1800s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
William Gates | 1800 | West Point, 1806; saw service in the War of 1812 and the Seminole Wars; colonel, Mexican American War, military governor, Tampico [1846-48]; continued to serve as an Army office through the Civil War |
Joshua Bates | 1801 | Divinity student at Andover on the John Phillips Legacy; president, Middlebury College, 1818-1839 |
Timothy Farrar | 1801 | Attorney and jurist; Daniel Webster’s law partner, 1813-1816; judge, New Hampshire Court of Common Pleas, 1824-1833; published reviews of important US Supreme Court decisions, including Dred Scott [1857] |
Charles Stuart Davis | 1802 | Negotiator, US-Canada boundary settlemen, 1827-1828; US agent, The Hague, 1829- |
Joshua Dodge | 1802 | Merchant and diplomat; US consul, Marseilles, 1819-1829, Bremen, 1833-1839 |
Samuel Finley Breese Morse | 1802 | Artist and inventor; portraitist and genre painter, ca.1810-1840; inventor of the telegraph and Morse Code, 1832-1844; 1st US experimenter and proponent of photography, 1839- |
Sidney Edwards Morse | 1802 | Geographer, journalist, and inventor; author, A New Universal Atlas of the World (1822) and A New System of Modern Geography (1823); founder, first American religious newspapers and periodicals as editor of The Boston Recorder, 1816-1824; publisher and editor, The New York Observer, 1823-1858; inventor of the bathometer, 1869 |
William Johnson Walker | 1803 | Physician and investor; philanthropist, especially in support of Tufts University, MIT, and Amherst College |
Elisha Fuller Wallace | 1803 | Attorney; US consul to Cuba [1861-] |
George Corbin Washington | 1803 | Grand-nephew, George Washington; planter; president, C&O Canal; Maryland Congressman, 1827-1833; US commissioner to settle claims, Cherokee Indian Treaty, 1844; one of seven members of George Washington’s extended family to attend Andover |
John Augustine Washington | 1803 | Grand-nephew, George Washington, planter; last Washington to operate Mount Vernon as a plantation |
George B. Adams | 1804 | US Consul, Alicante, Spain, 1820s |
Benjamin Wood Stevens | 1804 | US Army private, War of 1812; died a prisoner of war at Halifax (1815) |
Samuel Phillips Newman | 1805 | Educator; professor of rhetoric, author of popular texts on rhetoric and elocution; founding principal, Massachusetts State Normal School, 1839-1842, now Westfield State University |
Daniel Poor | 1805 | American missionary & educator in Sri Lanka & India [1816-55], founding 40 mission schools; first to admit girls and dalits to schools; namesake, Daniel Poor Memorial Library [1926], American College, Madurai |
Joseph Emerson Worcester | 1805 | Historical geographer and lexicographer; author of numerous gazetteers and dictionaries including A Geographical Dictionary (1817), Dictionary of the English Language (1860), first to include illustrations and synonyms |
Samuel Reeves Brooks | 1806 | Merchant and investor; US consul, Manchester, England |
Henry Cogswell Knight | 1806 | Romantic and satirical poet [ca.1810-1830] |
Gorham Parks | 1807 | Congressman from Maine, 1833-1837; US consul, Brazil, 1845-1849 |
Henry Ware Jr. | 1807 | Unitarian theologian, Harvard Divinity School [1830-]; mentor to Ralph Waldo Emerson; author On the Formation of the Christian Character (1831) |
John James Appleton | 1808 | US diplomat serving in Brazil, Madrid, Naples; minister to Sweden,1826-1830 |
John Hart | 1808 | Famed clarinet player; leader, Salem Light Infantry Band [1820s-30s] |
William Jenkins | 1808 | Andover farmer and ardent abolitionist; the Jenkins farmstead was a stop on Underground Railroad, 1830s-1860s |
John Temple Winthrop | 1809 | Brigadier general, Massachusetts State Militia, 1828- |
1810s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
George Bartlett | 1810 | Seaman aboard US Frigate Potomac, first US Navy vessel to circumnavigate the globe, 1831-1834 |
Abraham Burnham | 1810 | Shipboard surgeon captured during War of 1812, died a prisoner of war at Liverpool, 1814 |
Charles Dexter Cleveland | 1810 | Classicist; author of textbooks and studies of Greek and Latin authors; abolitionist; US consul, Cardiff, UK, 1861- |
John Treadwell Cleveland | 1810 | Steamboat captain, Missouri and Mississippi rivers; mayor of Austin, Texas, 1855-1856; founder, Howard College, Fayette, Missouri, 1859; officer, Confederate Navy during the Civil War |
Daniel Goodenow | 1810 | Lawyer; Maine attorney general, 1838, 1841; associate justice, Maine Supreme Court, 1855-1862 |
Eleazar Lord | 1810 | Banker, railroad investor; president, Erie Railroad, 1833-1835; First president, Manhattan Insurance Co.; influential author on business matters; major benefactor, New York Sunday School Union, and other charities |
John Larkin Payson | 1810 | US consul, Messina, 1827-1846 |
Benjamin Marsh Tyler | 1810 | Educator; master of Noyes Academy, Andover, NH, 1823-1828, and The Instructors School, Franklin, NH, 1830-1847, two of the earliest teacher-training institutions |
Thomas Savage Clay | 1811 | Antebellum Georgia rice planter; owner, Richmond, Tranquilla, Tivoli, Piercefield, Ricedale & Frugality Hall plantations; social reformer promoting the welfare of slaves |
Ezra Stiles Gannett | 1811 | Unitarian minister; a founder and leader of the American Unitarian Association, 1825- |
William Goodell | 1811 | One of Andover’s most famous scholarship students, Goodell “walked from his home, sixty miles, carrying his trunk on his back”; Congregational missionary, Ottoman Empire, 1831-1871; author, Forty Years in the Turkish Empire (1875) |
Charles Tyng | 1811 | Mariner and author, Before the Wind: The Memoir of an American Sea Captain, 1808-1833 (1878, published 1999) |
William Henry Chase | 1812 | US Army engineer, 1815-1856; supervising engineer, Gulf Coast fortifications, 1830s-1850s; President, Alabama & Florida Railroad, 1856-1861; Confederate volunteer in the taking of the Pensacola Naval Yard, 1861 |
John Hoskins | 1813 | Manufacturer; co-owner, first rubber goods factory in the US, 1832- |
Alva Woods | 1813 | President, Brown University, 1826-1828, Transylvania University, 1828-1831, and University of Alabama, 1831-1837; founder and board chair, Alabama Female Athenaeum, ca.1835 |
Edward Curtis | 1814 | Attorney; Whig congressman representing New York City, 1837-1841; collector of the port of New York, 1841-1844 |
Horatio Greenough | 1814 | Neoclassical sculptor and art theorist; sculptor of monumental statue of George Washington for the US Capitol [1832]; first American sculptor of international reputation; author, American Architecture [1843], Travels, Observations and Experience of a Yankee Stonecutter [1852] |
John Greenough | 1814 | Artist: portraitist and landscape painter, ca.1820-1850 |
William Person | 1814 | A foundling, William Person came to Andover on scholarship at age 21. Serving as “scholar of the house,” he cleaned the school, tended stoves and rang the school bell. He died while a student at Harvard [1820]; his life of impoverished struggle had a profound influence on youth of his generation through published letters and poems |
William Wheelwright | 1814 | Entrepreneur in Latin America; US consul, Guayaquil, Ecuador [1824-1829]; developer of steam shipping, port facilities, railroads, telegraph, and mines in Chile and Argentina, 1835-1872; his statue stands in Plaza Wheelwright, Valparaiso (1877); philanthropist in support of his birthplace, Newburyport, Massachusetts |
Samuel Williston | 1814 | Western Massachusetts manufacture of buttons, suspenders, and rubberized thread, ca.1830-1870; founder, Williston Academy (1841); trustee/treasurer/benefactor, Mt. Holyoke Female Seminar, (1836-1862); benefactor, Amherst College, 1858-1859 |
Orramel Strong Hinckley | 1815 | Professor of modern languages, Greeneville College, Tennessee Oakland College, Mississippi |
George Perkins Marsh | 1816 | Environmentalist, philologist, diplomat; “The Father of the American Environmental Movement” – Man and Nature (1865) was a pioneering study of ecology; authority on the origins and history of English and Scandinavian languages; congressman (1843-1849); US minister to Turkey([1852-1854) and Italy (1861-1882) |
Daniel Kimball Whitaker | 1816 | Founder and editor, Southern Literary Journal [1835-1837], Southern Quarterly Review [1842-1847], Whitaker’s Magazine: The Rights of the South [1850-1853], The New Orleans Monthly Review [1866-1881]; served in Confederate Quarter Master Department [1862-1865] |
George Cone Beckwith | 1817 | Pacifist; secretary, American Peace Society [1837-1870] |
Josiah Brewer | 1817 | Missionary, Ottoman Empire [1826-38]; author, A Residence at Constantinople in the Year 1827; abolitionist; agent, Anti-Slavery Society |
Amasa Converse | 1817 | Presbyterian minister & journalist; conservative, Southern-leaning publisher & editor of religious journals, most notably The Christian Observer [1840-], now in its 2nd century of publication |
David Green | 1817 | Secretary, American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions [1828-1848]; compiler, Church Psalmody [1831] |
Francis Cabot Lowell II | 1817 | Massachusetts industrialist, and financier [ca.1830-1870]; manufacturer of textiles and glass |
Josiah Quincy Jr. | 1817 | President, Massachusetts Senate [1842-1845], reform mayor of Boston [1845-49], improving education, policing, and water supply; anonymous founding benefactor, Boston Public Library [1848] |
Roswell Chamberlain Smith | 1817 | Educator and educational theorist; prolific author of textbooks on mathematics, grammar, geography [ca.1850-1870] |
James Bell | 1818 | Attorney; Republican United States Senator, New Hampshire [1855-1857] |
Luther Bell | 1818 | Physician and advocate for humane treatment of the mentally ill; superintendent, McLean Asylum, 1837-1855; founder of what became the American Psychiatric Association [1844] |
Lemuel Brooks | 1818 | Presbyterian minister; missionary in Chili; benefactor, Hamilton College, Auburn Theological Seminary and Protestant missionary institutions [1881] |
William George Crosby | 1818 | Attorney; 1st secretary, Maine Board of Education [1846-1849]; governor of Maine [1853-1855] |
George Folsom | 1818 | Educator, archivist, historian, and diplomat; principal, Concord Academy [1823-1825], Framingham Academy [1826]; chairman, American Antiquarian Society; US charge d’affaires, The Netherlands [1850-1853]; author, Dutch Annals of New York (1841), Letters and Dispatches of Cortez (1848), Catalogue of Original Documents in the English Archives Relating to…the State of Maine (1858) |
Harvey Prindle Peet | 1818 | Educator of the deaf and mute; principal, New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb [1831-1845], president [1845-]; author of textbooks and self-help manuals for the deaf and mute [1844-1849] |
Samuel Ames | 1819 | Rhode Island attorney, politician, and jurist; quartermaster general of state during the Dorr Rebellion [1842]; speaker, Rhode Island House [1844-1845]; chief justice, Rhode Island Supreme Court [1856-1865]; delegate to the abortive North-South Peace Convention [1861] |
William Lawrence Chaplin | 1819 | Abolition orator and organizer; secretary, New York Anti-Slavery Society [1838-1851]; subject of a notorious Maryland fugitive slave case [1851] |
Sherman Day | 1819 | Civil engineer, surveyor, topographical artist, and historian; author, Historical Collections of Pennsylvania (1843); California surveyor and mining engineer [1849-]; US surveyor general for California [1868-1871] |
Chandler Robbins Gilman | 1819 | Writer, physician, professor of obstetrics; authority on legal tests of insanity; author, Legends of a Log Cabin [1835], A Medico-Legal Examination of the Case of Charles B. Huntington [1857] |
William Warner Hoppin | 1819 | Whig governor of Rhode Island, 1854-1857 |
Mark Anthony De Wolfe Howe | 1819 | Episcopal bishop, Central Pennsylvania,1871-1895 |
Daniel Putnam King | 1819 | Anti-slavery politician; president, Massachusetts Senate [1840], speaker, Massachusetts House [1844]; member of Congress [1843-1850] |
John Marsh | 1819 | Controversial adventurer in the American West; Indian agent; Sioux interpreter, Black Hawk Wars [1832]; explorer, Southwest and California [1835-1836], took up medicine, considered first physician in California (1836); leading San Joaquin Valley rancher, horse-breeder & early pomologist [1830s-1850s]; promoter of Anglo settlement in California; his 1856 Gothic Revival home now a California historic site |
1820s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
Dyer Ball | 1820 | Medical missionary, China [1838-1866]; publisher, Chinese almanacs |
Ephraim Weston Clark | 1820 | Congregational missionary, Hawaii [1827-63]; minister, Kawaiahao Church, Honolulu [1840-63]; author and translator of Hawaiian texts |
Theodore Dwight Weld | 1820 | Abolitionist; editor, The Emancipator [1836-1840]; corresponding secretary, New York Anti-Slavery Society [1837-1843]; coauthor, American Slavery As It Is [1839], influential anti-slavery publication |
Hubbard Winslow | 1820 | Congregational minister, ethicist, and educator; author, Doctrine of the Trinity [1831], On the Dangerous Tendency to Innovations and Extremes in Education [1835], Elements of Intellectual Philosophy [1853], Elements of Moral Philosophy [1856] |
Seth Ames | 1821 | Jurist; chief justice, Massachusetts Superior Court; justice, Massachusetts Supreme Court [1869-81]; biographer of father, Fisher Ames |
Edward Osborne Dunning | 1821 | Congregational minister; Civil War chaplain [1862-65], explorer of ancient mounds in the South [ca.1865-74] |
Wilson Flagg | 1821 | Early conservationist and naturalist; author of plan to preserve Middlesex Fells outside Boston [1856]; author, Studies in the Field and Forest [1857], Birds of New England [1875] |
John Christopher Gore | 1821 | Landscape and portrait painter active in New England [1820s-1860s] and California [1850s] |
Samuel Foster Haven | 1821 | Historian and archeologist; librarian, American Antiquarian Society [1838-1881]; author, Archeology of the United States [1855] |
George Gordon King | 1821 | Attorney; speaker Rhode Island House [1845-1846]; Whig Congressman [1849-1853] |
John S. Emerson | 1822 | Congregational missionary, Hawaii [1832-1867]; author, English-Hawaiian Dictionary [1846]; ethnographer, author of articles on native Hawaiian religion and culture |
Joshua Huntington | 1822 | US Navy surgeon in the anti-slave-trade squadron off Africa [1838-1845]; Catholic convert and president, St. Vincent de Paul Society; author, Groping After Truth, or Why I Became Catholic (1874) |
John Kennett | 1822 | Colonel, Ohio Cavalry, Civil War; accepted surrender of Nashville [1863] |
Cutting Marsh | 1822 | Presbyterian missionary among Wisconsin Indians (1830-ca1847); advocate for Indian rights; diarist of the frontier and chronicler of Native American affairs |
Isaac McLellan | 1822 | Poet, editor; author, Death of Napoleon and Poems of Rod and Gun (1886) |
Timothy Taylor Merwin | 1822 | Founder, North American Life Insurance Company [1886] |
Robert Rantoul | 1822 | Attorney, abolitionist, US congressman, and senator from Massachusetts, 1851-1852; attorney for fugitive slave Thomas Sims [1851] |
Isaac Ray | 1822 | Physician and psychiatrist, founder of forensic psychiatry; founding director, Butler Hospital for the Insane, Providence [1845-1867]; author, Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity [1838], Mental Hygiene [1863], Contributions to Mental Pathology [1873] |
Samuel Hurd Walley | 1822 | Banker, railroad developer, and Massachusetts politician; president, Revere National Bank; promoter and officer, Vermont Central Railroad [1843-] and Wisconsin Central Railroad [1871-]; speaker, Massachusetts House of Representatives [1844-1846], Whig congressman [1853-1855]; grandson of William Phillips Jr., trustee of Phillips Academy [1848-1850] |
William Adams | 1823 | Prominent Presbyterian clergyman, academic; a founder and later president, Union Theological Seminary [1836, 1874-1880] |
John Codman | 1823 | Sea captain, free trade advocate, author of travel articles and books: Sailors Life [1847], Ten Months In Brazil [1867], The Mormon Country [1874] |
Henry Durant | 1823 | Founder, College of California [1855]; first president, University of California [1870-72] |
Mason Grosvenor | 1823 | One of the 7 Yale seminarians [“the Yale Band”] who in 1828 entered into a compact to devote their lives to the promotion of Christian education in the West, especially Illinois; cofounder, Illinois College [1829] |
Elisha Jenney | 1823 | One of the seven Yale seminarians [“the Yale Band”] who in 1828 entered into a compact to devote their lives to the promotion of Christian education in the West especially Illinois; cofounder, Illinois College [1829] |
Osgood Johnson | 1823 | Phillips Academy’s fifth principal (head of school), 1833-1837 |
Cyrus Lancaster | 1823 | Globe maker [1833-1852]; inventor, Lancaster’s Railroad Car Ventilation System [1854] |
Thatcher Magoun II | 1823 | Builder and owner, clipper ships; Boston merchant involved in shipping to New York, New Orleans, Caribbean, San Francisco [ca.1840-1870]; philanthropist in his native Medford |
Edmund Quincy | 1823 | Abolitionist, novelist, and biographer; corresponding secretary, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society [1844-1853]; vice president, American Anti-Slavery Society [1853, 1856-1859]; frequent editor, The Liberator and other anti-slavery publications |
William Augustus Stearns | 1823 | President, Amherst College [1854-1876]; leader in movement to establish physical education in schools and colleges [1855-]; at his urging, Amherst built a gymnasium and established first professorship of physical education [1860] |
Nathaniel Parker Willis | 1823 | Journalist, editor, and poet; the highest-paid magazine writer of his day; chronicler of manners and mores in the US and Europe during the 1830s and 1840s; author, American Scenery [1840]; financial backer, promoter, and publisher of Edgar Allen Poe including “The Raven” [1845]; founder and editor, The Home Journal [1846-1867], which continued into the 21st century as Town and Country |
Charles Alden | 1824 | Inventor of condensed milk and “the Alden processes” for preserving food [1850, patented 1857] |
Thomas March Clark | 1824 | Episcopal bishop, Rhode Island [1854-1903]; presiding bishop [1901-1903]; author Early Discipline and Culture [1852], Primary Truths of Religion [1869] |
Sherman Hall | 1824 | Missionary to Chippewa Indians, Lake Superior region, Wisconsin [1831-1854]; founder, Indian schools; translator of New Testament into Chippewa; founder, first Congregational church in Wisconsin [1833] |
Pandia Theodore Ralli | 1824 | Greek refugee [following Turkish Massacre of 1822]; Andover’s second student from Europe; member, Ralli Brothers, a major international commodities trading firm with offices in London, Constantinople, Alexandria, Bombay and Calcutta |
Joseph Addison Underwood | 1824 | Navy lieutenant, US Exploring Expedition [1838-1842], a major scientific undertaking that included confirmation of existence of Antarctica; killed by natives at Malolo, Fiji Islands [1840]; commemorative cenotaph at Mt. Auburn Cemetery [1845] |
John Armistead Carter | 1825 | Virginia attorney and politician; as a delegate, Virginia Session Convention [1861], voted to stay in the Union |
John Evans | 1825 | Geologist and explorer; leader, US Geological Survey [1847-1860] in Nebraska, Oregon and Washington; explorer of the Nebraska Badlands; discoverer, Fossil Butte [1856]; member, Chiriqu’ Isthmus Expedition [1860] |
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. | 1825 | Physician, poet, and literary figure; pioneer of germ theory; professor of anatomy and physiology, Harvard [1847-1882], dean, Harvard Medical School [1847-1853]; author, “Old Ironsides” [1830], “The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever” [1843], “The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table” [1858]; coiner of the word “anesthesia” [1846] and the term “Boston Brahmins” [1860] |
Abraham Murdock | 1825 | Early Mississippi and Alabama industrialist; cofounder, Hale and Murdock Iron Furnace [1859-1870], producer of Confederate munitions; quartermaster, Confederate Army [1861-65]; president, Mobile & Ohio Railroad; owner and operator silver mines [1870-] at Santa Rosa, Mexico |
Alfred Elijah Perkins | 1825 | His $10,000 legacy left to Yale in 1833, for the purchase of books, was Yale’s largest gift to that time |
Samuel Thomas Worcester | 1825 | Attorney; Republican Congressman, Ohio [1861-1863]; educational reformer and prolific author of spelling books |
George Champion | 1826 | Missionary, Zululand [1835-1839]; Africa journal published [1840] |
Thomas Jefferson Farnham | 1826 | Explorer in the American West; captain, “Oregon Dragoons” colonization expedition [1839]; author Travels in the Great Western Prairies [1841], Travels in Oregon Territory [1842], Travels in California and Scenes of the Pacific [1845] |
Horatio Balch Hackett | 1826 | Baptist biblical scholar; professor, Greek, biblical literature and New Testament exegesis, Brown, Rochester Theological Seminary |
Henry Augustus Homes | 1826 | Missionary at Constantinople [1836-1850], US diplomat, Constantinople [1851-1853]; linguist, historian, and author; chief librarian, New York State Library, Albany [1854-] |
Ray Palmer | 1826 | Preacher, poet, and hymnologist including “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” [1830] |
Nathaniel Abbot Keyes | 1827 | Congregational missionary, Syria [1840-1844] |
Moses MacDonald | 1827 | Attorney; speaker, Maine House of Representatives [1845]; Democratic congressman [1851-1855] |
Charles King Whipple | 1827 | Abolitionist; proponent of non-violent social action [1842-] and women’s rights; agent, Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society [1856-1863]; author, Relations of Anti-Slavery to Religion [1856], The Methodist Church and Slavery [1859] |
John Milton Mackie | 1828 | Biographer, travel writer, essayist especially on German literature; author, “Cosas de Espana, or Going to Madrid via Barcelona” [1848], “Life of Tai-Ping-Wang, Chief of the Chinese Insurrection “ [1857], “From Cape Cod to Dixie and the Tropics” [1864] |
William Page | 1828 | Painter, portraitist, art theorist; president, National Academy of Design [1873-]; author, A New Geometrical Method of Measuring the Human Figure [1860] |
Leonard Woods II | 1828 | Theologian, educator; president, Bowdoin College [1839-1866] |
Henry Theodore Cheever | 1829 | Explorer, interpreter of life in the south seas; author The Whale and Its Captors [1849, a major source for Melville’s Moby Dick), Life in the Sandwich Isles [1851]; clergyman and agent, Church Anti-Slavery Society [1859-1865] |
Henrietta Jackson Hamlin | 1829 | The first of many early Abbot Academy graduates who became missionaries; served and died at Constantinople [1837-1850] with husband, Rev. Cyrus Hamlin; an inspirational biography, “Light on the Dark River” by Margarette Woods Lawrence, appeared in 1854 |
Augustine Francis Hewit | 1829 | Congregationalist turned Episcopalian turned Roman Catholic priest [1850]; superior general, New York Paulists [1888-1897]; author and editor, Paulist magazine, The Catholic World [1865-] |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps I | 1829 | Author, religious novels and children’s books including Sunnyside, or the Country Minister’s Wife [1851] and the Kitty Brown series [1851-1854] |
1830s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
Charles Baker Adams | 1830 | Geologist, naturalist, educator; explored West Indies; Vermont state geologist [1845-1848], professor natural history and astronomy, Middlebury and Amherst |
William Bacon Stevens | 1830 | Physician, Episcopal priest, author, History of Georgia [1847]; Bishop of Pennsylvania [1865-1887] |
David G.W. Stuart | 1830 | Lawyer; Democratic congressman, Michigan [1853-1855]; Civil War brigadier general, wounded at Shiloh [1862] |
Emily Adams Bancroft | 1831 | President, Foreign Missionary Society, Jacksonville, IL; secretary, WCTU; president, Female Education Society, oldest woman’s club in the US |
Leonard Chase | 1831 | New Hampshire furniture manufacturer, abolitionist and temperance advocate; his house was a stop on the Underground Railroad [1840s-1850s] |
Gardiner Greene Hubbard | 1831 | Organizational, legal, and financial genius behind son-in-law Alexander Graham Bell and Bell Telephone [1877-1897]; financial and organizational backer of the phonograph [1881-]; founder and first president, National Geographic Society [1888-1897]; namesake, Mount Hubbard, Alaska/Yukon border |
Paulino Sandoval | 1831 | From Costa Rica; first-known student at Andover from Latin America |
John F. Trow | 1831 | Publisher and printing innovator; developer of business directory business; publisher, New York City Directory [1847-1886] |
Addison R. Flint | 1832 | Civil engineer; surveyor, Valparaiso-Santiago Railroad, Chile [ca.1849], Winchester, Oregon [1850] |
Richard Sutton Rust | 1832 | Educator and abolitionist; commissioner, New Hampshire Public Schools [1847 -], chair and first president, Wilberforce University [1856-1863], initially devoted to educating former slaves; secretary, Freedmen’s Aid Society [1861-81]; namesake, historically black Rust College [1866-] |
Harriette Newell Woods Baker | 1833 | Author of some 200 children’s books and popular novels [ca.1860-1890] including the “Aunt Hattie’s Library for Girls” series and “Tim, the Scissors-Grinder” |
Lois Hoyt Johnson | 1833 | Missionary and teacher, Kauai [1848-] |
George Ayres Leavitt | 1833 | New York book publisher and merchandiser; as Leavitt and Allen, pioneered special occasion books and annuals [1852-]; founder of trade book auctions [1856] through Leavitt, Delisser & Company; Leavitt and Allen |
Parker Pierce | 1833 | Gold Rush 49er; California and Nevada miner [1849-1865] |
Timothy Emerson Ranney | 1833 | Missionary with Pawnee and Cherokee nations [1844-1860] in Nebraska and Oklahoma |
Isaac Ingalls Stevens | 1833 | West Point-trained engineer, served in the Mexican-American War [1847-1848]; surveyed northern route for the transcontinental railroad [1853]; First governor of Washington Territory [1853-1857]; negotiator of Indian treaties [1855]; Washington territorial representative to Congress [1857-1861]; Civil War major general, killed in the Battle of Chantilly [1862] |
David Thayer | 1833 | Leading homeopathic physician, abolitionist; participant in the Underground Railroad, supporter of John Brown; developer of homeopathic treatment of gall stone |
Ephraim Adams | 1834 | Member, the “Iowa Band” of missionaries [1843]; cofounder Iowa College [1846], now Grinnell |
John B. Alley | 1834 | Massachusetts Republican congressman [1863-1867] |
Cyrus Baldwin | 1834 | Hydraulic elevator inventor [1870] and manufacturer |
Mary Williams Chapin | 1834 | Professor, Mount Holyoke [1843-1850], principal [1850-1865] |
Silas Chapman | 1834 | Wisconsin educator and cartographer; publisher of Midwestern maps [1850-1870]; Milwaukee school commissioner [1858-1867] |
Zuinglius Grover | 1834 | Founder and proprietor, Dearborn Seminary [1855-1865], first girls’ school in Chicago |
Alpheus Hardy | 1834 | Mid-19th century Boston clipper ship owner, active on transatlantic, Mediterranean, and Pacific trade routes; his ship “Wild Rover” brought Joseph Hardy Neesima to America; Trustee of Phillips Academy [1858-1885], president of the Board of Trustees [1878-1885] |
Horace James | 1834 | Union Army chaplain and the army’s “Superintendent of all Blacks” in North Carolina [1863-1866], founder and supervisor, Roanoke Island Freedmen’s Colony [1863-1867] |
Joseph Pennell | 1834 | Lab assistant to Samuel F.B. Morse [1839-1840]; photographer; with Phillips Academy roommate Albert Southworth formed the premier early daguerreotype studio in the U.S. [1840-1844] |
Gilbert Pillsbury | 1834 | Commissioner, Freedmen’s Bureau of South Carolina [1863-1867]; superintendent, Shaw Orphan Home, Charleston [1867-]; Reconstruction-era mayor of Charleston [1868-1871] |
Martha Williams Sherman | 1834 | Christian missionary at Jerusalem [1839-1842] |
William Harvey Wells | 1834 | Teacher and administrator at Phillips Academy [1836-1847]; principal, Westfield Normal School; Chicago superintendent of public schools [1856-64]; author “English Grammar” [1846]; namesake Wells School, Chicago [later William H. Wells High School] |
Sherlock Bristol | 1835 | Abolitionist; leader of the “anti-slavery rebellion” at Andover [1835] resulting in expulsion of 40 students; Congregational missionary in California and the western frontier [1850-]; author, The Pioneer Preacher [1898] |
Hannah Dole | 1835 | Artist and wood engraver; illustrator, Webster’s Dictionary, Youth’s Companion |
Gustavus Vasa Fox | 1835 | Naval officer in the Mexican-American War and Civil War; relieved Major Anderson and remnant brigade at Fort Sumter [April, 1861]; assistant secretary of the Navy [1861-1865], proponent of iron-clad warships; in an essay published in 1882, proposed Samana Cay in the Bahamas was first island reached by Christopher Columbus |
Henry W. Lord | 1835 | Congressman from Michigan [1881-1883]; US Land Office registrar, North Dakota [1883-1888] |
Albert Sands Southworth | 1835 | Photographer; daguerreotypists Southworth and Hawes of Boston [1843-1862] are considered the first great American masters of photography, pioneers both in technology and artistry |
Issac S. Church | 1836 | California Gold Rush miner [1850-1860] |
Sarah Peters Grozelier | 1836 | Painter of portrait miniatures, engraver; wife of Boston engraver Leopold Grozelier |
Joseph Gibson Hoyt | 1836 | Instructor, Phillips Exeter Academy [1841-1858]; First chancellor, Washington University, St. Louis [1859-1862]; namesake, Hoyt Hall, Exeter, Hoyt Professorship, Washington University |
Benjamin James | 1836 | Earliest-known African American student at Andover [1834-1836]; printer, teacher and missionary in Liberia [1836-1846]; printer of dictionaries, religious texts and schoolbooks; schoolmaster in Monrovia [ca.1846-1869]; Treasurer of the Republic of Liberia [-1869] |
Lyman Jewett | 1836 | Christian missionary to the Telugu people of Andhra Pradesh, Southwest India [1848-1883] |
Frederick Lander | 1836 | Civil engineer, writer, and army officer; government surveyor of transcontinental railroad routes [1853-1859]; builder of the Lander Road linking Wyoming Territory to Washington Territory [1857-1859], a trip that included artist Albert Bierstadt; Lander Road was the first government-funded road project in the West; Civil War brigadier general, dubbed “the great natural American soldier” by General Winfield Scott, Lander was known as “Old Grizzly” by his men; author of popular wartime patriotic poems; hero of the Battle of Philippi [June 1861], wounded at Battle of Ball’s Bluff [October 1861]; while in command of western Maryland, refused to surrender Hancock to Stonewall Jackson; died of complications of wounds, 2 March 1862; Albert Bierstadt’s first great painting of the American West, “The Rocky Mountains: Lander’s Peak” [1863] a memorial to Lander; in addition to Lander’s Peak in Wyoming, namesake of Lander County, Nevada [1861] and Lander, Wyoming [1875] |
Fanny Lewis Scudder | 1836 | Missionary at Chennai (formerly Madras), India [ca.1840-1860] |
Benjamin A. Spaulding | 1836 | Member, the “Iowa Band” of missionaries [1843]; cofounder Iowa College [1846], now Grinnell |
Josiah Whitney | 1836 | Geologist and geographer; namesake of Mt. Whitney, California, tallest peak in the United States; state geologist of California [1860-1874]; professor of geology at Harvard [1865-1896]; author, Metallic Wealth of the United States [1854] |
Rebecca Tyler Bacon | 1837 | A founder of Hampton Institute, serving as first assistant principal [1869-1871] |
Isaac Fitzgerald Shepard | 1837 | Poet, Union general, diplomat; author, Pebbles from Castilia [1840], Poetry of Feeling [1844]; editor, Boston Daily Bee [1846-1848]; colonel, 3rd Missouri Infantry [1862], colonel, Mississippi Colored Troops [1863], brigadier general [1863-]; US consul, Hankow, China [1874-1886] |
John E. Tyler | 1837 | Physician and superintendent, McLean Asylum [1858-1871]; “chair of mental diseases,” Harvard Medical School [1871-1878] |
Robert Battey | 1838 | Confederate Army surgeon, later professor of obstetrics, Atlanta Medical College; internationally known for “Battey’s Operation,” a technique for removal of the ovaries [1872] |
George Horatio Derby | 1838 | Army topographical engineer [1846-], honored for service during Mexican-American War [1847-1848]; government surveyor in California, Oregon, and Washington [1850-]; widely read humorist of life in California during the 1850s; author, Phoenix’s Pictorial and Second Floor Front Room Companion [1851], Phoenixiana [1855], and The Squibob Papers [1865] |
Daniel Wheelwright Gooch | 1838 | Early member, Republican Party [1856-1891]; US congressman from Massachusetts [1858-1865, 1873-1875]; US pension agent, Boston [1876-1886] |
Frederick Law Olmsted | 1838 | Landscape architect; author, conservationist; America’s pre-eminent 19th-century landscape architect; designer of New York’s Central Park [1858-], Boston’s Emerald Necklace park system, and many other parks, campuses, estates, etc.; Phillips Academy was his successor firm’s longest-standing client [1891-1965]; author, Journeys and Explorations in the Cotton Kingdom (1861); proponent of conservation and the creation of national parks |
Oliver Arey | 1839 | Educator; president, Whitewater Normal School, Wisconsin [1868-1877] |
David B. Birney | 1839 | Commander of Pennsylvania troops during Civil War; following distinguished leadership at Battle of Chancellorsville, promoted to Major General [1863] |
James Stewart Eaton | 1839 | Teacher; prolific author of math textbooks [1850s-1860s] |
Jonathan Lovejoy Noyes | 1839 | Superintendent, Wisconsin School for the Deaf [1866-1896] |
Joseph Thomas Noyes | 1839 | Congregational missionary; founder of 47 parishes in Ceylon [Sri Lanka] and Madura District [Tamil Nadu], South India [1848-1892] |
Frederic Smyth | 1839 | New Hampshire merchant and president, Concord & Montreal Railroad; activist mayor of Manchester [1852-1855]; as governor of New Hampshire [1866-1868], reformed state finances and laws; a founder of University of New Hampshire [1866] |
Alexander Wheelock Thayer | 1839 | Biographer and diplomat; Beethoven scholar, Thayer’s 4-volume biography issued serially [1866-1907]; US consul at Trieste [1862-1885] |
1840s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
Waldo Colburn | 1840 | Attorney and jurist; associate justice, Massachusetts Superior Court [1875-1882], associate justice, Massachusetts Supreme Court [1882-1885] |
Thomas Doane | 1840 | Civil engineer, particularly for railroads; pioneered use of new technology for tunnel construction; chief engineer, Hoosac Tunnel [1863-1876] in Massachusetts, at 4.5 miles, longest in the Western Hemisphere; founder, Doane College, Nebraska [1872] |
Horace Fairbanks | 1840 | Leading Vermont business figure of the mid-19th century; governor of Vermont [1876-1878]; donor of the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum [1871], a public library and art gallery |
Egbert Guernsey | 1840 | Homeopathic physician active in uniting homeopathic and allopathic physicians; author, Homeopathic Domestic Practice [1855 et seq.]; professor, New York Homeopathic Medical College [1861-67]; founder and editor, Medical Times [1872-]; president, New York Metropolitan Hospital [-1903] |
Mary Fiske Sargent | 1840 | Founder of the Radical Club, a nationally famous Boston literary and political salon |
Charles Short | 1840 | Classicist; principal, Roxbury Latin School [1847-1853]; president, Kenyon College [1863-1867]; classics professor, Columbia University [1868-1886] |
James L. Bates | 1841 | Decorated Massachusetts Civil War officer: Captain/Colonel/Bvt. Brigadier General |
Henry P. Carlton | 1841 | Principal, San Jose Normal School, now San Jose State University [1866-1868] |
Moses Gerrish Farmer | 1841 | Electrical engineer, telegrapher, and inventor of early electric dynamos and electric light bulbs [1847-1876]; his Salem, Massachusetts, home lit by electric lights (1868), first in the world |
Francis Wayland III | 1841 | Dean, Yale Law School [1873-1903]; president, Board of Visitors, West Point [1874-]; president, American Social Science Association [1880-1889]; president, Connecticut State Board of Prisons; president, American Baptist Association |
Henry Blodgett | 1842 | Protestant missionary in Beijing [1854-1894]; translator of the New Testament into Chinese |
John Edmands | 1842 | Librarian responsible for innovations in filing and cataloguing methodologies; librarian, Yale Debating Society [1846-1847]; assistant librarian, Yale College [1851-1856]; librarian, Mercantile Library of Philadelphia [1856-1902]; author, “Subjects for debates with references to authors” [1847], Catalogue, Mercantile Library of Philadelphia [1870] |
Eli Smith Hoadley | 1842 | Pianist, organist, and music instructor; coauthor The Mason and Hoadley Method piano instruction manual [1867]; namesake, Hoadley Musical Society of Brooklyn [ca.1878-] |
Edward C. H. Nye | 1842 | Cape Cod mate and master of whaling ships; swallowed by a whale in 1863 but lived to tell the tale |
Ansel Putnam | 1842 | Early developer of the California fruit industry [1850s-1870s] supplying Eastern markets |
Moses Tyler Stevens | 1842 | Massachusetts textile manufacturer; MT Stevens & Co later became JP Stevens; Democratic congressman [1891-1895] |
Nathan Ames | 1843 | Inventor and patent attorney; inventor, first American escalator [1859], leather finishing equipment, copying machines |
Franklin A. Buck | 1843 | Merchant and miner; chronicler of California Gold Rush, Hawaii, and Nevada prospecting; author, A Yankee Trader in the Gold Rush (letters, 1846-1881, posthumously published) |
Minot Sherman Crosby | 1843 | Educator; superintendent of Waterbury, Connecticut, schools [1870-1897]; namesake, Crosby High School [1897] |
Irene and Warren Draper | 1843 | Graduates of Abbot Academy and Phillips Academy; as husband and wife, major donors to both academies in the late 19th century, endowing scholarships and prizes and building Abbot Academy’s Draper Hall [1890], Phillips Academy’s Draper Cottage [1892] |
Talcott Eliason | 1843 | Confederate Army surgeon and cavalry officer, aid to Jeb Stuart |
Henry M. Fosdick | 1843 | Civil engineer and surveyor responsible for laying out Denver [1859], Pueblo, and Colorado City |
Louis P. Ledoux | 1843 | Founder, Storm King School [1867] |
Franklin W. Fisk | 1844 | Theologian; president, Chicago Theological Seminary [1887-1900]; author, Manuel of Preaching [1884] |
William Oliver Stevens | 1844 | Civil War colonel, New York State Infantry, killed in action at Battle of Chancellorsville [1863] |
William A. Abbott | 1845 | Union Navy master’s mate and prisoner of war; while in prison, learned and then provided to the Union command information on Confederate naval defenses including mining harbors with “infernal machines” |
Wilson Barstow | 1845 | Union Army supply officer, bvt. Brigadier general [1865] |
Maria Susana Cummins | 1845 | Popular author; her first novel, The Lamplighter, an international bestseller in 1854 and became widely popular in stage adaptations; Mabel Vaughn [1857] |
Thomas George Dickson | 1845 | Teacher of Greek to expats at Athens and British vice consul at Athens; coauthor, Modern Greek [1879] |
Charles Doe | 1845 | New Hampshire jurist; associate justice, NH Supreme Judicial Court [1859-1874], chief justice, New Hampshire Supreme Court [1876-1896] |
Seraphina Haynes Everett | 1845 | Missionary in the Ottoman Empire; head, The Girls Seminary, Constantinople [ca.1850-1860] |
Charles L. Flint | 1845 | Secretary, Massachusetts Board of Agriculture [1853-1878], internationally known for the quality and influence of his annual reports; author, Milch Cows and Dairy Farming [1858], Grasses and Forage Plants [1860], The American Farmer [1882]; president, Massachusetts Agricultural College [1879-80]; a founder of MIT; benefactor of local libraries including Flint Library in his birthplace, Middletown, Mass |
Alfred O. Johnson | 1845 | Union Army lieutenant, 125th Illinois Volunteers; killed in action, Battle of Missionary Ridge [1863] |
Thomas Paul Smith | 1845 | Black separatist; an early African American student; a leader in the Boston black community; advocate for separate-but-equal schools [1848-] |
Richard H. Stearns | 1845 | Founder, R.H. Stearns department store, Boston [ca.1875] |
Joseph Carter Abbott | 1846 | Adjutant general of New Hampshire [1855-1861]; Union Army brigadier general, New Hampshire infantry; Reconstruction Era US Senator from North Carolina [1868-1871] |
George Bassett Clark | 1846 | Leading American maker of refracting telescopes [1850-1891] |
Lysander Dickerman | 1846 | Egyptologist; author, The Egyptian Deities [1885], Mariette-Bey’s Monuments of Upper Egypt [1890] |
Ephraim Flint Jr. | 1846 | Maine secretary of state [1864-1867] |
Augustine Milton Gay | 1846 | Educator; headmaster, Boston Latin School [1867-1876] |
Charles Chapman Grafton | 1846 | Anglo-Catholic theologian; member, Cowley Fathers Brotherhood; Episcopal bishop, Wisconsin [1889-1912]; author |
William LeBaron Jenney | 1846 | “Father of the Skyscraper”; Civil War designer of fortifications and army camps; Chicago structural engineer and architect [1867-1900]; developer of steel frame construction and fireproofing; designer, Home Insurance Building [1884-], first true skyscraper |
Eben Jordan | 1846 | Cofounder, Jordan Marsh Department store, Boston [1841] |
Stanford Emerson Chaillé | 1847 | “Father of Hygiene and Health Education” in America; physician, medical researcher, and sanitarian; chairman, Tulane Department of Physiology [1868-1907]; dean, Tulane School of Medicine [1885-1908]; chief, Havana Yellow Fever Commission [1879] |
Joseph James Couch | 1847 | Inventor of the steam drill for excavating tunnels, etc. [1849] |
Edward Payson Crowell | 1847 | Classicist; professor, Amherst College [1858-1908], dean of faculty [1880-1894] |
Jacob Parker Gould | 1847 | Civil engineer and railroad builder; at outbreak of Civil War, organized “Grey Eagles” company, Massachusetts Volunteers [1861]; died of wounds received during Battle of Petersburg [1864] |
Benjamin Winslow Harris | 1847 | Republican Congressman from Massachusetts [1873-1883]; chairman, Committee on Naval Affairs, promoter of Naval modernization |
David Hewes | 1847 | San Francisco contractor and real estate developer [1849-] who filled the San Francisco waterfront to create much of what is now downtown. Hewes had the idea of a ceremony to mark completion of the transcontinental railroad, and had the famous “golden spike” fabricated for the 1869 ceremony. Major donor to Stanford University. |
George H. Morrill | 1847 | Owner, Morrill Ink Works, world’s largest producer of printing inks [ca.1856-1910] |
William Alfred Packard | 1847 | Classicist; professor of Latin, Princeton [1870-1905]; author, The Study of the Classics [1886] |
Nathaniel W.T. Root / N.W. Taylor Root | 1847 | Educational reformer & promoter of school athletics including gymnastics, military drill, football, and swimming; member, Yale crew program [1852]; author, School Amusements; or How to Make the School Interesting [1857 et. seq.] |
Robert Thompson | 1847 | California Gold Rush 49er, gold miner, vigilante, and later San Francisco attorney [1849-1880s] |
Sullivan Ballou | 1848 | Speaker, Rhode Island House of Representatives [1857-1858]; major, 2nd Rhode Island Volunteers, killed at Bull Run [1861]. His final letter to his wife Sarah is among the most famous of the war |
John Ellsworth Blunt | 1848 | Railroad engineer in the South, prior to the Civil War; later with the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad; namesake, Blunt, South Dakota |
Joseph Mansfield Brown | 1848 | Captain, Harvard crew; organizer, first intercollegiate athletic contest in the United States: Harvard vs. Yale crew [1852]; won by Brown’s boat “Oneida” |
Kersey Coates | 1848 | Kansas City promoter, businessman, and civic leader [1854-1887]; founder, Kansas City Board of Trade [1856]; builder, Coates House Hotel [1868] and Coates Opera House [1870] |
William Dorsheimer | 1848 | Attorney, Buffalo and New York City; lieutenant governor of New York [1875-1880]; state park commissioner; congressman [1883-1885]; patron of architects and landscape architects, commissioning work from Frederick Law Olmsted, HH Richardson, and Richard Morris Hunt |
Edward Octavius “E.O.” Emerson | 1848 | Titusville, Pennsylvania oil producer [1860s]; cofounder and president, Peoples Natural Gas Company [1884], later Sun Oil Company (Sunoco) |
Roswell Chamberlin Smith II | 1848 | Cofounder, the Century Company, magazine and book publishing house [1870] |
James Stott | 1848 | California Gold Rush 49er and miner [1849-1854] |
Charles P. Clark | 1849 | President, New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad [1883-1895] |
William Wallace Crapo | 1849 | New Bedford, Massachusetts, attorney; Republican Congressman [1875-1883] |
Joseph H. Gilmore | 1849 | Clergyman, seminary professor, author of hymns including “He Leadeth Me” [1862] |
William Whitney Godding | 1849 | Physician and physiologist; superintendent, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington [1877-1899]; author, Two Difficult Cases [1882], The Rights of the Insane in Hospitals [1884] |
George Washington Heard | 1849 | China Trade merchant; one of the first Americans to climb Mt. Blanc [1855]; secretary, American delegation, Treaty of Tientsin, China [1859]; manager, Augustine Heard & Co. trading house, Hong Kong [1860-1875] |
James Frothingham Hunnewell | 1849 | Bibliophile and antiquarian; author, “Bibliography of the Hawaiian Islands,” “Bibliography of Charlestown and Bunker Hill,” “Historical Monuments of France” |
Moses Merrill | 1849 | Teacher, Boston Latin School [1858-1901], headmaster [1877-1901] |
Thomas Leroy “Lee” Napier | 1849 | West Point graduate [1858], Confederate army officer; founder and commander,” Napier’s Artillery” [1861], aka the Macon Light Artillery |
George Washburn | 1849 | President, Robert College (Christian missionary), Istanbul [1869-1903]; authority on Balkan affairs; wrote Fifty Years in Constantinople and Recollections of Robert College |
Samuel Codes Watson | 1849 | African American physician, graduate of Cleveland Medical College [1857]; Detroit druggist [1863-]; First African American member, Detroit [1876-], Michigan delegate, Republican National Convention [1884] |
Robert Steward Davis1856Journalist; war correspondent, Civil War; cofounder, owner and editor Saturday Night (Philadelphia 1865-1882), a widely popular, illustrated family “story paper” with a circulation of 100,000George Mixter1859Founder, Mixter Farms, Hardwick, MA [ca.1890-], breeder of champion, purebred Guernsey cattle and major milk producer
1850s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
Joaquim Barbosa Cordeiro | 1850 | From Brazil, First Andover student from South America; Harvard medical degree (1854) |
Edward Augustus Crane | 1850 | Physician with US Sanitary Commission [1861-1864]; organizer, US military medicine exhibition, Paris Exposition [1866-1867]; organizer, American International Sanitary Committee hospital, Paris, during Franco-Prussian War [1870-1871];editor, American Register, Paris [1874-1897] |
Carroll Cutler | 1850 | Educator; professor of philosophy and theology, Western Reserve College [1860-1889]; president, Western Reserve [1871-1886], now Case Western Reserve University |
Payson Perrin Ellis | 1850 | Member of the Harvard “Oneida” 8-man crew, winner of America’s first intercollegiate athletic event (Harvard vs. Yale), a rowing contest held 3 August 1852; later worked for Heard & Co. in Hong Kong and Shanghai |
Ralph Emerson | 1850 | Owner and president, Emerson Manufacturing Company [later Emerson-Brantingham], Rockford, IL, a major producer of reapers, mowers, plows, tractors, and other farm machinery [1854-1912]; donor, Emerson Institute, Mobile, Alabama following the Civil War, a freedmen’s school |
Reuben Delavan Mussey | 1850 | Abolitionist and captain of the Cincinnati Wide Awakes, a pro-Lincoln, paramilitary organization associated with the Republican Party [1860]; Union Army volunteer [1861]; First regular Army officer to volunteer to raise, train, and lead black troops; colonel, 100th Regiment, Colored Infantry; bvt brigadier general; briefly secretary to President Andrew Johnson [1865] but resigned because of political differences; later a Washington attorney and promoter of women’s rights; law professor, Howard University; a founder, Manassas Industrial School for Colored Youth [1894] |
Charles G. Sawtelle | 1850 | Brigadier general; chief quartermaster, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac [1863]; Quartermaster General [1896-1897] |
Daniel Wentworth | 1850 | First principal, Cook County Normal School [1867-1883], now Chicago State University |
William Herbert Withington | 1850 | Union Army captain, 1st Michigan Volunteers; recipient, Medal of Honor for extraordinary heroism at the first Battle of Bull Run [July 1861]; bvt brigadier general for “conspicuous gallantry” Battle of South Mountain [September 1862]; postwar manufacturer of agricultural implements, Jackson, Michigan; donor of monumental bronze war memorial, “Defense of the Flag” designed by Lorado Taft [1903] in Withington Park, Jackson, MI |
Edward Anderson | 1851 | Militant abolitionist; moved to Kansas in 1853 and engaged in militia battles in company with John Brown of the “Bleeding Kansas” era [ca.1855-1856]; ordained a Protestant minister in 1858; fought and wounded in the Civil War, first as chaplain, 37th Illinois Infantry, later colonel, 12 Indiana Cavalry, known as “the Fighting Parson” |
William Smith Kimball | 1851 | Major cigarette manufacturer and inventor of cigarette production equipment; owner, Kimball Tobacco Company, makers of Peerless, Little Jockey and other brands of cigarettes; Kimball was noted for advertising and promotional materials including sets of baseball and other sports cards, and for the Peerless Works, Rochester, New York, famed for its 21’ statue of Mercury atop its smokestack [1885], still a landmark in Rochester |
Levi L. Paine | 1851 | Theologian; president and dean, Bangor Theological Seminary [1883-1903]; author, Political Lessons of the Rebellion [1862], A Critical History of the Evolution of Trinitarianism [1900] |
Manuel Romagosa | 1851 | From Manzanillo, Cuba; physician and patriot; member, member Cuban Autonomist movement [1865-1898], seeking independence from Spain |
James Jackson Storrow | 1851 | Lead patent attorney representing Bell Telephone in its battle to claim primacy [1877-1897]; arbitrator, Venezuela-Great Britain boundary dispute [1895-1897] |
James H. Whittemore | 1851 | Superintendent, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1877-1885 |
Alphonso Benjamin Bowers | 1852 | Civil engineer and inventor of mining equipment |
Milton Grosvenor Howe | 1852 | Massachusetts-born railroad engineer in Illinois then Texas [1859]; Confederate Army volunteer [1861]; captain, Engineering Corps, later captain, Heavy Artillery; organized Confederate artillery defense at Sabine Pass, “the Confederacy’s Thermopylae;” postwar engineer/general manager, Houston & Texas Central RR; namesake, Howe, Texas [1874] |
Benjamin Bussey Huntoon | 1852 | Pioneer in development of services, education, and printing for the blind; superintendent, Kentucky School for the Blind, and president, American Printing House for the Blind [1871-1912] supported by the federal government |
Francis Howe Johnson | 1852 | Theologian and philosopher; one of the “Andover liberals”; author, Positivism as a Working System [1882-1883], What is Reality [1891], God in Evolution [1911] |
William Hayes Ward | 1852 | Orientalist and authority on ancient Babylonian seals; organizer, Wolfe Expedition to Babylonia [1884-1885]; president, American Oriental Society [1890-1894, 1909-1910]; editor, New York Independent [1869-], editor-in-chief [1896-1913]; |
John Burnham Brown | 1853 | Railroad contractor, coal mine owner, and Chicago real estate developer; benefactor of his native town, Ipswich, Massachusetts [1908] |
Edward Carver Damon | 1853 | Owner/operator of Damon Mill, Concord, MA; major producer of woolen goods for the US Army during the Civil War |
Henri Byron Haskell | 1853 | Medical missionary in Mosul, eastern Turkey, now Iraq [1857-1861]; owner of important 9th century BCE Assyrian palace reliefs from ancient Nineveh honoring Ashurnasirpal II, donated to Bowdoin College and Virginia Theological Seminary [1859-1860] |
Joseph Cooke Jackson | 1853 | Civil War brevet brigadier general, attorney |
Albert Palmer | 1853 | A founder and later president, Jamaica Pond Ice Company [ca1855-]; Mayor of Boston [1883] |
William Douglas Scrimgeour | 1853 | While a senior at Oberlin, one of 37 rescuers of fugitive Kentucky slave John Price, captured by Federal marshals at Oberlin, rescued at Wellington, Ohio, set free and sent on to Canada 13 September 1858; the so-called “Oberlin-Wellington Rescue” became a national cause |
Addison Van Name | 1853 | Librarian and linguist; Yale Librarian [1865-1905]; specialist in East Asian languages and literature |
Arthur M. Wheeler | 1853 | Historian; professor of modern European history, Yale [1865-ca.1910]; chair, Yale history department [ca.1900-1910]; author, Sketches from English History [1885] |
James Robie Wood | 1853 | Medical officer, Confederate Army [1861-1865]; repeatedly wounded treating battlefield casualties; left to surrender Confederate hospitals in Richmond; New York University medical degree 1866; volunteered to take charge of Asiatic cholera patients (1867) and went on to specialize in science of inoculation; prolific writer on medical topics, most importantly on “The Probable Future of Therapeutics” |
Samuel Warren Abbott | 1854 | Public health pioneer and medical statistician; Civil War Navy and Army surgeon; coroner and medical examiner [1872-1884]; founding secretary, Massachusetts State Board of Health [1886-1904]; internationally known for publications on public health issues and medical statistics; author, Past and Present Condition of Public Hygiene and the State of Medicine in the United States [1882], Vital Statistics of Massachusetts: a 40-Year Summary [1895] |
John Albee | 1854 | New Hampshire poet and author of Remembrances of Emerson [1903] and Confessions of Boyhood [1910] |
William Nevins Armstrong | 1854 | Attorney general of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Commissioner of Immigration and Minister of State under King Kalakaua [1881-]; organizer of King Kalakaua’s world tour [1881-1882] |
William Francis Bartlett | 1854 | Civil War brigadier general, repeatedly wounded and cited for bravery; taken prisoner, Battle of Petersburg [1864]; famous as an advocate for reconciliation between the North and South following speeches at Harvard’s Memorial Hall [1874] and at Battle of Lexington Centennial observances [1875]; memorial poem by John Greenleaf Whittier [1878]; statue by Daniel Chester French erected in Massachusetts State House [1905] |
Robert Roberts Bishop | 1854 | President, Massachusetts State Senate [ca.1882]; Associate Justice, Massachusetts Superior Court [1888-1909]; Phillips Academy Board of Trustees [1881-1903], president [1900-1903] |
Gilbert Otis Fay | 1854 | Superintendent, Ohio School for the Deaf [1866-1880] |
William Oscar Fiske | 1854 | Union Army Lt who rose to rank of bvt brigadier general; as aide-de-camp to General Butler, Fiske was the hero of the taking of Fort Hatteras [Sept 1861], receiving national attention for his bravery, swimming to shore to convey orders, his exploits featured in Harper’s Weekly; remained in Army throughout war, receiving rank of brigadier general March 1865 |
Robert Macy Gallaway | 1854 | President, Atlantic Dock Ironworks, builders of gas plants nationwide; railroad financier and executive; president, Merchants Bank of New York [1892-1917] |
Edward Payson Hammond | 1854 | Evangelist in the United States, Europe and beyond [1864-c.1900]; prolific author of evangelical tracts and books; his Sketches of Palestine was satirized by Mark Twain [Atlantic Monthly, June 1877] |
William Torrey Harris | 1854 | Philosopher, educator, author; founder and editor, “Journal of Speculative Philosophy” [1867-], first in America; US commissioner of education [1889-1906]; author, “Introduction to the Study of Philosophy” [1889], “Hegel’s Logic” [1890], “Psychological Foundations of Education” [1898] |
Edwin L. Jewell | 1854 | Louisiana journalist and publisher of newspapers, digests, and manuals [1862-1887], best known for “Jewell’s Crescent City Illustrated: The Commercial, Social, Political & General History of New Orleans…” [1873] |
Charles Veazie Lord | 1854 | A California Gold Rush 49er at age 13; went prospecting from Bangor, Maine, returning after a year to continue his schooling |
William Marland | 1854 | Early Civil War Union Army volunteer; enlisted 15 April 1861, Mass. 6th Infantry; involved in the first bloodshed of the war (a riot in Baltimore on 19 April 1861, as the Massachusetts troops were heading to Washington, Marland carried the flag during the mayhem); recipient, Medal of Honor for heroic action leading his troops at Grand Coteau, Louisiana [3 November 1863]; later Andover postmaster and supervisor, PA dining commons in Clement House |
Alexander McKenzie | 1854 | Minister, educator; trustee, Phillips Academy, Bowdoin College, Hampton Institute, Wellesley College; president, Wellesley board of trustees [1893-1902] |
William A. Mowry | 1854 | Teacher, author on pedagogy; principal, English and Classical High School [Mowry and Goff School], Providence [1864-1888]; editor, Journal of Education, [1884-1913]; president, American Institute of Instruction; president, Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute [1888-1907] |
Edward Griffin Porter | 1854 | Antiquarian and early historic preservation advocate; minister of Lexington Congregational Church and organizer, Lexington and Concord Centennial Celebration [1875]; author, Souvenir of Lexington [1875], Rambles in Old Boston [1887] |
Edward Trask Strong | 1854 | Career naval officer [1862-1900], retiring as a rear admiral |
Isaac Newton Carleton | 1855 | Educator; instructor at Phillips Academy; principal Connecticut State Normal School 1869-1881; president, American Institute of Instruction [1878-1879]; founder and principal, Carleton School for Boys [1894-1901] |
Franklin Carter | 1855 | Linguist and educator; professor of Latin, French & German [ca.1870-1880]; 1st president, Modern Languages Association [1881-1886]; president, Williams College [1881-1901] |
William Cogswell | 1855 | Attorney at Salem, Mass.; rose in rank during Civil War from captain to brevet brigadier general [1864]; mayor of Salem [1867-69, 73-74]; Republican congressman [1887-1895] |
Junius Ward Craig | 1855 | Owner of 5000 acres in two plantations, operated by more than 200 slaves, in Chicot County, Arkansas [1850s], one of the richest cotton producing counties in the South; died just prior to the Civil War |
Henry M. Field | 1855 | Minister, theologian, journalist, and travel writer; champion of the liberal wing of the Presbyterian Church; editor and owner, The Evangelist [1854-1899]; prolific author of articles and books on history and travel, including “From Egypt to Japan” (1877) |
William Henry Parker | 1855 | Canadian lumberman, banker, and founder/manager of the Laurentian Club, Lac La Peche, Quebec [1886-], a fishing and hunting lodge patronized by wealthy sportsmen; since 1970 part of Canada’s La Mauricie National Park |
Albert C. Perkins | 1855 | Principal, Phillips Exeter Academy [1873-1883], Headmaster Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn [1883-1892], now Adelphi University |
Philip Watson Pratt | 1855 | |
James Augustus Rumrill | 1855 | As secretary and attorney for the Western Railroad, later the Boston & Albany [1865-1892], chiefly responsible for hiring Harvard classmate, architect H.H. Richardson, to design Boston and Albany stations, and Frederick Law Olmsted to landscape them, facilities considered outstanding examples of American late 19th-century design |
Eugene Smith | 1855 | Attorney; president, American Prison Association; author, Criminal Law in the United States [1910; reprinted 1971, Russell Sage Foundation] |
William Thayer Smith | 1855 | Physician, educator, and author; first dean, Dartmouth Medical School [1896-1909]; author, The Human Body and Its Health [1884] |
George Miller Beard | 1856 | Physician and neurologist; early researcher on Tourette’s syndrome; definer of the “neurasthenia” as a medical disorder; champion of the rights of people with mental illness; advocate for end of the death penalty for the insane |
John Marshall Brown | 1856 | Civil War brigadier General [1864-]; owner, Portland Sugar Company [1865-]; president, Maine Agricultural Society [1878-] |
Daniel Henry Chamberlain | 1856 | During Civil War, 2nd lieutenant, 5th Mass. Cavalry, a black regiment; During Reconstruction served as attorney general of South Carolina [1868-1872] and governor [1874-1877]; proponent of civil rights, opposed excessive patronage and spending during Reconstruction |
Charles Drowne | 1856 | Professor of mathematics, physics, and later civil engineering, Rensselaer [1847-1860; president, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute [1860-1875] |
Amelia Gould Fuller | 1856 | Missionary, Aintab, Turkey [1874-1881] |
Eliphalet Butler Gage | 1856 | Frontier mining engineer in Arizona [1877-]; owner, Grand Central Mines, Tombstone [1878-]; responsible for second boom at Tombstone, AZ [1886]; organizer and president, Tombstone Consolidated Mines [1901-]; developer of Tempe, AZ ; supporter of Wyatt Earp following the Gunfight at the OK Coral [1881-1882] |
Sarah C. Hervey | 1856 | Teacher and preacher, Utah Territory, 1882-1893 |
Edward Payson Jackson | 1856 | Teacher, pedagogue, and poet; son of US missionaries in Turkey; teacher, Boston Latin School [1877-ca.1895]; author, “A Demigod” [1886], “A Master Talks with His Pupils” [1891] |
Othniel Charles Marsh | 1856 | Paleontologist; nephew, and protégé of George Peabody; professor of paleontology, Yale [1866 -]; leader, pioneering paleontological expeditions in American West; director, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale [1875-1899]. |
James Woods McLane | 1856 | Physician; president, New York College of Physicians and Surgeons / Columbia Medical School [1889-1903] |
Julius Auboineau Palmer | 1856 | Mycologist, author, About Mushrooms [1894] devoted to the study and eating of wild mushrooms |
Willis Henry Plummer | 1856 | Baggage master and artist; South Lawrence Railroad Station baggage master [ca.1865-1905]; folk artist producing hundreds of now widely collected canvases of maritime scenes, fishing, landscapes, etc. |
Frazar Stearns | 1856 | Son of Amherst president William Stearns [PA 1823], left college to enlist, 21st Massachusetts Volunteers; killed, Battle of New Bern [14 March 1862]; Frazer Stearns was close to the Dickinson family of Amherst and a friend of Austin Dickinson, Emily Dickinson’s brother; his death prompted many Dickinson letters and inspired 3 poems; Two Amherst College campus memorials honor Frazer Stearns: a cannon taken at New Bern donated by his regiment in Amherst’s former library, Morgan Hall, and the college carillon [1871] in Stearns Steeple |
Joshua Bertram Webster | 1856 | San Francisco vigilante [1856]; Indian trader [1857-1860]; patent attorney [1882-1914]; US commissioner for Northern California |
Charlotte Emerson Brown | 1857 | Founder and first president, General Federation of Women’s Clubs [1889-1894], advocates for social and political reforms |
Joseph Cook | 1857 | Internationally popular Congregational preacher; lecturer on religion, science, philosophy, current affairs; author, Biology [1877], Transcendentalism [1878]; eleven volumes of his Boston “Monday Lectures” [1874-1895] published |
John Henry Denison | 1857 | Educator and theologian; teacher, Freedmen’s Schools [1866-1867]; chaplain and professor of theology, Williams College [1883-1889]; author, Christ’s Idea of the Supernatural [1895] |
Emily True DeRiemer | 1857 | Missionary in Ceylon, 1868-1878 |
Charles Cleveland Dodge | 1857 | At 21, a Civil War brigadier general; resigned 1863, returned to New York to help quell Draft Rights; president, Cape Cod Canal Company [ca.1910] |
James B. Hammond | 1857 | Typewriter inventor; founder, Hammond Typewriter Company [1881-] |
James Evans Hyde | 1857 | Chicago-based, internationally known dermatologist and venereal diseases; professor of dermatology, Northwestern, then University of Chicago [1877-1910]; president, American Dermatological Association [1881, 1889]; author, A Practical Treatise on Disease of the Skin [1883 et seq.], A Manual of Syphilis and the Venereal Diseases [1900] |
Robert Singleton Peabody | 1857 | Amateur archeologist; collector of Native American artifacts [ca.1850-1900]; sponsor of archeological excavations [1890s]; donor of the Peabody Foundation for Archeology (now Peabody Institute) at Phillips Academy [1901] |
Joseph Augustine Scranton | 1857 | Publisher and politician; owner, Scranton Daily Republican; Pennsylvania congressman [1881-83, 1885-87, 1889-91, 1893-1895] |
Elizabeth Beach | 1858 | Missionary, McAll Working Men’s Mission, Paris [1872-1884] |
Frederick Henry Beecher | 1858 | During the Civil War, member 16th Maine Volunteers; wounded near Fredericksburg, December 1862; a hero at Gettysburg and wounded again, July 1863; post-war regular Army captain in charge of scouts during Plains Indian Wars; killed in battle against Cheyenne war chief Vohko’xenehe, aka Roman Nose [1868], at Beecher’s Island, Arickaree River, Colorado |
David Augustus Boody | 1858 | Banker; Brooklyn congressman [1891], mayor of Brooklyn [1892-1893]; founder and president, Berkeley Institute [1886-1922] girls’ school; president, board of trustees, Brooklyn Public Library [1897-1930] |
Melville Cox Day | 1858 | Attorney; benefactor to Yale and especially Phillips Academy [1891-1913]: Andover’s most generous donor to that time |
Mary H. Graves | 1858 | Unitarian minister [1871-] in New England and West |
Charles P. Mattocks | 1858 | Recipient, Medal of Honor for valor, 17th Maine Infantry, Civil War [medal granted 1899]; brigadier general, Spanish-American War [1898] |
Chambers McKibbin | 1858 | Career army officer; volunteered during Civil War, cited for bravery, Battle of North Anna River [1864]; Army captain on the Western Frontier [1870s-1890s]; colonel during Spanish American War, bvt brigadier general [1898], military governor of Santiago, Cuba [1898-1899], retired 1902 after 40 years in service |
Mary Bates Merriam | 1858 | Missionary in West Africa; author, Home Life in Africa [1867]; teacher, Freedmen’s schools [1864-1874] |
Richard C. Morse | 1858 | YMCA official [1869-1915], general secretary, YMCA International Committee [1872-1915] |
George Herbert Palmer | 1858 | Literary scholar and educator; author, “The New Education” [1887], “Life and Works of George Herbert” [1905], “The Ideal Teacher” [1908], “Intimations of Immortality in the Sonnets of Shakespeare” [1912] |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps II | 1858 | Popular author of stories and novels; her Civil War novel The Gates Ajar, an international bestseller [1868-1869] |
Francis Flagg Putney | 1858 | Union Army veteran who settled in Georgia in 1865, purchasing plantations and supporting freedmen’s rights; badly wounded in the “Camilla Massacre” [1868], a clash between freed slaves their supporters and segregationists; successful entrepreneur and banker, by 1900, owner of 27,000 acres of crop land; founding trustee, Albany State University [1904-], an historically black college; founder, Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital [1911], Albany, GA, stipulating that the hospital serve all citizens, regardless of race or ability to pay |
George Lansing Raymond | 1858 | Art theorist; creator of the first comprehensive and systematic theory of the arts, published in seven volumes [1886-1900]; professor of aesthetic criticism, Princeton [1880-1905] |
Francis Gregory Sanborn | 1858 | Entomologist; builder of leading entomological collections including the US Dept. of Agriculture display of insects, US Centennial Exposition [1876] |
Luther Dimmick Shepard | 1858 | Dentist, promoter of professionalization of dentistry; a founder of dental education at Harvard Medical School [1866-1868]; professor of operative dentistry, Harvard [1868-1882]; founding president, Massachusetts Board of Dental Registration [1887-1892]; president, International Dental Congress [1892] |
Edwin Stewart | 1858 | Admiral, Paymaster General and Chief, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, US Navy [1890-1899] |
James Orton Woodruff | 1858 | Inventor of the rubber stamp [1864]; creator of the Indianapolis garden suburb Woodruff Park [1872-]; founder and funder, Woodruff Scientific Expedition Around the World [1877-1879], an early and ambitious experiment in experiential learning at the college level, never accomplished due to Woodruff’s death in 1879 |
Amos Wilson Abbott | 1859 | Professor of anatomy and gynecology, University of Minnesota [ca.1890-1920]; founder and namesake, Abbot Hospital for Women [1902-], later Abbot Northwestern Hospital |
Job Abbott | 1859 | American-born civil engineer and bridge contractor specializing steel in railroad bridges, especially in Canada, including the Lachine Bridge, Montreal [1885]; president and chief engineer, Dominion Bridge Company, Montreal [1882-1890]; chief engineer, NY Rapid Transit Railway [1890-1896] |
Eben Moody Boynton | 1859 | Inventor, including the “Lightening Saw” [1866] and “Boynton’s Bicycle Electric Railway” [1907], the first monorail |
Leander Trowbridge Chamberlain | 1859 | Clergyman and author of treatises on public policy, advocate against colonialism; author, “A Chapter of National Dishonor” [1912]; gem collector; donated his collection of gem stones, considered one of the three finest in world, to Smithsonian; honorary curator of gems, Smithsonian [1897-1913] |
Anthony Weston Dimock | 1859 | Wall Street speculator [1870s-1880s], steamship line owner, sportsman, conservationist and ethnographer; early promoter of Florida game fishing and wildlife protection; author, adventure books for boys, magazine articles, “The Book of the Tarpon” [1911], “Wall Street & the Wilds” [1915] |
Sherburne B. Eaton | 1859 | Attorney and business advisor to Thomas Edison; president of Edison enterprises including Edison Electric Light Company [1881-] |
John William “Willie” Grout | 1859 | Eighteen-year-old Lt. Willie Grout, 15th Massachusetts Volunteers, killed at Battle of Ball’s Bluff 21 October 1861, 6 months after the Civil War began; made famous by a commemorative song, “The Vacant Chair,” words by H.S. Washburn, music by George F. Root, popular in both North and South |
James Griswold Merrill | 1859 | Clergyman; president, Fisk University, Nashville [1890-1892, 1894-1908] |
Oliver Hazard Payne | 1859 | Cleveland oil refiner [1865-85]; treasurer and major stockholder, Standard Oil [1872-]; relocated to New York [1885]; a founder, American Tobacco Company [1890]; major benefactor to Cornell Medical School, Lakeside Hospital, Yale, NY Public Library, Phillips Academy |
Augustine Sackett | 1859 | Inventor and manufacturer; maker of packing and building papers; inventor of Sackett’s plaster-board [1894] (drywall, wallboard, and Sheetrock) and the machinery used in its manufacturer; sold his interests to US Gypsum (1909) |
Newman Smyth | 1859 | Congregational minister and liberal theologian; leading Congregational proponent of scientific evolutionism ands the ecumenical movement; author, “The Religious Feeling” [1877] “Christian Ethics” [1892], “The Place of Death in Evolution” [1897] |
Frederick Folger Thomas | 1859 | Mining engineer and entrepreneur; part owner and general manager, Central Broken Hill Mining Company [1889-1892], in the Australian Outback, which became one of the most productive silver mines in the world; later organizer and operator of gold mining companies in California |
Cortland Whitehead | 1859 | Episcopal Bishop of Pittsburgh [1882-1922] |
1860s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
Matthew C.D. Borden | 1860 | Fall River, Massachusetts industrialist; owner, cotton mills and American Printing Company, largest textile printing and finishing company in the world [1880-]; principal donor, Borden Gymnasium at Phillips Academy [1902] |
William Munroe Courtis | 1860 | Mining engineer; inventor, the “hydraulic rifle” for processing ore; amateur naturalist and archaeologist |
Isaac Flagg | 1860 | Classicist; professor of Greek at Cornell University [1871-1888] and University of California Berkeley [1891-1931]; poet |
Amos Herr Mylin | 1860 | Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Mennonite farmer, inventor and politician; Auditor General of Pennsylvania [1894-1910] |
Peter B. Olney | 1860 | New York Attorney; good government crusader against Tammany Hall |
John Woodbury Scribner | 1860 | President, Hartsville College [1864-1873], Hartsville, Indiana |
Charles Phelps Taft | 1860 | Owner, editor, Cincinnati Times Star [1879-]; Ohio Republican congressman [1895-1897]; benefactor Cincinnati Institute of Fine Arts, Cincinnati Symphony, Taft School; owner, Chicago Cubs [1914-16]; author of letters home describing Andover life [1859-1860] |
Washington Webster Thompson | 1860 | Came to Andover from Lenox, Choctaw Nation, now in Oklahoma; Confederate Army 1st Lieutenant, Choctaw Mounted Rifles [1861-] |
Franklin Lee Barrows | 1861 | Leftfielder and 2nd baseman, Boston Red Stockings [today’s Atlanta Braves], 1871 |
William Tompkins Comstock | 1861 | Publisher of architectural periodicals and house pattern books; promoter of the Queen Anne Style in architecture and interior decoration; publisher and editor, Architect and Builders Journal [1882-1910]; Modern Architectural Designs and Details [1881]; American Cottages [1883] |
Thomas Hedge Jr. | 1861 | Burlington, Iowa attorney and politician; 4-term Republican congressman, Iowa 1st Congressional District [1899-1907] |
John H. McCollum | 1861 | Physician, specialist in contagious diseases; superintendent, contagious diseases, Boston City Hospital and professor of infectious diseases, Harvard University; through research and experimental use of diphtheria antitoxin, dramatically reduced mortality for diphtheria |
John Wright Perkins | 1861 | Educator; headmaster, Governor Dummer Academy [1882-1894], then superintendent of Salem Public Schools [1894-ca.1910] |
Jared Lawrence Rathbone | 1861 | Rancher, owner, Palo Alto Ranch [1871-], future site of Stanford University; US consul general, Paris [1887-1891]; recipient, Legion d’honneur [1891] |
William Walker Scranton | 1861 | Industrialist; introduced Bessemer process for steel manufacture into the US [1875]; operator of Scranton family iron, coal and railroad industries [ca.1872-1904] including Lackawanna Steel Company, briefly the largest in the world |
William B. Stevens | 1861 | Jurist; Associate Justice, Massachusetts Superior Court [1898-1917] |
John Kerr Tiffany | 1861 | America’s most prominent 19th-century philatelist; authority on and avid collector of US, Canadian, and Afghanistan stamps, specialist in St. Louis Postmaster Provisionals [the “Bears” issued 1845]; author of “The Philatelic Library…” [1874, 1889, 1890] and a 3-volume History of the Postage Stamps of the United States [1883, 1887]; founding president, American Philatelic Association [1886] |
William Warner Tracy | 1861 | Plantsman; foremost authority on vegetable seeds; chief, seed-growing department, D.M. Ferry & Company [1879-1903], leading seed producer in the US; head, US Bureau of Plant Industry, Dept. of Agriculture [1903-]; author, Tomato Culture [1907] |
Joseph Ward | 1861 | Congregational missionary, Dakota Territory [1868-]; organizer, Yankton Academy [1872], founder and first president, Yankton College [1881-], first in the Upper Mississippi Valley; promoter, South Dakota statehood [-1889]; One of two South Dakota leaders represented in the US Capitol’s Statuary Hall [1963] |
Azel Ames | 1862 | Physician and public health advocate; as a US Army volunteer during the Spanish-American War, organized and led a system of compulsory smallpox vaccination in Puerto Rico [1899], eliminating the disease; author, Sex and Industry: A Plea for the Working Girl [1875], The Meat Food Supply of the Nation and Its Future [1887] The Vaccination of Porto [sic] Rico: a lesson for the World [1903] |
Charles F. Brown | 1862 | Attorney and jurist; justice, New York Supreme Court [1882-1896], presiding justice [[1892-1896] |
William Davol | 1862 | Chief, Fall River, Mass fire department for 40 years; inventor of fire fighting equipment, most famously the Davol Water Tower |
John Kinne Hyde DeForest | 1862 | Missionary in Japan [1874-1911]; initially working in league with Joseph Hardy Neesima, Phillips Academy class of 1868; promoter of improved relations between Japan and the West; decorated by the Emperor for promoting international peace and for relief efforts during famine [1906]; wrote three books: Sunrise in the Sunrise Kingdom (1904), American Misunderstandings of Japan (1907), Is Japan a Menace to the United States (1908) |
James Woods Green | 1862 | Founding Dean, University of Kansas Law School [1879-1919] |
Dwight M. Sabin | 1862 | Minnesota manufacturer and politician, known as “the Thresher King”; president, Northwestern Car & Manufacturing Company, maker of the Minnesota Chief steam threshers and railroad cars; chair, Republican National Committee [1883-1884]; US senator [1883-1889] |
Samuel Hopkins Thompson | 1862 | Killed at the Battle of Antietam, October 1862, leading his men with the words, “Form on me, boys, form on me!” Elizabeth Stuart Phelps II memorialized Thompson in her fictional accounts of Civil War heroes |
Wilmon Whilldin Blackmar | 1863 | Lieutenant, West Virginia Cavalry [1863-1865]; recipient, Medal of Honor for valor during Battle of Five Forks [1865]; Commander in Chief, Grand Army of the Republic (Civil War Veterans organization)[1904-1905] |
Desmond Fitzgerald | 1863 | Hydraulic engineer, designer of water supply systems; president, American Society of Civil Engineers; diarist and art patron; important collector, friendly with Monet; brought the “International Exhibition of Modern Art” (the Armory Show) to Boston (1913), opened his collection as a private museum to advance art education in Brookline |
Adele Stuart Hutchinson | 1863 | First Abbot Academy graduate to receive a medical degree (Boston University, 1878); homeopathic physician, Minneapolis [1878-1906] |
Allen Cunningham Kelton | 1863 | Marine Corps captain, Spanish-American War [1898-1899]; recipient, Marine Corps Brevet Medal for distinguished service in the Battle of Guantanamo, Cuba [1898] |
Charles Ware Park | 1863 | Missionary in Ahmednagar, Sholapur, and Bombay, India [1870-1881]; compiler, Dnyanadaya Almanacs [1874-1881] |
Moses Greeley Parker | 1863 | Physician and inventor; planner, Point of Rocks Army Hospital, Petersburg, VA [1864], world’s largest; early experimenter and investor in telephones; inventor of the telephone directory system; inventor of thermocautery and other medical techniques; his charitable foundation benefited Dracut through funding of lectures, construction of the Moses Greeley Parker Public Library etc. |
William Parks Wright | 1863 | Yale’s first College Dean, 1884-1909, beloved by undergraduates; honored with the naming of Wright Hall [1912], designed by William Delano, now Lanman-Wright Hall |
James Whitin Abbott | 1864 | Civil and mining engineer in gold and silver mines, Colorado, California, and Mexico [1875-1900]; as special agent, US Dept. of Agriculture, Highway Division, in charge of building model roads from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast, pioneer of the “Good Roads” movement in the West [1900-1905]; author, Mountain Roads as a Source of Revenue [1902] |
William Russell Allen | 1864 | Owner-breeder of trotting horses [ca.1880s-1910] at Pittsfield, Mass; owner of great trotting horse Kremlin; president, American Trotting Registry Association |
Arthur Sherburne Hardy | 1864 | Diplomat, novelist, civil engineer, professor of mathematics, linguist; US ambassador to Persia, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Switzerland, Spain [1897-1905] |
Arthur Ethelbert Hotchkiss | 1864 | Chester, Connecticut farmer, gadfly, author, and tinkerer; inventor of alarm clocks and the Hotchkiss Bicycle Railroad, introduced 1892; versions installed at Chicago’s World Columbian Exposition [1893], Ocean City, NJ [1894] and at Pleasure Beach, Blackpool, England [1897] |
Sarah Jenness | 1864 | Taught in freedmen’s schools [1864-]; became a physician [Boston University, ca.1885]; ministered to the poor in Boston and then rural New Hampshire |
William Alexander Linn | 1864 | Journalist [1868-1900]; managing editor, New York Evening Post [1874-1900] |
David MacGregor Means | 1864 | Lawyer, professor, author, editorial writer; authority on American political economy; author The Boss: An Essay Upon the Art of Governing American Cities [1894], Industrial Freedom [1897], Methods of Taxation [1909] |
H. Frances Osborne | 1864 | Boston portraitist and engraver |
Richard Wayne Parker | 1864 | Attorney, New Jersey Republican congressman [1895-1911, 1914-1919, 1921-1923]; chair, House Judiciary Committee [ca.1909-1911] |
Richard Austin Rice | 1864 | Linguist, historian, and art historian; professor, University of Vermont [1875-1881], Williams College [1881-1911]; founder, Williams College Art History Department [1904]; curator of prints, Library of Congress [1912-1925] |
DeForest Richards | 1864 | Post-Civil-War Alabama “carpetbagger” [ca.1865-1885]; relocated to Nebraska and later Wyoming [1885]; merchant, rancher, banker, and politician in Wyoming; 5th governor of Wyoming [1899-1903] |
Charles Edward Stowe | 1864 | Clergyman and author on religious subjects; biographer of his mother, Harriet Beecher Stowe [1889] |
Thomas Lindsley Bradford | 1865 | Homeopathic physician, lecturer on the history of Medicine, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia; author, The Life and Letters of Samuel Hahnemann [1894] |
Horace Edward Deming | 1865 | New York attorney and progressive Republican politician and author; a leader in ballot and nominations reform, civil service reform and New York constitutional reform; author, The Government of American Cities [1909] |
Nathan Fellows Dixon III | 1865 | Rhode Island lawyer, banker, and politician; congressman and US senator [1885-1889] |
David Downie | 1865 | Baptist missionary in India for 55 years; emigrated from Scotland [1852] |
Richard Theodore Greener | 1865 | Phillips Academy graduate who became Harvard’s first African American graduate; professor, University of South Carolina [1873-1877]; dean, Howard University Law School [1879-98], Republican campaign orator [1876-1884]; leader in effort to build Grant’s Tomb in New York [1885-1892]; US consul at Bombay and Vladivostok [1898-1905]; Chinese Order of the Double Dragon [1902] |
Henry Louis Kantor | 1865 | Michigan banker and earliest documented PA student of Jewish heritage; partner with his father in founding the German-American Bank, Detroit [1871-]; vice-president, Mackinac Island State Park Commission |
Edwin A. McAlpin | 1865 | New York tobacco manufacturer and real estate developer; New York State adjutant general; president, Boy Scouts of America; builder, New York’s Hotel McAlpin [1912], at the time the world’s largest hotel |
Charles Leonard Pendleton | 1865 | Early collector and connoisseur of American 18th-century and early 19th-century furniture and decorative arts; bequeathed his collection to the Rhode Island School of Design Museum [1904], resulting Pendleton House [1907], the earliest museum “American Wing” |
Francis Brown | 1866 | Biblical philologist; president, Union Theological Seminary [1908-16]; author, Assyriology: its Use and Abuse in Old Testament Study [1885], A Hebrew and English Lexicon [1891-1905] |
William Andrew Leonard | 1866 | Episcopal Bishop of Ohio [1889-1930]; supervisor, Episcopal churches in Europe [1897-1906]; Presiding Bishop [1929-1930] |
Frederick Wadsworth Loring | 1866 | Journalist, novelist, and poet; murdered, November 1871 while covering the Wheeler Expedition to Arizona during the “Wickenburg massacre”; author of the Civil War novel “Two College Friends” [1871] and “The Boston Dip and Other Verses” [1871]; coauthor with Harriet Beecher Stowe and others, “Six of One By Half a Dozen of the Other” [1872] |
James Gore King McClure | 1866 | Presbyterian minister; president Lake Forest University [1897-1905], McCormick Theological Seminary [1905-] |
James Means | 1866 | Shoe manufacturer and influential aeronautical pioneer and promoter; author, The Problem of Manflight [1894], Aeronautical Annual [1895, 1896, 1897] |
Franklin Miles | 1866 | Founder and president, Dr. Miles Medical Company [1884-], Elkhart, Indiana, makers of Dr. Miles’ Nervine, a widely used patent medicine through the 1960s; firm later became Miles Laboratories, makers of Alka-Seltzer, One-A-Day Vitamins etc. |
Edward Osgood Otis | 1866 | Physician, professor of medicine, specialist in tuberculosis and pulmonary diseases; founder, first tuberculosis clinic in the US; author; president, American Academy of Medicine |
Mary C. Wheeler | 1866 | Painter and art teacher influenced by French Impressionists; founder, Wheeler School, Providence [1889] |
Samuel Brearley | 1867 | Educator; founder, The Brearley School, New York [1884-] |
Archie Bush | 1867 | Civil War veteran; organizer of baseball at Phillips Academy [1866]; considered one of the greatest baseball players of the 19th century; made Harvard the preeminent college baseball team of the early 1870s |
Edward Hamlin Everett | 1867 | “The Bottle King”; in the late 19th century, developer of industrial processes making glass and bottles relatively inexpensive; president, American Bottle Company, later merged with Corning Glass; builder of grand, Neoclassical Washington, DC home [1910-1914], now the Turkish Embassy |
Julia Fletcher | 1867 | Expatriate novelist, writing under the pseudonym “George Fleming” |
Henry A. Rowland | 1867 | Physicist; first professor of physics, Johns Hopkins [1876-1901]; determiner of the value of the ohm and the mechanical equivalent of heat; inventor of highly accurate diffraction gratings used to calculate the solar spectrum; author, A Plea for Pure Science [1883]; recipient, National Academy of Sciences Draper Medal [1890] |
Lucius A. Sherman | 1867 | Originator of quantitative analysis of literature; chair, English Department, University of Nebraska; methods satirized by former student Willa Cather; author, Analytics of Literature, a Manual for the Objective Study of English Prose [1893] |
William Pope St. John | 1867 | Banker, free-silver advocate, and political activist; president, Mercantile Bank of New York [1883-1896]; treasurer of the Free Silver and Democratic presidential campaigns [1896] promoting the free coinage of silver; discharged as bank president due to his inflationary, pro-agrarian monetary policy |
Charles B. Stuart | 1867 | Indiana lawyer and chief counsel, Wabash Railroad [1876-1899]; board president, Purdue University [1888-1899] |
Alexander Van Rensselaer | 1867 | Founder and president, Philadelphia Orchestra [1901-1933]; president, Drexel University Board of Trustees [1908-1933] |
George Hillard Benjamin | 1868 | Industrial engineer, physician, criminologist, and attorney, specialist in patent law [1884-] |
Walter R. Benjamin | 1868 | Dean of American dealers in autographs and historical manuscripts (New York, 1887-1937); founder and editor, The Collector [1887-] |
John Freeman Brown | 1868 | Associate Justice, Massachusetts Supreme Court [1894-] |
Harriet Abbott Clark | 1868 | Cofounder of the Christian Endeavor youth movement [1881] and active in the international organization until her death [1945] |
Frederic S. Dennis | 1868 | Surgeon; pioneer in introduction of antiseptic surgery; author, surgical textbooks; president, American Surgical Association [1895-] |
Alice French | 1868 | Author of local color fiction under pseudonym “Octave Thanet” – short stories and novels especially popular in the 1890s |
George A. Fuller | 1868 | Architect and key innovator in development of skyscraper technology and construction techniques [Chicago, 1880s]; founder and president, George A. Fuller Company [1882-] which became the leading general contracting company in the U.S. known especially for construction of tall buildings |
Edward F. Gould | 1868 | Rancher and stock breeder [1874-] in Colorado and Kansas; participant, Oklahoma Land Rush [22 April 1889], filing claim to an Oklahoma homestead site [10 May 1889] |
John Howard Hincks | 1868 | New England protestant clergyman and social reformer; dean of racially mixed Atlanta University [1889-1894] |
Colgate Hoyt | 1868 | Prominent late 19th-century New York stockbroker and financier, active especially in railroad industry; president, American Automobile Association [1906-] |
Edward Hopkins Jenkins | 1868 | Agricultural chemist, developer of hybrid corn, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station [1882-1899], director [1899-1923]; pioneer in consumer protection through food-safety analysis |
Joseph Hardy Neesima | 1868 | First Asian to attend Phillips Academy; founder, Doshisha University, Kyoto (1875) |
Henrietta Learoyd Sperry | 1868 | Teacher; First woman appointed to the Abbot Academy Board of Trustees, 1892 |
Elizabeth Colton Spooner | 1868 | Linguist; student of 50 languages, specialist in oriental languages; member, Royal Asiatic Society |
Robert W. Welch | 1868 | Journalist associated with the New York Times [ca.1883-1923] as reporter, editor, foreign correspondent, and columnist; best known for cracker-barrel commentaries on issues of the day expressing the views of a fictional rustic character, Silas Larrabee, of Ogunquit, Maine [1895-1903] |
Edward H. Williams Jr. | 1868 | Engineer; chair, Department of Mining Engineering, Lehigh University [1881-1902]; founder, Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society [1885] |
Francis F. Wing | 1868 | Cleveland attorney, US Attorney, state and later federal judge on the US District Court bench for Northern Ohio [1901-1905]; founder, Cleveland Law School [1897-], now Cleveland Marshall College of Law |
John Adams Aiken | 1869 | Justice, Massachusetts Superior Court [1898-], Chief Justice [1905-1927] |
Clarence D. Ashley | 1869 | Attorney; Dean, New York University Law School [1896-1916]; prolific author on legal subjects |
Boudinot Currie Atterbury | 1869 | Medical missionary in China [1877-1896], and later to the Chinese communities in New York, Pasadena; recipient, Chinese Imperial Order of the Double Dragon, 1896 |
James Presley Ball Jr. | 1869 | African American photographer and political activist; partner, “J.P. Ball & Son, Artistic Photographers” in Montana, Seattle, Honolulu [ca.1887-1900]; editor, The Colored Citizen, Helena, Montana [1894], “…a paper devoted to the interests and welfare of our people.” |
Edson Bradley | 1869 | Investment banker and America’s most prominent and influential distiller of the late 19th and early 20th centuries; president, W.A. Gaines & Co. owner of Hermitage Distillery, Frankfort, Kentucky, producer of Old Crow whiskey [1882-1920]; art collector and builder of Washington’s grandest house, later dismantled and moved by Bradley to Newport [ca.1922-1927] |
Leverett Bradley | 1869 | As captain of Amherst College crew, took Intercollegiate Rowing Championship [1872] |
Hollis B. Frissell | 1869 | Clergyman, educator; chaplain, Hampton Institute [1880-1893]; president, Hampton Institute [1893-1917] |
Richard H. Halsted | 1869 | Wall Street stockbroker and art collector [1880s-1890s] |
William Stewart Halsted | 1869 | “Father of American surgery”; First chief of surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital [1889-], professor of surgery, Johns Hopkins University Medical School [1892-]; founder of the residence training system; pioneer of modern surgical fundamentals; early leader in surgical treatment of breast cancer, arterial aneurysms; one of the “Four Doctors” [1905] portrayed by John Singer Sargent |
Louis Kinney Harlow | 1869 | Painter, watercolorist, and etcher of New England landscapes and coastal scenes [ca.1880-1910] |
Emily A. Means | 1869 | Portrait painter and art teacher; principal of Abbot Academy, 1898-1911; namesake, Means Memorial Library, Abbot Academy |
Charles Spague Smith | 1869 | Professor of modern languages, Columbia University, and progressive activist; founder and managing director, the People’s Institute [1897-1910], presenter of non-partisan forums on civic topics and adult education and “uplift” for the urban poor |
William Earl Dodge Stokes | 1869 | New York real estate developer [1885-1910], man-about-town, philander and serial litigant; builder of the Ansonia Hotel [1899-1903], a landmark on the Upper West Side |
Talcott Williams | 1869 | Journalist; editor, Philadelphia Press [1882-1912]; First director, Columbia University School of Journalism [1912-]; friend and supporter of Walt Whitman, friend of and model for Thomas Eakins |
1870s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
Charles Parker Bancroft | 1870 | Physician and psychologist; director, New Hampshire State Hospital (1882-1917); authority/author on the criminally insane and dementia |
Anna Laurens Dawes | 1870 | Journalist, author, and center of literary life in Pittsfield, Massachusetts; activist in prison reform, child labor legislation, contra-women’s suffrage; author, The Modern Jew [1884], How We Are Governed [1885], Charles Sumner [1892] |
Nathan Haskell Dole | 1870 | Editor, translator, and author; translations especially of Tolstoy and other Russian novelists |
James “Galloping Jim” Parker | 1870 | Commissioned in 1876 as a cavalry officer, served through World War I, ultimately as a major general; recipient, Medal of Honor, 1899 |
Francis Robbins Upton | 1870 | Physicist and mathematician; First recipient of a graduate degree from Princeton University; primary technical assistant to Thomas Edison [1878-c.1910]; cofounder and general manager, Edison Lamp Works [1880-]; co-inventor, first electric fire detector and alarm [1890] |
Hempstead Washburne | 1870 | Attorney and mayor of Chicago [1891-1893], in charge of Chicago preparations for the World Columbian Exposition [1893-1894] |
George Watson Cole | 1871 | Librarian and bibliographer; First director, Huntington Library [1915-]; president, Bibliographical Society of America |
Samuel Isham | 1871 | Painter, art historian; author, History of American Painting [1905] |
Almet Francis Jenks | 1871 | Justice, New York Supreme Court, 1900-1920 |
Evelyn Fellows Masury | 1871 | A power in Massachusetts politics, founder, Women’s Republican Club |
Edward Curtis Smith | 1871 | Publisher, St. Albans Messenger; governor of Vermont, 1898-1900 |
Charles Franklin Thwing | 1871 | Educator, author, clergyman; president, Western Reserve University [1891-1921]; national president, Phi Beta Kappa [1922-1928]; author, “The Family” [1886], “History of Higher Education in America” [1906], “The College President” [1926], “Education and Religion” [1929] |
Franklin Benner | 1872 | Attorney and amateur naturalist; a founder of the Linnaean Society (1878) and American Ornithologists’ Union (1883) |
Charles Sumner Bird | 1872 | Progressive manufacturer and politician; president, Bird & Son [1877-27]; inventor of new roofing products [1880-]; Bull Moose candidate Massachusetts governor (1912-1913); proponent of women’s suffrage |
Richard Morse Colgate | 1872 | Merchant and manufacturer, Colgate-Palmolive; benefactor, Yale and Colgate universities |
[Robert J.] Bob Cook | 1872 | Yale oarsman, crew coach and innovator in rowing technique, training and equipment; captain, Yale Crew [1873-1876], Yale crew coach [ca.1877-1898]; member, Yale 4-man crew that won the international crew regatta, Philadelphia Centennial Exposition [1876]; namesake, the “Bob Cook stroke” and Yale’s Bob Cook Boathouse [1923-2000] |
William N. Frew | 1872 | Pittsburg philanthropist, president, Carnegie Library Institute; a founding director of Carnegie Endowment, first president, Carnegie Institute of Pittsburg |
Anna Fuller | 1872 | Author of popular fiction directed to young women including Peak and Prairie (1894) |
Harriet Pitman Laughlin | 1872 | One of the six members of the Society for Collegiate Instruction of Women (1878) launched by Harvard that led to the creation of Radcliffe College |
Victor Lawson | 1872 | Publisher and editor, Chicago Daily News [1876-1925]; the Daily News had the largest paid circulation of any US newspaper; pioneered overseas news bureaus; early president, Associated Press; Pulitzer Prize for Reporting [1925]; epitaph: “Above all things, truth beareth away the victory” |
Edward S. Martin | 1872 | A founder of the Harvard Lampoon, 1876; founder and first editor, Life humor magazine [1883-1936]; editorial writer, Harper’s Monthly (1920-1925) |
William Henry Moody | 1872 | Attorney, progressive politician associated with Theodore Roosevelt; junior prosecutor, Lizzie Borden murder trial [1893]; Massachusetts Republican congressman [1895-1902]; secretary of the Navy [1902-1904]; US attorney general [1904-1906]; associate justice, US Supreme Court [1906-1910] |
Arthur Dana Story | 1872 | Renowned Essex, Massachusetts boat builder and designer; last builder of traditional New England fishing schooners, ca.1875-1925 |
Hollis Russell Bailey | 1873 | Attorney; chairman of Law Examiners Board, Boston [1903-1931]; First president, American Branch, International Law Association [1922-]; advocate for child labor laws |
George T. “Pap” Eaton | 1873 | Beloved Phillips Academy math instructor and mentor; born on campus, he later taught at Andover for 50 years [1880-1930]; active in Andover alumni affairs until his death in 1937 |
William Paine Sheffield | 1873 | Rhode Island attorney and politician; advocate for rights of Narragansett Indians (1880); Republican congressman, 1909-1911 |
Madison Smith | 1873 | North Carolina slave freed during the Civil War; later a painter; fitted for college at Andover but died in 1875 while attending Amherst College |
Kate Douglas Wiggin | 1873 | Author of popular children’s books including Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm [1903]; pioneer in the kindergarten movement (1870s-1880s); founded a free kindergarten for poor children in San Francisco, 1878 |
George A. Wilder | 1873 | Missionary to Zulu, founding 25 schools; author, autobiography, The White African [1933] |
Andrew Hussey Allen | 1874 | Archivist, Department of State; editor, 5-volume documentary history of the US Constitution [1894/1900/1905], Method of Recognition of Foreign Governments [1897] |
Helen Bartlett | 1874 | First Abbot Academy graduate to receive a Ph.D. (1895); professor of modern languages and dean of students, Bradley Polytechnic Institute [1897-] |
Harlan Page Beach | 1874 | Missionary to China (1883-1890); educational secretary, Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions (1892-1895); First professor of missions, Yale Divinity School, 1906-; author |
William Dwight Porter Bliss | 1874 | Pastor; organizer, the first US Christian Socialist Society [1889] and editor of its periodical, “The Dawn”; lecturer on labor and social reform; author, Encyclopedia of Social Reform (1897); authority on Near Eastern affairs |
Charles Loring Brace II | 1874 | Director, Children’s Aid Society of New York [1890-1927], helping more than 100,000 orphans and abandoned children find homes in rural America; founder of boys clubs |
Gilbert Colgate | 1874 | Founder and president, Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company, 1920-1928 |
Charles Everett Fish | 1874 | Educator; principal of Phillips Exeter Academy, 1890-1895 |
Emma Wilder Gutterson | 1874 | Missionary, Madura Mission, South India (1879-ca.1900) |
Charles Moore | 1874 | Architectural and city planning critic and patron of design in his role as a member [1910-] and then chairman, United States Commission of Fine Arts (1915-1937); one of the most influential proponents of the City Beautiful Movement and the Classical Revival in American design, in particular wielding control over the core of monumental Washington, D.C.; director, Detroit Museum of Art, 1914-1917 |
Belle Perkins Pettee | 1874 | Missionary in Yokohama and Kobe, Japan, 1878-1898 |
Alfred Lawrence Ripley | 1874 | Banker; director, Boston Federal Reserve Bank (1923-1927); president, Phillips Academy board of trustees (1908-1929) |
Nehemiah Boynton | 1875 | Brooklyn clergyman; president, World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches, 1925- |
Anna Bumstead | 1875 | Teacher, Huguenot Seminary, Wellington, Cape Colony, 1882- |
William Dawson | 1875 | Virginia slave sent to serve in the Confederate Army as a teamster; freed 1863; postwar farmhand in Vermont, then worked his way through Andover, Middlebury College, and Boston University School of Theology; circuit preacher in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma (1884-1911) |
Henry Herbert Donaldson | 1875 | Neuroscientist; professor of neurology Clark U [(-1892), U Chicago (1892-1898), Wistar Institute, Philadelphia (1906-); co-creator, the albino “Wistar rat” as a research model in experimental psychology |
James Stetson Metcalfe | 1875 | Drama critic for Life, Judge, and Wall Street Journal; in 1906 barred from NY theatres because of his criticism but won the right to enter in famous court case |
Mary R. Ripley | 1875 | Teacher, Hampton Institute Indian School, 1880s |
Frederick I. Allen | 1876 | US Commissioner of Patents, 1901-1907 |
Olive Twichell Crawford | 1876 | Missionary and founder of a girls’ school in Constantinople modeled on Abbot Academy, 1881-1823 |
Henry Granville Sharpe | 1876 | Major general and “father of the Quartermaster Corps” serving in Spanish-American War and World War I; author of treatises on military supply |
Jennie Pearson Stanford | 1876 | Missionary in Japan 40 years (ca.1886-1926); head, Kobe College |
Nathaniel Stevens | 1876 | President, N.T, Stevens & Sons, leading New England woolen goods manufacturer (1900-) |
Ellen Emerson Cary | 1877 | Missionary, Osaka (1877-1920) and teacher, Doshisha Girls School; served Japanese congregations in California and Utah (1920s); returned to Japan (1932-1938) |
George Watson French | 1877 | President, French & Hecht, world leader in wheel manufacture; chairman, Republic Steel |
Samuel Nelson Sawyer | 1877 | Justice, New York Supreme Court, 1907-1929 |
David Kinley | 1878 | Economist and educator; specialist in government regulation of business; founder, University of Illinois Department of Economics (1895); dean of the graduate school (1906-1914), vice-president [1914-20], president, University of Illinois (1920-1930), namesake, Kinley Lecture in Economics and Kinley Hall; president, American Economics Association (1913-); author, Money (1904), Government Control of Economic Life (1936); emigrated from Dundee, Scotland at age 11 |
Leander Hamilton McCormick | 1878 | Inventor of torpedoes, motorcycles, and airplanes; collector of 17th and 18th-century Dutch and English paintings |
Mary Pixley | 1878 | Teacher, Zulu Mission School, ca.1890-, Inanda, South Africa |
Tadabumi Torii | 1878 | Second Japanese student at Andover; samurai, 8th and final feudal lord (daimyo), Mibu Domain, Shimotsuke Province (1870-1871); diplomat; viscount; member, Japan’s House of Peers (1889-1913) |
Everett E. Truette | 1878 | Organist and composer; publisher of monthly journal, The Organ, 1892-1894 |
Hon Yen Chang | 1879 | First Chinese-born lawyer in U.S. (1888); lecturer in international law, Tianjin University ca.1900; Chinese consul, Vancouver, BC 1910-1913, chargé d’affaires/chief of legation, Washington, 1913-1915 |
William H. Crocker | 1879 | Founder and later president, Crocker National Bank, San Francisco; leader of San Francisco earthquake relief and reconstruction [1906-]; chairman, Panama-Pacific Exposition, 1911-1915; funder, Lawrence Radiation Lab second cyclotron (1931) |
Clyde duVernet Hunt | 1879 | Sculptor, working and exhibiting in Paris, 1918- |
Charles Monroe Sheldon | 1879 | Topeka-based Congregational minister, theologian, Christian Socialist and temperance advocate; leader of the Social Gospel movement; founder, Sheldon Kindergarten, Topeka, serving African American children (1893-1910); author of In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do? (1897) since published in 21 languages, more than 30 million copies have been sold and it is still in print; namesake of Topeka African American attorney and NAACP leader Charles Sheldon Scott, filer of the initial suit that led to the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education ruling in 1954 |
George Shiras III | 1879 | Attorney, Pennsylvania congressman (1903-1905); wildlife photographer and conservationist; work published in National Geographic, 1906- |
1880s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
Harriet Blake | 1880 | Artist and engraver; assisted innovative engraver W.B. Closson |
Seneca Egbert | 1880 | Professor of hygiene and sanitation; dean, Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, 1898-; author, Manual of Hygiene and Sanitation (1898) |
Fletcher Ladd | 1880 | Attorney and jurist; associate justice, Supreme Court of The Philippines, 1900-1903 |
Howard Mutchler | 1880 | Pennsylvania journalist and politician; publisher and editor, Easton Daily Express; Democratic congressman, 1893-1895, 1901-1903 |
Walter F. Wilcox | 1880 | Statistician and economist, “Father of American Demography”; professor of economics and statistics, Cornell University (1891-1931); co-director, US Census (1900); president, American Statistical Association (1911-1912), president, American Economic Association (1915); author, Studies in American Demography (1940) |
Ying Fo Woo | 1880 | Admiral and Chinese government official; director, Kiangnan Naval Dockyard, Shanghai )1901-1908); vice admiral of the Navy (1908-]; director, Beijing Telegraph Administration (1908-); Minister of Communications([1911-1916); recipient, Manchu title Bahtuhlu for conspicuous bravery, Battle of Yalu River (1895) |
Shouson Chow (Chow Chang Ling, Cheong Ling Chow; Zhou Changling) | 1881 | Qing Dynasty government official (1881-1911), also known as Chow Chang Ling; president, Tientsin China Merchant Steam Navigation Company (1897-1903), managing director, Peking-Mukden Railway (1903-1907); cofounder, Bank of East Asia, Hong Kong (1918; chairman 1925-1929); president, Hong Kong Society for Protection of Children; first Chinese member, Hong Kong Executive Council [1926-36]; knighted by George V (1926); namesake, Showson Hill, Hong Kong |
Sarah Ford | 1881 | Missionary and teacher at Sidon in Syria, 1883-1885 |
Frederick D. Greene | 1881 | Missionary to Armenian Turks and founder of mission schools (1880s-1890s); author, The Armenian Crisis in Turkey and founder, National Armenian Relief Committee (1896); social worker and director, New York Saturday and Sunday Association |
Alice Bird Greenlee | 1881 | Missionary and teacher at Zahleh in Syria, 1884-1887 |
Harriet Gibson Heron | 1881 | Missionary in Korea, 1885- |
Chester Whitin “C.W.” Lasell | 1881 | President, Whitin Machine Company (1886-), global leader in textile machinery manufacture; owner, Oakhurst Farm, Whitinsville, Massachusetts; leader in sport of harnessing racing as owner, breeder, trainer, and “reinsman” |
Laura Billings Lee | 1881 | Philanthropist and social activist; builder and owner of model tenements, New York (ca.1900-1915); leader in the Charities Organization Society (1902-1938) |
J. Waldo Smith | 1881 | Civil engineer; specialist in water supply systems; chief engineer, New York City Board of Water Supply; designer, Kensico Dam, Olive Bridge Dam and Catskill Aqueduct (1916-1917); recipient, American Society of Mechanical Engineers John Fritz Gold Medal (1918) |
George Rice Carpenter | 1882 | Columbia University English professor (1893-1909); author of instructional texts and monographs on American writers |
Alfred I. Du Pont | 1882 | Industrialist, investor, and philanthropist; a founder and shaper of the modern DuPont Company, 1902-1917; political progressive; founder, Nemours Foundation (1936), devoted to improving children’s health |
John R. Farr | 1882 | Speaker, Pennsylvania House of Representatives; Republican congressman, 1911-1919, 1921 |
W. Morton Fullerton | 1882 | Paris correspondent, London Times; expert on international relations; prominent in the American ex-pat European literary scene (Edith Wharton’s paramour, 1907-1908) |
Liang Pixu (Pi Yuk Liang, Chentung Liang Chen and Sir Chentung Liang Cheng) | 1882 | Chinese diplomat, also known as Pi Yuk Liang; first secretary, Chinese Delegation, 60th Jubilee, Queen Victoria (1897) and knighted (1897); minister to US (1903-1908); ambassador to Germany (1909-1911) |
Yuen Fai Lin | 1882 | Physician; first Chinese director, Imperial Medical College and Hospital (ca.1895-1900), now Tianjin Medical University |
Yu Lin Liu | 1882 | Chinese diplomat, also known as Lew Yuk Lin: consul-general, Singapore [1897-1899]; First Chinese consul-general, South Africa [1904-1907]; Chinese ambassador to Great Britain [1910-1914]; Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Superintendent of Customs [1922-] |
Pinckney Napoleon Pinchback | 1882 | Pharmacist and founder of a college of pharmacy for African American students in Philadelphia, 1886 |
Philip B. Stewart | 1882 | Progressive politician, conservationist and collector; protege of Theodore Roosevelt; speaker, Colorado House of Representatives [1914-1916]; collector and donor of Native American art [1900-1933] |
William Irvin Swoope | 1882 | Attorney and politician; Republican Congressman from Pennsylvania, 1923-127], |
George Clinton Ward | 1882 | Railroad engineer; built railroads for Henry Huntington in California, 1905-; president, Southern California Edison, 1931- |
Raymond Weeks | 1882 | Philologist and phonetician, Columbia University professor of Romance Languages, specialist in Old French literature; cofounder, The Romantic Review; general editor Oxford French Series; American Field Service Staff, France, 1917-1918 |
Hobart Ames | 1883 | Sportsman and conservationist; owner 18,000-acre Tennessee agricultural estate and hunting preserve (1901-1945); National Field Trials for birddogs held here from 1915 on; the “Ames Standard” remains basis for judging bird dogs; since 1950, Ames Plantation has been a private foundation used for hunting, bird dog trials & as an agricultural test site used by the University of Tennessee |
Mary Robbins Hillard | 1883 | Founder and principal, Westover School for Girls, 1909-1932; organizer, North Atlantic Students League for International Cooperation, 1931 |
Oliver Gould Jennings | 1883 | Turn-of-the-20th-century leader in field of coaching |
Henry Bourne Joy | 1883 | President and chairman, Packard Motor Car Company (1909-1926); builder of the Packard brand; First president, Lincoln Highway Association, pioneer of interstate highways, 1912- |
Garabed Mourad Mouradkhanian | 1883 | First Armenian graduate of Phillips Academy; ran Ottoman Empire Exhibition, Chicago Worlds Fair (1893) |
Herbert Farrington Perkins | 1883 | President, International Harvester, 1929-1931 |
Francis Proctor | 1883 | Boston ophthalmologist, surgeon, and researcher (1900-1927); devoted retirement to researching and curing trachoma afflicting Native Americans in South West (1927-1936); benefactor, Proctor Foundation for Research in Ophthalmology, UC San Francisco |
Robert Lewis Reid | 1883 | American Impressionist painter and muralist including Library of Congress murals, 1896 |
Henry Rustin | 1883 | Electrical engineer; pioneer of spectacular and hugely popular outdoor electric lighting displays including: Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha (1898), Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo [1901] with its “Tower of Light” with searchlight beacons; Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis (1904) |
Henry L. Stimson | 1883 | Attorney and statesman; US attorney, New York Southern District (1906-1910); secretary of war (1911-1913); governor general, the Philippines (1927-1929); secretary of state (1929-1933); secretary of war (1940-1945); president, Phillips Academy Board of Trustees (1935-1946); namesake, Mount Stimson, Glacier National Park, Montana |
Herman Vandenburg Ames | 1884 | Historian; professor of American constitutional history, University of Pennsylvania (1897-1928); dean, Penn Graduate School (1907-1928); author, Proposed Amendments to the Constitution (1897); First recipient, Justin Winsor Prize in History, 1896 |
Johnson Camden | 1884 | Politician, breeder, and owner of thoroughbred horses; US senator, Kentucky [1914-1915]; owner, Hartland Stud; President, Kentucky Jockey Club; President, Churchill Downs [1918-1927]; coiner of the title “The Triple Crown” |
Frederick G. Crane I | 1884 | First president, Crane & Company, 1922-, makers of paper for currency worldwide |
Lily Dougall | 1884 | Canadian-born author of essays and religious novels, Beggars All (1891), Gods Way with Man (1924); moved to Oxfordshire (1911) and hosted clerics, academics and others interested in moral and social issues |
Fannie Hardy Eckstrom | 1884 | Ethnographer and folklorist, Maine; vice president, New England Folk Song Society, 1934-; editor, Maine ballads; author, Handicrafts of the Modern Indians of Maine (1932), Maine Portrait Painter Jeremiah Pearson Hardy (1939) |
Jane Greeley | 1884 | Physician, Jamestown, New York, 1904-1944 |
Sidney Homer | 1884 | Composer, especially of classical songs for concert stage; mentor composer Samuel Barber, his nephew |
Fred B. Lund | 1884 | Surgeon, medical historian; authority on ancient Greek medicine |
Emily Skilton | 1884 | Social work; Florence Crittenton Rescue League volunteer, assisting unwed mothers; later a probation officer in Lowell, Massachusetts and that city’s first policewoman |
Bill Vinton | 1884 | Baseball pitcher, Philadelphia Phillies, 1884 and 1885 |
George Robert Carter | 1885 | Honolulu banker; protégé of Theodore Roosevelt; territorial governor of Hawaii, 1903-1907 |
Frances S. Marrett | 1885 | Teacher, Perkins Institute for the Blind, 1885-1910; Helen Keller’s teacher, 1888-1893; brought Helen Keller to Abbot Academy in 1891 |
Julia Rockwell Roby | 1885 | Teacher, Hampton Institute Indian School, 1888- |
Willard Lamb Velie | 1885 | Manufacturer of buggies, automobiles & aircraft, Moline, Illinois; developer of advanced engines for cars and planes; producer of the Velie Monocoupe (1927-1929), “the ultimate plane for the private flyer” |
Clarence Walworth Alvord | 1886 | History professor, U. Illinois; founder, Mississippi Valley Historical Association; editor, Mississippi Valley Historical Review; president, Organization of American Historians (1908-1909); recipient, Loubat Prize for “The Mississippi Valley in British Politics” (1918) |
Mary Gorton Darling | 1886 | Teacher, Hampton Institute Indian School (1888-) and on Montana reservations |
Edwin V. Morgan | 1886 | Diplomat, serving as US minister/ambassador to Cuba, Uruguay, Paraguay, Portugal, and Brazil (1910-1934); leading promoter of Inter-American comity |
William Odlin | 1886 | Four-year captain, Dartmouth College football team, 1886-1889; head football coach, Brown University, 1893: 6-3-0 record |
Margaret Redford Ready | 1886 | President, Guaranty Loan & Trust Co., Helena, Arkansas |
Robert Elliott Speer | 1886 | Theologian and leader of the American Presbyterian Church in the early 20th century; authority on missions and secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1891-1931 |
J.P. Stevens Sr. | 1886 | Founder and president, J.P. Stevens Company, 1899-1929, textile manufactures |
Arthur Beebe Chapin | 1887 | Treasurer of Massachusetts, 1905-1909; treasurer, Railroad Credit Corporation, 1937- |
Herman Stearns Davis | 1887 | Astronomer and author |
William Phillips Graves | 1887 | Gynecologist and surgeon; professor of gynecology, Harvard Medical School,1911-1933; author of influential text books, including Gynecology (1918) |
Alice Hamlin Hinman | 1887 | National chair, League of Women Voters International Relations Committee, 1934- |
Jeannie Jillson | 1887 | Missionary and educator in Turkey and Lebanon, ca.1910-1937; head, the American Missionary School, Beirut, 1933-1937 |
Charles Alexander Sheldon | 1887 | Explorer of the Yukon and Pacific Northwest; author, Wilderness of the Upper Yukon and Wilderness of the North Pacific Coast Islands; secret agent, Office of Naval Intelligence, 1917-1918 |
Frederic C. Walcott | 1887 | Banker; World War I relief work and Paris Peace Conference delegate (1917-1920); president, Connecticut Board of Fisheries [1923-1928]; chairman, Connecticut Water Commission [1925-1928]; president pro tempore, Connecticut Senate [1927-1929]; US Senator [1929-1935], chairman, Senate Committee on Wildlife Resources; author, federal wildlife conservation statutes; Connecticut Commissioner of Welfare [1935-1939]; a founder and first president, American Wildlife Institute [1935-]; Chevalier, Légion d’honneur |
John Charles Campbell | 1888 | President, Piedmont College [1904-1907]; conducted pioneering research sponsored by the Russell Sage Foundation on the people, folkways, and needs of Appalachia [1908-1919]; founder, Council of Southern Mountain Workers; founder, annual conference on Appalachian social work (Knoxville, 1914-); research published posthumously as Our Southern Highlander and His Home |
Bird Sim Coler | 1888 | Reform politician; Comptroller of Greater New York [1897-1901]; Democratic candidate for governor [1902]; president, Borough of Brooklyn [1905-]; New York Commissioner of Public Charities [later Public Welfare][1918-]; namesake, Bird Coler Public Hospital, New York [1952] |
Henry Solon Graves | 1888 | Environmentalist and forester; organizer, Yale School of Forestry [1900]; cofounder, US Forest Service [1901]; director, US Forest Service [1910-1920]; dean, Yale School of Forestry [1922-1939]; leader in effort to save California Redwoods; namesake, Henry Solon Graves Grove, Redwoods State Park, 1926 |
James William Husted | 1888 | Attorney, banker, and politician; Republican member of Congress from New York, 1915-1923 |
William Palmer Ladd | 1888 | Theologian; Dean, Berkeley Divinity School, Yale University [1928-]; pioneer of the Liturgical Movement in the Episcopal Church; advocate for ongoing commitment to social justice; author, Prayer Book Interleaves [1942] |
John Avery McIlhenny | 1888 | Ran family Tabasco brand pepper sauce company [1890-1898]; Rough Rider, 1898; progressive politician; appointed by Theodore Roosevelt to Civil Service Commission, serving 1906-1919; appointed president of Civil Service Commission by Woodrow Wilson [1913]; US financial advisor to Haiti, 1919-1922 during US occupation |
Joseph E. Otis Sr. | 1888 | Chicago banker; president, Western Trust and Savings [1911-], president, Central Trust of Illinois, chairman, Industrial National Bank of Chicago [1921-]; honorary chairman, Chicago National Bank [-1959] |
Alfred Helm Preston | 1888 | Social worker, Lower East Side, New York, 1902-1935 |
Henry Riggs Rathbone | 1888 | Chicago attorney and politician; Republican congressman, 1923-1928 |
Charles P. Vaughn | 1888 | Philadelphia manufacturer; benefactor, Bucknell University; chairman, Bucknell board of trustees, 1931-1936 |
Otho Grandford Cartwright | 1889 | Intercollegiate pole vault champion, 1893 |
Charles Chanute | 1889 | Test pilot, Octave Chanute manned gliders [1890s], results lead to Wright brothers’ experiments in manned flight |
Forrest Fairfield Dryden | 1889 | President, Prudential Insurance, 1911-1922 |
George Hamlin | 1889 | Tenor; Victor recording artist, 1905-1916 |
Edward R. Houghton | 1889 | President and chairman, Houghton Mifflin & Company, publishers [1921-] |
E. Kathleen Jones | 1889 | Librarian; developer of “bibliotherapy” and author, The Hospital Library Handbook (1919) |
Huntley N. Spaulding | 1889 | Chairman, Spaulding Fibre Company, Rochester, New Hampshire; chair, NH Federal Food Administrator [1917]; chair, post-World War I European Relief Council; advocate, League of Nations; chair, NH Board of Education [1921-1926]; Republican governor of New Hampshire, 1927-1929; president of board, Lawrence Academy; founder, Spaulding-Potter Charitable Trust |
Augustus Trowbridge | 1889 | Princeton University physics professor, 1906-1924; received DSC for work locating enemy artillery during World War I; director, International Education Board, Europe, 1923-1927; dean, Princeton Graduate School, 1928-1932 |
Channing Wells | 1889 | President, American Optical Company, 1913-1936; with brothers, founded Old Sturbridge Village, 1936 |
1890s | ||
Name | Class | Areas of Note |
George B. Case | 1890 | Cofounder of New-York-based international law firm, White & Case (1901); As a member, Red Cross War Council during World War I, with rank of major general, transformed the Red Cross into an international institution; as an alumnus and PA trustee, a major force in fundraising and shaping redevelopment of the campus during the 1920s; donor of Case Memorial Cage [1923]; at Yale, inventor of baseball’s “squeeze play” |
Thomas Cochran | 1890 | Banker, JP Morgan partner, 1917-1936; philanthropist; Andover’s greatest benefactor, creator of teaching foundations, builder of buildings, donor of the Addison Gallery of American Art, all accomplished in a decade, 1922-1932 |
Joseph Bowne Elwell | 1890 | Known as “The Wizard of Whist,” leading authority on & player of whist and bridge; author, “Elwell on Bridge” (1902) and many similar volumes; turfman, Thoroughbred breeder, Florida real estate investor; victim of a famous, still unsolved “locked door” murder (1920) |
Jessie Guernsey | 1890 | Head, Academic Dept., Calhoun Colored School (1912-), Calhoun, Alabama |
George Rapall Noyes | 1890 | Professor of Slavic languages, author; instituted Slavic Studies at UC Berkeley (1901) |
Charles Grosvenor Osgood | 1890 | Princeton English professor, bibliophile; author, The Classical Mythology of Milton’s English Poems (1900), The Voice of England (1935); known as “the Dean of Princeton Humanists” |
Alfred E. Stearns | 1890 | Headmaster, Phillips Academy, 1903-1933; chairman, Amherst College Board of Trustees, 1937-1949 |
Charles Greeley Abbot | 1891 | Astrophysicist; director, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (1906-1944); secretary, Smithsonian Institution (1928-1944); pioneer in developing solar energy power production (patents ca. 1922-1973); recipient, National Academy of Sciences Draper Medal (1910), American Academy of Arts and Sciences Rumford Prize (1915); namesake, the Moon’s Abbot Crater |
Robert LeMoyne Barrett | 1891 | Explorer in the Rockies (1890s), Asia and Latin America (1900-1930); founding member, Association of American Geographers [1902] |
Frederick H. Bartlett | 1891 | Pediatrician; pre-Spock authority on child rearing; author, “Infants & Children” [1933] |
Irving Bonbright | 1891 | President, CEO, Bonbright & Company, investment bankers, 1917-1925; major donor to Yale |
Bernard C. Cobb | 1891 | Founder & president, Commonwealth & Southern electric utilities holding company, 1929-1933; promoter of his protégé, Wendell Willkie |
Andrew J. Gilmour | 1891 | Mountain climber, noted for several first ascents of mountains in the Canadian Rockies, ca.1915 |
Thomas King Hanna Jr. | 1891 | Magazine illustrator for Harper’s, Scribner’s, Saturday Evening Post |
Frank Hinkey | 1891 | Andover’s most celebrated football player; All American, Yale University, 1891-1894, one of only three players in the history of football named All-American for four years. A defenseman, considered by sports columnist Grantland Rice “the most remarkable figure in all American football history,” and called “the greatest football player of all time” by Pop Warner, Hinkey made Yale the leading college football team in the nation; Yale head football coach, 1914-1915 |
Francis J. McConnell | 1891 | Methodist theologian, bishop, and educator; advocate for ecumenicalism and social justice; president, DePauw University, 1909-1912; Methodist Bishop of Denver (1912-1920), Pittsburgh (1920-1928), and New York (1928-1944); president, Board of Foreign Missions; president, Federal Council of Churches; national chairman, World’s Parliament of Religions (1933); best known for his quote: “We need a type of patriotism that recognizes the virtues of those who are opposed to us.” |
Vance C. McCormick | 1891 | Yale All-American Quarterback (1892); newspaper publisher & progressive politician; publisher, Patriot Newspaper, Harrisburg, PA; mayor of Harrisburg [1902-1905]; chairman, Democratic National Committee [1916-1919]; ran Woodrow Wilson reelection campaign [1916]; chair, War Trade Board [1917-1919]; member, US Peace Commission [1919] |
Charles Edward Park | 1891 | Unitarian minister and liberal theologian, “the Grand Old Man of Unitarianism”; pastor, First Church, Boston [1906-1946]; professor of homiletics, Harvard Divinity School [1926-1943] |
John Heywood Roudebush | 1891 | Sculptor; explorer in Himalayas with Sir Martin Conway [1892]; student of Saint-Gaudens and MacMonnies; winner, silver medal for sculpture, Pam-American Exposition [1901] |
Thomas Jackson Baldridge | 1892 | Pennsylvania attorney general, associate justice, later chief justice, Pennsylvania Superior Court, 1929-1947 |
Fanny Gordon Bartlett | 1892 | Dean of Women, Doshisha University, ca.1920-1936 |
Russell Colgate | 1892 | Chairman, Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company; a major benefactor of Colgate University |
Huntington Crouse | 1892 | Co-owner, Crouse & Hinds, electrical equipment manufacturer, inventor of the traffic light, 1924 |
Frederick K.S. Fales | 1892 | President, Standard Oil of New York, 1932- |
Henry Johnson Fisher | 1892 | Publisher; president, McCall Corporation, 1917-1945, and Harper Brothers; president, English Speaking Union, 1936-1947 |
John Campbell Greenway | 1892 | Business executive & mining engineer; much-decorated participant in the Spanish-American War as a Rough Rider and First World War, ultimately promoted to rank of brigadier general [1922]; developed iron mines, Western Mesabi Range, Minnesota [1905-10]; developed copper mines in Ajo, Arizona [1911-1925]; leader in efforts to dam Colorado River as a water supply for Arizona; statue, by Gutzon Borglum, in Statuary Hall, US Capitol |
Frank L. Hitchcock | 1892 | Mathematician; professor of mathematics, MIT, 1910-; specialist in quaternions |
Grant Mitchell | 1892 | Lawyer turned character actor, ca.1932-1950, including the part of Ernest Stanley in “The Man Who Came to Dinner” (1942) |
Ira Nelson Morris | 1892 | US minister to Sweden [1914-1923]; author, From an American Legation (1923), an account of Northern European diplomacy during World War I |
George Henry Nettleton | 1892 | Yale professor of English literature; author, English Drama of the Restoration and 18th Century [1914] |
Lewis P. Sheldon | 1892 | Set intercollegiate pole vault and running jump records [1895] for Yale; US Olympic Team [1900], winner, bronze medals in standing high jump and triple jump |
Lloyd W. Smith | 1892 | Collector of Americana; leader in preserving Revolutionary War battlefield at Morristown, NJ; donor of Washingtoniana to National Park Service [1955] |
Frederick E. Weyerhaeuser | 1892 | President, Weyerhaeuser Lumber [1934-1945]; innovator in sustainable forestry, timber research, and marketing |
Alva Blanchard Adams | 1893 | Attorney and politician; Democratic senator from Colorado [1923-1924, 1933-1941]; chairman, Senate Committee on Public Lands, Senate Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation |
Russell Alexander Alger II | 1893 | With Henry Joy [Class of 1883], a founder of Packard Motor Car Company & the person primarily involved in bringing Packard to Detroit; vice president & director of Packard [1902-30]; his Grosse Point estate, The Moorings [1910] designed by Charles Adams Platt, is a major architectural monument and serves as a war memorial & civic center |
George Edwin Bergstrom | 1893 | Southern California architect [1901-] with a diverse commercial practice; later chief architect, War Department (under Henry Stimson); designer, Ford factory, LA [1912], Pasadena Auditorium [1925-1932]; War Department HQ, the Pentagon [1941-1943], Arlington, VA |
Abram Brubacher | 1893 | President, University of Albany, 1915-1939 |
Charles D. Millard | 1893 | All-American football player, Brown [1897]; New York attorney and politician; member and sometime president, Westchester County Board of Supervisors [1907-1931]; Republican congressman [1931-1937] |
Fred T. Murphy | 1893 | Yale football All-American [1895-1896]; surgeon; chief of surgery, Washington University Medical School [1911-1918]; manager, Murphy Family Trusts [1919-], Detroit; art patron, and donor; donor of professorships, Yale Medical School; president, Detroit Symphony |
William Belmont Parker | 1893 | Expert on Latin America in the early 20th century; author of biographical dictionaries of notable Argentines, Cubans, et al [ca.1915-1925] |
Walter A. Pinchback | 1893 | African American government official and later attorney; Lieutenant, Spanish-American War, 1898-1899 |
Rolland H. Spaulding | 1893 | Progressive Republican; reformer Governor of New Hampshire, 1915-1917 |
W.T. B. Williams | 1893 | Educator, author, and advocate for improved education for African Americans; agent, John F. Slater Fund, Jeanes Foundation, General Education Board [ca.1900-1930]; president, American Teachers Association [1911-1912]; dean, Tuskegee University [1930s]; recipient, NAACP Spingarn Medal [1934] |
Walter S. Adams | 1894 | Astronomer; director, Mt Wilson Observatory [1923-1946]; pioneered spectroscopy in astronomical investigation; president, American Astronomical Society [1931-1934]; president, Carnegie Institution for Science [1904-1956]; recipient, Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal [1917], National Academy of Sciences Draper Medal [1918]; Bruce Medal [1928]; French Academy of Sciences Janssen Medal [1935] |
Hiram Bingham | 1894 | Explorer, archaeologist, aviator, and politician; rediscovered Machu Picchu [1911]; lieutenant governor of Connecticut [1922-1924]; Republican senator from Connecticut [1924-1933]; promoter of aviation |
Edgar Rice Burroughs | 1894 | Fantasy and science fiction writer including the Tarzan novels [1912-1940s]; oldest US war-zone correspondent, World War II; namesake, Burroughs Crater, Mars [his Tarzana Ranch namesake of Tarzana, California] |
Burr Chamberlain | 1894 | All-American football tackle [1897] and Yale football captain [1898]; Stanford University head football coach [1898] |
Irénée du Pont | 1894 | Industrialist; as a director [1904-1958] and president [1919-1925], a shaper of the modern DuPont Company |
Samuel S. Hinds | 1894 | Attorney turned character actor, best known for parts in “Destry Rides Again,” “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “Stage Door,” and the Dr. Kildare series |
Ellen Lombard | 1894 | Head, parent education, US Department of Education, 1914-1944 |
Julian Starkweather Mason | 1894 | Journalist; managing editor, Chicago Evening Post [ca.1915-], New York Tribune [1922-1926], New York Post [1926-] |
Arthur Putnam Morrill | 1894 | Speaker, New Hampshire House of Representatives [1918-1919], president, NH Senate [1919-1921] |
Grace Fallow Norton | 1894 | Poet, author of Little Gray Songs from St. Joseph’s [1912] and poetry inspired by World War I |
Lewis Perry | 1894 | Principal, Phillips Exeter Academy, 1914-1946 |
Thomas Wharton Phillips Jr. | 1894 | President, Phillips Gas & Oil; Republican congressman from Pennsylvania, 1923-1927 |
“Colonel” John Wing Prentiss | 1894 | Investment banker, leader in financing automobile industry and Wall Street affairs [ca.1910-1938]; partner, Hornblower and Weeks[1906-1938]; a founder and later president, Association of Stock Exchange Partners [1913-]; president, Investment Bankers Association of America [1924-1925]; chair, NY Stock Exchange Committee on Emergency Employment [1930-] |
Arthur W. Ryder | 1894 | Professor of Sanskrit, Harvard and Berkeley [1906-], translator of Sanskrit classics into English |
John M. Woolsey | 1894 | Attorney; US district judge, NY Southern District [1929-]; ruled James Joyce’s Ulysses not obscene [1933], a landmark decision; for decades, Woolsey’s decision was printed in copies of “Ulysses” |
John D. Clarke | 1895 | Republican congressman from New York [1921-1925, 1927-1933] |
Byron S. Harvey | 1895 | CEO and chairman, Fred Harvey restaurant and hotel chain [1928-1954] |
Eugene Walter Leake | 1895 | New Jersey Democratic congressman [1907-1909]; chairman, Railway Express Company [1931-] |
William Fessenden Merrill | 1895 | Corporate turn-around artist; president, Lamson, Inc. [1916-1927], president and general manager, Remington-Rand [1928-1931] |
Laurance Tweedy | 1895 | Stockbroker; president, Consolidated Stock Exchange, 1923-1924 |
Sidney A. Weston | 1895 | Biblical scholar aand author; editor and general manager, the Congregational Publishing Society [1911-1945]; author, “Theological Foundations for Ministry” [1928], “The Prophets and the Problems of Life” [1932], “The Bible Jesus Knew” [1947] |
Ralph Martin Barton | 1896 | Mathematician and golf course designer, New England and Bermuda [ca.1900-1930] |
Harrison Morgan Brown | 1896 | First African-American PA graduate to become a physician, practicing in Pittsburg [1904-35]; namesake, Williams College Premedical Society |
Edward C. Carter | 1896 | Secretary, YMCA India, Paris, London [1902-22]; with world affairs periodical Inquiry [1922-1941]; organized, US-Russia War Relief [World War II]; leader, Institute for Pacific Relations [1926-1948] which became a focus of Congressional scrutiny by Senator McCarthy and others in the early 1950s; Provost, New School for Social Research, New York [1948-1950] and director, division of International Studies [1950-] |
George M. Chadwell | 1896 | Director of Indianapolis colored schools [-1908] |
Emerson Brewer Christie | 1896 | Ethnographer in the Philippines; author, “The Subanuns of Sindangan Bay” [1909]; State Department translator [1918-1945] and first chief, Translation Bureau [1929-1940] |
Marlborough Churchill | 1896 | Brigadier general; head of military intelligence during World War I; instrumental in founding the top-secret MI-8 (“the American Black Chamber”) America’s first peacetime cryptanalytic organization [1920s]. |
John V. Dittemore | 1896 | Leader, Church of Christ, Scientist; coauthor, Mary Baker Eddy, the Truth and the Tradition [1932] |
Walter Prichard Eaton | 1896 | New York drama critic [1902-]; poet; author, and teacher on theatre and criticism; Yale professor [1933-1947]; author of books on flora, fauna, and landscape of the Berkshires |
Granville Roland Fortescue | 1896 | Rough Rider, Spanish-American War [1898] with his cousin, Theodore Roosevelt; US military attache with Japanese Army, Russo-Japanese War [1904-1905]; military aide to President Roosevelt; war correspondent during Riff War [1909] an World War I; explorer, Orinoco River, Venezuela and Brazil [1914]; author, At the Front with Three Armies [1914], France Bears the Burden [1917] |
Arthur R.T. “Doc” Hillebrand | 1896 | Four-year Princeton football captain, All-American tackle [1898, 1899]; Princeton head football coach [1903-1905]; winner national championship, 1903 [Doc Hillebrand’s Princeton team lost only 6 points that entire season] |
William Jones | 1896 | Raised on the Sauk and Fox Reservation in Iowa and later a cowboy, Jones [aka Black Eagle] was the first Native American to receive a PhD in anthropology [Columbia, 1904]; ethnographer of Native American peoples and Philippine tribes; murdered by Ilongot tribesmen [1909] |
Leeds Mitchell | 1896 | President, Chicago Stock Exchange [1922-1923] |
Edwards A. Park | 1896 | Medical researcher and educator; pioneering researcher on rickets and other childhood diseases; professor of pediatrics, Yale [1920-1926], Johns Hopkins [1926-1946]; recipient, Goldberg Medal in Nutrition, Kober Medal, etc. |
Richard Sheldon | 1896 | US Olympic Team [1900]: gold medal, shot put; bronze medal, discus |
Forbes Watson | 1896 | Art critic [1911-1933], advisor on New Deal arts projects [1933-]; biographer of Winslow Homer |
George Hoyt Whipple | 1896 | Pathologist and medical researcher; discoverer of lipodystrophia intestinalis [1907], since known as Whipple’s Disease; recipient, Nobel Prize [1934] for research leading to a cure for pernicious anemia |
Harry P. Wood | 1896 | First Chief Justice, High Court of American Samoa [1921-1937] |
Frank Yuengling | 1896 | President, D.G. Yuengling & Son [1899-1963], America’s oldest brewery; sent a truckload of “winner” beer to Franklin D. Roosevelt the day FDR signed the constitutional amendment terminating Prohibition [5 December 1933] |
Oliver Winslow Branch | 1897 | Associate justice and later chief justice, New Hampshire Supreme Court [1913-1937] |
Mary Smith Churchill | 1897 | Organized relief work in Paris, World War I [ca.1916-1918]; author “You can Help: Letters from Paris…” [1918] |
Allan M. Hirsh | 1897 | As a Yale senior, wrote Yale’s football fight song, “Boola Boola” [1900] |
Ellis F. Lawrence | 1897 | Architect, founding dean, University of Oregon School of Architecture [1914-]; campus architect for the university at Eugene, designer of numerous buildings in Portland |
Alan Pinkerton II | 1897 | President, Pinkerton Detective Agency [1923-] |
Eltinge F. Warner | 1897 | Magazine publisher, literary figure, and conservationist; as publisher of Field and Stream [1906-1950], a force in game conservation; maker of wildlife films [1920-1923]; as publisher of Smart Set [1914-1922], Warner hired George Jean Nathan and H.L. Menken as editors, who published James Joyce, F. Scott Fitzgerald; founder and publisher The Black Mask [1920-], a crime pulp, publisher of Dashiell Hammett; ; Fitzgerald made use of his publisher’s name for the character Eltynge Reardon in “The Beautiful and Damned” [1922] |
Adelbert Ames II | 1898 | Pioneered psychological optics [1914-]; research director, Dartmouth Eye Institute [1935-1947]; best known for the Ames “window”, “chair” and “room” optical illusions [1934]; recipient, American Optical Society Tillyer Medal [1955] |
Rossiter Howard | 1898 | Director, Kansas City Art Institute [1932-1940] |
Sara Patrick | 1898 | Pioneering industrial arts instructor, Teachers College, Columbia [ca.1920-1943]; founder and president, Industrial Arts Cooperative [1924-], 1st teachers’ cooperative in US |
Arthur Stanley Pease | 1898 | Classicist, educator and naturalist; president, Amherst College [1927-1932]; author on flora of New Hampshire, orchids, etc. |
Paul Shivell | 1898 | Poet and Dayton poetry publisher; author, Stillwater Pastorals [1915] |
Ann Gilchrist Strong | 1898 | Dean of Faculty of Home Science, University of Otago, New Zealand [1921-1941]; recipient, Order of the British Empire [1936] |
George E. Woodbine | 1898 | Legal historian and law professor; specialist in English medieval law; author, Four Thirteenth-Century Law Tracts [1910] |
Robert Grey Bushong | 1899 | Republican Pennsylvania congressman [1927-1929] |
Ralph Davis | 1899 | Outstanding Andover and Princeton football player; All-American end [1901] |
Henry Holt | 1899 | All-American center, Yale football team [1901, 1902] |
Sol Metzger | 1899 | Football coach & sports columnist; as Penn head coach, won national championship [1908]; career coaching record [53-31-6] |
Robert W. Ruhl | 1899 | Publisher and editor, Medford, Oregon Mail Tribune; winner, Pulitzer Prize for Public Service [1934] |
Henry Root Stern | 1899 | Attorney; prominent New York Republican; Chair, New York State Board of Social Welfare [1946-1954]; permanent president, NY Electoral College |
Walter Smith Sugden | 1899 | All-American football player, Harvard [1902]; Imperial Potentate, Shrine International [-1938], promoter of Shrine hospitals |
George Stout Van Wickle Jr. | 1899 | World-record holding angler for tarpon, snook, barracuda and trout |
Walter D. Wilcox | 1899 | Explorer, naturalist, author, photographer; early explorer in Canadian Rockies; namesake, Mount Wilcox & Wilcox Pass, Alberta [1898]; photographer of life on American Indian reservations [1930s] |