966, 1967, 1968)
Doris Knights 1919 Lt. Col. United States Army Nurse Corps; chief nurse, 6th General Hospital, World War II
Elisabeth Luce Moore 1919 Leader in social service agencies, educational institutions, and philanthropy, 1930s-1990s; Henry Luce Foundation Board of Trustees, 1936-1999; chair, USO National Council, World War II; president, United Board for Christian Education in Asia; chair, US Institute of International Education; chair, YMCA foreign division; chair, Institute for International Education; chair, Board of Trustees, State University System of New York, 1968-1978; namesake, Elisabeth Luce Moore Library, Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong [1971]
Gordon Morris 1919 Author of popular fiction, playwright, screenwriter, 1920s-1930s


Name Class Areas of Note
Harold Homer Anderson 1920 Psychologist and researcher; specialist in child development and creativity; chair, Michigan State University Psychology Department, 1946-
Calvin Bartlett 1920 Defense attorney and civil libertarian; defender of alleged communists in trials proceeding from interrogations by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s
Humphrey Bogart 1920 Actor best known for his film work, including “Petrified Forest” [1936], “Maltese Falcon” [1941], “Casablanca” [1943], “The Big Sleep” [1946], “Treasure of Sierra Madre” [1948], “The African Queen” [1951]; Best Actor Academy Award [1951]; per the American Film Institute “Hollywood’s greatest male film star” [1999]
Thurston Chase 1920 Headmaster, Eaglebrook School, 1928-1966
Paul C. Daniels 1920 Diplomat; ambassador to Honduras [1947], ambassador to OAS [1948-1950], ambassador to Ecuador [1951-1953]; Department of State director of American Republic Affairs [1947-49]; as US special advisor on Antarctica [1957-1959], negotiated the Antarctic Treaty [1959]; namesake, Daniels Range, Antarctica [1963]
Edward J. Hanley 1920 President/CEO/chair, Allegheny Ludlum Steel [1951-1972], then the world’s largest producer of stainless steel and titanium
Allen Keith 1920 In 1922, as a Yale undergraduate, Keith was the hero of the Rialto Theatre Fire in New Haven; Keith died from the injuries he received rescuing women and children trapped in the building
David W. Kendall 1920 Asst. Secretary of Treasury (1955-1957); special counsel to President Eisenhower [1958-60]
Jean Lyon 1920 Foreign correspondent covering the “fall of China” (ca.1945-1950); author, “When the communists took China” Harper’s February 1950, “Chester Bowles, new-style diplomat” Harper’s November 1952; author “Just Half a World Away: My Search for the New India” [1954]
Milton Steinbach 1920 Philanthropist; first president, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; recipient, Yale Medal, 1965
George B. Wells 1920 President, American Optical Company [1936-1946]; founder & part donor, Old Sturbridge Village [1936]
Henry Cutler Wolfe 1920 War correspondent, author and lecturer on foreign affairs, influential during the early years of WWII; recipient, Order of the Southern Cross [Brazil, ca.1945]
Lloyd Brace 1921 President/CEO/chair, Bank of Boston [1947-1966]; director, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston [1951-1956]; chairman, Dartmouth Board of Trustees [1967-1970]; Rockefeller Foundation Finance Committee chair; recipient, Harvard Business School Business Statesman Award [1968]
Carlton Coon 1921 Physical anthropologist, archaeologist, spy, and diplomat; author, especially on the anthropology of race; president, American Association of Physical Anthropology; professor at Harvard [1928-48], U Pennsylvania [1948-1963]; OSS secret agent, North Africa [WWII]; panelist on Peabody-Award winning archaeology quiz show “What in the World?” [1949-1964]; author, “A North Africa Story: The Anthropologist as OSS Agent” [1980]
Joseph Cornell 1921 Surrealist artist and filmmaker; noted especially as an assemblagist and creator of shadow boxes [active 1930s-1960s]
Philip Eiseman 1921 Banker; president, Bay Banks [1948-1966], chair, Bay State Corporation [1948-1969]; leader in developing concept of bank holding companies
Walter J. Kohler Jr. 1921 Governor of Wisconsin [1950-1954]; chairman, American Cancer Society [1953-56]
Alfred Lindley 1921 With PA classmates and Yale teammates Benjamin Spock and Alfred Wilson, member of the Yale 8 that won Olympic Gold Medal in rowing [1924]; member, US Olympic Ski Team [1935]; leader in US competitive skiing [1935-1950]; mountain climber
Donald Loker 1921 Boxer turned screen actor under the name “Don Terry” featured in movie serials of the late 1930s and early 1940s; later executive with wife’s family business, the French Sardine Company – Star-Kist; the Lokers became benefactors of USC, Harvard, etc.
Raymond Otis 1921 Novelist based in Santa Fe; Fire in the Night etc.
Irving E Rogers Jr. 1921 Publisher, Lawrence Eagle-Tribune (1982-1998); recipient, Pulitzer Prize for General Reporting [1988]
Edward S. Skillin 1921 Editor and publisher, Commonweal, oldest Catholic journal of opinion in US, 1938-1998
Mom Luang Chiew Snitwongse 1921 First Thai student at Andover
Benjamin Spock 1921 Pediatrician, influential author on child rearing, Baby and Child Care (1946); social activist; member of the all-Yale crew team that took gold at the 1924 Olympics; recipient, Fuess Award [1980]
Arthur Walworth 1921 Pulitzer Prize winning biographer, “Woodrow Wilson, American Prophet” [1958] and other studies of Wilson & his era
Alfred Wilson 1921 With PA classmates and Yale teammates Benjamin Spock and Alfred Lindley, member of the Yale 8 that won Olympic Gold Medal in rowing [1924]
Robert Gray Allen 1922 New Deal Democrat; Pennsylvania congressman, 1937-1941
Peter Capra 1922 Italian immigrant who came to Andover as a World War I veteran; director, New York Boys Club [1939-1962], chairman, Yale University Enrollment and Scholarship Committee [ca.1950]
Donald E. Carr 1922 Environmental activist and author, The Breath of Life [1965], Death of the Sweet Waters [1966]
Charles A Clough 1922 Episcopal Bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts, 1948-1962
Ralph M. Crowley 1922 Psychoanalytic pioneer; president, William White Institute, New York; president, American Academy of Psychoanalysis; recipient, William V. Silverberg Award [1980]
Benjamin C. Cutler 1922 Popular New York “society” band leader and singer [1920s-70s]
Walker Evans 1922 Photographer and photo essayist; best known for “The Crime of Cuba” with Carlton Beal [1931], work with Farm Security Administration [1935-1938], “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men” [1939] with James Agee
Robert R. Hannum 1922 Social worker and author; Children’s Village [1929-1940]; director, Osborne Association [1941-1967]; president, International Prisoners Aid Association
Bartlett Hayes 1922 Museum curator and arts administrator; director, Addison Gallery of American Art [1940-1969]; secretary, College Art Association [1959-1964]; director, American Academy in Rome [1969-1973]; recipient, Fuess Award [1979]
H. Mansfield “Jack” Horner 1922 President and later Chairman, United Aircraft, 1943-1968
John R. Kimberly 1922 Chairman and CEO, Kimberly-Clark [1953-1968], transforming it into a global manufacturer of consumer products
Phillips Lord 1922 Creator of popular radio dramas, “Sunday at Seth Parker” [1929-1933], “Gang Busters” [1935-1957]
Stanley Osborne 1922 President/CEO, Olin Mathieson Chemicals, 1957-1964
Joseph Verner Reed 1922 Theatre producer, real estate developer, and conservationist; developer of Florida’s Jupiter Island [1931-]; a founder and later president and chairman, American Shakespeare Festival [1955-1973]; Florida conservationist
Robert P. Anderson 1923 Judge, Connecticut Superior Court [1953-1954]; US District Court Judge for CT [1954-1962], chief judge [1960-1964]; US Court of Appeals Judge, Second District [1964-1971]
Gardner Cox 1923 Artist best known for portraits of government, business, and cultural leaders including Dylan Thomas, Earl Warren, Robert Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, and Robert Frost
George Bapst Darling 1923 Public health authority; Yale professor of human ecology [1946-1974]; director, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, National Academy of Sciences [1957-1972]; recipient, Supreme Golden Orchid Award, Japan Medical Society [1967]
Frederick Thayer Merrill 1923 Diplomat; expert on Eastern European affairs and narcotics trafficking; secretary, US Delegation, Paris Peace Conference [1945], director, East-West contacts, Dept. of State [1956-1960];
Charles B.G. Murphy 1923 Mental health philanthropist; major donor to medical education, psychiatric research and treatment, development of chemotherapy to combat depression [ca.1940-1977]; founder, Social Research Foundation [1949]
Macauley Smith 1923 Athlete and conservationists; US Olympic Team distance runner [1928] donor, Blackacre Conservancy [1979], first nature preserve in Kentucky state system
Benner C. Turner 1923 Law School Dean, North Carolina Colored Normal College [1940-]; President, South Carolina State College [1949-1968]; president, Conference of Land Grant Colleges
Alan Barth 1924 Editorial writer, Washington Post [1943-1972]; as “the liberal conscience of Washington” advocated for civil rights and civil liberties; opponent of segregation and McCarthyism; author of “The Loyalty of Free Men” [1951], “Price of Liberty” [1961], & “The Rights of Free Men” [1984]
Walter R. Bearsley 1924 President/CEO/chairman, Miles Laboratories [1947-1973], producer of multivitamins, Alka-Seltzer
Philip D. Block, Jr. 1924 Chairman, Inland Steel [1967-1971]; philanthropist, Art Institute of Chicago
Mark DeWolfe Howe 1924 Legal historian, authority on constitutional law; professor, Harvard Law School [1945-]; biographer, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
C. Terry Sedgwick Keep 1924 Rhodes Scholar [1928-]; president, Previews, Inc.
“Prince” Serge Mdivani 1924 Polo player and socialite, one of the “Marrying Mdivanis” whose well-publicized marriages and divorces from film stars and heiresses titillated the public [1920s-1930s]
Frell Owl 1924 Member, Eastern Band, Cherokee Indians; Bureau of Indian Affairs official [1928-1961]; superintendent, Crow Creek Sioux Agency, South Dakota; superintendent, Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho; author, “Who and What is an American Indian” [1962]; namesake, Frell Owl Award
Thomas L. Perkins 1924 President and chairman, American Cyanamid [1951-1960]; trustee, the Duke Endowment [1948-1973], chair [1960-1973]
Roy “Red” Randall 1924 All-American football back at Brown University [1926, 1927]; leader, Brown’s “Iron Men Team” [1926]
Ernesto Samper 1924 Columbian aviator  cofounder, Columbian airline SACO [1933-], merged to form Avianca [1940]
Charles H. Sawyer 1924 Arts administrator; museum director [1931-1941]; During World War II, with OSS, documented art looted by Nazis; dean, Yale Division of Arts [1947-1956]; director, University of Michigan Museum of Art [1957-1972]
George F. Vanderschmidt 1924 Journalist; managing editor, Newsweek [1942-1946] and London correspondent [1946-1952]; author, What the English Think of Us [1948]
Winslow Ames 1925 Art and architectural historian, connoisseur, museum director; authority on Old Master drawings and Victorian aesthetics; author, Prince Albert and Victorian Taste [1967]
N. Philip Bastedo 1925 Attorney; president, board of trustees, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York [1958-], chair, United Hospital Fund [1978-1984], the nation’s oldest federated charity
Charles Borah 1925 Champion sprinter; twice tied world record in the 100-yard dash [1926, ’27]; US Olympic Team [1928] Gold Medal, 4×100 relay
Lilian Grosvenor Coville 1925 Traveler in Manchuria [1920s]; author, National Geographic articles on Manchuria [1930s]
Cornelius Crane 1925 Explorer and archaeologist, funder, Field Museum Pacific Expedition [1928-1929]; Chicago philanthropist
Douglas C. Fox 1925 Anthropologist and art historian, Forschunginstitut Fur Kulturmorphologie, Frankfurt; expert on cave paintings & African folk tales
Theodate Johnson 1925 Classical singer; later, as Theodate Johnson Severns, owner of Musical America [ca.1960-]
Ralph Delahaye Paine Jr. 1925 Publisher and managing editor, Fortune [1941-1967]; vice-president, TIME, Inc. [1953-]; publisher, Architectural Forum [1954-1963];
Robert Rylee 1925 Novelist, Deep Dark River [1935]
James Ramsey Ullman 1925 New York theater producer/director; producer of “Haiti” with the Federal Theatre Project [1938]; author, The White Tower [novel 1945, film 1950]
Frederick M. Alger Jr. 1926 Michigan Secretary of State [1947-1952]; Ambassador to Belgium [1957-1959]
Charles A. Bovey 1926 Montana rancher and collector of Gold Rush-Era buildings and artifacts; founder, Montana Historic Landmarks Society [1944]; owner and restorer, 1860s boomtown Virginia City, declared a National Historic Landmark in 1961
Homer M. Byington II 1926 Diplomat; director, State Department Office of Western European Affairs [1950-1954]; first American ambassador to Malaysia [1957-1961]
Duncan Emrich 1926 Folklorist and diplomat; chief, Library of Congress Folklore Collection [1945-1955]; US cultural attache to Togo, Greece, and India [ca.1955-1965]; folklorist with United States Information Agency [USIA]
Suzanne Loizeaux 1926 Publisher and editor, Plymouth Record, New Hampshire; member, New Hampshire General Assembly [1952-]
Beaumont Newhall 1926 Photography historian and curator; author, The History of Photography [1937]; founding curator, Department of Photography, Museum of Modern Art [1940-1948]; curator and later director, George Eastman House Museum of Photography [1948-1971]; recipient, Fuess Award [1979]
Fletcher E. Nyce 1926 Swimmer; set interscholastic 100 yard record, breast stroke [1926]; president/CEO/chairman, Central Trust Company, Cincinnati, and Central Bancorporation [1964-1973]
Gretchen Vanderschmidt 1926 President, Altrusa International [ca.1954] social service and grant-making organization
L. Metcalfe Walling 1926 New Deal labor lawyer; administrator, Fair Labor Standards Act [1942-1947]; director, US aid mission, Cambodia [1957-1960]
Frederic P. Bartlett 1927 Diplomat; first US ambassador to Madagascar, 1960-1962
John M. Bennett 1927 South Texas rancher, banker, civic, and political leader; World War II bomber pilot, commander, 100th Bomb Group [“The Bloody Hundredth”], leader, first daylight bombing raid over Berlin [8 March 1944]; Major General, Air Force Reserve
Emilio Collado 1927 Economist, Treasury and State departments [1934-44]; member, American negotiating team, Bretton Woods Conference [1944]; 1st US executive director, World Bank [1947]; chairman, Americas Society, New York; chairman, Center for Inter-American Relations
Richard Stanley Merrill Emrich 1927 Episcopal Bishop of Michigan [1948-1973]; civil rights activist; Bishop Emrich integrated all Michigan Episcopal parishes and institutions in 1948
Chester L. Harding 1927 Rear Admiral, US Coast Guard; commander, 3rd Coast Guard District [-1965]
Marshall MacDuffie 1927 Chief, UN relief mission in Ukraine [1945-]; friend to Nikita Khrushchev; author of books and articles on the Soviet Union including The Red Carpet: 10,000 Miles through Russia [1955]
Robert Maes 1927 Surgeon; president, American College of Surgeons; president, the Independence Foundation, Philadelphia [1959-1991] which supported education, especially private secondary education
John B. Martin Jr. 1927 Rhodes Scholar [1930-1931]; attorney and Michigan Republican politician; Michigan Auditor General [1951-1954]
Ruth Nash 1927 Composer; Department of Agriculture film scores [1940]; director, Music Education Program, WPA [1942]
Charles C. Stelle 1927 Diplomat; member, “Dixie Mission” observing Communist Chinese forces and government operations, Yan-an [1944-]; US negotiating team, Atomic Test Ban Treaty [1963]; head, US delegation, US-Soviet Hotline Agreement [1963]; chief US delegate, Geneva Disarmament Conference [1964]
W. Davis Taylor 1927 Publisher/chairman, The Boston Globe (1955-1981); recipient, Fuess Award, 1974
Sydna White 1927 Collector of folk music, Indian subcontinent; performer
John W.M. Whiting 1927 Anthropologist; researcher on child development and learning in diverse societies; Harvard professor [1949-1978]; author, “Becoming a Kwoma: Teaching and Learning in a New Guinea Tribe” [1941], “Child Training and Personality” [1953], “Culture and Human Development” [1994]
James Barr Ames 1928 Attorney and civic leader; vice president and later president, Massachusetts Historical Society (1967-1978); president, Boston Athenaeum (1968-1981); president, Greater Boston Hospital Planning Council
Hubert C. Barton 1928 Economist; director, Office of Strategic Services Presentation Branch, [1942-1945], presenting wartime military information, organizing the San Francisco UN Conference [1944] and the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials [1945]; economic development planner for Puerto Rico’s Operation Bootstrap [ca.1948-1960]
Sumner McKnight Crosby 1928 Art historian, authority on French medieval architecture; Yale professor [1941-1978], chair Yale Department of Art History [1947-1953, 1962-1965]; director, International Center of Romanesque Art [1956-]; president, International Center of Medieval Art [1966-]; author, “The Abbey of St. Denis” [1942], “The Royal Abbey of St. Denis” [1987]
Philip Dey Eastman 1928 Cartoon writer and story boarder, Walt Disney [1935-1941], Warner Brothers [1941-1943]; with the Frank Capra Signal Corps Unit [1943-1945], writer for the “Private Snafu” training film series; with UPA Pictures, adapter/writer, Mr. Magoo cartoons and “Gerald McBoing-Boing” – winner Academy Award, Best Animated Short [1950]; during 1950s, on Hollywood Blacklist; author and illustrator, children’s books – “Sam & the Firefly” [1958], “The Best Nest” [1968]
Gerhard Gesell 1928 Washington attorney and judge; chair, presidential Committee on Equal Opportunity in the Armed Services [1961-1967]; US district judge, Washington, DC [1967-1993]; presided in high-profile trials relating to publication of the Pentagon Papers [1971], the Watergate break-in [1972-73], the Iran-Contra scandal [1986]; recipient, Fuess Award [1973], Edward J. Devitt Distinguished Service to Justice Award [1989]
Walter Gubelmann 1928 Yachtsman; winner, Southern Ocean Racing Championship [1950], Queen Elizabeth II Cup [1958, 1965, 1968]; America’s Cup challenge financier, Constellation Syndicate [1964]; president, Society of the Four Arts, Palm Beach [1966-1988]; US Croquet Hall of Fame [1987]
Basil Duke Henning 1928 Historian; honored by British Parliament for his 3-volume history of Parliament in the 17th century; master, Saybrook College, Yale, 1946-1975
Franz J. “Inge” Ingelfinger 1928 Gastroenterologist, medical educator, and journalist; editor, New England Journal of Medicine [1967-1977]; creator of the “Ingelfinger Rule” [1970] regarding biomedical publishing; recipient, Fuess Award [1980]
Daniel James 1928 Playwright, screenwriter, and novelist; communist [ca.1930s-1948]; “Winter Soldiers” published in “Best Plays” [1942-1943]; on Hollywood Blacklist [1950-]; social worker [ca.1948-1968]; wrote under pseudonyms [1950-1985]; as “Danny Santiago” won awards, then opprobrium for “Famous All Over Town” [1983]
Donald McLean 1928 Chief assistant to John D. Rockefeller III; founder, International House, Japan; recipient, Fuess Award [1991]
Thomas Mendenhall 1928 Rhodes Scholar [1932]; history professor, 1937-1959; President, Smith College, 1959-1975
James O. Moore Jr. 1928 Solicitor General, New York State [1955-1957]; Justice, New York Supreme Court
Lois Dunn Morse 1928 Nurse, administrator, and educator, New York, Boston, and Hanover, NH; recipient, Fuess Award [1978]
Roger F. Murray II 1928 Pension expert, banker, economist; professor, Columbia Graduate School of Business; originator, Individual Retirement Accounts [IRAs], approved by IRS 1974
Eliot Noyes 1928 Modernist architect and industrial designer; chief designer for IBM [1956-] including IBM’s revolutionary Selectric I typewriter [1961]
Alfred Ogden 1928 New York attorney; chairman, board of trustees, Robert College, Istanbul [1955-1963]
Norman Pearson 1928 Yale University English professor, author; authority on the work of Nathaniel Hawthorne; explorer, Viking ruins, Greenland
Paul C. Reardon 1928 Jurist and judicial reformer; chief justice, Massachusetts Superior Court [1955-1962]; a founder and second president, National Conference of State Trial Judges [1957]; author, the “Reardon Report” on fair trials & free press [1964, 1968; recommendations adopted in all fifty states by 1973]; associate justice, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court [1962-1976]; founder and first president, National Center for State Courts [1971]; recipient, Award of Merit, North American Judges Association [1972]; honored for work in court reform by the ABA [1975]; namesake, Reardon Award of the NCSC; chairman, Harvard Board of Overseers Executive Committee [1966-1968]
Roland Burnett Sundown 1928 Seneca Indian, noted as a traditional chanter
Horace G. Torbert Jr. 1928 Diplomat; US ambassador to Hungary [1961-1962], Somalia [1963-1965], Bulgaria [1970-1973]
Willis Armstrong 1929 Diplomat and international trade expert; official, Lend-Lease Administration [1941-1945]; deputy director, Division of Commercial Policy [1952-1954]; assistant secretary of state for economic affairs [1972-1974]
Johnny Broaca 1929 New York Yankees pitcher [1934-1937]
Charles W. Buek 1929 Banker, with United States Trust Company [1933-76], ultimately as president, CEO and chairman
Newton K. Chase 1929 Headmaster, Thatcher School, 1949-1963, 1968-1969
Sherman Chickering 1929 Attorney and conservationist; a founder, Sugar Bowl Ski Area, Norden, California [1939] and namesake, Sugar Bowl’s “Chick’s Challenge” ski run; president, California Fish and Game Commission; chair, California State Wildlife Conservation Commission; trustee, California Academy of Sciences [1972-1993]; donor and namesake, Chickering American River Reserve [1975]
Richard Jackson 1929 Assistant Secretary of the Navy [1957-1961]
Alfred Kidder II 1929 Archaeologist, author; panelist on the University of Pennsylvania-based-based archaeology quiz show, “What in the World?” [ca.1950-1965], winner Peabody Award
John Lardner 1929 Sports writer, war correspondent; author Southwest Passage: the Yanks in the Pacific [1943]
Thomas M. Lasater 1929 Rancher and cattle breeder, Texas and Colorado; developer of Beefmaster cattle [1931-], recognized as a distinct breed by the USDA [1954]
Despina Plakias Messinesi 1929 Editor, Vogue magazine [1941-1992]
J. Quigg Newton Jr. 1929 Activist mayor of Denver [1947-1955]; president, American Municipal Association [1949-1950]; president, University of Colorado [1956-1963]; president, The Commonwealth Fund, New York [1964-1975] with special interest in health-care delivery and creation of HMOs; Denver’s municipal auditorium named in honor of Quigg Newton [2003]
Kennett Longley Rawson 1929 Explorer, author, editor, and publisher; as a PA student, participated in MacMillan Arctic Expeditions [1925-1929]; navigator, 2nd Byrd Antarctic Expedition [1933-35]; post-WWII, president, David McKay & Rawson, Wade [publishers]; author, “A Boys Eye View of the Arctic” [1926]; namesake, Rawson Plateau, Antarctica; recipient, Navy Cross [1935]
Peregrine White 1929 Attorney for the Manhattan Project; worked on Fermi patent for first nuclear reactor [1942-1955]; post WWII, R&D general council, Dept. of Defense; research editor, National Academy of Sciences [1969-1977]

Wingate Paine1932Commercial photographer, specialist in fashion and illustration work; author, “Mirror of Venus” [1967]19

Name Class Areas of Note
Jane Goodell 1930 Red Cross officer, WWII, in charge of GI recreation facilities, Iceland; author, “They Sent Me to Iceland” [1943]
Donald B. Jones 1930 New Jersey conservationist, historic preservationist & philanthropist; president, NJ Conservation Foundation [1980-83]; namesake, annual NJCF Donald Jones Hike
Edith Keller 1930 Private, Women’s Army Corps [WAC][1944-]
John Usher Monro 1930 Director of Financial Aid, Harvard [1950-1957]; pioneered need-based financial aid and expanded educational opportunities for African-Americans; dean of Harvard College [1957-1967]; director of freshman studies, Miles College, Birmingham, Alabama [1967-1977]; recipient, Fuess Award [1982]
John Newell 1930 President, Bath Iron Works shipyard [1950-1965]; in retirement, a nationally prominent opponent of nuclear power, proponent of solar power
Donna Brace Ogilvie 1930 Chair, National Board, Girls Inc. [1972-]; benefactor, Girls Inc., Stanford Hospital, Yale University, Abbot Academy, and Phillips Academy; recipient, Fuess Award [1997]
Richard H. O’Kane 1930 Outstanding World War II submarine commander in the Pacific theatre [1943-1944], sinking 24 enemy ships & rescuing dozens of downed pilots; prisoner of war [1944-1945]; recipient, Medal of Honor [1947]; Rear Admiral [1957]; namesake, USS O’Kane [1998]
Helen Ripley 1930 Ensign, US Navy WAVES, Helped break the Japanese code [1944-]
William L. Sachse 1930 Rhodes Scholar [1935-]; history professor, U Wisconsin; author, “The Colonial American in Great Britain” [1978]
Roul Tunley 1930 Journalist and author focused on social policies issues; author, “Kids, Crime & Chaos” [1962], “The America’s Health Scandal” [1966], “To Be a Journalist” [2005]
Keith Brown 1931 Pole vaulter at Phillips Academy and Yale; set world record [1935]
John L. Cooper 1931 Chairman, Massachusetts Financial Services [-1978]; chair, Mount Holyoke College Board of Trustees [1971-1979]
Augustus Heckscher II 1931 Cofounder, Yale Political Union [1934]; New York City art commissioner [1957-1962]; special consultant on the arts to President Kennedy [1962-1963]; director, 20th Century Fund [1957-1967]
James Lardner 1931 Herald-Tribune Paris reporter covering Spanish Civil War; joined the Lincoln Brigade; killed in action [1938]
Max Franklin Millikan 1931 Cofounder, Yale Political Union [1934]; professor of economics and director, Center for International Relations, MIT [1952-1969]
Arthur Murray Preston 1931 World War II torpedo boat commander; recipient, Medal of Honor for gallantry in battle [1944]
Russell B. Roth 1931 Physician and advocate on behalf of the medical profession; vice speaker, American Medical Association House of Delegates [1966-1968], speaker [1969-1972], AMA president [1973-1974]
Lyman Spitzer 1931 Leader in space astronomy, plasma physics; chair, Princeton Astrophysical Sciences Department [1947-]; founder & director, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory [1951-1967]; designer, first telescope-bearing satellite; champion of what became the Hubble Space Telescope [1946-1990]; recipient, National Medal of Science [1979]; namesake, Spitzer Space Telescope [launched 2003]
William S. Vickrey 1931 Economist; winner, Nobel Prize in Economics [1996] for economic theory of incentives under asymmetric information
Stewart Wolf 1931 Physician and medical researcher; pioneer in study of stress & hypertension; supervisor of clinical research and head, Department of Medicine, University of Nebraska [1953-1967]; president, board of regents, National Medical Library [1967-1969]
Isabel Arms 1932 Ensign, US Navy WAVES [1944-]
John P. Austin 1932 Member, US Olympic Rowing Team [1936]
William S. Beinecke 1932 President/CEO/ chairman, Sperry & Hutchinson [1960-1980]; chairman, Yale Development Board [1969]; founding chairman, Central Park Conservancy [1980-1985]; chairman/chairman emeritus, Hudson River Foundation [1980-]
Norman Cahners 1932 Founder, president and chair, Cahners Publishing [1946-86], leading trade magazine publishers; a hammer-through champion at Harvard, Cahners refused to try out for the Berlin Olympics [1936]; philanthropist and trustee of many colleges, hospitals and civic agencies; president and then chair, Boston Museum of Science [1972-1986]; recipient, Harvard Business Statesman Award [1977], American Business Press Honor Scroll Award [1984], Annual Award, National Conference of Christians and Jews [1986]
John M. Cates Jr. 1932 Diplomat; State Department expert on the United Nations and Latin America [1947-1970]; president, Center for Inter-American Relations [1971-1975]
Robert H. Cory Jr. 1932 Founder and director, William Penn House [1966-], Washington, a Quaker center promoting peace and justice; recipient, Fuess Award [1978]
Raymond Dennett 1932 Expert on treaty negotiations; director, World Peace Foundation [1946-54], president, American-Scandinavian Foundation; author “Negotiating with the Russians” [1951]
Neison Harris 1932 Founder and president, Toni beauty products [1944-1962]; transformed Pittsburgh Railways into the diversified Pittway Company [1960s]; president/chair, Pittway [1962-]
Gladwin Hill 1932 London-based AP war correspondent [1942-1945];first New York Times Los Angeles bureau chief [1946-1968]; author, “Dancing Bear: an Inside Look at California Politics” [1968]; first national environmental correspondent, New York Times [1969-1979]
Miye Hirooka 1932 Translator, Tokyo [ca.1940-]
Adrian C. “Ace” Israel 1932 Investment banker; president, Bache & Company [1965-1966], chairman, People’s Drug [1975-]; founder and CEO, ACLI International, commodities trading firm [-1981]; vice chair, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
Oliver Jensen 1932 Cofounder, American Heritage Magazine [1954] and Horizon Magazine [1958]; editor, American Heritage [1959-1976]
Ring Lardner Jr. 1932 Screenwriter and author; screenwriter, “Woman of the Year” – winner, Academy Award for best screenplay [1942], “Laura” [1944], “Brotherhood of Man” [1946], “Forever Amber” [1947]; a left-wing activist in the 1930s and 40s, Lardner was one of “The Hollywood Ten” blacklisted and fired by studios [1947]; moved to England, wrote under pseudonyms; comeback as screenwriter for the movie “M*A*S*H” – winner, Academy Award, best screenplay and Cannes Best Picture [1970]
Richard A. Moore 1932 Attorney and diplomat; CEO, Western Broadcasting [1951-62]; special counsel to Richard Nixon [1971-73]; a founder, “The McLaughlin Group” political commentary TV show [1982-] ; Ambassador to Ireland [1989-1992]
Lovett C. Peters 1932 Founder and chairman, Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research [1988-]; recipient, Fuess Award [1978]
Henry S. Robinson 1932 Archeologist; director, American School of Classical Studies, Athens [1959-1969]
Dorothy Rockwell 1932 Journalist; Washington Bureau, Transradio Press Service [1942], Philadelphia Inquirer [1945-]; president, Newspaper Guild of Washington [1945-]
Alexis Thompson 1932 Member, US Olympic Men’s Field Hockey Team [1936] and US Bobsled Team [1948]; owner, Philadelphia Eagles [1940-1949], winner NFL championship [1948 and 1949]
William L. Veeck Jr. 1932 As owner of the Cleveland Indians [1946-1949], helped to integrate Major League Baseball; owner, St. Louis Browns [1951-1953] and Chicago White Sox [1959-1961, 1975-1981]
John Horne Burns 1933 Novelist; author of “The Gallery” [1947]
Louis J. Hector 1933 Rhodes Scholar [1938-1940]; OSS officer operating in China, World War II; attorney; outspoken chair, Civil Aeronautics Board [1956-1959]; instrumental in creation and, as chair, administering the Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust supporting science research
Robert Ingersoll 1933 CEO Borg Warner [1958-1972]; ambassador to Japan [1972-1973], Assistant Secretary of State, East Asian Affairs [1973-1974], Deputy Secretary of State [1974-1976]; recipient, Fuess Award [1991]
Sargeant Kahanamoku 1933 Hawaiian swimmer and surfing legend [1930s-1940s]
Robert H. Krieble 1933 Chemist and industrialist; cofounder and product developer, Loctite Corporation [1953-], president/CEO/chair [1964-1986]; vice chair, Heritage Foundation [1985-1996]; founder, Krieble Institute [1989], promoting democracy, economic freedom and education in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
William Nute 1933 Medical missionary, Turkey [ca.1945-1965]; director, Christian Medical Council, National Council of Churches [1960s]; Regional Health Director, New York Public Health Service [1970s]
Gerard Piel 1933 Publisher Scientific American [1947-1984], transforming magazine, widening its appeal inflanduence; president, American Association for Advancement of Science [1985-1986]; author, “Science in the Cause of Man” [1962], “The Age of Science” [2001]
Herbert Scoville Jr. 1933 Nuclear physicist, Defense Department Special Weapons Project [1948-1955]; CIA deputy director, research & technology [1955-1963]; director for technology, Arms Control & Disarmament Agency [1963-1969]; a founder & president, Arms Control Association [1979-1985]; author, ’’Missile Madness’’ [1970] and ’’MX: Prescription for Disaster,’’ [1981]; recipient, Fuess Award [1977]; recipient, Rockefeller Public Service Award [1981]; namesake, Scoville Peace Internships Program [1987]
Albert O. “Scoop” Vorse 1933 World War II flying ace; Rear Admiral; chair, US Navy capital ship committee [1950s]
Abbot McConnell Washburn 1933 Deputy director, USIA [1953-1961]; responsible for American National Exhibition, Moscow, and Nixon visit to Russia [1959]; Federal Communications Commission (FCC) commissioner [1974-1982], advocate for cell phone communications and public television
C. Francis “Foochow” Belcher 1934 Executive director, Appalachian Mountain Club [1956-1975]
Harlan Cleveland 1934 Rhodes Scholar [1938-1939]; assistant secretary of state for international organizations [1961-1965]; US ambassador to NATO [1965-1969]; president, University of Hawaii [1969-1974]; director, Aspen Institute Program in International Affairs [1974-80]; founding dean, Hubert Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota [1980-1990]; recipient, Fuess Award [1968]
Donald Redfield Griffin 1934 Zoologist; co-discoverer of echolocation in bats [1944]; founder of cognitive ethology [1978], the study of animal thought processes; professor of zoology successively at Cornell, Harvard, Rockefeller [1953-1986]
Roderick S.G. “Steve” Hall 1934 OSS agent in the mountains of Italy, World War II; killed 1945; diary and letters recount life as a spy
William H. Harding 1934 Intercollegiate pole vault champion [1936, 1937, 1938], qualifier for the cancelled 1940 Olympic Games; headmaster, the Pike School [1956-]
Marion Harper Jr. 1934 Advertising leader, developer of advertising research and the competitive agency system; president/chair, McCann-Erickson [1948-1960]; founder, president and chairman, Interpublic Group [1961-1968], world’s largest public relations firm
Gardner Middlebrook 1934 Medical researcher, Rockefeller Institute; co-developer, hemagglutination test for TB [1948]; recipient, Pasteur Medal [1954]
Katherine Damon Reed 1934 Cofounder and business manager, Carroll Reed Ski Shops [1950-1969], pioneer in up-market catalogue sales
Frank W. Rounds Jr. 1934 Journalist and diplomat, expert on Russia; author, “A Window on Red Square” [1953]
Robert A. Uihlein Jr. 1934 President/chairman, Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company [1961-1976]; polo player and promoter in the US; namesake, Robert A. Uihlein Memorial Trophy, US Polo Association; part-owner, Milwaukee Brewers
John M. Woolsey Jr. 1934 Attorney and conservationist; prosecutor, Nuremberg war crimes trials [1945-1949]; president, Trustees of Reservations [1977-1980]; recipient, Massachusetts Audubon Society Allen Morgan Prize for land conservation
Alexander B. Adams 1935 Conservationist and author; president and later chairman, the Nature Conservancy [1960-1969]; author, “Thoreau’s Guide to Cape Cod” [1962], “The Disputed Lands” [1981]
Newell Brown 1935 Assistant Secretary of Labor [1955-1961]
James S. Copley 1935 Chairman, Copley Press and Copley News Service [1949-1973]; as editorial page editor, San Diego Union, an influential conservative; philanthropist, educational and cultural institutions; major collector of American historical documents
Robert Cushman 1935 President, Norton Company [1971-], transformed Norton into world leader in manufacture of abrasives; advocate for corporate philanthropy
Don Henry 1935 Yale All-American, lacrosse [1939]; Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient for service as Lieutenant and PT boat commander, World War II; lawyer and bank chairman; avid mountain climber who was once the oldest person to ascend Mount Denali at age 71 [1988]
Albert Kerr 1935 Headmaster, Berwick Academy [1957-1964], Peddie School [1964-1977]
William Knowles 1935 Chemist; Nobel Prize, chemistry [2002] for development of catalytic asymmetric synthesis; PA Alumni Award of Distinction, 2012
Richard Lederer 1935 Historian and etymologist, author “Colonial American English” [1985]
Charles Appleton Meyer 1935 Sears, Roebuck [1939-80], retiring as senior VP; Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs [1969-1973]; chair, Board of Trustees, Lake Forest College
Henry Salomon 1935 NBC documentarian; conceived, wrote, and produced “Victory at Sea” [1952-1953], widely acclaimed battle-centered history of World War II, recipient, Peabody and Emmy awards [1954]; director of NBC special programming projects
Robert W. Sarnoff 1935 Television executive [1948-1975]; president, RCA and NBC [1956-1975]; commissioned Gian Carlo Menotti television opera “Amahl and the Night Visitors” [1953], 1st color broadcast
James W. Swihart 1935 Diplomat; first secretary, US Embassy, London [1956], director, Department of State Office of Eastern European Affairs [1989-1991], Ambassador to Lithuania [1994-1997]
M.C. Chakrabandhu Pensiri Chakrabandhu 1936 Prince Chakrabandhu Pensiri Chakrabandhu, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thai Government [1974-1975]; namesake, Chakrabandhu Pensiri Building, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
Cleve Gray 1936 Painter, art critic, and author; known for large, abstract color-field canvases, including the 14-canvas “Threnody” series [1972-1973]; editor, writings of David Smith [1968], John Marin [1970]
Cranston Edward Jones 1936 Journalist, magazine editor, and author focused on American architecture, “Architecture Today and Tomorrow” [1961], “Marcel Breuer” [1963]; recipient, awards for excellence in architectural journalism, American Institute of Architects [1956, 1958, 1959, 1960]
Robert Huntington Knight 1936 Attorney, banker; advisor to Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations; deputy chairman/chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York [1976-1983]
John J. McLaughry 1936 All-American full back, Brown [1938, 1939]; player, New York Football Giants [1940]; head football coach, Amherst College, Brown University [1950-66]
Willis A. Trafton Jr. 1936 Speaker, Maine House of Representatives [1955-1956]
Robert T. Bower 1937 Sociologist and opinion researcher; founder/director, Bureau of Social Science Research, Washington [1950-1981]; president, American Association of Public Opinion Research; author, “Television & the Public” [1973], “Ethics in Social Research” [1978]
Vincent L. Broderick 1937 Attorney, judge, and police official; New York Police Commissioner [1965-1966]; judge, Federal District Court for the Southern District, New York [1976-1994]; chairman, criminal law committee, Judicial Conference of the United States [1990-1993]
Bertram Davis 1937 English professor and authority on Thomas Percy and Samuel Johnson; leader, American Association of University Professors [ca.1960-2001], general secretary [1967-1974]
L. Douglas Heck 1937 Diplomat; opened first US embassy in Nepal [1959] as charge d’affaires; deputy chief of mission, Tehran [1970-1974]; ambassador to Niger [1974-1976], Nepal [1977-1980]
Henry Hornblower II 1937 Stockbroker, amateur archaeologist, founder, chief sponsor, president and board chair, Plimoth Plantation living history museum, Plymouth, MA [1947-1985]
Joseph P. Lyford 1937 Pioneering journalist on urban affairs; author, “The Talk in Vandalia” [1964], “The Airtight Cage” [1966]; journalism professor, UC Berkeley [1966-1983]
Torbert MacDonald 1937 Captain, Harvard football team and roommate of John F. Kennedy; member, National Labor Relations Board [1948-1952]; congressman from Massachusetts [1955-1976] specializing in campaign finance legislation, communications [cable television] and energy
Howard A. Reed 1937 Professor of history and intercultural studies; authority on Islam, Middle Eastern history, Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University
Edward A. Robie 1937 CARE executive board member [1979-1996], chair [1986-1989]
Reed Whittemore 1937 Poet and publisher; founder of poetry magazines Furioso [ca.1940] and Carleton Miscellany [ca.1960]; critic and biographer; English professor, Carlton College [1947-1966], U Maryland [1966-84]; Library of Congress Consultant in Poetry [1964-1965, 1984-1985]; author, “The Mother’s Breast and the Father’s House” [1974], “Six Literary Lives” [1993]
L. Stanton Williams 1937 Chairman & CEO, PPG [1979-1984]; YMCA national board of trustees treasurer [1959-1964], chairman [1983-1985]; donor to medical, historical and educational institutions
Orlando S. Barr III 1938 Theologian; chair, New Testament Studies, General Theological Seminary; author, “The Apostles Faith,” “The Christian New Morality”
William Copley 1938 Surrealist painter, art dealer and collector; supporter of artists through the William and Noma Copley Foundation [1953-]
Richard FitzHugh 1938 Biophysicist; research, National Institute of Neurological Disorders [1956-1985]; primary developer of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model fundamental to neuroscience
George W. Goethals II 1938 Psychologist and educator focused on youth and schools; Sarah Lawrence College and later Harvard faculties [1952-1995]; author “The Role of Schools in Mental Health” [1962], “Experiencing Youth” [1986]
Jules Gregory 1938 Architect and planner, best known for suburban modernist houses [1950s-1960s]
John Leggett 1938 Novelist, biographer, and educator; director of Writers’ Workshop, University of Iowa [1969-1987]
Donald Montgomery Reynolds 1938 Microbiologist and educator, UC Davis [1948-1974]; UNESCO volunteer in Africa; founder, Hammarskjold House, University of California Davis and Oversees Blind Foundation; author “The Teacher as Servant”
John R. Stevenson 1938 Attorney, chairman, Sullivan & Cromwell [1979-]; president, American Society of International Law [1966-1968]; US member, Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague [1969-1979]; Assistant Secretary of State [1969-1972]; delegate, Law of the Sea Conference [1973-1975]; board president, National Gallery of Art [1978-1983]
George C. Tooker 1938 Painter, active ca.1950-
Jordan Whitelaw 1938 Pre-eminent producer of symphonic music on radio and television [1953-1981] for WGBH Boston and PBS
John M. Blum 1939 Yale history professor, political biographer; author, “Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality” [1956], “The National Experience: A History of the United States” [1977]; recipient, DeVane Medal for Distinguished Scholarship and Undergraduate Teaching
Francis L. Broderick 1939 Peace Corps director in Ghana [1964]; history professor; 1st chancellor, University of Massachusetts, Boston [1968-1972]
Harold Chase 1939 Major General, Marine Corps [ca.1975-]; deputy assistant secretary of defense [1977-1980]; professor of political science, U Minnesota; namesake, Marine Corps’ Major General Harold Chase Prize, honoring challenges to “conventional wisdom” in Corps policies
Mary “Maria” Curtis-Verna 1939 Dramatic soprano; Milan debut [1949], US debut [1950], Metropolitan Opera debut [1957]; recipient, Hollins University Alumnae Medal [1968]
David Cuthell 1939 Diplomat [1947-1975]; director, Office of Southwest Pacific Affairs [1962-1966]; charge d’affaires, US Embassy, Turkey; authority on Turkey and Islamic law;
Henry Loeb III 1939 Mayor of Memphis [1960-1963, 1968-1971] during the Memphis Sanitation Strike [1968] and assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
George Parker Jr. 1939 Attorney and oil executive; director, Texaco [1961-1993]; founder, Western European Architecture Foundation and the Gabriel Prize for study of French architecture and landscape design [1991]
Holt W. Webster 1939 Pioneer, commercial airfreight; founder, Pacific Air Freight [1951]; founder, president and later chairman, Airborne Freight Corp / Airborne Express [1968-1984]
Thomas J. Whelan Jr. 1939 Major General and army surgeon; specialist in trauma surgery; chief of surgery, Walter Reed General Hospital [1959-1962, 1969-1973]; chief of surgery, Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu [1965-1969]; chairman of surgery, University of Hawaii Medical School [1973-]
Walter C. Wicker Jr. 1939 As a volunteer in the Royal Canadian Air Force, Wicker was the first Andover graduate killed in action during World War II [April 1942]
Name Class Areas of Note
Robert Anderson 1940 Diplomat [1946-1988]; ambassador to Dahomey [1972-1974], Morocco [1976-1978] and the Dominican Republic [1982-1985]
John B. Arnold 1940 President, GTE International [-1978]
Frank C. Carr 1940 Founder & director INROADS, an international, non-profit career-development program for minority students through corporate internships [1970-1983]; Roman Catholic parish priest [1986-1996]
Walter J. P. Curley Jr. 1940 Ambassador to Ireland [1975-1977]; Ambassador to France [1989-1993]
Marietta Meyer Ekberg 1940 Principal owner and chair, Meyer Broadcasting, television pioneer; owner KFYR-TV, Bismarck, North Dakota [1953-1998] and affiliated stations
Robert Neville Ginsburgh 1940 Air Force major general; defense analyst & information officer, US Air Force [1944-191971]; director, Air Force information [1972-1974]; editor in chief, Strategic Review, Joint Chiefs of Staff [1975-1976]
Frederick Goerner 1940 German exchange student at Andover 1938-1939; German U-boat commander, World War II
Nicholas M. Greene 1940 A founder of modern anesthesiology, medical researcher; founder, Department of Anesthesiology, Yale Medical School [1955-1987]; editor-in-chief, Anesthesiology, and Anesthesia and Analgesia; recipient, American Society of Anesthesia Distinguished Service Award [1989]
Nancy Harrison 1940 Head nurse, Jimmy Fund [ca.1950-]
Townsend Hoopes 1940 Principal deputy secretary of defense, international security affairs [1965-67], under secretary of the Air Force [1967-1969]; co-chair, Americans for SALT; author, “Townsend Hoopes on Arms Control” [1987]; “The Life & Times of James Forrestal” [1992]; president, Association of American Publishers [1973-1986]; recipient, Bancroft Prize in History for “The Devil and John Foster Dulles” [1973]
William B. Macomber, Jr. 1940 Asst. secretary of state [1957-1961, 1969-1973]; ambassador to Jordan [1961-1963]; ambassador to Turkey [1973-1977]; President Metropolitan Museum of Art [1978-1986]; recipient, Fuess Award [1972]
Hugh Masters 1940 Yachtsman; winner, King Edward VII Gold Cup [1961]
James J. McCaffrey 1940 cofounder and chair, McCaffrey & McCall [1962-1973] ad agency representing Rolls-Royce, Mercedes-Benz, Tiffany & Company
Daniel Pinkham 1940 Organist, choral conductor and composer; named Composer of the Year, American Guild of Organists [1990]; recipient, Fuess Award and Alfred Nash Patterson Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions to the Choral Arts [both 1996]
Mary Spaulding Powell 1940 Red Cross worker with American troops in the Southwest Pacific, World War II
Robert K. Barron 1941 First Andover student to leave and join war effort during World War II; volunteered for the Royal Canadian Air Force March, 1941; killed in action February, 1944
Frederick G. Crane III 1941 Conservationist; cofounder [1967] and president, Berkshire Natural Resources Council
Richard L. Gelb 1941 President/CEO/chairman, Bristol-Myers Squibb [1967-1995]; director and chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; chair, Sloan-Kettering Board of Managers [1983-2004]; philanthropist; recipient, Yale George H.W. Bush Lifetime of Leadership Award [2003]
Thomas B. Hartmann 1941 New Jersey public official and political advisor; media/journalism professor, Rutgers; recipient Rutgers Presidential Award for Distinguished Public Service [1992]
Harvey Kelsey Jr. 1941 Princeton sprinter; intercollegiate champion, 100-yard and 220-yard dashes [1943]
Robert C. Macauley 1941 Founder, AmeriCares [1982] international relief agency, which has provided more than $7 billion in aid; recipient, Fuess Award [1989]; recipient, US Government Jefferson Award for Public Service [1991]
William S. Moorhead 1941 Democratic congressman from Pittsburgh [1959-1980]; key legislative backer for the establishment of the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities [1964]; also key to New York City fiscal bailout, freedom of information legislation and funding for development of synthetic fuels; recipient, Fuess Award [1968]
Theodore H. Shepard II 1941 Pediatrician and authority on teratology, the study of abnormalities of physiological development; author “Catalogue of Teratogenic Agents”
Arthur Upton 1941 Pathologist, director, National Cancer Institute [1977-1980]; director, Institute of Environmental Medicine, New York University [1980-1993]; recipient, Fuess Award [1980]
H. Donald Wilson 1941 Peace Corps director, Ethiopia [1964-1966]; database pioneer and entrepreneur; as first president of Mead Data Central, made LexisNexis a successful technology [1970-]; involved in many other tech startups from the 1960s into the 21st century
Jerome M. Ziegler 1941 Educator and public policy expert in education; Pennsylvania Commissioner of Higher Education [1972-1975]; dean, College of Human Ecology, Cornell [1977-1988]; founder, Cornell Leadership Institute for School Principals [1995]
Thomas D. Barrow 1942 Oil geologist and wildcatter; president, Humble Oil [1970-1972]; senior Vice President, Exxon [1972-1978]; chairman and CEO, Kennecott Corp. [1978-1981]; president & chair, Houston Grand Opera; recipient, Heroy Award, American Geological Institute [2007]
James J. Beggs 1942 Cox, US Olympic Crew Team [1952]; coach, gold medal winning US Olympic Crew pair [1956]
George H. W. Bush 1942 World War II Navy torpedo bomber pilot, Pacific theatre, shot down and rescued [September 1944]; Texas Republican congressman [1967-1971]; United Nations ambassador [1971-1973]; chairman, Republican National Committee [1972-1974]; chief, US Liaison Office, People’s Republic of China [1974-1976]; CIA director [1976-1977]; vice president [1981-89]; 41st President of the United States [1989-1993]; recipient, Fuess Award [1981]; coauthor, “A World Transformed” [1998]; author, “All the Best” [1999]; namesake, aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush [commissioned 2009]; recipient, Medal of Freedom [2011]; PA Alumni Award of Distinction, 2012
James H.H. Carrington 1942 Six-time, three-sport Naval Academy All-American in football, swimming, and lacrosse [1946-1948] winner, World Masters Doubles title in squash
David Chavchavadze 1942 US Army liaison officer, Soviet Union, World War II; CIA officer [1947-1974]; researcher and author on Russian nobility; author “The Grand Dukes” [1989], “Crowns and Trench coats: a Russian prince in the CIA” [1990]
William Sloane Coffin Jr. 1942 Protestant minister, civil rights and peace activist; chaplain, Phillips Academy [1957-1958], Yale University [1958-1975], senior minister, Riverside Church, New York [1977-1987]; recipient, Fuess Award [2003]; author, “A Holy Impatience” [2004]
Helen Craig 1942 PFC, Marine Corps [1944-]
Gordon Elliot 1942 Initiator and organizer of magnet school programs, Boston; teacher, Boston English High School; recipient, Fuess Award [1978]
Saul Horowitz Jr. 1942 Builder; president and later chairman, HRH Construction, New York [1965-, 1972-1975], builders of the Whitney Museum, United Nations Plaza, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital; president, Associated General Contractors of America [-1975]
Rowland P. McKinley Jr. 1942 Headmaster, University School, Cleveland [1963-1988]
Ivan Morris 1942 Linguist, specialist in Asian languages and cultures; Columbia Department of East Asian Languages faculty [1960-1973], chair [1966-1969]; translator, “The Temple of the Golden Pavilion” [1959]; author, “The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan” [1975]; a founder, American section, Amnesty International and chair [1973-1976]
Godfrey Rockefeller 1942 A founder and first executive director, World Wildlife Fund [1972-1979]; chairman, Chesapeake Bay Foundation [1981-1991]
Paul Schumacher 1942 Historic archaeologist, principally with the National Park Service; excavator and interpreter of Franklin Court, Philadelphia [1953-1955]
Frank Strong 1942 Captain, Harvard Crew [1947] and member Harvard Eight which set world record at 2000 meters; national champions [1947]
Manuel Enrique Tavares Espaillat 1942 Dominican Republic political leader and diplomat; triumvirate member [1963-1965]; foreign minister [1980s]
David Ammen 1943 Race car driver [1962-]; president, Road Racing Drivers Club
Clarence M. “Mort” Bishop Jr. 1943 President [1969-1989] and co-chair, Pendleton Woolen Mills [1969-2007]
Robert Coulson 1943 Attorney and arbitrator; president, American Arbitration Association [ca1975-1995]; author “How to Stay Out of Court” [1968], “Fighting Fair” [1983]
Dick “Dude” Duden 1943 All-American end and captain, Naval Academy football team [1945]; New York Football Giants team [1949]; a football coach for Navy [1951-1973]; member College Football Hall of Fame [2001]
Craig Gilbert 1943 Television writer, director, and producer; conceived, produced and directed 12-part PBS documentary “Am American Family” [1973]
Thomas J. Hudner Jr. 1943 Navy aviator; recipient, Medal of Honor for extraordinary bravery, Korean Conflict [1950]; commissioner, Massachusetts Dept. of Veterans Services [1991-1999]; namesake, Arleigh Burke-class destroyer Thomas Hudner
Jack Lemmon 1943 Movie actor, comedian best known for roles in “Mr. Roberts” [1955], “Some Like It Hot” [1959], “The Apartment” [1960] and “Save the Tiger” [1973]; Academy Award, Best Supporting Actor [1955], Best Actor in a Leading Roll [1973]; Cannes Film Festival, Best Actor Award [1979, 1982]; Golden Globe Award, Best Comedy Actor [1959, 1960, 1972]
Roger H.V.C. Morgan 1943 Librarian, House of Lords [1977-1991]; appointed Commander of the British Empire [1991]
Stuart Johnston Northrop 1943 Chairman and CEO, Huffy Corporation [-1984], in the 1960s and 1970s, world’s largest manufacturer of bicycles
Pierre Birel Rosset-Cournand 1943 French parachutist, World War II; killed behind enemy lines [1944]; recipient, Legion d’honneur
Julio Mario Santo Domingo 1943 Columbian industrialist and financier; Columbian ambassador to China, Australia, New Zealand
Thomas Sarnoff 1943 Television executive, producer; head, NBC West Coast and president, NBC Entertainment [ca.1965-1975]; chairman, Sarnoff Entertainment [1981-]; chair, board of trustees, Academy of Television Arts & Sciences [1973-1974]; recipient, ATAS Syd Cassyd Award [1997]
Bardwell Smith 1943 Professor of religion and Asian studies; dean, Carlton College [1967-1972]; author, “Narratives of Sorrow and Dignity: Japanese Women, Pregnancy Loss, and Modern Rituals of Grieving” [2013]
Dwight Stuart 1943 President/CEO, Carnation Company [1973-1983]; founder and funder, Dwight Stuart Foundation for Youth [2001]
Samuel P. Arnold 1944 Chef, founder, and operator, The Fort [1963-], an “Old West” themed restaurant outside Denver, a freely adapted invocation of Colorado’s 1st fir trading post, Bent’s Fort [1834]
William W. Boeschenstein 1944 President/CEO/chairman, Owens-Corning Fiberglas [1971-1990]
Carleton S. Coon Jr. 1944 Diplomat; ambassador to Nepal [1981-1984]
William A. Graham 1944 Television and film director; recipient, Emmy Award “Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic” [1960]; feature film director including “Change of Habit” [1969] starring Elvis Presley and Mary Tyler Moore
Frederick D. Greene II 1944 Chemistry professor, MIT; editor, Journal of Organic Chemistry [1962-1988]; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science [2000]
Heyward Isham 1944 Authority on the Soviet Union and Vietnam; US-North Vietnam peace negotiator [c.1969-1971]; US Ambassador to Haiti [1974-1977]; director, State Department Office Combating Terrorism [1978-]; author, “Remaking Russia” [1995]
Victor Kiam 1944 Entrepreneur; part owner, and CEO, Benrus Watch Corporation [1968-]; owner, CEO &and TV promoter, Remington Electric Razor [1979-2001]; owner, New England Patriots Football Team [1988-1992]
Elihu Lauterpacht 1944 Founder and first director, Research Centre for International Law (now the Lauterpacht Centre), Cambridge University [1984-1995]; specialist in inter-state litigation before the International Court of Justice; QC [1970], Commander of the British Empire [1989], knighted [1996]
Mason Lord 1944 Pioneer in geriatric medicine, laying foundations for long-term geriatric care at Johns Hopkins and Baltimore City Hospitals [1963-]; namesake, Mason Lord Building, Johns Hopkins Bayview Campus and Mason Lord Professorship, Johns Hopkins
Thomas R. Morse Jr. 1944 Judicial administrator and reformer; associate justice, Massachusetts Superior Court [1974-1983], chief justice [1983-1988]
J. Gilvert “Gib” Reese 1944 Licking County, Ohio philanthropist; backer of Newark, Ohio campus of Ohio State and Central Ohio Technical College
William Kelly Simpson 1944 Egyptologist, Yale University [1965-2003]; author and editor, “The Terrace of the Great God at Abydosa” [1978]
Whitney Stevens 1944 President/Chairman, J.P. Stevens Company [1969-1989]
Julia Tavares de Alvarez 1944 Ambassador and Alternate Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations [1978-2001], known as “the Ambassador on Aging;” recipient, Duarte Medal, the highest honor bestowed by the Dominican Republic
Wheelock Whitney 1944 Investment banker, philanthropist, and politician; a founder, Johnson Institute, combating chemical dependency [1966]; Republican candidate for US senator from Minnesota [1964] and governor [1982]; “Investment Banker of the Year” [1971]
William Scovill Anderson 1945 Classicist specializing in Latin poetry; professor, UC Berkeley [1960-1995]; president, American Philological Association [1970-1973, 1977-]; author, “Essays on Roman Satire” [1982], “Ovid’s Metamorphoses” [1998]
Meridan Bennett 1945 Peace Corps staffer and evaluator; Peace Corps program director, Cyprus; coauthor, “Agents of Change: A Close Look at the Peace Corps” [1968]
Broughton H. Bishop 1945 Chairman, Pendleton Woolen Mills [1969-]
Robert Skinner Boyd 1945 Journalist; Knight-Ridder Washington bureau chief [1967-1986] and chief correspondent [1995-]; science and technology editor, McClatchy Newspapers [ca.200-]; recipient, Pulitzer Prize [1973] for Thomas Eagleton investigation
Hilary Paterson Cleveland 1945 Professor of political science, Colby-Sawyer College [1955-1990]; president, New Hampshire Historical Society; in the 1990s, US representative, International Joint Commission, United States/Canada [1989-]
Robert C. Dean Jr. 1945 Engineer, inventor, and entrepreneur; engineering professor, Dartmouth [1961-1984]; expertise in fluid mechanics, plasma-arcs, biomechanics; founder, Synergy Innovations and other technology firms
Donald Dunbar 1945 All-American in soccer at Amherst College [1949]
Bruce Gelb 1945 Chairman, Choate Rosemary Hall board of trustees [1982-1985]; director, USIA [1989-1991]; ambassador to Belgium [1991-1993]; president, American Council of Ambassadors [ca.2004-]
George D. Gould 1945 Chairman, Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Securities [1974-]; president, Madison Fund [1976-]; chairman, New York Municipal Assistance Corporation [1979-]; as Under Secretary of Treasury for Finance [1985-1989], a proponent of deregulation of financial industry
Peter M. Grosz 1945 Aviation historian, authority on World War I aircraft; executor and authority on the work of his father, Expressionist artist George Grosz; recipient, Germany’s Commander’s Cross of Merit
George F. “Fritz” Jewett 1945 Chair, 5 America’s Cup syndicates [1973-2000], winning with “Freedom” [1980] and “Stars and Stripes” [1987]; Chair, San Francisco Asian Art Commission [1967-] San Francisco Asian Art Museum
R. Crosby Kemper Jr. 1945 President and later chairman, UMB Bank of Kansas City [1959-2004]; founder, Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City [1994]
Harry Koepke 1945 Interior designer responsible for more than 800 Florsheim shoe stores in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Australia [1952-1991]
Lawrence Kohlberg 1945 Psychologist and theorist on moral development; creator, “Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development” [1958]; professor, University of Chicago, Harvard [1961-1987]; namesake, Kohlberg Memorial Lecture [1988]
James Lebenthal 1945 Chairman, Lebenthal & Company; through creative advertising, creator of the Lebenthal “brand” in municipal bonds [1960s-1990s]
Edward Madeira Jr. 1945 Attorney and a national leader in promotion of judicial independence; chair, Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements, member, Presidential Commission on the Separation of Powers; recipient, American Bar Association John Marshall Award [2009]
Richard H. Masters 1945 Member, Bermuda Olympic Sailing Team [1960]
Harold A. B. McInnes 1945 President/CEO/chairman Amp, Inc. [1981-1993]; first recipient, Spirit of Philanthropy Award, Foundation for Enhancing Communities [2008]
Marvin Minsky 1945 Authority on artificial intelligence, computers, robotics; MIT faculty [1958-] and co-founder, MIT Artificial Intelligence laboratory; inventor, confocal scanning microscope [1961]; author, “The Emotion Machine” [2006]; recipient, Turing Award [1969], Joseph Priestly Award [1995], Frontiers of Knowledge Award [2014]
G. David Schine 1945 Anti-communist associated with Roy Cohn in the Army-McCarthy Hearings [1954]; entertainment industry entrepreneur; music publisher, movie producer [including Academy Award winning “The French Connection,” 1971], promoter of high-definition television
Anthony Towne 1945 Poet; with the Berrigan brothers and partner William Stringfellow, anti-war activist during the Vietnam era
Sam Bass Warner 1945 Urban historian; president, Urban History Association [1990-]; Guggenheim Fellow [1976]; author, “The Exploding Metropolis” [1958], “Streetcar Suburbs” [1962], “The Urban Wilderness” [1972]
William H. Wilbur Jr. 1945 First of 8 Phillips Academy alumni killed in the Korean Conflict [1950]
Edward C. Wilson 1945 Chairman, Chicago Board of Trade [1970-1971]
Louis B. “By” Barnes 1946 Professor of organizational behavior, Harvard Business School [1968-ca.2008]; pedagogue; authority on the dynamics of family-owned businesses and the case method of teaching; president, Iran Center for Management Studies, Tehran [1975-1977]
Jeffrey D. Bush 1946 Rhodes Scholar, 1950-
Dick Carter 1946 Designer and owner of racing yachts; winner Fastnet Race [1965, 1969]; designer, North American 40 [1977]
Otis Chandler 1946 Publisher, Los Angeles Times, 1960-1980; winner, Pulitzer public service prizes [1966, 1969, 1971, 1976, 1978]; called “the last great 20th-century newspaper publisher”
Marian “Mickey” Friedman 1946 Gerontologist; contributing author, Our Bodies Ourselves (1984, 2005)
John D. Macomber 1946 Senior partner, McKinsey & Co. [1954-1973]; CEO/chairman, Celanese Corporation [1973-1986]; chairman, US Export-Import Bank [1989-1992]; chairman, Council for Excellence in Government [1993-]
Richard J. Phelps 1946 Founder, Superior Brands/Phelps Industries [1966-]; philanthropist in support of educational institutions and educational opportunity through financial aid
Henry A. Rentschler 1946 Member, Princeton national champion lightweight crew [1948], Henley Thames Challenge Cup winners [1948, 1949]
Jonathan W. Rogers 1946 Chair/CEO, Mortgage Investment Company of El Paso [1963-1984]; mayor of El Paso [1981-1989]
Philip W.K. Sweet 1946 Chair/CEO, Northern Trust, Chicago, 1980s; chair, Chicago Zoological Society, 1990s
Gustavo Arturo Tavares 1946 Chair, Tavares Industrial, Dominican Republic [1950-1995], Maritima Dominicana [1971-1995]; founder and president, Accion Para La Educacion Basica
David Thaw 1946 Opera singer, tenor; member, Bavarian State Opera [1963-2006]
William M. Van Cleve 1946 Attorney; managing partner/chairman, Bryan Cave LLP [1973-1994]; chairman, board of trustees, Washington University, St. Louis [1993-1995]
D. Michael Winton 1946 Minnesota investor, civic leader, and architectural patron; Winton Guest House [1983-1987] designed by Frank Gehry became an international sensation; Northwest Center designed by Cesar Pelli [1989]
John B. Addison 1947 Chairman, University of California Berkeley Department of Mathematics [1973-]; specialist in Tarski’s Undefinability Theorem
Alexander Blackburn 1947 Author and editor; founder and editor, Writers’ Forum magazine [1974-1995] showcasing writers of the western US
Donald L.M. Blackmer 1947 Political scientist, MIT, specialist in comparative politics, focus on communist regimes; author, Unity in Diversity: Italian Communism [1968]; chair, Council for European Studies
Carol Bly 1947 Short-story writer and writing instructor; author, My Lord Bag of Rice: New and Selected Stories (2000)
Warren “Archie” Brown 1947 Yachtsman; competitor in Fastnet and 18 Bermuda races; recipient, Cruising Club of America Blue Water Medal
Edward C. Carter II 1947 Librarian, American Philosophical Society; editor-in-chief, The Papers of Benjamin Henry Latrobe (1995); director, National Lewis and Clark Bicentennial [2003-2006]
Edward H. Carus Jr. 1947 Owner/commander, research vessel Aeolus, taking botanical expeditions in search of new plant species, Marquesas Islands for Bishop Museum, Smithsonian Institution, etc. [1988, 1997]
Joseph Champlin 1947 Catholic priest, authority on Catholic liturgy and pastoral subjects, syndicated columnist and radio commentator; author, What it Means to be Catholic (1986)
Martha Abbot Comstock 1947 Lay leader, Episcopal Church; assistant presiding officer, Triennial Meeting
Harry M. Cornell Jr. 1947 President/CEO/Chairman, Leggett & Platt [1960-2002]
Peter E. Fleming Jr. 1947 Defense attorney representing high-profile clients including Attorney General John Mitchell, fugitive financier Robert Vesco, attorney Anita Hill and fight (boxing) promoter Don King
Mary Lee Peck Garfield 1947 Attorney, domestic policy advisor, Reagan Administration, 1981-; breeder of champion Weimaraners
Frederick “Fritz” Ingram 1947 Chair, Ingram Industries [1963-1989]; chair, board of visitors, Tulane University, 1972-1979
Warren Kiefer 1947 Screenwriter and novelist; author, The Lingala Code (1972), recipient, Edgar Award
David Nathan 1947 Medical researcher specializing in bone marrow disorders, medical administrator; president, Dana Farber Cancer Institute [1995-2000]; recipient, National Medal of Science [1990], American Pediatric Association John Howland Medal [2003], Kober Medal, Association of American Physicians [2006]
David T. Owsley 1947 Arts curator, collector, and donor to museums at Ball State and Dallas
J. Mark Rudkin 1947 Artist, landscape architect, philanthropist; designer, gardens at the Palais-Royal, Paris, American Museum, Giverny; philanthropist in support of Egyptian antiquities and 20th-century American art; Chevalier, Legion d’honneur [2005]
Marion White Singleton 1947 Renaissance poetry authority; English professor, Dartmouth College; author, God’s Courtier (1988)
James Marshall Tory 1947 Canadian lawyer and QC; specialist in corporate law; recipient, University of Toronto Law School Gold Medal [1952]; namesake, Tory Chair, Dean of Toronto Law School [2000]
Alexander B. Trowbridge 1947 Secretary of Commerce [1967-1968]; President, the Conference Board [1970-1976]; president, National Association of Manufacturers [1979-1989] and namesake, Sandy Trowbridge Award for Community Service
Victor M. Tyler II 1947 Founder/CEO, Concord EFS, computer software and financial services company [1970-1989]
Peter J. Urnes 1947 Rhodes Scholar [1951-]
Frank Wille 1947 Banker, attorney; chair and CEO, New York Savings Bank; superintendent of banks, State of New York [1964-1970]; chairman, FDIC [1970-1976]
Thomas Wyman 1947 CEO, CBS [1980-1986]; chairman, S. G. Warburg & Company [1992-1995]; chairman, Amherst College Board of Trustees [1986-1992]
Merrill Orne “Bink” Young 1947 Episcopal priest; Freedom Rider jailed in Jackson, Mississippi [1961]; professor of church history, St. Lawrence University [1970-1995]
Russell T. Barnhart 1948 Gambling expert; author, “Beat the Dealer” [1962], “Casino Gambling” [1978], “Beating the Wheel” [1992]
Charles Rowan Beye 1948 Classicist; author, “Ancient Greek Literature and Society” [1987], “Ancient Epic Poetry” [1993], Odysseus: a Life” [2004]
Piya Chakkaphak 1948 Free Thai commando and OSS radio operator, World War II; director, National Security Agency of Thailand [1980-1987]
Floyd Downs 1948 Arizona math instructor and coauthor, influential “new math” high-school textbook “Geometry” [1964]; namesake, Floyd L. Downs Teaching of Mathematics Fellowship, Arizona State University [2008]
Glen S. Foster 1948 Yachtsman; bronze medalist, Tempest Class, 1972 Olympics; winner, 5.5 worlds [1995]; holder, Scandinavian Gold Cup; member, US Olympic Yachting Committee; collector of marine art
John Geyman 1948 Physician, professor of Family Medicine, University of Washington; founding editor, Journal of Family Practice [1973-1990]; national health insurance advocate; author and blogger
Steve Gilbert 1948 Medical illustrator, tattoo artist; author, “Pictorial Anatomy of the Cat” [1987], “Pictorial Human Embryology” [1989], “Tattoo History Source Book” [2001]
Andrew P. Ireland 1948 Banker; Florida congressman [1977-1993]; initially a Democrat, became a Republican [1984]
Sidney R Knafel 1948 Venture capitalist; founder/chairman, Vision Cable [1971-1981]; chair, Insight Communications; philanthropist; chair, Harvard College Visiting Committee [1987-1992]; founder, Center for Government and International Studies, Harvard [1996]; chair, board of governors, Addison Gallery of American Art [2004-]; recipient, Harvard Medal [2006]
Paul McHugh 1948 Psychiatrist/Behavioral Scientist; psychiatrist in chief, Johns Hopkins Hospital [1975-2001]; a founding member, President’s Council on Bioethics [2002-]
Michael MacDonald Mooney 1948 Member, US 6-meter sailing team, gold medal winners, 1948 Olympics; cultural historian; author, “George Catlin” [1975], “Evelyn Nesbitt and Stanford White” [1975], “The Ministry of Culture” [1980]
Preston H. Saunders 1948 President, Appalachian Mountain Club [1965-1966, 1991-1993]; chairman, Trustees of Reservations
Alan G. Schwartz 1948 Tennis entrepreneur; member, International Tennis Federation, Davis Cup Committee; president, US Tennis Association [2003-2004]
John M. Steadman 1948 Dean, Georgetown Law School [1979-1989]; associate justice, DC Court of Appeals [1985-]
John P.B.C. Watts 1948 Lieutenant-General; British special forces commander [1970-1979]; Chief of Defense Staff, Oman Land Forces [1984-1987]; knighted [1987]
Genevieve Young 1948 Editor; managing editor, Harper Brothers [-1970], vice president and executive editor, J.B. Lippincott [1970-]; Independent Editors Group; president, Women’s Media Group [1981-1982]; president, Youth Counseling League [1989-1996]; with her mother and sisters, a refuge from war-torn China in the late 1940s
Paul Brodeur 1949 New Yorker staff writer, investigative reporter focused on environmental hazards; author, Outrageous Misconduct: The Asbestos Industry on Trial (1985), winner, American Bar Association Silver Gavel Award; recipient, American Association for the Advancement of Science Journalism Award
Dana Ripley Bullen II 1949 Journalist; Washington Star Supreme Court reporter and later foreign editor and syndicated columnist [1960-1981]; executive director, World Press Freedom Committee [1981-1996]
William Byler 1949 Executive Director, Association on American Indian Affairs [1962-1980]
Prabhas Chakkaphak 1949 OSS-trained Thai resistance fighter, World War II; economist; Thai transportation official; chairman, Union Bank of Bangkok
Paul Matthew Cleveland 1949 Diplomat; US ambassador to New Zealand [1986-1989], Malaysia [1989-1992]
Justin Dart 1949 Americans with Disabilities Act and civil rights activist, recipient, Presidential Medal of Freedom [1998]
Peter C. Dorsey 1949 US district judge, Connecticut [1983-], chief judge [1994-1998], senior judge [1998-]
Malcolm W. Gambill 1949 President/CEO/chair, HARSCO Corporation [1985-1994]
Patricia Bleecker Jones 1949 Executive director, St. Nicholas Society of New York; president general, Colonial Dames of America [1988-1991]
Winthrop D. Jordan 1949 Historian and professor of history; author, White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812 (1968), winner Parkman Prize, Bancroft Prize, Emerson Award and National Book Award for History [1969], Jules and Frances Landry Prize [1992]
Louis Kane 1949 Cofounder Au Bon Pain, Inc. [1981]; Boston civic leader and philanthropist
John W. Kimball 1949 Educator; leading author of biology textbooks, print and online, since 1965
Masaaki Kubo 1949 Classicist, University of Tokyo [1969-1991]; founder and president, Tohoku University of Art and Design [1991-]; president, The Japan Academy [2007-]
James McLane 1949 Olympic swimmer; winner, gold medals, 1500 freestyle and 4×200 [1948] and 4×200 again [1952]
Edward Packard 1949 Author of children’s books and pioneer of the second-person fiction style in “The Adventures of You on Sugarcane Island” [1969, published 1976] and made famous by his “Choose Your Own Adventure” series [1979-]
George Preble Pierce 1949 Episcopal canon; missionary, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Namibia, Nepal; negotiator, Wounded Knee Standoff [1973]; chairman, Episcopal World Mission [1980s]; national director, Episcopal Church Army [1985-]; author, Ritual and Crisis: Lakota Religious Response to Two Crises [1992]
Alan C. Purves 1949 Educator, specialist in literacy education; head, University of Illinois Laboratory School [1970-1986]; professor of education, University of New York at Albany [1986-1996] and founder, UNY Center on Writing and Teaching Literature; president, National Council of Teachers of English; chairman, International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement; editor, Research in the Teaching of English; author, “Literature and the Reader” [1972], “How Porcupines Make Love” [1995], “Portfolios for the English Classroom” [1997]; namesake, Alan C. Purves Award
Anthony Robinson 1949 Novelist and short-story writer; creative writing professor, SUNY New Paltz [1964-2000]; author, “A Departure from the Rules” [1960], “Home Again, Home Again” [1969], “The Member-Guest” [1991]
Neil Rolde 1949 Historian, specialist in Maine history; chair, Maine Public Broadcasting; author, “Sir William Pepperrell” [1982], “The Interrupted Forest: A History of Maine’s Wildlands” [2001], “Continental Liar from the State of Maine: James G. Blaine” [2007]
John Spencer 1949 Professor, African Studies, Middlebury College,1974-1998]; author The Kenyan African Union (1985); namesake, John Spencer Chair in African Studies, Middlebury College
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas 1949 Anthropologist specializing in African tribal societies and author on diverse subjects including “The Harmless People” [1959], “The Old Way: A Story of the First People” [2006], “The Hidden Life of Dogs” [1993]
James Floyd White 1949 Authority on Protestant liturgy, the sacraments and church architecture; professor of theology, Notre Dame [1983-1999]; president, North American Academy of Liturgy; recipient, NAAL Berakah Award [1983]
C. Dickie Williamson 1949 Chairman and CEO, Williamson-Dickie Corporation, apparel manufacturer [1972-1990]; director, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas [1989-1990]
Harvey Zarem 1949 Cosmetic plastic surgeon; professor and head, Plastic Surgery Division, University of Chicago Medical School [1966-1973]; professor and head of Plastic Surgery Division, UCLA Medical School [1973-1987]; featured practitioner, “Extreme Makeover” ABC Television series [ca.2004]
Name Class Areas of Note
George S. Abrams 1950 Collector of 17th-century Dutch drawings; donated to the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard [1999]
Lloyd Aiello 1950 Ophthalmologist; co-developer, laser treatment of diabetic retinopathy; director, Beetham Eye Institute; recipient, David Rumbough Scientific Award, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Outstanding Physician Clinical Award, American Diabetes Association
Anthony C. Beilenson 1950 Democratic Party politician; member, California Assembly [1963-1967] and Senate [1967-1976]; congressman [1977-1997]; member, House Rules and Budget Committees; congressional environmental activist; leader, campaign finance reform
James Brodhead 1950 Character actor, journalist, and atheist activist
Gordon Chase 1950 National Security Council White House staff; special assistant to the president for national security affairs specializing in Cuba and Latin America [1962-1966]
Ivan Chermayeff 1950 Graphic designer, illustrator, and  artist; cofounder, Chermayeff and Geismar [1957-]; recipient, Fuess Award [1979], Yale University Arts Medal, AIA Industrial Arts Medal, American Institute of Graphic Arts Medal [1979]
Constance Corey 1950 Psychotherapist; recipient, Fuess Award [1980]
William Crozier 1950 CEO and chairman, BayBanks-BankBoston [1974-1999]
Richard Gray Eder 1950 Literary critic, Los Angeles Times [1984-2000]; recipient, Pulitzer Prize for criticism [1987]
Pardee Erdman 1950 Rancher and vintner; owner Ulupalakua Ranch, Maui [1963-] and Tedeschi/Maui Winery [1977-], producer of pineapple and grape wines
Dorothy Lambert Feigenbaum 1950 President, Lady Finelle Cosmetics
Barry Campbell Good 1950 Securities analyst [1953-1988], named top oil stocks analyst by Institutional Investor
Byron S. Harvey III 1950 Anthropologist; collector/scholar, Native American art and artifacts; donor to major museums including the Heard Museum, Phoenix; author, Ritual in Pueblo Art: Hopi Life in Hopi Painting [1970]
Eddie Higgins 1950 Jazz pianist and recording artist [1956-]
Elizabeth Bradley Hubbard 1950 President, League of Women Voters of New York; executive director, Fund for Modern Courts; member New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct [2008-]
Howard B. Johnson 1950 President/CEO/chairman, Howard Johnson restaurant and motor lodge chain [ca.1961-1985]
Nora Johnson 1950 Author, “The World of Henry Orient” [1958], “Coast to Coast” [2004]
Stephen Joyce 1950 Executor of the literary estate of his grandfather, James Joyce
Carl Knight 1950 Sailboat racer; Sunfish North American Champion [1969, 1973, 1974]
Norman S. Matthews 1950 Retailer, Federated Department Stores [1978-1988], vice chair/president [1984-1988]
J. Kenneth McDonald 1950 Chair, Strategy Department, Naval War College [1970s]; CIA chief historian [1981-1995], general editor, CIA Cold War Records
James Clare Miller II 1950 Sailboat racer; national champion, Thistle Class [1969]
Harry A. Miskimin 1950 Economic history professor, Yale University [1960-1995]; author, “The Economy of Early Renaissance Europe” [1975], “The Economy of Late Renaissance Europe” [1975], “Credit and Crisis in Europe, 1300-1600” [1989]
John Ottenheimer 1950 Architect and inventor; Frank Lloyd Wright apprentice [1953-1959], collaborator on Wright’s late work [1953-1970]; designer of 100% solar-heated houses; inventor, Crossflow Wind Turbine
David Pingree 1950 Chair, Brown University Department, History of Mathematics [1986-2005]; authority on the exact sciences in antiquity, especially ancient India; recipient, Guggenheim Fellowship [1975], MacArthur Award [1981-1986]; author, “Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit” [1970-], “Babylonian Planetary Omens” [2005]
Charles A. Platt 1950 Architect [1963-]; president, Augustus St. Gaudens Memorial National Historic Site [1979-1984]; commissioner, New York Landmarks Preservation Commission [1979-1984]; chair, New York Municipal Arts Society Historic Preservation Committee [1985-]; recipient, American Institute of Architects National Honor Award for Excellence in Architectural Design [1969]
John Clark Pratt 1950 Author, “The Laotian Fragments” [1974], “Reading the Wind: Literature of the Vietnam War” [1987]; “Vietnam Voices” [1999]
Malcolm J. Rohrbough 1950 Historian, University of Iowa; authority on the American West; author, “The Trans-Appalachian Frontier: 1775-1850” [1978], “Days of Gold: the California Gold Rush and the American Nation” [1997]
Benjamin F. Schemmer 1950 Military analyst; owner and editor, Armed Forces Journal International [1968-1992]; editor in chief, Strategic Review [-2001]
Thomas E. Springer 1950 Physicist, Los Alamos National Laboratory [1960-1996]; specialist in electrochemical systems, polymer electrolyte an methanol fuel cells for mass transit
Allan Stone 1950 Art dealer and collector, expert on Abstract Expressionism emerging artists, tribal and primitive art [1960-2006]
Edward Durrell Stone Jr. 1950 Landscape architect and planner; founder/chair, EDSA, specialists in corporate headquarters landscaping and resort and leisure facility planning, including the PepsiCo world headquarters, Purchase, New York, recipient of the American Society of Landscape Architects/National Trust Landmark Award; member, US Commission of Fine Arts [1971-1983]; recipient, American Society of Landscape Architects Medal [1994]
Edward B. Thornton 1950 Chair, National Parks Centennial Commission [1972-], Illinois and Michigan National Heritage Corridor Commission [2000-]
Chris Weatherley-White 1950 Plastic surgeon, Operation Smile volunteer performing reconstructive surgery in Third World nations [1990-]; recipient, Operation Smile Lifetime Volunteer Achievement Award [2009]
Bill Wright 1950 Nevada cattle rancher; world-record hay stacker [1971]
E. Everett Anderson 1951 Duke University lacrosse All-American [1954]
Timothy Anderson 1951 Architect; cofounder, Anderson Notter [later Anderson Notter Finegold]; noted for adaptive reuse of historic buildings; Fellow, American Institute of Architects [1985]; namesake, National Housing and Rehabilitation Association Anderson Award [2002] for historic rehabilitation
Ronald M. Ansin 1951 Philanthropist; recipient, National United Way Alexis de Tocqueville Award [1999]
E. Osborne “Ozzie” Ayscue Jr. 1951 Attorney; president, American College of Trial Lawyers [1998-1999], member, ABA Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary [2001-2004]
Stephen Booth 1951 Professor of English literature, University of California Berkeley; specialist in Shakespeare; author, “On the Value of Hamlet,” in “Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama” [1969], “Shakespeare’s Sonnets” [1977]; “King Lear, Macbeth, Indefinition, and Tragedy” [1983]; recipient, Berkeley Distinguished Teacher Award [1982]
Frederick P. Brandauer 1951 Specialist in traditional Chinese vernacular fiction and modern Chinese literature, University of Washington; author Imperial Rulership and Cultural Change in Traditional China [1994]
Clemency Chase Coggins 1951 Archeologist, specialist in Ancient Mesoamerica; professor, Boston University; advocate for archeological preservation; coauthor, Cenote of Sacrifice: Maya Treasures from the Sacred Well of Chichen Itza [1984]
Alexander deLahunta 1951 Neuroanatomist, clinical neurologist, neuropathologist; author; James Law Professor of Anatomy, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine [1992-]
Robert W. Doran 1951 Chair/managing partner/CEO, Wellington Management [-1999]
Anthony Averell duPont 1951 Aircraft engineer; owner/president/CEO, DuPont Aerospace, developer of vertical-lift aircraft
Walter Goffart 1951 Historian, specialist in Late Roman/Early Medieval history; author “Barbarians and Romans, AD 418-584” [1980]; “Barbarian Tides” [2006]; subject of a festschrift, “After Rome’s Fall” [1999]
Frederick M. Kimball 1951 Actor, director, playwright; cofounder, Theatre Company of Boston [1964-]; co-screenwriter, with Al Pacino, “Looking for Richard” [1996]
William Ming-Sing Lee 1951 Founder, The 1990 Institute (devoted to economic and social development in China)
Rosamond Peck 1951 Crusader for strip mining environmental reform [1970s]; president, Countryside Conservancy, Pennsylvania
Anthony Quainton 1951 Diplomat [1959-1997]; ambassador, Central African Empire [1976-1978], Nicaragua [1982-1984], Kuwait [1984-1987] and Peru [1989-1992]; director general, US Foreign Service; head, State Department Office of Counter-Terrorism; author, “Moral and Ethical Considerations in Defining a Counter Terrorist Policy” [1982]; diplomat in residence, American University [2003-]
Klaus Francisco Sengelmann 1951 Minister of Agriculture, Nicaragua [1975-1979]; rice farmer
Robert Farris Thompson 1951 Yale art history professor [1969-], specialist in African art and dance; master, Timothy Dwight College [1978-]; author “Black Gods & Kings” [1971], “Flash of the Spirit” [1983], “Face of the Gods” [1993], “Tango: the Art History of Love” [2005]
Richard Ullman 1951 Rhodes Scholar [1955-1957]; professor of international affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton [1965-]; director of studies, Council on Foreign Relations [1973-1977]; chairman, World Peace Foundation [1995-2004]; author, “Intervention and War” [1961], “Securing Europe” [1991]; honoree, “The Real and the Ideal, Essays in Honor of Richard Ullman” [2001]
David A. West 1951 Zoologist, Virginia Tech [1962-]; specialist in butterflies; biographer of 19th-century naturalist Fritz Maller
Frank Yatsu 1951 Chairman emeritus, Department of Neurology, University of Texas Medical School; specialist in stroke, Parkinson’s Disease and dementia; recipient, Distinguished Alumnus Award, Case Western Reserve Medical School [2002]
Shirley Young 1951 Advertising Woman of the Year [1988]; head, GM joint venture development, Shanghai [1988-1999]; founding chairman, Committee of 100 [1990, Chinese-American leadership organization]; with her mother and sisters, a refugee from war-torn China in the late 1940s
Robert Anderson 1952 Attorney, QC [1977]; general counsel, Proctor & Gamble Canada [1963-1996]; member, Competition Bureau Canada
James E. Baker 1952 Diplomat; US Foreign Service [1960-1980]; first African-American diplomat posted to South Africa [1973-1975]; supporter of black South African artists during apartheid; director, United Nations emergency relief programs [1980-1995]
Henry S. F. Cooper 1952 New Yorker features writer [1958-1993], specialist on space programs; author, “A House in Space” [1976], “Before Liftoff…” [1987], “Thirteen: the Apollo Flight…” [1995]
Steven I. Davis 1952 Investment banker and London-based banking consultant; author, “Investment Banking” 2002]
Helen Neisser de Modenesi 1952 President, Junta de Obras Sociales de Chaclacayo, Lima, Peru [1969-]
James W. Dow 1952 Anthropologist; specialist in Otomi Indians of Mexico and the spread of evangelical Protestantism among indigenous populations in Latin America; co-editor, “Holy Saints and Fiery Preachers…” [2001]
Edward E. Elson 1952 Chairman, Georgia Advisory Committee, US Commission on Civil Rights [ca.1975]; first chairman, National Public Radio [1977-1980]; Rector, University of Virginia [1990-1992]; ambassador to Denmark [1993-1998]; recipient and namesake, National Public Radio (NPR) Distinguished Service Award [1979]; recipient, Denmark’s Grand Cross of the Order of Dannebrog [1998]
Ruben F. “Ben” Gittes 1952 Urologist; innovator in surgical techniques; chair, urology, UC San Diego [1969-1975], Harvard University [1975-1987]; chair, Dept. of Surgery, Scripps Clinic [1987-1998]
Donald A. Gordon 1952 Principal, Abbot Academy, 1968-1973
Charles R. Greene 1952 Acoustician; specialist in underwater sound measurement and sound impacts on marine life; Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station [1958-1959]; namesake, Green Ridge, Antarctica
James A. Kern 1952 Founder, Florida Trail Association [1964-] the 1300 mile Florida Trail; founder, American Hiking Association [1978]; inner-city youth Big City Mountaineers [1989]
Donald Langmuir 1952 Geochemistry professor, Colorado School of Mines [1978-]; author, “Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry” [1997]; presidential appointee, United States Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board [1989-1997]
Gordon Lish 1952 Founder of literary magazines; fiction editor, Esquire Magazine [1969-1976], Knopf [1976-1995]; author, “Krupp’s Lulu” [2000]
William J. Poorvu 1952 Real Estate investor and expert; adjunct professor of entrepreneurship, Harvard Business School, teaching real estate; author, “Real Estate Challenge” [1995], “Creating and Growing Real Estate Wealth…” [2008]
Anthony Potter 1952 Television documentarian; executive producer, “NBC News White Paper” series including “The Man Who Shot the Pope” [1982] and “Vietnam: Lessons of a Lost War” [1985]; “Between the Wars” series; recipient, screenwriters’ Humanitas Prize [1985]
Fredrick J. Seil 1952 Professor Emeritus of Neurology, Oregon Health and Science University; founder, biennial symposium on neural regeneration [1985-]; editor, 10 books from “Nerve, Organ and Tissue Regeneration” [1983] to “Neural Plasticity and Regeneration” [2000]; author, multiple research articles and reviews.
Edward I. Selig 1952 Rhodes Scholar [1956-]; attorney specializing in mediation of commercial and environmental disputes; adjunct professor of city planning, Boston University
Frederic A. Sharf 1952 Art collector, researcher; author “Future Retro” [2006], “Art of Collecting” [2008]
David Slavitt 1952 Poet; translator, Latin and Greek classics; author and critic; “Falling from Silence: Poems” [2001];“Re Verse” [2005]
John P. Wright 1952 Cattle rancher, Marys River Ranch, Nevada; aircraft racer
Paul K. Alkon 1953 English professor, authority on Samuel Johnson and his times; author, “Samuel Johnson and Moral Discipline” [191967], “Science Fiction before 1900” [1994]
Carl Andre 1953 Minimalist sculptor [ca.1960-], first major one-man exhibition at Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum [1970]; recipient, Fuess Award [1979]
Edmund N. Ansin 1953 South Florida media and real estate entrepreneur; president and owner, Sunbeam Television Corporation [1971-]
Martha Gross Boesing 1953 Playwright and director; artistic director, At the Foot of the Mountain Women’s Theatre Company, Minneapolis [1974-1984]; author of 40 plays, including “River Journal” [1975], “The Web” [1982], “After Long Silence” [1999]
Michael Chapman 1953 Cinematographer and film director; cinematographer, “Jaws” [1975], “Taxi Driver” [1976], “Raging Bull” [1980]; director, “All the Right Moves” [1983]
Peter Chermayeff 1953 Architect, most notably of the world’s most famous aquariums of the late 20th century, beginning with the New England Aquarium Boston [1962-1969]; National Aquarium, Baltimore [1975-81]; Osaka Aquarium [1987-1990]; Genoa Aquarium [1989-1992]Lisbon Oceanarium [1994-191998]; filmmaker; recipient, Fuess Award [1979]
Pierre Clavel 1953 Professor of city and regional planning, Cornell; author “Opposition Planning in Wales and Appalachia” [1982], “The Progressive City” [1986]
Herbert M. Cole 1953 Art history professor, UC Santa Barbara, specialist in African art; author “Igbo Arts: Community & Cosmos” [1984] “Ideals and Power in the Art of Africa” [1989]
Roger Donald 1953 Editor-in-chief, Little Brown & Co. [1970s-1991]
Patricia Earhart 1953 Leader of treks in Nepal; activist on behalf of Tibetan refugees
Ruth Fleischmann-Colgan 1953 Executive director, Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation [1982-2006]; recipient, Lena Gantt Distinguished Community Service Award, Girl Scouts Career Achievement Award
Peter C. Harpel 1953 Harvard All-American, hammer-throw [1957]; medical researcher specializing in hematology; chairman of medicine, Weill Medical College, Cornell University
Alden D. “Denny” Hatch 1953 Direct-mail advertising expert and newsletter publisher; author, “Million Dollar Mailings” [1993], “Direct Marketing Success” [1999]
Carol Hardin Kimball 1953 Connecticut environmental & land conservation activist [ca.1960-2000]
Florentius Willem Kist 1953 Grand Master, Netherlands Royal Household [ca.2000]
Raymond A. Lamontagne 1953 Chair, City Center for the Performing Arts, New York [1999-]; chair, Association of Hole in the Wall Camps [2001-]
Antonio Lopez 1953 Associate director, FEMA [1989-1992]; commissioner, American Battle Monuments Commission [2001-2005]; recipient, Fuess Award [1978]
DeForest Mellon 1953 Zoologist, professor of biology, University of Virginia; specialist in sense organ brain processing of crayfish
Richard L. Morse 1953 Physicist, Los Alamos weapons laboratory [-1976]
Raymond Oliver 1953 English professor, UC Berkeley; specialist in medieval literary history; poet; coauthor, “Beowulf, A Likeness” [1990]; author, “Raymond Oliver: His Book of Hours” [2009]
C. Carson Parks 1953 Singer and songwriter including “Something Stupid” [1967], Frank Sinatra’s 1st gold single
Robert H. Pelletreau Jr. 1953 Ambassador to Bahrain [1979-1980], Tunisia [1987-91], Egypt [1991-1993]; assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs [1994-1997]
John Poppy 1953 World War II refugee; senior editor, Look magazine [1962-1970]; free-lance journalist; coiner of term “The Generation Gap” [Look, 1967]
John Ratté 1953 Headmaster, Loomis-Chaffee School [1976-1996]
Haze Richardson 1953 Founder, builder & later owner, Petit St. Vincent Resort, St. Vincent & the Grenadines [1962-2008]
Henry E. Riggs 1953 Professor of engineering, Stanford; founder, Stanford Institute for Management of High-Technology Companies [1975-1983]; president, Harvey Mudd College [1988-97]; founding president, Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences [1997-2003]
G. Kendall Sharp 1953 Judge, US District Court, Middle District, Florida [1983-]
Joseph W. Shaw 1953 Classical archeologist, University of Toronto, excavating & publishing prehistoric Minoan site at Kommos, Crete [1976-]; coauthor “Kommos” volumes I-V [1996-]; author “Kommos: A Minoan Harbor Town¦” [2006]
Shelby Tucker 1953 Travel writer, political commentator; author “Among Insurgents: Walking through Burma” [2000]
Fred Wardenburg 1953 Filmmaker; civil rights [“The Streets of Greenwood”, 1964], Sesame Street film segments [“Milk”, 1975]; namesake, Wardenburg Scholarship, Earshot Jazz, Seattle
A. Bernard Ackerman 1954 Dermatopathologist & educator; director, dermatopathology, U Miami, NYU, Jefferson Medical College [1969-199]; founder & anddirector, Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology [1999-2008]
Les Blank 1954 Documentary filmmaker, especially known for films documenting American Roots music; Museum of Modern Art retrospectives [1979, 2011]; recipient, Robert Flaherty Award & British Academy Award for “Burden of Dreams” [1982]
John A. Bloom 1954 27th Headmaster, Worcester Academy [1974-1985]
William W. Blunt Jr. 1954 Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development [1969-1974]
William F. Dove 1954 Medical researcher, professor of Oncology & medical genetics, University of Wisconsin [1977-]; director, Dove Lab studying familial colon cancer in mice and rats
Mortimer L. Downey 1954 Executive director, New York Metro Transportation Authority [1986-1993]; deputy secretary, US Department of Transportation [1993-2001]
Louis J. Elsas II 1954 Director, Division of Medical Genetics, Emory University School of Medicine; president, Association of Professors of Human and Medical Genetics; chief, gender verification, Atlanta Olympics [1996]; recipient, Fuess Award [2000]
Jonathan L. Foote 1954 Montana restoration architect; recipient, Montana State University honorary doctorate [2006] for contributions to Montana art and architecture
Hollis W. Frampton 1954 Experimental filmmaker; leading exponent of abstract expressionism in film [1962-1976]; author and critic
Joseph W. Goodman 1954 Electrical engineering professor, Stanford [1967-1999], department chair [1989-1996]; specialist in optics; author, “Introduction to Fourier Optics” [1st edition 1968]; “Speckle Phenomena in Optics” [2006]; advisor to high-tech, start-up companies; recipient, Society of Optical Engineers Gold Medal [2007]
Thomas H. “Mike” Harvey Jr. 1954 Major general [-1991]
Lucy Lippard 1954 Art critic; author, “The Lure of the Local” [1998], “Mixed Blessings: New Art in a Multicultural America” [2000] ; recipient, Fuess Award [1979]
Joseph A McPhillips III 1954 A fixture in the Moroccan expatriate literary and artistic community [1960s-2007]; headmaster, American School of Tangiers [1973-2007]
Robert J. Neviaser 1954 Orthopedic surgeon, specialist in shoulder & elbow surgery; chair, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, George Washington University Medical School [1987-]; editor-in-chief, Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; recipient, Distinguished Alumnus Award, New York Orthopedic Hospital, Columbia/Presbyterian Medical Center
Frederick E. Pearson 1954 British tourism executive; president and owner, Take-a-Guide Ltd; creator, “Three British Gentlemen” ad campaigns [1980, 1981]; recipient, British Tourist Authority Golden Jubilee Award [1979]; chairman, Worshipful Company of Saddlers [1995-2007]
Kenneth B. Pyle 1954 Professor of History and Asian Studies; founder and editor, Journal of Japanese Studies [1974-1986]; director, Henry Jackson School of International Studies, U Washington [1978-88]; founding president, National Bureau of Asian Research [1989-]; chair, Japan-US Friendship Commission [1992-1995]; author, “The New Generation in Meiji Japan” [1969], “The Making of Modern Japan” [1996], “Japan Rising: The Resurgence of Japanese Power & Purpose” [2006]; recipient, The Order of the Rising Sun [1999]
Frederic A. Rzewski 1954 Pianist and composer, cofounder, Musica Electronica Viva [1966]
Larry Sears 1954 National, 65-and-over tennis champion [2002]
Robert B. Semple, Jr. 1954 Journalist; New York Times London bureau chief [1975-1977], foreign editor [1977-82], editorial page editor/associate editor [1982-]; recipient, Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing [1996]
Samuel Wood Smith 1954 Organic farmer, mentor, teacher, Caretaker Farm, Williamstown, Massachusetts [1969-], community supported farm [1991-]
Frank Stella 1954 Painter, printmaker & sculptor [1950s-]; recipient, Fuess Award [1979], National Medal of the Arts [2010]; PA Alumni Award of Distinction, 2013
Audrey Synnott 1954 Sister of Mercy [1960-], high-school English teacher; coordinator, Sisters of Mercy Associates Program
David M. Underwood 1954 Director, and past president of the board, Methodist Hospital, Houston; president, Texas Medical Center [2002-]; trustee and board president, Phillips Academy [1983-2004]; benefactor, educational and medical institutions; recipient, Fuess Award [2003]
Mary Woolverton 1954 Medical social worker; Denver General Hospital [1963-1967], Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center [1967-1991]; pioneer of therapeutic techniques using animals with patients; president, North American Riding for the Handicapped Association; recipient, Fuess Award [1980]
Robert M. “Bobby” Zarem 1954 Inveterate show business publicist [1960s-]
William C. Agee 1955 Museum curator and director, art historian; curator, director, Pasadena Art Museum [1970-1974], Museum of Fine Arts, Houston [1974-1982]; coauthor, “Coming of Age: American Art: 1850s-1950s” [2008]
David Batchelder 1955 Physicist; grower, world’s first Argon crystal; professor of physics, University of Leeds [1990-2008]; co-developer, Raman microscope, Renishaw plc [1992]; Prince of Wales Award for Innovation [1993], Annual Achievement Award, Worshipful Company of Instrument Makers [1994]
Peter Briggs 1955 Headmaster, Greenwich Country Day School [1976-92], Greenhill School, Dallas [1992-2000]
Thomas R. Burns 1955 Sociologist; specialist in the sociology of power, rules & institutions, social structure; professor, Uppsala University, Sweden [ca.1980-2004]; founder, Uppsala Theory Circle & the actor-system dynamics [ASD] social systems theory; visiting scholar, Stanford University [2004-08]; author, “Man, Decisions, Society” [1985], “Societal Decision-Making: Democratic Challenges to State Technocracy” [1992]
W. Dilworth Cannon 1955 Orthopedic surgeon, sports medicine, specialist in knee & ACL surgery; president, Arthroscopy Association of America [1993-94]; co-editor, Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Review
Raymond Clevenger III 1955 Judge, US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit [1990-2006]
Frederick A. “Fritz” Cooper 1955 Art history professor, U Minnesota [1970-], specialist in Greek & Roman art & architecture; editor & contributor, “The Temple of Apollo Bassitas” vols. I-V [1992-2002; recipient, Distinguished Teacher Award [1972, 1990] Archeological Institute of America Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award [1996]
Chester Danehower 1955 Dermatologist & advocate for free-market medicine; president & spokesman, Association of American Physicians & Surgeons [2003-]
David Gunn 1955 President, New York City Transit Authority [1984-90]; general manager, Washington METRO [1990-94], president, AMTRAK [2002-05]
Thomas Hale Jr 1955 Medical missionary in Nepal [1970-]; author, “Living Stones of the Himalayas” [1993], “On Being a Missionary” [1995], “On the Far Side of Liglig Mountain” [2000]; recipient, Fuess Award [1980]
William P. Houley 1955 Submarine commander, rear admiral; commandant, US Submarine School; US sea power advocate [ca.2009]
Eli Jacobs 1955 Owner, Baltimore Orioles [1989-93]
Gerard E. “Gerry” Jones 1955 Yale All-American hockey goalie [1958-59]
Maitland Jones Jr. 1955 Experimental chemist, Princeton [1964-2007]; specialist in reactive intermediates; author, “Organic Chemistry” [1997]; recipient, Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Prize, Princeton [2004]
Robert A Nordhaus 1955 Attorney specializing in energy law; member, Energy Policy & Planning Office, Carter White House; assistant administrator, Federal Energy Administration [1975-76]; author “Designing a Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program for the US” Pew Center for Global Climate Change Report [2003]
Jay A. Precourt 1955 CEO/president/vice chair, Tejas Gas Corporation [1986-99]; chair, Hermes Consolidated [1999-]; donor, Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency, Stanford [2006]
George Bundy Smith 1955 Jurist; associate justice, New York Supreme Court [1980-86], associate justice, New York Court of Appeals [1992-2006]; author, Appeals Court decision in “People v. LaValle” [2004] which terminated the death penalty in New York State; recipient, Fuess Award [1985]
David W. Steadman 1955 Art historian & museum administrator; director, Toledo Museum of Art [1989-99]; author, “The Graphic Art of Francisco Goya” [1975], “Abraham Van Diepenbeek” [1982]
David J. Steinberg 1955 Historian & academic; author, “Philippine Collaboration During World War II” [1969], “The Philippines: A Singular & Plural Place” [1982]; vice president & university secretary, Brandeis [1977-]; president, Long Island University [1985-]; recipient, University Press Award [1969]
Bardyl R. Tirana 1955 Director, Defense Civil Preparedness Agency [1977-]; president, China/USA Education Fund; recipient, Fuess Award [1991]
Wallace E. Tobin III 1955 Yachtsman; navigator aboard America’s Cup challengers [1958, 1967, 1970]
Beth Chandler Warren 1955 Abbot Academy’s 1st African-American graduate; Assistant Commissioner of Social Services for Massachusetts [1975-]
Jonathan Weisbuch 1955 Physician & public health official; director, Massachusetts Correctional Health Services [1974-76]; director, Wyoming Department of Health & Social Services [1987-89]; medical director, Los Angeles County Department of Health [1989-95]; chief health officer & director, Maricopa County [Phoenix] Public Health Department [1997-2004]; recipient, Andrew Nichols Award for Public Health [2003]
Charles G. “Terry” Zug 1955 Professor of folklore, UNC Chapel Hill [1969-]; author “Turners & Burners: the Folk Potters of North Carolina” [1986]
Thomas C. Bagnoli 1956 Harvard soccer All-American goalie [1959]
James B. Benedict 1956 Geologist & archeologist; specialist in tundra environments; head, Center for Mountain Archeology
Robert Berlind 1956 Painter & art critic
Edwin H. “Toby” Clark II 1956 Secretary, Delaware Department of Environmental Control [ca.1990]; member, President’s Council on Environmental Quality; senior fellow, Earth Policy Institute
Frank Converse 1956 Actor, in television series “Coronet Blue” [1967], “NYPD” [1967-69], “Movin’ On” [1974], & on stage “The House of Blue Leaves” [1971] & in revivals of “Philadelphia Story” [1980], “A Streetcar Named Desire” [1988]
John Francis Curley Jr. 1956 President, Paine Webber [1977-80]
Charles H.P. Duell 1956 Historic preservationist; as owner of Middleton Place, a National Historic Landmark, creator & president of the Middleton Place Foundation [1974-]
Jim Fisher 1956 Report & columnist, Kansas City Star [1960-2001], essayist & commentator, MacNeil Lehrer NewsHour, PBS [1984-2001]
A. Bartlett Giamatti 1956 English & Italian Renaissance poetry scholar; president, Yale University [1977-86]; president, National League [1986-89], commissioner, Major League Baseball [1989]; recipient, Fuess Award [1987]
Trevor Grimm 1956 Principal legal advisor to and attorney for Howard Jarvis in fight to pass California “Proposition 13” [1978], the spearhead of a nation-wide taxpayer revolt culminating in “Reaganomics” in the 1980s
G. Robert Hanke 1956 President & CEO, Polaris Arts, London-based film & theatre production company; executive director, New York Repertory Theatre; co-producer, “Orlando” [1992]
Henry T.J. Irwin 1956 Archeologist, specialist in Paleolithic sites, especially in the American West; co-director, Hell Gap site excavations, Wyoming [1961-68]
Langley C. Keyes Jr. 1956 All-American, Harvard soccer [1959]; Rhodes Scholar [1959-60]; professor of city & regional planning, MIT; specialist in affordable housing
Douglas “Bunker” Kitchel 1956 Vermont dairy farmer [ca.1960-1987] & state senator [1965-72]
James F. Knupp 1956 Cofounder, Ennis Knupp & Associates [1981-], investment consulting firm
Mollie Lupe Lasater 1956 Vice president & then president, Forth Worth School Board [1978-88]; organizer & chair, I Have a Dream Foundation, Fort Worth [1988-]
John P. McBride 1956 Member, US National Hockey Team [1961]
Marsh McCall 1956 Stanford Classics professor; recipient, Dinkelspiel Award [1991], Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Award [2000], Lyman Award [2006]
Tim Meyer 1956 Race car driver; Sports Car Club of America National Champion [1961], winner, Kimberly Cup [1962], Cooper-Climax Formula One Grand Prix Team [1964]
David S. Paresky 1956 Travel-industry innovator; cofounder, Crimson Travel [1965-]; owner, Thomas Cook Travel; philanthropist
Elizabeth Parker Powell 1956 Cofounder, treasurer & chair, Diamond Machine Technology [DMT]
Charles Ruff 1956 Attorney; special prosecutor, Watergate Scandal [1973-]; White House Counsel, Clinton Administration, defending president during impeachment proceedings [1999]
Myong-Hyon Sohn 1956 Korean foreign service officer, ambassador to Singapore [1993-96], ambassador to Sweden & Latvia [1998-2001]
Brooks Stoddard 1956 Historic archeologist; leader of excavations at the Carolingian Abbey of Psalmodi [c.1200-], Languedoc, France [1970-]
Oscar Tang 1956 Founder & head, Reich & Tang, investment managers [1970-93]; philanthropist; chair, China Institute in America; president, Phillips Academy Board of Trustees [2004-]; benefactor of cultural and educational institutions; recipient, Fuess Award [1991]; refugee from war-torn China in 1949
Edward C. Tarlov 1956 Neurological Surgeon, Lahey Clinic [1977-], specializing in acoustic neuroma, tic douloureux & spine surgery; president, Neurological Society of America [2005]
William R. “Tim” Timken 1956 Chairman, The Timken Company [1975-2003]; ambassador to Germany [2006-09]
Susan W Wagg 1956 Architectural historian; author “Percy Erskine Nobbs: Architect…” [1982], “Money Matters: A Critical Look at Bank Architecture” [1990]
Lewis M. Walling Jr. 1956 First of 8 alumni killed in Vietnam [February 1962]
Thomas Bullene Woodward 1956 Episcopal priest, peace & migrant worker activist; secretary, Episcopal Executive Council Committee on the Status of Women; author “To Celebrate…” [1973], “Turning Things Upside-Down…” [1975]
Roswell Angier 1957 Documentary photographer; author, “A Kind of Life: Conversations in the Combat Zone” [1976], “Train Your Gaze…” [2006]
John H.M. Austin 1957 Radiologist; professor of radiology, Columbia [1973-]; expert on lung diseases
William Babcock 1957 Professor of church history, Southern Methodist University [1971-]; director, Graduate Program in Religious Studies [1990-]; recipient, SMU Distinguished Teaching Award [2001]
James Blackmon 1957 Engineer & inventor; director of technology development, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing; developer of solar & other innovative power generation technologies
Robert C Darnton 1957 Rhodes Scholar [1959-60]; cultural historian, Princeton [1968-2007], specializing in the history of books & Enlightenment France; author, “The Forbidden Best-Sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France” [1996], winner, National Book Critics Circle Award; president, American Historical Foundation [1999]; director, Harvard University Library [2007-]; recipient, MacArthur Fellowship [1982-]; Chevalier, Légion d’honneur [1999]; founding member, Steering Committee, Digital Public Library of America [2010-]; recipient, Fuess Award [2013]
John Douglas 1957 Filmmaker & photographer; with NEWSREEL, films documenting civil rights, anti-war movement, radical politics [1960s]; co-director with Robert Kramer, “Milestones” [1975]
Elizabeth Enders 1957 Painter
Theodore Forstmann 1957 Senior founding partner, Forstmann, Little & Company [1978-], private equity firm specializing in leveraged buyouts; chairman, Washington Scholarship Fund [1997-]; cofounder & chairman, the Children’s Scholarship Fund [1998-]; CEO Parents in Charge, etc.
Elon Gilbert 1957 Agricultural economist, Africa & Southeast Asia; advisor, Ghanaian Ministry of Agriculture [1960s]; head, West Africa Agricultural Development Program, Ford Foundation [1970-77]; land conservation activist, Maui, Montana [ca.2000-]
Charles Grigsby 1957 Member/chairman, Massachusetts State Board of Education [1973-82 / 1977-80]
Frank Incropera 1957 Mechanical engineer & researcher; specialist in energy conversion; professor, Purdue [1966-98] & dean of mechanical engineering [1989-98]; mechanical engineering dean, Notre Dame [1998-2006]; author “Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer” [multiple editions], “Liquid Cooling of Electronic Devices” [1999]; recipient, ASEE Roe Award for Excellence in Teaching [1983], Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Senior Scientist Award [1988]; elected to National Academy of Engineering [1996]; named one of the 100 most frequently cited engineering researchers globally [2001]
Gerrit M. Keator 1957 Headmaster, Chestnut Hill Academy [1972-79], Pomfret School [1979-89]; president, International College, Beirut [1989-2000]
W. Jay Kingwill 1957 Theatrical manager, Broadway shows & touring companies, including “Hello, Dolly,” [1964-], “Best Little Whorehouse in Texas,” [1978-], “Sugar Babies” [1979-]
Roland Kuchel 1957 Diplomat; US ambassador to Zambia [1993-96]
Rudolph Loeser 1957 Computer programmer, Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory [ca.1965-2005]; developer of “Pandora,” a general-purpose, non-LTE program for calculating stellar atmosphere models and spectra, developed for Eugene Avrett for study of the solar atmosphere
Cecile Erickson Mactaggart 1957 Collector, Chinese paintings & textiles; “Brilliant Strokes: Chinese Paintings from the Mactaggart Art Collection,” Royal Ontario Museum [2009]; recipient, honorary degree, University of Alberta [2006]
Sidney Magee 1957 Architect, architectural theorist; author, “Simple Building” & “The Open System” [2009]
Michael S. Mahoney 1957 Professor of the history of science, Princeton [ca.1967-2008]; specialist in the history of mathematics & the development of computing; author of monographs on Rene Descartes, Pierre de Fermat, Isaac Newton, et al; chair, National Faculty of Humanities Arts & Sciences [1994-2001]
Peter Mattern 1957 Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory [1965-71]; scientist-director, Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories [1971-96]
Richard Nordhaus 1957 Architect & architecture professor, University of New Mexico, & director UNM Design & Planning Assistance Center [1969-2001]
Lance Odden 1957 Headmaster, Taft School [1972-2001]
Hope Hamilton Pettegrew 1957 Cofounder & publisher, Cobblestone Magazine [1979-85], history & social science periodical for schools
Valerie Ogden Phillips 1957 Television actress [1974-99]
Rostislav Rostislavovich Romanov 1957 Great-grandson of Tsar Alexander III, Prince Rostislav Romanov was a London banker
Roland Scott 1957 Member, Virgin Islands Olympic Pistol Shooting Team [1984]
Fred Shuman 1957 Founder, Archstone Partnerships [1991-], a fund of hedge funds
Harold Sox 1957 Internist, professor of medicine, author & editor; chair, Department of Medicine, Dartmouth [1988-2001]; editor Annals of Internal Medicine [2001-2009]; author “Medical Decision Making” [1989]; chair, American College of Physicians Institute of Medicine Committee on Comparative Effectiveness Research Priorities [2009-]
Peter Sprague 1957 Photojournalist, Hungary, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan [1956-65]; chairman, National Semiconductor [1965-95]; chair, Advent, Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd, Wave Systems Corp. [1988-2003]
Edward D. Spurgeon 1957 Dean, U. Utah Law School [1983-90], U. Georgia Law School [1993-98]; executive director, Borchard Foundation Center on Law & Aging [1998-]
William W. Sterling 1957 Rhodes Scholar [1961-]
Leo Ullman 1957 Attorney & real estate entrepreneur; chairman/CEO/’president, Cedar Shopping Centers [1998-]
Daniel Wexler, aka “Daniel Heydon” 1957 Astrologer & numerologist; columnist; author “Numerology” [1978/86], “The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Numerology” [2005]
George M. Whitesides 1957 Chemist & nanotechnology pioneer; Harvard professor & researcher in biochemistry, materials science, catalysis & organic chemistry; involved in founding biotech firms; recipient, National Medal of Science [1998], Kyoto Prize for Advanced Technology [2003], Priestly Medal [2007], Dreyfus Prize & Benjamin Franklin Medal [2009], Fuess Award [2013]
Gregory Wierzynski 1957 Journalist with Fortune, TIME; director, Radio Free Europe [1986-]
Joyce Finger Beckwith 1958 Director, Foreign Languages, Wilmington, MA Schools; president, American Association of Teachers of French [2005-07]
A. Lawrence Chickering 1958 Research fellow, Hoover Institution; author; founder of policy institutes; founder & president, Educate Girls Globally [2000] centered in Rajasthan
Marshall P. Cloyd 1958 Founder & chairman, InterMarine, Inc. [1982-], Houston-based specialty cargo shippers; philanthropist supporting many institutions and causes
Carol Donnelly 1958 Environmental activist; founder & chair, York Rivers Association; recipient, Tom’s of Maine First Annual Prize for River Stewardship [2002]
Paul E.M. Fine 1958 Professor, epidemiology & communicable diseases, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine [1976-]; director, epidemiological research, Malawi [1978-2006]
Alfred J. Griggs 1958 Chair, Economic Development Council of Western Massachusetts [1997-]; chair, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center [2002-]; recipient, New England Healthcare Assembly Trustee Leadership Award [2006]
William Hamilton 1958 New Yorker cartoonist [1965-], satirist of the American upper classes; recipient, Fuess Award [1979]
Jon B. Higgins 1958 Ethnomusicologist & 1st Western singer to master South Indian classical Karnataka music; professor of music & director, Center for the Arts, Wesleyan University [1978-84]
John Huntington 1958 English professor, University of Illinois, Chicago; expert on Renaissance poetry & science fiction; author “Rationalizing Genius: Ideological Strategies in American Science Fiction” [1989], “Ambition, Rank & Poetry in 1590s England” [2001]
Emmett B. Keeler 1958 Mathematician & health sciences professor, RAND Graduate School [1968-], UCLA School of Public Health; specialist in health services research; member Institute of Medicine, National Academies [2006]
Charles W. Kellogg II 1958 US Olympic Ski Team [1968]; member, US Ski Team [1968-73]
Paul Kelly 1958 Houston attorney, specialist in oil & gas government relations; chair, Dept. of Interior Outer Continental Shelf Policy Committee [1994-96]; member, US Commission on Ocean Policy [2001-], Joint Ocean Initiative [2005-]; president, Gulf of Mexico Foundation
David Kleinberg-Levin 1958 Philosopher, educator & author in the field of phenomenology; philosophy professor, Northwestern University [1972-2005]; author “The Body’s Recollection of Being” [1985], “The Philosopher’s Gaze” [1999], “Gestures of Ethical Life” [2005]
John O. Ledyard 1958 Economist; chair, Caltech Division of Humanities & Social Science [1992-2002]; president, Public Choice Society [1980-82]; fellow, National Academy of Arts & Sciences
John P. Leonard 1958 Diplomat [1965-99]; US chargé d’affaires, Nicaragua [1988-90], ambassador to Surinam [1991-93]; recipient, Department of State Distinguished Service Award & Career Achievement Award [1999]
Bayard U. Livingston IV 1958 President, Heifer International [2003-]
Nicholas J. Nicholas Jr. 1958 President, Time, Inc. / Time-Warner [1986-92]; chairman, Environmental Defense Fund [2002-09]
Anne Nielsen 1958 Photographer; photographer/curator “Catching Shadows: a Tintype Portfolio of Native Americans…in the 21st Century” [2009]
David L. Page 1958 Professor of Pathology, Vanderbilt School of Medicine [1972-], specialist in breast cancer diagnostic criteria
John Rockwell 1958 Critic, classical, pop music & dance; director, Lincoln Center Festival [1994-98]; editor, Arts and Leisure Section, New York Times [1998-2004]; author, “Outsider: John Rockwell on the Arts” [2006]
Ann DiClemente Ross 1958 Founder & co-owner, Leggiadro International, clothing & accessories producer & stores [1985-]
Daniel B. Rowland 1958 Captain of Boats, Shrewsbury School, England [1959-60], winner, Princess Elizabeth Cup, Henley [1960]; Russian history professor, U. Kentucky [1974-], director, U Kentucky Gaines Center for the Humanities [1996-2008]
Malcolm S. Salter 1958 Professor, business administration, Harvard Business School [1967-2006]; president, Mars & Company; author, “Innovation Corrupted” [2008]
Michael Slote 1958 Philosopher, educator & author in the field of virtue ethics; professor of ethics, University of Maryland [1985-2001], University of Miami [2002-]; author, “From Morality to Virtue” [1992], “Ethics of Care & Empathy” [2007]
Dane F. Smith Jr. 1958 Ambassador to Guinea [1990-93], ambassador to Senegal [1996-99]; president, National Peace Corps Association [1999-]
David Stare 1958 Founder, Dry Creek Vineyard [1972-] & leader in development of Sonoma wine industry; initiator, appellation status for Dry Creek Valley [1983]
Larry Stine 1958 Senior Principal Engineer, MITRE Corporation [1963-2000] working on NASA Gemini & Apollo programs, development of the ARPANET, precursor to the Internet
Dickran Tashjian 1958 Art historian & author; “The Art of Early New England Stonecarving” [1974], “American Dada” [1975], “Surrealism & the American Avant-Garde” [1995]
Christopher Wadsworth 1958 Headmaster, Nichols School [1969-79], Belmont Hill [1979-93], Robert College, Istanbul [1993-2001]
Manch Wheeler 1958 Outstanding College Player [1961], National Football Hall of Fame; quarterback, NFL Buffalo Bills [1962-64]
W. Philip Woodward 1958 Co-owner, Chalone Vineyard [1972-], cofounder & CEO, Chalone Wine Group [1984-2001], instrumental in creating an international reputation for California wines; chair, American Vintners Association [2001-]
Nathalie Taft Andrews 1959 Executive director, Portland Community Museum, Louisville [1978-]; recipient, Preserve America grant [2006]
Judith Agor Aydelott 1959 Defense attorney specializing in medical malpractice; Westchester Democratic candidate for Congress [2006]; Obama campaign [2008]
Keith Barbour 1959 Folksinger; member, New Christy Minstrels [1967-69], solo act [1969-] with Top 40 hit “Echo Park” & album [1969]; member, Beaujolais [1993-]
L. Paul “Jerry” Bremer III 1959 Diplomat; assistant to Henry Kissinger [1972-76]; deputy executive secretary, Department of State [1979-81]; executive secretary to Alexander Haig [1981-83]; ambassador to the Netherlands [1983-86]; ambassador-at-large for counterterrorism [1986-89]; chairman, National Commission on Terrorism [1999-2001]; US administrator of Iraq [2003-04]; recipient, Presidential Medal of Freedom [2004]
Constance Brinckerhoff 1959 Molecular biologist specializing in matrix metalloproteinases; professor, Dartmouth Medical School & associate dean of science [1991-]; recipient, National Institute of Health Merit Award; master, American College of Rheumatology [2008]
Arthur Burnham 1959 British perfumer, founder, Burnham + Partners; creator of fragrances including Inis, Paul Smith Men, and Parfum V1, the world’s most expensive perfume @ $84,000/bottle; rower at Andover and beyond, member Cambridge 8 that won “The Boat Race” vs. Oxford [1965]
William A. Butler 1959 Attorney, specialist in environmental law; general counsel, Environmental Defense Fund, vice president & general counsel, National Audubon Society
Christopher Costanzo 1959 CIA clandestine service [ca.1965-1991]
Basil Cox 1959 Vice president & general manager, Family Communications, producer of “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood” [ca.1971-]
Chester A. Crocker 1959 Educator & diplomat; director, Georgetown University Foreign Service School [1972-81]; assistant secretary of state for African affairs [1981-89], architect, policy of “constructive engagement” with South Africa, credited with settling terms of Namibian independence [1988]; chair, United States Institute for Peace [1992-2004]; author “High Noon in South Africa…” [1993], coauthor “Taming Intractable Conflicts…” [2004]
Carlos de la Cruz 1959 Chairman, CC1 Companies; chair & senior trustee, University of Miami [1999-2001]; recipient, United Way Alexis de Tocqueville Award, Silver Medallion, National Conference of Christians & Jews, Simon Wiesenthal Foundation Award, Humanitarian Award, American Red Cross
Wade Ellis 1959 Mathematician & educator, expert on use of technology in teaching math; math instructor, West Valley College [1975-84], president, Faculty Senate [1979-80]; coauthor, “Mathematica, A Tutorial” ], “Maple V Flight Manual” [1992]; recipient, Distinguished Teacher Award [1980], Hayward Award for Excellence in Education [1990]
Laurie S. Fusco 1959 Art Historian; director, Getty Museum Photo Archives & Guest Scholars Program; coauthor, “Lorenzo de ’Medici, Collector & Antiquarian” [2006]
Mitchell H. Gail 1959 Medical statistician; senior investigator, National Cancer Center Institute, Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, director, Biostatistics Branch [1995-2007]; developer of AIDS epidemic tracking methods & the Gail Model, the standard risk assessment tool for breast cancer; recipient, Spiegelman Gold Medal for Health Statistics, Snedecor Award for applied statistics, Public Health Service Distinguished Service Medal
Dearing W. Johns 1959 Cardiologist, UVA School of Medicine, researcher on kidney control of blood pressure; chief, Preventive Cardiology Clinic
Kirby Jones 1959 Political organizer & Democratic Party activist; advisor, Kennedy & Lowenstein presidential campaigns [1968], press secretary, McGovern presidential campaign [1972]; named on the Nixon “enemies list” [1972]; founder & director, US-Cuba Trade Association [1975-82]; as PBS journalist, interviewed Fidel Castro [1986]
Jay Nelson 1959 National seniors squash titlist [1984-96]; recipient, Standing Award for Sportsmanship in squash [1978], Bigelow Award for Excellence in Competition [1977 & 1992]
William D. Nordhaus 1959 Economist & Yale professor [1973-]; member of Council of Economic Advisors, Carter Administration [1977-79]; author, “Managing the Global Commons: the Economics of Global Climate Change” [1994], winner, Publication of Enduring Quality Award, American Association of Environmental & Resource Economists [2006]
Lex Rieffel 1959 Economist; USAID, Indonesia [1971-73], Treasury Dept. International Staff [1975-92], Institute for International Finance [1994-2001], Brookings Institution Senior Fellow [2002-], expert on emerging markets & sovereign debt; author, “Sovereign Debt Restructuring” [2003], “…The Challenge of Military Financing in Indonesia” [2007]
Peter E. Rubin 1959 Physician & acupuncturist [1973-], full-time acupuncturist [1980-]
Sandy Ruby 1959 Mathematician & entrepreneur; founder, Tech HiFi [1964-], Computer City [1979-]
Gerald D. Secundy 1959 Attorney & environmental activist; executive director, Audubon California; president, California Council for Environmental & Economic Balance [2006-]; chair, California State Water Resources Board [2008-]
Susan Goodwillie Stedman 1959 National Council of Negro Women, Mississippi [1964]; UN & Ford Foundation [1966-75]; founder & president, The Goodwillie Group [1979-], consultants; executive director, Refugees International [1980s]; author, “Voices for the Future…” [1993]
W. Scott Thompson 1959 Rhodes Scholar [1962-]; White House Fellow [1975-77]; board of directors, US Institute of Peace [1985-2000]; adjunct professor, International Politics, Fletcher School, Tufts, Georgetown
Lee Webb 1959 Public policy analyst; founder & first president, Center for Policy Alternatives [1976], “of, by and for state legislators”; senior policy fellow, Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center, U Maine
G. Edward White 1959 Legal historian, professor, U Virginia School of Law; author, “The American Judicial Tradition” [1978], “Earl Warren…” [1986], “The Marshall Court…” [1988]
Jesse Colin Young 1959 Singer/songwriter; early 60s Greenwich Village folksinger; lead singer of the classic folk/rock band, The Youngbloods [1965-72]; “Get Together” a top-ten hit [1969]; solo artist [1972-]; environmental & peace activist [1970s-]
Name Class Areas of Note
Robert S. Beale 1960 Physician, specialist in weight reduction [1970s-2004]; author “The Black Diet Doctor’s Solution for Black Women” [2004]
John Bissell 1960 Member, Shrewsbury School Eight [1961], winner of the Princess Elizabeth Cup, Henley; professor of neurology, UC Davis; chief of neurology, Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento; recipient, Cecil Cutting Award [2010]
Michael A. Burlingame 1960 History professor, Connecticut College, Lincoln authority; author, “The Inner World of Abraham Lincoln” [1994], “Abraham Lincoln: A Life” [2008]
Robert M. Cahners 1960 Ranked #1 in US Masters Track & Field weight & super weight championships [2007, 2008]
Moncrieff Cochran III 1960 Psychologist; professor of human development & family studies & director, Cornell Early Childhood Program, College of Human Ecology [-2008]; researcher on child rearing, early childhood education programs
Ruth C. Crocker 1960 President, World Association of Flower Arrangers [2009-]
John Darnton 1960 Journalist & novelist; Pulitzer Prize winning foreign correspondent [1982], New York Times, London bureau chief [1993-96], cultural editor [1993-2002]; author, “Neanderthal” [1997], “Black & White & Dead All Over” [2008], “Almost a Family” [2011]
Jane English 1960 Photographer, book designer, founder/owner Earth Heart, Inc.; hot-air balloon pilot
Edward Parker “Ned” Evans 1960 Thoroughbred breeder & owner, ranked among top 10 breeders in the United States; owner Spring Hill Farm, Virginia [1969-2010]; major donor to Yale School of Management; namesake, Edward P. Evans Hall housing the School of Management[2014]
Mary Alice Feldblum 1960 Sociologist; director, Hofstra University Institute of Applied Social Science [1970s-80s]
Duncan Kennedy 1960 Legal theorist; professor; Harvard Law School [1976-]; critic of American legal education; author, “A Critique of Adjudication…” [1997]
Sheldon Leader 1960 Attorney, legal theorist & civil rights activist; professor, School of Law, University of Essex, UK & Essex Centre for Human Rights; chairman, Pallas Consortium of Universities for European Law; legal advisor, Amnesty International UK
Richard H. Masland 1960 Medical researcher; professor of neuroscience & ophthalmology, Harvard; specialist in neurome of the retina; director, Howe Laboratory, Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary [2009-]; recipient, Hoopes & London awards in teaching, Brian Boycott Prize, research, Proctor Medal [2010]
Barry McCaffrey 1960 General & military analyst; division commander, Gulf War [1990-91]; commander, US Southern Command [1994-96]; director, Office of National Drug Control Policy [1996-2001]; professor of international security studies, West Point [2001-05]; named to US Army Ranger Hall of Fame [2007]
Christopher F. McKee 1960 Physicist, specialist in interstellar gases; professor of physics & astronomy, UC Berkeley [1974-], director, Space Sciences Laboratory [1985-98]; member, National Academy of Sciences
Henry “Tom” Mudd 1960 Founder, Cinnabar Vineyards & Winery, Santa Cruz Mountain appellation [1983]
John W. Nields Jr. 1960 Attorney; chief counsel, House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, Korea influence peddling investigation [1977-79]; House Select Committee, Iran-Contra Hearings [1987]
Margaret W. Noel 1960 President, Oregon League of Women Voters [2003-07]
Paulette Dufault Peden 1960 Fashion leader; advertising & promotion VP, Elizabeth Arden [ca.1980s-90s]
Joseph M. Prahl 1960 Engineering professor, Case Western Reserve, Department of Fluid, Thermal & Aerospace Sciences [1968-], chair [1992-2007]; co-director, NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship Program [1970-2003]; NASA Backup Payload Specialist, Microgravity Laboratory [1992]; recipient, Carl Wittke & Tau Beta Pi awards for excellence in teaching [1972, 1989-90], Zarem Education Award [2006]
William Bradford Reynolds 1960 Attorney; assistant solicitor general & assistant attorney general for civil rights, Reagan Administration [1981-88]; represented government before the Supreme Court in the Bob Jones University civil rights case [1982]
Michael Scharf 1960 Scholar & collector, early 20th century American modernist abstract painting
Phyllis Ross Schless 1960 President, Girls Clubs of America [1984-86], chair, National Child Labor Committee [1992-95]
William F. Seifert 1960 Journalist; as a member of the Longview Washington Daily News staff, Pulitzer Prize recipient for coverage of the Mount St. Helen’s disaster [1980-81]
William D. Sherman 1960 Attorney, specialist in corporate securities & stock offerings; voted one of “best lawyers in America” [1982-2009]
Nicholas C. Spitzer 1960 Neurobiologist; specialist in early neuronal development in the brain; distinguished professor & vice chair, Section of Neurobiology, UC San Diego [1972-]; coauthor, “Fundamental Neuroscience” [1982, 2002]
Handley M. G. Stevens 1960 British diplomat & government official, Under Secretary for Transportation [1980s]; coauthor, “Brussels Bureaucrats: the Administration of the European Union” [2000] & “Transportation Policy in the European Union” [2003]
Dorothy Tod 1960 Filmmaker; associate producer & film supervisor, Sesame Street [ca.1970]; producer/director, “What if You Couldn’t Read” [1980], recipient, DuPont-Columbia Citation in Broadcast Journalism; “Warriors’ Women” [1981], recipient, Grand Prize, New England Film Festival
Allen Mason Ward 1960 Classicist, professor of classicist, University of Connecticut; author, “Marcus Crassus & the Late Roman Republic [1977], “A History of the Roman People” [5th Edition, 2004]
Woodward A. “Woody” Wickham 1960 Vice president, John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, specializing in grant making to human rights groups, independent filmmakers & PBS series [1990-2003]
Ward W. Woods 1960 CEO/president, Bessemer Securities [1989-1999]; chair, Stanford Management Company [2006-08]; donor, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford [2006]; chair, executive committee, Wildlife Conservation Society
Karl A. Ziegler 1960 London-based banker & founding member, Transparency International [1994] focused on auditing debt relief provided to 3rd-world nations; cofounder & CEO, Kinnerton Research Centre focused on corporate best practices in difficult business environments prone to corruption
Sid R. Bass 1961 Investor, philanthropist; vice chair, Museum of Modern Art
Eileen Christelow 1961 Children’s’ book author-illustrator, including “Henry & the Red Stripes” [1982], the “Five Little Monkeys…” series [1990-], “Letters from a Desperate Dog” [2006]
A. Bruce Cleveland 1961 Banker; founder, chairman, president & CEO, Presidential Bank [1985-] & Presidential Online Bank [1995], the nation’s first
Fulton Collins 1961 Tulsa businessman, leader & benefactor, Tulsa University; chair/CEO, Liberty Glass [1980-94], CEO Collins Investments [1994-2008]; chair, Tulsa University board of trustees [1997-2008]; donor, Collins Hall, namesake, Collins College of Business Administration, Tulsa U
William A. “Bill” Drayton 1961 Social entrepreneur; as EPA assistant administrator [1977-81], launched emissions trading; founder/president/CEO/chairman, Ashoka: Innovators for the Public [1980-]; chairman, American Environmental Safety Council [1981-85]; recipient, MacArthur Fellowship [1984-89]; Public Service Achievement Award, Common Cause [1999]; Fuess Award [2009]; Prince of Asturias Award in International Cooperation [2011]
Dick Durrance 1961 Photographer; Army Photographic Office [1967-68] working in Vietnam, National Geographic staff photographer [1969-76], advertising photographer [1976-]; voted Advertising Photographer of the Year [1987]
David H. Evans 1961 Ethnomusicologist; professor of music, University of Memphis; blues guitarist & singer [1962-]; recipient, Grammy Award, best album notes, “Screamin’ & Hollerin’ the Blues: the Worlds of Charley Patton” [2003]; recipient, University of Memphis Willard R. Sparks Eminent Faculty Award [2007]
Frederick Pollard Goff 1961 Director, North American Congress on Latin America [NACLA]; publisher, “Report on the Americas” [1966-2011]; cofounder & president, DataCenter; board president, Community Financial Resources
King W.W. Harris 1961 CEO, Pittway Corporation [1987-2000]; chairman, Harris School Visiting Committee, U Chicago; chairman, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago [2001-2006]
Judith V. Jordan 1961 Psychologist & co-developer, the relational-cultural model of women’s development; director, Jean Baker Miller Training Institute, Wellesley Centers for Women; coauthor, “Women’s Growth in Connection” [1991], etc.
Edward Gibson Lanpher 1961 Career diplomat [1967-99]; US ambassador to Zimbabwe [1991-95]
Karyl Charna Lynn 1961 Critic, authority on opera & opera houses; US correspondent, Opera Now; author, “National Trust Guide to Grand Opera & Opera Houses” [1996], “Italian Opera Houses & Festivals” [2005]
John Marks 1961 Founder & president, Search for Common Ground [1982-], an international conflict prevention organization, initially focused on US-Soviet cooperation; Search for Common Ground awarded the first US State Department Benjamin Franklin Ward for Public Diplomacy [2008]
W. Gage McAfee 1961 Attorney; member, Advisory Consultative Commission for the Basic Law of Hong Kong [1985-89]
George Pieczenik 1961 Biochemist in genetic research; associate professor, Rutgers; member, patent bar; recipient, Fuess Award [1980]
Thomas E. Pollock III 1961 US Olympic Rowing Team [1964]
Tony Robbin 1961 Theoretician, artist & author; developer of computer visualizations of four-dimensional geometry; painter & sculptor [1974-]; author, “Engineering a new Architecture” [1996], “Shadows of Reality: the Fourth Dimension in Relativity, Cubism & Modern Thought” [2006]
James H. Rubin 1961 Art historian, specialist in 19th century European painting; author, “Courbet” [1997], “Impressionism & the Modern Landscape” [2008]
Daniel H. Saks 1961 Economist, expert on unemployment & the economics of education; Council of Economic Advisers, Carter Administration [1977-80]; director, National Commission on Unemployment Policy [1980-82]; professor, Vanderbilt [1982-]
Alan M. Tartakoff 1961 Medical researcher, cell biologist & pathologist; author, “Vectoral Transport of Proteins into & across Membranes” [1991]; professor, Case Western Reserve Department of Pathology [1994-]
William R. Torbert 1961 Professor & dean, Carroll School of Management, Boston University [1978-2008]; author, “Managing the Corporate Dream” [1987], “The Secret of Timely & Transforming Leadership” [2004]; recipient, David L. Bradford Distinguished Educator Award [2008]
Robert L. Trivers 1961 Evolutionary biologist & sociobiologist; professor, Harvard, UC Santa Cruz, Rutgers [1973-]; widely influential developer of theories of reciprocal altruism [1971], parental investment [1972]; author, “Social Evolution” [1985], coauthor, “Genes in Conflict: the Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements” [2006]; recipient, Crafoord Prize [2007] in bioscience
David R. Weaver 1961 Member, Eliot House Crew [Harvard], winner Thames Challenge Cup [1964]
Craig R. Whitney 1961 Journalist & organist; New York Times reporter, foreign correspondent, bureau chief & assistant managing editor, [1965-2009]; organist & historian; author, “All the Stops: the Glorious Pipe Organ” [2003], “The WMD Mirage: Iraq’s Decade of Deception…” [2005]; recipient, American Guild of Organists President’s Award [2004]
Stuart Wrede 1961 Director, Dept. of Architecture & Design, Museum of Modern Art [1987-92]; creator of environmental sculpture & landscape design [1992-]
John Zeisel 1961 Sociologist specializing in social research & design, especially for special-needs building occupants; founder, Hearthstone Alzheimer’s Family Foundation & Hearthstone Alzheimer’s Care; author, “Inquiry by Design: Environment / Behavior / Neuroscience in Architecture, Interiors, Landscape & Planning” [1984/2006]
Charles S. Abbot 1962 Admiral; Rhodes Scholar [1966-]; commander, aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt; commander 6th Fleet [1996-98]; deputy chief, US European Command [1999-2000]; deputy Homeland Security Advisor to the president [2001-2003]
Allen Andersson 1962 Entrepreneur & philanthropist; founder and funder, the Riecken Foundation [2000], creator of free public libraries in Central America
Jonathan Baron 1962 Professor of psychology, U. Pennsylvania, specializing in the decision-making process for moral and public policy questions; author, “Rationality and Intelligence” [1985], “Morality & Rational Choice” [18993], “Thinking & Deciding” [1988, 2008]
Charles J. Beard II 1962 Attorney & civic leader; authority on cable television law & regulation; chairman, Emerson College Board of Trustees [1999-2001]; chairman, Board of Trustees, WGBH Education Foundation [-2004]
Kenneth P. Bergquist 1962 Army officer & Pentagon official; brigadier general, specialist in counterterrorism; first president, Joint Special Operations University; US Central Command Special Operations Staff Director [-2002]
Fitzgerald B. Bramwell 1962 Professor of chemistry and biochemistry, City University [1988-95]; vice president for research and graduate studies, University of Kentucky [1995-]; recipient, Fuess Award [2000]
Keith H. Chiappa 1962 Rhodes Scholar [1964-65]; neurologist & professor of neurology, Harvard Medical School; director, EEG/EP Lab, Mass. General Hospital; editor, Journal of Contemporary Neurology; author, “Evoked Potentials in Clinical Medicine” [1983, 1989]
Edward Grew 1962 Geologist, professor, University of Maine Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences; specialist in boron and beryllium; discover of several minerals; namesake of newly discovered minerals Edgrewite and hydroxledgrewite [2011]
Sally Mandel 1962 Author, best-selling romance novels; “Change of Heart” [1979], “Portrait of a Married Woman” [1986], “Out of the Blue” [2002]
David J. Smith 1962 Geography & social studies teacher, creator of geography curricula, education consultant; creator, “Mapping the World by Heart” [1991], “If the World Were a Village” [2002]; recipient, US Dept. of Education “Breaking the Mold” Award [1992]
Charles C. “Charlie” Stuart 1962 Writer, producer, director of television news stories & documentaries; senior producer, ABC News; recipient, five Emmy Awards, 2 DuPont Awards
Cathy Wilkerson 1962 Member, the Weathermen Underground [ca.1970]; author, “Flying Close to the Sun: My Life & Times as a Weatherman” [2007]
Edward Bass 1963 Philanthropist; lead donor, Biosphere II [1985-], Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies [1991] & Bass Performance Hall [1998]
Edward W. “Tad” Campion 1963 Rhodes Scholar [1967-]; senior deputy editor & online editor, New England Journal of Medicine [2001-]
Felicity “Flick” Colby 1963 Choreographer and dancer; founder & leader of the London-based, go-go girl dance group Pan’s People, a British television pop-culture phenomenon [1966-76], and later groups
William Damon 1963 Developmental psychologist & author; professor of education & director, Stanford Center on Adolescence [1997-], senior fellow, Hoover Institution [1999-]; author, “The Moral Child” [1990], “Greater Expectations: Overcoming the Culture of Indulgence…” [1995], “The Path to Purpose” [2008], “Failing Liberty 101…” [2011]
Deborah Fitts 1963 Journalist & preservationist; proponent of safeguarding Civil War battlefields; reporter, Civil War News [1989-92], director of communications, Civil War Preservation Trust [1992-94]
John Burt Foster Jr. 1963 Professor, comparative literature and modern fiction, George Mason; author, “A Nietzschean Current in Literary Modernism” [1981, “Nabokov’s Art Memory and European Modernism” [1993], “Transnational Tolstoy: Between the West & the World” [2013
Richard Nash Gould 1963 Architect; one of six New York designers and artists credited with the “Tribute in Light” — twin beams of light illuminated annually to commemorate those lost in the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attacks.
Paul Hoffman 1963 Cox, US Olympic 8+ rowing team [1968, ’72], silver medalist [1972]
Tracy Kidder 1963 Author; “Soul of the new Machine” [1981], winner, Pulitzer Prize & American Book Award [1982]; “Home Town” [1999]; “Mountains Beyond Mountains: One Doctor’s Quest to Heal the World” [2003]
Paul Monette 1963 Writer; poet; AIDS activist; author, “Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story” [2004], winner, National Book Award
John L. Morrison 1963 US Olympic Hockey Team [1968]
Richard S. Pechter 1963 Investment banker, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette [1969-99]; Tony-award winning producer, “Titanic: the Musical” [1997]
Nicholas Prahl 1963 National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps [1970-2004], Rear Admiral & director, NOAA Atlantic & Pacific Marine Centers [1999-2004]
Henry Richardson 1963 City & regional planner & architect; professor of architecture & chair, department of architecture, Cornell; developer of plans for new cities in Africa, including Nasco Town, Lagos, Nigeria, Bui, Ghana; recipient, Faculty Innovation in Teaching Award, Cornell [2001]
Nicholas Z. “Nick” Scoville 1963 Professor of astronomy, Caltech [1986-]; director, Owens Valley Radio Observatory [[1986-96]; research focused on assembly & evolution of galaxies in the early universe
Jon Turk 1963 Sea kayak adventurer & author focused on spiritual quests; author, “Cold Oceans” [1998], “In the Wake of Jomon” [2005], “The Raven’s Gift” [2010]
Louis Wiley Jr. 1963 Television documentarian [1970-]; series editor, WGBH documentary series “World” [1977-83], executive editor, WGBH “Frontline” series [1983-92, 1999-2009], recipient of multiple Emmy, DuPont-Columbia, Pulitzer and other awards
Tadataka “Tachi” Yamada 1963 Physician, pharmaceutical executive, global healthcare funder; gastroenterologist; chair, Department of Internal Medicine, Michigan Medical School, & physician-in-chief, Michigan Medical Center [-1996]; president, American Gastroenterological Association; GlaxoSmithKline R&D chairman [1999-2005]; president, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Health Programs [2006-11]; chief medical and scientific officer & later president, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. [2011-]; coauthor, “The Textbook of Gastroenterology” [1991 et seq.]; recipient, Friedenwald Medal [2003], KBE [2007]
Mohamed Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke 1964 Chair, Somali Committee for Popular Democracy [2001-]; president, United Somali Democratic Union
Susan Almy 1964 Anthropologist & politician; specialist in social structures & nutrition in the developing world; Democratic member, New Hampshire House of Representatives [1996-], chair, House Ways & Means Committee
Richard H. Brodhead 1964 Chair, Yale English Department [1985-93], dean, Yale College [1993-2004]; President, Duke University [2004-]
Stephen B. Burbank 1964 Professor, University of Pennsylvania Law School [1979-]; expert on federal court rulemaking, interjurisdictional preclusion, judicial independence & accountability; chair, American Academy of Political & Social Science [2004-07]; chair, American Judicature Society Editorial Committee [2000-08]; coauthor, “Judicial Independence at the Crossroads…” [2002]
George W. Bush 1964 Managing general partner, Texas Rangers baseball team [1989-94]; Governor of Texas [1995-2000]; 43rd President of the United States [2001-2009]
Robert J. Dieter 1964 Law professor, University of Colorado [1979-2005], director, Legal Aid Clinic; author, “Colorado Criminal Practice & Procedure” [1996]; ambassador to Belize [2005-09]
Jeffrey Garten 1964 Managing director, Lehman Brothers [1984-87], the Blackstone Group [1992-93]; under secretary of commerce for international trade [1993-95]; dean, Yale School of Management [1995-2005]; columnist, Business Week [1997-2005]; author, “A Cold Peace: America, Japan, Germany and the Struggle for Supremacy” [1992], “The Politics of Fortune” [2002]
José Gonzalez-Inclan 1964 Squash National Jr. Singles Champion [1965]; Harvard All-American in squash [1966, -67, -68]
Clay Johnson III 1964 Appointments secretary/chief of staff to Texas Governor George W. Bush [1995-2000]; assistant to the president for personnel [2000-2003]; deputy director, U.S. Office of Management & Budget [2003-09]
James B. Lockhart III 1964 Deputy director & CEO, Social Security Administration [2002-2006]; director, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight [2006-2009]; director, Federal Housing Finance Agency [2008-09]
Seth Mydans 1964 Foreign correspondent; New York Times Southeast Asia correspondent & the International Herald Tribune [1996-]; recipient, Shorenstein Journalism Award [2009]
Peter Smith 1964 Lt. Governor of Vermont [1983-86], Republican congressman [1988-90]; founding president, Community College of Vermont [1970-]; founding president, University of California, Monterey Bay [1995-2005]; assistant director general for education, UNESCO [2005-07]
Laura Stevenson 1964 Cultural historian & writer of fiction; author “Praise & Paradox: Merchants & Craftsmen in Elizabethan Popular Literature…” [1974], “Happily After All” [1993], “Castle in the Wind” [2003], “Return in Kind” [2010]
Gwyneth Walker 1964 Composer for orchestra, chorus & chamber ensemble; faculty, Oberlin College Conservatory [1976-79]; recipient, Vermont Arts Council Lifetime Achievement Award [2000]
Dick Wolf 1964 Emmy Award-winning creator, producer & writer, “Miami Vice” [1984-89], “Law and Order” [1990-2010], television’s 2nd longest-running drama series; producer, “Chicago P.D.” [2013], Academy Award-winning documentary “Twin Towers” [2003]
W. Benjamin Barker 1965 Hardware engineer & team member for development of ARPANET [1969], precursor to the Internet
Mary Wilkes Eubanks 1965 Anthropologist & botanist; senior research scientist, Duke University; researcher on maize origin, evolution & improvement; author, “Corn in Clay: Paleoethnobotany in Pre-Columbian Art” [1999]; president, Sun Dance Genetics [2002-]; recipient, Fuess Award [2000]
Eugen Indjic 1965 Concert pianist; 2nd prize, International Arthur Rubenstein Competition [1974]; artist-in-residence, Prague Symphony [2013]
Jeffrey K. MacNelly 1965 Cartoonist; creator of the comic strip “Shoe” [1977]; recipient Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartoons [1972, -78 & -85], Fuess Award [1979], Overseas Press Club Thomas Nast Award [1985] for cartoons on international affairs
Mark H. Moore 1965 Professor, criminal justice policy, Kennedy School, Harvard [1979-2004]; professor & former chair, Hauser Center for Non-profits, Kennedy School [2004-]
Kevin Rafferty 1965 Documentary filmmaker; producer/director, The Atomic Café” [1982]; cinematographer, “Roger & Me” [1989], “The War Room” [1993], “Harvard Beats Yale 29:29” [2008]
John M. “Jock” Reynolds 1965 Artist & museum director; director, Addison Gallery of American Art [1989-98], Yale University Art Gallery [1998-]
David Roe 1965 Rhodes Scholar [1969-70]; attorney specializing in environmental law & advocacy; West Coast attorney, Environmental Defense Fund [ca.1980s]; primary author, California Proposition 65 [1985-88] re product safety and labeling; author, “Dynamos & Virgins” [1984]
Alexander Sanger 1965 President, Planned Parenthood of New York [1991-2000]; chair, International Planned Parenthood Council [2000-]; author, Beyond Choice: Reproductive Freedom in the 21st Century [2004]
Donald Shepard 1965 Health economist; professor, Schneider Institutes for Health Policy, Heller School, Brandeis; researcher on substance abuse treatment, the economic impacts of hunger; disease control in developing countries, etc.
Peter Vanderwarker 1965 Architectural & editorial photographer; recipient, Institute Honors, American Institute of Architects [1992]
Douglas P. Woodlock 1965 US District Court judge, District of Massachusetts [1986-]; authority on federal courthouse design; author, “The Peculiar Embarrassment: an Architectural History of Federal Courts in Massachusetts” [1989]
Michael M. Wood 1965 US Ambassador to Sweden [2006-09]
Blakeman Hazzard “Blake” Allen 1966 Director, Pakistani Educational Leadership Project [2006-]; coordinator, College of Graduate Studies, Plymouth State University
Daniel R. Bowler 1966 Rear admiral; surface warfare officer; commandant, National War College [1999-2000]
Peter V.R. Franchot 1966 Staff director, Representative Edward J. Markey [1980-86]; Democratic member, Maryland House of Delegates [1987-2007]; Comptroller of Maryland [2007-]; recipient, Association of Government Accountants, Distinguished Leadership Award [2008]
David S. Goldstein 1966 Medical researcher; senior investigator, NIH; founding director, Clinical Neurocardiology Section, NIH [1990-]; author, “The Autonomic Nervous System” [2001], “Sources & Significance of Plasma Levels of Catechols…in Humans” [2003], “Adrenaline & the Inner World…” [2006]; recipient, Yale’s Angier Prize, NIH Distinguished Clinical Teacher Award
John Hilley 1966 Economist; staff director, US Senate Budget Committee [1985-91]; chief of staff, Senate Majority Leader [1991-95]; White House director of legislative affairs [1997-]; chairman/CEO, NASDAQ-AMEX International [1999-]; author, “The Challenge of Legislation: Bipartisanship in a Partisan World” [2007]
William E. “Bill” Littlefield Jr. 1966 Journalist, sports commentator; host, NPR “Only a Game” [1993-]
David Ludden 1966 Historian, specialist South Asian development & globalization; professor & chair, Department of History, NYU [2007-]; author, “Peasant History in South India” [1985], “An Agrarian History of South Asia” [1999], “India & South Asia: A Short History” [2002, -12]; recipient, Fulbright Fellowship [2009]
Peter Purdue 1966 Historian, specialist in modern Chinese history; professor, MIT [1994-]; author, “China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia” [2005]; recipient, MIT’s Levitan Prize [1992]
Eric Redman 1966 Rhodes Scholar [1970-71]; staffer, US Senator Warren Magnuson [ca.1971]; author, “The Dance of Legislation” [1973, 2000]
Lucy Thomson 1966 Attorney & information technology security expert; editor, American Bar Association “Data Breach & Encryption Handbook” [2011]; chair, ABA Section for Science & Technology Law [2012]; winner, National Women’s Intercollegiate Sailing Championship [1967]
Anthony Alofsin 1967 Architect & architectural historian; architecture professor, U Texas; author, “Frank Lloyd Wright: the Lost Years” [2006][AIA monograph award winner], “When Buildings Speak: Architecture as Language in the Habsburg Empire and its Aftermath” [2007]
Julia Alvarez 1967 Prolific novelist, poet & essayist, including: “How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accents” [1991], “In a Time of Butterflies” [1994], “Once Upon A Quincea–era” [2007]
Richard J. Balfour 1967 Rhodes Scholar [1971-74]; Toronto attorney, specialist in corporate law, IPOs
Joseph V. Canavagh Jr. 1967 All-American hockey player, Harvard [1969, -70 & -71]; US Ice Hockey Hall of Fame [1994]
Andre Maurice Davis 1967 Judge, Maryland District Court & Circuit Court [1987-95]; US District Court for Maryland [1995-09], US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals judge [2009-]; recipient, Benjamin A Cardin Public Service Award [2008]
Carroll Dunham 1967 Painter & printmaker
Ford M. Fraker 1967 Investment banker & diplomat; US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia [2007-09]; president, Middle East Policy Council [2013-]
Anthony Grafton 1967 Historian & essayist; history professor, Princeton [1975-]; chair, Council of the Humanities, Princeton [2002-2006]; author, “Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in the Age of Science” [1991], “What Was History…” [2007]; recipient, Balzan Prize [2002], Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award [2004]
Alex Harris 1967 Photographer; author, “The Old Ones of New Mexico” [1973], “Red White Blue & God Bless You” [1992]; founder, Duke University Center for Documentary Studies [1989-], coauthor “Why We Are Here: Mobile & the Spirit of a Southern City” [2012]
Ann McKeever Hatch 1967 Founder & director, Capp Street art installations project, San Francisco [1983-]; founder & board chair, Oxbow School, Napa, CA, high-school arts immersion program [1997-2005]; chair, Board of Trustees, California College of the Art [2005-09]
Mel Kendrick 1967 Sculptor
Wade Saunders 1967 Sculptor & art critique
Thomas Schiavoni 1967 Founder & director, Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts [1977-]; recipient, Fuess Award [1978]
Kenny Blake 1968 Jazz saxophone player, leader, 1990s Pittsburgh “Steel Town” fusion sound
Dorothy L. Cheney 1968 Primate researcher, baboon social behavior & language; biology professor, U Pennsylvania; coauthor, “Baboon Metaphysics” [2007]
Martin W. Daly 1968 Historian, especially Egypt & the Sudan; editor, “The Cambridge History of Egypt…1517-2000” [1999]; author, “Darfur’s Sorrow: A History” [2007], “Imperial Executor: Sir William Luce & the British Empire in the Middle East” [2014]
Peter Evans 1968 Actor, known for award-winning performances in plays by David Mamet, Tom Stoppard, Arthur Miller [ca.1975-85]
Philip F. Gura 1968 Historian, literary critic & musicologist; professor, American History & Culture, UNC Chapel Hill; author, “Theology, Literature & the New England Renaissance” [1981], “A Glimpse of Sion’s Glory: Puritan Radicalism in New England…” [1984], “America’s Instrument: The Banjo in the 19th Century” [1999], “Transcendentalism: A History” [2007]; Distinguished Scholar Award, Modern Language Association [2008]
Thomas H. Jackson 1968 Attorney, expert on bankruptcy law; dean, University of Virginia School of Law [1988-91]; president, University of Rochester [1994-2005]
David Ensor 1969 Broadcast journalist, NPR [1975-80]; ABC diplomatic correspondent [1980-98]; CNN national security correspondent [1998-]; appointed director, Voice of America [2011-]
Wendy Ewald 1969 Photographer; pioneer in photography collaborations with children around the world; founder, Literacy through Photography Program [1990]; Fellow, Duke Center for Documentary Studies; recipient, Lyndhurst Prize [1986], MacArthur Fellowship [1992]; “Wendy Ewald: Secret Games, Collaborative Works with Children 1969–1999” [2000]; PA Alumni Award of Distinction, 2012
Thomas Mesereau 1969 Criminal defense attorney, best known for defense of Michael Jackson [2005]
James Shannon 1969 Democratic congressman from Massachusetts [1979-85]; Massachusetts Attorney General [1987-91]; recipient, Fuess Award [1983]
Mark Stevens 1969 Art critic; coauthor, “de Kooning: An American Master” winner, Pulitzer Prize for biography [2005]
Evan W. Thomas III 1969 Journalist & biographer; assistant managing editor, Newsweek [1991-]; author, “The Man to See: The Life of Edward Bennett Williams” [1991], “Robert Kennedy” [2000], “John Paul Jones” [2003], “Ike’s Bluff: President Eisenhower’s Secret Battle to Save the World” [2012]; recipient, National Magazine Award [1998]
Name Class Areas of Note
Alex Donner 1970 New York band leader & cabaret singer
E. Grant Gibbons 1970 Rhodes Scholar [1974-76]; member, Bermuda Parliament [1994-]; Minister of Finance [1995-98], then shadow Minister of Finance; chairman, Public Accounts Committee [1998-2006]; Leader, United Bermuda Party [2001-06]; Minister of Education & Economic Development [2012-]
James B. Steinberg 1970 Foreign policy analyst & political advisor; director, State Dept. policy planning staff [1994-96]; deputy national security advisor [1997-2001]; director, foreign policy studies, Brookings Institution [2001-2005]; dean, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs [2005-08]; foreign policy advisor to presidential candidate Barack Obama [2008]; deputy secretary of state [2009-11]; dean, Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University [2011-]
Theodore B. Thorndike 1970 Member, US National & Olympic hockey teams [1975-76]
Sandra “Sandy” Urie 1970 Chairman & CEO, Cambridge Associates [2001-], investment advisors to foundations & endowments; recipient, Women Who Make A Difference Award; [2005], National Council for Research on Women, 100 Women in Hedge Funds [2010]
William L. Ury 1970 Anthropologist, peace negotiator; coauthor “Getting to Yes…” [1981]; cofounder, Harvard Negotiation Project, Harvard Law School
Charles van der Horst 1970 AIDS researcher & activist; professor of medicine, UNC Chapel Hill; director, AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, Chapel Hill Hospital [1989-]
Ernie Adams 1971 National Football League coach [1975-]; as research director, New England Patriots [2000-], instrumental in Super Bowl wins in 2001, 2003, 2004, & the Patriot’s 16-0 2007 season
Bill Belichick 1971 National Football League coach [1975-]; head coach, Cleveland Browns [1985-90], head coach, New England Patriots [2000-], with a perfect 16-0 season in 2007 & Super Bowl wins in 2001, 2003, 2004, 2014, and 2016; named NFL Coach of the Year 2003, 2007, 2010
John E. “Jeb” Bush 1971 Governor of Florida [1999-2007]
Richard M. Cashin Jr. 1971 Member, Harvard 8+ crew, winner, Thames Challenge Cup, Henley [1972] & national championship [1974]; member, US Men’s Olympic Crew Team [1976, 1980]; member, Charles River Rowling Association 8+, winner Grand Challenge Cup, Henley [1980]
Lincoln Chafee 1971 Mayor of Warwick, Rhode Island [1992-99]; Republican US senator [1999-2007]; independent RI Governor [2011-]
David Cuthell Jr. 1971 Executive director, Institute for Turkish Studies, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University [2005-11]
Frank duPont 1971 Documentary filmmaker; cofounder, Winton/duPont Films [1988-]; specialist in video narratives portraying institutions and individuals; executive producer & director, Medal of Honor “Portraits of Valor” [2009]
Paul J. Finnegan 1971 Private equity investor; cofounder & co-CEO, Madison Dearborn Partners, Chicago [1992-]
Thomas C. Foley 1971 Ambassador to Ireland [2006-09]
Jameson French 1971 President/CEO, Northland Forest Products, specialty hardwoods producer; chair, Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests [1995-98]; chair, Hardwood Trade Federation [-2013]; chair, Forest Stewardship Council
Peter R. Halley 1971 Painter of geometric abstractions; art critic; cofounder, Index Magazine [1996-]; director, graduate studies in painting & printmaking, Yale School of Art [2001-]
Susan McCouch 1971 Plant geneticist specializing in increasing rice yields; International Rice Research Institute [1990-95]; professor, plant breeding & genetics, Cornell [1995-]; recipient, Thai Golden Sickle Award [2007]
Rick Prelinger 1971 Film archivist, filmmaker, cultural historian & advocate for open access to historical materials; founder, Prelinger Archives [1983], partially acquired by the Library of Congress [2002]
Pierce Rafferty 1971 Film archivist & documentary filmmaker; cofounder, Petrified Films, Inc. [1984]; producer/director “The Atomic Café” [1982]
David Winton 1971 Documentary filmmaker; cofounder, Winton/duPont Films [1988]; producer/director, “Code Rush” [2000]
H. G. “Buzz” Bissinger 1972 Journalist, sportswriter, author; recipient, Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting [1987]; author, “Friday Night Lights” [1988], “A Prayer for the City” [1998], “Three Nights in August” [2005]
Daniel G. Bolduc 1972 Member, US National & Olympic hockey teams [1975-76]; NHL player, Detroit Red Wings, Calgary Flames [1978-84]
Marna Parke Borgstrom 1972 President/CEO, Yale New Haven Hospital & YNH Health System [2007-]; lecturer, Yale School of Public Health
George Church 1972 Molecular geneticist; co-developer, genomic sequencing & the Human Genome Project [1984]; inventor, molecular multiplexing and tags, DNA array synthesizers; initiator, Personal Genome Project & synthetic biology; director, US Dept. of Energy Center on Bioenergy & NIH Center of Excellence in Genomic Science; PA Alumni Award of Distinction, 2013
Nicholas J. Hadley 1972 Physicist; professor of high-energy physics, University of Maryland; member, Zero Experiment team that discovered the top quark, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory [2007]
John Hess 1972 Oil industry executive; CEO, Hess Corporation [1995-], chairman [1995-2013]
Maud Lavin 1972 Art & cultural historian; author, “The Weimar Photomontages of Hannah Hoch” [1993], “Clear New World: Culture, Politics & Graphic Design” [2001], “Push Comes to Shove: New Images of Aggressive Women” [2010]
Toby Lineaweaver 1972 Executive director, Penikese Island School, Cape Cod, Mass., for at-risk boys and juvenile felons [1996-2011]
S. Neil MacFarlane 1972 Rhodes Scholar [1976-77]; professor of government / international relations, U Virginia, Queen’s College, Canada, Oxford [1984-]; head, Department of Politics & International relations, Oxford [2005-10]; expert on international security, humanitarian aid & peacekeeping; coauthor, “Human Security & the UN” [2006]
Bruce Poliquin 1972 State Treasurer, Maine [2011-2013]; U.S. Representative, Maine 2nd district [2015]
Alexandra “Sandy” Reynolds-Wasco 1972 Set-decorator working with film directors Quentin Tarantino, Wes Anderson et al; “Pulp Fiction” [1994], “The Royal Tenenbaums” [2001], “Inglourious Basterds” [2009]
Doug Suisman 1972 Architect & urban planner, specializing in regional & transportation planning; author, “The Arc: A formal Structure for a Palestinian State” [2005]
Jonathan B. Tucker 1972 Specialist in chemical & biological weapons issues; senior fellow, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies [1996-2011]; author, “Biosecurity: Limiting Terrorist Access to Deadly Pathogens” [2003] & “War of Nerves: Chemical Warfare from World War I to Al-Qaeda” [2006]
Michael Beschloss 1973 Historian, specialist in the American presidency; author, “Eisenhower: A Centennial Life [1990], “The Conquerors: Roosevelt & Truman” [2002], “Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How they Changed America” [2007]; television analyst; recipient, Emmy Award [2005] for “Decisions that Shook the World”
Kenneth J. Cooper 1973 Journalist; recipient, Pulitzer Prize [1984] as a Boston Globe reporter; Washington Post Southeast Asia correspondent; Boston Globe National Editor [2001-2005]
Christopher Kimball 1973 President, California Lutheran University [2008-]
Guy Nordenson 1973 Structural engineer; professor, Princeton School of Architecture [1995-]; NYC Public Design Commission [2006-2015]; author, “Tall Buildings” [2003], “WTC Emergency Building Damage Assessment” [2004]; “Seven Structural Engineers” (2008) “On the Water: Palisade Bay” [2010]; “Patterns and Structures” [2010] “Reading Structures” (2016)
William F. Owen Jr. 1973 Physician; specialist in kidney disease & transplantation; chancellor, University of Tennessee Health Science Center [2005-07]; president, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey [2007-12]; CEO, Sidra Medical Research Center, Qatar [2012-]
Elisabeth Robert 1973 President/CEO, Vermont Teddy Bear Company [1996-2007], CEO, Terry Precision Cycling [2009-]
Cathy von Klemperer Utzschneider 1973 7-time US National Masters Cross Country champion; owner, MOVE [1993-], coaching for women
Christopher Willett 1973 Oncologist; specialist in gastrointestinal cancers; chair, Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center
Christopher Agee 1974 Poet & editor based in Northern Ireland; author of “New Hampshire Woods” [1992], “First Light” [2003]; founder & editor, “Irish Pages” biannual literary journal [2002-]
Bill Berkeley 1974 Foreign correspondent; author, “The Graves Are Not Yet Full: Race, Tribe & Power in the Heart of Africa” [2002]; adjunct professor, Columbia School of International & Public Affairs [2000-]
Bill Cunliffe 1974 Jazz pianist, band leader, arranger & composer; winner, Thelonious Monk Jazz Competition [1989], Grammy Award [2010]
Dana Delany 1974 Movie & television actress, including “China Beach” [1988-91], “Kidnapped” [2006-07], “Desperate Housewives” [2007-12]; “Body of Proof” [2011-13]; recipient, Emmy Award [1989, 1992], Prism Award [2009]
Karl Kirchwey 1974 Writer; director of Creative Writing, Bryn Mawr [2000-10]; director, American Academy in Rome [2010-13]; author, “The Engrafted Word” [1998], “The Happiness of this World” [2007]
Gary Lee 1974 Foreign correspondent, travel writer, Washington Post; recipient, Lowell Thomas Award [2002]
William M. Lewis Jr. 1974 Managing director & co-chair, investment banking, Lazard Ltd [2004-]; treasurer, National Urban League; national chairman, A Better Chance [1991-95]; chair, NAACP Legal Defense Fund; recipient, NAACP National Equal Justice Award
Jonathan Meath 1974 Children’s television producer, “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” [1991-96], recipient, Peabody Award for Excellence [1993], Emmy Award [1995]; “ZOOM” [1999-2005]; “The Dot”

, recipient, George Foster Peabody Award [1993], Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Children’s Video [2005]

Sara Nelson 1974 Publishing industry executive, book reviewer & commentator; editor-in-chief, Publishers Weekly [2005-09]; editorial director, Amazon Books [2012-]; author, “So Many Books, So Little Time” [2003]
Alexander Stille 1974 Journalist; author, “Five Italian Jewish Families Under Fascism” [1992], “Excellent Cadavers: the Mafia…” [1995], “The Future of the Past” [2003]
Jonathan Alter 1975 Journalist with Newsweek [1983-2011], senior editor & columnist [1991-]; television political commentator; author, “The Defining Moment: FDR’s Hundred Days” [2006], “The Promise” President Obama, Year One [2010]
Ian Baker 1975 Himalayan explorer; scholar of Buddhism, photographer; author, “The Heart of the World: A Journey to Tibet’s Lost Paradise” [2006]
Tom Chapin 1975 Jazz sax player, band leader, composer [ca.1975-98]
Bill Kavanagh 1975 Documentary filmmaker & television producer; producer, “World in Focus,” “Manhattan Connection” & “Story Café” TV series; producer/director, “Brick by Brick: A Civil Rights Story” [2007]
Frank Lavin 1975 Ambassador to Singapore [2001-2005]; Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade [2005-2007]
Dana Mackenzie 1975 Mathematician & writer on science and math; author, “The Universe of Zero Words” [2012], winner, Joint Policy Board for Mathematics Communications Award [2012]
Peter Sellars 1975 Opera & stage director; recipient, MacArthur Award [1983], Lillian Gish Award [2005]; PA Alumni Award of Distinction, 2012
Hope Barnes 1976 Captain, U Pennsylvania US Championship Women’s Rowing Team [1980]; member, US Women’s Olympic Rowing Team [1980, 1984]; namesake, Hope Barnes Memorial Fellowship in Medicinal Chemistry, U Washington, & Hope Barnes Award, Penn [1991]
Susan Chira 1976 Journalist, New York Times: chief, Tokyo bureau [1983-89], foreign editor [2004-11], assistant managing editor [2011-]
Christian Clemenson 1976 Actor; winner, Emmy Award, “Boston Legal” [2006]
Tim Draper 1976 Venture capitalist, founder and managing direct, Draper Fisher Jurvetson; founder, BizWorld Foundation, Draper University of Heroes
Sarah Mleczko Kasten 1976 Standout in field hockey, basketball, squash & lacrosse; 1st woman inducted into Harvard’s Varsity Club Hall of Fame [1996]
Dave Silk 1976 All-New England hockey player, Boston University; NCAA Championship [1978]; member, “Miracle on Ice” US Olympic Hockey Team, Gold Medal winners [1980]; NHL player [1980-86]
Peggy Stern 1976 Film producer & director; recipient, Academy Award, best animated short, “The Moon & the Son: an Imagined Conversation” [2006]
Heather White 1976 Founder & former executive director, Verité [1995-2005], NGO monitoring factory conditions & child labor
Francesca Woodman 1976 Photographer, active late 1970s, critically acclaimed since
William D. Cohan 1977 Journalist specializing in financial affairs; author “The Last Tycoons” [2007], named Financial Times Business Book of the Year, “House of Cards” [2009]
Charles M. Elson 1977 Professor & director, Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance, University of Delaware [2001-]; vice chairman, ABA Business Law Section, Committee on Corporate Governance
Juan Enriquez 1977 CEO, Urban Development Corporation, Mexico City [1988-93]; Chiapas cease-fire negotiator [1994]; senior research fellow, then founding director, Harvard Business School Life Science Project [1996-]; chair/CEO, Biotechonomy [2003-]; author, “As the Future Catches You…” [2001], “The US: Polarization…and Our Future” [2005]
Robert T. “Bobby” Farrelly 1977 Of Farrelly Brothers, screenwriters & directors of comedies including “There’s Something About Mary” [1998], “The Heartbreak Kid” [2007]
Mimi Polk Gitlin 1977 Feature film producer, including “Thelma & Louise” [1991], “The Brown Version” [1994], “Amazing Grace” [2000]
Susanna A. Jones 1977 Head, Ethel Walker School [1999-2007], Head, Holton-Arms School [2007-]
John Barres 1978 Chancellor, Catholic Diocese of Wilmington [2000-2009], Bishop of Allentown [2009-]
Lucy Schulte Danziger 1978 Journalist; founding managing editor, 7 Days weekly [1990-]; founding editor, Condé Nast Sports & Fitness for Women [1998-]; editor-in-chief, Self magazine [2003-]; president, American Society of Magazine Editors [2013-]
Martha Hill Gaskill 1978 Paralympics Giant Slalom bronze medalist [1988]
Byung-Kook Kim 1978 Political scientist & governmental advisor; professor of political science, Korea University; founder, Korea’s East Asia Institute [2002-]; member, Presidential Commission on Policy Planning; national security advisor [2008-]; author, “The Dynamics of National Division & Revolution: the political economy of Korea & Mexico” [1994], “Consolidating Democracy in South Korea” [2000], “Power & Security in Northeast Asia” [2007]
Christopher J.W.B. Leggett 1978 Interventional cardiologist, specializing in treatment of coronary & vascular diseases [1993-]
Seth Lloyd 1978 Marshall Scholar [1983-84; mechanical engineering professor, MIT [1994-]; specialist in design of quantum computers, quantum communication systems; director, Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory; author, “Programming the Universe” [2006]
Matthew Salinger 1978 Actor, “Revenge of the Nerds” [1984], “Captain America” [1992], “What Dreams May Come” [1998]; stage producer, “The Syringa Tree” [2000], winner, Drama Desk Award [2001]
Stacy Schiff 1978 Biographer; “Vera…” [1999], winner, Pulitzer Prize [2000]; “A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America” [2005], winner, George Washington Book Prize [2006]; PA Alumni Award of Distinction, 2012
Robert Smythe 1978 Founder & artistic director, Mum Puppettheatre [1998-2008]; recipient, Guggenheim Fellowship [1997-]
James Spader 1978 Screen & television actor; winner, Best Actor Award, Cannes Film Festival [1989] for “Sex, Lies & Videotape”; Emmy Award, “Boston Legal” [2005, 2007]
Jeffrey Swartz 1978 COO, Timberland [1991-98], President & CEO [1998-2011]; exemplar & advocate for corporate social responsibility
Carroll Bogert 1979 Southeast Asia correspondent, Newsweek [1986-88], Moscow correspondent [1988-93], editor & international correspondent [1993-]; deputy executive director, Human Rights Watch [2003-]
Helen Epstein 1979 Biologist, AIDS researcher, public health journalist; author, “The Invisible Cure: Why We Are Losing the Fight Against AIDS in Africa” [2008]
Ruth Harlow 1979 Attorney; civil rights advocate, lead attorney before the Supreme Court in Lawrence v. Texas [2003]; National Law Journal, Lawyer of the Year [2003]
Rachael Horovitz 1979 Film producer, executive producer, “Grey Gardens” [2009], recipient, multiple Emmy Awards [2009]
John F. Kennedy Jr. 1979 Founder & editor-in-chief, George magazine [1995-99]
Brian Linse 1979 Movie producer & liberal blogger; producer/executive producer “Den of Lions” [2003], “Callback” [2005], “Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead” [2007], voted one of 10 best American films of 2007
Ranie Crowley Pearce 1979 Marathon swimmer, Straights of Gibraltar [2010], English Channel [2011], Catalina Channel [2013]
Neil Sheehy 1979 NHL hockey defenseman, Calgary Flames, Washington Capitals, et al [1983-92]; players’ agent
Dan Zanes 1979 Recording artist; founding member, Del Fuegos band [1981-89]; “Catch That Train!” Grammy Award winner, best musical album for children [2007]
Name Class Areas of Note
Jonathan S. Adelstein 1980 Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission [2002-2009]; rural utilities commissioner, US Department of Agriculture [2009-12]
Michael Ain 1980 Johns Hopkins orthopedic surgeon specializing in skeletal dysplasia, especially achondroplasia [dwarfism]
Ian Bond 1980 Diplomat; deputy head of mission, UK Delegation to the Organization for Security & Co-operation in Europe [2000-2004]; UK ambassador to Latvia [2005-07]; counselor, foreign security & policy group, British Embassy, Washington [2007-12]
Sarah Chayes 1980 Foreign correspondent, National Public Radio [1996-2002]; founder, Arghand, a market-based production cooperative in Afghanistan [2005]; author, “The Punishment of Virtue: Inside Afghanistan After the Taliban” [2006]; senior associate, SE Asia Program, Carnegie Endowment for World Peace; recipient, Fuess Award [2006]
Maro Chermayeff 1980 Documentary filmmaker & producer; “The Kindness of Strangers” [1998], “Julliard” [2003], producer & director, PBS documentaries “Carrier” [2008] & “Circus” [2010]; founder & chair, MFA Program in Social Documentary Film, School of Visual Arts; recipient, Emmy Award [2008]
Justin Cronin 1980 Novelist; recipient, PEN/Hemingway Award, Best Debut Fiction, for “Mary & O’Neil” [2002]; “The Passage” [2010], “The Twelve” [2012]
William “Trey” Ellis 1980 Novelist, playwright, screenwriter & critic; “The New Black Aesthetic” [1989], “Tuskegee Airmen” [1996, 2007], “Right Here, Right Now” [1998]
Jane Pratt 1980 Magazine editor & talk-show host; founding editor-in chief, Sassy & Jane magazines [ca.1985-2005]
Sally Van Doren 1980 Poet; recipient, American Academy of Poets’ Walt Whitman Award for “Sex at Noon Taxes” [2007]
Willow Bay 1981 Journalist; co-anchor, “NBA Inside Stuff” [1991-98], “Good Morning America Sunday” [1994-99] CNN anchor [-2000]; senior editor, Huffington Post [2007-]
Jim Herberich 1981 Driver, US Olympic Bobsled Team [1988, -94, -98]; secretary, US Bobsled & Skeleton Federation [2002-05]
Adam Namm 1981 Diplomat, US Foreign Service [1987-], ambassador to Ecuador [2012-]
Christina Fink 1982 Anthropologist & activist on behalf of human rights in Burma; author “Living Silence: Burma Under Military Rule” [2001]; professor, Elliott School of International Affairs, GW University [2011-]
Gordon Goldstein 1982 Director of Security Council and Nonproliferation Affairs, UN Association; author, “Lessons in Disaster: McGeorge Bundy & the Path to War in Vietnam” [2008]
Brian Henson 1982 Puppeteer; chairman, director & producer, Jim Henson Company; recipient, Emmy Award [1991, ’92, ’98]
Devin Mahony 1982 Cox, Harvard Men’s Varsity Heavyweight Crew [1984-86], 1985 National Intercollegiate Champions & winner, Henley Grand Challenge Cup
Ming Tsai 1982 Chef/Owner, Blue Ginger Restaurant [1998-]; television chef & host; cookbook author
Yalda Tehranian-Uhls 1982 Movie producer; “The Arrival” [1996], “Tree’s Lounge” [1996], “Critical Care” [1997], “Permanent Midnight” [1998]
Randolph B. “Randy” Wood 1982 Hockey player; All-American, Yale [1986]; NHL player, NY Islanders, et al [1986-97]
Macky Alston 1983 Documentary filmmaker; “Family Name” [1997], “Questioning Faith: Confessions of a Seminarian” [2002], “The Killer Within” [2006], “Love Free or Die” [2012]
David Keaton 1983 Mountain climber; youngest person to complete “Seven Summits” & “Fifty US Highpoints” [1995]
Robert C. B. Long 1983 Screen & television writer, producer; “Cheers,” [1990-93], “George & Leo,” [1997-98] “Sullivan & Son” [2012-]; host, “Martini Shot” KCRW Los Angeles; contributor, SLATE, National Review
Angela Lorenz 1983 Artist & author; creator of limited-edition artist’s books [1989-]
Philip F. Messina 1983 Production designer, “Erin Brockovich” [2000], “Oceans Eleven”…Twelve…Thirteen [2001, -04, -07], “The Hunger Games” [2012, -13]
Roslyn “Bunny” Rea 1983 Sailor; international 470, double-handed racing dingy specialist; All-American in sailing at Northwestern; winner, North American Women’s Sailing Championships [1987]
Warren Zanes 1983 Singer/songwriter; member, Del Fuegos band [1980s]; former vice president for education, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; solo CDs “Memory Girls” [2003], “People that I’m Wrong For” [2006]
Charles A. “Chas” Fagan 1984 Painter & sculptor, presidential portraitist; creator of Houston’s statue of George H. W. Bush [2004] & California’s statue of Ronald Reagan erected in the US Capital Statuary Hall [2009]
Jody Greene 1984 Rhodes Scholar [1989-]; professor of literature & women’s studies, UC Santa Cruz; author, “The Trouble with Ownership: Literary Property & Authorial Liability…” [2005]; recipient, John Dizikes Teaching Award [2008]
Katie McBride Puckett 1984 Skier; World Pro Tour [1990s], 6-time “24 Hours of Aspen” endurance event champion [1992-98]
Rosanne Adderley 1985 Historian, specialist in the African Diaspora; associate professor, Tulane [2002-07], Vanderbilt [2007-]; author, “’New Negroes from Africa’: Slave Trade Abolition & Free African Settlement in the 19th Century Caribbean” [2006], recipient, Wesley-Logan Prize, American Historical Association [2007]
Viva Ona Bartkus 1985 Rhodes Scholar [1989-]; management consultant, McKinsey & Co. [1993-03]; associate professor of management, Notre Dame [2003-]; author, “The Dynamic of Secession” [1999], coauthor, “Social Capital…” [2008]
Julia Trotman Brady 1985 Captain, Harvard Sailing Team; voted Outstanding Woman Collegiate Sailor [1988]; member, US Olympic Sailing Team & winner, bronze medal, Euro Dingy Class [1992]
Christopher A. Wray 1985 Attorney; assistant attorney general & chief, Department of Justice Criminal Division [2003-05]
Amy Zegart 1985 Professor of public policy, expert on intelligence analysis and national security; co-director, Stanford’s Center for International Security And Cooperation [2011-], senior fellow associate director of academic affairs, Hoover Institution; author, “Flawed by Design” [1999], ”Spying Blind” [2007]
Randall Batinkoff 1986 Film & television actor; “For Keeps” [1988], “School Ties” [1992]
Jon Bernstein 1986 Member, Harvard national champion 8-man crew team [1989]; stroke & captain, Harvard heavyweight crew, winner Henley Ladies Challenge Plate [1990]
Patrick Kennedy 1986 Democratic Rhode Island congressman [1995-2011]; health-care advocate; recipient, Society for Neuroscience, Public Service Award (2002), Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation Congressional Honors Award
Juan Mario Laserna 1986 Economist; general director of Public Credit, Colombia (1999 – 2002); director, Central Bank of Colombia [2005-09], member, Colombian Senate & chair, Human Rights Committee [2010-]
Matt Mochary 1986 Documentary filmmaker; co-director, “Favela Rising” [2005], winner, best feature, International Documentary Association Awards [2005]; “The Gloves” [2008]
Richard Chin 1987 Member, US National Squash Team [2006, 2007]; Olympic Committee Athlete Representative, US Squash Board of Directors [2004-12]
Jason Fry 1987 Journalist and writer; editor & columnist, [1995-2008]; baseball blogger [2005-]; author, young readers series, “The Jupiter Pirates” [2013-]
Janet McIntosh 1987 Marshall Scholar, Oxford [1991-93]; cultural anthropologist specializing in linguistic anthropology, focused on Africa; recipient, Walzer & Perlmutter Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Brandeis [2005, -06]
Travis Metz 1987 Cox, Harvard Heavyweight Crew [1989-91], winners, Eastern Sprints [1990], Henley Ladies Plate Challenge Cup [1990], San Diego Crew Classic [1990, -91]
Ed Ronan 1987 National Hockey League [1991-98]; with Stanley Cup-winning Montreal Canadiens [1993]
Jamie Rosenberg 1987 Founder & president, Adopt-A-Classroom [1999], providing direct assistance to public school teachers and students
Nicholas Beim 1988 Marshall Scholar, Oxford [1993-94]
Chris Bischof 1988 Founder & principal, Eastside College Preparatory School, East Palo Alto, CA [1996-]
David Goetsch 1988 Television writer/producer; “3rd Rock from the Sun” [1998-2000], “Game Day” [2004], “Big Bang Theory” [2007-14]
Duncan Sheik 1988 Singer-songwriter, composer; “Barely Breathing” [1996]; composer, Broadway musical “Spring Awakening,” winner Tony Award for Best Score [2007]
Scott Straus 1988 Professor of political science, University of Wisconsin; author, “The Order of Genocide: Power & War in Rwanda” [2006]; recipient, Distinguished Teaching Award [2009]
Keith Flaherty 1989 Medical researcher focused on molecularly targeted therapies for cancer, especially melanoma; director, Developmental Therapeutics, Cancer Center, Massachusetts General Hospital
Atticus Lish 1989 Novelist; recipient, PEN/Faulkner Award for “Preparation for the Next Life” [2014]
Alexander Y. Walley 1989 Internist; assistant professor, BU School of Medicine; researcher on medical complications of drug use and addiction treatment
Name Class Areas of Note
Jake Barton 1990 Founder and principal, Local Projects media design firm specializing in exhibitions & public spaces; designer, 9/11 Memorial Museum; firm recipient, Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for interactive design [2013]
John Berman 1990 ABC News reporter, writer & commentator [2001-12]; co-anchor, CNN Early Start [2012-]; recipient, with ABC colleagues, Edward R. Murrow Award [2004]
Robin Hessman 1990 Television producer & documentary filmmaker; executive producer “Ulitsa Sezam” [Russian Sesame Street, 1995-99]; winner, Academy Award, Student Films [2004] for “Portrait of Boy; with Dog”; co-producer, PBS American Experience, “Tupperware!” & American Masters Series “Julia! America’s Favorite Chef” [2004]; producer, cinematographer & director, Peabody Award winning documentary “My Perestroika” [2010]
Rahim Aga Khan 1990 Executive director, Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development, the world’s 2nd largest private, non-profit economic development foundation
James Longley 1990 Documentary filmmaker; “Gaza Strip” [2002]; “Iraq in Fragments” [2006] nominated as best documentary, Cannes Film Festival; “Sari’s Mother” [2006], winner, Golden Gate Award, San Francisco Film Festival; MacArthur Fellowship [2009-14]
Tony Pittman 1990 All-American Penn State cornerback [1994]; co-host, Penn State Football podcasts [2004-]
Andy Frankenberger 1991 Professional poker player; winner, World Series of Poker [2011, 2012]
Erik S. Kristensen 1991 Navy SEAL; killed in action, Operation Red Wings, Afghanistan [2005]
Henry-Alex Rubin 1991 Documentary filmmaker; director, “Who is Henry Jaglom” [1997]; co-director & cinematographer, “Murderball” [2005], recipient, Audience Award, Sundance Film Festival
Hafsat Abiola 1992 Nigerian human rights activist; executive director, Kudirat Initiative for Democracy; recipient, Global Leaders of Tomorrow Award, Davos Economic Forum [2000]; Ashoka Innovators for the Public Fellow [2003]; PA Alumni Award of Distinction, 2013
Sam Endicott 1992 Singer-songwriter & instrumentalist; a founder & lead vocalist for The Bravery; record and music video director & producer
Ai-jen Poo 1992 Lead organizer, founder & director, Domestic Workers Union, New York [2000-] & National Domestic Workers Alliance [2010-]; named among the TIME Magazine 100 [2012]; founder of the Caring Across Generations campaign [2014]; recipient, MacArthur Fellowship [2014]
Samantha Appleton 1993 Photojournalist, working in Iraq, Africa [2000-], in New York following the 9/11 attacks [2001], Obama campaign [2008]; official White House photographer [2009-12]
Jon Coleman 1993 All-American ice hockey player, BU [1996, -97]
Jennifer Dowling 1993 Member, national championship Andover Girl’s Crew Team [1993]; member, Brown Crew, winner “the triple crown” of women’s crew, including national championship [1996]
Douglas W. “Doug” Friman 1993 Triathlete [-2008]; member, US National Triathlon Team; Triathlon Continental Cup [2003, -05, -06, -07], bronze medalist, Triathlon World Cup [2003]
Stephanie Johnes 1993 Documentary filmmaker; producer/director/cinematographer, “Doubletime” [2007]
Akash Kapur 1993 Rhodes Scholar [1999-2000]; expert on internet governance; author, “India Becoming: A Portrait of Life in Modern India” [2012]
Carter Marsh 1993 All-American lacrosse player, Princeton [1995, ’96, ’97]; Ivy League Player of the Year [1997]
Rebecca “Becky” Dowling Carter 1994 All-American, Naval Academy Women’s Basketball Team [1997, ’98], jersey number “32” retired [2013]; 1st female Top Gun fighter pilot [2004-13]
Katherine Hays 1994 Software innovator & executive; cofounder & COO/CFO Massive, Inc. [2002-06]; CEO GenArts [2008-]; recipient, Stevie Award for Women in Business [2011]
Jonathan Levine 1994 Film director & screenwriter; director, “Love Bytes” [2005], “All the Boys Love Many Lane” [2006], “The Wackness” [2008], “Warm Bodies” [2013]
Cyrus Massoumi 1994 Co-founder & CEO, ZocDoc [2007-], a free online service for patients seeking medical and dental appointments; listed among Fortune’s 2013 “40 under 40” rising entrepreneurs
Stacey Sanders 1994 Member, national championship Andover Girl’s Crew Team [1993]; killed in the World Trade Center terrorist attacks [11 September 2001]
Vanessa Kerry 1995 Physician; director, Global Public Policy & Social Change Program, Harvard Medical School; founder & CEO, Seed Global Health Services [2012], in partnership with the Peace Corps, bringing US health-care professionals to provide medical training in resource-deprived countries.
Darren Dinneen 1996 Middle-distance runner; Irish Jr. Champion, 800 meters [1995]; All-American runner & Harvard [1999, 2000], 800-meters & track team captain
Marco Gualtieri 1996 International Whistling Under-20 Grand Champion [1996]; judge, International Physics Olympiad [1997]; Canadian Rhodes Scholar [1998-99]; assistant professor of mathematics, University of Toronto [2006-]; author, “Generalized Köhler Geometry”
Miles Lasater 1996 Founder, Yale Entrepreneurial Society [1999] & the Yale Entrepreneurship Competition; founder, president & chairman, Higher One [2000-], banking services provider to college students
Sera Coppolino 1997 Member, University of Michigan NCAA national champion 8+ boat [2001]; crew coach, West Virginia, Bucknell
Ian Klaus 1997 Captain, Washington University soccer team & academic All American [1999]; Rhodes Scholar [2000-02]; author, “Elvis is Titanic: Classroom Tales from Iraqi Kurdistan” [2007]; member, policy planning staff, Department of State [2011-]
Seth Moulton 1997 Marine Corps officer serving in Iraq [2003-08]; op-ed commentator on the Iraq War [2006]; U.S. Representative, 5th District Massachusetts [2014]
Richard M. Powell 1997 Cofounder, managing partner, AP Capital Partners [2003-]; named Young Global Leader, Jamaica [2009]
Charles Forelle 1998 Journalist, Wall Street Journal; recipient, George Polk Award for Business Reporting [2006], Pulitzer Prize for Public Service [2007]
Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck 1998 King of Bhutan [2006, coronation 2008-]; continued transformation from absolute monarchy to democracy, including institution a constitution [2008] by Bhutan’s first elected parliament
Ben Goldhirsh 1999 Founder & publisher, Good magazine [2006-]; movie producer, including “Son of Rambow” [2007], “The Messenger” [2009], “By the People: the Election of Barack Obama” [2009]